Group Notes | January 24

Standing Strong: God’s Promises
January 31, 2016
Pastor Matt Willmington


As a child, what promises do you recall most vividly? Were they fulfilled? What did you learn in those early years about promises?

We have been studying the promises of God, and the reliability of His Word. He has promised many things to His children, but expects us to take action in order to receive them. Today God reminds us that He will hear us when we call, and take care of us.



  1. Read Psalm 34:4-7. David was in severe trouble, running from Saul, when he penned this Psalm. How is that something we can relate to?
  2. What four actions were taken, and how did God respond in each?
  3. What is the difference in our “fears” and the fear God wants us to have in verse 7?
  4. Read Psalms 125:2. How can you verbalize your feelings that God encamps around you?


  1. Read Psalm 34:8-10. In these verses, what actions do we take as God’s children? What actions does God take?
  2. Based on God’s Word that He is present with us at all times, how should we react when He seems silent? Is trust during those times a choice?
  3. Deliverance may be in one of two forms: what are they? Talk about these for a moment. (Deliver us from the situation, or deliver us through the situation.)


As we break up into small groups, we have much that we can take with us through this coming week: the truth of God’s Word, the child-like faith He wants us to have as we trust Him, the dependence upon Him through the good times and the bad, and so much more. Talk about your ability to rest in His promises. Close by committing to pray for those who have trouble believing anyone is trustworthy in today’s world.

Focal Passage: Psalm 34:4-14; Isaiah 55:2

Memory Verse: Psalm 34:7: “The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them.”