Group Notes | January 18

Get Fit: Physically

Scott Bullman January 18, 2015


Deciding to change something about yourself, and then actually doing it, is by far easier said than done! What are some examples of physical change that you or someone you know has accomplished?

The past two Sundays we have understood that beginning the new year by getting fit spiritually and with relationships starts with developing a closer bond with God. This week Scott Bullman will help us look at our bodies as the temple of the Holy Spirit, and learn what our responsibility is as we take care of it.


1. Read 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20. Before we can solve a problem, we have to identify it.

a. What is something physical we need to change about ourselves?

b. Which of these might impact our testimony as a follower of Christ?

2. Why do you have to get to the point where “the pain of bearing the problem is greater than the pain of changing it” before you are mentally ready to take the first step? (Henry Cloud)

3. Where should discipline begin when change is needed?

a. Read Eccl. 4:10. What is the benefit of accountability?

b. Express any hesitation you might have with an accountability partner.

4. Read 1 Peter 1:13. What is special about self-control?

5. Why do we need the power of God to change?

6. Read Romans 12: 1, 2.

a. What are some reasons why deliverance does not come immediately?

b. What are some ways that others can benefit as they see us changing?

c. When will you be able to stop your discipline?


Changing habits that have a strong grip on your life is a task that will take fervor, determination, and discipline. As you break into small groups, discuss changes that you know you need, and explore possibilities of the church providing groups who will help you. As you close, pray specifically for strength to determine to change strongholds and deliverance from anything that hurts your relationship with Christ.

Memory Verse: 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20: Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit Who is in you, Whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore, glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.