July 15, 2020


Read – Ruth 2

What does it say?
Ruth offered to glean the leftover grain from the fields. She happened to select a field belonging to Boaz, who was a relative of Naomi’s husband, Elimelech.

What does it mean?
In His providence, God arranged a divine appointment between two people who lived by faith in the God of Israel—a Jewish man of wealth and integrity and a poor Moabite widow. Boaz commended Ruth for her commitment to care for Naomi. In turn, God used Boaz to provide protection and food for Ruth, the Moabitess. Later, she learned that Boaz happened to be a close relative, a kinsman-redeemer. God was at work behind the scenes, blessing their lives and preparing the way for our future Kinsman-Redeemer to enter Bethlehem!

How should I respond?
Have you ever thought, “It was just a coincidence—I just happened to be at the right place at the right time”? How have you seen God’s hand at work in events in your life that seemed to just happen? God’s guidance and provision can come in ways you do not expect. Often those happenings occur during a challenging time, a time when you wonder what is going on. At those times when nothing seems to be going as planned, continue to trust and obey. God uses the tough times to strengthen your faith so that you learn to trust Him to provide exactly what you need at exactly the right time.