June 5 | Group Notes

Following Christ: What Is a CHRISTIAN? Are YOU a Christian?
June 5, 2016
Matt Willmington


Almost everyone seems to be going through—or has just been through—a recent trial! If you have experienced a crisis lately, what did you do to get through it?

Today we are going to explore the story of a rich young ruler who came to Jesus. His story is presented in three gospels, giving us many lessons to apply to our own lives.




  1. Read Matthew 19:16-20. As you read this passage, what are some of the positive characteristics of the young man who comes to Jesus?
  2. In verse 16, how does the young man think one gains eternal life? What are some popular religions that believe eternal life is gained by good works?
  3. Why do you think Jesus listed only the Commandments dealing with relationships with those around him?
  4. What did all these commandments have in common? He was “rich,” “young,” a “ruler” (magistrate over his people), and had “great possessions”; how do you envision him involved with the poor or ordinary people?


  1. Read verse 21. What is the most important thing Jesus told him to do?
  2. Read Mark 10:21a. This is Mark’s version of the same young man. How did Jesus look upon the man? With what kind of emotion do you think He answered the question?


  1. Read verses 22-26. Why did he go away “sorrowful”?
  2. Read Matt. 6:21. What was the most important thing in the young man’s life?
  3. What is your greatest possession? Could you leave it to follow Jesus?


As you break into small groups, think deeply about the attitude the young man showed in coming to Jesus. He treated Christ with respect, and by his own admission had kept all the commandments. He was, we would say, a “Yuppie”—a young and upcoming professional. Yet it was obvious he sensed something was missing in his life. Talk for a few minutes about the lifestyle of people about you; do they have everything, but still seem to lack something? Go, tell them your story, that Jesus is the answer to the deepest call of the heart. As you close in prayer, pray that you will always be open to God using you in any way He desires. Join a Life Group that will further your relationship with Him, or think of starting one of your own. It’s never too late to tell others that Jesus has all the answers.

Focal Passage: Matthew 19:16-26; Mark 10:17-27; Luke 18:18-27