May 29, 2023


Read – Deuteronomy 27

What does it say?
God gave the Israelites instructions for an altar upon which all of God’s laws were to be clearly written.

What does it mean?
God instructed the Israelites to create monuments as reminders of His mercy, grace, and justice. The altar He commanded them to build would take hard work but would be a visual reminder for them as well as for future generations. After reciting a list of laws, they were to write them all on the altar. They heard the Word of God. They recited the Word of God. Then they made a representation of the Word of God. This is a timeless memory technique. The Lord was training His people to hide His Word in their hearts. He is a great teacher!

How should I respond?
God knows that if we are faithful to Him, we will discover greater and greater joys that can only come from being close to Him. That’s why scripture memorization is so important. Start with one verse on an index card and place it where you’ll see it. Read it often and repeat it out loud. Ask God to teach you the meaning of the words and show you how to apply them to your life. Once you begin to memorize His Word and surround yourself with reminders of God, you’ll realize the comfort, joy, and guidance that come from hiding His promises in your heart and mind.

You Asked For It: What is Worship?


Charles Billingsley


What is Worship ?

A. What worship is not

B. What worship is

The simplest definition of worship is also the central theme of scripture and it is called the greatest commandment….you find it in Deut. 6:4-5 and then Jesus reminds us again in Mark 12:30  ”Love the Lord your God with all your whole heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.”  That’s worship.  Simply loving God.

What is worship?

It’s a two word answer packed with the secret to living:

Loving God.

Colossians 1:15 

He is the image of the invisible God,

the firstborn over all creation.

16 For everything was created by him,

in heaven and on earth,

the visible and the invisible,

whether thrones or dominions

or rulers or authorities—

all things have been created through him and for him.

17 He is before all things,

and by him all things hold together.

You were created to worship God!

Worship is humanity’s expression of thanksgiving to a supernatural and all forgiving and all loving creator.  It is setting our mind’s attention and our heart’s affection on The King of Kings and Lord of Lords in all that we do and with all that we are.  So worship should encompass every aspect of our lives. You can’t diminish  all that down to just a few songs in a church service.

Our very existence should be an all out, sold out, lived out, fleshed out, exclamation of the goodness and the grace and the glory of God!


How Do I worship God?  

Worship is a two-sided coin:



Anything and everything  you do that has the purpose of Glorifying God in your life is an act of worship.

Worship begins in the mind

Philippians 4:6-8

Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just,whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable—if there is any moral excellence and if there is anything praiseworthy—dwell on these things.

The mind is a powerful thing.  Our thoughts determine our actions.

It’s not what we think we are.  Rather, what we think, we are.

Proverbs 23:7 – “for as a man thinks in his heart, so is he!”


So what are we supposed to think about?  

8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.

Now I’d love to unpack each of these 8 words.  But for the sake of time, I’d like to dial in on just one word toward the end of this verse.  That word “praiseworthy.” – EPAINOS

The apostle Paul uses the greek word “Epainos” here. It is translated “worthy of Praise”.  “Epi” means “upon” and “ainos” means “praise.”  So this word could be simply translated “to heap praise upon.”  But the meaning that would translate best to us is “great applause or express approval.”  Paul is saying to us that we are to think upon those things in life that are worthy of applause!

Now, the list is endless as to why He is worthy of our praise. But before we get to a few of those, let me remind you that there are many roadblocks that stand in the way of a worship-filled mind.


What are some roadblocks that can hinder a lifestyle of worship? 

There are many.

Let me mention just a few that are prevalant in the church today:

  1.   Cultural distractions

Colossians 3:2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

Proverbs 4:23 – Above all else…guard your heart

  1.  A Condescending spirit
  1. A Critical tongue

James 3:10 From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so. 11 Does a spring pour forth from the same opening both fresh and salt water? 12 Can a fig tree, my brothers, bear olives, or a grapevine produce figs? Neither can a salt pond yield fresh water.

Writing this message has reminded me of how much I need to consistently work in my own life to rid my heart of these roadblocks to a worship-filled mind.  But once those roadblocks are out of the way, it opens up an unhindered pathway to the purest praise.


Why should I live a lifestyle of worship? 

Epainos – God is worthy of applause for:

  1. For What He has made

Let’s go bigger….

The Stars, the planets, the sun, the moon, the galaxies, and the expanse of the Heavens – all of which give us a glimpse of His eternal existence and glory.

Consider the Whirlpool Galaxy.

But lets bring it closer to home.

Andromeda Galaxy

The closest spiral galaxy to ours.  It’s only 2 million light years away.   It is racing towards the Milky Way galaxy at 110 kilometers per second.  At that rate, it will merge with the milky way in approximately 4 billion regular years.   But let’s bring it closer to home.

We live in the Milky Way Galaxy

There are hundreds of billions of stars in our galaxy alone, but within this galaxy is a tiny little cul-de-sac.  Our very own solar system.  And in our solar system there is just one star.

The Sun

Are you feeling small yet?  And God put all this into existence…with just 4 spoken words….Let there be light!

Little boy and His father illustration – pull up the picture of the starry night sky when the boy and His father walk outside at night.  I’ll make it obvious for you.

Take a moment and reflect on what He has made for us!  Can we do anything else BUT praise Him for all this?

Epainos!  – God is worthy of applause for what He has made!

  1. For What He has done

“For God so loved the world that He gave us His only begotten son!”

He gave us Jesus.

Jesus died on the cross and shed His innocent blood for us so that we might be saved!

He loved us when we didn’t deserve it.

He gave when He didn’t have to.

Has He ever pulled you out of a situation you didn’t know how to get out of?

Has He lifted you out of a financial burden for which you didn’t see a solution?

Has He ever healed your body or your soul?

Has He given you joy in the midst of sorrow?

Has He given you hope when you didn’t see a way out?

He is our living Hope!

He is the joy of our salvation!

He has provided for us endless grace and bountiful mercies that are new every morning!!

Oh my heart just bursts with praise as I think about all He has done for me.  And I’m sure yours will too….if you will just take the time to think on these things!

Epainos!  – God is worthy of our applause for what He has done!

  1. For Who He is

And did you think about this?  Jesus is the embodiment of every thing on this list Paul gives us in Phil. 4:8

Jesus is true. Jesus is noble.  Jesus is just.  Jesus is pure.  Jesus is lovely.  Jesus is of good report.  Jesus is virtuous.  Jesus is worthy of our applause.


He is great.

He is awesome.

He is Holy.

He is eternal

He is indescribable

He is worthy.

He is righteous.

He is almighty

He is healer

He is life-giver

He is forgiver

He is protector

He is provider

He is waymaker

He is chainbreaker

He is redeemer

He is rescuer

He is with us.

He is Savior

He is friend!

The bread of life

The Living water

The light of the world

The open door

The great shepherd

The son of man

The son of God

The resurrection and the life

The true Vine

A mighty fortress

All powerful


Prince of Peace

He is Wonderful

He is Counselor

He is My Deliverer

He is our helper

He is our guide

He is our refuge

Alpha and Omega

The first and the Last

Almighty Creator

Hope Giver

mountain mover

Miracle worker

Promise Keeper

Light in the darkness

The Way

The Truth

The Life

King of Kings

Lord of Lords

Judge over all the earth

Ruler over all of us

Sovereign over all there is

He IS GOD – the Great I AM!

And He is worthy of our standing Ovation!!


Praise be to Jesus…the One and Only!

May 28, 2023


Read – Deuteronomy 26

What does it say?
God set Israel aside as His special nation and put the tithe in place as a continual reminder of His deliverance, provision, and love.

What does it mean?
God wanted to remind the Israelites that He had brought them to this land and had given them the prosperity they currently enjoyed. Some of the first fruits of the land were to be placed in a basket and taken to the priest at the place God had chosen as a dwelling. As part of the ceremony, their deliverance from Egypt and the journey to the Promised Land was recounted. The ceremony was a public acknowledgment of the fact that they were serving a truly good and loving God who deserved their trust, love, and obedience.

How should I respond?
God is the Provider of everything we have. In return, we can offer back to God a portion of the time, money, and energy He gives us. How would your feelings about giving or volunteering at church change if you first stopped to recite all the ways God has been good and loving in your life? Start a list of things God has done to free you and lead you in your personal journey. Put it on your dashboard or on your closet door where you will see it before you head out to church. When we’re reminded of just how much we have to be thankful for, giving back to God is an easy thing to do.

May 27, 2023


Read – Deuteronomy 19

What does it say?
God set rules concerning manslaughter, property lines, and perjury.

What does it mean?
This passage communicates the value God places on justice and civil order. “Safe” cities were placed at regular intervals to limit personal vengeance. Any citizen could put himself under the protection of the city elders until he was found either guilty or innocent. Those causing an unintentional death would thereby not be subject to the same punishment as one who premeditated murder. Similarly, God established consequences for dishonesty in court and in the community. Judges ensured that dishonest persons suffered precisely the consequences they were trying to inflict on someone else.

How should I respond?
God is just, always seeking to protect the innocent. It stands to reason that His followers should pursue justice and fairness in their role as citizens and in their personal relationships. Are you retaliating against someone, even though the harm that person caused was unintentional? How have you laid claim to something that doesn’t belong to you and, in essence, moved the boundaries? Have you led someone to believe something that isn’t true? Ask God to give you His sense of justice. Look for opportunities to stand up and protect the innocent today.|For further reading, Deuteronomy 20-25.

May 26, 2023


Read – Deuteronomy 18

What does it say?
God warned Israel against those who practiced sorcery or posed as spiritual authorities. He also promised to send prophets who would speak God’s Word.

What does it mean?
God warned Israel about the various pagan practices of nations in the land they were about to enter. The Lord knew that some of their customs would intrigue the Israelites, enticing them to do deplorable things. While God declared that those nations would be driven out, He also added a promise: prophets would come who would speak His words directly to His people. A true prophet of God would be easily recognized – what the prophet of God spoke would come true. God would hold anyone directly accountable who didn’t listen to His prophet.

How should I respond?
There are influences in our culture that could lead us away from God, even if we don’t realize it. That’s why it’s so important to set aside time to read Scripture daily. We also benefit from the wisdom of those who have a greater understanding of the Bible. Which God-ordained authority are you listening to for direction in life? Check what they say against Scripture – does it match up? Make sure you’ve aligned yourself with those who speak God’s truth, not their own ideas or agenda. The more familiar you are with God’s Word, the easier it will be to spot those who are preaching error.

March 1, 2019


Read – Mark 14:53-15:32

What does it say?
Jesus was tried by the Jewish leaders and taken to Pilate, who ordered Jesus to be crucified. Throughout His trials and the Cross, Jesus was wholly submitted to God’s will.

What does it mean?
The Jewish council searched relentlessly to find evidence that would convict Jesus of a capital crime. Their court system required testimony confirmed by two witnesses – a requirement they ignored because of their hatred for Jesus. The council members broke their own rules to declare Him guilty and condemn Him to death. Although Pilate, the Roman governor, felt that Jesus was innocent, he succumbed to political pressure from the Jewish people, influenced by their religious leaders who had conspired to have Jesus crucified.

How should I respond?
The fact that Jesus was found guilty and sentenced to death is the most tragic injustice in history. No other event exposes the depth of man’s sin, yet reveals the splendor of our Lord’s love. Reading the account of His trial and suffering should have a profound effect on believers. He was innocent, yet He willingly endured such horrific treatment so we could be justified and blameless in God’s eyes. Think about the injustice that the Son endured to fulfill the Father’s plan to pay the penalty for your sin. How will your life today demonstrate gratitude for the price that Jesus willingly paid?

May 25, 2023


Read – Deuteronomy 16:18-17:20

What does it say?
God defined His standards for administering justice.

What does it mean?
As the government in Israel was being set up, Moses explained God’s principles on how justice was to be administered among His people. Since God’s justice was based on His law, obeying Him was the central principle. Judges and officials were to be appointed in every town to administer justice and enforce God’s laws without partiality. Making right decisions came as the result of understanding and explicitly following God’s commands. The expectation to “follow justice and justice alone” was directed to every member of the community – from king to judge to servant – regardless of the circumstances.

How should I respond?
After a highly publicized court case, the public often debates whether or not justice has been served. Many times it’s hard to tell. As followers of Christ, we have the comfort of knowing that God will ultimately administer justice wherever needed. To truly understand God’s justice, we need to invest time in learning and observing Scripture. Our job as Christian citizens is to follow the laws of the land and obey God’s commands. As you take a stand for what God says is right, you will be part of administering His justice in the world.

May 24, 2023


Read – Deuteronomy 16:1-17

What does it say?
Moses reviewed instructions for the celebration of Passover, the Feast of Weeks, and the Feast of Tabernacles.

What does it mean?
The feasts of Passover, Weeks, and Tabernacles were significant national events to the children of Israel. Three times a year the nation would come together to participate in specific acts of corporate worship. Focus was given to what God had done and what He was going to do. And, as a part of these events, each man would travel to a central location in Israel to bring offerings to God. These feasts were an opportunity to worship, reflect, and celebrate. They also served to keep the nation’s attention on the One who delivered them and the future that He promised.

How should I respond?
Failing to reflect on what God has previously done for us can hinder our ability to recognize what He is doing right now. The busyness of life often crowds out time to refocus, examine our priorities, and give God the recognition He deserves. How can you purposefully refocus your attention on God? What specific provision can you thank Him for? How has His love, mercy, grace, or holiness been evident to you this year? Starting right now, make spiritual reflection a regular practice. Then celebrate what God has done and worship Him for Who He is.

May 23, 2023


Read – Deuteronomy 14:22-15:19

What does it say?
God’s expectation for dealing with idolatry is made clear. Those who encouraged the Israelites to worship pagan gods were to be stoned to death.

What does it mean?
God’s financial plan for His people was defined by unbridled generosity. In the economy God created, the needs of every person were met in abundance. Giving was not just an expectation, but also the cornerstone of the nation’s financial practices. The poor were provided for and given the opportunity to prosper. Being soft-hearted would result in being openhanded with their wealth and possessions. And, unlike any other culture or civilization, ongoing debt was not allowed. God’s plan for financial prosperity was based upon His standard of perpetual and abundant generosity.

How should I respond?
Too often financial success, both personal and corporate, is measured solely on how much is acquired. For many, the concept of generosity is not an essential part of their lifestyle. But ask yourself: is this what God intended? His people were taught that prosperity and generosity were interwoven, not independent. Obstacles like debt can make prosperity and generosity seem an impossible ideal. How closely is your life aligned with God’s financial principles? How are you regularly practicing generosity? Determine today to make His standards the cornerstone of your financial life.|For further reading, Deuteronomy 14:1-21.

May 22, 2023


Read – Deuteronomy 13

What does it say?
God’s expectation for dealing with idolatry is made clear. Those who encouraged the Israelites to worship pagan gods were to be stoned to death.

What does it mean?
The children of Israel knew well that idolatry was a violation of the First Commandment. Because of the serious danger of idolatry to the entire community, mere avoidance of the pagan religious practices was not enough. Every individual had personal responsibility to make sure that any form of idolatry was eliminated. God expected His people to confront and remove anything that detracted from worshipping Him – no matter the source.

How should I respond?
There is a world of difference between avoidance and elimination. Allowing anything that draws you away from God to remain in your life leaves the opportunity to be tempted by it. What things has the Lord prompted you to eliminate completely? Do certain entertainment choices cause sinful thoughts? Which friendships put you in situations displeasing to Christ? Resolve to remove any hindrance to your relationship with God or your worship of Him. Don’t delay – the time to act is now.

You Asked For It: Sharing My Faith


Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Question 1: How do I share my faith without being weird?

Answer 1:  Just be you

1 Timothy 1:12-13 I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength to do his work. He considered me trustworthy and appointed me to serve him, 13 even though I used to blaspheme the name of Christ. In my insolence, I persecuted his people. But God had mercy on me because I did it in ignorance and unbelief.

  • Regardless of your past, and even struggles in your present
  • It is He who works in you and through you to accomplish His work

Answer 2: Trust in Him

1 Timothy 1:14-15a Oh, how generous and gracious our Lord was! He filled me with the faith and love that come from Christ Jesus. 15 This is a trustworthy saying, and everyone should accept it: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners”…

  • God will fill you with everything needed
  • And, it’s God’s perfect plan anyway

Answer 3: Trust His plan, your story has more value than you think

1 Timothy 1:15b-16 —and I am the worst of them all. 16 But God had mercy on me so that Christ Jesus could use me as a prime example of his great patience with even the worst sinners. Then others will realize that they, too, can believe in him and receive eternal life.

  • God will use your story, no matter the past, to accomplish His will
  • All you must do is be willing

1 Cor. 2:4-5 And my message and my preaching were very plain. Rather than using clever and persuasive speeches, I relied only on the power of the Holy Spirit. I did this so you would trust not in human wisdom but in the power of God.

1 Cor. 1:17 (The Message) God didn’t send me out to collect a following for myself, but to preach the Message of what he has done, collecting a following for him. And he didn’t send me to do it with a lot of fancy rhetoric of my own, lest the powerful action at the center—Christ on the Cross—be trivialized into mere words.

Question 2: So then, how do I do it?

Answer 1: Go back to the source

1 Timothy 1:18 Timothy, my son, here are my instructions for you, based on the prophetic words spoken about you earlier. May they help you fight well in the Lord’s battles.

  • Prayer and the Word are a pretty good start

Answer 2: Take your faith deeper

1 Timothy 1:19a Cling to your faith in Christ…

  • Recognize the importance and immense value your faith in Him has in reaching others
  • The more you KNOW Him, the more you can’t help telling others ABOUT Him

Answer 3: Live right

1 Timothy 1:19b …and keep your conscience clear. For some people have deliberately violated their consciences; as a result, their faith has been shipwrecked.

  • It does matter how you live
  • Hypocrisy is the great roadblock in you fulfilling God’s plan for you

Answer 4: Be ready

2 Timothy 4:2 Preach the word of God. Be prepared, whether the time is favorable or not. Patiently correct, rebuke, and encourage your people with good teaching

  • Know your story
  • Be prepared
  • Care more about your walk with Christ than you care about others’ walk with Christ
  • Pray for opportunities
  • Genuinely care about people
  • Be nice

Galatians 5:22-23 But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!

May 21, 2023


Read – Deuteronomy 12

What does it say?
Israel received instructions on how to prepare for worship and celebration of God.

What does it mean?
As the Israelites prepared to enter Canaan, Moses reminded them to worship God alone and resist all forms of idolatry. Too often they had gone astray on their journey only to find death and destruction. God desired the focused, sincere worship of His people, and the first requirement was very simple: eliminate everything that would hinder their relationship with Him. The land they were about to enter was filled with people who worshiped false gods. He did not want His children lured away. With the distractions removed and His commands followed, the Israelites could finally come together and celebrate in the worship of God the way He wanted and deserved.

How should I respond?
We are bombarded every day with countless opportunities, circumstances, and technologies – all of which fight for our attention. Even the regular stuff of life can divert our attention from our relationship with the Lord Jesus, diminishing our trust in Him. Our personal wandering is too often the result of refusing to remove anything that draws us away from God. What things in life are you allowing to lure your time and attention away from Christ? Ask God to help you eliminate them so that you can experience the joy of worshipping Him the way He deserves.

May 20, 2023


Read – Deuteronomy 11

What does it say?
Moses called on the Israelites to remember the mighty works God had done on their behalf, observe His commands, and teach His statutes to their children.

What does it mean?
Moses reminded the people of all that God had done to bring them out of Egypt and to sustain them throughout their years of wandering. In order for future generations to avoid the kind of rebellion that brought about God’s judgment, it was important to recount God’s gracious actions on their behalf. After all, it wasn’t their children who had seen the miraculous wonders God had performed. But the parents’ responsibility didn’t stop with telling their children about the Lord. They were also to demonstrate how to follow Him faithfully by keeping God’s Word in their hearts and minds. As long as they were faithful to the Lord, they would live prosperously in the Promised Land.

How should I respond?
What stories from your family history do your children or grandchildren love to hear? What accounts of God’s past faithfulness and provision do you include? The responsibility to teach our children about the Lord is evident throughout Scripture. Communicating experiences regarding your faith will encourage faithfulness in those who come after you. What can you do today to train the next generation to wholeheartedly follow Christ? It all starts with filling your heart and mind with God’s Word. Then, demonstrate how that truth makes a practical difference in all aspects of your life.

May 19, 2023


Read – Deuteronomy 10

What does it say?
Moses told how God had renewed the covenant with Israel by rewriting the Ten Commandments on stone tablets. He called on the people to recommit to God.

What does it mean?
Moses’ oral history of Israel is continued from the last chapter. After being reminded of God’s law in the Ten Commandments, the people were instructed to love and serve Him with all their heart and soul. God didn’t desire a simple outward compliance but obedience that resulted from genuine love and worship. Just as circumcision was an outward sign of the covenant God made with Abraham, Moses told the people to make sure that inwardly their hearts were also in covenant with God.

How should I respond?
As followers of Christ, we sometimes confuse what we do with who we are. It’s possible to maintain the outward appearance of serving God while our hearts are actually serving other things. Keeping up appearances may impress other people, but God sees straight into our hearts. Reread verses 12 and 13. What part of your life, service, love, or obedience needs to change? In what ways are your heart and actions out of alignment? Recommit today to love and serve God with all of your heart and life. Regardless of appearances, you’ll begin to live a new way – abundantly, righteously, genuinely – His way!

May 18, 2023


Read – Deuteronomy 9:13-29

What does it say?
Moses described instances in which the people of Israel rebelled against God, and he reminded them of the intercession he made on their behalf in order to prevent the judgment they deserved.

What does it mean?
Moses gave an oral history of Israel’s past to show the people that God’s grace was the only reason they were able to enter the land. God was faithful to His covenant even though the Israelites were rebellious and unfaithful to Him. Moses recalled how he fasted and prayed to spare their lives in spite of their sin. The words “once again” demonstrate that Moses was in the habit of praying for the people he led. This intercessory prayer showed his love for God and for the Israelites. He wanted all the nations to know that Israel served a merciful God.

How should I respond?
We can easily become stuck in a rut of self-serving prayer. The concerns and busyness of our own lives can become all consuming. Moses gives us an example of habitual prayer on the behalf of other people. What person has God placed within your circle of influence? Who has He given you to lead? Maybe someone you love is living in disobedience to the Lord. Praying for God’s mercy and guidance is both a responsibility and a privilege. Such prayers are humble reminders that we too are sinners in need of God’s mercy. Who do you need to intercede for today?

May 17, 2023


Read – Deuteronomy 9:1-12

What does it say?
Moses addressed the people of Israel, telling them they were not entering the Promised Land because of their own righteousness, but because of the wickedness of the Canaanites.

What does it mean?
Through Moses, God wanted to make sure that the people of Israel were moving forward with humility and full reliance on the grace and mercy of God. Moses reminded them that they had been complaining and grumbling since they had left Egypt. He wanted to make sure the Israelites were fully aware that it was God’s grace making a way for them in the land of Canaan and not because of anything they had done. God was honoring His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

How should I respond?
We can be tempted to think that we are entitled to certain things, such as getting a promotion or being treated a certain way. We may even think we’ve earned forgiveness for our sin. But like the Israelites in today’s passage, we have no righteousness of our own. If not for the grace of God, salvation would be impossible. Sometimes pride prevents us from humbly turning to God in thankfulness. Is there something you feel you deserve? How might your pride be involved in those feelings? Take a moment to reflect on the grace and mercy of God. Thank Him for everything He’s provided, both spiritually and materially. Ask God to promote your cause in His time and for His reasons.

May 16, 2023


Read – Deuteronomy 8

What does it say?
The Israelites were not to forget all God had done for them.

What does it mean?
The Israelites had wandered in the desert for 40 years because of their lack of trust in the Lord (Numbers 14). God used the years in the wilderness to test them. Could they learn to be obedient? Would they trust Him to fulfill all of their needs? Although God knew the heart of His people, the time in the desert was necessary to bring the Israelites to an understanding of their need for God. Providing food, water, and shelter, He completely sustained them. Their shoes didn’t even wear out! Moses urged them not to forget all they had learned once they entered the Promised Land and were enjoying the blessings of God. Deterioration of faith begins with forgetting God’s provision and love.

How should I respond?
The struggles of life will never be too far away. We tend to realize our utter dependence on God when it seems our world is crashing down around us. Remembering the ways God has taken care of us before is the best way to get through today’s difficulties. How has the Lord provided for you in the past? What did you learn in those moments of desperation? Remembering those lessons will strengthen your faith and keep you reliant on the Lord. The next time you’re tempted to focus on your struggle, remember that God is your Provider and Protector – yesterday, today and always.

May 14, 2021


Read – Isaiah 3:1-4:6

What does it say?
God will allow consequences for sin and bring judgment resulting in purification. The Lord’s presence will be Judah’s shelter and hiding place.

What does it mean?
The people were setting themselves against God, parading their sin in open rebellion and defiance. The Lord, their judge, called them to accountability for sins against Him and one another. Isaiah prophesied that when destitution comes upon those living in luxury, the people will turn to the Lord. When they repent, the Branch (a Messianic term for Jesus the Savior) will cleanse them and once more live with them. His glory will be their protection and refuge. To those who remained faithful, God offered the hope of present spiritual cleansing and future restoration to Himself.

How should I respond?
Sin does not go unnoticed by God, even when we see no immediate consequences. God may be longsuffering, but there will be a day of accountability for the choices we make. In your daily life, what words or deeds deny or defy the Lord? Is there an attitude of pride or a focus on outward appearance? God holds you accountable for your love and obedience to Him as well as your treatment of others. Our sin can be washed away only by faith in the sacrifice of Jesus. When we confess our sin, Jesus cleanses us and shelters us through life’s difficulties. Do you know the joy of living in His presence?

May 15, 2023


Read – Deuteronomy 7

What does it say?
The Lord promised victory over the seven nations living in the Promised Land. Any involvement with the current inhabitants would turn their hearts away from God.

What does it mean?
When the Israelites entered the Promised Land, they needed to rid the land of all enemies. Even though other nations were more numerous and powerful, the Lord promised to fight for His people, just as He had done in Egypt. God’s command to completely destroy the land’s inhabitants and everything they possessed is shocking but just. By doing so, Israel would carry out the Lord’s judgment on those who had aligned themselves against the one true God. Anything that the Israelites allowed to remain would be a snare for future generations. They needed to preserve their holiness by decisively removing everything that would tempt them into idolatry.

How should I respond?
How seriously do you take personal holiness? Are you ruthless when it comes to ridding your life of anything that displeases God? It’s dangerous to hang on to any type of sinful attitude or behavior, no matter how seemingly insignificant. Eventually, it will become bigger than you can handle. What sinful habit or indulgence has entangled you? How could that same habit ensnare your children? Anything that is contrary to Scripture should be treated as the enemy and removed completely. You are not alone. Obey what God tells you in Scripture and trust Him for the victory. He is all-powerful!

You Asked For It: The Spiritual Battle


Pastor Jonathan Falwell

Question 1: Is Spiritual Warfare real?

Answer: Yes, Jesus made this clear in John 8:44 and 1 Peter 5:8

John 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he speaks from his own nature, because he is a liar and the father of lies.

1 Peter 5:8 Be sober-minded, be alert. Your adversary the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour.

  • Never forget, however, Spiritual Warfare is not a battle of Satan against you, it’s a battle of Satan against God.
  • Satan is referenced in Ephesians 6:12 – “…against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms”

Question 2: What does Spiritual Warfare look like?

Answer: Fear, Temptation, Anger, Discouragement, Stress, Lack of Trust, Resignation

  • Satan wants to lead us down a path which takes us further from the presence of God
  • His attack on our health, our situations, our marriages, our mental state
  • Job 1-2 is a picture the attacks he wants to carry out but it’s also a promise of how he is never in full control
  • 1 Kings 19:3 – “Then Elijah became afraid, and immediately ran for his life

Question 3: So, how do I defeat it?

Answer 1: Only through the power of the One who is in you

1 John 4:4 You are from God, little children, and you have conquered them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.

  • Romans 12:21 – “Do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good.”
  • Best way to defeat Satan is to be overwhelmed by God’s Word

Answer 2: Let go of fear

2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and sound judgment.

1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love; instead, perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment. So the one who fears is not complete in love.

Answer 3: Stand strong against temptation

Psalm 119:11 I have treasured your word in my heart so that I may not sin against you.

  • Genesis 3 – “every attack by Satan is an attack on God’s Word”
  • Passive Christianity is simply defaulting to giving Satan a victory
  • Don’t ever us Satan’s attacks (spiritual warfare) to be an excuse for doing bad – “the devil made me do it” – Romans 12:21 “conquer evil with good”

Answer 4: Learn to forgive

Ephesians 4:32 And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.

Answer 5: Be encouraged and fight stress

Psalm 55:22 Cast your burden on the Lord, And He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.

Isaiah 43:2-3a When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you. 3 For I am the Lord your God, The Holy One of Israel, your Savior.

Answer 6: Stay engaged

Proverbs 18:1 A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire; He rages against all wise judgment.

  • Oftentimes, Satan’s attacks are not major attacks, they are subtle attacks which make you sacrifice the Godly for the good. (i.e. busy, isolated)

Question 4: Can we actually win?

Answer: Resoundingly YES!

1 Peter 5:4-11 And when the chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory. In the same way, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. All of you clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.  6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, so that he may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your cares on him, because he cares about you. Be sober-minded, be alert. Your adversary the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour. Resist him, firm in the faith, knowing that the same kind of sufferings are being experienced by your fellow believers throughout the world. 10 The God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, establish, strengthen, and support you after you have suffered a little while. 11 To him be dominion forever. Amen.

  • John 16:33 I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world.”


May 14, 2023


Read – Deuteronomy 6

What does it say?
Moses spoke to the Israelites regarding their need for complete obedience.

What does it mean?
Love for God is demonstrated by obedience to His commands. The Israelites were instructed to love God completely – with every part of their being – and to express that love in every aspect of their lives. God’s law was to be in their hearts, to be constantly in their thoughts as a reminder of how He wanted them to live. Only then would it influence everything they said and did. Parents were instructed to use daily opportunities to teach and equip their children, the next generation, to know God and to love and obey Him.

How should I respond?
Obedience to God is not just a Sunday thing. Genuine obedience is motivated by love that honors God with your entire life – everything you say and do, every day. But no one is perfect; we all mess up. Like the Israelites, we constantly need to be reminded of what God’s Word says. How can you allow Scripture to influence more aspects of your life? Consider having a family devotion time during dinner one night a week. Listen to worship music in the car. Index cards or sticky notes are perfect for keeping Scripture in view. Read the Bible, write verses down, and talk about them. Once Scripture permeates your heart, it will affect your thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors.

May 12, 2021


Read – Isaiah 1

What does it say?
Through the prophet Isaiah, God confronted Israel’s rebellion and called for their repentance. Isaiah announced purifying judgment and future restoration.

What does it mean?
Through the prophet Isaiah, God invited Israel to settle the matter of their spiritual indifference. They kept the outward form of religious rituals but deliberately resisted correction and defiantly turned their hearts away from God. He said that their religion was unacceptable because their lives did not conform to His standard. The Lord offered forgiveness for Israel’s sins if they would stop doing evil things and begin doing right. Their failure to repent would lead to judgment that would have a refining effect. Isaiah foretold a glorious national restoration in righteousness, faithfulness, and justice.

How should I respond?
Everyone is busy. The challenge is to keep your life together while keeping up the appearance that all is well. How does God see your busyness? Would He call your spiritual activity meaningless? God invites you to listen to the words of the Bible and talk with Him concerning the condition of your heart. You can’t keep up appearances with God. He sees and knows you. Will you open your heart to God and ask Him to remove impure thoughts, habits, and desires? There’s hope in our chaotic lives because God purifies those who take time to listen to Him and respond in repentance.

May 13, 2023


Read – Deuteronomy 5

What does it say?
Moses summoned the children of Israel and reviewed the Ten Commandments given by God. He again challenged the children of Israel to follow God’s laws.

What does it mean?
Reviewing each commandment, Moses wanted to ensure that the people didn’t forget the relationship God had established with them. The fact that these former slaves of Egypt were about to enter the Promised Land was proof of God’s faithfulness to His people. He had gone before and behind them every single day, leading and guiding them in the way to go. Now God desired that same faithfulness from the people so they would experience the best life possible. By learning and carefully following God’s specific instructions on how to relate to Him and how to interact with others, the children of Israel would prosper and prolong their days.

How should I respond?
Learning is an ongoing process whether you’re in the classroom, at home, or at work. Each day presents new opportunities to apply God’s truth as you face difficult situations and as you interact with others. Life experiences are a great teaching tool because you gain insight on what works and what doesn’t. What lessons has God been teaching you recently? In what ways has your relationship with God grown through your victories and struggles? God is faithful, and He will guide you each step of the way if you listen for His voice and obey His commands.

May 11, 2021


Read – Song of Solomon 8

What does it say?
Their love was as strong as death, unyielding and sealed. It still burned like a mighty flame, unquenchable and priceless. Solomon found contentment in his wife’s love.

What does it mean?
A fuller picture of this love story is told in the last chapter of the book, although not in chronological order. Solomon and his future bride met as she worked in his vineyard. She remained a virgin until married, used discretion regarding public affection, and freely expressed her love in private. The couple experienced difficulty but emerged stronger by leaning on each other. Each valued the other as a treasured possession. Their marriage was sealed, indicating mutual and permanent ownership (2:16; 6:3; 7:10). After years of marriage, they still desired one another like a burning fire that could not be extinguished. They understood that for love to be priceless, it must be given freely.

How should I respond?
Society puts a lot of emphasis on having “chemistry” or a connection in a relationship. The decisions you make each day regarding that relationship can determine whether the connection is snapped or strengthened. The keys to a lifelong, loving marriage are found in today’s passage. What principles from The Song of Solomon do you need to implement at this stage in your relationship? Let the Creator of life and marriage guide you to the one with whom you can make a lifelong commitment. The love story you tell your children and grandchildren may be determined by the choices you make today.

May 12, 2023


Read – Deuteronomy 4:15-49

What does it say?
Moses warned the people about worshiping anyone or anything other than God.

What does it mean?
Living as slaves in Egypt, the children of Israel were exposed to all kinds of man-made gods of wood and stone. However, none of these gods could match the mighty deeds God performed to rescue them. Moses knew it would be tempting to make an image of God or to worship His creation rather than the Creator. The hardships of Egypt would fade away when they moved into the Promised Land and received their inheritance from God. Moses reminded the people that God’s miraculous signs and wonders were strategically done so that they would know that the Lord is God.

How should I respond?
The priorities you set reveal what or whom you really worship. What takes top priority in your life – your job, money, or possessions? Even family and friends can incorrectly take a place in our hearts that should belong only to God. Anything or anyone that consumes your thoughts or controls your life can become an idol. While you cannot see God visibly on this earth, you might be tempted to worship the benefits God has provided rather than God Himself. However, the blessings that God desires for your life are contingent on your worshipping Him alone. What steps do you need to take to ensure that no one or no thing takes the place of God in your life?

May 10, 2021


Read – Song of Solomon 7

What does it say?
Solomon described his wife and his desire for her. She invited him to a countryside village to spend the night.

What does it mean?
Solomon’s praise of his wife was much more intimate this time. The imagery used indicates that they have been married for some time; he freely spoke to her about his desires. The security and freedom of a mature marriage emboldened her response to her husband. Her metaphorical use of springtime to describe their relationship indicates that their love was still in bloom, although they were no longer newlyweds. After hearing Solomon describe how much he desired her, his wife suggested a trip alone to the countryside, desiring to be alone so they could fully express their love for each other.

How should I respond?
Television sitcoms associate marital longevity with an increased freedom to criticize. There’s no doubt that the longer a couple is married, the less likely they are to use terms of endearment or affectionate language. If married, think about how you communicated with your spouse over the last 24 hours. Did your words and tone strengthen your relationship or chip away at it? Maybe it’s time to get away from your normal setting to focus on each other. Getting comfortable in marriage should lead to bolder expressions of love rather than negativity or complacency.

May 11, 2023


Read – Deuteronomy 4:1-4

What does it say?
Moses urged the children of Israel to obey the commands of God and teach them to future generations.

What does it mean?
Obedience to God’s commands was not optional if the children of Israel wanted to enter the Promised Land. Moses knew there were no exceptions, so he warned the people about adding to or subtracting from God’s words. He reminded them of the day they stood at Mount Horeb and heard the voice of God declaring the Ten Commandments. Remembering what God had done and who He is was crucial to their continued success. By examining their lives and training future generations to respect God’s laws, the people would experience the bene ts of a close relationship with God.

How should I respond?
Knowledge plus obedience is the perfect formula for spiritual success. When you study God’s Word and apply His principles, you’ll make wiser choices and avoid the pitfalls that occur when you try to live your own way. It’s easy to twist God’s truths until it fits what you want, but doing so will set you up for difficult consequences. What principles from God’s Word do you need to apply to your life? What changes do you need to make? How can you share these life lessons with your family? When you rely on God’s strength, He will enable you to make the necessary changes to create a lasting legacy for future generations.

May 9, 2021


Read – Song of Solomon 6

What does it say?
Solomon’s wife told her friends that her husband had gone to his garden. Upon seeing her again, Solomon praised his wife’s beauty.

What does it mean?
The indifference Solomon’s wife had felt toward him is gone. It appears she had known all along where he was. The physical distance between them was evidence of their emotional separation. She went to Solomon for reconciliation and discovered he was more than ready to restore their emotional and physical intimacy. Just as she had done regarding him (5:10-16), Solomon focused on her beauty and the unique qualities that had caused him to fall in love with her.

How should I respond?
Various sources of strain in a marriage can create distance between spouses. If left unresolved, those issues can lead to physical separation from one another. Physical intimacy is meant to be the expression of love and oneness between a man and his wife. So how’s your love life? Have tight finances, hectic schedules, or disagreements led to some form of distance in your marriage? Ignoring the issue causing the separation won’t improve the relationship with your spouse. Determine to face it head on. Start a conversation with the goal of reconciliation, not winning an argument.

May 10, 2023


Read – Deuteronomy 3:23-29

What does it say?
Moses begged God to let him enter the Promised Land, but his request was denied. Instead, Moses was instructed to prepare Joshua to lead the Israelites into the land.

What does it mean?
God had already told Moses that he wouldn’t be allowed to enter the Promised Land because of his disobedience (Num. 20:12). However, recent events had renewed his hope. Moses’ bold request is evidence of the intimate nature of his relationship with God. While God chose to deny the request, He lovingly allowed Moses to see the land with his own eyes. Despite his disappointment, Moses’ respect for God’s authority enabled him to encourage and strengthen his assistant, Joshua, to be the new leader of the people.

How should I respond?
It’s not easy when God says, “No” – especially when your hopes and dreams are affected by the decision. It’s even more difficult if God allows someone else to have what you’ve been denied. You may even nd yourself begging, pleading, and bargaining with God to change His mind. Regardless of the outcome, you can trust that God’s love for you will always be the motivating factor in His response. What bold requests have you brought to God? Are you living in obedience to Him so that you’re positioned to receive God’s very best? A mark of spiritual maturity is accepting God’s authority to answer however He sees best.

May 8, 2021


Read – Song of Solomon 5:2-16

What does it say?
Solomon’s wife dreamed that he came to her but left because she did not unlock the door to her bedchamber. She then praised her husband to the daughters of Jerusalem.

What does it mean?
Some period of time had passed between the wedding and the events of Chapter 5. The dream in verses 2-8 is a reflection of the apathy that had crept into the wife’s affections. She was going to sleep when Solomon came, desiring intimacy. But he was gone by the time she changed her mind to let him into her room. In answering her friends’ question, she reminded herself of how attractive she found her husband to be. She fittingly summed up her description by calling him her lover and her friend.

How should I respond?
Most marriages don’t live in a perpetual honeymoon phase. Personality differences or annoying habits can cause a cooling off of physical attraction over time. Is your marriage in a period of indifference or maybe even hostility? What you feel towards your spouse will likely be determined by what you choose to focus on. Try this exercise: write down one positive thing about your spouse every day for a week. During the day, look for the chance to praise that quality. Thank him or her for how they use that character trait in your everyday life, even if it’s only occasionally. Focusing on the things that led you to fall in love can help renew your appreciation and affection for each other.

May 9, 2023


Read – Deuteronomy 3:1-22

What does it say?
Moses gave an account of Israel’s conquests during the journey toward the Promised Land.

What does it mean?
As Moses spoke about the people and lands that were conquered, the Israelites were reminded that they were successful only when they stayed close to God and allowed His presence to go before them. The victories they experienced were due to God’s power that was with them. Although they were often outnumbered or lacked weapons and strategy, they defeated their enemies because they listened, obeyed, and allowed God to have complete control of the situation.

How should I respond?
Life is full of “battles.” However, Moses’ final words to the people of Israel, “Do not be afraid….for the Lord your God will fight for you,” still ring true today. No matter what we are facing, if we want to overcome enemies or adversity, we must not try to do it alone. Find your confidence in God’s strength; He already knows what’s ahead of you. The challenges will be real, but there is no enemy or situation too big or too strong for the Lord. What adversity are you facing right now? In what practical way can you let God’s strength be your strength? In what ways have you already seen God fight your battles? You may be outnumbered or lacking in strength – but God is not!

May 7, 2021


Read – Song of Solomon 3:6-5:1

What does it say?
Solomon’s royal wedding party traveled to retrieve his bride. He praised her beauty and purity. The couple then consummated their marriage.

What does it mean?
Today’s passage is a glimpse inside a royal wedding day, filled with the splendor fitting such an occasion. Remembering her previous insecurities, Solomon praised his bride’s physical appearance and character. He saw strength reflected both in her eyes and in her demeanor. She was perfect just as she was because he loved her. As was the custom, he affectionately referred to his wife as his “sister,” now affording her the same provision and protection. The enjoyment of the wedding night was heightened by their decision to protect their purity until marriage.

How should I respond?
Weddings are a multi-billion dollar industry. Most brides dream of a wedding day fitting of a princess, emphasizing the dress, venue, flowers, and food. While these things usually express the couple’s personalities, it’s more important for the character and commitment of the bride and groom to take center stage. Divorce statistics might change drastically if as many hours were spent planning the marriage as had gone into planning the wedding. Take a moment to write down your personal commitments regarding marriage. How do they line up with God’s Word? What insights have you gained that you could share with others today?

May 8, 2023


Read – Deuteronomy 2

What does it say?
Moses recapped the Israelites’ wandering.

What does it mean?
The people of Israel had demonstrated distrust in God’s ability to give them the land He promised. They disobeyed, trying to do things their own way. As a result, the Israelites found out that rebellion against God has unpleasant consequences. Although He never abandoned them, God did not allow that generation to enter the land He promised to give them. Instead, they wandered in the desert for 40 years without any permanent residence. Through their experiences in the wilderness, God was teaching His people to trust and obey Him.

How should I respond?
Loving parents don’t let disobedience and rebellion go unchecked. Ultimately, it’s bad for the child. Likewise, your heavenly Father loves you enough to discipline you when necessary. Even though it’s unpleasant at the time, the lessons learned through this loving discipline should bring us to a place of better understanding and even thankfulness. What consequences have you faced as a result of demanding your own way? What lessons have you learned? Are you able to view discipline from God as a blessing? God desires the best for you and loves you enough to correct you when you stray from it. Ask God to show you any form of rebellion lurking in your heart today.

May 6, 2021


Read – Song of Solomon 2:7-3:5

What does it say?
Solomon and the maiden talked of being alone together. Two times in this passage, she told the daughters of Jerusalem not to awaken love until it could be fulfilled.

What does it mean?
The mutual love between Solomon and his future bride caused other women to desire the same kind of relationship. Being keenly aware that her friends might try to manufacture those feelings, the Shulamite maiden encouraged them to maintain their moral purity until their wedding day. She modeled her advice, even though her love for Solomon was so consuming that she dreamed of frantically searching the city for him at night. Although Solomon and his fiancée each spoke of being alone together, they used restraint in physically expressing their love during their engagement.

How should I respond?
Virginity is an old-fashioned notion. Current culture tells young people to simply wait to “fall in love” before having a physical relationship. They seldom hear that pre-marital sex is both physically and emotionally unhealthy. So what guardrails should you put in place as a single person? First, don’t confuse physical intimacy with love. Be constantly aware of the temptations you face in spending time alone with a boyfriend or girlfriend. Following God’s design may be counter-cultural, but practicing abstinence before marriage will free you within marriage to express love as God intended.

You Asked For It: Finding My Identity


Pastor Jonathan Falwell

Today, we’re going to discuss a topic that is a highly charged and controversial issue in our nation, and the world. There are many arguments, protests and disagreements that are taking place online, in the media, in schools and state houses, and in homes. While it is highly charged, it really shouldn’t be if we as Christians are acting as God intends. We know truth, but we also know Jesus’ command to love. And while we may disagree, we never have the right to attack, denigrate or dismiss those with which we disagree. With that in mind, let’s answer some questions on the LGBTQ issue.

Question 1: Why does the LGBTQ issue seem to be the topic of every conversation these days?

Answer 1: Same-Sex marriage, Men competing in women’s sports, Locker rooms & bathrooms, “drag queen” shows in schools & libraries, Educational changes.

  • This is not a new issue; it has been going on for decades. My dad preached on this topic back in the 1970’s with the same passages and the same passion as I preach today.
  • There does seem to be an all-out effort to normalize and rationalize behavior which goes against the Bible.

Answer 2: Ultimately, it’s a cultural attempt to dismiss the Biblical narrative of what is truth

  • Even the National Institutes of Health, a government agency, dismisses the possibility of the Bible being true on their website as it relates to this issue.[1]

Question 2: So, what does the Bible say?

Answer 1: God created “Man” in His own image. The image bearers of God are reflected in two sexes/genders: Male & Female

Genesis 1:27-28a (CSB) So God created man (‘āḏām – “mankind”) in his own image; he created him in the image of God; he created them male (zāḵār – “male”) and female. (nᵊqēḇâ – “female”) 28 God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it.

  • God created “mankind” in two complementary forms – “male & female” (XX or XY)
  • Some groups would argue the idea that God created a “non-binary” first and then male and female. However, even though through all of creation God created opposite sets of creation (i.e. day & night, land & sea, male and female animals) that we can’t take this literally because there are subtle variations or “spectrums” of creation like “dusk”, etc.[2]
  • So, in other words, for us to discount the idea that God created a complementary set in creation would mean we would have to dismiss God’s Word.
  • The Genesis 1 statement on the creation of man is the declaration of what happened, the Genesis 2 statement is the declaration of how it happened.[3]

Answer 2: God’s perfect design is marriage between two people; one male and one female

Genesis 2:24-25 This is why a man leaves his father and mother and bonds with his wife, and they become one flesh. 25 Both the man and his wife were naked, yet felt no shame.

  • We must look back to the verses prior to vss 24-25 to see that God’s plan was for mankind to rule over all of creation. Only mankind was created in His own image. Only mankind received the “breath of life.” Only mankind was referenced in verse 18 that “it is not good for him to be alone.” So God created male and female for the purpose of being together as a complementary set. We are created perfectly to fit together: physically, biologically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Answer 3: Any other plan or design that dismisses the “Imago Dei” or God’s plan for marriage and gender is sin

  • There are six references in the Bible to LGBTQ behavior (Gen 19; Lev 18; Lev 20; Rom 1; 1 Cor 6; 1 Tim 1)
    • Some would argue that we can’t use the Old Testament as an image of what is permitted today because there is so much in the Mosaic Law that we do not recognize today. However, in both Leviticus 18 & 20, references to the same-sex lifestyle are placed within a list of sexual sins which are still considered unacceptable today.
    • In fact, the statements in Leviticus 18:22 and Lev. 20:13 regarding these acts are actually referred to as “detestable” or an “abomination.” (tôʿēḇâ)
    • So, if it was detestable in the Old Testament, it certainly would be detestable in the New Testament age.
  • There are at least two references in the Bible about the Transgender issue (Deut. 22:5 and 1 Cor. 11)
  • Ultimately, God created two sexes or genders; male and female. His intention is for them to be joined together as one. A complementary set.

Answer 4: Jesus affirms God’s design for sex, gender, and marriage in Matthew 19

Matthew 19:3-9 Some Pharisees approached him to test him. They asked, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife on any grounds?” “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that he who created them in the beginning made them male and female,,and he also said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’?, So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, let no one separate.” “Why then,” they asked him, “did Moses command us to give divorce papers and to send her away?” He told them, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because of the hardness of your hearts, but it was not like that from the beginning. I tell you, whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another commits adultery.”

  • Jesus points back before the fall to affirm God’s perfect creation and design
  • He doesn’t reference even Abraham, Moses, Jacob, David, Solomon. He goes back to the creation story. Why? Because this is what God intended.

Question 3: How does LGBTQ behavior go against God’s design

Answer 1: It attempts to disrupt and upend God’s desire and design

Galatians 5:16-21 I say, then, walk by the Spirit and you will certainly not carry out the desire of the flesh. 17 For the flesh desires what is against the Spirit, and the Spirit desires what is against the flesh; these are opposed to each other, so that you don’t do what you want. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. 19 Now the works of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, moral impurity, promiscuity, 20 idolatry, sorcery, hatreds, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambitions, dissensions, factions, 21 envy,, drunkenness, carousing, and anything similar. I am warning you about these things—as I warned you before—that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

  • It rejects God’s design of “He made them male and female” (XX or XY)
  • Rejects God’s design of marriage (Romans 1:22ff)
  • The American Psychiatric Association has changed its descriptions and definitions of Gender Dysphoria to be more affirming and accepting.[4] In 2013, they changed their language from “gender identity disorder” to “gender dysphoria” to be more inclusive.[5]
  • It is being promoted by Social Contagion[6] and Cultural Confusion
    • CDC Report states the number of young people who identify as LGBTQ or are questioning has more than doubled in the past 7 years[7]
    • According to the Gallup Organization, in 2015 only 3.9% of Americans identified as LGBTQ while in 2022 that number has risen to 7.1%[8]
    • For high schoolers, that number has gone from 11% who identified as LGBTQ (or questioning) to 24.5% in 2021.[9]
    • In these same years, the explosion of social media has taken place thus creating a space where contradictory messages can be delivered directly into the hands of impressionable individuals who are struggling with self-worth and acceptance.
    • In 2021, 4.33 billion people worldwide were using social media. And studies revealed that they were spending 22% of their online time on social media.[10]
    • Facebook has nearly 3 billion users monthly spending more than 35 minutes daily.4
    • Twitter with over 200 million daily users sharing over 500 million tweets daily.4
    • Instagram with over 1 billion active users with over 500 million stories shared daily4
    • TikTok had over 850 million downloads in 2020 and over 600 million daily users[11]
  • Thus, it is not difficult to recognize that with the explosive growth of the online spaces, the growth of confusion had to follow.
  • Further, for young people who all struggle with identity and acceptance, finding their heroes/actors/musicians all affirming this behavior creates a “safe space” for them to identify, regardless of truth.

Question 4: What is the Christian’s response?

Answer 1: Truth in love

  • Ephesians 4:14-15 Then we will no longer be little children, tossed by the waves and blown around by every wind of teaching, by human cunning with cleverness in the techniques of deceit. 15 But speaking the truth in love, let us grow in every way into him who is the head—Christ.
  • 1 Timothy 1:15 This saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners”—and I am the worst of them.
  • No compromise yet no attack or dismissal
  • We must be grounded in truth so we can speak the truth in love
  • Jesus did this very thing in John 8 when He was confronted with the woman caught in adultery. His response “he who has no sin cast the first stone” (verse 7) and “go and sin no more” (verse 11.) = TRUTH IN LOVE

Question 5: What do I do if a loved one is walking this path?

Answer 1: Love, but don’t affirm

  • Matthew 22 – The Great Commandment – LOVE

Question 6: What do I do if I am questioning my identity?

Answer 1: Recognize your worth

  • Ephesians 2:10 For we are his workmanship, (poiēma – “creation”) created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do.
  • Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.

Answer 2: Find your identity in what God created you to be, not what the culture encourages you to change

Psalm 139:13-16 For it was you who created my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I will praise you because I have been remarkably and wondrously made.,

Your works are wondrous, and I know this very well. 15 My bones were not hidden from you

when I was made in secret, when I was formed in the depths of the earth. 16 Your eyes saw me when I was formless; all my days were written in your book and planned before a single one of them began.

Bottom Line: You are created in the image of God, God doesn’t make mistakes, you are perfect in your created form, don’t let the world destroy truth.






[5] Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), 2013.

[6] Social contagion occurs when a memory spreads from one individual to one or multiple others via social interaction (Roediger et al., 2001);







May 7, 2023


Read – Deuteronomy 1

What does it say?
Moses spoke to the people of Israel, recapping their exodus from Egypt and rebellion against God.

What does it mean?
The Israelites needed to be reminded of how their rebellion affected their path toward the Promised Land. By not trusting God and not allowing His presence to be their guide, they delayed being given the land God had promised. Moses knew he would not be going with them into the Promised Land. So, he used this last opportunity to speak to the people about what they had been through in the hope they would learn from it. Only then could they move forward properly.

How should I respond?
No one likes to be reminded of past failures. Messing up is bad enough when it happens. The last thing we want to do is rehash the details. But sometimes it’s necessary if we hope to learn from our mistakes and not repeat them. Just as the Israelites missed out on the blessing of God, we too will miss out on what God has for us if we continue to demand our own way. What mistakes have you made? How can you use these past mistakes to help with future decisions and actions? Sometimes, we have to recall the past before we can move forward.

May 5, 2021


Read – Song of Solomon 1:12-2:6

What does it say?
Solomon saw the Shulamite maiden as a lily among thorns. She described his love as an apple tree and a banner.

What does it mean?
During the engagement period, there was a contrast between how the young maiden saw herself and how Solomon viewed her. Although she compared herself to a common flower, Solomon thought her to be the most beautiful of women. As he expressed his love, her insecurities began to fade. His open praise was like a military standard, announcing his love and protection. She safely rested in the shade and nourishment of his love, as if under an apple tree. Solomon’s praise of her beauty reassured her of his love and gave her a sense of security in their relationship.

How should I respond?
In the early stages of a relationship, we’re more likely to express our emotions. As time goes by, we can become complacent. Truthfully, we’re more prone to publicly criticize our spouse than openly praise him or her. No matter how long you’ve been together, your partner still needs to be reassured of your love and respect. How do your words contribute to your spouse’s personal and spiritual growth? If dating, is he or she a godly person who praises your qualities and encourages your goals? Words matter, especially to those we love the most. Speak words today that strengthen your relationship.

May 6, 2023


Read – Numbers 35

What does it say?
The tribe of Levi received 48 cities throughout the land. Six were to be designated as cities of refuge for anyone who caused the accidental death of another person.

What does it mean?
God puts a high value on human life; therefore, atonement must be made for the taking of a person’s life. Yet God in His mercy knew there would be times when accidental deaths would occur, so He required Israel to set up cities of refuge. The cities provided protection and a fair trial for anyone who caused an accidental death. If the leaders found the person innocent, he stayed in the city until the death of the high priest. In essence, the priest’s death would provide atonement. God’s holiness demands justice – at the same time, His compassion offers mercy.

How should I respond?
You are extremely valuable to God. The book of Hebrews refers to Jesus as the believer’s High Priest whose death on the cross atones for our sin. Those who have ” ed to take hold of the hope” offered in Christ Jesus have a place of refuge forever (Hebrews 6). The cross of Christ demonstrates both God’s justice on sin and His mercy toward the sinner. Have you accepted the gift Jesus gave to you by His death on the cross? What does the price paid for your sin tell you about your value to God? While He cannot overlook your sin, God has provided a way to redeem you from it. Take a moment to see yourself through His eyes – precious!

May 4, 2021


Read – Song of Solomon 1:1-11

What does it say?
The maiden longed for her beloved’s kiss and found pleasure in his name. Solomon praised her beauty when she asked him to excuse her physical appearance.

What does it mean?
The Song of Songs is an intimate picture of romantic love and marriage as God intended it to be. Throughout the lyrical poem, Solomon and the Shulamite maiden describe their mutual attraction, their feelings, and the progression of their relationship. The poetic language and the unfamiliar cultural setting can make it a difficult book to understand. In this first passage, the couple were in the early days of their courtship. She longed for his presence and associated his name with his positive qualities. His character was such that other women loved to hear her talk about him.

How should I respond?
Much of contemporary culture pictures unhealthy marriages and promotes casual or perverted relationships. We tend to forget that God originated romance and marriage. It makes sense for followers of Christ to approach romantic relationships the way God intended. If you are single, how would you describe the character of the person you are currently dating or interested in? Is he or she a believer who displays Christ-like qualities? The smoothest road to a healthy marriage starts with a growing personal relationship with Jesus and a commitment to Christ-centered dating.

May 5, 2023


Read – Numbers 33-34

What does it say?
Moses wrote down the stages of the Israelites’ journey to the Promised Land. When they entered Canaan, they were to drive out the inhabitants and destroy their idols.

What does it mean?
The children of Israel were about to enter the Promised Land, and God wanted to set them up for success. First, the Lord gave a record of their past wandering to remind Israel of all He had done. Those fresh reminders allowed them to face the battles before them with confidence in Him. The purpose behind driving out the land’s inhabitants and their idols was for Israel’s protection. For Israel to remain God’s holy people, they had to serve Him alone. The casting of lots for each tribe’s portion of the Promised Land gave no room for argument. They had to remain focused on the task ahead.

How should I respond?
God has designed a plan for you and wants you to succeed in it. But often, we’re not quick to remove temptations that would sidetrack that plan. God has given each of us clear areas that are our responsibility to protect: family, finances, time, talents. How are you protecting your relationship with God and what He has given you? What enemies to those areas do you need to “drive out”? Start by remembering how God has guided and protected you before. He wants the best for you and will help you fight current battles against temptations. They will become a snare in the future if you don’t protect your borders today.

May 3, 2021


Read – Ecclesiastes 12:1-14

What does it say?
King Solomon encouraged his readers to remember God while they are young and to understand that life’s sole purpose is to fear God and obey His commands.

What does it mean?
As old age approaches, abilities that are taken for granted in youth begin to fail, and opportunities available in younger years begin to pass by. Although this transition seems bleak, the realities of life should urge the young to lay a solid spiritual foundation as early as possible. That foundation comes from God’s Word, not books written by man’s logic alone. Throughout Ecclesiastes, Solomon voiced the frustration of looking at life from an earthly point of view. He concludes that the only way life makes sense is to look at it from God’s perspective. The whole purpose of mankind is to live in awe of God, obeying His commands. Reverence for the Lord results in obedience to His Word.

How should I respond?
From time to time we all have a tendency to view life from an earthly perspective and forget our purpose: to worship God and obey His instructions with love and respect. Do you still have the health and energy of youth? Then, how are you training yourself to develop godly habits? Have the realities of getting older left you frustrated? Take time to remember God’s blessings and commit to obeying Him with every ounce of energy you have. No matter what stage of life you are in, the message from today’s passage is clear. Life without God is meaningless. Its lasting value is found in Jesus Christ!

May 4, 2023


Read – Numbers 32

What does it say?
Two tribes asked Moses if they could remain where they were rather than crossing the Jordan. A specific agreement was made which would allow them to settle in Transjordan.

What does it mean?
When the tribes of Gad and Reuben asked to settle in Transjordan, Moses was concerned that their request could cause disunity and discouragement to the other tribes. The motive behind the request was paramount; doubting God’s ability to give victory would cause the destruction of Israel. He reminded them of the Lord’s punishment on the previous generation’s disbelief (Numbers 13-14). They assured Moses they were ready to fight alongside the other tribes to take possession of the Promised Land. Then, they would come back and settle east of the Jordan. Moses listened and agreed to a compromise.

How should I respond?
Often, compromise is necessary to settle difficult issues. Many misunderstandings could be avoided by calmly looking at the matter from another person’s point of view. What relationship in your life has suffered because you were adamant that you were right? Ask God for wisdom to understand the other person’s perspective; then take the necessary steps to make amends. Don’t let a misunderstanding come between you and someone you love. Determine to listen rather than assume you have all the answers.

May 2, 2021


Read – Ecclesiastes 11

What does it say?
Solomon encouraged the reader to enjoy the benefits of diligently investing time and money, accepting God’s sovereign control over the outcome.

What does it mean?
Every person has three things to manage during a lifetime: money, time, and effort. Solomon illustrated how to wisely invest one’s resources. His listeners were also encouraged to enjoy the benefits of all stages of life, both youth and old age. He warned, however, that life is fleeting and unpredictable even with appropriate preparation. Since it is impossible to understand everything that God purposes or allows, diligence should be exercised in every area. But even worthy efforts are meaningless if the true purpose of life is not realized.

How should I respond?
Most people are aware of the consequences of failing to prepare well financially – but what about squandering the time and abilities God has given you? Anything you attempt without consideration for God’s long-term plan is shortsighted. Our culture focuses on immediate outcomes, but accepting God’s sovereign control frees you to work hard and enjoy every stage of life. In what ways have you been guilty of investing your money, time, or effort without asking for God’s guidance? Submit all that you have and are to Him. Determine to be diligent, regardless of what the day may bring.

May 3, 2023


Read – Numbers 30

What does it say?
Moses relayed the Lord’s commands concerning vows.

What does it mean?
God always keeps His Word. So, it stands to reason that anyone associated with His name should reflect His character and be honest and trustworthy. Men were expected to keep the vows they made. In the culture of the day, husbands and fathers were also responsible for vows made by their wives and unmarried daughters. If a man didn’t voice an objection when he heard about the vow, the vow would stand. As the God-ordained leader in the household, God held him accountable for the decisions that were made. A vow made by a widow or divorced woman would also have to be kept.

How should I respond?
Trust is earned. It’s difficult to re-establish trust once it has been broken, whether at home, school, work, or church. If someone doesn’t keep his word about one thing, it can be hard to believe what he says the next time. As Christians, our character should demonstrate the honesty and trustworthiness of Christ. Are you a person who can be counted on to keep your word? What do you need to do to follow through on a promise or commitment you have made? Being true to your word might be just the thing that attracts someone else to Christ. God always does what He says…and so should we.

May 1, 2021


Read – Ecclesiastes 9:13-10:20

What does it say?
Solomon compared the blessings that result from following God’s wisdom with the consequences of living foolishly.

What does it mean?
King Solomon observed that true wisdom is rarely appreciated. In fact, he was astonished that foolish living, which resulted from disobeying God, seemed to be rewarded more frequently. Solomon noted that even persons in positions of authority struggled with recognizing true wisdom. Just like dead flies in perfume, even small amounts of foolishness can spoil the blessings of life. God’s wisdom, on the other hand, gives the insight and ability to avoid the consequences of foolish behavior.

How should I respond?
We have a distinct tendency to follow our own agenda rather than God’s much wiser plan. However, the consequences of following even a small amount of foolishness can be very serious. God’s Word helps us to recognize wisdom from foolishness and provides direction for a successful life. In which areas of your life have you blocked out God’s guidance? Keeping yourself in God’s Word illuminates problem areas and allows the Holy Spirit to convict you where needed. How are you intentionally following God’s plan? Surrender to his plan today, and allow God’s Word to protect you from the consequences of foolish living.

May 2, 2023


Read – Numbers 27:12-23

What does it say?
The Lord reminded Moses that he would not enter the Promised Land. Joshua was chosen to succeed Moses and lead the Israelites.

What does it mean?
Moses struck the rock for water at Meribah when God told him to speak to it (Numbers 20). As a consequence, he was prevented from entering the Promised Land. Moses knew the Israelites needed a strong, God-fearing leader to take them into the land God promised them. The Lord told Moses to commission Joshua as the new leader in front of the entire community. Moses was also instructed to give Joshua some of his responsibilities so the Israelites would start to follow him. Everything was put in place before Moses died so that he could prepare and mentor Joshua in his new role.

How should I respond?
Teaching and training someone to serve the Lord is a privilege – especially one from a younger generation. What names or faces come to mind right now? How could you encourage them in their spiritual gifts? Ask a teenager or younger adult to help you at church or in a local ministry. Encourage that person to go on a mission trip with you. Maybe you could come alongside a friend and host a Bible study together. Many people are hesitant to volunteer, but a gentle nudge from you might set them on the path of service. Who will be your “Joshua”?|For further reading, Numbers 28-29

April 30, 2021


Read – Ecclesiastes 9:1-12

What does it say?
King Solomon observed that death is the common destiny for all mankind, but God has given gifts in life that should be enjoyed.

What does it mean?
Solomon reflected on a common problem for humanity: death. People, both good and bad, face the same end to their lives. Even the memory of our existence eventually disappears. Perhaps worst of all, death’s timing has always remained a mystery – sometimes coming suddenly like a fish caught in a net. In spite of that, however, Solomon also noted that God gives gifts in this life that are meant to be enjoyed and meaningful work that should be done with a person’s full effort.

How should I respond?
Every person is guilty of breaking God’s law. The penalty for that disobedience is death, which is why we all face the same end. Death’s reality can cause fear in the hearts of those who do not know God. Yet Scripture also teaches that if you accept Jesus’ payment on the cross, then death is not the end – it is only the beginning. Because Jesus defeated death, we can embrace a new life in Him. How have you allowed this belief to change the way you live? Your most important decision is to accept this amazing gift from God. Have you made that decision? The cost of rejecting this offer is too great to ignore.

May 1, 2023


Read – Numbers 27: 1-11

What does it say?
The daughters of Zelophehad were not given their father’s inheritance when he died because they were not sons. The five women went before Moses to plead their case.

What does it mean?
Five daughters of Zelophehad, from the tribe of Manasseh, boldly went before the whole nation to plead their case: why should they be denied the inheritance of their father because they were women? These women were very brave to stand up together for what they believed was right. Moses brought their argument before the Lord, and He agreed. The Lord said that if a man dies and has no sons, his inheritance would go to the daughters. The condition was made later that those daughters would have to marry within their tribe to keep the inheritance from transferring to another tribe.

How should I respond?
It’s not always easy to stand up for yourself and what you believe in. It takes courage to stand your ground and defend what you know is right. But there is strength in numbers. Which friends would you call on to stand with you in a tough situation? In what situation would your presence give someone courage? If no one comes to mind, remember that the best way for followers of Christ to find like-minded friends is to get connected at a local church. Difficult situations will arise; be prepared. Find friends you can count on, and let them know they can count on you.

April 29, 2021


Read – Ecclesiastes 8

What does it say?
King Solomon observed that human wisdom cannot enable a person to comprehend how God administers justice to those who disobey Him.

What does it mean?
Solomon observed that God’s way of administering justice often seems unfair. The wicked were often buried with honor even among the people they had wronged. Those who broke God’s laws appeared to do so over and over with no consequences at all. In comparison, those who followed God’s commands seemed to receive treatment that should have rightfully been given to the wicked. Solomon quickly realized, however, that God’s wisdom in administering justice is far superior to ours. Even though the wicked often appear to prosper, their prosperity will not rescue them in the face of death.

How should I respond?
Although our limited wisdom makes it difficult for us to see God’s full plan, we can know that He is always working for our good. Scripture even warns us not to depend on our own understanding, but to trust God’s wisdom. That trust is often tested when we see people who oppose God prospering. Their prosperity, however, is only temporary and provides no protection from a lifetime of disobedience. Scripture teaches that only a relationship with Jesus can save us from the consequences of disobeying God. How would you describe your relationship with Jesus right now? Take time today to make the decision to trust God’s perfect plan regardless of life’s circumstances.

You Asked For It: Finding God’s Will


Pastor Jonathan Falwell

Psalm 37:1-7 (CSB) Do not be agitated by evildoers; do not envy those who do wrong. For they wither quickly like grass and wilt like tender green plants. Trust in the Lord and do what is good; dwell in the land and live securely., Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act, making your righteousness shine like the dawn, your justice like the noonday. 7 Be silent before the Lord and wait expectantly for him; do not be agitated by one who prospers in his way, by the person who carries out evil plans.

Question: How do you find God’s Will for your life?


Question 1: How can you know God’s Will in this culture?

Answer 1: Focus your attention on the right stuff

  • Vss 1-2 Do not be agitated by evildoers; do not envy those who do wrong. For they wither quickly like grass and wilt like tender green plants.
  • Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.

Answer 2: Stand out in the culture rather than trying to fit in

  • Vs 3 Trust in the Lord and do what is good; dwell in the land and live securely.

Question 2: How can I tell the difference between God’s Will and my own desires?

Answer 1: Love Him more than you love anything else

  • Vss 4-5 Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act

Answer 2: When you are loving the things of God more than the things of the world, you’re on the right track

  • Vss 5-6 Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act, making your righteousness shine like the dawn, your justice like the noonday.


Question 3: How long will it take to find God’s will?

Answer 1: As long as it takes. God’s timing is far better than our own.

  • Vs 7a Be silent before the Lord and wait expectantly for him…

Answer 2: Don’t get frustrated while others seem to be thriving

  • Vs 7b …do not be agitated by one who prospers in his way, by the person who carries out evil plans.

Question 4: So how do I start? How do I get on the right path?

Answer 1: Desire the things God desires

  • 2:12-13 Therefore, my dear friends, just as you have always obeyed, so now, not only in my presence but even more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. 13 For it is God who is working in you both to will and to work according to his good purpose.

Answer 2: Seek out His Word and His presence

  • Psalm 119:9-16 How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping your word. 10 I have sought you with all my heart; don’t let me wander from your commands. 11 I have treasured your word in my heart so that I may not sin against you. 12 Lord, may you be blessed; teach me your statutes. 13 With my lips I proclaim all the judgments from your mouth. 14 I rejoice in the way revealed by your decrees as much as in all riches. 15 I will meditate on your precepts and think about your ways. 16 I will delight in your statutes; I will not forget your word.

Answer 3: Surround yourself with the right influence

  • Proverbs 13:20 The one who walks with the wise will become wise, but a companion of fools will suffer harm.

Answer 4: Don’t wait to act

  • James 1:22-25 But be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. 23 Because if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like someone looking at his own face in a mirror. 24 For he looks at himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of person he was. 25 But the one who looks intently into the perfect law of freedom and perseveres in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer who works—this person will be blessed in what he does.


April 30, 2023


Read – Numbers 26:1-4, 16-25|What does it say?
The Lord instructed Moses and Eleazar, the priest, to take a second census of men twenty years of age and older who were able to serve in Israel’s army.

What does it mean?
The first generation of Israelites who had left Egypt during the exodus died, except Joshua and Caleb. A second census was taken to find out how many men in each tribe would be available for battle. The Lord knew that Israel would face many conflicts as they set out to claim the land He promised them, and they would need to be prepared to face those battles. The information was also used to determine the amount of land each tribe was given. The tribe of Levi was not included in this census. They were a tribe of priests, not soldiers. God had promised that He, Himself, would be their inheritance.

How should I respond?
We face spiritual battles every day and need to be prepared for the struggles, temptations, and choices that come our way. How do you prepare yourself each morning? Do you start the day reading God’s Word and committing your day to Him? Periodically, take a self-evaluation of areas where you need to be better armed for the task – a spiritual census. What tools and resources would better prepare you as a spouse, parent, or friend? Ask the Lord to make His battle plan clear and give you the grace to follow that plan.

April 28, 2021


Read – Ecclesiastes 7

What does it say?
Solomon’s contrasting of wisdom and folly led him to conclude that it is better to be wise than foolish, even though life may seem futile.

What does it mean?
Solomon’s list of “better” things in life may seem puzzling. He draws the conclusion that people seem to learn more from adversity than when things are going well. Life is unpredictable. At certain times it all seems meaningless. But even if things don’t make sense, it is better to live wisely and righteously than foolishly. After all, the difference between a wise or foolish decision can alter the course of a person’s life. Wisdom provides much needed strength and protection and offers better results.

How should I respond?
Life, with all of its difficulties and adversities, may seem pointless at times. However, everything that happens is under God’s sovereign control. He alone knows what the future holds. That‘s why it is always to our advantage to choose godly wisdom in daily decisions. When faced with a dilemma, the wise choice might not always appeal to you or appear to be the most convenient. But keep in mind that it will be pleasing to God and, therefore, beneficial to you. How can you recognize the wise choice? Look to the One who is infinitely wise. He will guide you with divine wisdom as you search the Scriptures and pray. Determine today to choose wisdom over foolishness.

April 29, 2023


Read – Numbers 25

What does it say?
The men of Israel worshiped Baal and gave in to sexual immorality, bringing God’s punishment. Phinehas acted to carry out God’s judgment on Zimri’s blatant sin.

What does it mean?
On the doorstep of the Promised Land, Israelite men succumbed to the temptations of Moabite women and made sacrifices to their gods. The ensuing execution of the leaders and punishment of the people involved were required by God as the price for the severity of the sin. Then with contempt and defiance, Zimri openly brought the sin into Israel’s camp. Phinehas’ zealous act, as an extension of God’s punishment, showed how seriously this priest took the violation of God’s law. His righteous act served as atonement and stopped the plague.

How should I respond?
Though society has its own view of right and wrong, God still takes our sin and commitment to Him very seriously. In order to maintain a vibrant relationship with Christ, believers have to live very different lives from those around them. What ungodly attitudes and behaviors have you adopted? How often are you asking God to help you see sin that may be hindering your relationship with Him? God always disciplines sin in the lives of His children. Consider how seriously God looks at your sin, and act with zeal to eliminate it.

April 27, 2021


Read – Ecclesiastes 5:8-6:12

What does it say?
Solomon warned of the vanity of loving money, as he witnessed the unreliability of wealth. He concluded that the ability to enjoy work and possessions is a gift from God.

What does it mean?
Many people believe they will be satisfied once they have accumulated enough wealth, only to find they are still unfulfilled. Having wealth carries no guarantees, since riches can slip away at any time. All mankind enters this world empty handed, and every person will leave in the exact same way. Solomon recognized God as the one true source of happiness and satisfaction. Why? He realized that contentment in life is a gift from God, enabling a person to enjoy both his work and his possessions.

How should I respond?
We live in a society that worships wealth. People exhaust themselves in order to have it all, only to want more. Living for money can cause frustration, illness, and even death. No matter how secure someone believes his wealth to be, financial ruin can happen to anyone at any time. God never intended for us to depend on something so unreliable. How has society influenced the managing of your finances? Are you accumulating possessions for greedy purposes, or are you allowing God to lead you? Seeing your work and wealth from God’s perspective will result in God’s gift of contentment.

April 28, 2023


Read – Numbers 23-24

What does it say?
Balak’s attempt to curse his enemy backfires. Israel is blessed three times, and destruction is proclaimed on their enemies.

What does it mean?
Fear of Israel had taken hold of the people of Moab. Balak enlisted the help of Balaam, a local diviner, because he understood there was a spiritual element behind Israel’s victories. However, instead of issuing a curse, Balaam proclaimed blessing over Israel in the presence of the enemy leaders. Not only was that the opposite of what Balak asked Balaam to do, it also put him in a position of great danger. Regardless, Balaam said exactly what God told him to say. Balaam understood who God was and that His message had to be spoken.

How should I respond?
There are many places in the world where it’s dangerous to speak the name and message of Jesus. In our culture, Christians aren’t imprisoned or put to death for following Christ, but the fear of disapproval can still be paralyzing. Think about the last time God prompted you to talk about your faith. Did you speak up with boldness and confidence, or did you hold back because of the audience? Ask God today to show you where you need to speak His truth. You can be confident that if you honor Him with your heart, He will give you the right words to honor Him at the right time.

April 26, 2021


Read – Ecclesiastes 5:1-7

What does it say?
Solomon advised mankind to fear God by listening in His house, by not making rash vows, and by fulfilling vows that have been made.

What does it mean?
All reverence should be shown to Almighty God. A person should enter His house and His presence ready to learn, being quick to listen and slow to speak. It’s especially foolish to make a hasty vow before God. Once an intention is promised, God expects it to be fulfilled. It’s better to refrain from making a promise than to end up making excuses later for why it didn’t happen. Promises made to God are a serious matter; excuses for not following through are unacceptable. Carefully considering and keeping one’s word shows honor for the Lord.

How should I respond?
Have you ever been caught up in the moment and promised to do something for someone only to later realize that you couldn’t deliver? We’ve all been there and experienced the consequences. God deserves our utmost reverence. We do not want to sin against Him by making promises we cannot keep. How can you avoid the pitfall of speaking rashly before the Lord? First, be teachable at church and as you read the Bible. Ask God what He wants you to learn. Next, prayerfully consider any commitment before you make it. Then be sure to honor the Lord by following through.

April 27, 2023


Read – Numbers 22

What does it say?
Balaam followed after riches and accolades, but God used a donkey to intervene.

What does it mean?
Some of the nations were beginning to fear Israel because of their large numbers and victories in battles. Balak wanted to destroy Israel through a curse by Balaam, a well-known diviner. Balaam’s words seemed to comply with the Lord’s instructions, but God saw what was in his mind and heart during the journey. Balaam’s resolveappears to have been affected by the lure of promised wealth and importance. Using extreme measures to get Balaam’s attention, God showed him the reckless path he hadchosen. God graciously corrected Balaam’s foolish course of action.

How should I respond?
Following Christ should make many decisions in life easy. God clearly lays out right and wrong in His Word. In Christian circles, we’re quick to nod our heads in agreement, but God knows when our hearts are not in full compliance. What temptation have you continued to entertain because of its appeal? How has God tried to get your attention? Don’t wait for God to intervene! He may correct your actions, or He may allow you to continue and suffer the consequences. Take time to ask Him what selfish desires could lead you on a wrong path – and let them go. No matter how alluring the potential gain, the peace that is found in obeying God is beyond compare.

April 26, 2023


Read – Numbers 21:4-9

What does it say?
The Israelites’ impatience brought God’s punishment by way of venomous snakes. God healed anyone who looked at the bronze snake that Moses put on a pole.

What does it mean?
The people of Israel had entered the Promised Land. God mercifullydelivered them from their enemies and gave them victory in battle. Instead of showing gratitude for His blessings, the people gave in to impatience. They persisted in their complaints, and God sent severe punishment in the form of venomous snakes. Even so, God showed His mercy in giving them a way to be healed. A snake was placed on a pole and erected in the camp with a simple command given: “Look at it and live.”

How should I respond?
The venom that inflicted the children of Israel is an excellent picture of sin’s destructive effect on our lives. And, just as with Israel, we have the same opportunity to “look and live.” The serpent on the pole was symbolic of the cross. In the New Testament Jesus referenced this story to help people understand what He was sent to do and what it would mean (John 3:14). Christ died on a cross for the sins of all mankind. However, unlike the temporary healing Israel experienced, Christ’s selfless act gives permanent life to all who receive Him. Have you “looked” to the cross of Jesus? God’slife-changing gift is waiting there – if only you choose to embrace it.

April 24, 2021


Read – Ecclesiastes 3

What does it say?
God, in His sovereign design, has appointed a time for everything under Heaven. He has also placed in each person’s heart a desire for eternity.

What does it mean?
God is in control, and His purposes will be accomplished. God’s perfect timing gives order and stability to what would be total chaos otherwise. People have the opportunity to enjoy each day and rise above every challenge because of God’s blessings and sovereignty. Since God created mankind with His eternal purpose in mind, the deepest human longings can never be completely satisfied by mere earthly experiences. It is only fitting to worship and reverence God as He reveals the eternal purposes behind life’s daily activities.

How should I respond?
Life happens. Some things you expect, but others come without warning. God, however, knows and sees everything from beginning to end. He can use each event in your life for His divine purposes, no matter how those circumstances may make you feel. What is your first course of action when you find yourself surrounded by chaos? Do you immediately turn to the One who made you, loves you, and sent His Son to die for you? Today, determine to trust the Lord to bring order to your life and bring awareness of His eternal purposes. As you do, a new sense of moment-by-moment worship will emerge.

April 25, 2023


Read – Numbers 20:22-29

What does it say?
Aaron, his son Eleazar, and Moses ascended Mount Hor. Moses placed Aaron’spriestly garments on Eleazar. After that, Aaron died on top of the mountain.

What does it mean?
Aaron served God faithfully while Israel wandered in the wilderness. He was appointed the first high priest, and God gave Him the responsibility of managing all who served in the Tent of Meeting. He was a minister to the people – a representative whoseevery action was meant to reflect the very heart of God. Even so, God could not ignore Aaron’s failure to trust God at the “waters of Meribah” – Aaron would die before the Israelites entered the Promised Land. God graciously allowed Aaron to see his son, Eleazar, take his place. Fittingly, all Israel mourned the loss of their spiritual leader.

How should I respond?
The end of Aaron’s life is a powerful reminder of just how seriously God looks at each of our actions. Every life has highs and lows, frustrations, and tragedies. Even the ordinary things of everyday life can seem so difficult. The way you respond to each of today’s challenges will determine the life you will reflect on in your later years. No one wants to look back at a life of bad choices. What consequences will result from your decisions and reactions this week? Regardless of the circumstances, focus today on making Christ-centered decisions that leave no room for regret.

April 23, 2019


Read – Psalm 41

What does it say?
While David’s enemies waited for him to die of disease and his friends betrayed him, David trusted the Lord to mercifully sustain and restore him.

What does it mean?
In order to understand this psalm, it’s imperative to put it into context. The “one” and “close friend” David speaks of in this passage are his son Absalom and Ahithophel (who sided against David after his sin with Bathsheba and the murder of Uriah). Ahithophel was Bathsheba’s grandfather, but Absalom’s hatred for his father was more complicated. David had not punished his son Amnon for brutally attacking Absalom’s sister. When Absalom killed Amnon, David was estranged from him for years, leaving Absalom bitter and revengeful. David felt the harsh reality of Nathan’s prophecy that the sword would never leave his house. He must have felt he had no moral ground upon which to rule justly because of his own similar offenses. Although David had right standing with God after his repentance, the consequences of his sin followed him and tore his family apart.

How should I respond?
The Lord’s forgiveness is assured when we genuinely repent, but the severity of the consequences can be far reaching. If you’re enduring the realities of your own actions, seek God’s forgiveness and reach out to those you’ve hurt. Consider the underlying warning in this chapter – the temptation that entices you today may cost you dearly in the future. Will you choose to repent before a sinful thought becomes a sinful action?

April 24, 2023


Read – Numbers 20:14-21

What does it say?
Israel asked for help from Edom. Instead of help, they found opposition.

What does it mean?
Israel’s request to use the “King’s Highway” was reasonable. This route, commonly used by many for travel and trade, provided safety and shortened the north/south journey. Edom had the opportunity to help their “brother” Israel in a time of great need. These two nations were descendants of brothers, Jacob and Esau. But what should have been a helping hand became a threat of violence. Israel faced the sting of rejection along with the harsh reality that their difficult journey would be much longer.

How should I respond?
There are times when each of us encounters opposition for no apparent reason. Even when our motives are pure, the actions and attitudes of others can seem to conspire against us. Are you facing rejection that you do not understand? What unexpectedopposition is making a difficult situation even worse? Regardless of the source,consider that God has allowed it to happen. We don’t always know why, but the Lord often uses obstacles to shape and mold us to be more like Him. What have you learned about God in your current circumstance? What have you learned aboutyourself? How do you need to respond in order to accomplish God’s purpose for you and for the other person?

April 22, 2021


Read – Ecclesiastes 1

What does it say?
Solomon, son of David and king over Israel, had gained more knowledge than all before him. Solomon found everything was meaningless and futile, a chasing after the wind.

What does it mean?
God had given Solomon unmatched wisdom, knowledge, and wealth. Yet as he reflected on nature, past generations, and human effort in general, he found no meaning in any of it. Ecclesiastes was written near the end of Solomon’s life. All of the things that had once seemed important are now described as a “chasing after the wind.” He realized that everything in life is endless repetition. What has already happened will happen again and will one day be forgotten. Since life’s meaning cannot be found in any effort of mankind, its true meaning must be found somewhere else.

How should I respond?
Think about trying to catch the wind. It is as futile as children trying to catch their shadow – a meaningless task that can never be completed. Yet how many times do we “chase the wind” as adults? “If I get that promotion, I can spend more time with the family.” Or, “When I pay off this debt, I’ll have money to help others.” What are you chasing right now? Whatever you try to do in your own strength and effort will ultimately be meaningless. Determine today to live for Christ. It’s only then that you’ll find life’s true meaning and purpose.

April 23, 2023


Read – Numbers 20:1-13

What does it say?
God provided water for His people despite Moses’ disobedience.

What does it mean?
For decades, Moses faithfully followed God while the Israelites complained, even though God consistently met their needs. In a moment of frustration, Moses became angry with the people and disobeyed God. Rather than doing as God instructed,Moses rebuked the entire community and reacted in anger. Moses had a responsibility to demonstrate God’s mercy and grace. Instead, he chose to give in to frustration. Consequently, Moses and Aaron lost the privilege of leading the Israelites into the Promised Land. God’s charge was that they “did not trust” or “honor me as holy in the sight of the people.” The momentary lapse had devastating consequences.

How should I respond?
We all experience moments of frustration, but too often we blame events and circumstances for our responses. Our obedience and our reaction is our choice. When you feel yourself growing impatient or angry, you have to decide whether you’ll give in to how you feel in the moment or demonstrate God’s love and mercy. Who frustrates you? What response to that person would be obedience to God? What response would be disobedience? Regardless of the circumstances, we are meant to be examples of Christ. Choose to show Christ’s example in every interaction today.

April 21, 2021


Read – Proverbs 31:10-31

What does it say?
Her children, husband, and community praise a wife of noble character for her excellence.

What does it mean?
An excellent wife is known for her spiritual wisdom, practical wisdom, and moral virtues. The loyalty, support, and respect she gives to her husband cause him to trust her completely. She manages their home, prepares food for her family, and plans ahead for the future. Being resourceful in investing enables her to be generous to the poor and needy. Her delight in being a mother shows as she instructs her children with wisdom and kindness. The praise she receives from her family and community is the reward of her lifelong diligence. The key to godly character is fear and reverence for the Lord.

How should I respond?
True godly character only comes from the Lord. Knowing God personally gives you continuous access to His divine guidance through Scripture, the Holy Spirit, and prayer. As you fear and reverence God, He will enable you to become the godly person He created you to be. When your responsibilities seem overwhelming, where do you turn for help? Remember, the Lord is available and able 24/7. He can empower you to carry out your tasks diligently and accomplish necessary goals. Godly character will develop as the Lord works through you, and you will be blessed while blessing others.

April 22, 2023


Read – Numbers 17-18

What does it say?
God confirmed that He had appointed Aaron and his sons to serve in the priestly office while the other Levites were to assist the priests in the care of the Tent of Meeting.

What does it mean?
The previous chapter records an open rebellion against Moses and Aaron. Even some Levites openly challenged the position of their God-given spiritual leader. The budding of Aaron’s staff showed the Israelites that God had chosen him to be the high priest, putting an end to the public challenge of his authority. Aaron‘s affirmation by God shows the seriousness of His call to action and how abundantly He equips those He calls for His work.

How should I respond?
Have you taken time to consider what God has planned for you? Regardless of your role or responsibilities, God has designed you for a purpose and is preparing you to fulfill that purpose. God’s equipping comes through both the opportunities He gives and the challenges He allows you to face. Are you going through opposition at the moment? How is God using it to stretch your limits? What affirmation have you been given by the Lord? Look for opportunities to use your natural and spiritual gifts. You may find that God has equipped you in ways that you never realized.|Further reading, Numbers 19

April 20, 2021


Read – Proverbs 31:1-9

What does it say?
King Lemuel’s godly mother warned him about wayward women, wine, and injustice.

What does it mean?
King Lemuel’s mother loved him enough to instruct him according to the way of the Lord. She cautioned him against giving himself to wayward women so that he would not experience the debilitating effects of immorality. As a king, he would need to have a clear mind in order to decree judgments; therefore, his mother advised against wine and strong drink. Seeking justice for the unfortunate, afflicted, and needy was also a duty of the king. She taught him to carry out justice by ruling righteously with compassion. King Lemuel stood to gain much by following her godly advice.

How should I respond?
Scripture instructs us to teach our children the way of the Lord. How do you accomplish this most important task? As a parent, you are your child’s first teacher and role model. You teach every moment by your words, actions, attitudes, and choices. What areas of your life do you need to bring under the Lord’s control in order to honor Him? Have you found ways to communicate Scripture with your children daily on age-appropriate levels? God’s Word is a believer’s instruction manual for life. As you train your children to believe and obey His Word, your godly influence will become your legacy.

April 21, 2023


Read – Numbers 16

What does it say?
God passed judgment on a group of community leaders who led a rebellion against Moses and Aaron’s authority. Even so, the Israelites continued to grumble.

What does it mean?
God had already confirmed that Moses was the leader He had chosen to deliver theIsraelites from slavery and lead them into their own land. However, rather than submit to Moses’ God-given authority, Korah, Dathan, and Abiram formed a rebellion in order to promote their own positions within the community. They were more interested in their own agenda than God’s plan. The Lord’s answer was swift and unquestionable. But less than twenty-four hours later, the Israelites opposed Moses again, bringing even more judgment. Challenging Moses’ authority was a challenge to God’s authority.

How should I respond?
Who has God placed as an authority in your life? What is your attitude toward thepeople who make decisions in your community, church, and home? There’s no doubt that not all leaders are cut from the same cloth as Moses. We’re bound to have differences of opinion and even disagreements with people in positions over us. In those times, ask God to reveal any signs of rebellion in your heart. How might you be trying to promote yourself and your own agenda? Look for opportunities to talk about issues that come up in a way that shows respect for a leader’s position. How can you show support for God-given authority today?

April 19, 2021


Read – Proverbs 30:10-33

What does it say?
Agur, a student of wisdom, observed how God’s wisdom empowers the weak.

What does it mean?
Agur recognized the wisdom of the Creator in four small, weak creatures. Tiny ants use planning and working together; defenseless rock badgers diligently climb up steep, rugged rocks for protection; locusts are well organized despite the fact that they have no apparent leader; and spiders are resourceful enough to exist practically anywhere. Not one of these creatures is strong, but each survives by using the innate wisdom given to it by God. The wisdom of the Creator enables these minute species to thrive in a world where most other creatures are larger and stronger. Agur realized that wisdom is superior to strength.

How should I respond?
What can we learn from the lives of these insignificant creatures? Plenty! The wisdom, plainly seen in these species, points us to the God of all creation (Psalm 8:3-9). We can greatly benefit by planning ahead and working together, diligently striving onward, organizing endeavors, and resourcefully using what God has provided. How many times have you blown it by relying solely on your own strength? The next time you find yourself struggling, ask the Creator to guide you. Since God cares for the least of His creation, just consider how much more He cares for those made in His image.

April 20, 2023


Read – Numbers 14

What does it say?
Moses’ intercession for the Israelites held back God’s immediate wrath. But when they tried to enter the land on their own, the Amalekites and Canaanites defeated them.

What does it mean?
God had never once failed to take care of His people, yet they constantly displayed a lack of faith when challenges arose. Looking back on His faithfulness should have given them the trust needed to go into the land He promised them. It was only after judgment was passed on their defiance and on the ten who spread the bad report about the land that they admitted their sin. But rather than repent, the people rebelled against God’s judgment and tried to take control by entering the land against the advice of Moses. As a result of being outside of God’s will, leadership, and protection—they were defeated.

How should I respond?
You have two options when challenges arise: trust God or take control. Like the Israelites, we sometimes sit on our hands when God tells us to move, or we try to make something happen when He wants us to wait or stop. In what current challenge do you need to trust God more? How have you tried to manipulate the outcome on your own? Think back on how God has been faithful and trustworthy in the past. Allow those times to strengthen your faith and obedience for today’s challenges. Ask God to reveal any evidence of rebellion in your life. How will you display trust in God today?|For further reading, Numbers 15.

April 18, 2021


Read – Proverbs 30:10-33

What does it say?
Divine revelation is certain, and no one has the authority to add to God’s Word.

What does it mean?
Agur, a sage during the time of Solomon, wisely instructed his students that true wisdom is not learned through human efforts. He humbly admitted his limited understanding and proceeded to direct them to the source of all wisdom, the Holy One. The questions Agur presented could only be answered by divine revelation through Scripture. The Word of God is infallible. Anyone who tries to add to His Word will be proven a liar. God’s Word is settled forever (Psalm 119:89). Ultimately, true wisdom only comes from knowing God through His Holy Word.

How should I respond?
Have you truly realized how awesome it is to have knowledge of Almighty God? You may possess knowledge from many sources, but unless you know God through His Word, you won’t have true wisdom. How tragic it would be to spend a lifetime learning what the world has to offer while neglecting the knowledge of God. What would be gained if you knew everything society deems as important but failed to know the God who created it all? Today, allow the Lord to speak to you through Scripture. What He has revealed is amazing!

April 19, 2023


Read – Numbers 13

What does it say?
Moses sent twelve men into Canaan who returned with a report of the land. Most of the men were fearful, but Caleb encouraged the people to take possession of the land.

What does it mean?
Having reached the land God had promised, the people should have been praisingGod for His faithfulness in meeting all their needs for so many months. Instead, they allowed a small group of ten men to influence them with a disheartening report.Joshua and Caleb were the only two of the twelve who continued to trust God,knowing that He would enable them to overcome any obstacles in the land. How different the outcome would have been had all of them trusted God and realized He would continue to be faithful just as He had been in the past.

How should I respond?
Standing alone for God and His Word is never an easy task. What fearful ordiscouraging situation do you find yourself in today? Are you the only personstanding firm in your faith at home, work, or school? God has not changed. He is able toovercome any and every situation; even the ones that make you feel small and weak. What fear is holding you back from believing God and taking Him at His Word?Trusting Him to do a mighty work when you can’t see the result is true faith. He will always help you accomplish any work He wants you to do. What action do you need to take today?

April 17, 2021


Read – Proverbs 29:11,20

What does it say?
It is foolish to speak in haste or in anger. A wise person maintains self-control when he speaks.

What does it mean?
Woven within this chapter are great nuggets of truth regarding speech. First, the person who allows anger to rule his tongue causes hurt and frustration. It is better to calm down before speaking. A wise person understands the benefits of maintaining self-control in heated conversations. Secondly, the person who speaks before he knows all the facts makes costly mistakes. His words show no thought, whereas a wise person listens and gains information in order to speak carefully and thoughtfully.

How should I respond?
Harsh words spoken when emotions are running high will damage your relationships. Wait until you have control of your emotions before emailing, texting, or having a face-to-face confrontation. Don’t let anger get the best of you. Review all that was said. Is it possible there is something deeper going on? How can you help rather than harm the relationship in a moment of anger? Being cautious of how you respond to a difficult situation demonstrates strength and wisdom. Remember, it’s more important to preserve a relationship than to foolishly vent your feelings.

April 18, 2023


Read – Numbers 12

What does it say?
Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses, causing Miriam to be struck with leprosy for seven days. God reaffirmed Moses as His chosen servant and friend.

What does it mean?
The issue of Moses’ marriage was not the root cause of Miriam and Aaron’s complaint.They had become envious of his relationship with God and his authority to leadIsrael. Their jealousy overflowed into a tirade against Moses, pointing out their owncontributions. They never imagined that God Himself would come to Moses’ defense. The incident offers unique insight into the relationship between God and Moses. God forgave their sin of coveting Moses’ position, but Miriam bore the consequences.

How should I respond?
Proverbs 13:10 says that pride leads to quarrels. Take a moment to look into your heart. How often is your anger at a sibling, co-worker, or friend rooted in pride and envy? Do you crave the attention or position currently given to that person? God has given us different levels of responsibility within our family, church, and community. If you are in a leadership role, like Moses, commit to following the Lord whole-heartedly so that your words and actions will be blameless. Those in supporting roles should consider the value of encouragement, assistance, and prayer for those in God-given leadership positions. What issue of pride do you need to deal with today?

April 16, 2021


Read – Proverbs 29:1-27

What does it say?
A king who rules with righteousness and justice encourages stability and security, causing his people to rejoice.

What does it mean?
Two types of kings or leaders are described in these Proverbs. A righteous king who rules justly brings a nation stability and joy. People feel secure when an honest, trustworthy person is in control. On the other hand, a wicked, greedy king who listens to dishonest advisors encourages sinful behavior among his people. They often live in fear and distress from their king and those who follow his example. That nation has little chance of peace and will eventually self-destruct due to poor leadership. But no matter who is in power, justice ultimately comes from God.

How should I respond?
In our world, it is quite common to have both righteous and wicked leaders in positions of authority. Although we elect political and civic leaders, we do not get to choose how they do their jobs. Regardless of what they do while in office, we can look to God as our righteous ruler. He will always have the final say on right and wrong. His rule over the world is just and will prevail in the end. As followers of Christ we are called to respect and obey our leaders, but our peace and security should rest solely in our heavenly King who is in control of all things.

April 17, 2023


Read – Numbers 11

What does it say?
The Israelites complained about food, and Moses complained about the people. As a result, God sent quail and judgment into the camp.

What does it mean?
Two complaints received two very different responses from God. He took extreme measures to deal with the constant complaining of the people. They completely lost perspective of the Lord’s deliverance by wishing to be slaves again, just to eat what their bodies craved. At the same time, Moses had reached an emotional breaking point from carrying the responsibility of the nation on his shoulders. But rather than reprimand Moses, the Lord saw his heart and immediately offered a solution while reminding him that it was God carrying the people. Any work for God must be done in His strength.

How should I respond?
Followers of Christ are not immune to pressure, stress, or disappointment. Thequestion is – what goes on in your heart when you’re overcome with negativeemotions? Do you suddenly crave things that were part of your old life, or do you take your feelings to the Lord? It’s not wrong to express frustration to God; He already knows what’s going on in your head and your heart. The pressure is greatest when we attempt to face life in our own strength rather than rely on His strength. Where have you reached your breaking point? Check your heart, be honest with God, and look to Him for wisdom and guidance.

April 15, 2021


Read – Proverbs 28:15-28

What does it say?
Those who are faithful and generous will prosper, whereas those who are selfish and greedy end up in poverty.

What does it mean?
The Lord provides for those who put their trust in Him. In most cases, God’s provision comes through the ability to work hard. The person who does so with honesty and integrity is trustworthy and has no reason to look over his shoulder in fear. Because he trusts in the Lord to provide, he is free to be generous to those who have less. By contrast, the stingy and greedy person cannot be blessed by the Lord. He tries to take the easy way out and gain riches dishonestly by chasing worthless schemes. Ironically, people who are eager to get rich often end up in poverty due to foolishly trusting their own judgment.

How should I respond?
Our definition of prosperity in America is somewhat skewed from what it means in other parts of the world. We have become so accustomed to having an overabundance of “stuff” that we fail to recognize the meeting of our daily needs as a divine blessing. Instead, we often expect a certain level of provision that includes luxury and excess. With whom is God prompting you to share His provision? What are you willing to do without in order to be generous? Trust God with all that you have by giving others what they need. Your generosity may very well draw them to Christ.

You Asked For It: Raising Godly Kids in a Broken World


You Asked For It: Raising Godly Kids in a Broken World

Deut. 6:4-9 (CSB) Listen, Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one., Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart. Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them be a symbol on your forehead., Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your city gates.

How do you raise Godly kids in a broken world?

Should I isolate my child from the world?

No, isolation can leave your child afraid of the world

Matthew 5:14-16 You are the light of the world. A city situated on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 No one lights a lamp and puts it under a basket, but rather on a lampstand, and it gives light for all who are in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.

It can leave your child unprepared to face the world

It can keep your child from being what God intended them to be

Should I be the parent who is “large and in charge”?

No, modeling Godly behavior is better than forcing Godly behavior

Deut. 6:4-6 Listen, Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart.

Your children will embrace Godly living when they see it in a genuine form

Deut. 6:7 Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Genuine Godly living is always filled with grace

Colossians 4:5-6 Act wisely toward outsiders, making the most of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you should answer each person.

Should I make sure my kids “look the part”?

Authenticity in our faith is better than putting on a good show

Deut. 6:8-9 Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them be a symbol on your forehead. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your city gates.

Teaching your children that trying to make others think they’ve got it all together can push them away from their faith rather than draw them to it.

Teaching your children the value of living right is far more important than looking right

1 Timothy 4:7b-8 Rather, train yourself in godliness. For the training of the body has limited benefit, but godliness is beneficial in every way, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.

Question 4: What do I do if my child is running from their faith?


James 5:16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is very powerful in its effect.

Never give up

6:7a Repeat them to your children…

Never stop loving them

3:21 Fathers, do not exasperate your children, so that they won’t become discouraged.

April 16, 2023


Read – Numbers 10

What does it say?
God instructed Moses that it was time to begin the journey toward the land of Canaan. Moses compelled his brother-in-law, Hobab, to journey with them.

What does it mean?
God had everything in place for Israel to embark on the journey that would fulfill His plans for them. He gave Moses detailed instructions for every facet of the trip so there would be order rather than chaos. God had even given Moses the names of the men who would lead each tribe (Num. 1). Moses invited Hobab, who had knowledge of the terrain, to go with them on the journey and share in “whatever good things the Lord” promised to Israel. The journey would not be easy, but God had planned every aspect to guide and protect His people.

How should I respond?
God has a plan and purpose for you, just as He did for the Israelites. What life journey are you embarking on right now? God sees every aspect before you take a single step and wants to prepare you for what’s ahead. What changes do you need to make to bring order to your life so you can better follow His plan? Are your finances and family in good standing, allowing you to obey God’s direction at a moment’s notice? Who is the spiritual head of your family – the one you can look to for help as you navigate the road ahead? Ask God to use this journey to develop Christ-like character and deepen your dependence on Him.

April 14, 2021


Read – Proverbs 28:1-14

What does it say?
The righteous are discerning, keeping and fully understanding the law. They confess their sins in the fear of the Lord, who shows them mercy.

What does it mean?
The righteous and the wicked take opposite approaches to the laws of the land. Their perspective is determined by how they view God. Because the righteous person reveres the Lord, he can discern how his actions affect others, himself, and his relationship with a holy God. His keeping of the law results in a clear conscience. He admits when he has done wrong and leaves it behind. God responds to the repentant attitude of the righteous with mercy and forgiveness.

How should I respond?
What is your first reaction when you see a state trooper? Do you immediately take your foot off the gas and look at your speedometer? Your reaction is a direct result of either a clear or guilty conscience. What about other laws in our country? When you feel a need to hide what you’re doing, that is evidence that God is pricking your conscience. You’ll gain discernment as you discover more about the character of God by studying the Bible. A proper view of God leads to admitting when you’ve sinned. What do you need to admit to the Lord and walk away from today?

April 15, 2023


Read – Numbers 9:15-23

What does it say?
God put a cloud over the Tabernacle by day and a pillar of fire by night. When the cloud moved or stayed, the Israelites would move or stay with it accordingly.

What does it mean?
In those days, Israel lived in tents. They had no houses yet. They could move from place to place quickly. Their mobility would help them find food, avoid enemies, and adjust to diverse living conditions throughout the year. They always knew where God wanted them to go. He gave them a visible sign by day and night. From anywhere in the camp they could see if it was time to stay or time to leave. They never had towonder what God’s will was for their lives because He spelled it out in great detail through Moses and led them from place to place during their time in the wilderness.

How should I respond?
Do you ever wonder what God wants you to do with your life? For that matter, do you wonder what God wants you to do today? Just like the Israelites looked toward the Tabernacle every day to see what God wanted for their day, so we can look to God in prayer daily. Another way we can connect with God daily is to read the Bible. It is His letter to us, and it is full of great instructions for how we can live our lives. When we read Scripture it’s like listening to God talk, and when we pray we’re talking to God.He wants to lead you day to day. Are you having a daily conversation with God?

April 13, 2021


Read – Proverbs 27:18-27

What does it say?
Tending a fig tree provides fruit to eat. Looking after flocks provides clothing and nourishment for the household.

What does it mean?
Solomon addressed the reader’s work ethic with examples from an agricultural society. Farmers have to cultivate their crops in order to have a healthy harvest. Likewise, a shepherd who doesn’t carefully look after his flock won’t enjoy the clothing, food, or monetary benefits the herd can offer. A boss notices the worker who faithfully carries out his duties. The benefits of diligent, hard work affect the quality of a person’s life and the relationships he or she has.

How should I respond?
We live in an entitlement society; many people expect to do less and receive more. That attitude is contradictory to Scripture. God cares about how well we perform our daily chores at home and duties at work. Everything we do as believers should be a reflection of Jesus. Is your work ethic a positive or negative testimony for Christ? The benefits of being diligent in your job, schoolwork, or household chores will provide for your daily needs and nurture the relationships in those places. What task is ahead of you this week? Determine to carry it out with diligence. When your aim is to please the Lord with your work, those over you are seldom disappointed.

April 14, 2023


Read – Numbers 9:1-14

What does it say?
A year after God dramatically delivered Israel from slavery in Egypt, Israel celebrated with the Passover–an annual feast of remembrance of how God delivered them.

What does it mean?
God instituted a ceremony to remind His people of the most important day in their history: the day He rescued them from the hand of their cruel masters and harshconditions in Egypt. A year had gone by since then, so God instructed Moses to have the people celebrate the Passover. They would continue to do this every yearthroughout their history according to God’s plan. Even the foreigners who were visiting in Israel were invited to celebrate as long as they purified themselves and followed the rules of the ceremony.

How should I respond?
Annual holidays exist in most every culture to remember important things in theirhistory. Some celebrate their national independence or the end of a war. Individually, we may celebrate birthdays or remember loved ones on the anniversary of the day they died. On what special date did God do something profound in your life? Do you remember a time when He delivered you from a difficult situation? Mark that date on your calendar, and plan to remember it every year. Perhaps there is something right now you need His deliverance from. Begin to pray specifically and look for ways that He may be working in your favor. God is the great Deliverer!

April 12, 2021


Read – Proverbs 27:1-17

What does it say?
A friend gives counsel and praise, as well as rebuke when needed.

What does it mean?
The meaning of true friendship comes across throughout these verses. Friends praise each other’s qualities and accomplishments, but genuine care for another person is proven in difficulty. A bona fide friend doesn’t hesitate to be honest, even when it’s difficult. Although the words may initially sting, they are more profitable than false praise intended to manipulate. When a crisis comes, that same person is generous with his time, helping in any way he can. True friendships are marked by mutual love and honesty. Over time, each helps the other to improve.

How should I respond?
Let’s take a friendship quiz. Jot down the names of people who have given you some kind of praise recently. Next, think of people who’ve taken time to offer you wise counsel. Do any of the names match up? Now include anyone who helped you during a personal or family crisis. Has the list gotten smaller? Finally, write down the name of someone who cared enough to lovingly warn against a questionable decision or a character flaw. Look over your list – do one or two names show up more than once – perhaps three times? Those are true friends! How many times would your name be on their lists? Find a way to let them know that you’re a better person for knowing them.

April 13, 2023


Read – Numbers 7:1-10, 84-89

What does it say?
When the tabernacle was finally completed, Moses dedicated it and everything in it. Leaders from all twelve tribes of Israel brought offerings to celebrate its completion.

What does it mean?
What an exciting day that must have been–the Tabernacle was finally completed! Hundreds of details had been put together by the plan of God and carried out by the obedience of His people. Imagine how it must have felt to be a part of that celebration. Leaders came from every tribe in Israel to present gifts in celebration of God’s goodness and His forgiveness of their sin. The tabernacle was dedicated for perpetual use among God’s people for dealing with sin and celebrating God’s goodness.

How should I respond?
Think about how much God has given us to be thankful for in our lives. We often take for granted the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the people He has given us to love. Take a few minutes to make a list of five things God has given you for which you are most grateful. Then look at the list carefully. Talk to God one-on-one about each of these things, and tell Him you are thankful. Each time you thank God for what He has given you, it is like one of those offerings brought to the tabernacle to celebrate God’s goodness. We can celebrate God’s goodness every day through our thankful prayers.|For further

reading, N

umbers 7:11-83 and

Numbers 8.

April 11, 2021


Read – Proverbs 26:13-28

What does it say?
Solomon warned against laziness, interference in other people’s quarrels, and deceitfulness.

What does it mean?
Solomon discussed several destructive behaviors: laziness, meddling, deception, and gossip. The “sluggard” is uninvolved, even in his own life, to the point of absurdity. On the other hand, the meddler and gossip are overly involved in the affairs of others. Those who are lazy or who meddle tend to suffer personally from their choices. However, those who set out to gossip, deceive, and start quarrels primarily hurt other people. Their harmful behavior, even if disguised, will eventually come back on them.

How should I respond?
There’s no excuse for a follower of Christ to be lazy. Jesus left us with a clear mission: to make disciples of all nations, baptizing and teaching them (Matt. 28:18-20.) That can only be accomplished through diligent effort. However, we must discern between doing the work of the Lord and getting involved in situations that are none of our business. How might you have masked your own agenda under the guise of Christian service? Who has been hurt in the process? Determine to stay focused on using your time wisely as directed by God. Heed Solomon’s warning – destructive behaviors cannot be taken back.

April 12, 2023


Read – Numbers 5

What does it say?
God gave Moses guidelines for Israelites who wanted to take a special vow to God—above and beyond their normal devotion to God. It was called the “Nazirite Vow.”

What does it mean?
Taking a Nazirite vow involved dedicating or setting aside something as special. The length of time and the reason for taking the pledge were totally left up to theindividual. However, there were certain regulations to follow, which ensured thatothers would be aware that the Israelite had taken the vow, such as not cutting the hair. This promoted a sense of accountability in the community for the Nazirite. When the time of dedication was completed, an offering was made to celebrate beforethe Lord.

How should I respond?
Americans have a habit of making a New Year’s Resolution—a promise they intend to keep entering a new year. What helps a person keep a promise? Two things: the reason for the promise and continuing accountability. What needs to change in your spiritual life? What issue do you need to take more seriously? Whether you call it a resolution, a promise, or a vow – determine a course of action and stick to it. God will guide and strengthen you in any undertaking that honors Him. Who can you ask to be a trustworthy accountability partner? Don’t wait for a new year—ask God what resolution you need to make today.

April 10, 2021


Read – Proverbs 26:1-12

What does it say?
It is difficult for a fool to understand or apply wisdom, but there is more hope for him than for a person full of pride.

What does it mean?
The book of Proverbs gives many examples of the effects of foolish behavior. These verses, however, deal specifically with the consequences of trusting someone who is foolish. Hiring a fool or placing him in a position of responsibility and honor is not wise. He seldom learns from his mistakes and rarely takes wise counsel to heart. While some of his nonsense can be overlooked, correction has to be given when foolishness gets out of hand. The person dealing with a fool should guard against speaking from his own wisdom. Not recognizing pride or self-conceit is worse than being foolish.

How should I respond?
Proverbs tells us over and over again that the Lord is the only true source of wisdom. That’s why it’s best to be cautious when dealing with someone who doesn’t understand – or refuses to believe in – the Word of God. Relationships and friendships can be tested when one person continues to act foolishly. So how should you proceed? First, speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). Also, be careful to avoid becoming conceited regarding your advice or understanding of Scripture. After all, any wisdom you have is solely because of the Lord. Pride will only serve to blind you to your own needs.

April 11, 2023


Read – Numbers 5

What does it say?
God gave Moses directions on what to do with unclean people in the camp, people who sinned in general, and husbands who suspect their wives of being unfaithful.

What does it mean?
One theme that runs through all three sections of this chapter is purity. God’s ideal is that His people should be pure in every way. If there were physical diseases that might spread throughout the camp, the people with those diseases were to be separated from the others until they were physically pure, so they could return. If someone sinned against their neighbors, they were to make amends, so there would be no bitterness spread throughout the camp. If there were unfaithful wives, they were to be confronted and punished, so that marital unfaithfulness would not spread throughout the camp.

How should I respond?
The Bible tells us that “all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory” (Rom. 3:23), and if anyone says they have no sin, they are deceiving themselves (1 John 1:8). How can we who are impure live in the presence of the perfectly pure God? “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous, and will purify us from all impurity” (1 John 1:9). We get cleaned up, so to speak, by humbly recognizing our impurity, asking God for forgiveness, and trusting in God’s promise of forgiveness. All of that is only possible because Jesus was punished in our place. Have you asked God for forgiveness?

April 9, 2021


Read – Proverbs 25:11-28

What does it say?
A person with no self-control is like a city with broken walls.

What does it mean?
Solomon used figurative language to encourage his reader toward a life of discipline and self-control, which is valuable to the individual and to others. Although this passage covers a broad range of topics, each saying guides the reader to wisely guard some aspect of his speech, emotions, or behavior. A person’s words and reactions can be either controlled and beneficial or undisciplined and detrimental to relationships. A life of self-control offers protection just as a wall safeguards the inhabitants of a well-fortified city.

How should I respond?
Discipline regarding our health and fitness is currently in vogue. You may choose to forgo a piece of pie, but how much self-control do you exercise over your mind and emotions? For a follower of Christ, self-control is actually submitting to the control of the Holy Spirit. When you allow God to discipline your speech, your words will be encouraging, and your friendship will be valued. The same is true for your actions and emotions; keeping both in check displays godly character. In which example from today’s passage do you need more self-control? Be aware of it as you move throughout the day. Ask God to give you a disciplined body, mind, and spirit.

April 10, 2023


Read – Numbers 1

What does it say?
God instructed Moses to take a census of all men who were twenty years or older except for the Levites, who were to be responsible for the Tabernacle.

What does it mean?
What was the reason for this census? Did God know how many people there were in Israel? Of course He did! Jesus told us that God even knows the number of hairs that are on each person’s head (Luke 12:7). God instructed Moses to count the number of men that were able to serve in the military, so the Israelites themselves would know how vulnerable they were to the established militaries of the nations in the Promised Land. It would also serve as a baseline for showing later generations how much God would bless them as they grew into one of the mighty nations of the earth.

How should I respond?
Are you feeling outnumbered or overwhelmed as you face the challenges of life this week? Have you taken a census, so to speak, of your human abilities and strengths only to realize that what you have does not seem as strong as what faces you? Paul told us that God’s power is perfected in our weakness (2 Cor. 12:9). He specializes in giving us the ability to face life’s challenges no matter how strong they seem. When David faced the giant, Goliath, God gave David the confidence to proclaim, “the battle belongs to the LORD” (1 Sam. 17:47). Does your “battle” today belong to the Lord?|For further reading, read Numbers 2-4.

April 8, 2021


Read – Proverbs 25:1-10

What does it say?
A king should strive for a righteous reign, and his people should be careful in the way they relate to one another.

What does it mean?
Both the king and the people had a part in helping the kingdom to run smoothly. Solomon, as well as a future king, had the responsibility to know what was happening in his kingdom and to use that information with discernment. Removing wicked influences helped each king to rule righteously. Likewise, if the people avoided self-promotion, hasty court proceedings, and betrayals of trust, their relationships with one another would improve. A healthy community required less intervention from the king, allowing him to focus on important kingdom matters.

How should I respond?
If you are in a position of leadership, it makes sense to be the best leader possible. Following scriptural guidelines helps to ensure a successful “reign” in all you are doing. Ask God to give you discernment as you make decisions and communicate with those you lead. When you find yourself under someone else’s leadership, be willing to follow. How willingly do you take directions and maintain trust with others involved? Strife will only get in the way of fulfilling your purpose. How healthy is your leadership or “follow-ship” today? Determine to lead, follow, AND get out of the way.

April 9, 2023


Read – Leviticus 27

What does it say?
God gave regulations concerning vows and the dedication of persons, animals, and property. A tithe of everything belonged to God.

What does it mean?
Although special vows were not required, God gave specific regulations concerningthe keeping of vows. Once a vow was made, God expected the person to follow through on what he promised. There are several examples in the Old Testament of vows or promises made to God, such as Hannah’s promise concerning her son(I Sam. 1) and Jacob’s vow at Bethel (Gen. 28:20). A two-fold lesson is found in this passage: “Be careful what you promise,” and “Keep your promises.”

How should I respond?
God always keeps His promises and expects His people to keep their promises – not only to Him, but also to others. Believers who go back on their word aren’tdemonstrating the character of Christ. Are you quick to commit to something but often fail to follow through? Parents, can your children count on you to do what you say – even regarding discipline? The ability to keep your word starts with being careful about what you say. What promise do you need to follow up on today? Of whom do you need to ask forgiveness for failing to keep your word? We can always count on God. Can God and others count on you?

April 7, 2021


Read – Proverbs 24:23-34

What does it say?
A wise man learned a lesson from the poor condition of the lazy man’s field: too much sleep and folding of the hands will lead to poverty.

What does it mean?
Several character traits emerge from today’s passage: justice, honesty, and diligence. Wisdom leads a person to strengthen and practice such godly characteristics through observation. The writer saw a man who neglected his fields; because the man allowed thorns and weeds to choke out his crop, he had no way to provide for his household. A wise person is able to learn from the mistakes of others so that he will not make the same mistakes himself. He also sees life lessons in the natural order of the world.

How should I respond?
If you’ve ever done a school science project, you know that there is a difference between seeing and observing. Observing includes watching carefully in order to arrive at a conclusion. Today’s Proverbs encourage us to gain wisdom from what we observe in nature and in the lives of others. Which character trait from today’s passage needs to be developed more fully in your life? Today, take notice of people who are either very strong or very weak in that trait. Look for the way God has demonstrated that attribute in nature. What lesson or warning can you take from your observations? Does someone else receive encouragement or a warning by observing you?

April 8, 2023


Read – Leviticus 26

What does it say?
Obedience to the Lord assured that Israel would be fruitful, victorious, and experience the presence of God. Disobedience meant punishment and required repentance.

What does it mean?
The nation of Israel has a special place in the heart of God. God described the tremendous blessings Israel would receive for obedience, especially the promise that He would walk among them and be their God. Then, He described the punishments for disobedience, punishments that seem extremely harsh. However, God disciplines in love to motivate His redeemed people to turn from sin and return to Him. In God’s sovereign will, He had established a nation through Abraham’s descendants – a nation “entrusted with the very words of God” (Romans 3:2). From that nation would come the Lord Jesus Christ. Israel experienced God’s miracles, provision, and revelation like no other nation on earth. God expects the best from those to whom He gives His best.

How should I respond?
All of the sacrifices, offerings and cleansings in Leviticus speak of the Lord Jesus Christ. God has provided everything we need to live godly lives in Him. In what area of your life have you continued to stubbornly disobey God? His purpose in discipline is to bring repentance so that we will live before Him in faith and godliness. What will you do this week to obey God’s specific instructions to you? In Jesus, God has given us His very best. Will you give your best to Him?

April 6, 2021


Read – Proverbs 24:11-22

What does it say?
Do not steal from the righteous, gloat over an enemy’s fall, envy evil men, worry about the wicked, or join with rebels. Rescue those being led away, fear the Lord and the king.

What does it mean?
Today’s passage addresses how to relate wisely in human relationships as well as to the Lord. When proper time and attention are given to godly pursuits, there’s little time left to fret about other people or join them in doing wrong. Instead, the wise person allows God and established authorities to deal with the actions of evil and wicked people. Even laughing over the failure of an enemy might cause God to take pity on him. The person who fears the Lord doesn’t try to claim ignorance regarding the hardships of others, but he steps in and does what he can.

How should I respond?
Each of us has only 1440 minutes in a day – no matter who we are. How you spend your time is largely influenced by whom you choose to think about the most throughout the day. Recognizing evil in the world isn’t wrong, but worrying about what others are doing or gloating when they fail is a waste of time. Ask God to show you how to be proactive in your community. Look for ways to help victims of injustice or oppression through local organizations or missions efforts within your church. How will you choose to spend the minutes left in your day?

April 7, 2023


Read – Leviticus 25

What does it say?
God gave Moses regulations concerning the sabbatical year and the year of Jubilee.

What does it mean?
Throughout Leviticus, God provided instructions in all aspects of ceremonial worship, individual holiness, and social relationships. Now, He initiated a plan for economic security. In the Sabbatical year, the Israelites were to let the land rest, cancel all debts, and free all Israelite slaves (Deut. 15). During other years, a close relative, a kinsman-redeemer, could pay the price to redeem an Israelite slave. In the Year of Jubilee, the trumpet sounded on the Day of Atonement, liberty was proclaimed throughout the nation, and every Israelite returned to his family’s land. God had freed His people from bondage in Egypt, and He wanted them to remain free to serve Him.

How should I respond?
The Day of Atonement pointed to the future day when God’s Son, our Kinsman-Redeemer, would offer Himself as a sacrifice for the sins of the entire world. True liberty comes only through the atonement provided by the blood of Christ. Have you been freed from your bondage to sin through faith in Jesus Christ? If so, how are you preparing for the day the trumpet sounds, calling you home to Heaven? Ask God to give you opportunities to use your time, resources, and abilities to “proclaim liberty” through Christ to those who need their sin debts canceled. You have been set free to serve Him.

April 5, 2021


Read – Proverbs 24:1-10

What does it say?
A wise person builds and gains strength, but a fool plots and schemes evil.

What does it mean?
Proverbs once again contrasts the wise and the foolish. A wise man has strength for whatever he undertakes because he doesn’t rely solely on his own knowledge. He seeks to understand more by listening to the counsel of others. The arrogance of a foolish person, however, keeps him from comprehending wisdom when he hears it. When people of knowledge and understanding talk, he has nothing to contribute. He instead falls in with those who talk about making trouble. Because foolish people rely on their own knowledge, they prove to be weak when difficulties come their way.

How should I respond?
Although our culture places value on self-made men, today’s passage supports the idiom that there is strength in numbers. Relying on your own knowledge and power can only get you so far, even with the noblest of intentions. What endeavors are you undertaking at the moment? Has pride kept you from listening to or accepting help from other people? One of the main lessons from Proverbs is to regularly ask God for wisdom to deal with everyday life. As you grow in wisdom, you’ll begin to recognize wisdom when you hear it. Whose advice do you need to seek today? Remember, relying on your own understanding is weakness, not strength.

April 6, 2023


Read – Leviticus 24:10-23

What does it say?
God specified the penalty for blasphemy and gave instructions concerning restitution and punishment for other offenses that would, in essence, fit the crime.

What does it mean?
Israel was being established as a nation chosen by God to carry His message of hope, life, and a future with Him to the entire world. In the midst of setting standards for righteous living, worship, and fellowship, an incident occurred that demandedimmediate attention. Just a short time before, God had given the commandment: “You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.” A blasphemer rejected God’s moral law by using God’s name in a curse. God used the incident to remind Israel that He is holy – and those who want to live with Him must honor His holy, righteous character.

How should I respond?
Our society has become accustomed to hearing God’s name misused. God takes His name and His Son’s name seriously because His name reveals His glory to His people. The Father sent the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ name; salvation is in Jesus’ name; and one day every knee will bow “at the name of Jesus” (Philippians 2:10). The Lord knows your name and your character. How well do you know Him? How can you show honor to your Savior’s name as you pray and as you interact with others? Pray for those who misuse His name, and extend grace to them as God extended grace to you.

April 4, 2021


Read – Proverbs 23:12-35

What does it say?
The Sayings of the Wise warn against envying sinners who indulge in drunkenness, gluttony, and promiscuity. The wise son applies truth, discipline, and understanding.

What does it mean?
Today’s passage looks at a wise father’s desires for his son. He instructed his child to spend time in pursuits that have lasting value rather than temporary pleasures that would eventually trap him. Listening to and following the father’s instructions would result in wise choices. He taught his son to have a proper view of the Lord and to accurately assess the consequences of rejecting godly wisdom. The father used discipline to keep his child from physical and spiritual danger. Both parents anticipated the joy of watching their son choose wisdom and righteousness over a lifestyle of sin.

How should I respond?
Parenting is both exhausting and exhilarating. No other role brings such joy. But parents must first help kids navigate the minefield of adolescence and early adulthood. What is your greatest desire for your children … happiness or holiness? If you only want them to be happy, you’ll find yourself giving in to their latest whim, tantrum, or mood. Directing children toward holiness, however, must be done intentionally. How does your parenting style match up with the wise father in Proverbs 23? What discipline is needed for your child’s physical or spiritual protection? Ask God for the wisdom to raise wise children.