Group Notes | October 11

Portrait of a King: Watch Your Step!
October 11, 2015
Dr. Ben Gutierrez


The first pill, the first novel or tv program in a series, the first cigarette—we never think those things will lead to an addiction, do we? Can you name some other examples of things one would never think could cause a craving or obsession, until the day we wake up and find it is out of control?
This week we finish the series on the leadership qualities of King Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived. Solomon began to discard, one by one, the set of laws God had outlined for Israel’s king many years before. In scorning God’s instructions, Solomon suffered as he became a victim of his own lawlessness.


Ignoring God’s words

1. Solomon had an ancient list of “do’s and don’t’s” from God. Have readers read Deut. 17:16; 1 Kings 4:26; Deut. 17:17; and 1 Kings 11:1-4 for just two examples. What was Solomon thinking?!

2. Read 1 Kings 11:9. God had every right to be angry with Solomon. Can you think of paths in your life that have led you away from God? Will anyone share?

Six-Fold Digression of Sin

3. The downward spiral does not happen overnight, but begins with one small step. Read Ephesians 4:17-19 and look at the six digressions.

4. Can someone share a time you’ve decided not to wait for God to act, but used your own understanding to guide you? (The futility of the mind)

5. We have “gray areas.” What does this mean to you? Is our understanding “darkened” by unclear direction?

6. Do you know someone whose Christian walk seems to be getting cold? Is it possible their heart is being blinded by Satan?

7. Can you give an example of someone whose conscience shows signs of being past feeling the conviction of the Holy Spirit?

8. Can you share a time when you were shocked at the action of someone who called themselves a Christian, but seemed to enjoy immorality or sin?

9. Does anyone have a good example of a friend who left the Lord to become immersed in a sinful lifestyle?

Our Hope:

We need to end this session with the reminder that no one, not even one, is beyond the reach of God’s saving grace, no matter the lifestyle or depth of sin, if the heart is willing to repent. Nothing is impossible for God!


As you break into your group, share a prayer list of those who seem to be on the path to a life of disaster. Prayer is the most powerful weapon you have, and God hears every prayer of the man or woman whose heart is fixed on Him. As you close, take the names with you, lifting them to the Lord as often as possible. Anyone at the church will help you in your prayer life if you need extra support.

Memory Verse: Proverbs 4:13: “Take firm hold of instruction, do not let go; keep her, for she is your life.”