Group Notes | January 25

Get Fit Financially January 25, 2015


Money, like politics, is a very sensitive subject. Can you think of some clichés or wise sayings that you hear in regard to money?
We have looked at getting fit in every area of our lives this month: spiritually, in relationships, and physically. This week we look at finances. It is difficult for people to agree on wise spending habits, so we must go to the source of all wisdom–God’s word.


1. Read Matthew 25:14-29. Why is it vital that we understand the importance of handling our finances properly?

2. What did Christ want us to learn from the third servant’s actions and excuses?

3. Why do we get in trouble when we rationalize our ‘wants’ to be ‘needs’?

4. God has provided many things to enjoy. How can these be a test of our devotion to Christ?

5. Read Prov. 22:27.

a. List areas of spending that may be keeping you from being free from debt.

b. If these are ‘needs,’ can you think of substitutes that might lighten the impact on your spending?

6. Getting debt free can be a long process. What are some things you are willing to do in order to be where you want to be?

7. All plans start with a first step. Give some suggestions that would help you or others begin the road to freedom?

8. Read Matt. 6:21. Spending foolishly can become a habit, which can become an addiction. Where are some places that one can get help?


It makes one feel very vulnerable to admit to being a poor money manager. As you break into small groups, try to see your friends as a support group who can hold you accountable with your finances. The church is also offering extra help to those who truly wish freedom from debt. Pray that God will lead you to a place where you can take the steps necessary to enjoy His treasures without worshiping them or coveting more. Close by thanking Him for always providing for your needs.

Memory Verse:

Matthew 6:19-21: “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”