2017 Week 42 – John 13:15

Welcome to our 42nd week of memorizing scripture together in 2017 – Our primary source for memorization is the NKJV.

This week is – John 13:15

For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you.

Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you this verse. Read the verse out loud 5 times a day, by yourself, with your family, with your Life Group.

NIV – I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.

NLT – I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done to you.

Spanish – porque ejemplo os he dado para que, como yo os he hecho, vosotros también hagáis.

Korean – 내가 너희에게 한 일을 너희도 실천하게 하려고 내가 모범을 보였다.

Russian – Ибо Я дал вам пример, чтобы и вы делали то же, что Я сделал вам.

Quiché – Ri in nu yoˈm jun cˈutbal chiwäch rech ri ix xukujeˈ jeˈ quibano jas ri nu banom in chiwe.