Group Notes | October 4

Portrait of a King: Leadership By Example
October 4, 2015
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Going through the “daily grind” seems overwhelming when you’re young and thinking how many years you will wor! What are some things that drive you to persevere each day, month and year?

As we continue to focus on lessons learned from King Solomon, we see he led his people by he himself following God’s authority. This week we will focus on his dedication of the newly-built temple, and examine specifics in his life that drove him during these years.


Solomon’s Joy

  1. Read 1 Kings 6:11-13. Verse 12b and verse 13 each have a message from God that motivated Solomon and brought him joy. What were they?
  2. What are some of the things about God that bring you joy?

Solomon’s Praise

  1. Read 1 Kings 8:14,15a. The temple was completed and ready for dedication. What was so astounding about Solomon’s opening words? Contrast your answer with Daniel 4:30.
  2. Can you think of situations in your life when you’ve taken credit for something when you knew God deserved praise for doing it?
  3. Read 1 Kings 8:22, 23a. What attitude do you see as Solomon lifts his hands to heaven? Why is it so hard for us to do this?

Solomon’s Thankfulness

  1. Have several be ready to read I Kings 8:23, 8:24, 8:30, 8:37-40, and 8:44-45. After each verse ask the question, “In this verse, what was Solomon thankful for?”
  2. How often each day to you stop to thank God for Who He is, His promises to you, His forgiveness, His provision or His protection? How often should you?


As you break into small groups, consider the example Solomon set for his people as he showed humility, praise, and thankfulness! As believers, you should always be asking yourself, am I leading well? Loving well? Living well? There is so much potential to be an influence for good, and to be a testimony of God’s grace! Pray specifically that God would raise up leaders within your family who will take the role of seeing that everyone is motivated by his or her relationship with Christ and to be a source of strength and hope in these chaotic times.

Memory Verse: Psalm 24:3, 4a: “Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart.” (NKJV)


The Model for Christian Leadership:

  • Christ-centered
  • Committed to Serve
  • Courageous to Lead
  • Consistently Developing
  • Continually Inviting Feedback
  • Your life will be changed, and you will be a leader!