February 22, 2020


Read – Genesis 50:15-26

What does it say?
Joseph reassured his brothers of his forgiveness and promised to provide for their families. He asked for an oath from his family to take his bones out of Egypt when God delivered them from there to the land He promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

What does it mean?
Joseph’s willingness to forgive his brothers for the harm they had caused him was evidence of mature faith. Joseph knew that God is the greater Judge and had actually brought something good out of what they had intended for evil. Joseph’s obedience in the midst of God’s providence moved him from slavery to prison to power. That knowledge and intimacy with God removed thoughts of retaliation and replaced them with the genuine desire to provide good things for his brothers and their families.

How should I respond?
At one point or another, we’ve all been hurt. It’s difficult to imagine any good coming from some situations. But God is still Judge and Sovereign Lord over every hurt you’ve experienced. Who are you having difficulty forgiving? How has that situation exercised your faith? If you can’t see yet how God might ‘intend for good’ what someone else ‘intended for harm,’ keep obeying, praying and trusting. With God’s help, you can forgive and even desire good things for that person. Remember, it’s impossible to have intimacy with God and refuse to forgive those who’ve wronged you.

February 22, 2022


Read – Mark 9

What does it say?
Three disciples witnessed Jesus’ transfiguration. When they returned, Jesus cast out a demon and taught about His death and resurrection and the seriousness of sin.

What does it mean?
When Jesus appeared in glory with Moses and Elijah on the mountaintop, Peter offered to build shelters so they could all stay there close to the glorified Messiah. But the Father interrupted Peter’s suggestion, commanding that they listen to His beloved Son. Jesus wasn’t going to stay on the mountaintop for long; He was headed down into the valley where the man and his demon-possessed boy were in desperate need of Jesus’ healing. Time alone with Jesus gave those disciples a glimpse of His glory, but as Jesus taught and ministered in the valley, faith and understanding grew.

How should I respond?
The Christian life is a series of mountaintops and valleys – spiritual high points followed by tiring and sometimes troubling days. When you’re on a spiritual mountaintop, you might be tempted to just stay put, where everything seems glorious. Time alone with the Lord gives you a greater glimpse of His character and purpose, but to be a true disciple of Christ you must also follow Jesus where He leads. Mountaintop experiences can strengthen your resolve to go out where others need you to minister to them in the name of Jesus. Day-to-day life is where your faith is built and proven true.

February 21, 2020


Read – Genesis 49:29-50:14

What does it say?
After Jacob died, Joseph used his relationship with Pharaoh to carry out his father’s last instructions to be buried in Canaan with his fathers.

What does it mean?
Being at peace with God and having blessed his children, Jacob slipped into eternity to meet God face to face. Utilizing his authority with Pharaoh, Joseph and his brothers honored their father by burying Jacob according to his instructions. Joseph’s power as Prime Minister and his fame as the savior of Egypt called attention to the respect and honor he gave his father upon his death. The funeral procession into Canaan was a grand display and witness to the Canaanites—so much so that they renamed the land. Once again, Joseph’s actions pointed everyone around him to the God of his father, Israel.

How should I respond?
How you treat your family speaks volumes to those around you about the validity of your faith. Do you, like Joseph, treat your family with such honor and respect that it causes others to take notice? Find a way to show appreciation to your parents or grandparents for their provision, discipline, counsel or godly foundation for life. What tangible way can you demonstrate respect for your parents this week, whether they are living or deceased? What kind of family legacy are you leaving your children? The way you care for your aging parents is a model for your children. Follow Joseph’s example and point everyone around you to Jesus by demonstrating His love for those closest to you…your family.

February 21, 2022


Read – Psalms 20-21

What does it say?
Israel prayed for their army to succeed. David then rejoiced in the victories, blessings, presence, and love of the Lord as He sang praise to God for giving them strength.

What does it mean?
Before David led his army into battle, he led them in prayer. His words demonstrate how he approached a physical battle in the spiritual realm. He wisely acknowledged that the banners flying before Israel’s armies didn’t represent his own greatness, but that of their God. Their advantage in battle was directly connected with the name of the Lord, not the number of horses or chariots that went out. David’s faith was rewarded with God’s protecting presence, and the Lord was exalted, both in Israel and among their enemies.

How should I respond?
Life’s challenges are similar to battles. At times you may feel that you’re fighting battles on multiple fronts. As followers of Christ, we naturally think that God should be on our side, helping us to succeed. The real question, however, is whether or not we are on His side. If you want your plans to succeed, then align your heart’s desires to God’s will. He will always support those who trust in His name and stand firm on His Word. The other consideration is whether you’re fighting the battle solely by physical means. Think about a current or recent challenge. Did you stop to pray? Were you more concerned about how the issue affected you or how God could be honored through it? Before attacking the next problem, remember that winning the battle starts by getting on your knees.

February 20, 2020


Read – Genesis 49:1-28

What does it say?
Jacob blessed his sons, describing their present character and prophetically revealing their future blessings and adversities.

What does it mean?
Through God’s enabling, Jacob told his sons how their individual character and choices would impact their future, as well as that of their descendants. Several of his sons received Jacob’s rebuke for their wrong choices. But two of his sons, Judah and Joseph, were given extensive blessings including the promise of God’s presence and protection for future generations. From Judah will come ‘Shiloh’ or peace. (Jesus came from the tribe of Judah.) From Joseph, who had been strengthened by the ‘Mighty One of Jacob…the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel,’ would come great provision and blessing. All of Jacob’s sons—’the twelve tribes of Israel’ — received the special blessing of being a part of God’s chosen family.

How should I respond?
Siblings growing up in the same home and environment often turn out differently as adults. From childhood, individual choices shape the character of each person. The decisions you make each day affect your future as well as future generations of your family. What consequences might your grandchildren inherit from a choice you make today? What thoughts, attitudes or actions do you need to change in order to leave your children a blessing rather than a burden? If you don’t make God a part of your present, He will not be a part of your future.

February 20, 2022


Read – Psalm 19

What does it say?
God’s creation reveals who He is, and His commands reward those who follow them. His discernment exposes sin so that one can be blameless and pleasing in His sight.

What does it mean?
This psalm reveals why David followed the Lord. He started with a correct view of God as the One who created everything, while neighboring nations worshiped various elements of creation. David also saw the immediate benefits of following God’s Law. Years of living on the run from Saul taught him that obedience to the Lord brought more satisfaction than wealth or the splendor of a palace. Finally, David enjoyed a close relationship with the Lord. He recognized that he was blind to faults that only God could reveal to him. Regular reflection on God’s Word shone a light into dark places of his heart, making him aware of anything that would displease the Lord.

How should I respond?
We talk a lot about how God reveals Himself in Scripture. Why is this so important? A correct view of God is necessary in order to have a correct view of yourself. For instance, acknowledging God as the all-powerful Creator helps us recognize His authority to expect our complete obedience to His ways. What beliefs about the Lord have you encountered lately? What Scriptures affirm or contradict those beliefs? If you start each day studying God’s Word and glorifying His name in prayer, your thoughts and actions throughout the day are more likely to please Him first and foremost.

February 19, 2020


Read – Genesis 48

What does it say?
Jacob adopted Joseph’s sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, giving a greater inheritance to Joseph’s family. Ephraim, the younger son, was prophetically given the blessing of the first-born.

What does it mean?
When a man is about to die, he often recognizes and shares what is most important to him. Jacob knew that birthright and legal tradition were subject to the sovereign choice of God. In this case, additional portions of land were given to Joseph’s sons. All of this was setting in motion God’s plan for the land and the nation of Israel. Jacob shared his greatest blessing when he described God as the One ‘who has been my Shepherd all my life’ and ‘has delivered me from all harm.’ The greatest inheritance Jacob left his family was not the land God had promised—but faith in the God who keeps His promises.

How should I respond?
Parents usually want to provide for their children to have a better life than they had. We spend countless hours working, planning and saving in order to give them what they need and much of what they desire. But how much thought have you given to building a spiritual inheritance for the next generation? Whether you are a parent, grandparent, uncle, teacher or neighbor – your life is shaping and influencing someone younger than you. What will they believe about God based on the testimony of your life? The greatest gift you have been given is faith in Jesus Christ, an eternal inheritance.

February 19, 2022


Read – Mark 8

What does it say?
Jesus fed four thousand men and healed a blind man – first partially, then fully.

What does it mean?
Mark is the only Gospel to record the two-stage healing of the blind man of Bethsaida. The first time that Jesus spit on his eyes, the man could see partially, but not clearly. Then Jesus touched his eyes again, and immediately the man could see everything perfectly, his eyesight fully restored. This does not mean that Jesus’ power was weaker or even that the man’s blindness was too severe to be healed right away. It is possible, though, that the partial healing gave the man more faith to know that Jesus could restore his eyesight completely, providing total healing.

How should I respond?
Do you wonder why some people recover quickly from a disease or an addiction while others struggle for a long time? God deals with us as individuals, and while it is amazing to experience or witness instantaneous healing, it is no less of a miracle when recovery takes place over time. How have you seen God grow your faith through a long, difficult struggle? Instant relief or immediate healing might have resulted in shallow faith – for you and the people watching God work in your life. God’s strength is made known in weakness. He works just as effectively in growing our faith and patience in stages as He does in the instant miracle.

February 18, 2020


Read – Genesis 47:13-31

What does it say?
Joseph administers a God-given plan to save everyone in Egypt from famine. Jacob blesses his family and asks to be buried with his fathers in the Promised Land.

What does it mean?
Joseph’s obedience to God during so many difficult years had given him the perfect platform to save his family and the Egyptians from an epic famine. Joseph’s previous experiences running Potiphar’s house and being in charge of the prison had taught him to rely on God and seek His wisdom. As a result, Jacob was able to live out his years watching his sons and grandchildren live in God’s provision. Although Jacob knew Goshen was a good land for his family at that time, he remained focused on the greater land God had promised to him and his children. God had preserved His people.

How should I respond?
In what position of influence has God placed you? Whether you’re a parent, employer or friend, the decisions you make every day affect more than just your own life. For what situation do you need wisdom today? As you obey God, He will provide guidance for each challenge you face. As a result, you will be a blessing to your family, co-workers and community. You never know…God may be using today’s circumstances to prepare you for greater responsibility. Will you be up to the task?

February 18, 2022


Read – Mark 7

What does it say?
Pharisees questioned Jesus about his disciples eating with unclean hands. He cast a demon from a girl and healed a deaf man who also had a speech impediment.

What does it mean?
Jesus publicly refuted the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, clearly explaining the true intent of the Mosaic Law. This chapter also records how Jesus dealt with confused disciples and hurting people in a different setting. His conversations with the disciples and the woman imparted truth and healing in private. On still a more intimate level, Jesus took the deaf, speech-impaired man to a place where they could be alone. The healing that Jesus provided was not for show or for the crowd to see. Jesus dealt with the man one-on-one. The Creator revealed His power over creation – to heal and restore completely.

How should I respond?
You were created to have a one-on-one relationship with God. Becoming what He created you to be starts by coming to Jesus for salvation (Eph. 2). Listening to wise, biblical teaching helps you recognize erroneous beliefs. Also, discipleship in a smaller group helps to clear up confusion and gives a fuller understanding about God’s truths. Your intimacy with the Lord will grow as you seek wisdom through prayer and study Scripture privately. God wants to have an intimate, individual relationship with each one of his unique children. What’s holding you back from surrendering to Him fully today?

February 17, 2020


Read – Genesis 46:1-47:12

What does it say?
Jacob, now advanced in age, was ready for the trip to see his son Joseph. When Jacob’s family arrived in Egypt, Pharaoh welcomed them and offered to let them settle in the best part of the land.

What does it mean?
Jacob had no idea his life would change so drastically when he sent his sons to Egypt. How long he must have waited and prayed for word that all was well with his children! He had twelve sons, but three were thought either dead or in great peril. They returned, however, not only with Benjamin and Simeon but also with news that Joseph was alive and well and making preparations for the entire family to come to Egypt. God graciously assured Jacob that the trip was in His will. The reunion between father and son was all that could be desired.

How should I respond?
It’s been said that a parent is only as happy as their most unhappy child. No matter how old or where your children are, their burdens and challenges are yours. You may currently be at peace with their choices, or you may be praying constantly for them to turn to God. Even though you want to protect them from hurt, the truth is you cannot. How can you pray specifically for your children today? What opportunity do you have this week to show them God’s love? Their two greatest needs are your unconditional love and God’s saving grace!

February 17, 2022


Read – Mark 6

What does it say?
Jesus went to His hometown, where He was rejected. Many speculated about His identity. He fed a crowd with very little food and walked on water.

What does it mean?
Family and friends in Nazareth refused to believe the divine nature of Jesus’ authority and wisdom. Herod Antipas feared that Jesus was John the Baptist, returned from the grave to haunt him, while others who doubted his divinity thought He was Elijah or another prophet. The disciples had driven out demons in Jesus’ name and watched Him miraculously feed thousands of people, but they still couldn’t comprehend that His identity as God’s Son made anything possible. Fear, doubt, and unyielding hearts affected what people thought about Jesus and determined their level of faith.

How should I respond?
What causes you to have a lack of faith? Does fear blind you to what the Lord can do? Has doubt crept in because a situation seems impossible? Or have you developed a hard heart by forgetting what God has done for you in the past? In order to experience the power of God in its fullness, we must deliberately reject doubt and replace it with faith (James 1:6). Don’t miss out on God’s miraculous work in your life because of wrong heart attitudes that limit your faith. When fear and doubt creep in, spend time in prayer, recalling and thanking God for what He has done. Remember that all things are possible with God (Matt. 19:26).

February 16, 2020


Read – Genesis 45

What does it say?
Joseph and his brothers shared an emotional reunion. Pharaoh invited Joseph’s entire family to move to Egypt and promised to give them the best land.

What does it mean?
Joseph had waited nearly twenty years for this family reunion. The trials and hardships that previously seemed so overwhelming now fell into perspective as Joseph saw how those experiences had served to save his family. He had been strategically placed in a position that literally took his family from famine to feasting. Rather than focus on the years of agony, Joseph chose to focus on the sense of purpose he felt. The forgiveness he generously gave would never be forgotten. Joseph’s entire life had led to this moment. God used the suffering and hardship of one man, Joseph, to preserve the future nation of Israel.

How should I respond?
No one wants to linger in painful circumstances. It doesn’t matter if the pain is physical or emotional, we try to end it as quickly as possible. Like Joseph, you may not see how God can use your difficult circumstances for anything positive while in the midst of them, but given time your perspective can change. God doesn’t cause every situation we find ourselves in, but if He has allowed it, then He can use it to accomplish His purpose for you and for those your life will impact (Rom. 8:28.) What past situation do you now see in a different light? Ask God for His perspective on the circumstances you face today.

February 16, 2022


Read – Mark 4:35-5:43

What does it say?
Jesus calmed a storm, drove out demons, healed an outcast woman, and raised a girl from the dead.

What does it mean?
The people in this passage were powerless against the forces that attacked them: a storm, demons, disease, and death. Yet, they came to Jesus because they knew that only He could command the natural and supernatural and free them from hopeless situations. Jesus had the power to deliver those who looked to Him for help because He was God in the flesh. Each tragic circumstance was an opportunity to display His divine power over His own creation. They might have been powerless, but Jesus Christ – the Son of God – was not!

How should I respond?
What current situation has you feeling helpless or hopeless? Today’s passage should bring you encouragement. Jesus is God, which means He has authority over every force you may encounter. No circumstance is beyond His power, but true faith requires trusting that He will answer your cries for help in His timing and in His way. He can calm whatever storm you’re experiencing, bring healing to your spirit and relationships, and give unsurpassed peace. Take your desperate situation to Jesus in prayer right now. Ask Him in faith to work powerfully on your behalf. Nothing in your life is beyond Him.

February 15, 2020


Read – Genesis 44

What does it say?
Joseph’s brothers again left Egypt with food but were soon overtaken and accused of theft. Once more in front of Joseph, Judah pleaded to be substituted for Benjamin, who appeared to be guilty.

What does it mean?
Joseph’s brothers were about to be tested to determine if their hearts had changed in the years since selling their younger brother into slavery. They were stunned when the supposed object of robbery was found in Benjamin’s bag. Joseph was willing to let them go only by keeping Benjamin as his slave. Judah, full of emotion and concern for their father’s life, begged Joseph to accept him as a substitute for his younger brother. This was the confirmation Joseph desperately wanted to hear. He had given them a chance to prove themselves and was not disappointed. Restoration to his family was now possible.

How should I respond?
Chances are—your family squabbles haven’t escalated to the same level as Joseph’s. However, conflict between family members can cause division that lasts weeks, months and even years. What individuals have you had a falling out with? Have you written them off? Years of disagreements can lead to thoughts such as, ‘They’ll never change,’ or ‘They don’t deserve another chance.’ What can you do today to start mending those relationships? Will you choose to pray that God will bless them and soften their hearts? Remember, as long as you each have breath, there’s hope that the relationship can be restored.

February 15, 2022


Read – Mark 4:1-34

What does it say?
Jesus began to use parables to teach the crowds. Away from the crowds, He explained the parables to His own disciples.

What does it mean?
Jesus used parables so the truths of God would be fully understood by those who were sincerely listening. People who heard Jesus, but had shallow or hard hearts, could not completely absorb the real message. Genuine change cannot occur in anyone whose heart is filled with pride or other sin. Those who allow Jesus’ teaching to saturate their hearts will demonstrate the very truths His parables illustrate: spiritually fruitful lives with hearts open to understand and share the truths of the kingdom of God.

How should I respond?
When you read God’s Word or listen to biblical teaching, how carefully do you listen? If you go to church or read the Bible nonchalantly, you will probably walk away unchanged. Instead, take time to pray and truly study Scripture with an open heart. Rather than rushing through an entire book of the Bible, try patiently meditating on a verse or passage that pricks at your heart. Ask God to reveal its meaning by the teaching of the Holy Spirit. Then submit to the Holy Spirit’s prompting to apply that truth to your life. As you open the Bible this week, guard against having a hard, shallow, or proud heart and listen with care.

February 14, 2020


Read – Genesis 43

What does it say?
Jacob sent his sons on another trip to Egypt to buy grain. Judah knew their only hope would be to take Benjamin with them, so he guaranteed Benjamin’s safety to their father.

What does it mean?
The fact that Judah took personal responsibility for Benjamin’s safety was evidence that he had changed. It had been Judah who urged his brothers to sell Joseph (rather than kill him). Joseph put a plan in motion to see if they were truly repentant. From the time the men arrived at Joseph’s home, nothing was as they expected. They were treated as honored guests — not thieves — and we seating according to birth order. The household even seemed to know the God of Abraham (vv. 23, 29). When they left Jacob on their journey to Egypt, they could not have anticipated the feast that would be set before them. Who was this merciful and generous ‘governor’ of Egypt?

How should I respond?
Although this passage isn’t written about Jesus, there are parallels between Joseph’s relationship with his brothers and our relationship with Christ. He — knowing your heart of repentance for your deeds—forgives you freely and erases the transgression. He has gone to prepare a place for you (John 14:2) and will prepare a feast for you (Ps. 23:5). You will enjoy His presence forever (Rev. 21). God knows everything about you and loves you anyway. Have you bowed in recognition of the King of kings and Lord of lords?

February 14, 2022


Read – Psalm 18

What does it say?
The Lord heard when David called to Him in distress. He rewarded David’s righteousness by sustaining him and enabling the defeat of his enemies.

What does it mean?
At long last, David was established as the king of Israel. The enemies who had kept him in hiding were defeated, including Saul. But David didn’t just move on to his next request, asking the Lord’s favor to rule his kingdom. David stopped and wrote a song about God’s faithfulness. The new king of Israel began his reign by publicly giving God the glory for his victory. He started with the simplest but most deeply meaningful words, “I love you, O Lord, my strength.” Then he continued for 50 verses about how God had cared for, enabled, and avenged him – ending by confessing God’s unfailing kindness.

How should I respond?
Like many of David’s psalms, we pray earnestly when the pressure and pain are the greatest. Too often, though, we move on quickly as soon as the Lord provides relief. What success has God given you in the last month or week? It might be something huge in your world, or it could be a small but significant victory. Did you make a point of telling someone else what happened, and then give God praise for the outcome? God’s faithfulness and goodness are worth celebrating. Follow David’s example and start by simply telling the Lord how much you love Him today.

February 13, 2020


Read – Genesis 42

What does it say?
Famine became severe in Canaan, and Jacob knew his family would survive only by purchasing grain from Egypt. Ten brothers made the journey, not realizing their younger brother was now the person in charge of the food supply.

What does it mean?
During Joseph’s years in Egypt, the Bible says nothing about the maturing of his older brothers whose characters had been steeped in jealousy and violence. Surely it would have been sufficient for some to journey to Egypt, yet God had all the sons but Benjamin go, giving Joseph the chance to hear their unified regret. Their conversation revealed years of guilt over their treatment of Joseph, causing him to be overwhelmed with emotion. Even so, Joseph decided to test whether or not their hearts had truly changed. He was not ready to reveal himself until he knew Benjamin was truly alive and well.

How should I respond?
Words spoken in haste or knee-jerk reactions from the past can cause feelings of guilt and regret. It’s not always possible to go to people you’ve wronged in order to seek forgiveness; but when you do, it can bring healing to everyone involved. What relationship in your life needs to be restored? What specific words or actions do you need to apologize for? Have you said or done something this week that needs to be set right? Guilt and regret over the past accomplish nothing unless you attach it to action in the present. Regardless of the other person’s response, you can be released from guilt.

February 13, 2022


Read – Psalm 17

What does it say?
David asked God to give ear to his prayer, see what was right, and save him by His hand.

What does it mean?
David was likely running from Saul again when he penned this prayer. He used imagery of the human body to describe the actions of his enemy, his own response, and his requests of the Lord. None of David’s companions would have thought twice if he slandered Saul or tried to take revenge, but David kept his integrity in tact because he was determined to follow God’s Word. Although God’s personal likeness was a mystery to David, as it is to everyone, he was confident that the Lord could hear his prayer, see what was right, speak the truth, and save him by His hand.

How should I respond?
Since childhood we’ve been told time and again that two wrongs don’t make a right, and most of us would agree that it’s true. When someone has hurt us, however, it can momentarily feel good to get back at that person. We can be guilty of taking things into our own hands rather than trusting the hand of the Lord. We use our lips to cut them down instead of following words that come from the mouth of God Himself. Who has hurt you deeply? Look back over this prayer of David and pray it regarding that situation. It’s possible to handle hurt with integrity when you wait on God for vindication.

February 12, 2020


Read – Genesis 41

What does it say?
Two years passed, and Pharaoh became troubled by a series of dreams. God gave Joseph the interpretations, and he was then placed in a position directly under Pharaoh.

What does it mean?
God had been refining Joseph for most of his life as he went from one trial to another. Each time he had reacted with godly integrity and strength of character. He had been faithful in each set of circumstances, and now God was ready to elevate him to a position higher than he could have imagined. Being brought before the Pharaoh of an idolatrous nation, he unhesitatingly gave the true, living God credit for his life and wisdom.

How should I respond?
Those who work with valuable metals know that the long purifying process involves two vital parts, heating and refining. As the heat causes impurities to rise to the top, they are skimmed off, and the process starts again. How has God been purifying your life? What heat or trial has God allowed to linger? The Bible says that once you have been tested and purified, you will come forth as gold (Job 23:10). Are you, like Joseph, ready to give God the credit for His strength and grace in your life? When the opportunities arise, don’t hesitate – God has been developing your character for just such a moment.

February 12, 2022


Read – Mark 3

What does it say?
Jesus chose twelve men to preach, heal, and drive out demons. Religious leaders plotted to kill him while Jesus’ own family thought He was out of his mind.

What does it mean?
Jesus had a relationship with His earthly relatives, but in this passage He broadened the term “family” from the mere physical realm to the spiritual. He started by appointing twelve men to work closely with Him, commissioning and empowering them for ministry. His relationship with these disciples surpassed the human understanding of family. He more specifically defined “family” when His well-meaning relatives began to undermine His mission. Jesus did not go with them as they wished, but took the opportunity to teach that His spiritual family includes all those united in pursuing His Father’s will.

How should I respond?
When you are born again into new life in Jesus, you are adopted into His family. Christ should have priority as the primary relationship in your life. This does not mean that you cut ties with your relatives, but it does mean that you are now part of a spiritual family. Anyone who has a relationship with Jesus Christ is your spiritual brother or sister. Believers within a church family have the responsibility to teach, edify, and encourage one another. Has Jesus taken a back seat to another relationship in your life? How are you pursuing God’s will with other brothers and sisters in Christ?

February 11, 2020


Read – Genesis 40

What does it say?
Two servants of Pharaoh were thrown into prison and placed under Joseph’s care. After Joseph interpreted their dreams, one servant was released but soon forgot him.

What does it mean?
Even though Joseph was wrongfully imprisoned, he used his God-given abilities to serve his fellow-prisoners. He could have wallowed in self-pity and spent his energy questioning God. Instead, he chose to serve God in every way he could — exactly where he was — because it was the place God allowed him to be. Joseph’s actions were from a heart that truly trusted God for his life. How was Joseph repaid for his kindness to the cup-bearer? He ‘did not remember Joseph; he forgot him.’ Joseph would have to wait for God’s reward in God’s time.

How should I respond?
At some point, we’ve all done the right thing, only to have it overlooked. It’s easy to feel unappreciated when no one seems to notice the time and energy you’ve given at home, at work, or in your community. When those emotions arise, ask yourself, ‘Why did I do it in the first place?’ Were you trying to impress someone or promote your own interests? Or, was your motivation purely to use your talents and gifts to serve the Lord? Others may forget the good things you’ve done, but God hasn’t. Stay committed to serving Him in every way you can, right where you are. His is the only pat on the back that really counts.

February 11, 2022


Read – Mark 2

What does it say?
Jesus traveled to Capernaum near the Sea of Galilee, teaching and healing. The Pharisees criticized Jesus because He did not follow Jewish law and tradition.

What does it mean?
The Jewish religious leaders watched Jesus’ every move and examined His every word. These experts in Jewish law and tradition opposed some of Jesus’ conduct because it was in conflict with their strict rules. It’s good to hold teachers accountable, but the Pharisees had allowed their traditions to become more important than God’s Word itself. This obsession completely blinded them not only to the fact that Jesus is God, but also to their spiritual needs for forgiveness and freedom. Because of the Pharisees’ hard and critical hearts, they missed out on the generous gifts that Jesus was willing to give.

How should I respond?
It is so easy to jump to conclusions about someone who doesn’t follow the same rules that you do. Speculating about their motives just makes it harder to do what God has called us to do: love them. We must be careful not to add anything to the scriptural commands for Christ-like living or use our convictions to judge. Our own need for moment-by-moment grace is easily forgotten when we’re focused on finding fault in someone else. How will you use the gifts and opportunities you have to share your freedom in Christ rather than argue over controversial issues that cause division?

February 10, 2020


Read – Genesis 39

What does it say?
Potiphar, an Egyptian officer, bought Joseph as a slave. Potiphar’s house was soon blessed in all that was within Joseph’s control until false accusations sent him to prison.

What does it mean?
If anyone ever had a reason to be angry or bitter at circumstances, it was Joseph! He is an example of how to respond when treated unfairly. He was sold by jealous brothers, falsely accused by his master’s wife, and unjustly imprisoned after fleeing to protect his integrity. Although he suffered greatly (Psalm 105:17-19), Joseph continued to be so committed to God that soon he was in a position of authority in the prison, again with God blessing him beyond measure. Rather than becoming bitter, Joseph allowed God to shape and mold him through difficulty.

How should I respond?
Are you, like Joseph, in a time of adversity? How has someone’s treatment of you caused pain and grief? Your response to those situations will play a huge part in determining who you become. Times like those will either increase your faith in God or cause you to become angry with Him and turn away. Do a self-examination; is any area of your heart being withheld from God because of bitterness from a wound? Give the hurt to God and commit to honoring Him in the midst of it. God can use even the worst circumstances in your life to make you more like Him.

February 10, 2022


Read – Mark 1

What does it say?
Jesus was baptized by John and tempted by Satan for 40 days. Then He preached, healed, and cast out demons. He called four men to leave their jobs and follow Him.

What does it mean?
Because Jesus is fully God, He has the authority and power to drive out demons and perform miraculous physical healing. Because Jesus was also fully human, He identified with hurting, needy people and was filled with compassion for them. That love moved Jesus to make serving others a high priority, and He freely used his power to teach and to heal people in the crowds who came to Him. In order to be strengthened and equipped to continue His mission on Earth, Jesus also made it a priority to spend time alone with the Father in prayer early in the morning before His day began.

How should I respond?
Since serving others was a priority for Jesus, it must be for us as well. This passage teaches us how to go about service the way He did. First, set time aside for prayer. Being alone in the presence of God gives you power and encouragement to carry out His will and bring Him glory. Then, be generous as you move through the day, doing everything you can for all kinds of people. Check your motives to see if genuine love and compassion are behind your good deeds. How do your priorities line up with those of Christ? How can you better model a servant’s heart today?

February 9, 2020


Read – Genesis 38

What does it say?
Judah made a new life in a Canaanite town. God killed two of his three sons for wickedness. After Judah sent his daughter-in-law Tamar home to live as a widow, she deceived him, became pregnant, and had Judah’s twin sons, Perez and Zerah.

What does it mean?
Israel and his sons were the only family in Canaan that worshipped the one, true God. Nevertheless, Judah left his family and immersed himself in a godless culture. As a result, Judah’s family was heavily influenced by the wickedness around them, costing two sons their very lives. Fearful of losing his last son, Judah deceitfully returned Tamar to her father’s house rather than giving her in marriage to his youngest son. In return, Tamar deceived Judah and became pregnant. Disobedience and deceit had plunged Judah’s life into one of disappointment and regret.

How should I respond?
The encouragement of godly companions is as important in our society as in Judah’s day. Immersing yourself in today’s culture is an invitation to a sinful lifestyle. In what way has our society influenced you? How has that influence affected your home and family? Having someone keep you accountable is as necessary for your spirit as a doctor is for your body. If you haven’t already done so, ask someone to pray for you each day and hold you accountable as you live for Christ. Will you live a life of faithfulness or regret?

February 9, 2022


Read – Matthew 28

What does it say?
The angel announced that Jesus was no longer in the tomb, but had risen. Jesus appeared to His followers and commissioned them to go and make disciples.

What does it mean?
While news of Jesus’ resurrection spread, the Jewish leaders conspired to cover it up and explain it away, but their attempts failed. Jesus is alive and has given His followers an ongoing assignment to share the news of His death and resurrection all over the world. His continual presence enables and inspires His followers to invest their time and energy in others so that they too will be inspired to share the good news. Jesus is alive and will always be with those who trust, follow, and obey Him.

How should I respond?
Jesus has given His followers an assignment that makes life meaningful today and for eternity – to share the news of His death and resurrection. Our mission is based on His absolute authority and empowered by His constant presence. Do you look for openings each day to talk about Jesus and how to know Him as Savior? What opportunities does your church offer for you to share God’s love – whether across the street or in another country? Every day you are on a mission trip to win, baptize, and teach the Bible so others can win, baptize, and teach. With whom will you share this good news today?

February 8 , 2020


Read – Genesis 37

What does it say?
Jacob had many sons, but favored Joseph. His jealous brothers became even more jealous after hearing about Joseph’s dreams that they would one day bow to him. So, they sold him as a slave and led their father to believe he was killed by wild animals.

What does it mean?
Jacob was no stranger to parental favoritism; he had been favored by his mother and had fallen into the same pattern with Joseph. Jealousy led his brothers to scheme for a way to get rid of their younger brother. They were not willing to accept that Joseph’s dreams could have been revelations from God. As a result, they turned to their own misguided ways to deal with the issue—choosing to sell Joseph into slavery. Favoritism and jealousy had caused discord and separation between two generations of siblings.

How should I respond?
The attitude of jealousy is a problem for many. Whether it occurs in the home, at school, or at work, jealousy can cause a major problem if not dealt with correctly. What causes your feelings of jealousy? How have your attempts to handle it on your own been misguided? First, take the situation to God who loves you as much as He loves anyone else. Second, if you need to work something out with someone, don’t delay; waiting only gives time for negative emotions to fester. As a parent, ask God to reveal any words or actions that show favoritism toward one child. Action on your part today sets the stage for healthy sibling relationships in the future.

February 8, 2022


Read – Matthew 27

What does it say?
During the trial before Pilate, the Jewish leaders demanded Jesus’ crucifixion. He was mocked, beaten, and crucified; afterwards, Joseph of Arimathea buried Him.

What does it mean?
Israel’s leaders took Jesus into Pilate’s Roman court so the death penalty they wanted could be carried out. Throughout the hours of trials, mistreatment, and execution, Jesus fulfilled Old Testament prophecy and experienced the treatment He had foretold to His disciples. The taunts of the mockers were true – He could have saved Himself, but He died to save sinners. The sinless Son of God took the full force of God’s wrath for the transgressions of mankind. The bedrock and heart of Christianity is the Cross, where Jesus died in the place of sinners, providing access to God and His love.

How should I respond?
The scenes in Matthew 27 are painful, but glorious reminders of God’s great love; they fill our minds and emotions with wonder and worship. When was the last time you came before God with the sole purpose of considering what Jesus has done for you? Just think about it – Jesus took the penalty for all your sins, no matter how great they may seem. Have you received Him as your Savior? If so, the indwelling Holy Spirit saturates your being with the assurance of God’s love until the love of Christ overflows in your attitudes, words, and actions (Romans 5:5). How can you show God’s love today?

February 7, 2020


Read – Genesis 35

What does it say?
God told Jacob to return to Bethel. There, God renewed His promises with Jacob and gave him the name, Israel.

What does it mean?
Difficult times were ahead for Jacob—the death of his beloved wife Rachel while giving birth to her second son Benjamin and later the death of his father. Two things helped prepare Jacob for the rough road ahead. First, God called Jacob to go back to a place of major spiritual significance, Bethel. He sought to strengthen Jacob by renewing His promises to him. Next, Jacob needed to remove false gods that had crept into his life and his family. Spiritual renewal required renewed commitment. God was drawing Jacob into an even deeper relationship, which would bring comfort in the days ahead.

How should I respond?
Some periods of life are more difficult than others. We seldom know ahead of time that we’re headed into a rough season until we are in the middle of it. The same two things that helped Jacob can still help us. Where is your ‘Bethel’? What places or events hold significance in your spiritual growth? Those are reminders that God is present and ever-faithful, even when life seems to fall apart. Then, where have you gotten off track and complacent in your relationship with God? What ungodly influence needs to be removed? God is patiently calling you back to Himself. He desires to give you the strength and comfort needed for everything you will face.

February 7, 2022


Read – Psalm 16

What does it say?
David chose the counsel and inheritance of the Lord over other gods.

What does it mean?
On the run from Saul, David had two opportunities to take Saul’s life but chose not to do so. Both times, Saul temporarily backed off. It was probably during one of these lulls that David wrote this psalm. As the anointed king, David could have taken the throne of Israel for himself. Some might even have suggested that he seek answers by making sacrifices to other gods, but abandoning the Lord would only increase his sorrows. David chose to follow the Lord’s counsel, even when he went through suffering on the path to the throne. God had not abandoned David, and he would not abandon his Lord. Hardship made David recognize that he had nothing of value outside of the Lord.

How should I respond?
Life seldom turns out the way we thought in our youth that it would. Life happens. What plans have gone awry, leaving you disappointed? Whether or not you feel content at any given moment has more to do with your perspective than your actual circumstances. Are you focused on what God has not yet chosen to give, or on what He has graciously done already? Only the comfort and strength of the Lord brings lasting satisfaction, regardless of the trouble that might surround you. Will you say along with David, “You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing”?

February 6, 2020


Read – Genesis 34

What does it say?
Shechem, the son of a city ruler, violated Dinah, Jacob’s daughter. Even though he sought to marry her, Jacob’s sons deceived and destroyed the men of the city.

What does it mean?
Our last chapter was a beautiful picture of love and forgiveness. Here we see what a lack of forgiveness and revenge can do. Shechem and his father came to Jacob with a repentant spirit and a desire to make things right. They even went as far as submitting to circumcision to be able to intermarry with Jacob’s family. Yet the sons of Jacob, bent on revenge, held hatred and bitterness for the men of Shechem. Led by Simeon and Levi, they attacked and killed all of the men, plundered the city, and took the women and children captive. The children of Jacob responded to their anger in a way that made them just as guilty as Shechem.

How should I respond?
Our first instinct is to lash out and strike back when we or someone close to us is harmed. But anger and vengeance have a way of blinding us to the truth. When we let anger get the best of us, we no longer see things clearly and forget the grace that has been shown to us by God for our sin. Who has wronged you? Take time right now to search your heart. Are you harboring anger against that person? Now is the time to give your anger, hurt, and bitterness to God. When you remember that Christ has forgiven you, it is easier to forgive others.

February 6, 2022


Read – Psalms 14-15

What does it say?
The fool says that there is no God, so he turns to corruption and does nothing that is good. But the righteous person dwells with the Lord and will not be shaken.

What does it mean?
These psalms give character sketches of opposite individuals. The fool in Psalm 14 is a morally deficient person rather than someone with a lack of mental acuity. He portrays the fact that everyone is stained with sin and that evil will always surface when God’s authority isn’t acknowledged. The person in Psalm 15 is at the other end of the spectrum, desiring above all to live continually in the presence of the Lord. There is no trace of sin in his words or dealings with others, even his enemies. The only person whose character perfectly matches the description here is the Lord Jesus Himself.

How should I respond?
Morally deficient or blameless … most of us would describe ourselves as somewhere in the middle. However, Jesus never called anyone to live a mediocre Christian life. As a matter of fact, He taught His followers to live the same kind of life described in Psalm 15 (Matthew 5-7). Being blameless in God’s sight doesn’t mean you’re perfect, but as a Christ follower your life should demonstrate the same characteristics that He did while on Earth. Which qualities in Psalm 15 do you need to develop more? As you listen to the Holy Spirit today, determine not to be content with life on middle ground.

February 5, 2020


Read – Genesis 33

What does it say?
Jacob prepared to be reunited with Esau. He separated his family by their wives and went ahead of them. When he saw Esau, he bowed down before him. Esau saw Jacob and ran to him, threw his arms around him, and wept.

What does it mean?
Jacob by his actions was seeking his brother’s forgiveness. The gifts he sent ahead of him were an attempt to pay back what he stole from his brother when he took his birthright and blessing. He humbled himself by bowing before his brother to show his repentance for how he had treated him. Jacob was met with unexpected forgiveness from Esau. Upon seeing Jacob, Esau ran to meet him. He threw his arms around Jacob and kissed him. This simple act by Esau showed that Jacob had nothing to fear and that their relationship as brothers had been restored.

How should I respond?
What relationship in your life needs to be restored? This passage is a beautiful picture of what God can do in a life when it is surrendered to Him. From whom do you need to seek forgiveness? Maybe your family is struggling relationally, and you don’t know how to fix it. Be encouraged because God is able to reach even those farthest from Him. Take time now to pray for your family. Ask God how you can show humility to those you may have offended. God is in the business of mending relationships. Ask in faith, and wait for Him to do the impossible.

February 5, 2022


Read – Matthew 26

What does it say?
Jesus was anointed, betrayed, and denied. He established the Lord’s Supper and prayed in Gethsemane before he was arrested and taken before the Sanhedrin.

What does it mean?
The reactions to Jesus from within His most intimate circle ranged from profound adoration to betrayal and denial in the days before His crucifixion. Mary’s extravagant expression of love revealed her devotion to the Lord, even though men without insight to its true meaning misunderstood it. The same lack of spiritual understanding marred the intimacy that should have characterized Jesus’ last supper and prayer with His followers. Despite betrayal and denial, Jesus displayed the depth of God’s love for mankind by voluntarily submitting to His Father’s will to give His life as payment for sin.

How should I respond?
Living in intimate fellowship with Jesus is costly, but it’s also eternally rewarding. If you choose to live closely with Jesus, you may be called to make extravagant sacrifices that will be misunderstood or judged. Identifying yourself as a Christian at home, work, or school might cause unbelievers to treat you with disrespect or even put you in danger. Jesus’ willing sacrifice for our sin deserves our greatest devotion. Can you do less when you consider the depth of His love for you? For those who are on intimate terms with Jesus, no sacrifice is too great. How will you display your loyalty to the Savior today?

February 4, 2020


Read – Genesis 32

What does it say?
Jacob prepared to return home to face Esau. As a result of wrestling with God all night, his named was changed to Israel, and he received a permanent limp.

What does it mean?
Jacob was wise in preparing for the worst, not knowing if Esau still planned to kill him for taking his birthright twenty years earlier. As Jacob went off by himself to pray, he had no idea that the meeting with Esau would pale by comparison to the encounter he was about to have with God. Before the night and the wrestling match were over, God would change Jacob’s life and his name. No longer was he Jacob, the ‘deceiver’ but Israel (‘one who has power with God’). As dawn broke, he returned to his family limping—a physical reminder that he was forever changed by God’s touch.

How should I respond?
Many times we find ourselves in situations in which we have no control over the outcome. But we can put our hope in God to deliver us in times of crisis and uncertainty. Like Jacob, remind yourself of what God has already promised to do. Take some time to find and ponder some of the promises God has made to you in His Word, and then get alone with Him and pray. Even if you ‘wrestle’ with God over the situation or the outcome, time alone in His presence is life changing. What crisis are you facing today? You can trust Him. His ‘touch’ on your life will be evidence that you’ve had an encounter with God.

February 4, 2022


Read – Matthew 25

What does it say?
Jesus told parables of the virgins and talents and foretold the judgment of sheep and goats.

What does it mean?
Jesus gave practical lessons for people who will live through the time just before He establishes His millennial kingdom. He contrasted a true relationship with Him to a false one, noting that fruits and works will reveal which people are authentic believers. Jesus will return as Judge to bless those who receive and serve Him and to separate those who reject Him. Only those who possess a personal relationship with Christ will spend eternity with Him. Those who know Him are responsible to use God’s gifts wisely and to love others unconditionally.

How should I respond?
Your good works do not save you, but knowing Jesus as Savior is evidenced as you serve Him and share His love with others. How you treat people is important because it matters to Jesus, who showed love for all segments of society, even “the least.” Will you ask God to transform your thinking so that you will have spiritual urgency and compassion for the needs of others? There is limited time to show God’s compassion and love to others before Jesus returns. Will you seize the opportunity? How you live today matters for eternity.

February 3, 2020


Read – Genesis 30:25-31:55

What does it say?
Jacob separated from Laban. Jacob’s faithfulness and obedience were met with anger and accusation.

What does it mean?
Jacob served Laban faithfully for twenty years, and in that time he multiplied Laban’s wealth and family exponentially. Then, as he prepared to return home, his diligence and obedience were met with deceit and hostility. After so many years of faithfulness, he was treated as a thief and a liar. He could easily have questioned why God allowed this to happen. Instead, he chose obedience, and God showed that all along He had been faithful in protecting and prospering Jacob.

How should I respond?
There are times when circumstances are the opposite of what we expect even when our actions come from pure motives. In those moments, it is easy to feel hopeless or alone. Though we may not see it, God is always actively involved in the lives of His children. We can choose to focus on the circumstances or on the God who is constantly watching over us. Do you believe that God is actively involved in your life even when you can’t see it? Take time to pray and ask God what He is doing in your life. You may discover that even though you didn’t realize it, He has been moving all along.

February 3, 2022


Read – Matthew 24

What does it say?
Jesus told His disciples the temple would be destroyed. He gave signs of the end of the age and encouraged them to watch for His Second Coming.

What does it mean?
Jesus prepared His followers to discern deceptive teaching and encouraged them to be accountable for their behavior. By giving prophecy, Jesus prepared them for the future and opened their understanding to their current circumstances. As wickedness increased and antagonism toward the Savior intensified, faithful believers would continue to share the good news of salvation through Christ. In God’s timing, against the backdrop of desolation and distress, Jesus will come again. When life is at its worst, Jesus’ followers should continue to live in anticipation of His return.

How should I respond?
As wickedness and persecution of Christians increase, there is no reason to panic. Jesus told us this would happen and challenged every generation to look for His return. Prophecy encourages us to be faithful to Jesus and to share the good news regardless of our circumstances. If you knew Jesus was coming back today, what changes would you make? You have the opportunity to live for Jesus each day, so when He appears, you can be confident and unashamed before Him (I John 2:23). How will you live today in anticipation of His return?

February 2, 2020


Read – Genesis 29:31-30:24

What does it say?
Leah, Rachel, Bilhah and Zilpah give birth to eleven sons of Jacob.

What does it mean?
Driven by jealousy and discontent, Leah and Rachel turned childbearing into a competition. Even in the face of repeated blessing, the sisters were not content with what God had given them. They each wanted what the other had: Leah coveted the love that Jacob showed to Rachel, and Rachel yearned for Leah’s ability to have children. Again and again they competed in their search for contentment only to find frustration. No matter what they were given, or what they achieved, they could not enjoy it because their focus was on winning rather than being thankful.

How should I respond?
At times we may find we are not satisfied with what we have or where we are in life. It’s easy to think the solution is just around the corner and that contentment will finally be found in the next achievement or possession. This is never the case since those things provide only temporary satisfaction. God has designed us to find contentment in our relationship with Him. And how is this done? Commit each day to thank Him for everything He has given you. Focus on pursuing Him and praising Him for what you do have rather than what you don’t. Remember that the contentment found in Him is the only contentment that lasts.

February 2, 2022


Read – Matthew 23

What does it say?
Jesus warned the disciples about unrighteous leaders. He pronounced judgment for specific behaviors, but promised future blessing for Israel.

What does it mean?
Jesus confronted people who were guilty of self-promotion and condemned their hypocrisy. Rather than love God and others as commanded in Matt. 22:37-40, the religious leaders chose to use deception to gain power, status, and wealth. Jesus challenged their behavior toward others as well as their lack of integrity and character. Even as He pronounced judgment and revealed their sin, Jesus compassionately pled for their repentance. Israel’s future will include judgment for sin along with blessing when the nation as a whole recognizes and exalts Jesus as Messiah at His return.

How should I respond?
Examine your character in light of the specific warnings and woes in this passage. Has self-promotion taken priority over love for God and respect for others? Keeping up the appearance of godliness without a heart devoted to God is hypocrisy. Jesus requires his followers to have spiritual integrity while living out Christian principles in daily life. How do you fail to practice consistently what the Word of God teaches? Agree with God and turn from any sinful attitudes and behaviors He has brought to mind. The Holy Spirit will enable you to have personal integrity as you look for Christ’s victorious return.

February 1, 2020


Read – Genesis 29:1-30

What does it say?
Jacob labored seven years for the right to marry Rachel, but he was deceived by her father, Laban. Rachel was given to Jacob after Leah’s bridal week, but he had to work seven more years for her.

What does it mean?
The custom of the day required that the oldest daughter be married before the youngest. When Laban made his agreement with Jacob, he knowingly deceived him with the promise of marrying the younger daughter, Rachel. This is not the first time deception was used in this family. Jacob deceived his father for his older brother Esau’s blessing. This was done at the encouragement of Rebekah (Laban’s sister). In both cases, what was rightfully earned was deceitfully taken with significant long-term cost. Now Jacob understands how Esau felt as he experienced firsthand the price of deception.

How should I respond?
Deception is dangerous and can have significant long-term impact. The choice Jacob faced is the same choice we face when we encounter this behavior: Do we focus on the wrong done to us, or do we allow God to use it to shine light into similar places in our lives? As difficult as it might be sometimes, eliminating deceit in our homes and our families shows the character God desires in all of us. Ask God to show you where deception exists in your life, and with His help, eliminate it.

February 1, 2022


Read – Matthew 22

What does it say?
Jesus told the parable of the wedding feast. He answered questions about authority, resurrection, and the Law. He then asked questions that silenced His opponents.

What does it mean?
The leaders who refused God’s invitation to eternal life collaborated to entrap Jesus. When asked which commandment takes priority, Jesus simplified the Law: love God with your entire being and show selfless love to others. Loving God means embracing Him with all that you are. The heart is the hidden spring of personal life and represents one’s true character. The soul is the seat of the will and purpose through which a person perceives and feels. The mind gives the ability to think, reflect, and reason. The whole person – with his heart, mind and soul – is enabled to love by the power of God.

How should I respond?
How do you know if you truly love God? Think about the various parts of your life. Are your affections, life goals, and intellect set toward pleasing Him? When the preeminent purpose of your life is loving God, you’ll desire to please Him and put others before yourself. When love for God permeates your life, the love of God satisfies you and overflows to others (Romans 5:5). Will you examine the hidden parts of your personality and bring them before God? Ask Him to renew your whole being with His love.

January 31, 2020


Read – Genesis 28:10-22

What does it say?
Early in Jacob’s long journey, he had a dream of angels going up and down a ladder to Heaven. God spoke and reaffirmed the covenant He had made with Abraham and Isaac.

What does it mean?
This is the first time we observe the Lord speaking directly to Jacob. As a young boy, he must have heard his grandfather Abraham talk of God’s covenant promises and His faithfulness. He was fifteen when Abraham died. Isaac also spoke to Jacob of the Lord their God. Now, God Himself spoke personally with Jacob. God made no conditions on the promises He made. Awed by what he had seen and heard, Jacob said, ‘Surely the Lord is in this place.’ Knowing that this place would always be significant to him, Jacob set up a stone memorial and made a commitment to the Lord who promised, ‘I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.’

How should I respond?
Have you only heard about Jesus from others or have you had your own divine encounter with God? When did your relationship with God become personal? Nothing compares to hearing His voice whisper to your soul. Jacob called the place of his encounter ‘awesome…the house of God…the gate of heaven.’ When God speaks, how are you moved? What is He calling you to do? Where is He calling you to go? God has His very best in store for you if you will trust Him, obey Him, and follow where He would have you go.

January 31, 2022


Read – Psalms 12-13

What does it say?
The Lord rose to protect the weak and needy from deceitful people. Still, David felt forgotten while waiting on the Lord. God’s unfailing love filled him with song.

What does it mean?
David’s outlook depended on where he placed his focus. When he listened to the boasts of his enemies and saw only his circumstances, it felt as if God were hiding, leaving him to work through his thoughts and emotions alone. But when David chose to focus on God’s love and the reliability of what God said, he was filled with overflowing gratitude for all that God had done and was going to do. When David’s focus changed, so did his emotions. He had not been forgotten. God’s Word is reliable, and His love is steadfast.

How should I respond?
We can’t help but see the circumstances that surround us. Negative emotions can flood over you when it seems that there’s nothing good in any direction you look. When that happens, follow David’s example – stop looking around and choose to look up. You can either react to your circumstances or respond to God’s Word and His love. It’s more than having a positive attitude: it’s complete trust in the One who can best work on your behalf. God sees beyond the current crisis. What might the Lord be doing that you can’t see? How has God been good to you, even in the middle of trying circumstances? Write down three things that you can thank Him for right now. Then choose today to focus your thoughts on God’s love and care for you.

January 30, 2020


Read – Genesis 27:41-28:9

What does it say?
When Esau’s hatred intensified to a determination to kill Jacob, Rebekah convinced Isaac to send Jacob to the home of her brother Laban.

What does it mean?
Esau’s hatred for Jacob burned in his mind to the point of planning his murder. Upon hearing this, Rebekah intervened once again to protect the son she loved. She told Jacob to leave until Esau forgot about the matter. She persuaded Isaac to send Jacob to Paddan Aran to her brother’s house under the ruse of wanting Jacob to find a suitable wife—not a wife from ‘the daughters of Heth.’ Isaac agreed, blessed Jacob again, and sent him to his uncle’s home. It is unlikely that she ever saw Jacob again— a high price to pay for their deception. To retaliate, Esau married the daughter of his Uncle Ishmael.

How should I respond?
How many times do you think Rebekah longed to have her son back? What circumstance has come between you and a friend or family member? With whom have you lost touch? Would a phone call or personal note now alleviate regrets in the future? Family ties can be broken so easily, but humility and a forgiving spirit can restore what was once thought ruined. Have you, like Esau, made a bad decision just to get even with someone? Was it worth the price? God can restore those relationships if you let Him. The choice is yours.

January 30, 2022


Read – Psalm 11

What does it say?
David took refuge in the Lord, who righteously and justly rules from His heavenly throne.

What does it mean?
While serving in King Saul’s court, David wrote this Psalm after slaying Goliath. Driven by jealously and suspicion, Saul tried to kill David on multiple occasions during those years. Everyone gave David the same advice, “Run!” Even though the situation was dire, David was exactly where God had placed him. It would have been disobedience to God for David to run away. Instead, he placed his life into God’s hands. He chose to trust the Lord just as he had always done. Because David chose to live righteously, his righteous God was on his side.

How should I respond?
What makes you want to quit? Have things started to deteriorate at your job or in your church? Have friends advised you to get out before things get really ugly? It’s instinctive to get away quickly from anything that causes discomfort or discouragement. At times, however, God may call you to withstand situations that are beyond human logic. There’s only one reason for a child of God to change direction – obedience to God. Likewise, the primary reason for Christians to stay where they are is the knowledge that God has placed them there and has not yet released them to go. Either way, will you trust God enough to place your life’s direction in His hands? What is He directing you to do today?

January 29, 2020


Read – Genesis 27:1-40

What does it say?
When Rebekah overheard Isaac’s plan to bless Esau, she convinced Jacob to trick his father so that he could get the blessing instead.

What does it mean?
In Isaac’s older years, he decided it was time to give the blessing of the firstborn to Esau. Esau was happy to oblige Isaac’s request to hunt and prepare a meal for his father before receiving his blessing. Rebekah, who obviously favored Jacob, came up with a plan to manipulate the situation and deceive her husband. Worse still, she involved her son in the devious plan. Isaac was tricked, and Jacob received the blessing. Esau was enraged when he learned of Jacob’s deception.

How should I respond?
Just about every one of us has had a situation come up in which we have twisted something so the outcome would be in our favor. It is our sinful, human nature. When, if ever, is deception ever justified? Being honest and allowing things play out without manipulation requires trusting God to work things out according to His will and not our own. When have you been tempted to help God help you? At work? At school? Is there someone you need to make things right with because you were deceptive like Jacob? If so, ask God for the grace to make things right.

January 29, 2022


Read – Matthew 21

What does it say?
Jesus, the promised Son of David, entered Jerusalem in triumph. He removed corruption from the temple and answered the Pharisees’ questions with parables.

What does it mean?
In Jesus’ final week, confrontation with the religious establishment intensified because He condemned their hypocrisy while showing His authority as God. Because the religious leaders rejected Jesus as the Christ, they also rejected His right to be worshiped as the Son of David and to cleanse the temple – His Father’s house. Their rejection of God’s message wasn’t new; they had violently opposed His messengers, God’s prophets, and now they rejected His Son. But opposition to the gospel will not prevail because Jesus is God’s triumphant Son, the Savior.

How should I respond?
When your life is centered on Jesus and built on the foundation of God’s Word, your thoughts, words, and activities reflect God’s truth. Unbelievers have a predisposition to reject God’s truth, and so those who reject Christ will likely reject you. They may dismiss you as gullible or ignorant and relate to you with an attitude of condescension. How do you respond when loved ones reject you and choose to remove themselves from your life because you are a Christian? How can you reflect God’s unconditional love toward them? Take heart – some may reject Him, but Jesus, the triumphant Savior, will prevail.

January 28, 2020


Read – Genesis 26

What does it say?
Isaac and Rebekah escaped a famine by going to Philistia. Two times God confirmed to Isaac the covenant promises that He had made to Abraham, his father.

What does it mean?
Isaac and Rebekah had to leave their home and journey to a place not devastated by the famine. God allowed Isaac to stay in the land of the Philistines. There God told Isaac that because of his father’s obedience, He would continue to be with him and bless him. God’s blessing was so evident to King Abimilech that the king made Isaac move because he was ‘much mightier’ than they were! Isaac moved down in the valley, and God continued to bless him there. God appeared to Isaac in Beersheba and told him again that He was with him and would bless him because of Abraham, his father. God’s presence was accompanied by His blessing, His provision, and His protection!

How should I respond?
Is God with you? If you have accepted Christ as Savior, know that Almighty God is with you! He is eager to bless—not to condemn and punish! What are your circumstances? What kind of famine are you fleeing? Are you spiritually dry? Emotionally famished? Physically weary? God is with you. How have you experienced His presence this week? For what specific provision and protection do you need to thank Him? Just as God was with Isaac and blessed him, He wants to bless you because you are His child.

January 28, 2022


Read – Matthew 20

What does it say?
Jesus told the parable of the vineyard workers and foretold His betrayal, the Cross, and resurrection. Jesus discussed suffering with James and John and healed two blind men.

What does it mean?
The parable of the vineyard workers illustrates that all people are undeserving of God’s goodness and generosity, yet He graciously invites mankind to Himself. The Lord saves those who respond to His invitation to come to Jesus in faith. Some have many years to live for Him, and some are near the end of life. Those who respond are equally lost sinners who become equally saved saints when they receive Jesus.

How should I respond?
Salvation is not based on any merit of our own but is given in response to God’s invitation to be a part of His eternal kingdom. How have you responded to God’s call? Are you jealous when you observe God’s generosity toward someone recently saved from an immoral lifestyle? Does a sense of entitlement – that you’re more deserving of God’s generosity because you’ve known Him longer – cloud your understanding of God’s goodness? God has the sovereign right to deal generously with all people. Stop right now and express your gratitude for God’s generosity to you, as well as to others.

January 27, 2020


Read – Genesis 25:19-34

What does it say?
Isaac and Rebekah had twin boys, Esau and Jacob. Years later, a famished Esau sold his better inheritance to Jacob for a bowl of stew.

What does it mean?
Isaac and Rebekah had been married twenty years before God blessed them with twins. Esau and Jacob were completely different. Esau was a hairy hunter while Jacob was a smooth-skinned homebody. After a long day of hunting, Esau came home to the delightful smell of stew simmering and couldn’t wait to dive into a bowl. Jacob, whose name means deceiver, took advantage of this opportunity and basically told his brother that it would cost him his birthright to get some dinner. Esau gave up his birthright to satisfy his temporary hunger.

How should I respond?
What captures your heart: the temporary or the eternal? What feeds your soul on Sunday: football or fellowship? It is easy to say, ‘Oh, I would never…,’ but how many times have you settled for a fleeting pleasure when God had a blessing waiting for you if you had just waited for His timing? What is your ‘bowl of stew’? Food? Alcohol? Wealth? Work? There are so many temptations Satan uses to lure us away from God’s best. Stand strong, friend! Nothing beats God’s best!

January 27, 2022


Read – Matthew 19

What does it say?
Jesus answered the Pharisees’ test question with God’s plan for marriage. He welcomed the children and talked with the rich young ruler about eternal life.

What does it mean?
The Pharisees’ question about marriage and divorce was embroiled in cultural controversy. Jesus answered with what God said on the subject. At Creation God established the standard for marriage as a permanent relationship between one man and one woman. God’s design requires commitment and faithfulness. Divorce is allowed only for persistent sexual unfaithfulness without repentance. Moses allowed divorce for protection of women from husbands who were controlled by their selfish desires. God’s standard is not to be sacrificed for man’s idea of what God “must have meant.”

How should I respond?
Our natural tendencies and culture lead us to believe that our happiness and rights take priority, but God intends for us to put aside self-interests to show unconditional and sacrificial love. If you are considering marriage, realize God intends this relationship to be exclusive and permanent. If you’re already married, what can you do to develop unity and make your marriage more fulfilling? If you have had multiple marriages, remember that God forgives, and He intends your present marriage to continue for the rest of your life. God’s standards for marriage never change because He knows what’s best for us.

January 26, 2020


Read – Genesis 25:1-18

What does it say?
Abraham remarried and had six more sons. Before his death, Abraham gave gifts to his sons. He left everything he owned to Isaac.

What does it mean?
God allowed Abraham to witness many of His promises become reality. Upon Abraham’s death, Isaac and Ishmael came together to bury their father alongside Sarah in the portion of the Promised Land he rightfully owned. Abraham left great wealth; but it was his legacy of strong faith, carried to future generations, that has made the most impact.

How should I respond?
Television bombards us with ads regarding the importance of providing for our loved ones in the event of our death. But have you contemplated ways to pass on a spiritual inheritance? Tell your children and grandchildren your salvation experience. Share with them specific ways that God has worked in your life and provided exactly what you needed at just the right time. Look for opportunities to discuss Scripture, pray with them, or serve together in your church. By turning everyday life into teachable moments, you will create a spiritual legacy that will outlive you!

January 26, 2022


Read – Matthew 18

What does it say?
Jesus explained that greatness begins with humility. He taught His disciples how to deal with sin and commanded unlimited forgiveness to all who belong to His kingdom.

What does it mean?
To live on Earth as a kingdom citizen requires a countercultural mindset: greatness is accomplished through humility; sin is not overlooked, but confronted with the goal of restoration; and forgiveness has no limit. The Christian forgives offenses because he or she has been forgiven. The debt, which is the penalty for sin, has been canceled by God’s mercy in Jesus’ sin payment at Calvary. The debt one person owes another is miniscule compared to what God in mercy has forgiven each believer. Forgiveness is not a feeling but a command that God will enable you to obey.

How should I respond?
God’s forgiveness toward you should be the measure of your forgiveness toward others. When you realize how much you have been forgiven, you are faced with the decision of how you will respond to those who have hurt you and caused you pain. Whom do you need to forgive? Are you willing to forgive an unlimited number of times? He may guide you to distance yourself from a person who continues to hurt you, but since you freely received God’s forgiveness, you should freely forgive.

January 25, 2020


Read – Genesis 24

What does it say?
Abraham commissioned his servant to find a bride for his son, Isaac.

What does it mean?
According to the customs of the day, it was Abraham’s job to find a suitable wife for his son, Isaac. He entrusted the task of locating a bride for Isaac to a servant whose conduct and faithfulness were already proven. The servant sought God’s direction by requesting details concerning the woman God had chosen for Isaac. Those prayers were answered as the servant talked with Rebekah. She consented not only to go with him, but to go at once. God confirmed His direction for Isaac’s marriage when he and Rebekah met.

How should I respond?
The person you choose to marry is one of the most important decisions you will make. Marriage should always be approached carefully with prayer for God’s direction and blessing. While our culture doesn’t utilize arranged marriages, the advice of godly parents can guide a child through this pivotal point in life in order to establish a strong home. Are you praying for your children’s future spouses? It’s never too early to start. Begin by asking God to place exactly whom He wants in each life and help them understand the importance God places on the decision. If you are single, how much time do you spend seeking God’s direction and godly counsel regarding the person you should marry? Strong marriages start with prayer.

January 25, 2022


Read – Matthew 17

What does it say?
Jesus was transfigured before Peter, James, and John. He healed a boy, foretold His death and resurrection, and paid the temple tax.

What does it mean?
The disciples had to leave the glory of Jesus’ transfiguration to once again live in the valley with the realities of sickness, death, and taxes. Jesus showed them how to live as citizens of Heaven and fulfill their responsibilities as sojourners on Earth with vibrant faith. The Son of God chose to submit to the ruling authority and fulfill His obligations, even to the leaders who were plotting to kill Him. Jesus used every opportunity to develop the disciples’ faith. He wanted them to learn that they could trust Him completely as they fulfilled their duties to those with whom they disagreed.

How should I respond?
Time spent with the Lord prepares you for the challenges of living as a Christ follower in an ungodly culture. What situation is God using to develop your faith in Him regarding ungodly authorities? Faith in Jesus moves you to obedience, even when it’s hard or seems humanly foolish. Jesus intends for us to live in our world, rely on Him, and fulfill our obligations. When someone in authority over you is hostile toward your faith, a growing understanding of Jesus’ power will develop your faith and enable you to fulfill your daily responsibilities in a way that honors Him.

January 24, 2020


Read – Genesis 23

What does it say?
After the death of his wife Sarah, Abraham negotiates the purchase of a cave for her burial.

What does it mean?
The small burial plot Abraham bought for his wife, Sarah, became the first piece of land he owned in Canaan, the land God had promised to give him over 77 years before. Abraham believed so completely in God’s ability to keep His promise that he acted as if it were already a reality. He firmly believed his descendants would own all of the land one day; therefore, he was determined to pay any price for Sarah to be buried in Canaan. Abraham’s actions backed up what he claimed to believe—that’s true faith.

How should I respond?
Faith claims what it cannot see, trusting God to supernaturally accomplish His plans. What promises of God are you claiming by faith? Every follower of Christ has the promise of His return and a future home in Heaven. Are you living as if Heaven were already your home? Or, have you been distracted by temporary trinkets and pleasures? When you live for God’s purposes, you store up treasure in Heaven (Matthew 6:19-21). How will you invest in eternal things today rather than temporal? Faith is proven by our actions, not our words.

January 24, 2022


Read – Psalm 10

What does it say?
The Lord seems far away from the schemes of the wicked. But He is able to call them into account and defend the oppressed who wait on Him for help.

What does it mean?
It appeared to the psalmist that God was hiding while wicked men plotted against the innocent and weak. Arrogance motivated these ungodly people to use curses, lies, and threats to oppose God and His people. They thought they were invincible, untouchable, invisible, and unaccountable because they were getting away with their deplorable actions. The psalmist refocused his thoughts on what he knew to be true: His eternal God sees and knows everything and is able to defend the helpless. With his heart and mind firmly grounded, the writer confidently asked God for encouragement and justice.

How should I respond?
We see it every day: ungodly people inflicting harm on other human beings. It often seems that the identity thieves and terrorists are winning the battle. We rant, text, tweet, and post about the injustice, but how often do you go directly to the One who holds all people accountable? About what issue do you need to spend time in prayer rather than more time on the phone or online? It’s true that in your lifetime you might not see justice served completely on the issue that hits home the most. You can be sure, though, that the wicked and arrogant will ultimately be held accountable to God Almighty.

January 23, 2020


Read – Genesis 22

What does it say?
God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac. After testing Abraham’s faith, God provided a substitute sacrifice and renewed His covenant with Abraham.

What does it mean?
God tested Abraham, not to tempt him to sin, but to prove his faith. It was not God’s intention for Isaac to actually be sacrificed; that would contradict God’s character and His promises to Abraham. Faith in God had taught Abraham not to argue with His instructions, but to trust and obey. He was confident that God was good and that His promises could not be broken. Abraham proved that he trusted God with the one thing he had waited for the longest – his son. Strong faith is often exercised with strong trials.

How should I respond?
Whatever is dearest to you on the earth is your Isaac. Are you willing to give that person or object by faith into God’s hands? Sometimes a prized possession or treasured relationship can become an idol, replacing God’s rightful position in our hearts. What is that earthly thing or person in your life today? Can you unreservedly release that to God? Faith is like a muscle that only becomes stronger when it’s exercised.

January 23, 2022


Read – Psalm 9

What does it say?
David’s song of rejoicing praised the Lord as the righteous Judge of the wicked.

What does it mean?
David spoke from experience about the Lord’s trustworthiness. His presence is a place to hide when trouble comes; those who call on His name are not disappointed. From this perspective David wrote prophetically of a day when all of Israel’s enemies will be defeated. God will righteously act on behalf of His people just as He had done for David personally. He then shifted back to his present life, where he was still in need of God’s mercy. David praised the Lord and petitioned Him for help at the same time, basically saying, “Don’t stop now, Lord!” The reason for David’s request reveals why he was “a man after God’s own heart” – he longed to openly praise the Lord in Zion.

How should I respond?
Some people stop coming to church because at some point God didn’t answer a prayer to their liking, and they concluded that He didn’t show up. Have you been disappointed at how God handled a particular matter? He may be trying to give you something far greater than immediate relief – the knowledge of his intimate presence. There will always be trouble of some kind in this world, but the Lord is our trustworthy refuge. However He responds is right and just. Tell someone today what God has already done on your behalf, even if you’re still praying about a difficult situation.

January 22, 2020


Read – Genesis 21:22-34

What does it say?
Abimelech’s servants had seized one of Abraham’s wells without Abimelech’s knowledge. The two men established the Treaty at Beersheba to settle the issue.

What does it mean?
Abimelech saw evidence of God’s hand on everything Abraham did. It was obvious that the promises of God to Abraham would be fulfilled. It was in Abimelech’s best interest to have a peaceful relationship with a person of Abraham’s standing and character, so he was honest about the ownership of the well and sought to settle the issue quickly. Both men chose to seek peace rather than additional conflict. Abraham’s gifts to Abimelech secured the well as his permanent possession, avoiding future disputes. When all was said and done, Abraham was not ashamed to publicly worship his God, Jehovah.

How should I respond?
When conflicts arise, you have a choice: fight the person or fight the problem. The more time you spend trying to prove that you’re right, the longer the conflict will linger. How do you handle issues within your family, at the office, or at school? If you are the first to offer solutions with kind, calm words, it can defuse the entire situation. With whom do you need to make peace? When there’s friction, does your response cause others to notice that your relationship with Christ is the most important aspect of your life?

January 22, 2022


Read – Matthew 16

What does it say?
Jesus warned the disciples of the religious leaders’ influence. After Peter’s confession, Jesus foretold the establishment of the church and the necessity of the Cross.

What does it mean?
As opposition increased, Jesus trained His disciples to develop a spiritual and eternal perspective. He challenged them to turn from the teachings of religious leaders who rejected Him as Messiah and promoted legalism and liberalism. As God’s Son, He revealed a new orientation toward life that involved the Cross for Himself and a cross for each of them. Jesus gained victory through death at Calvary. His followers find victory and reward when they deny self and make sacrifices to live and serve as God directs.

How should I respond?
Jesus asks those of us who trust His death for deliverance from the penalty of sin to take up our cross. For a believer, taking up the cross means a denial of self, voluntarily laying down your plans, dreams, and desires in order to fulfill His plan for you. Jesus will use you and all you have for His glory and purpose. This mindset is contrary to public opinion and may look foolish to some. Will you lose your life to His purpose, showing by your works and words that you believe and trust in Jesus as God? God will accomplish things of eternal value through you when you allow the Cross to rule all selfish desires and ambitions. A maturing believer values eternal fruit over self-gratification.

January 21, 2020


Read – Genesis 21:8-21

What does it say?
Abraham planned a feast to celebrate the weaning of Isaac. When Ishmael mocked Isaac, Sarah became angry and demanded that Abraham order Hagar and Ishmael to leave.

What does it mean?
The arrival of Isaac was an occasion for both joy and heartache in Abraham’s household. His birth fulfilled God’s promise. However, years earlier Sarah had disregarded God’s perfect plan and had taken matters into her own hands. Ishmael was born but was not the chosen son. Isaac was. Radical twists and turns occurred once Sarah’s anger and jealousy surfaced. Banishment from Abraham’s camp required a fresh new perspective for Hagar and Ishmael. God was faithful. He met them in desolation and provided consolation.

How should I respond?
Circumstances in life can change abruptly and sometimes for the worse. It has been said that faith begins when man’s power ends and God’s power begins. Desperation draws us near to God to seek his wisdom and strength. What has changed in your life without warning? Where have you turned for help? Is there a trusted friend who will present a different perspective? Seeking God’s promises in Scripture and praying specifically will help guard your heart from becoming bitter. Like Hagar, you are not alone. God sees, hears and is beside you to help. Will you turn toward Him or away?

January 21, 2022


Read – Matthew 15

What does it say?
Pharisees questioned Jesus about tradition, and He confronted their hypocrisy. Jesus showed compassion when He healed the Canaanite’s daughter and fed 4,000.

What does it mean?
The Pharisees were offended when Jesus shared the truth. They came to Jesus cloaked with the appearance of devotion, while the Canaanite woman came in humility and persistent faith. God knows the true condition of every heart. Behavior that does not come from a heart of faith and obedience toward God is only the appearance of devotion. The truth of a person’s heart is revealed more by his thoughts, attitudes, desires, loyalties, affections, and motives than by external habits and behavior.

How should I respond?
Do you know the true condition of your own heart? The great need of humanity is for God to cleanse our hearts of sin, not for us to clean up our outward life by doing or refraining from doing certain things. How might you be maintaining the appearance of devotion to God but lacking pure spiritual motivation? How do you respond when the truth is hard to accept? Your response is an indicator of the condition of your heart. Will you agree when the Spirit convicts and respond to please the Lord? There’s a great difference in being religious and having a heart for the Lord.

January 20, 2020


Read – Genesis 21:1-7

What does it say?
Sarah became pregnant when she was 90 years old—way past her days of fertility— just as God promised. Her laughter of doubt at God’s promise turned into laughter of joy.

What does it mean?
God keeps His promises even when the promises seem impossible. Who would have believed that a 90-year-old woman would be able to get pregnant and bear a child in her old age? Abraham and Sarah laughed at the idea when they first heard it. However, after Sarah gave birth to her own son, she named him Isaac, which means ‘laughter.’ Her laughter of doubt was turned into laughter of joy and thankfulness. Sarah came to realize that with God nothing is impossible. He made this seemingly impossible promise come true to demonstrate His power and faithfulness.

How should I respond?
Is there a promise God has made to you that you might consider laughing at because it sounds impossible? He has promised to forgive you for your sins if you confess them to Him (1 John 1:9). Does this sound too good to be true? He has also promised that you will not be tempted beyond what you are able to handle (1 Cor. 13:10). Is there an area of your life in which you feel pressure to give in or give up? Talk to God today about His promises. Ask Him for help in understanding and believing them. Trust God to turn your doubt into rejoicing and thankfulness for His promises.

January 20, 2022


Read – Matthew 14

What does it say?
Hearing John the Baptist was dead, Jesus showed compassion, healed many, and fed 5,000. He walked on the stormy lake to His disciples, and Peter walked with Him.

What does it mean?
As Jesus showed sympathy and affection for the people around Him, the disciples grew in their comprehension of His identity as God’s Son. That knowledge allowed them to do the impossible as they served Jesus. When they faced difficulties and dangers, He helped them at just the right time. Although Jesus performed the miracle of feeding the 5,000, His disciples distributed the food and collected the leftovers. Only Peter, though, had the desire and courage to ask to walk on water to Jesus. He momentarily let fear distract him, but he refocused by calling on Jesus and was rescued.

How should I respond?
What in your life cannot be explained except for Jesus? It’s an adventure and a privilege to trust Him outside your comfort zone and natural abilities. At your darkest hour, Jesus comes and invites you to walk with Him above your circumstances, doing what seems impossible. If you falter, focus on Jesus and pray. He will sustain you until the storm ends. Ask God for growing comprehension of Jesus’ power. He is greater than the trouble you are in and the danger you face. What does God want you to do that seems beyond your capabilities? Fix your gaze on Jesus and join Him in doing the impossible.

January 19, 2020


Read – Genesis 20

What does it say?
Once again, Abraham instructed Sarah to say she was his sister, and Abimelech took her into his harem. God appeared to Abimelech to warn him of the outcome if he treated Sarah as a wife.

What does it mean?
Abraham seemed to have forgotten the lesson from his previous experience in Egypt when he was untruthful about his relationship with Sarah. Rather than learning from his past mistakes, he repeated the sin of deceit and once more caused Sarah’s virtue to be vulnerable. Abraham was blinded by his own fear rather than focused on Sarah’s safety. God protected her this time as well, but He allowed Abimelech to publicly reprimand Abraham, the future father of God’s people.

How should I respond?
Those who don’t learn from the past are doomed to repeat it! We’ve all had moments of repeated consequences because we did not learn our lesson the first time. What words or behavior from the past week do you need to avoid in the future? How did God act in mercy or use someone to correct you? Learning from mistakes requires an understanding of why you behaved that way in the first place. Did you act or speak out of fear, pride, or discouragement? Ask God for help with the underlying issue. Thank Him for the grace He has shown you and move on!

January 19, 2022


Read – Matthew 13

What does it say?
Jesus taught the crowds using parables.

What does it mean?
A parable is a story that illustrates a truth by making a comparison and is meant to awaken spiritual interest, but its underlying truth cannot be understood by those whose hearts are set against Jesus. These parables illustrate several truths of life and various responses to the gospel. A prevailing message in these parables is: Christ knows those who are truly His. Jesus’ return will be a day of accountability and justice. Until then, those who receive Jesus as Savior live alongside those who reject Him. However, even true believers sometimes choose wickedness over righteousness.

How should I respond?
We live in a world where righteousness and wickedness coexist. Even followers of Christ have the potential for both good and evil choices. Are you making choices that are consistent with your identity as a Christian? Ask God to help you apply the truth of His Word to your daily life. On the other hand, if you continually find yourself without enthusiasm for the things of God, or you are easily dissuaded from following His ways, then stop and examine whether or not you have truly placed your faith in Christ. When He returns, Jesus will separate those who belong to Him from those just playing church.

January 18, 2020


Read – Genesis 19

What does it say?
The wickedness in Sodom and Gomorrah finally resulted in God’s total destruction of those cities. After fleeing with their father, Lot’s daughters conspired to seduce him.

What does it mean?
The depth of evil in Sodom and Gomorrah demanded that a holy God intercede with judgment. Lot had gradually moved from living toward Sodom to being part of the city. Though Lot was a righteous man and grieved by ‘the lawless deeds he saw and heard’ (II Peter 2:7-8), his hesitation to leave and his wife’s backward glance are indications that they were far too comfortable living among the wicked. It was by the Lord’s mercy that the angels took the four of them by the hand and led them out to safety. The sordid manipulation of Lot by his daughters is clear evidence that they had embraced the thinking and lifestyle of the cities in which they had lived.

How should I respond?
You don’t have to look far to see evidence of depravity in our society. Moral values are almost a thing of the past. What sinful behavior grieves your heart? What worldly attitudes have you allowed to infiltrate your thinking so slowly that it’s hardly noticeable? Take a mental inventory of the entertainment choices and friends who influence your thoughts and behavior. You can’t impact the world if you’re isolated from it, but neither can you be an effective witness for Christ if you’ve grown accustomed to sin. Commit to read God’s Word every day, allowing Him to be the chief influence in your heart and mind. It’s not easy to stand alone, but God can enable you to live a holy life that draws others to Him.

January 18, 2022


Read – Matthew 12|What does it say?
Jesus answered the Pharisees’ accusation by proclaiming He is Lord of the Sabbath. He condemned the religious leaders’ unbelief, but gave them the sign of Jonah.

What does it mean?
Just as Isaiah foretold (42:1-4), Jesus was loving, meek, and gentle as He healed and delivered people by the power of God’s Spirit. The needy and hopeless flocked to Him while the Jewish leaders clung to the formality of religious traditions, rejected Him as Messiah, and plotted to kill Him. Jesus’ actions on the Sabbath demonstrated that compassion takes precedence over traditional rules. Each person had a responsibility to make a decision concerning Jesus for which they will be held accountable. There is hope for all who trust Jesus as Savior because He is Lord over all.

How should I respond?
What does the name of Jesus mean to you? Jesus still has power over the physical and supernatural realms, and He has power over all that concerns you. That wonderful name is the source of hope to all who recognize Jesus as the Savior and come to Him in faith. Hope in Him and assurance of final justice have a transformative effect on your daily mindset and behavior. How will you answer life’s ultimate question: What decision have you made concerning Jesus? Tell Him you recognize His Lordship over you and everything in your life, yield to Him, and watch in awe as He strengthens you in hope.

January 17, 2020


Read – Genesis 18

What does it say?
The Lord, along with two angels, appeared to Abraham in the form of men. He again foretold the birth of Isaac, as well as the fall of the wicked cities of the plains.

What does it mean?
As three men approached Abraham and Sarah’s home, Abraham recognized that these were not ordinary men but angels accompanying the Lord Himself. The Lord spoke to Abraham as a friend (James 2:23), telling him of the coming destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. With great humility and heartfelt emotion, Abraham entreated the Lord for the lives of the people living there. Abraham displayed boldness in asking God over and over to show leniency to the wicked in order to save the righteous. It is to Abraham’s credit that he desired mercy, rather than judgment, on those wicked cities.

How should I respond?
We like to talk about God’s love, but we rarely discuss God’s judgment on sin, which can fall at any time on any nation. Intercession for the world around you is the responsibility of every follower of Christ. What specific things are you praying about that could change the direction of your community and nation? Do you honestly desire God’s mercy for those who live contrary to His commands? How often do you pray that your neighbors, government leaders, and those in authority would repent and come to Christ? Start today. Be intentional. It might be your boldness that brings a community to Christ.

January 17, 2022


Read – Psalm 8

What does it say?
The Lord’s name is more majestic than any on Earth, deserving of praise. Considering the greatness of God’s creation – why has He given mankind glory, honor, and care?

What does it mean?
Even though David only had a glimpse into the vast nature of our universe, he felt insignificant when he looked at the world around him and contemplated the God who created it all with such detail and precision. Still, this awesome God created people, gave them rule over everything He created, and paid attention to their lives. Out of all the living things He made, why would God give such attention to mankind? Unlike birds, fish, and sheep, people were created in God’s own image. Mankind alone is capable of having a relationship with the Lord, giving more than enough reason to recognize His glory and praise His excellent, majestic name.

How should I respond?
The longer you’re around something, the more likely you are to take it for granted. Depending on where you live, you might regularly see beautiful mountain vistas, the wide open plain, or the expanse of the ocean on the horizon. But when was the last time you stopped to contemplate what you were seeing? Plan some time this week to hike a mountain, watch the sun rise or set, or gaze at the stars. When you reach your destination, read Psalm 8 as an act of worship. You’ll likely leave that place with a new sense of wonder and renewed appreciation for your relationship with our awesome God.

January 16, 2020


Read – Genesis 17

What does it say?
God gave new names to Abraham and Sarah, enlarged His promises, and established the sign of the covenant—circumcision.

What does it mean?
Changing Abram and Sarai’s names to Abraham (‘father of many’) and Sarah (‘princess’), reinforced the fact that God would keep his long-awaited promise of a family. Their new names symbolized a new identity in Him and a future that rested in God’s hands. Circumcision would be the sign of God’s covenant with Abraham and Isaac, the son of promise, setting apart God’s chosen people from the others in the land. Abraham demonstrated his faith in all God told him by immediately and fully obeying.

How should I respond?
As a believer, you also have a new identity – ‘child of God.’ That identity gives you a new future in Christ and entitles you to the promises God has made to all who call Him, ‘Father’ (Galatians 3:14). God’s promises in the New Testament are His new covenant with you through Jesus Christ. That covenant is sealed through the circumcision of your heart—symbolic of the change made in your life by accepting Jesus as Lord (2 Cor. 5:17). How is your identity in Christ evident to those around you? Your obedience to God’s Word demonstrates your faith in His promises.

January 16, 2022


Read – Psalm 7

What does it say?
David called on God to search his heart and mind – as well as that of his enemy – then judge righteously. He gave thanks and praise to the righteous Lord Most High.

What does it mean?
David wrote this Psalm in response to something said about him by a Benjamite named Cush. While it’s not stated, it’s likely that Cush was a member of Saul’s court who had been filling the king’s mind with lies about David (1 Sam. 24:9). Since nothing is hidden from God, David asked Him to uncover each man’s motives and reveal the truth. He trusted God as the righteous Ruler and Judge of all. Whatever action He decided to take or not take would be just. He left it with God who acts justly toward all.

How should I respond?
You’ll probably have to deal with difficult people as long as you live. How do your responses to those people compare with David’s in today’s passage? If an accusation has been made, humbly ask God to show you if any part of it is based in truth. Ask Him to search your heart and mind regarding whether you have a blind spot on that issue and then leave it with God. That doesn’t mean you never pray about it again, but your prayers should reflect humble acknowledgment of who God is – the Lord Most High, the righteous Judge. Anything He decides is right. What situation or relationship do you need to pray about right now and then leave in God’s righteous hands?

January 15, 2020


Read – Genesis 16

What does it say?
Sarai urged Abram to have a child by her handmaiden, Hagar. The resulting conflict caused Hagar to flee to the desert where God comforted her before sending her back.

What does it mean?
Sarai’s grief at remaining barren caused her to take matters into her own hands. Fathering a child by a wife’s handmaiden was a common practice, but it was not how God intended to fulfill His promise to Abram. Sarai’s desire to control the situation, as well as Abram’s conceding, resulted in strife and discord in their home. But God didn’t simply remove Hagar and continue with His plan. The Lord’s care for her in the wilderness demonstrated that He saw her, knew her situation, and loved her. Abram and Sarai would have to live with the consequences of their choice.

How should I respond?
We love to be in control, trusting our own logic and common sense to solve issues in which we can’t see God at work. In what situation are you about to take matters into your own hands, like Sarai? But taking control also means taking the consequences of your actions. Being impatient can cause even more difficulties than you’re dealing with at the present time. Are you, like Hagar, going through a wilderness experience? Have you been driven to a place of hopelessness? As a believer, Christ has promised to never leave you. He sees you and wants to comfort you right now—where you are.

January 15, 2022


Read – Matthew 11

What does it say?
Jesus answered John the Baptist’s question concerning His identity. He commended John, pronounced judgment on the unrepentant, and invited all to come to Him.

What does it mean?
John the Baptist was put in prison for doing what God called him to do. His honest question concerning Jesus’ identity was answered by Jesus’ works, which Isaiah prophesied to be works of the Messiah (Isaiah 35:5-6; 61:1). Jesus commended John as the messenger foretold by Isaiah. Both John and Jesus proclaimed God’s message, yet the majority of that generation were not responsive and would be held accountable in relation to the truth revealed to them. Still, Jesus invited all who would recognize Him as Messiah to come in childlike faith and find rest from sin’s penalty and life’s burdens.

How should I respond?
Life doesn’t always go as you think it should, even when you’re doing exactly what God has directed you to do. Circumstances do not define you. Your identity is found in your relationship to Jesus and your choice to fulfill God’s plan. Have you come to Christ in childlike faith and repentance for salvation? Jesus will answer your questions. He is your closest friend. What situation burdens you? Bring it to Jesus. The majority may reject Christ, but He invites you to find ease, relief, and rest for your soul in Him.

January 14, 2020


Read – Genesis 15

What does it say?
God understood when Abram expressed disappointment that he remained childless. The Lord again restated His will and covenant. He also foretold what the years would bring to the future nation.

What does it mean?
Abram and Sarai were distressed about their childless state. God reminded Abram that He was all he needed, but Abram’s response showed his discouragement that the promise of a child from God had not been fulfilled. As Abram poured out his distress, God re-affirmed His covenant, showing His constant care for Abram’s concerns and needs. God caused Abram to fall into a deep sleep, during which he had a vision of the future nation that would come from his offspring. God will fulfill His promise in His time.

How should I respond?
What are you currently waiting on God for? Has it been so long that it seems God has forgotten you? It is easy to think He has answered, ‘No’ when He may be saying, ‘Wait.’ During those times, being patient for God’s answer increases your faith. Like Abram, tell God exactly how you feel. He cares for you enormously and wants to meet your needs in His way and in His time. A deeper knowledge of His Word will always encourage you. Make a list of the verses that admonish you to ‘wait on the Lord’ and memorize them. He never changes, and His promises are true and constant. Continue to trust that God is working out His timeline in your circumstances. He will never fail you.

January 14, 2022


Read – Matthew 10

What does it say?
Jesus sent His disciples to preach, heal, and deliver. He prepared them with a warning of persecution and gave assurance of God’s sovereign care and the Holy Spirit’s help.

What does it mean?
As Jesus sent His disciples out, He prepared them for their immediate mission and their lifework after His ascension. Jesus called His followers to put aside their own agenda, identify with Him, and meet the needs of others. Serving Him wholeheartedly meant facing persecution because those who rejected Jesus would reject His followers. Even their strongest ties had to take second place to Jesus. These men would see many come to faith in Christ as God accomplished His plan. The cost of discipleship was great, but the joy of living for God’s purpose led to a triumphant life and God’s reward.

How should I respond?
Christ calls you to give your life to Him and hold all other relationships loosely. Open confession of Christ with a commitment to serve Him may lead to misunderstanding, rejection, and even persecution. Is your commitment to Christ selfless and fearless, or are there situations where you’re intimidated and silent concerning your faith? Fear is banished by confidence in God’s continual presence, and the pain of rejection is abated by your awareness of pleasing Him. Living for Christ requires selflessness and courage, but results in fulfillment and reward. How will you further God’s purpose today?

January 13, 2020


Read – Genesis 14

What does it say?
When Sodom was attacked, Abram left immediately to free Lot and the captives.

What does it mean?
Lot had moved from living “toward” the sinful city of Sodom to living in it as a resident. When Sodom came under attack, he and his neighbors were taken prisoner in battle. Abram gathered his servants and allies and successfully rescued all the captives. The king of Sodom desired to reward Abram, who declined the overture, desiring that only God get credit for his wealth. He wanted nothing to do with anything from that wicked city. Instead of accepting riches, Abram paid homage to Melchizedek, introduced in this chapter as a priest of the Most High God.

How should I respond?
Like Lot, it’s impossible for a believer to live close to “the world” without eventually suffering for it. Who in your family or circle of friends is in some type of captivity due to a sinful habit or lifestyle? Are you willing to come to their aid? Ask God for the wisdom and strength to face the challenge. What about you? What temptations inch you closer and closer to thoughts and actions that displease the Lord? It’s impossible to tip-toe around the edge of sin without eventually falling in. Like Abram, keeping the proper distance will give you the proper perspective.

January 13, 2022


Read – Matthew 9

What does it say?
Jesus forgave sin, healed and delivered as He interacted with men, women and children. He called Matthew to be a disciple and had dinner with outcasts.

What does it mean?
Throughout this chapter, people put faith in Jesus to meet their needs and the needs of loved ones. One group was so motivated by their conviction that Jesus had power to heal that they went to great effort to get their friend to Him. While raising the ruler’s dead daughter to life and healing the demon-possessed man caused more spectacle, the woman who touched the hem of Jesus’ garment received healing quietly. The friends, the ruler, and the woman came to Jesus convinced that He could and would help them. He responded to each situation in compassion. They looked to Jesus in complete trust and dependence and were not disappointed.

How should I respond?
Faith in Jesus expressed through prayer and worship releases God’s power. Prayer is a wonderful mystery. God is not dependent on our prayers, yet He invites us to pray in faith with expectation that He will act on our behalf. He always answers either yes, no, or wait. What personal situation should you bring to Jesus? Who has God reminded you to pray for? Will you call them today and pray with them, taking them into Jesus’ presence? Each need, whether it seems big or small, will be met with compassion.

January 12, 2020


Read – Genesis 13

What does it say?
Abram began the journey back to Bethel as soon as the famine ended. Recurring strife between the herdsmen of Abram and Lot made a parting of ways necessary.

What does it mean?
Abram had grown very rich in Egypt, and now the large herds of Abram and Lot were too much for that area of Canaan. Abram generously and unselfishly gave his younger kinsman first choice of the land, showing his desire for restoring the strained relationship. Lot saw the fertile area around Sodom and selected what seemed the best soil without taking into account the wickedness of the people. Abram continued traveling to Hebron, again building an altar of worship where God re-affirmed His covenant.

How should I respond?
Often, loving your neighbor and family requires sacrifice. In fact, we’re often more generous with acquaintances than with the people we live with! With whom in your family do you have a strained relationship? What opportunity will you have this week to put their needs before your own? When you do, you are fulfilling the second most important commandment in Scripture (Matthew 22:37-40). Will you, like Abram, trust God enough to give up what seems to be “the best”? Keeping the peace may require some sacrifice on your part, but your actions will honor God before your entire family.

January 12, 2022


Read – Matthew 8

What does it say?
Jesus healed the sick, calmed the storm, and delivered two demon-possessed men. He warned followers that discipleship is costly.

What does it mean?
Jesus demonstrated authority over sickness, nature, and supernatural beings – authenticating that He is the Messiah promised by the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 53:4). As Jesus revealed His power, He also showed compassion for suffering people, touching them with healing and deliverance. He proved Himself more powerful than the crises of life. Jesus’ love and power can overcome fear of illness, natural calamities, and even supernatural forces.

How should I respond?
Jesus cares for you and has power to help you overcome in any challenging situation you may face. That is life-altering truth. In great love He empathizes with your need. In great authority He stoops to touch you with His power to deliver or be your companion through any disease or danger. What situation has shaken your security? Will you look to Jesus and trust Him with your greatest personal need? You never have reason to doubt God’s care. Jesus has power to change your circumstances if that is best. He also has power to enable you to overcome in your circumstances. Invite Him into your need today.

January 11, 2022


Read – Matthew 7

What does it say?
Jesus gave instruction not to judge, but to discern and pray. He spoke of two gates, two trees, and two foundations as He challenged all who heard Him to choose wisely.

What does it mean?
The Sermon on the Mount encouraged the development of discernment and right thinking. While the Law demanded external acts that could lead to a superior or critical attitude, Jesus offered a relationship with Himself and internal renewal by the Holy Spirit leading to wisdom, fruitfulness, and stability. There are different paths to take, different kinds of fruit to bear, and different foundations one can lay, but Christ promised discernment to all who ask for His guidance. The teachings of Jesus are the basis for a successful and meaningful life through wise decision-making and behavior.

How should I respond?
The topics in the Sermon on the Mount are timeless (Matt. 5-7); however, they directly contradict most of the messages in current entertainment and social media. Where does your thinking conflict with Jesus’ teaching? Who is the final authority in your decisions – self, common sense, or Scripture? Ask God to help you grasp what Jesus taught and begin the process of adjusting your thoughts, decisions, and behavior to please Him. You’ll develop greater wisdom and discernment by recognizing and receiving Jesus’ words as the foundation for your life.

January 10, 2022


Read – Psalm 6

What does it say?
After weeping all night, David asked God to mercifully deliver his anguished body and soul. God heard David’s cries for help.

What does it mean?
The first penitential psalm shows the agony involved when the full weight of sin is realized through the conviction of the Holy Spirit. The particular sin isn’t named in this undated psalm, but it’s generally thought to be the murder of Uriah after David committed adultery with Bathsheba. David’s words suggest that God allowed him to suffer from a severe illness before he repented. At the same time, enemies were trying to kill him. The physical and mental agony was so intense that David wept all night long – so much that he couldn’t see clearly. He longed to worship God with a clear conscience and restore the intimacy in their relationship. God’s mercy was David’s only assurance that God would answer his prayers and inflict the same kind of conviction on his foes.

How should I respond?
Too often we fail to realize the full weight of our sin. It may feel more like a pinprick than a gaping wound in our spirit. We’re more apt to shed tears over the consequences of sin than its effect on our moment-by-moment fellowship with Christ. Perhaps we seldom feel the agony described in this Psalm because we lack deep intimacy with the Lord to start with. What current sin in your life grieves the heart of God? Don’t trivialize it; turn and face it head on. Allow the convicting power of the Holy Spirit to mercifully be your road back to an abiding relationship with Christ. Will you use Psalm 6 as your personal prayer today?

January 9, 2022


Read – Psalm 5

What does it say?
David took refuge in the Lord, expecting Him to answer his prayers.

What does it mean?
When David wrote this Psalm, he was hiding from Saul, who thought David wanted his throne. Every morning David asked for God’s help, stayed focused on God’s character, and anticipated God’s deliverance. He learned things about God through hardship that he never would have learned any other way. David’s acceptance of God’s sovereignty and timing became a natural part of his life. This period increased his knowledge of and dependence on God, molding him into the man who became Israel’s greatest and most beloved king.

How should I respond?
God already knows every difficulty you’re facing. Even so, it’s important to take each situation to Him in prayer because it builds your faith and increases your dependence on Him. You may have to resist the urge to take matters into your own hands while you wait, but manipulation has no place in the life of a believer. Choose instead to trust the character of the One in whom you have placed your faith. God will bless, protect, and show favor to His children, even though that doesn’t always look the way we expect it to look. Like David, the Lord may be using this period of waiting to do something in your heart and character that couldn’t happen any other way.

January 8, 2022


Read – Matthew 6

What does it say?
Jesus taught His listeners to pray and do good works privately, avoiding public exhibitions. He instructed them to seek God first and trust Him to meet every need.

What does it mean?
Jesus reminded His audience to check their motives, adjust their priorities, and trust God. His followers should adjust their priorities to honor God rather than seek praise through self-promotion. It’s human nature to try to impress other people by publicly displaying good deeds, but even good things are hypocritical when done from wrong motives. Believers should value what endures for eternity. God sees all that is done, is aware of every need, and is trustworthy to reward those who live to honor Him. A believer’s priority is to please God rather than to be seen and praised by others.

How should I respond?
What are you doing in order to make yourself look good to others? It’s exhausting and frustrating when your purpose is to fulfill the expectations of friends and family or to impress other Christians. The practice of your faith is between you and God primarily, not you and others. You honor God when you live before Him, an audience of one, and do works that further the cause of Christ privately, when possible. Trusting and honoring God takes precedence over promoting yourself. What will you do today to honor God? He will give you lasting treasure when your first goal is His glory.

January 7, 2022


Read – Matthew 5

What does it say?
Jesus taught the Beatitudes in His Sermon on the Mount and explained how to truly fulfill the Law of God.

What does it mean?
Jesus revealed a new standard for thinking and behavior in every area of life. His teachings explained that being a part of His kingdom meant doing more than keeping religious traditions and outwardly fulfilling the Law. No one who heard the Sermon on the Mount was capable of living up to His teaching without a heart transformed by His righteousness. He explained that godly character would produce happiness and personal joy when faced with hardship, misunderstanding, or persecution. Life lived this way would not be easy, but it would be blessed as well as influential.

How should I respond?
Living for Christ means going beyond keeping up an appearance. His teachings expose wrong motives and thoughts. In which area do you need to respond to Jesus’ teaching: influence, conflict, purity, marriage, forgiveness, love? As you consider relationships with family members, work associates, and friends, you may recognize a specific attitude or behavioral change you need to make. Ask the Lord to give you thinking and desires that align with His teachings. As you replace old self-centered thoughts with godly attitudes, He can then bless you with true joy and lasting happiness.

January 6, 2022


Read – Matthew 4

What does it say?
The Holy Spirit led Jesus into the desert where Satan tempted Him. Jesus began to preach, call followers, and heal all kinds of sickness.

What does it mean?
Satan came to Jesus while He was alone with suggestions that, as the Son of God, He could satisfy His physical needs, gain popularity, and obtain world power without suffering. Jesus overcame the temptation because He knew how to apply God’s Word in each situation. The victory completed His preparation for ministry. His preaching and healing ministry included works expected of the Messiah, validating Him as the Savior and causing some to leave their businesses and families to become His disciples. Jesus set the example that faithfulness in private prepares the way for fruitfulness in public.

How should I respond?
Everyone has a public image for all to see as well as a private spiritual life that only God knows. Your commitment to godly thoughts and behavior in private will likely determine the influence of your life on others. Daily private victories come through saturating your mind with God’s Word, prayer, and submitting to His will. What tempts you to take matters into your own hands? Don’t panic. Find what God has directed you to do in the Bible and trust Him. When you emerge from the struggle successfully, God will be glorified, and you will have a greater impact on others.

January 5, 2022


Read – Matthew 3

What does it say?
John the Baptist prepared for Jesus’ coming by preaching repentance and baptizing. When John baptized Jesus, the Spirit descended, and God the Father spoke.

What does it mean?
John the Baptist courageously preached a radical message of repentance from sin. His ministry prepared God’s people for the Messiah, Jesus. Israel’s leaders thought being Jewish made them acceptable to God, but John preached that a change leading to different thinking and behavior was necessary. Only sorrow for sin can prepare hearts to receive the Savior. When Jesus came for baptism as the sinless Son of God, He identified with every repentant sinner who would be baptized with the Spirit. God the Father and God the Holy Spirit affirmed God the Son as He began His earthly mission.

How should I respond?
Calling for repentance from sin is as much a radical message today as it was in the first century. Have you repented of sin and personally received Jesus’ payment for your sin? When God convicts you of thoughts, words, or actions that are not Christ-like, do you defend yourself or agree with His assessment and confess it? Conviction of sin and repentance prepare the heart to receive Jesus as Savior. Continuing repentance enables you to maintain companionship with Him. What sin causes you sorrow? Will you make the radical choice and determine to turn from it today?

January 4, 2022


Read – Matthew 2

What does it say?
The wise men followed the star and worshiped Jesus in Bethlehem. Joseph, Mary, and Jesus fled to Egypt but later returned to live in Nazareth.

What does it mean?
The birth of Jesus brought hope for mankind, but also ignited extreme opposition. Herod felt so threatened by the news of a prophesied king’s birth that he issued a decree to kill any child born around the time the star appeared. But not even Herod had power to stop the Lord from intervening. God honored the astronomers’ desire to find and worship the Messiah they read about in Scripture. God’s warnings then led Joseph and Mary, as well as the wise men, to change their plans, protecting each of them. The Savior’s life was preserved as a result of God’s guidance and their obedience.

How should I respond?
You might think it would be easier to follow the Lord if He sent an angel to tell you exactly what to do in a difficult situation. Well, God still guides and protects us through biblical warnings, commands, and principles. God will give direction as you search the Bible for wisdom and truth in similar situations. Will you make the Word of God your primary resource for decision-making? Listen for repeated impressions from the Spirit; then respond quickly when God intervenes with guidance. God desires to guide you into His plan for your life, but you must be willing to trust Him completely.

January 3, 2022


Read – Psalms 3-4

What does it say?
David trusted God to be his deliverer, even though numerous enemies pursued him. He looked to the Lord, who is merciful and righteous, and slept in peace.

What does it mean?
David was on the run from his treacherous son Absalom, who had not only stolen his father’s throne, but had also sought to end his life. Amidst desperate circumstances David’s heart was peaceful enough to get a good night’s sleep. How? He knew he stood on God’s side and had confidence in God’s ability to deliver him. As he lay down for the night, David prayed for relief, choosing to focus on what he knew to be true – his righteous and merciful God listens to and protects His people. A low point in the king’s life became an opportunity to experience the sustaining presence of his Lord.

How should I respond?
Worry and despair can rob you of much needed rest. When you’re in the middle of a sleepless night, you can either focus on the issue keeping you awake, or you can talk to the One who knows you and the problem inside and out. Tell God how you feel, look for reasons to express gratitude, and praise Him for aspects of His character that are especially relevant to the situation. Then release your anxiety to Him and willingly accept however He chooses to act. The peace of God is not a product of changing /by

January 2, 2022


Read – Psalms 1-2

What does it say?
God blesses and watches over the righteous. The Lord’s Anointed King will rule and judge the earth. Wise rulers are blessed and given refuge as they serve and honor Him.

What does it mean?
Psalm 1 offers a stark contrast between the righteous and the wicked. Both are defined by how they spend their time and the outcome of their life’s pursuits. The godly person finds purpose in life by reading and contemplating Scripture instead of listening to ungodly sources of advice. While the watchful eye of the Lord guides those who belong to Him, the one who rejects the Lord has chosen to live outside of His protection. Psalm 2 reveals the future wrath of God’s Son on people who continue to reject Him. Those who are wise find refuge in the Son and serve Him rather than conspire against Him.

How should I respond?
How you spend your time says a lot about you. Would your current pursuits be characterized as godly? Think about how each interest originated. Did you follow the leading of the Holy Spirit after praying and meditating on God’s Word? Or, have people who reject God’s authority in their own lives influenced you? As a follower of Christ, you are covered in His righteousness, giving you a different life and future than those who have rejected Him. Today, determine to pursue only what reflects God’s purpose and the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

January 1, 2022


Read – Matthew 1

What does it say?
The angel’s message to Joseph confirmed that Mary was the virgin through whom the Holy Spirit would send the long-awaited Messiah.

What does it mean?
Matthew’s Gospel was written to first century Jews who were waiting for the promised Messiah. Jesus’ ancestry fulfilled the requirement that the Messiah would come from the line of Abraham through King David. Mary’s pregnancy through the Holy Spirit and Jesus’ virgin birth into the household of Joseph proved His Messianic credentials. Matthew presented Jesus as the Christ who was promised in the covenants God made with Abraham and David. Immanuel, God with us, would be born in human flesh for the purpose of saving mankind from their sins.

How should I respond?
Who is Jesus? As Christians, we believe Jesus is the Savior who forgives and delivers us from sin, allowing companionship with Him each moment of every day. Do you claim Jesus as your Savior? If so, your life should demonstrate your love for and faith in Christ. How does His constant presence make a difference in your thoughts, attitudes, and actions? At school and work God gives opportunities for you to identify with Christ. Will you choose to live openly as a follower of Christ today? Who will you tell that Jesus is the Savior?

December 31, 2021


Read – Read Malachi 3:13-4:6

What does it say?
It seemed to the righteous that the wicked prospered, and the arrogant were blessed. God heard the righteous, reminding them that they were His treasured possession.

What does it mean?
The largest portions of the books of prophecy in the Old Testament are God’s warnings to the wicked that He will repay them, so when the righteous saw the wicked prosper, they wondered what was happening. It is easy to forget that the world is on God’s time clock – His agenda for punishing the wicked and rewarding the righteous. When the wicked see God at His return, they will be punished; but when those who are righteous see Him, they will rejoice. In the meantime, the Israelites were to remember the Law of Moses and await the Lord’s coming.

How should I respond?
When we see real-world injustice, we expect God should handle it immediately because He sees all things. After all, complex crimes are solved in less than an hour on TV shows – right? We have to remember that God promises us justice … in His time. Write three important words on a note: “I can wait.” Place the note where you can see it. Justice will come in due time – punishments for the wicked, rewards for the righteous, and forgiveness for those who put their trust in God. In the meantime, read the Bible, pray, and wait on God. That’s the essence of true faith.

December 30, 2021


Read – Read Malachi 3:7-12

What does it say?
God promised that if Israel would stop robbing Him and give a tenth of all they had to Him, He would bless their farmland and its produce.

What does it mean?
Israel was primarily an agrarian society. The people were farmers and raised livestock. God promised to bless the land itself and their livestock if they would remain faithful to Him and bring an offering of “first fruits” at harvest time. Throughout their history, God caused famines to fall on their land during times of disobedience. In today’s passage we see that the Israelites were skimping on their tithes and offerings. God promised that if they would start giving their harvest and other offerings again, He would bless their land richly. All they had to do was trust Him and obey.

How should I respond?
God does not need our money. The Bible tells us that He owns the cattle on a thousand hills (Ps. 50:10). All the heavens and the earth are His. We give a portion of our income as a form of worship – showing that we are thankful for all He has given to us. We give beyond that to help those in need. Did you know that only 3% of American families who attend church give a portion of their income to God on a regular basis? If giving a portion of your income to God is not part of your budget, revisit your budget, trusting the challenge in today’s passage. Give in faith, and see what God does with your faith.

December 29, 2021


Read – Read Malachi 2:17-3:6

What does it say?
The Israelites asked where the God of justice had gone. God responded that He Himself was on His way to His temple; and on that day, the wicked will be judged.

What does it mean?
Despite many cycles throughout Israel’s history of sin – punishment – repentance – salvation, they had yet to learn their lesson. The Lord is a holy, morally pure God and requires the same of His people. The Israelites of Malachi’s day were calling evil “good,” swearing false oaths, oppressing the widows, orphans, workers, and immigrants, and not fearing God. He promised to send a messenger (John the Baptist) to clear the way for God Himself (Jesus Christ) to come and set matters straight by taking the punishment of the wicked on the cross.

How should I respond?
Jesus does not ask us to repay Him for dying on the cross in our place. It would be an impossible debt to pay. Instead, our lives should “pay it forward” as we demonstrate His holy character and express gratitude for taking the punishment for our sins. Scripture teaches that pure religion is helping people in need, not mistreating the innocent (James 1:27). Do you know someone who is in need of help? The love that Jesus Himself showed on the cross should be all the motivation we need. Will you keep your eyes open today for someone who could use your help … and jump in?

December 28, 2021


Read – Read Malachi 2:10-16

What does it say?
Israel had acted treacherously against one another and against their wives. Therefore, God stopped accepting their sacrifices.

What does it mean?
Malachi understood that God’s design for marriage was that a husband and wife would form such an intimate bond with each other that they would be as “one flesh” (Gen. 2:24). They sinned against God by breaking their solemn vows to be faithful to each other, love each other, and help each other for a lifetime. Through Malachi, God expressed His displeasure that the Israelites had instead intermarried with people who worshiped false gods – polluting the moral and spiritual purity of Israel and raising a generation of children who may not follow in the ways of the Lord.

How should I respond?
Our nation is only as strong as the homes in it. While Satan wants to destroy marriages and lead children astray, God wants healthy marriages and families that point children toward Him. How often do you pray for the homes in your church and community? Make a list of seven families you know, and then pray for one family each day of the week. Ask God to help marriage vows to be honored deeply and faithfully. Ask Him to bless the children and guide the parents to lead them toward God in everything that is said and done. Who can you ask to pray that your marriage and family will honor God?

December 27, 2021


Read – Read Malachi 1:6-2:9

What does it say?
God accused the Israelites of despising His name by offering blind and lame animals as sacrifices.

What does it mean?
God had given Moses many specific laws for Israel and the priests to follow when offering and receiving sacrifices for sin, fellowship, and worship. The hearts of the givers were to be humble and the sacrifices pure – without blemishes or spots. He instructed Israel to give their best to show that they recognized Him as their Lord and God. The people disobeyed, and the priests became apathetic about the purity and majesty of worship, blatantly accepting deficient sacrifices. Because they offended God, He would curse even the things that had been previously blessed.

How should I respond?
Jesus suffered and died as a sacrifice for us. He is our once-and-for-all sin offering without any moral blemish or spot. Because of Jesus, we need not bring a sin offering to church on Sundays. However, we can give things that we value as a form of worship and fellowship. For instance, do you make every effort to give God the best of your time or just what’s left over after your agenda is completed? The next time requests for volunteers conflicts with something you had planned, consider giving that time as if to say, “Here, Lord, this is my best for you.”