Group Notes | May 8

Power Through Strength
May 8, 2016
Pastor Jonathan Falwell



Physical strength is often held in high esteem, but which would you prefer: a well-built, muscular body or a strong, inner character? Explain your answer.

Today we want to focus on the power that comes from a depth of character that is able to withstand the forces that are coming against us in this modern era. Ultimately it is only the power of a fervent relationship with Jesus Christ that makes us strong.



  1. Read 1 Timothy 1:1-3. In what three ways did Paul increase in strength?
  2. Read verses 2-6. Several influences played a role in Timothy becoming strong as a Christian. What were they? (Notice how Intercessory Prayer was one of those ways—an example for us).

Looking Back for Strength

  1. When you look back over your life, can you identify people God placed in your life to lead you in the right direction? Share for a moment.
  2. In verse 3, Paul said his “forefathers” served God; who did he say had encouraged Timothy? Who are you influencing?

In Order for Us to Be an Example to Others

  1. What does Paul instruct Timothy in verse 6a? How does your strength become an example to someone else? Why was this a “gift”?
  2. Read Acts 14:21, 22. How were the early Christians being strengthened? Do you need strength yourself? Who do you know that needs strength and encouragement?

Renews Our Strength

  1. Read verses 7-12. What does God give you? Does anyone know the origin of the word “power” (used here)?
  2. Bodily strength is acquired by exercise; what are some ways you receive God’s strength? Read Eph. 3:16; was this also one of your answers?

He Protects Us Until the End of Time

  1. Verse 12 shows Paul’s unfailing faith. How can you relate?



As you break into small groups, center your thoughts on what you need from God, besides food and shelter. It is a short list: you need Him to protect you, to encourage you, and to help you impact your world. As you look back, even through the bad times, did He fail you? No, not since the day you called out His name and asked for salvation! You have His promise on that. Now you need His strength to stand for Him in a world where it is unpopular to say you’re a Christian. Discuss hazards you face as you witness, and close in prayer, asking God to give you a holy boldness to stand for Him every moment of the coming week.

Focal Passages: 1 Timothy 1:1-12; Isaiah 41:10

Memory Verse: 1 Timothy 1:12: “For this reason I also suffer these things; nevertheless, I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed to Him until that Day.”