Group Notes | May 29

John 17:20-26 In The World, But Not of It, Part 3
May 29, 2016
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Most of us can recall a time when we were threatened, but because we knew someone was nearby, watching out for us, we were not afraid. Can you remember an experience that illustrates this?

This week we will finish looking at the prayer of Jesus in John 17, as He prayed for all believers. His desire is for us to be so secure in His protection and love that we will not be afraid to witness of His love at every opportunity.


  1. Read John 17:20-26. What leaps out at you as you read these verses?
  2. What is the thread of “unity” throughout this section of prayer?

Know That Jesus Is Praying for You

  1. Read verse 20 again. We pray for ourselves many times every day. How does it make you feel to know Jesus prays for you?
  2. Read Romans 8:34. What does this verse tell you about His love for you?

Jesus Is with Us Every Step of the Way

  1. Read verse 23. In your present lifestyle, what does the world see that shows you are someone who is loved by God?
  2. Most people who are in a love relationship want to shout it to the world, so everyone can share the happiness. How much does Jesus say God loves you, His child (23b)? How can you grasp that God loves you so much?

We Have the Answer

  1. Read verse 25, and John 20:29. What does it take for one to believe that Jesus is the only way to eternal life?
  2. Think back on the opening: you are loved, valued, and protected by God Himself. What kind of power should that unleash in you?

Only in Christ Do We Have Hope

  1. Read verse 26 and Ephesians 5:8. How are you to act, as a light-bearer to your community?


As you break into small groups, talk for a few moments about the deep love of God for you, so much so that He loves you as much as He loves Jesus, His only Son. He has promised to be with you, protect you, and give you wisdom in this world. That should unleash a love in you that makes you want to share it with your world! Is there someone you know who needs to know that Jesus loves them? Pray as you leave for that one person to cross your path this week, and that—remembering this prayer of Christ—you would have the boldness to tell what He has done for you.

Focal Passage: John 17:20-26, John 16:33, Romans 8:34, Ephesians 5:8.

Memory Verse: John 17:26. “And I have declared to them Your name, and will declare it, that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them.”

Think On: “I am a friend of anyone who is a friend of Christ!” (Jerry Falwell, Sr.) Does that describe the way you see those who attend your church?