Group Notes | May 17

May 17, 2015
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Most of us have the head knowledge to know when we should do right, but sometimes, thinking of the repercussions, we choose to remain silent or do nothing. Can you share a recent time when you did not take an honorable action, and were left with a guilty conscience?
Today and next week we are going to look at the very practical book of James: one which tells us repeatedly how to act in such a manner as to have a life pleasing to God, see our faith grow, and have our Christian walk become much more effective.


1. Read James 1:1-8. James tells it like it is: in this world, we are going to have trials! What should be the result in going through a crisis that tests our faith?

2. How can you know that God does not want you to walk through the trial alone?

3. How do you normally handle a crisis that comes into your life? If you react with impatience or frustration, what happens to your spiritual development?

4. What are some outcomes—both mild and severe—that can occur when you act hastily in your own wisdom, without asking God for “back up”?

5. Read verses 19-21. James gives us a plan of three steps. What are they? They sound simple; can you explain why they might not be easy to carry out?

6. Every couple of days we have to take the garbage out, or the house will stink. How does that compare with the instructions found in verse 21?

7. Read verses 22-24 (in the New Living translation if available). What is the necessary action we must take when we hear or read God’s word? How does that relate to our memory verse?

8. When you look in the mirror before leaving home, what do you do? What kind of life will you have if you know God’s word, but never take steps to let it change you?


James’ desire for the believers who had spread to other countries for safety was simple: act out your faith, constantly seek God’s wisdom, and do what is right. As you break into small groups, discuss which of today’s verses are the hardest for you to process. Then pray for your own needs to let them change you. Be sure to pray for those of your group, that God would fill all of you with a desire to do His will, serve Him, and be “unstained” by the sins of the world that you encounter each day. Take time this week to read the first chapter of James each day, so that it soaks into your heart!

Memory Verse: James 1:22: “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”