Group Notes | May 24

James 3
May 24, 2015
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Horrified at my gaffe of asking a friend who had had a sudden weight gain if she were pregnant, I learned quickly never to make that mistake again! “Slip of the tongue,” “put your foot in your mouth,” and many other sayings recognize how easily we can speak, and then wish we could pull back our words. Can you think of examples when you have been embarrassed, humiliated or began an argument with a thoughtless word?
Today we will look at the wisdom in James 3, building on the principles he lays out throughout this small book that will result in a closer walk with God.


Recognize the Danger in Words:

1. Read James 1:26 and James 3:8. Almost every adult recognizes the power that is in the words we speak. What are some of the dangers of uncontrolled speech? What can be some of the results?

2. Why does God say our words can be like “deadly poison”? Can anyone give an example?

The Problem:

3. Read verse 9. We all know someone who speaks with a “double-tongue.” What is meant by that?

4. What is the result of being someone whose words cannot be trusted?

5. What will be their effectiveness in witnessing?

6. Verses 12 and 16 indicate the problem goes deeper than our tongue. Where does the real trouble lay?

The Solution:

7. Read verse 17. If we realize that we ourselves have a problem with our tongue, what are some steps we should take to see that our words heal, rather than destroy?

8. What are the goals we should strive for in our speech? Elaborate, if you have time.


As you studied James 3, were you convicted about something you have said which has resulted in hurt or embarrassment to someone? As you break into small groups, discuss which, if any, of those situations need to be reconciled, and which need to be taken to the Father for forgiveness. Share ways to begin to strive to keep your focus on those attributes in verse 17. Perhaps a Life Group at church may help you. Pray God will open the door to heal the hearts of anyone you know who has been hurt by words.

Memory verse: James 3:10 (NKJV): “Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so.”