June 9, 2021


Read – Isaiah 42

What does it say?
God, the Creator of the universe, introduces the Messiah: a special Servant, who will save His people and rule the nations.

What does it mean?
In the first part of this chapter, we meet a special Servant who is the Messiah. The word “Messiah” in the Hebrew means “specially chosen one.” Its Greek counterpart is “Christ.” Notice how the Messiah is both a servant and a ruler. The one who brings justice also brings forgiveness for all who ask and trust Him to provide it. In the last part of this chapter, we find Israel again in a state of disobedience to God and in need of such a Savior, the Messiah who will reconcile them to God.

How should I respond?
Just as Israel needed God’s forgiveness, so does the world today. This is why Jesus bears the title “Christ” in the New Testament; He is the specially chosen One of God to offer salvation to the world and to rule it for God. Have you personally trusted in the Messiah, Jesus Christ, to forgive you? If so, what disobedience do you need to walk away from? Sin is a heavy burden that demands justice, but God has provided a Savior to both redeem and reconcile you.