Group Notes | May 22

John 17:7-19 In The World, But Not of It, Part 2
May 22, 2016
Pastor Jonathan Falwell



Today we are seeing battles between good and evil, right and wrong, and truth and untruth swirling around us. Can you give some examples?

This week we will continue to look at the prayer of Jesus as He prayed for all believers through the ages. His will is for us to be a “light” in this dark world. Let us focus on the fervor as He prayed for our guidance, protection and strength, as we fulfill that desire.



  1. Read John 17:7-19. What are some of the main points of Jesus’ prayer to His Father?
  2. Which phrase in these verses is particularly relevant to you personally?

The Message is Clear

  1. Read verse 7 again, Romans 10:14, 15, and Isaiah 6:8. To whom has God given the responsibility of telling unbelievers about Christ?
  2. Read Eph. 5:8. Why do all Christians have this responsibility?

We Must Stand in Unity

  1. Read verse 11, and Ephesians 4:4-6. Why is it so important that there is unity within the church? How does unity versus discord impact our testimony in our community?

Standing on the Word of God

  1. Read verse 17, and Hebrews 5:13,14. How are you going to learn to stand for truth (vs. 14b)? How is that different from physical exercise?
  2. Read 2 Timothy 4:2. What fears do you have about sharing the plan of salvation—that you won’t have an answer? What attitude is conveyed if you say, “I don’t know the answer to your concern, but I’ll get back with you?”

Only in Christ Do We Have Hope

  1. Children imitate those whom they esteem. Read verse 18 and Col. 1:26-28. We cannot be imitators of, or introduce others to, someone we do not know. How can we be imitators of Christ?



So much substance to meditate on in this sermon! If the local body of believers does not understand its mission and strive for unity in the knowledge of God’s Word, the entire community is affected. As you break into small groups, talk about your role, not only within the church to help new believers grow, but in your area of influence where you can be a light as you stand for truth. You cannot be a “fence rider,” discouraged, downtrodden or depressed at the evil in your world—your God is still on the throne, and in control!

Focal Passage: John 17:7-19, John 16:33

Memory Verse: Ephesians 5:8: “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of light.”