Group Notes | February 7

Stand Strong: The Persistent Prayer
February 7, 2016
Pastor Jonathan Falwell



Unless you have a wonderful parenting style—or an exceptional child—your offspring can drive you nuts asking the same question over and over, Can you give some examples? (Hint, we’ve just come through a season when this is rampant!)

Today we examine three of God’s amazing promises, as we learn how to be persistent in prayer, be diligent to seek until He reveals the answer, and to continue to knock at His door until He answers.



The Important Prayer

  1. Read Luke 11:1-13, as Jesus gives His disciples—and us—a model prayer.
  2. What did Christ mean that God’s name should be hallowed (vs. 2a)? How do you react when Christians use “Oh my God!” as an off-hand exclamation?
  3. In verse 2b, what is meant by “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”?
  4. Why does God desire that we ask for daily bread (verse 3)? Read John 6:35; is there a second meaning?
  5. Verse 4a focuses on what necessary facet of Christianity? Why is it so important? Can you think of other verses that emphasize this?
  6. What is God’s role in verse 4b? Read Romans 6:17. Can anyone else deliver us from sin or death?

The Persistent Prayer

  1. Read verses 9 and 10. How do we trust the promise in verse 9a when our prayers are often seemingly not answered? Jesus can answer in many ways; what are some?
  2. Verse 9b tells us to seek: what are we to seek for?
  3. Verse 9c promises God will “open” a door for us. Can you give an example of a door being opened?



As you break into small groups, focus on the promises Jesus gives in verses 9 and 10. Talk for a few moments about the ways God may answer when you ask or let you find when you seek. Remember He said you would pray for “God’s will” (verse 2). There is much meat in today’s study to meditate on this coming week. Also, find a Life Group that will benefit you—or that you will benefit—and see how you can help bring God’s kingdom to earth! Pray for each other with sincerity and power this week.

Focal Passage: Luke 11:1-13; Matthew 6:9-13

Memory Verse: Luke 11:10: “For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.”