The Time Is Now


Pastor Jonathan Falwell

Today, more than ever it is important for Christ-followers to stand up and stand out. Our voices must be heard but our voices need to look less like the world and more like Christ. We have been called to be ambassadors for the Gospel and there has never been a more critical need for the hope of the Gospel than now.

Ephesians 5:1-16 (NKJV) Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let it not even be named among you, as is fitting for saints; neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks. For this you know, that no fornicator, unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Therefore do not be partakers with them.For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth), 10 finding out what is acceptable to the Lord. 11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. 12 For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret. 13 But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light. 14 Therefore He says: “Awake, you who sleep, Arise from the dead, And Christ will give you light.”15 See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, 16 redeeming the time, because the days are evil.[1]

1. Look like Him

Vs 1 Therefore be imitators of God as dear children.

  1. We can no longer try to “fit in” to a culture which is running away from truth and God’s Word
  2. We must “stand out” and show the world an alternative to the evil around us

2. Love like Him

Vs 2 And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.

  1. Standing Out is not permission to attack those who believe differently than us
  2. It is a calling to reflect the love of Christ to a world that needs to be loved

3. Live like Him

Vss 3-4 But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let it not even be named among you, as is fitting for saints; neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks.

  1. Live differently than the world so we can be an image of holy living
  2. While sin will always be a pull in our culture, holiness can always win out

4. Walk like Him

Vss 6-11 Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Therefore do not be partakers with them.For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth), 10 finding out what is acceptable to the Lord. 11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.

  1. Even many of those who claim to stand for truth distort truth for their own purposes
  2. Never allow false truth and false doctrine to sneak into your journey

5. Because the time is now

Vss 14-16 Therefore He says: “Awake, you who sleep, Arise from the dead, And Christ will give you light.”15 See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, 16 redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

Vss 15-16 (NLT) So be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise. 16 Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days.

  1. It has never been more important than now to speak up and stand out
  2. Our culture has entered a season where it has become a frontal attack on everything the Word of God teaches
  3. We have no option but to hold fast to the Word and to His Way

[1] The New King James Version (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1982), Eph 5:1–16.

November 6, 2022


Read – Psalm 119:97-128

What does it say?
The psalmist loved and obeyed God’s law – which gave him wisdom, understanding, insight, and light. It kept him from the wrong path and from those who did evil.

What does it mean?
Today’s passage describes many benefits of loving and obeying God’s Word. Having Scripture as the primary resource for his life gave the psalmist an advantage over his enemies, teachers, and elders. Their vast knowledge didn’t equal insight; neither did their age or worldly acumen equate to wisdom or the ability to understand how God was working in the world. It’s not that God revealed everything the writer would ever need to know; but regularly studying God’s laws and commands gave him just enough light for the path immediately ahead of him. It made right and wrong clearly visible and dispelled his deepest fears. He anticipated walking with the Lord to the end of his life, one illuminated step at a time.

How should I respond?
On what resources do you rely? Are you counting on your education to help you reason your way through life? Maybe you’re depending on the advice of a parent or older sibling to guide your choices. Education and practical experience are important, but they don’t guarantee insight or understanding to make wise decisions. The Bible is the only dependable, infallible resource for life. As you obey His Word in one area, God will begin to illuminate your mind with more insight and understanding to guide you (John 7:17). In what situation or relationship do you need God’s wisdom? Search His Word today – He will give you the understanding to know right from wrong and the discernment to determine what’s good from what’s best.

November 4, 2020


Read – 1 Chronicles 13

What does it say?
King David set out to bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem but abandoned the endeavor when God judged Uzzah.

What does it mean?
Having established Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, David desired to bring the Ark of the Covenant into the city. He conferred with officers and commanders, priests and Levites, and all agreed it seemed to be God’s will. David led the procession, and Israel celebrated as they brought the Ark toward the city on a new cart. But when Uzzah reached out to steady the Ark and died, David was filled with fear and anger. Moses’ writings gave clear instruction on how to move the Ark. David desired to do God’s will and sought consensus among his leaders, but he failed to move the Ark God’s way.

How should I respond?
God has given Scripture to teach us how to live according to His will. We are responsible to know and act upon the clear commands in His Word. What sincere and good desire has God placed in your heart? What does the Bible say concerning how to accomplish that desire? When there is no clear direction in Scripture, you may find examples of behavior or biblical principles as you study. What has God said about how to fulfill your role as a child, spouse, parent, or employee? We may think the end justifies the means, but God’s will must be done in His way.

November 5, 2022


Read – Psalm 119:65-96

What does it say?
The psalmist was afflicted and waited for God’s comfort. He knew that God was faithful and compassionate; he put his hope, trust, and obedience in God’s eternal Word.

What does it mean?
The psalmist had somehow strayed from God and found himself severely persecuted by his enemies. His troubles drove Him to God and to God’s Word, where he was reminded of the Lord’s faithfulness and compassion. The writer came to realize that it was the goodness and faithfulness of God that had allowed his affliction. Without it, he may have remained disobedient to God and unchanged in his character. He looked to the timeless reliability of Scripture to determine his beliefs and responses rather than to his temporary circumstances. Both God and His Word can be trusted.

How should I respond?
We often define God’s faithfulness as immediate deliverance from anything that makes us uncomfortable. However, God might allow distress to come into your life to change your course, mold your character, or bring you back to dependence on Him. The value in any kind of suffering is its ability to make you look outside of yourself. Anything that drives you to God and His Word has merit – even if it’s painful. Where are you currently looking for hope and comfort? Will you allow Scripture to direct your thoughts and emotions? God’s Word is dependable, no matter what situation you’re in today.

November 4, 2022


Read – James 4

What does it say?
Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. The Lord comes near to those who submit to Him and lifts up those who humble themselves.

What does it mean?
Jewish believers were being persecuted for their faith, but they faced another danger by allowing their hearts to be polluted by envy and wicked desires. James told them clearly that believers who live for things of the world align themselves against God. Trying to fulfill their own desires at any cost had opened a window for quarrels, slander, and boasting among God’s people! But God offers a solution for the polluted heart: grace. God promised to lift up those who humble themselves by repenting, submitting to Him, resisting the devil, and depending on Him for the future.

How should I respond?
The modern church has suffered far more from battles within its walls than from attacks from without. Church wars begin when believers fail to protect their hearts from ungodly influences. Christians cannot live for worldly fulfillment and claim devotion to God; they must choose one or the other. What evidence indicates that your heart has been polluted by the world’s ideas: gossip, pride, or a feud with another believer? The first step to a clean heart is humbly submitting to God and forsaking anything that gets in the way of complete allegiance to Christ. Will you rely on His grace today?

November 2, 2020


Read – 1 Chronicles 11:10-25

What does it say?
David and his Mighty Men extended the kingdom of Israel just as the Lord had promised.

What does it mean?
While David was waiting God’s time to be crowned king of Israel, God was drawing loyal men to serve with him. They accomplished God’s plan with courage and strength. They were skilled warriors – courageous and strong, valiant and honorable. Their loyalty to David was displayed when they risked their lives for him when he longed for water from the well near his childhood home. This gift represented their love and led David to an amazing act of worship before the Lord. Their love for King David and their God-given victories earned them the title of David’s Mighty Men.

How should I respond?
God needs mighty men and women to live for Him and accomplish His plan today, just as in David’s day. On what issue is God calling you to take a stand for Him? He still gives courage to those willing to engage the world on His behalf. Our battle begins on a spiritual level through prayer and works its way into public life. What could it cost you to be known as one who follows Christ? How can you purposely live to honor God at school, work, or with family? It is God who gives the victory. He can enable you to be mighty today, but the decision to live for God’s will or your own plan is yours

November 3, 2022


Read – James 3

What does it say?
The mature person controls his or her tongue and keeps the entire body in check.

What does it mean?
Hurtful, harsh, and judgmental words are products of uncontrolled speech. Once again, James offered practical examples to show how dangerous the tongue can be. The words people speak can determine their course in life just as a rudder or a bridle determines the destination of the one controlling it. Trying to praise God and gossip simultaneously are as unnatural as salt water and fresh water coming from the same spring. A Christian’s mind and mouth should be subject to God’s wisdom, never allowing either to be influenced by Satan. A mature believer doesn’t tear others down, but looks for ways to build others up when they speak.

How should I respond?
The old saying, “If you can’t say something nice, say nothing at all,” speaks volumes. In the heat of the moment, we’ve all said things that we didn’t mean. If you don’t think before you speak, you’ll regret unkind words that can’t be retrieved. Who has been hurt by your words this week? Today can be the day that you restore that relationship. How can your words be like a spring of fresh water to someone hurting today? Ask God to help tame your tongue and use it for His glory and purpose. Determine right now to end today with no regrets about anything you say.

November 1, 2020


Read – 1 Chronicles 11:1-9

What does it say?
David was crowned king of Israel at Hebron and increased in power as he reigned from Jerusalem. The Lord’s presence was with him.

What does it mean?
The waiting was finally over. The Lord had called David to be Israel’s shepherd-king when Samuel anointed him many years before these events. After Saul’s death, David was publicly anointed king of Israel. David was a gifted leader who had helped develop others to lead during his long years on the run. So, he delegated tasks to proven leaders who had been loyal to him. The presence of the Lord was with David as king just as He was with him throughout the years of waiting. As a result, David experienced success and his power increased.

How should I respond?
Walking with the Lord gives the greatest opportunity for a fulfilled life, but there may be some waiting involved. What promise are you waiting for God to fulfill for you? The Lord will always be faithful to do what He has promised, but it may not be immediate. Often, there are things He desires to develop within us that require trusting Him over a period of time. What is your focus while you’re waiting? The skills and character you’ll need in the future are being crafted while you faithfully wait and obey. Will you commit to God today and live each moment in the awareness of His presence?

November 2, 2022


Read – James 2

What does it say?
Believers should not show favoritism. They should have the kind of faith that produces good deeds.

What does it mean?
After his discussion on mature faith, James offered practical examples to illustrate what that should look like. Truly following Jesus impacts every area of life and drives believers to engage in the lives of other people just as Jesus did. Shallow faith is more impressed by outward appearance and success than by what is happening in a person’s heart. There is an outward evidence of faith, but it’s what a person does, not how he looks or what he says. Healthy faith expresses itself in actions that build others up and honor Christ. Good works and faith cannot be separated; they are proof that a person is right with God.

How should I respond?
According to today’s passage, is your faith healthy, weak, or dead? Healthy faith in Christ should stretch outside the walls of your church and home. The challenge is simple – go out of your way to put what you believe into action this week. Be alert to moments when you start to show favoritism to the people who are most like you. Look for ways to share your faith and show your faith to all kinds of people through actions that honor God. How will you activate your faith through obedience this week?

October 31, 2020


Read – 1 Chronicles 10

What does it say?
The Lord used the Philistines to bring judgment on Saul. After he died in battle along with his three sons, David became king.

What does it mean?
Samuel’s prophetic words to Saul were coming true. Because of his sin, Saul and his sons died in battle and Israel was taken captive by the Philistines. King Saul was guilty of unfaithfulness to the Lord in three areas. He rebelled and did not keep God’s Word. He consulted a medium for guidance, which was prohibited by God. Also, he failed to inquire of the Lord. The consequences of Saul’s sin had a devastating impact on the nation and his family. The Lord requires faithfulness from those who represent Him.

How should I respond?
What you do matters. What does your faithfulness to God look like in the areas where Saul failed? First, Scripture is a Christian’s final authority for life. Obey God, wait patiently, and trust His Word rather than your own ideas of how to handle a situation. Next, where do you go for guidance when you can’t find specific direction from the Bible? Consulting mediums or spiritists is against God’s will for a believer. Look to see if God has given you a spiritual mentor who loves the Bible and lives according to His Word. Finally, seek God and pray about every decision and situation. There is nothing too small or too big. Your faithfulness to God matters … to you and to those around you.|For further reading, 1 Chronicles 8:1-9:21, 35-44

November 1, 2022


Read – James 1

What does it say?
James opened his letter with short discussions on trials and temptations, obedience to the Word, and pure religion.

What does it mean?
James wrote to encourage the Jewish Christians who had been scattered when persecution of the church began (Acts 8:1, 4). He wanted them to look at every trial and temptation through the lens of godly wisdom. The tough times they were experiencing would serve to refine their character and make them spiritually mature if they yielded their hearts and minds to the Lord. The advice James offered was honest and to the point: don’t just listen to what God says … trust Him enough to do what He says!

How should I respond?
No experience in the life of a believer should ever be wasted. Even the most difficult trial or toughest temptation can strengthen your faith and develop Christ-like character if you completely surrender to God. In what area of your life do you need to exercise steadfast faith this week? Search God’s Word for wisdom on how to handle the issue, and then follow through by doing what it says. God has allowed whatever you’re currently facing, so trust Him to use it in your life to bring you to spiritual maturity. Don’t waste one moment today, but look at each obstacle and remember that an untested faith will be a shallow faith.

October 30, 2020


Read – 1 Chronicles 6:31-49; 9:22-34

What does it say?
The Tabernacle was sustained by chosen, instructed men from the tribe of Levi. God called skilled and gifted people to serve in every aspect of religious life in Jerusalem.

What does it mean?
Picture all the activity in and around Israel’s Tabernacle. Individuals with diversity of ability and responsibility mobilized to accomplish the work of God’s tabernacle service. Some people were highly visible while others worked tirelessly behind the scenes with unity of purpose: to maintain the earthly place where Holy God promised to meet with sinful mankind above the mercy seat, the solid-gold cover on the Ark of the Covenant. The sacrifices they offered pointed to the perfect Lamb of God, the Lord Jesus Christ.

How should I respond?
Today, God calls people to faith in Jesus and leads them to serve Him through the local church. What gift or ability has the Lord given you? Have you found the place He wants you to serve in your church? Just as there was amazing diversity of work in the tabernacle, your church has diverse opportunities for service. Even the task that seems the least significant is vital so that everyone can serve with unity of purpose: to worship God and point others to the Lord Jesus Christ. How can you make yourself available to do the thing that seems “the least” if that is the opportunity God is giving you?|For further reading, 1 Chronicles 6:50-81; 7

October 31, 2022


Read – Hebrews 12:14-13:25

What does it say?
Believers are equipped with everything good for doing God’s will.

What does it mean?
Hebrews closes with reminders of how to demonstrate the difference that Jesus has made in various areas of life. The author covers everything from marriage to finances to caring for the poor and those in prison. But doing God’s will is not simply good behavior for the sake of being good. When spiritual leaders obey these instructions, the world sees the difference that Jesus makes in a life and in a church family. Likewise, the church is to care for and encourage pastors and leaders. Followers of Christ are given the ability to behave and talk in a way that separates them from the world because they serve the God who judges the world and who gave Himself to save it.

How should I respond?
Jesus commands His followers to be different from the world. These commands come with the ability to obey them through the power of the Holy Spirit. How is the Jesus difference evident in your marriage, finances, or church life? Truly putting your heart into obeying all these instructions will create a distinct difference between your behavior and that of your neighbors. Many times, though, we’re hesitant to get outside the norms of what’s culturally acceptable; we shrink back from being rejected for our faith. Ask God to lead you to do what’s within His will. How will you show the Jesus difference today?

October 29, 2020


Read – 1 Chronicles 5:18-26

What does it say?
Tribes of Israel were faithful to God in a time of war but unfaithful after their victory. God raised up an Assyrian who conquered Israel and took them into captivity.

What does it mean?
Realizing that their best resources were weak and insufficient, Israel cried out to God and trusted in Him as they faced danger. But when life was settled after the victory, they had no great need to press them toward God. Their leaders led them into spiritual apathy and then idolatry. Their relationship with God as the priority in daily life became secondary to other things. Because of their unfaithfulness, God raised up a new enemy who conquered them and took them into captivity.

How should I respond?
God is our helper at all times. He makes it possible to experience peace, even when the life you planned and worked hard to attain changes or crumbles. Loss of a job or an ongoing illness brings the realization of just how weak and insufficient our resources really are. Circumstances sometimes push us to develop a more dedicated life of prayer and trust in God. But good times can also test your relationship with God. When life is going well, how will you continue to be faithful to God? I Thessalonians 5:17 says, “Pray continually.” Our faithfulness to God depends on it.|For further reading, 1 Chronicles 6:1-30

Just Do It


Charles Billingsley


Acts 13:36 – ESV

For David, after he had served the purpose of God in his own generation, fell asleep and was laid with his fathers…

Psalm 27:13-14 – NKJV

13 I would have lost heart, unless I had believed

That I would see the goodness of the Lord

In the land of the living.

14 Wait on the Lord;

Be of good courage,

And He shall strengthen your heart;

Wait, I say, on the Lord!

1 Chronicles 28:1-8 ESV

1 David assembled at Jerusalem all the officials of Israel, the officials of the tribes, the officers of the divisions that served the king, the commanders of thousands, the commanders of hundreds, the stewards of all the property and livestock of the king and his sons, together with the palace officials, the mighty men and all the seasoned warriors. Then King David rose to his feet and said: “Hear me, my brothers and my people. I had it in my heart to build a house of rest for the ark of the covenant of the Lord and for the footstool of our God, and I made preparations for building.But God said to me, ‘You may not build a house for my name, for you are a man of war and have shed blood.’ Yet the Lord God of Israel chose me from all my father’s house to be king over Israel forever. For he chose Judah as leader, and in the house of Judah my father’s house, and among my father’s sons he took pleasure in me to make me king over all Israel. And of all my sons (for the Lord has given me many sons) he has chosen Solomon my son to sit on the throne of the kingdom of the Lord over Israel. He said to me, ‘It is Solomon your son who shall build my house and my courts, for I have chosen him to be my son, and I will be his father.I will establish his kingdom forever if he continues strong in keeping my commandments and my rules, as he is today.’ Now therefore in the sight of all Israel, the assembly of the Lord, and in the hearing of our God, observe and seek out all the commandments of the Lord your God, that you may possess this good land and leave it for an inheritance to your children after you forever.

1 Chronicles 28:9-10 ESV

9 “And you, Solomon my son, know the God of your father and serve him with a whole heart and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches all hearts and understands every plan and thought. If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will cast you off forever. 10 Be careful now, for the Lord has chosen you to build a house for the sanctuary; be strong and do it.”

1. Know God

To know God is the ultimate purpose of your life! 


Psalm 8:3-6 ESV

When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,

    the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,

what is man that you are mindful of him,

    and the son of man that you care for him?

Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings

    and crowned him with glory and honor.

You have given him dominion over the works of your hands;

    you have put all things under his feet

No God.  No peace. 

Know God. Know Peace.  

  • Get to know God by spending time alone with Him
  • Get to know God by worshiping Him
  • Get to know God byreading His word.

2. Serve God

Psalm 100:1-5 ESV

1  Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth!

  Serve the Lord with gladness!

    Come into his presence with singing!

Know that the Lord, he is God!

    It is he who made us, and we are his;

    we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.

Enter his gates with thanksgiving,

    and his courts with praise!

    Give thanks to him; bless his name!

For the Lord is good;

    his steadfast love endures forever,

    and his faithfulness to all generations.


3. Seek God    

God does His deepest work in our darkest hours.

   – A.W. Tozer 

Luke 19:10 ESV

For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”

2 Samuel 23:5

“For does not my house stand so with God?

    For he has made with me an everlasting covenant,

    ordered in all things and secure.

Psalm 23:6

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me

all the days of my life,

and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

October 30, 2022


Read – Psalm 119:33-64

What does it say?
The psalmist asked the Lord to give him understanding and turn his heart toward God’s statutes. He obeyed God’s commands and found comfort in His promises and laws.

What does it mean?
The writer of Psalm 119 understood the importance of reading God’s Word. His desire to know what it said went deeper than learning mere facts about God; He wanted to understand what Scripture meant so he could fulfill its intension in every aspect of his life. As he honored God’s laws, he turned from selfish pursuits and desired to live for purposes that held eternal value. Although obeying God didn’t cause his problems to end, the comfort he found in God’s promises gave him enduring hope.

How should I respond?
What was your motivation for reading this devotion? Were you hoping to solve a problem, to find comfort, or to feel closer to God? While all of those things are good, today’s passage challenges us to read God’s Word in order to act on what it says. Life change begins to take place as you gain understanding of Scripture, heed its warnings, and obey its commands. The results fall in place like toppling a line of dominoes – you grow closer to God, you learn how to solve various problems, you find comfort and hope, etc. Ask God to give you understanding and eternal perspective as you read and study His Word, and then act on the truth He reveals. Reading the Bible is more than a good habit – it is transforming.

October 28, 2020


Read – 1 Chronicles 5:1-3

What does it say?
The Chronicler tells us that Reuben’s firstborn rights were forfeited because he sinned and disgraced his father. Jacob-Israel gave those rights to Joseph

What does it mean?
Reuben was Jacob’s firstborn, but his moral failure disqualified him from receiving firstborn status in Israel’s genealogical line. Reuben’s sin was kept secret for years, but Jacob knew of his behavior and knew he did not have the strength of character necessary to lead Israel. Because Reuben lacked discernment, courage, and commitment to do right before God, he forfeited enormous blessing and honor. God always maintains a standard of what is right. Choices have consequences, good or bad.

How should I respond?
Sin doesn’t seem to be a big deal in our society. We are encouraged to do anything we want to do if we can get away with it. But when you believe in Christ, He takes up residence within you in the person of the Holy Spirit and brings conviction concerning what is pleasing and displeasing to God. As you submit to the Holy Spirit, God develops your character so you can discern what is morally right and choose what pleases Him. Do you desire to please Him with all of your choices? In what area do you need to seek His guidance? The Spirit is always there to help you.|For further reading, 1 Chronicles 5:4-17

October 29, 2022


Read – Psalm 119:1-32

What does it say?
Those who meditate on God’s Word and live according to its commands find counsel, strength, joy, and freedom.

What does it mean?
The sole theme of Psalm 119, the longest prayer in the Bible, is the Word of God. An acrostic psalm, it uses eight stanzas for each of the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet to exalt Scripture. The synonyms for God’s Word in today’s passage (law, precepts, statutes, commands, and decrees) express different aspects of His Word. In addition, several facets of God’s work in the believer’s life are addressed (cleansing, instructing, strengthening, and defending). The psalmist’s deep love for God’s law led to his commitment to internalize its contents. He didn’t find God’s Word to be restrictive; rather it offered the freedom of a life without regrets and was a continual source of joy.

How should I respond?
People often view the Bible as a book that limits their freedom to do as they wish, but the only thing that Scripture restricts is sin. It is sin, along with its consequences and guilt, that confines us (2 Peter 2:19). God’s Word is a roadmap to a rewarding life and a foundation on which to build a life free of regret. Are you resolved to know and follow God’s ways? Make a commitment to read the Bible each day and meditate on what it means and how you should respond to its warnings and instructions. Ask God for a passion for His Word. God’s Word is truth which gives freedom to the soul (John 8:32).

October 27, 2020


Read – 1 Chronicles 4:9-10

What does it say?
Jabez was an honorable man of prayer. God’s blessing was his greatest desire.

What does it mean?
The historical genealogy from Adam through the sons of Jacob-Israel gives only bits of personal information until we come to the prayer of Jabez, who stood out as a respected man in his culture. He prayed to God expressing his greatest desire in life: God’s blessing and presence. Jabez wanted to be a man of God in order to have an expanded impact on people in his sphere of influence. He prayed for God’s protection from evil and the grief it brings. God gave to Jabez everything he asked.

How should I respond?
If you could ask God for anything, what would it be? Most of us could come up with a long list of things we want Him to do for us, as well as for our family and friends. An honest examination of our prayers might reveal self-promotion and personal agendas. Even prayers for God’s blessing and protection can be rooted in either selfish or pure motives. So what can we learn from the prayer of Jabez? Expressing a desire to live in God’s presence and influence the lives of others to know and love Him honors the Lord. When our requests line up with God’s purposes, He blesses and answers our prayer.|For further reading, 1 Chronicles 3:1-4:8; 4:10-43

October 28, 2022


Read – Hebrews 12:1-13

What does it say?
Believers should throw off sin, fix their eyes on Jesus, and accept God’s discipline as true sons.

What does it mean?
The author compared living a life of faith in Jesus to running a race. It’s imperative for Christians to focus on Jesus during this race because He is both the goal and the source of encouragement for the Christian life. Believers are to get rid of distractions and sin, just as a runner gets rid of extra weight in order to run more efficiently. Sometimes it takes God’s discipline to remove sin hindering a believer’s performance. God loves His children and wants them to be holy, as He is. Even though it’s painful, discipline is proof of legitimacy. The end results are righteousness and peace.

How should I respond?
If you ever wanted proof that following Jesus isn’t always easy, here it is. A runner trains for a marathon to meet a goal, not because it’s easy. The aim of our long, tough “race” is to reflect God’s holiness. What sin or distraction is weighing you down and keeping you from living more effectively for Christ? Is your goal to know Him better so that you reflect His character? If not, God loves you enough to discipline you. He may cause you temporary pain in order to keep you on track. Get rid of anything unhealthy that keeps you from focusing on Christ. As you go out today, remember – you’re in training!

October 26, 2020


Read – 2 Kings 25

What does it say?
The final siege culminated in the utter destruction of Jerusalem and its temple. Zedekiah’s sons were killed, and his eyes were put out. Jehoiachin found mercy.

What does it mean?
This passage demonstrates how God’s justice works alongside His grace. Zedekiah’s wickedness was severely judged, while King Jehoiachin found mercy at Evil-Merodach’s table. God has every right to judge disobedience in His children, but He never compromises His purposes. By sparing Jehoiachin, an ancestor of Christ, the Lord fulfilled His promise of a Savior through the line of David. God’s mercy and grace continued despite a long line of evil kings and Israel’s complete disobedience.

How should I respond?
God remains the same – yesterday, today, and forever. That means that He continues to judge sin while offering grace to everyone who accepts it (Romans 5:8). The King of kings from the lineage of David is also the Savior of the world who took the penalty for your sin, satisfying God’s justice. Have you accepted His mercy and grace through faith in Christ (Eph. 2:4-8)? If not, accept His gift today. If you are already a follower of Christ, how are you responding to the Lord’s grace? What areas of disobedience do you need to confess and turn from? God’s discipline is also an expression of His loving mercy.|For further reading, 1 Chronicles 1-2

October 27, 2022


Read – Hebrews 11

What does it say?
The writer recounts great heroes of faith from Israel’s history.

What does it mean?
Faith is defined as being confident that what we hope for is going to happen and being certain that things we cannot see are reality. Faith believes what God says because of who He is. The first step of faith is to understand that God created the universe and all that’s in it. If God is Creator, certainly He has authority to be Lord. This chapter is filled with names of those who chose to trust God and act in obedience to what He said. They were just regular men and women with real challenges and weaknesses. They are not remembered because they were great people but because they possessed great faith.

How should I respond?
Blockbuster superhero movies open to huge success every summer. We love the idea of people being the best version of humanity and doing extraordinary things. The lives of God’s superheroes are evidence that God is trustworthy in any and every circumstance. In what area of your life is God urging you to display great faith? Which person in today’s passage is an encouragement to your faith in your current situation? As you trust God and obey His Word, your faith will grow – and you’ll become the best version of yourself. Who will remember you as their hero of faith?

October 25, 2020


Read – 2 Kings 24

What does it say?
When Nebuchadnezzar attacked Judah, Jerusalem’s leaders were taken captive, and Solomon’s temple artifacts were dispersed across Babylon.

What does it mean?
Manasseh’s evil legacy continued through his sons. God judged the evil kings of Judah by raising up Nebuchadnezzar who took them into captivity and plundered Jerusalem. As tragic as it was to defile and lose the intricate temple treasures, the greatest tragedy was the loss of God’s glory in the temple, which was a sign of God’s presence and favor on His people. The Jewish nation’s history had now moved full circle: from Egyptian slavery, to wilderness wandering, to victorious possession of the Promised Land, and finally … captivity again in a place that was not their home.

How should I respond?
Since the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, His followers are the temple where God’s presence resides (1 Cor. 3:16-17; 6:19). When we allow sin to take hold of some aspect of our lives, we obscure God’s glory and defile His temple. While He promises never to remove His presence from His children, sin hinders the fellowship within that relationship. Take time to reflect on where you are spiritually. Are you a slave to sin? Are you wandering, or are you victorious because of God’s presence?

October 26, 2022


Read – Hebrews 10

What does it say?
Christ’s sacrifice allows believers to enter God’s presence and experience His faithfulness.

What does it mean?
The writer of Hebrews has reached a crescendo in his argument that Jesus is both High Priest and Mediator of a better covenant than Israel had under Moses. He now shifts the focus to how these facts should affect the habits of a believer. First, spending time in the presence of God through prayer and reading His Word develops steadfast faith. Christ’s followers are also to spend time together, encouraging each other to avoid deliberate sin and to look for opportunities to show the love of Christ by doing good deeds. Finally, the habit of reflecting on God’s past faithfulness produces perseverance. Believers should constantly move forward in their faith. Those who live by faith move forward, not back.

How should I respond?
We’re bombarded with advice on how to develop better eating and exercise habits. Experts say that it takes only three weeks to change a habit. Still, it always seems easier to develop bad habits rather than good ones. What good spiritual habits from today’s passage do you practice? Which ones do you need to foster? A healthy body requires healthy habits. The same is true if you want to maintain a healthy faith. Choose something from today’s passage and commit to doing it for three weeks. You’ll have a new habit, and your spiritual health will flourish!

October 24, 2020


Read – 2 Kings 23:1-30

What does it say?
Josiah led the people in making a covenant with God, cleansing the land of idols, and keeping the Passover for the first time in generations.

What does it mean?
When Josiah read the Book of the Covenant to the people, the power of God’s Word was significant. The ensuing covenant that Josiah and the people made allowed them to reconnect with God prior to captivity. The consequences of their evil choices were still coming; but God, in His steadfast commitment to His people, prepared them for their exile with the gift of His Word, its promises, and a revived relationship with Him.

How should I respond?
The results of sinful choices are ultimately costly and unpleasant. After seeking God’s forgiveness, it’s natural to ask Him to protect us from the consequences. Sometimes He will remove them; other times He will prepare us for them. Take a moment to think through a poor decision. How are you approaching God regarding the consequences? Are you asking Him to deal with them or with you? Despite what you are facing, God is committed to you and is with you continually. The power of God’s Word can revive your relationship with Him. What promise from Scripture gives you strength for today and prompts you to be more committed to Him?|For further reading, 2 Kings 23:31-37

October 25, 2022


Read – Hebrews 9

What does it say?
The writer compared the earthly and heavenly sanctuaries along with the sacrifices made in them.

What does it mean?
God is holy, and people are sinful. A blood sacrifice is required for sinful people to enter the presence of a holy God. Throughout the Old Testament, the high priest would offer the blood of animals for Israel’s sins. These sacrifices covered their sins but couldn’t remove them or give the worshipper a clear conscience. They were just a shadow of the true sacrifice, the blood of Jesus Christ. The person who claims Jesus’ sacrifice as his or her own can live in freedom, waiting for His return. Forgiveness of sin comes only through the blood of Jesus.

How should I respond?
At some point in life we’ve all been labeled: cool, geek, math nerd, soccer mom, etc. But no matter what group you fall into, God categorizes all people as sinners in need of forgiveness. Does the mention of blood in the Bible make you uneasy? Thinking about the blood Jesus shed on the Cross in payment for your sin should flood your heart with gratitude and a desire to please Him. Have you accepted God’s forgiveness for your sin based on Jesus’ sacrifice? If so, you have another label … child of God!

October 23, 2020


Read – 2 Kings 22

What does it say?
During temple renovations, a copy of the Book of the Law was found and given to Josiah. The reading of the law led him to repent and to seek counsel from God.

What does it mean?
The Word of God has a powerful impact on those who value it. God’s Word exposes sin, brings about repentance, gives hope and instruction, and allows the reader to know the one and only true God. In the case of Israel, the Word of God had been forgotten. As a teenager, Josiah “began to seek the God of his father David” (2 Chron. 34:3). After hearing God’s Law, Josiah, shocked and grief-stricken, determined to reintroduce the Law to the nation. This reintroduction led to humility, repentance, and a decision to re-establish communication between the king of God’s people and God Himself.

How should I respond?
God uses His Word to establish and maintain His relationship with us. He is taking this opportunity to reintroduce you to His Word. Read it. Study it. Think about it. Ask God to put His words in your heart and mind so that you will be transformed by them. Without His Word, we can easily slip into a life of compromise and poor decision-making. Take a moment to read today’s passage again. Ask God to speak to you and give you guidance. Start writing down what He shows you each day, and act on what He reveals. How will today’s passage have a lasting impact on your relationship with the Lord?

October 24, 2022


Read – Hebrews 8

What does it say?
The New Covenant, mediated by Christ, is superior to the Old Covenant, mediated by Moses.

What does it mean?
This group of Jewish Christians longed for the comfort of the familiar – the same tabernacle, laws, and sacrifices. The writer of Hebrews has arrived at the main point of his letter: the New Covenant is superior to their old way of life. The law under Moses was written on stone tablets and required strict obedience. The New Covenant is internalized, written on the heart of each believer and unconditionally based on God’s grace, not one’s ability to keep the law. The first covenant is obsolete; it was time to move forward.

How should I respond?
Under which covenant are you living? Striving to keep the Old Covenant is an attempt to gain God’s acceptance by what you do externally: volunteering, giving money, or simply attending church. There’s a better way. Entering into a covenant relationship with Jesus Christ isn’t about what you do, but about what Jesus did on the Cross. Are God’s laws written on your mind, giving you knowledge and direction about His will? Is God’s law written on your heart, giving you the desire to follow His will? As you follow His will, the Holy Spirit will urge you to move ahead in areas of your faith that need greater maturity.

October 22, 2020


Read – 2 Kings 21

What does it say?
Manasseh filled Judah with idolatry and led the nation to depart from God, provoking God’s anger against His people.

What does it mean?
Manasseh led the people to engage in the worship of false gods. He even built altars to other gods in the temple, desecrating the place where God’s people were to worship Him. The people were distracted from worship of the one true God by the perversions of neighboring cultures, even though God had forbidden such practices. In fact, the evil in Judah was so extensive that it surpassed that of the Canaanites who had been driven out of the land. The pure worship of the true God in His chosen place, the temple of Jerusalem, was contaminated beyond recognition.

How should I respond?
Just as the temple was the center of worship for Judah, believers’ hearts are the temple of God and the center of our worship. It is still God’s prerogative to be the only One worshiped by His people. But it’s not uncommon to get distracted from giving God the honor He deserves by turning things like possessions and relationships into “false gods.” Take a moment for self-examination. Ask God to expose any areas in which you have been distracted by the negative influences of our culture. Determine to guard yourself by regularly reading His Word and gathering with other believers.

October 23, 2022


Read – Psalms 117-118

What does it say?
In Psalm 117, all people are called to praise God for His loyal love and His enduring truth. Psalm 118 speaks of the vital stone in God’s building, rejected by men but chosen by the Lord.

What does it mean?
Psalm 118 is a messianic psalm that looks forward to Jesus Christ who perfectly demonstrated God’s truth and love described in Psalm 117. God’s people can praise His unfailing love and faithfulness and His enduring truth. As the Lord Jesus entered Jerusalem, the crowds praised Him, reciting Psalm 118:25-26: “Hosanna [Save us]! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord” (Mark 11). Later that week, Jesus applied verses 23 and 24 to Himself – the Stone the builders rejected was the One chosen by God. However, the Jewish leaders rejected Jesus. They had no idea that they were looking at their long-awaited Messiah and King – God’s love and truth embodied in the Person of Jesus Christ.

How should I respond?
Two thousand years later, reactions to Jesus remain the same. Some have trusted Him for their salvation while others have rejected Him. Which group are you in? Have you experienced the unfailing love of Jesus Christ? How have you seen His truth revealed in your heart through Scripture and the teaching of the Holy Spirit? As a believer, God’s love and truth now resides within you. Look at people today through His eyes. Only the truth found in Christ can set them free from the power of sin. He loves them deeply, just as He loves you. Who will you tell today about His unfailing love and faithfulness?

October 21, 2020


Read – 2 Kings 20

What does it say?
King Hezekiah pleaded with God for healing, and his life was spared. Isaiah prophesied that Hezekiah’s descendants would be taken captive by the Babylonians.

What does it mean?
Without a doubt, Hezekiah experienced God’s blessing when he was healed, and his life was extended by 15 years. Unfortunately, Hezekiah made a costly mistake in judgment when his pride led to a desire to impress people rather than honor God. He proudly revealed the glory of his kingdom, his wealth, and his military resources to ambassadors from Babylon. Isaiah confronted Hezekiah with his unwise actions and prophesied Judah’s captivity by the very nation that he so wanted to impress. Although Hezekiah was Judah’s king, he needed to be reminded that the Sovereign Lord is in command.

How should I respond?
As believers, we must be on guard against spiritual pride. The desire to impress others can draw us away from God’s direction, causing us to make poor decisions based solely on our own knowledge and understanding. Although God has given us free will, His desire is that we make choices based on His wisdom and guidance. Those decisions ultimately offer us greater satisfaction as well as protection. Think over the past week. What choices did you make as a result of pride rather than prayer? Taking time to seek godly wisdom in Scripture and prayer will prepare you to make better decisions today.

October 22, 2022


Read – Psalms 115-116

What does it say?
The man-made idols of the nations were lifeless, but the God of Heaven was Israel’s help and shield. The psalmist praised God’s grace, righteousness, and compassion.

What does it mean?
These psalms were traditionally sung by Israel at Passover. These passages reminded God’s people that they were different from the surrounding nations because their God was the Creator of Heaven and Earth. All glory belongs to Him now and forever. His love and faithfulness should have motivated them to trust and obey Him completely. Jesus sang Psalm116 along with His disciples at His Last Supper, knowing that the time of His death was near. He lifted up “the cup of salvation,” and a short time later He graciously and compassionately completed the work God had given Him to do by His willingness to die for the sins of the world on the Cross.

How should I respond?
In current society, there appears to be an all-out effort to remove any traces of God – as revealed in Scripture – from the government, schools, and justice system. You can’t change the world, but God can change you. Believers should be different because our God is Creator, Savior, Lord, and will one day reign on the earth as King. Because of Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection, you can be free from the fear of death. In what ways have you responded to Him in trust and obedience? How can you show your gratitude for His grace, righteousness, and compassion today?

October 20, 2020


Read – 2 Kings 19

What does it say?
Hezekiah prayed to the Lord concerning the impending Assyrian invasion. God responded through the prophet Isaiah.

What does it mean?
In the face of almost certain attack by the mightiest military in the world, Hezekiah’s first instinct was to turn to God. He went to the temple and literally laid the message from the king’s men on the floor as he prayed. Hezekiah humbly placed all his troubles before the Lord. He praised God for all He had done and recounted the remarks of Assyria’s king. God already knew the situation, including what the Assyrians said about the Lord Himself. God’s response through the prophet Isaiah was simple: Hezekiah was not to worry about the Assyrians. God would take care of His people by removing this threat.

How should I respond?
When trouble comes, to whom do you turn? Is your first call to a friend, family member, or pastor? While all of these can be helpful, a believer’s first instinct should be to call on God. Since it is by His sovereignty that the details of our lives unfold, it makes sense to turn to Him first. But if God is always aware of what’s happening, why pray? Prayer demonstrates our reliance on the Lord and aligns our hearts to His. What issue do you need to humbly lay before God today? Stop now and ask for His guidance. Determine to turn your troubles over to God immediately and let Him work on your behalf

October 21, 2022


Read – Hebrews 7

What does it say?
The priesthood of Jesus is compared with that of Melchizedek.

What does it mean?
The person of Melchizedek is a mysterious figure in the Old Testament. He was both the king and priest of Salem, but there is no record of either his birth or his death. Scripture does say that Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek, and he, in turn, blessed Abraham. Jesus is a priest in the order of Melchizedek, not in the order of Aaron and the Levitical priests. Jesus is both King and Priest, superior to earthly priests in every way. Because His priesthood is permanent, holy, blameless, pure and perfect, He is able to “save completely” any and all who come to God through Him.| How should I respond?
We live in a fast-paced society. Americans seem to want everything either mobile or to go. But some things require us to slow down and take a deeper look. When was the last time you stopped to think about the character traits of Christ and praise Him for who He is? Jesus is able to “save completely” and meet the needs in your life because of who He is. Read verses 24-28 again, focusing on the unique character of Christ. Before you ask God to bless your busy day, slow down and meditate on the only One who could take the punishment for your sin. He is worthy of our praise, both publicly and privately.

October 19, 2020


Read – 2 Kings 18

What does it say?
Hezekiah became king and maintained faith in the Lord even when the Assyrians attempted an invasion.

What does it mean?
Hezekiah is one of only three kings mentioned who “did right as David had done.” He destroyed idols and removed the altars at the high places. He was also a wise king with no desire to engage in battle with the Assyrians, who had successfully conquered other nations. The Assyrian messengers not only demanded that Hezekiah surrender, but they also tried to discredit the Lord by comparing Him to the gods of other nations that they had conquered. The messengers’ strategy was to cause Israel to doubt their God and their king, allowing the Assyrians to conquer a panicked city. But Hezekiah stood firm, commanding the people not to respond to anything the messengers said.

How should I respond?
Satan has always sought to cause doubt about who God is. Unfortunately, this strategy is still effective today, even among believers. He utilizes blasphemous and deceitful words in an attempt to weaken our faith. Staying connected to God’s Word is essential to discern truth from error. As tempting as it is to set a naysayer straight, the best approach might be to say nothing at all. Heated debates over religion are seldom productive. Ask God to show you when to speak up and when to show restraint. How will you prepare yourself to stand firm and not be swayed by deceitful words?

October 20, 2022


Read – Hebrews 5:11-6:20

What does it say?
The author challenged his readers to leave the elementary teachings of Scripture and go on to spiritual maturity in Christ.

What does it mean?
The writer addressed the spiritually arrested condition that was rampant among these Hebrew believers. They need to move beyond the foundational doctrines of faith. It’s not a command to know more but to apply what they have already learned and build upon those truths. Greater spiritual maturity should be the goal of all Christians, no matter what their stage of development. It’s impossible to remain a sluggish believer when anchored in God’s Word and acting in faith on His promises.

How should I respond?
It’s sad when a child doesn’t grow physically, mentally, or emotionally; the same is true when a believer doesn’t mature in his or her faith. Spiritual maturity isn’t in the knowing but in the doing. In what area of your life do you need to do what God has revealed in His Word? In which of the doctrines listed at the beginning of this passage are you ready to move on to greater maturity? Be careful not to become sluggish or satisfied with the status quo in your spiritual life. There is always more to know about God’s Word and His character. Which truth will you act on today?

October 18, 2020


Read – 2 Kings 17

What does it say?
Assyria took the people of Israel into captivity after Hoshea refused to pay the tribute to Shalmaneser and sought to engage in a treaty with Egypt against Syria.

What does it mean?
The Israelites continued to worship the gods of other nations, a sin that ultimately brought about captivity at the hands of the Assyrians. The people of Israel did not uphold their oath to serve God alone. He had clearly laid out His expectations for His people and the consequences for disobeying those commands. The Lord will not share worship of Him with anything or anyone else. Their history proved that when they obeyed and served the Lord, they were a mighty nation, reflecting the awesome power of their God. But because the idols they embraced were worthless – their worship became worthless.

How should I respond?
God takes sin seriously – not just because it pulls us away from serving and worshiping Him but because of the effect it has on our worth as His creation. Your life and character will reflect whatever you value the most. What other things have you set up as a “god” in your life? Perhaps you value and serve money, fame, or the admiration of peers. Excessive devotion to anything that is temporal will ultimately lead to some form of captivity. Greed, bitterness, frustration, and other negative attitudes rob us of the freedom we have in Christ. God alone is worthy of our devotion, service, and worship.

October 19, 2022


Read – Hebrews 4:14-5:10

What does it say?
Christ, the great High Priest, is compared to Aaron, the first high priest.

What does it mean?
The high priest was appointed by God to make intercession and atonement for Israel. He was able to identify with the people in their struggle against sin because he, too, was human. The priest couldn’t overlook sin in God’s people nor deal with it in a harsh manner. The fact that he had to deal with his own weaknesses first brought compassion and patience. Jesus, however, can identify forever with mankind as a better High Priest because He faced the same temptations – yet was without sin. Rather than make atonement for sin, He became the atonement for all sin for all time. Jesus is uniquely qualified to mediate on behalf of all believers with God the Father.

How should I respond?
The desire to connect and identify with one another has exploded the use of social media. The more “likes” you gain on your online status, the more you feel understood. Long before Facebook and Twitter, Christ understood everything about you. There is nothing you have or will ever face that He hasn’t already conquered. With what situation do you need to approach the throne of grace? Jesus is waiting compassionately to talk to God on your behalf. What is your status with Him today?

October 17, 2020


Read – 2 Kings 16

What does it say?
King Ahaz drew the people of Judah farther away from God. He ultimately desecrated the temple of God in order to appease the king of Assyria.

What does it mean?
King Ahaz had an opportunity to engage in battle against the Assyrians. Instead, he chose to subjugate himself and the people of Judah to the Assyrians in exchange for peace. Ahaz went so far as to replace the altar of the Lord with one similar to those used by the Assyrians for the worship of their gods. Rather than leading the people to be on their guard against pagan practices, Ahaz opened the temple doors to idol worship. Peace came at the cost of great compromise – altering their worship of the Lord in order to look more like the people around them.

How should I respond?
Have you tried to make peace with a sinful practice in your life? How might you have compromised God’s standards in order to fit in more with people at work, at school, or in your community? You may have justified your wrong behavior, feeling safe from its detrimental effects. However, sin is our enemy and must be fought through God’s Word in the power of His Spirit. Just as with Ahaz, the very sin you are nurturing will become the weight that pulls you away from God. God’s principles are not optional – success or failure is directly connected with how you follow them. Resolve today to yield to God’s Spirit and do battle with each sinful thought, attitude, and behavior.

October 18, 2022


Read – Hebrews 4:1-13

What does it say?
God promises rest for His people.

What does it mean?
Entering God’s rest is explained by an illustration from Israel’s past. To Israel’s forefathers, the Promised Land represented God’s rest from wandering in the desert. However, the unbelieving Israelites didn’t enter God’s rest due to lack of faith in His promise. The wavering Hebrews reading this letter were encouraged to find rest through faith, which brings present and eternal peace with God. Salvation not only gives peace with God, it also brings the peace of God to deal with everyday life. The Word of God is the agent that pinpoints the causes of unrest: lack of trust and disobedience.

How should I respond?
Stress has become part of the American culture. However, anxiety is an indicator that you’re not resting in God. As you read Scripture, what attitudes in your mind and heart has God uncovered? In what current situation do you need the peace of God? Trusting His promises and obeying His commands bring rest. Have you made peace with God by placing your faith in Jesus Christ? If so, you can experience God’s rest and peace today and look forward to future rest in Heaven.

October 16, 2020


Read – 2 Kings 14:1-20

What does it say?
King Amaziah came to the throne of Judah. He obeyed the Lord in some things while rejecting God’s commands in others. He also engaged in war with Edom and Israel.

What does it mean?
Although Amaziah obeyed God in certain areas, he did not fully commit himself or the nation to the pursuit of faithfulness to God. As king of Judah, Amaziah had an opportunity to call the people back to obedience. Instead, Amaziah let pride move him into an unwise war with Israel. His loss in battle led to the loss of his throne and robbed him of the opportunity to bring Judah back to a right relationship with God. Amaziah’s personal failure to wholeheartedly obey the Lord affected every aspect of his rule.

How should I respond?
Partial obedience is usually the result of pride – we think we have a better way than God. We may be tempted to let victories over smaller things puff us up with pride. In essence, our actions say to God, “I’ve got this; I don’t need help.” Are there areas of your life you have taken control of? How might that control be connected to pride or partial obedience? Humbly seeking God’s wisdom and allowing Him to reshape your thinking through His Word will open the door for His blessing. Will you fully commit yourself to the Lord and allow Him to guide your decisions?|For further reading, 2 Kings 14:21-15:38

October 17, 2022


Read – Hebrews 3

What does it say?
Jesus is compared to Moses and is declared to be greater. The readers are encouraged to fix their thoughts on Jesus and warned against the sin of unbelief.

What does it mean?
Some Jewish Christians in the early church were torn between clinging to the rituals of Judaism and going on to full faith in Jesus Christ. Rather than turning back, these early believers needed to “fix [their] thoughts on Jesus,” stay on course, and move forward in their faith. Only then would they understand that Jesus was the fulfillment of everything God said through the Law of Moses. Choosing to believe anything else was choosing disbelief in what God declared to be true. Either their unbelief was a product of the evil in their hearts, or evil was the result of their unbelief. The deceptive nature of sin hardens hearts to understanding truth.

How should I respond?
What you choose to think about will impact your decisions and behavior. Our senses are constantly bombarded with subtle lies from Satan that can slowly influence our beliefs. So how do you “fix your thoughts on Jesus” and protect your heart from hardening? It’s as practical as starting each day by reading God’s Word and talking with Him throughout the day about every detail. Choose friends and music that direct your thoughts toward God and what honors Him. Where are you getting off course in your faith? Determine to think about Christ today and make a course correction.

October 15, 2020


Read – 2 Kings 13

What does it say?
As kings of Israel, both Jehoahaz and his son Jehoash disobeyed God. During the reign of Jehoash, the Lord was gracious and gave victory over the Syrians.

What does it mean?
King Jehoash was another king who failed to lead God’s people to trust and obey Him. He did not take God’s Word seriously but embraced false gods and a false spirituality. Through Elisha, God revealed future victory over the Syrian oppression. The amazing “life-giving” miracle after Elisha’s death should have been a confirming sign of Israel’s all-powerful, living God who loved His people and wanted the best for them. God’s Word was fulfilled as promised – King Jehoash defeated Syria three times. Though Jehoash remained unfaithful to God, God remained faithful to His covenant and His people.

How should I respond?
Like Jehoash, many in our society have a pseudo-spirituality – a “cover-your-bases-just-in-case” or a “hope-so” faith. But genuine faith comes through hearing and believing God’s life-giving truth, trusting Jesus Christ, and receiving the gift of eternal life through Him. There is no other way. Have you trusted in His sacrifice for you and received Him as your Savior? If so, your priority should be getting to know Him better through the Scriptures and encouraging others to come to Him. How will you boldly share God’s life-giving words to friends or family members who are spiritually dead and have no hope?

David: The kindness of a man after God’s own heart


Pastor Jonathan Falwell

1. Despite the attacks by Saul, David was willing to forgive

1 Samuel 24:20-22 (CSB) Now I know for certain you will be king, and the kingdom of Israel will be established in your hand. 21 Therefore swear to me by the Lord that you will not cut off my descendants or wipe out my name from my father’s family.” 22 So David swore to Saul. Then Saul went back home, and David and his men went up to the stronghold.

  • 11-12 times during a four-year period, Saul tried to kill David yet David forgave
  • In Matthew 18, Jesus says forgive “seventy times seven”

2. David would not celebrate when his enemy fell

2 Samuel 1:11-16 Then David took hold of his clothes and tore them, and all the men with him did the same. 12 They mourned, wept, and fasted until the evening for those who died by the sword—for Saul, his son Jonathan, the Lord’s people, and the house of Israel. 13 David inquired of the young man who had brought him the report, “Where are you from?” “I’m the son of a resident alien,” he said. “I’m an Amalekite.” 14 David questioned him, “How is it that you were not afraid to lift your hand to destroy the Lord’s anointed?” 15 Then David summoned one of his servants and said, “Come here and kill him!” The servant struck him, and he died. 16 For David had said to the Amalekite, “Your blood is on your own head because your own mouth testified against you by saying, ‘I killed the Lord’s anointed.’”

  • A natural response would have been to rejoice over Saul’s death, yet David grieved

Proverbs 24:17-18 Don’t gloat when your enemy falls, and don’t let your heart rejoice when he stumbles, 18 or the Lord will see, be displeased, and turn his wrath away from him.


3. David was willing to honor his promise and extend kindness to the hurting

2 Samuel 9:3-8 So the king asked, “Is there anyone left of Saul’s family that I can show the kindness of God to?” Ziba said to the king, “There is still Jonathan’s son who was injured in both feet.” The king asked him, “Where is he?” Ziba answered the king, “You’ll find him in Lo-debar at the house of Machir son of Ammiel.” So King David had him brought from the house of Machir son of Ammiel in Lo-debar. Mephibosheth son of Jonathan son of Saul came to David, fell facedown, and paid homage. David said, “Mephibosheth!” “I am your servant,” he replied. “Don’t be afraid,” David said to him, “since I intend to show you kindness for the sake of your father Jonathan. I will restore to you all your grandfather Saul’s fields, and you will always eat meals at my table.” Mephibosheth paid homage and said, “What is your servant that you take an interest in a dead dog like me?”

  • David didn’t just grieve over the death of Saul, he later sought to bless Saul’s family
  • This is an example of grace and mercy
  • It’s a picture of how God treats us


  1. We will all face attacks in this life, the heart of God calls for forgiveness
  2. Don’t seek the destruction of your enemy, seek the transformation of your enemy
  3. Never lose sight of how God showed grace to you when you’re considering how to deal with those who’ve hurt you

October 16, 2022


Read – Psalms 113-114

What does it say?
The psalmist called the Lord’s servants to offer praise to the One enthroned on high. He recalled Israel’s exodus from Egypt when God delivered His chosen people.

What does it mean?
Psalms 113-118, known as The Great Hallel (Hallelujah) psalms, were sung on the night of the Passover. Today’s passages were likely sung at the beginning of the meal. Even though God is the Sovereign Ruler of all that exists, Psalms 113 describes His personal interest and involvement in the lives of poor, needy, and hopeless people. When the Jewish people sang the Song of the Exodus in Psalm 114, they were reminded of His deliverance, power, and provision. The thought of His glorious presence would surely cause their hearts to tremble in reverence and joy.

How should I respond?
The Lord is not an uninvolved, uninterested bystander to what is going on in the world. His involvement in our lives is reason to remember what He has done and praise who He is. As believers, God has lifted us from spiritual poverty to a royal position in Christ. He guides us through daily life and provides our physical needs and times of spiritual renewal. Think about how the Lord has worked in your own life. How have you experienced God’s deliverance and power? Remembering what He has done should move you to offer continual praise and commit to trust and obey Him daily. How will your life reflect your royal heritage this week?

October 14, 2020


Read – 2 Kings 12

What does it say?
Joash followed God’s Law while Jehoiada was alive and instituted a plan for the repair of the temple. Fearful of attack, he sent sacred temple items to bribe the Syrian king.

What does it mean?
Joash was faithful to God and prospered during the years that he was influenced and guided by Jehoiada the High Priest. He successfully accomplished the repair of the temple and the restoration of the worship of God. However, after Jehoiada’s death, ungodly leaders induced Joash to abandon God and worship idols (2 Chron. 24). Instead of turning to God for deliverance when threatened by the Syrian king, Joash panicked and sent sacred objects from the temple as a bribe. God’s Word and His purposes for Joash had never become a vital part of the fiber of his life.

How should I respond?
God’s Word needs to be deeply rooted in the believer’s heart and life in order to avoid corrupt influences. Like Joash, many young people walk the line set out for them by their parents or godly leaders while they are under their influence. But at some point in life, believers must take ownership of how they’re going to live their lives. How are you taking responsibility for your personal relationship with Christ? Do you follow God’s Word because your minister or parents say it’s right? Or have you come to the point that you can say with conviction: “I am doing this because God says it is right and good … His Word is my standard for living.”

October 15, 2022


Read – Psalms 111-112

What does it say?
The psalmist praised the Lord for His great works, His righteousness, His compassion, and His redemption. Those who delight in His commands find enduring righteousness.

What does it mean?
Psalm 111 praises God’s works, wonders and wisdom, while Psalm 112 describes the attitudes and actions of those who acknowledge who He is as revealed in His Word and by what He has done. Having “fear” or reverential respect for God and His Word brings the wealth of God’s wisdom. The person who puts that wisdom into daily practice will experience real joy, steadfast trust, and security even in the face of extreme difficulty. People who set aside time to ponder who God is and what He has done in their lives will know that He is worthy to be praised, loved, and obeyed.

How should I respond?
Being a follower of Christ should also mean being a student of who He is. The more you examine the truth of Scripture the more clearly you’ll see how God’s power and wisdom are revealed in the world. Seeking God, however, is more than an academic pursuit; you gain firsthand knowledge of who He is by respectfully putting into practice what He shows you in His Word. How often do you take time to ponder God? Take a few minutes today to draw closer to Him and experience His presence by saying this psalm as a prayer to Him. Knowing Him better changes who you are and how you live.

October 13, 2020


Read – 2 Kings 11

What does it say?
After King Ahaziah’s death, Athaliah, his mother, took over the throne of Judah, eliminating all the royal family except for Joash who was hidden for six years.

What does it mean?
All hope for God’s covenant promise to David seemed to be lost. Athaliah had seized control of Judah by attempting to execute all the heirs to the throne. However, God spared King Ahaziah’s infant son, Joash, the legitimate heir. Through Jehosheba and her husband, the High Priest Jehoiada, God provided Joash protection and godly counsel. On the day that Joash was anointed and crowned king, Jehoiada gave him a copy of the Mosaic Covenant. Because of his faithfulness to God, Jehoiada was able to influence a king and inspire a revival in the nation. Hope was restored, the people rejoiced, and “the city was quiet” and at peace because the nation had returned to God.

How should I respond?
When a nation returns to God, He returns to them. How are you, like Jehoiada, influencing and training the next generation to honor and obey the Lord? God has given believers a New Covenant, based on trust in what Jesus Christ accomplished on the cross. How well do you know His promises as well as your responsibilities as a follower of Christ? Busy lives often cause us to drift away from our “first love” (Rev. 2:4). The Lord promises that if you return to Him, He will return to you. What part of your day will you set aside to study His Word and renew your commitment to Him?

October 14, 2022


Read – Hebrews 2

What does it say?
Everything is subject to Jesus, who is crowned with glory and honor because His sacrifice broke the power of death.

What does it mean?
The first chapter of Hebrews focused on the superiority of Christ because of His deity. This passage deals with the superiority of His humanity. Jesus did what no other human being could do – He took the death penalty for the sins of every person who would place their faith in Him. On the cross, Jesus defeated Satan and released mankind from the fear of death. Jesus’ perfect humanity means He is perfectly suited for the task of being High Priest, interceding to the Father for believers and helping when they are tempted. Readers are warned not to spiritually “drift” but to rely on Christ alone for their salvation.

How should I respond?
Do you feel as if no one understands what you’re going through? Jesus understands you fully. Because He was fully human, He knows how each difficulty or temptation you face feels. Because He was simultaneously fully God, He can redeem and rescue us from sin. He shared in our humanity in order to die in our place. What temptation are you currently facing? In what area have you started to drift spiritually? Jesus, the “merciful and faithful High Priest,” is willing and able to help you. Will you ask Him for help right now?

October 12, 2020


Read – 2 Kings 10

What does it say?
Jehu fulfilled Elijah’s prophecy regarding the destruction of Ahab’s descendants. He then destroyed Baal worship in Israel but didn’t follow the Lord with all of his heart.

What does it mean?
God used Jehu to judge the prophets of Baal, but his actions viciously exceeded His orders. Rather than stop at what the prophet of the Lord had commanded him to do, Jehu slaughtered anyone from the house of Ahab or Ahaziah who could possibly threaten his reign (Hosea 1:4). His zeal for the Lord became personal ambition. He also failed to remove the final obstacles between Israel and proper worship of the Lord – the golden calves in Dan and Bethel. Jehu was rewarded for his obedience but failed to receive God’s full blessing because he offered only part of himself to the Lord.

How should I respond?
We sometimes get our own ideas regarding how to serve the Lord. Like Jehu, we may start out doing as God has told us to do, but somehow we get caught up in a desire for recognition. Seeking to gain status in ministry leads us off the path God intended. The key to staying on track is to commit your whole heart to obey God’s commands. Start by eliminating known sin from your life. In what areas are you stopping short of complete obedience? How are you exceeding His directions, based on your own desires? Partial obedience is still disobedience and will not result in God’s full blessing.

October 13, 2022


Read – Hebrews 1

What does it say?
Jesus, God’s Son, is superior to the prophets and angels.

What does it mean?
One main thought runs throughout the book of Hebrews: Jesus is superior to anything. The readers are challenged to follow Jesus, not the traditions of religion. God had spoken to their forefathers through prophets, but now they have heard and seen God Himself in Jesus. Even the angels are created beings sent to minister to and serve God’s people. The characteristics of Jesus in this chapter outshine them all: Heir of all things, Creator, the expression of God’s glory, a perfect representation of God, Sustainer of all things, Savior and Lord. Jesus is God, deserving worship, honor, and praise.

How should I respond?
In our society, many people seek spirituality but tend to reject God as revealed in the Bible. It’s generally accepted to talk about and even worship angels; but if you mention the name of Jesus, you’re labeled a fanatic. Do you consider yourself a spiritual or religious person? On what is your evaluation based? As you read Hebrews, keep a record of the character traits of Jesus. Mark every time the writer says Jesus is “better than.” Don’t settle for being religious when you can have an intimate relationship with Jesus.

October 11, 2020


Read – 2 Kings 9

What does it say?
Jehu was anointed king of Israel and told by the prophet to destroy the house of Ahab, including Jezebel. Prophecies were fulfilled regarding justice for the murder of Naboth.

What does it mean?
God had mercifully delayed judgment on Ahab’s family when he humbled himself before the Lord regarding compliance to Naboth’s murder at the hands of Jezebel. Instead, the disaster Elijah prophesied would fall on Ahab’s son, Joram (1 Kings 21). This may seem unfair on the surface. However, woven into the account of their lives was the opportunity for Joram and Jezebel to make the same choice Ahab did – humble contrition. As king, Joram chose to follow his mother’s evil practices. God’s 20-year delay of justice was also an opportunity for repentance. God’s justice and mercy are perfectly balanced.

How should I respond?
As human beings, we are extremely shortsighted when it comes to the big picture. We are so close to the immediate events of our lives and culture that we can’t fathom what God is doing. We’re usually grateful for His mercy on our own lives but question why the Lord would delay justice on someone else’s sin. What we fail to comprehend is that God extends opportunities for repentance to even the worst of humanity. His justice and mercy are two sides of the same coin. How has God shown you mercy? For whom do you need to pray humble repentance rather than wish God’s swift judgment?

October 12, 2022


Read – Philemon

What does it say?
Paul appealed to Philemon to graciously receive his runaway slave Onesimus who had become a Christian.

What does it mean?
The story of Onesimus is a beautiful representation of God’s grace. Paul showed a picture of Christ’s love as he pleaded for Philemon to accept Onesimus no longer as a slave, but as a beloved brother. When a person accepts Jesus as Savior, Christ goes before God the Father and asks Him to no longer see that person as a slave to sin but as His brother or sister redeemed by His precious blood. Paul was ready to pay any debt Onesimus owed just as Jesus willingly paid every believer’s sin debt on the Cross.

How should I respond?
Do you ever wish you could go back to the past and fix mistakes? We all do. That’s why this story is so personal. It reminds us that once we accept Christ, the past is gone. Have you asked Jesus to cover your sin debt? If so, you can rejoice as Onesimus did that your sins have been forgiven. Take a moment to ponder how much God loves you, and thank Him for all He has done for you. If you have not repented and asked God to save you, there is no better time than now. You may never completely forget your past sin, but knowing Jesus means that when it does come to mind, you can focus on His gracious sacrifice, not your own failures.

October 10, 2020


Read – 2 Kings 8:1-15

What does it say?
The Shunammite woman’s land was returned to her after a seven-year famine. Hazael murdered Ben-hadad and became king.

What does it mean?
Interaction with Elisha affected the lives of two people. The Shunammite woman had displayed trust in God by showing kindness and hospitality to Elisha. Later, Elisha protected her household by sending them away during the famine. Ordinarily, she would have lost her land and livelihood. However, her appeal to the king resulted in the restoration of all she had lost. Hazael, on the other hand, chose murder after Elisha prophesied his evil rule over Israel. Even though Hazael swore he could not do the monstrous things prophesied, his immediate actions proved otherwise.

How should I respond?
The choices you make will determine your life’s path. Just as Elisha was like a high-intensity light shining on the paths of people he came across, the Word of God is a light that reveals whether your path is pleasing to God. Take an honest look at the decisions you’ve made this week. What do they reveal about your motives or your faith? Allow Scripture to illuminate the remote crevices of your heart. Then confess any sin God’s Word reveals. What choices will you make this week to stay on course by trusting and obeying His Word?|For further reading, 2 Kings 8:16-29

October 11, 2022


Read – Titus 3

What does it say?
Paul closed his letter to Titus with a discussion of the will of God, the work of God, a warning from God, and the workers of God.

What does it mean?
Paul reminded Titus that God’s will for believers is to be obedient to authorities and to be gentle and considerate to everyone. Because of the good work God has done, His followers should always be prepared to do good work for those in need. God warned Titus to avoid controversial issues that could hinder the work of the church. Those stirring up trouble should be dealt with systematically. Paul closed his letter by directing Titus to provide aid to the other workers of God and make sure that they have everything they need for their travels.

How should I respond?
God has graciously provided a plan for you to be free from the guilt of sin through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus. This gift should be the motivation for all you do and how you live. Are you following God’s will regarding submission to authority, kindness, love for others, and faithfulness to the teachings of Scripture? Your actions and beliefs will determine the health and productivity of your church. Are you currently a help or a hindrance to your church body? Ask God to show you ways to live out these verses today.

October 9, 2020


Read – 2 Kings 7:3-20

What does it say?
Samaria suffered a severe famine while under siege by the Aramean army. The army fed when the Lord caused them to hear the sound of horses and chariots.

What does it mean?
The lack of basic human needs caused the people in Samaria to react differently to feelings of despair. Abandoning all logical thinking, two mothers conspired in desperation. Four lepers gave up hope and chose the only course of action left for their survival. Blaming God, King Joram sought to take control rather than wait for God’s promised deliverance. The king’s officer refused to believe that God was able to turn economic famine into an economic feast as Elisha prophesied. God was more than able to do as He had promised.

How should I respond?
Trusting God is much easier when times are good than when we’re faced with overwhelming difficulty. Our lack of faith is often revealed when life is full of questions, and God is not giving immediate answers. What has been your response to God in moments of despair? Did you persevere in faith, or did you simply give up hope? Take a moment to reflect on God’s promises and character revealed in Scripture. As you grasp the reality of who He is, you will learn to persevere, trusting Him to provide exactly what you need … at just the right time.

October 10, 2022


Read – Titus 2

What does it say?
Paul gave instructions to Titus concerning groups of people in the church.

What does it mean?
Paul urged Titus to teach sound doctrine to members of his church. Paul explained how members of the church should conduct themselves and be examples to one another. Specific behaviors are listed for both older men and women to model to the younger generation. Men should control themselves and be faithful to God and their families (Titus 2:2). Women must refrain from gossip and show respect, love, kindness, and purity (Titus 2:3-5).

How should I respond?
What kind of example are you? Are your attitudes, behavior, and speech a reflection of what God has done for you? Who around you could benefit from a godly example? As a Christian, you have the responsibility of living a godly life and encouraging others to do the same. Which characteristics in this chapter do you need to develop? The Christian life isn’t easy. Chances are someone you know is struggling. We can all benefit from someone who has “been there, done that.” Be aware of opportunities to encourage and instruct others in their faith today.

October 8, 2020


Read – 2 Kings 6:1-23

What does it say?
Elisha caused an ax head to float. To reassure his servant, Elisha prayed that God would reveal the protecting presence of His spiritual army.

What does it mean?
Aram’s army was powerful, but their king didn’t understand that from God’s point of view, they were already defeated. Elisha knew he was not alone; yet for the benefit of his servant, God openly displayed the armies of the Lord. God’s overwhelming presence on the scene didn’t increase; it was simply revealed for the servant’s peace of mind. Through the miraculous events of this passage, it became obvious to the king of Aram that he was no match for Israel’s God.

How should I respond?
Trusting Jesus by faith places you into a unique relationship. You are never alone. You are continually protected by the power and victorious providence of God. This does not mean that bad things will never happen to you. But it does mean that God is with you in every situation, supplying the grace you need. Take a moment to reflect on your current circumstances. How has God already revealed His presence by working on your behalf? How does knowing that you’re not alone give you peace of mind to face this challenge?|For further reading, 2 Kings 6:24-7:2

David: As The Storm Approaches, Trust Him


Pastor Jonathan Falwell

1 Samuel 24:1-7 (CSB) When Saul returned from pursuing the Philistines, he was told, “David is in the wilderness near En-gedi.” So Saul took three thousand of Israel’s fit young men and went to look for David and his men in front of the Rocks of the Wild Goats. When Saul came to the sheep pens along the road, a cave was there, and he went in to relieve himself. David and his men were staying in the recesses of the cave, so they said to him, “Look, this is the day the Lord told you about: ‘I will hand your enemy over to you so you can do to him whatever you desire.’ ” Then David got up and secretly cut off the corner of Saul’s robe. Afterward, David’s conscience bothered, him because he had cut off the corner of Saul’s robe. He said to his men, “As the Lord is my witness, I would never do such a thing to my lord, the Lord’s anointed. I will never lift my hand against him, since he is the Lord’s anointed.” With these words David persuaded his men, and he did not let them rise up against Saul.

Throughout the period of time from David’s anointing by Samuel until the time he became king, Saul sought to kill David a number of times. Throughout 1 Samuel 18-26, we read many different accounts of Saul’s attempts, even after Saul promised he would not hurt him in chapter 24. Can you imagine the fear that must have coursed through David’s veins knowing the king of Israel, and 3,000 of his soldiers, were out to kill you? Yet, David remained strong and encouraged.

Psalm 57:1-11 (CSB) Be gracious to me, God, be gracious to me, for I take refuge in you. I will seek refuge in the shadow of your wings until danger passes. I call to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me., He reaches down from heaven and saves me, challenging the one who tramples me. God sends his faithful love and truth. I am surrounded by lions; I lie down among devouring lions—people whose teeth are spears and arrows, whose tongues are sharp swords. God, be exalted above the heavens; let your glory be over the whole earth. They prepared a net for my steps; I was despondent. They dug a pit ahead of me, but they fell into it! My heart is confident, God, my heart is confident. I will sing; I will sing praises. Wake up, my soul! Wake up, harp and lyre! I will wake up the dawn. I will praise you, Lord, among the peoples; I will sing praises to you among the nations. 10 For your faithful love is as high as the heavens; your faithfulness reaches the clouds. 11 God, be exalted above the heavens; let your glory be over the whole earth.

1. When the enemy approaches, take refuge in God

Vs 1 Be gracious to me, God, be gracious to me, for I take refuge in you. I will seek refuge in the shadow of your wings until danger passes.

  • As David sat in the cave, he recognized the imagery of the cave itself as a the picture of God’s protection
  • Although just outside the cave the enemy was near, he knew the grace of God was enough to bring him through

2. The refuge starts in prayer

Vs 2 I call to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me.

  • David’s journey of seeking refuge in the “shadow of God’s wings” began with an earnest prayer; crying out to God from the midst of the fear 

3. It continues in trust

Vss 3-4 He reaches down from heaven and saves me, challenging the one who tramples me. God sends his faithful love and truth. I am surrounded by lions; I lie down among devouring lions—people whose teeth are spears and arrows, whose tongues are sharp swords.

  • Prayer is not the weapon you need if you cannot trust the one you are calling on
  • David was aware he was surrounded, yet his trust in God was all he needed to survive
  • God brought him from loneliness and despair to encouragement and support

1 Samuel 22:1-2 So David left Gath and took refuge in the cave of Adullam. When David’s brothers and his father’s whole family heard, they went down and joined him there. In addition, every man who was desperate, in debt, or discontented rallied around him, and he became their leader. About four hundred men were with him.

4. It is confirmed in worship

Vss 5-11 God, be exalted above the heavens; let your glory be over the whole earth. They prepared a net for my steps; I was despondent. They dug a pit ahead of me, but they fell into it! My heart is confident, God, my heart is confident. I will sing; I will sing praises. Wake up, my soul! Wake up, harp and lyre! I will wake up the dawn. I will praise you, Lord, among the peoples; I will sing praises to you among the nations. 10 For your faithful love is as high as the heavens; your faithfulness reaches the clouds. 11 God, be exalted above the heavens; let your glory be over the whole earth.

  • The only way to fully trust God in times of your greatest fear is to recognize God is greater than our problems
  • There is nothing we face God cannot overcome


  1. If David faced intense attacks after being anointed as the next king of Israel, you can be sure you will face them as well
  2. Prayer is our greatest weapon against fear, anxiety and attacks
  3. Never forget the greatness of God. Nothing is too hard for Him. (Jeremiah 32:27)

October 9, 2022


Read – Psalm 110

What does it say?
The enemies of the Lord will be His footstool, and He will rule over them as a priest in the order of Melchizedek.

What does it mean?
Psalm 110 predicts the eternal priesthood of Christ. Christ is depicted as God, King, Priest, Judge, and a mighty Warrior. This prophetic psalm relates a conversation between God the Father and God the Son. David, divinely inspired by the Spirit, spoke about the coming King who would be not only his son but also his Lord. This psalm is quoted in the New Testament more than any other psalm. Jesus quoted from it when He asked Jewish leaders how the Christ could be David’s Son and also his Lord (Matthew 22). The teachers of the law had no answer because they could not understand the fact that the Messiah (Christ) must be both human and divine.

How should I respond?
Part of the prophecy in Psalm 110 has been fulfilled by the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of the Son of Man and the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. The other part of the prophecy – the judgment of those who reject Christ and the reward for those who have received Christ – will be fulfilled as promised. He currently acts in the lives of His followers as both King and High Priest. Do you know Him as such? The message for us today is clear – God will also come as Judge and His plan will be accomplished. What difference has that truth made in your life? How will you use your time on Earth to make it count for eternity?

October 7, 2020


Read – 2 Kings 5

What does it say?
Naaman heard that Elisha could heal him from leprosy. When Naaman listened to his servants and followed Elisha’s instructions to wash in the Jordan River, he was healed.

What does it mean?
Naaman was a proud man. But none of his accomplishments as the commander of Syria’s army could heal leprosy. It was providential that a servant girl told Naaman about a prophet in Israel who could heal him. Naaman arrived at Elisha’s house to be healed – on his own terms. Again, it was servants who convinced him to follow Elisha’s godly counsel. Naaman came to Israel with his entourage expecting a great work of healing worthy of a triumphant return to Syria. Instead, the road to healing required servant-like humility

How should I respond?
Like Naaman, pride in our position and accomplishments can cause us to think that we should get special treatment. That type of attitude starts when we begin to view ourselves based solely on our accomplishments rather than through God’s eyes. When pride takes root in your heart, questioning God’s instructions is usually not far behind. How often are you ready to attempt some great feat for God but react to a menial request as if it’s beneath you? God’s road to success seldom takes us through ticker tape parades. What simple action has He placed before you today?

October 8, 2022


Read – Psalms 108-109

What does it say?
Praising God for His love and faithfulness, David petitions Him for help and calls on God to take vengeance on his enemies.

What does it mean?
David opened each of these psalms with praises that reminded him to whom he was praying. He poured out his heart to God in an expression of indignation over his enemies who – without cause – were attacking him and God’s chosen people. David wondered why God seemed to delay His response to what was going on. Some scholars think that the Old Testament saints didn’t know about a day of judgment, so they asked God to exact His full justice immediately. In the end, David did not seek vengeance himself but turned to God for help, knowing that human strength alone would not be enough.

How should I respond?
Are you experiencing opposition without any fault on your part? Your circumstances don’t overwhelm God. You are not alone in the conflict. Even though the situation does not change right away, or if it seems that God is silent, remember that He sees, knows, and cares. Pray, telling Him exactly how you feel, and wait for Him to act on your behalf. Today, will you depend on your strength or God’s strength to get you through? Instead of focusing on the problem, trust and praise the One who has the solution – the Lord Jesus Christ.

October 6, 2020


Read – 2 Kings 4:1-37

What does it say?
Two mothers appealed to Elisha for help. One mother received daily provision, and the other received her son back from the dead.

What does it mean?
God used Elisha to meet the needs of two women when despair threatened to overwhelm them. The widow, in fear of losing her sons to slavery, sought Elisha’s wisdom and faithfully followed his instructions. God provided for her needs as she acted in faith by gathering the jars that were miraculously filled. The Shunammite woman, on the other hand, was financially well-off. But like the widow, she was faithful to God. Even while grieving for her son, she believed God could help through Elisha. God chose to reward her faith by raising her son from the dead. God helped both mothers with their immediate needs, and their children saw the power and goodness of God.

How should I respond?
When crisis comes, where do you turn? God does not fulfill our every request, but we can always trust His heart. He sees clearer, further, and more purely than you ever can. As you trust Him, the Lord may miraculously heal and provide, or He may simply give perfect peace throughout the ordeal. Either way, you can trust Him to listen and help when darkness seems to envelop you. Through each circumstance – the small and the great – the Lord is working in you to make you more like His Son, the Lord Jesus.|For further reading, 2 Kings 4:38-44

October 7, 2022


Read – Titus 1

What does it say?
Paul talked to Titus about the role of elders in the church and warned him against false teachers and legalism.

What does it mean?
On Crete, Titus was dealing with false teachers who were preaching Jewish legalism and fables. The insistence of some that circumcision and other Jewish customs were still necessary for salvation was causing confusion among the people. These false teachers were not preaching out of concern for the people, but rather for their own gain. Paul urged Titus to strongly rebuke and silence these legalistic teachers because their corrupt teaching and actions were ruining entire families.

How should I respond?
Legalism is a problem in churches today just as it was in biblical times. Cultural and generational issues, such as types of music, Sunday attire, or use of modern technology can be subjects for heated debate within the church. Legalists will argue their intentions are good or even justified by Scripture. In reality, their biblical understanding and views are skewed by pride and personal convictions. Often these attitudes lead to anger, frustration, and conflict. Legalism must be dealt with for a church to thrive. In what area are you in danger of having a legalistic attitude? How can you resolve this issue?

October 5, 2020


Read – 2 Kings 3

What does it say?
Joram formed an alliance with two other kings to squelch the Moabite rebellion. When the armies ran out of water, Jehoshaphat asked for a prophet of the Lord.

What does it mean?
Joram, king of Israel, neglected the wise practice of seeking counsel from a godly prophet before he entered into conflict. As a result, the coalition almost failed until the kings sought out the prophet Elisha. Only the presence of the godly Judean King Jehoshaphat allowed Elisha to reveal a miraculous plan to destroy the rebellious Moabites and save them from Joram’s failure as a spiritual leader. Outwardly, he had made a show of godliness by putting away the pillar of Baal. But Elisha was aware of Joram’s evil character and pagan religious practices.

How should I respond?
Every day some new decision is placed before you. Do you seek God’s guidance from the start, or do you act first and wait until there’s trouble before calling on the Lord? Understanding how to make choices in light of God’s will can be a struggle, but it’s less of a mystery than many believe. Start with prayer. Ask God to help you recognize the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Then, choose to be thankful in all things because a negative attitude will skew your thinking. The final thing – and the hardest for most – is to submit humbly to the authorities God has placed over you. God’s will isn’t a mystery to be solved, but the result of prayerful obedience.

October 6, 2022


Read – 2 Timothy 4

What does it say?
Paul charged Timothy to keep his head and endure hardship in order to preach the Word, just as Paul had fought the good fight and kept the faith.

What does it mean?
Paul was constantly aware that Jesus was coming back and would reward those who had faithfully served Him. Striving for a future prize from the hand of Christ motivated Paul to remain faithful in His work for the Lord. He compared his life to a distance runner crossing the finish line, claiming a hard fought victory. Paul wanted Timothy to live with that same awareness so he would share in the victory. He knew that keeping eternal rewards in mind would affect Timothy’s attitude toward his work as he went about his duties for the church.

How should I respond?
Have you ever completed a difficult task or gotten through a hard time by focusing only on how good it will feel to have it finished? Like a runner visualizing a finish line miles away, we live differently when we focus on our purposes or goals. That is what Paul wanted for Timothy and for you. When you face temptation or discouragement, imagine what it will feel like to stand before Jesus and be rewarded for staying faithful. Take time every morning to anticipate that moment. Live your day in that joy. Begin with the end in mind, knowing by faith how fulfilling that moment will be.

October 4, 2020


Read – 2 Kings 2

What does it say?
Elijah’s ministry as the Lord’s prophet was coming to an end. Elisha, his protégé, was preparing to take his place. Elijah was taken to Heaven, and Elisha began his ministry.

What does it mean?
The revelation that Elijah was leaving gave Elisha the determination to stay by his side. Elisha’s responses to being left behind show the relationship that he had with his spiritual mentor as well as his understanding of what God was calling him to do. By requesting a double portion, Elisha was asking to be treated as a first-born son, heir to Elijah’s ministry as the prophet of the Lord. He wanted to make sure that he was fully equipped to do all that God had called him to do.

How should I respond?
How passionate are you about the things of God? Do you strive to be prepared to serve? Being prepared means understanding what it is that God has called you to do. If you haven’t already done so, take a spiritual gift test to determine exactly how the Holy Spirit has equipped you to operate within your local church. Also, examine your talents, abilities, and present circumstances. How do they factor into your service for the Lord? Consider contacting your church office regarding ministry training that will better prepare you to serve. Allow your passion for the Lord to drive you to action.

October 5, 2022


Read – 2 Timothy 3

What does it say?
People will love pleasure rather than love God in the last days. Timothy was to continue in what he had learned from the Holy Scriptures that had equipped him for good work.

What does it mean?
Paul began his warning to Timothy with a list of ungodly characteristics that will eventually consume people who love themselves more than they love God. These types of people have always existed, but there will come a time when their attitudes will pervade the culture. Although they will constantly seek knowledge, they will avoid the truth. Paul reassured Timothy that the truths of Scripture would teach, correct, and train him even in the midst of such ungodliness. Everything God wanted Timothy to do could be done if he held on to what he knew to be true.

How should I respond?
In a culture so wrapped up in pride, selfishness, and deceitful ambition, it is comforting to know that there are certain important truths that will not change or lead you to harm. /by

October 3, 2020


Read – 2 Kings 1

What does it say?
When King Ahaziah was severely injured, he sent his servants to ask the Philistine god if he would recover. Elijah pronounced God’s judgment: Ahaziah would die.

What does it mean?
The account of King Ahaziah demonstrates the foolishness of defying God. He insulted the true God of Israel by inquiring of a false god. When Elijah pronounced judgment on the king, it should have caused him to repent. Instead, Ahaziah sent soldiers to arrest Elijah. The first two captains and their men approached the man of God with arrogance and disrespect. Their choice to obey the king rather than the Lord ended in their deaths. However, the last captain humbly acknowledged the Lord’s power and was spared. Ahaziah’s arrogant defiance cost him his life.

How should I respond?
Defying God will never put us in a winning position. Our mindset and behavior should be corrected anytime we find ourselves in opposition to God’s commands. Pride is the root cause of defiance; it can creep in when we least expect it. What is your present attitude toward God’s will in your life? When was the last time you humbly approached God and simply praised Him for who He is? God shows favor to those who are humble, but He resists the proud. Check your heart: are you giving God the respect and obedience He deserves?

October 4, 2022


Read – 2 Timothy 2

What does it say?
Paul told Timothy to be strong in the grace of Christ Jesus, endure hardship, avoid quarreling and godless chatter, and flee evil desires.

What does it mean?
Paul warned Timothy to not get distracted but to focus on his mission – teaching the truth of the gospel. Paul particularly cautioned him to be careful around people who constantly tried to draw him into foolish religious arguments which can spread like an infection within the church. Timothy was to respond with gentleness, knowing that showing kindness can bring people to their senses faster than winning arguments. Paul didn’t tell Timothy to avoid biblical discussions. Instead he encouraged Timothy to correct wrong beliefs with humility, causing the other person to recognize the truth and turn to God, not from Him.

How should I respond?
What argument or disagreement has currently “entangled” you? Winning arguments by crushing someone else is not really winning, is it? We need to make sure that we are not the reason someone rejects God’s offer of forgiveness. Check your daily conversations by asking yourself, “After what I just said, could I share Jesus? Would it seem hypocritical?” If it would, make it right immediately. Get in the habit of apologizing any time you find yourself speaking in a way that does not show Christ’s love and grace. The goal is not winning an argument, but winning them to Jesus!

October 2, 2020


Read – 1 Kings 22:1-40

What does it say?
Ahab and Jehoshaphat sent for the prophet Micaiah after 400 prophets claimed victory in an attack against Ramoth Gilead. Micaiah then prophesied Ahab’s death in battle.

What does it mean?
Ahab, Jehoshaphat, and Micaiah had different approaches to the situation before them. Ahab’s previous humility was replaced with arrogant avoidance of God’s prophet and His Word. The environment he created was designed solely to please himself, regardless of reality. Jehoshaphat, Judah’s godly king, entered a political alliance that resulted in peace but at the cost of spiritual compromise (2 Chronicles 21:1- 6). He was discerning enough to realize the 400 prophets weren’t speaking the truth, but he stopped short of going home when impending disaster was prophesied against his alliance. Micaiah, however, was determined to speak the truth and do the right thing, even though he was the only one.

How should I respond?
Crisis situations and major life decisions tend to unveil our character. They act as a mirror, reflecting the good while simultaneously showing us what needs correction. This passage reveals three different crisis responses: rejecting truth, spiritual compromise, and unwavering conviction. Which example best describes how you handled the last major event in your life? Hiding from reality and compromising our beliefs breed disaster eventually, if not immediately. Are you prepared to take a stand for truth, even if it means standing alone? What part of your character reflection needs correction?|For further reading, 1 Kings 22:41-53

October 3, 2022


Read – 2 Timothy 1

What does it say?
Paul longed to see Timothy and reminded him to use his God-given gifts.

What does it mean?
Paul began by explaining how Timothy’s faith was an encouragement to him during his time in prison, even though Paul’s imprisonment had greatly discouraged Timothy. Paul brought Timothy back to the roots of his faith, reminding him that Jesus took his death on the Cross and that the Holy Spirit provided the power to live for Christ and to faithfully serve Him. Timothy needed to rekindle his God-given gift of leadership in ministry because it was greatly needed by the church. Paul urged Timothy to focus on the grace and love of Christ, along with what Paul had already taught him.

How should I respond?
Any follower of Christ can become discouraged. Discouragement can lead to neglecting the very things that would help you the most. You can refocus your attention and energy by going back to the roots of your faith: spending time in prayer, studying God’s Word, talking about Jesus, and using your gifts to serve your church. What spiritual disciplines do you need to rekindle today? Maybe you need to pray for a specific need, share a hard truth with a friend, or help someone God keeps bringing to mind. Take Paul’s advice and think first about Jesus and the strength that comes from His love for you. Let His grace be the motivation that fuels your faith – regardless of your circumstances.

October 1, 2020


Read – 1 Kings 21

What does it say?
Naboth was murdered for refusing to sell his vineyard to Ahab. But God spared Ahab’s life when he responded with mourning and fasting to Elijah’s prophecy of judgment.

What does it mean?
Although Ahab’s childish response to Naboth’s refusal wasn’t fitting for a king, Jezebel’s solution was inconceivable. She manipulated Israel’s law to commit murder and forcibly take what Ahab wanted. Both the king and queen were totally without conscience. Ahab made himself an enemy of God by continually following his wife’s wicked advice rather than listening to the prophet of the Lord. There had never been anyone as evil and vile as Ahab. But Elijah’s prophecy jolted Ahab to the core and triggered sincere repentance. God saw the change in Ahab’s heart and responded with mercy.

How should I respond?
Violence and deceit have escalated to unimaginable heights. People steal what they want and often kill without remorse. Are those people more deserving of hell than others? Two thoughts emerge from today’s passage: no one is beyond hope with the Lord, and God’s mercy and grace extend to even the most vile. How do you react when a violent criminal claims to have found God in prison? Do you marvel at God’s grace, or are you agitated by the seeming injustice? Remember – if Christ’s death couldn’t pay for the most reprehensible act, then neither could it cover our sins. The next time you see a notorious criminal on the news, stop and pray. Reality may jolt them into repentance.

David: A Rise and Fall


Pastor Jonathan Falwell

1 Samuel 18:5-15 (CSB) David marched out with the army and was successful in everything Saul sent him to do. Saul put him in command of the fighting men, which pleased all the people and Saul’s servants as well. As the troops were coming back, when David was returning from killing the Philistine, the women came out from all the cities of Israel to meet King Saul, singing and dancing with tambourines, with shouts of joy, and with three-stringed instruments. As they danced, the women sang: Saul has killed his thousands, but David his tens of thousands. Saul was furious and resented this song. “They credited tens of thousands to David,” he complained, “but they only credited me with thousands. What more can he have but the kingdom?” So Saul watched David jealously from that day forward. 10 The next day an evil spirit sent from God came powerfully on Saul, and he began to rave inside the palace. David was playing the lyre as usual, but Saul was holding a spear, 11 and he threw it, thinking, “I’ll pin David to the wall.” But David got away from him twice. 12 Saul was afraid of David, because the Lord was with David but had left Saul. 13 Therefore, Saul sent David away from him and made him commander over a thousand men. David led the troops 14 and continued to be successful in all his activities because the Lord was with him. 15 When Saul observed that David was very successful, he dreaded him.

1. David’s success grew

Vs 5a David marched out with the army and was successful in everything Saul sent him to do…

  • David was serving Saul faithfully and God was blessing his efforts
  • This was a direct result of what took place in the anointing of David

1 Samuel 16:13 …and the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully on David from that day forward

2. Saul’s insecurity grew

Vss 6-8a As the troops were coming back, when David was returning from killing the Philistine, the women came out from all the cities of Israel to meet King Saul, singing and dancing with tambourines, with shouts of joy, and with three-stringed instruments. As they danced, the women sang: Saul has killed his thousands, but David his tens of thousands. Saul was furious and resented this song…

  • Once again, pride destroys God’s anointed
  • No one is immune to the dangers of pride

3. When God’s anointing is on you, the enemy is out in full force

Vs 9-11 So Saul watched David jealously from that day forward. 10 The next day an evil spirit sent from God came powerfully on Saul, and he began to rave inside the palace. David was playing the lyre as usual, but Saul was holding a spear, 11 and he threw it, thinking, “I’ll pin David to the wall.” But David got away from him twice.

  • Saul’s pride and insecurity led to evil choices
  • God removed His Spirit from Saul and evil took over

Quote: But Saul’s condition now was far worse than being without the Lord’s Spirit, for “an evil spirit from the Lord tormented him.” The Hebrew word translated “evil” (Hb. rāʿâ) has a wide range of meanings from “misery” to “moral perverseness.” Thus, it is possible—and perhaps preferable—to interpret the text not to mean that the Lord sent a morally corrupt demon35 but rather another sort of supernatural being—an angel of judgment…”[1]

1 Samuel 10:6 – “…the Spirit of the Lord will come powerfully on you”

  • Has now become –

      Vs 10 “The next day an evil spirit sent from God came powerfully on Saul”


4. The hand of God is better than the blessing of men

Vss 12-15 Saul was afraid of David, because the Lord was with David but had left Saul. 13 Therefore, Saul sent David away from him and made him commander over a thousand men. David led the troops 14 and continued to be successful in all his activities because the Lord was with him. 15 When Saul observed that David was very successful, he dreaded him.

  • Keeping our focus on walking with God will always lead to great things, even when there are those out to stop us


  1. Trust in the promises of God
  2. Don’t let discouragement keep you from God’s plan
  3. Fear God leaving you more than others rejecting you

[1] Robert D. Bergen, 1, 2 Samuel, vol. 7, The New American Commentary (Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1996), 182.

October 2, 2022


Read – Psalm 107

What does it say?
The Lord is good! His mercy endures forever. The redeemed of the Lord should give thanks for His unfailing love and His wonderful deeds.

What does it mean?
The writer recounted several of the Lord’s remarkable acts for His redeemed people. God was faithful in each dire situation, yet it appears that they didn’t stop to thank Him, to praise Him, or to tell others about His unfailing love. Israel had to be reminded to show gratitude for God’s intervention in the experiences of their lives. He worked in the circumstances of His children to accomplish His plan for their lives. Recognizing God’s loving involvement with a heart of gratitude is a sign of wisdom.

How should I respond?
God cares about every detail in your life. That doesn’t mean that life is trouble-free, but God can use any situation – no matter how difficult – to accomplish His purposes in and through your life. Through adversity, the Lord can grow your faith, your dependence on Him, and your gratitude for His involvement. In what situation have you seen God’s intervention? What has God provided for you this week? Take time today to thank Him and to tell someone else what His great love means to you.

September 30, 2020


Read – 1 Kings 19

What does it say?
Afraid for his life, Elijah ran into the desert to die but was cared for by an angel of the Lord. God reassured Elijah that he was not alone and called Elisha as his successor.

What does it mean?
Elijah went from boldly victorious atop Mt. Carmel to fearful and discouraged on Mt. Horeb. Years of physical and spiritual battles had taken a toll on his energy and emotions. Fear overshadowed what he knew to be true about the Lord. Elijah was so discouraged that he couldn’t see the reality of what God had accomplished through his faithful service. After meeting his physical needs and allowing him to rest, God gently reminded Elijah that he was not alone. Every response to Elijah’s discouragement reminded him that the Lord was still the same Almighty God he had always served.

How should I respond?
Discouragement can be overwhelming, causing us to focus on the darker side of circumstances rather than appreciating what the Lord has already done. It’s not even unusual to experience an emotional letdown after a significant spiritual victory or occupational success. So how can you guard against becoming discouraged? First, learn to recognize when you’re vulnerable, needing physical and mental rest. Then allow what you learn about God’s character through Scripture to squelch any fear you feel. Finally, ask God who might be able to help in your current situation. Remember, even though you may feel isolated, you are never alone as a follower of Christ.|For further reading, 1 Kings 20

October 1, 2022


Read – Psalm 106

What does it say?
The people of Israel forgot God’s works, worshipped idols, despised the Promised Land, murmured in their tents, and sacrificed their children, but God was faithful.

What does it mean?
The unfaithfulness of Israel described in Psalm 106 stands in sharp contrast to the faithfulness of God illustrated in Psalm 105. They forgot, but God remembered! The Scottish preacher George Morrison wrote, “The Lord took Israel out of Egypt in one night, but it took Him forty years to take Egypt out of Israel.” God’s people fell prey to the godless culture around them rather than leading godly lives that honor their holy Lord. Phinehas is the only ray of light in this dark account – he believed God, intervened, and was counted as righteous. Although Israel did not trust and obey God, He remained faithful to His eternal covenant and delivered them when they cried out to Him.

How should I respond?
What actions and attitudes depicted in this psalm describe your life – envy, grumbling, disobedience, rebellion? We can learn from the mistakes of the Israelites so that we won’t fall prey to the godless culture around us. As a matter of fact, the Apostle Paul lists the sins of his forefathers as a warning not to fall into the same pattern of sin (1 Cor. 10:1-13). How has God been good to you this week, despite your sinful thoughts or attitudes? His faithfulness should inspire gratitude and humble submission to His will. How can your life be an example so that others are encouraged to trust and obey God?

September 29, 2020


Read – 1 Kings 18

What does it say?
When Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal, the Lord sent fire to consume the entire altar. All of Israel worshiped the Lord, and heavy rain ended the drought.

What does it mean?
The showdown atop Mount Carmel was intended to force the people of Israel to choose between following Baal and worshiping the Lord. Elijah’s challenge was initially met with silence. As the lone prophet of the Lord, Elijah faced 450 prophets of Baal with unwavering confidence; false gods were just that – false. The Lord answered Elijah’s prayer with such finality that there was no doubt regarding His identity, “the Lord is God!” The people of Israel could be silent no longer. Appropriately, they fell to the ground and worshiped Him as Lord.

How should I respond?
By definition, a follower of Christ can’t sit on the fence regarding daily obedience to the Lord. But many Christians have become so accustomed to enjoying all the world has to offer that they are no longer following Jesus. As you think back on this week, what pulled your attention or affection away from the Lord? What activity or television show took you in a direction away from following Christ? We are guilty of sitting on the fence if we claim Jesus as our Savior, yet follow things that oppose His teachings and offer false hope. How will you respond to Elijah’s challenge? “If the Lord is God, follow Him!” Will you sit on the fence, or worship the Lord with your words and life?

September 30, 2022


Read – 1 Timothy 6

What does it say?
Paul reminded Timothy that the goals and expectations of a believer should be spiritual, not material.

What does it mean?
This passage is rich with insight on the subject of contentment. Contentment comes from God, not money or things. God is eternal, and material things are only temporary. Paul warned that a strong desire to get rich is a trap that can ruin a life rather than improve it. Loving money is not only foolish; it leads to sin and destruction. Paul urged Timothy to guard himself from these desires, pursuing righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness instead. God provides everything a believer has or needs.

How should I respond?
Discontentment begins when you confuse your needs with your wants. Are you content with what God has provided for you and your family? Contentment is simply being satisfied with who you are and what you have. It’s characterized by inner peace, regardless of outward circumstances. Which warnings from this passage is God using to get your attention? What financial goals and expectations do you need to change in order to pursue the things of God more than wealth? Lasting satisfaction can only come from a relationship with Christ; money will never love you back!

September 28, 2020


Read – 1 Kings 17

What does it say?
During a regional famine, God provided for Elijah by a brook in Eastern Israel and later through a widow in Northern Israel, for whom miracles were performed.

What does it mean?
When the kings and people of Israel rejected their God, He withheld rain and even dew from their land. Not only would their crops fail to grow, but their livestock would starve to death, and the predatory animals from the desert would seek food among the populated cities. Elijah made it clear that the famine was not because God was weak or unable to provide for His people. It was because God’s people rejected Him. To demonstrate His power, however, God performed miracles that enabled a widow who was providing for Elijah to have a constant source of food and even raised her son from the dead!

How should I respond?
When circumstances change for the worse, it’s normal to wonder why God is allowing it to happen. We ask questions such as, “What did I do to deserve this?” or “Why won’t God stop this?” The trials we face can be the result of our own actions, the actions of others, or just random circumstances. Whatever the cause, our all-powerful God is not weak or unaware of our suffering. Occasional seasons of suffering can be reminders of what is most important. Take a few minutes now to pray. Ask God to reveal and forgive you of personal sins. Then, talk to Him about the sins of your country. What opportunity will you have today to point those in your community to the Lord and what He is doing?

September 29, 2022


Read – 1 Timothy 5

What does it say?
Paul gave advice concerning older and younger men, older and younger women, widows, and church elders.

What does it mean?
Becoming a follower of Christ increases family and social responsibility. Believers have a God-given responsibility to provide for their children’s needs while also making sure that elderly members of a family are properly cared for as they face the challenges of aging. Likewise, a local church body is a family that respects and cares for one another. Older members are to be respected like mothers and fathers, while younger members are to be loved like brothers and sisters. Churches are to be especially mindful of widows. In Paul’s day, many of the widows were without provision and protection.

How should I respond?
There was a time when respect for older members of society was not only taught but also expected. While it isn’t obsolete, it has become a rarity. What is your attitude toward older members of your family? How can you help meet the physical needs of a widow in your church? If you’re part of an older generation, look for younger men and women with teachable attitudes who can benefit from your experience and wisdom. Generation gaps will always exist. Nevertheless, each generation has a responsibility to care for the one before and after it. That’s how you put your “religion into practice.”

September 27, 2020


Read – 1 Kings 15-16

What does it say?
The reigns of several kings of both Israel and Judah are summed up according to the good or bad they did in the Lord’s eyes.

What does it mean?
The passage we read today reports that God Himself chose each of these kings. When they honored God (as in the case of King Asa), God honored them and blessed them with long and fruitful reigns. God was displeased when they dishonored Him, especially when they fought with each other and promoted the worship of false gods. Accordingly, their historical record depicts them as useless and unsuccessful during those times. God intended Israel to be a peaceful nation, fully loving Him and one another. However, their actions often turned into sibling rivalry with God’s people turning away from their God.

How should I respond?
Everything rises or falls with leadership. Nations, communities, businesses, and families either thrive under a strong leader or suffer when an ineffectual leader is in charge. Followers of Christ in positions of leadership have a responsibility to honor the Lord with their decisions as well as the example they set. In what places do your actions influence others? How can you promote unity or encourage people around you to look to the Lord for strength and direction? The decisions you make this week may have a profound spiritual effect on your circle of influence. How do you want to be remembered?

September 28, 2022


Read – 1 Timothy 4

What does it say?
Paul wrote about spiritual discipline and warned against misleading practices.

What does it mean?
Every person has a conscience that is guiding his or her moral decisions and standards of behavior. Paul warned Timothy that teachers with a seared conscience would emerge within the church, leading others to think they could find favor with God by following a set of rules. Because their conscience wasn’t guided by God, their words couldn’t be trusted. These teachers were liars who were influenced by demonic power to distract believers from true faith. God, not fables, myths, or old wives’ tales, should guide the conscience. Paul urged Timothy, as a young minister, to exercise and teach this kind of spiritual discipline and doctrine.

How should I respond?
It’s good to let your conscience be your guide. However, your conscience is only as reliable as the source that influences it. Who or what has been allowed to speak into your conscience? Some spiritual influences are actually a mixture of mystic belief and wrong doctrine. Even within Christian circles, there are those who associate outward behavior and rule following with being spiritual. What do you need to cut out in order to guard your thoughts and beliefs? You will either adjust your behavior to match your beliefs, or you will change your beliefs to match your behavior.

September 26, 2020


Read – 1 Kings 14

What does it say?
As Israel split into Northern and Southern Kingdoms, the kings and the people behaved wickedly, making idols and false gods in their own special places of worship.

What does it mean?
The religious climate had changed dramatically since the days of David! While David had devoted his heart and actions to worshiping God fully, King Jeroboam of the northern tribes and King Rehoboam of the southern tribes substituted idols and a false goddess for the one true, living God. This chapter reports that Israelites were making Asherah poles as objects of false worship. Asherah was said to be the mother goddess over Baal and a fertility goddess of the Canaanites. Some even said she was mother to Israel’s God! It was detestable to the one true, living God that His own people would worship idols and false goddesses.

How should I respond?
We live in a world in which polytheism (worshiping multiple gods) and pluralism (adopting multiple religions) are popular. However, the Bible clearly teaches that there is only one God (Deut 6:4-5) and one true religion that is pleasing to God (Eph 4:4-6). As you work your way through 1 and 2 Kings, make a list of the good and bad kings of the Northern and Southern Kingdoms. What did they do that caused God to see them as worthy or unworthy to be kings? Ask yourself: “Is there anything in my life that has a higher priority than my relationship with God?” What action will you take to put and keep God first in your life?

September 27, 2022


Read – 1 Timothy 3

What does it say?
Paul gave qualifications for pastors and deacons in the church.

What does it mean?
Christianity was new and being watched closely by those inside and outside of the church when Paul outlined the importance of believers’ lives being above accusation, blame, or criticism. If the lives of church leaders weren’t aboveboard, they would have brought disgrace to the entire church and the name of Christ. God holds Christian leaders to a high ethical and moral standard because they represent “the church of the living God.”

How should I respond?
It’s heartbreaking when church leaders disqualify themselves from public service because of immoral or unethical behavior. The negative effect on the cause of Christ is no different today than in Paul’s day. Even those who aren’t followers of Christ expect Christian leaders to have impeccable character. Do you pray for your pastor and his family? What about your worship leader, church administrator, and deacons? Stop and pray for your church leaders right now. Ask God to protect their homes and give them wisdom. Then, find a way to let them know you are praying. It will be a huge encouragement!

September 25, 2020


Read – 1 Kings 13

What does it say?
God’s prophet warned Jeroboam of coming judgment. On his route home, the prophet heeded the words of a deceitful prophet and disobeyed God’s instructions.

What does it mean?
As the decline of Israel continued, flagrant disregard for God’s laws seemed to accelerate. As He so often did, God raised up a voice to communicate His Words to His people. The man of God prophesied future destruction and reminded the people of a timeless principle: God does not tolerate disobedience from anyone, even kings and prophets. The death of the unnamed man of God demonstrates the serious nature of God’s expectation for His children: complete obedience. Even though he was deceived by the old prophet who claimed to have heard from an angel, the younger prophet was without excuse because he had received a direct word from the Lord.

How should I respond?
God’s expectation of complete obedience from His children remains the same today. Like the younger prophet, we also are without excuse because we have the unchanging, written Word of God. The path to obedience begins with the responsibility to read and understand God’s Word. How much time do you dedicate to studying Scripture in order to know the Lord’s commands? Is it a focused, daily exercise or something you do only as time allows? God has graciously communicated His Word to you. Take time to discover what it says and obediently put His instructions into practice.

September 26, 2022


Read – 1 Timothy 2

What does it say?
Paul provided instructions concerning the importance of praying for authorities and the role of men and women in corporate worship.

What does it mean?
Four different words for prayer show up in the first verse of this chapter. A mature prayer life is multi-faceted, not focusing on personal requests alone. Praying for others is not only a privilege, but it is also the responsibility of every Christian. Paul stressed the importance of giving thanks to God for ruling authorities and making intercession on their behalf. The attitude of the person praying is as important as what is said; anger and disputes have no place in a praying heart. True worship takes place in the hearts of believers whose lives are correctly aligned with God’s Word.

How should I respond?
Most of us are quick to pray for someone when there’s a crisis or urgent need, but we get so caught up in our own lives that praying for leaders and people in authority can be easily overlooked. How have you prayed this week for someone who has a place of authority over you? Write down the names of people who make decisions affecting you and your family. Begin to faithfully pray for them by name. It’s difficult to have hard feelings toward someone you’re praying for, even when you disagree with that person’s opinions or politics.

September 24, 2020


Read – 1 Kings 12

What does it say?
Israel’s new rulers followed their own selfish motives. The kingdom was divided and fell further away from God.

What does it mean?
The new leaders ravaged the nation of Israel soon after the death of Solomon. Rehoboam’s pride and arrogance lead to the dividing of the kingdom. Jeroboam’s fear and need for acceptance forced him to embrace and promote idolatry. The once-great nation, a symbol of God’s blessing, was now being lead astray by rulers who had no thought of Him. And, as sin became more prevalent, the divided nation began to learn a very hard lesson: leadership motivated by selfishness leads only to destruction.

How should I respond?
Leadership at any level can be difficult. Even so, success is possible when we make God our focus rather than ourselves. Just like Rehoboam and Jeroboam, we often fail to realize that we’re incapable of leading the way God wants us to when we replace following Him with pursuing selfish desires and motives. How much time do you spend asking God for His wisdom and guidance in your leadership? Make a list of the places God has called you to lead. Then ask Him to help you see your true motivations. Leadership motivated by following God will always honor Him.

David and Goliath – 1 Samuel 17


Charles Billingsley


Scene 1 – The Battlefield

17:1   Now the Philistines gathered their armies for battle.

And they were gathered at Socoh, which belongs to Judah, and encamped between Socoh and Azekah, in Ephes-dammim. 2 And Saul and the men of Israel were gathered, and encamped in the Valley of Elah, and drew up in line of battle against the Philistines. 3 And the Philistines stood on the mountain on the one side, and Israel stood on the mountain on the other side, with a valley between them.  

4 And there came out from the camp of the Philistines a champion named Goliath of Gath, whose height was six cubits and a span.  5 He had a helmet of bronze on his head, and he was armed with a coat of mail, and the weight of the coat was five thousand shekels of bronze.  6 And he had bronze armor on his legs, and a javelin of bronze slung between his shoulders. 7 The shaft of his spear was like a weaver’s beam, and his spear’s head weighed six hundred shekels of iron.  And his shield-bearer went before him. 8 He stood and shouted to the ranks of Israel, “Why have you come out to draw up for battle?  Am I not a Philistine, and are you not servants of Saul? Choose a man for yourselves, and let him come down to me. 9 If he is able to fight with me and kill me, then we will be your servants. But if I prevail against him and kill him, then you shall be our servants and serve us.” 10 And the Philistine said, “I defy the ranks of Israel this day. Give me a man, that we may fight together.” 11 When Saul and all Israel heard these words of the Philistine, they were dismayed.

Scene 2 – Bethlehem 

12 Now David was the son of an Ephrathite of Bethlehem in Judah, named Jesse, who had eight sons. In the days of Saul the man was already old and advanced in years. 13 The three oldest sons of Jesse had followed Saul to the battle. And the names of his three sons who went to the battle were Eliab the firstborn, and next to him Abinadab, and the third Shammah. 14 David was the youngest. The three eldest followed Saul, 

15 but David went back and forth from Saul to feed his father’s sheep at Bethlehem.

1.  David was faithful in the mundane 

When we are Faithful in the small things, God will trust us to be faithful in the big things. 

Scene 3 – Back to the battlefield

 16 For forty days the Philistine came forward and took his stand, morning and evening.

17 And Jesse said to David his son, “Take for your brothers an ephah of this parched grain, and these ten loaves, and carry them quickly to the camp to your brothers. 18 Also take these ten cheeses to the commander of their thousand. See if your brothers are well, and bring some token from them.”

28 Now Eliab his eldest brother heard when he spoke to the men. And Eliab’s anger was kindled against David, and he said, “Why have you come down? And with whom have you left those few sheep in the wilderness? I know your presumption and the evil of your heart, for you have come down to see the battle.”  29 And David said, “What have I done now? Was it not but a word?” 

30 And he turned away from him toward another, and spoke in the same way, and the people answered him again as before.

31 When the words that David spoke were heard, they repeated them before Saul, and he sent for him. 32 And David said to Saul, “Let no man’s heart fail because of him. Your servant will go and fight with this Philistine.” 

36 Your servant has struck down both lions and bears, and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be like one of them, for he has defied the armies of the living God.” 37 And David said, “The Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.” And Saul said to David, “Go, and the Lord be with you!”

2. David was focused on the right things

A proper perspective will empower your faith.

With God all things are possible!!

3. David was fine with just being himself 

In everything natural, be spiritual.  In everything spiritual, be natural.

All you have… is all you need

Scene 4 – The Battle

4.  David was fearless in the face of giants

40 Then he took his staff in his hand and chose five smooth stones from the brook and put them in his shepherd’s pouch. His sling was in his hand, and he approached the Philistine.

41 And the Philistine moved forward and came near to David, with his shield-bearer in front of him. 42 And when the Philistine looked and saw David, he disdained him, for he was but a youth, ruddy and handsome in appearance.

43 And the Philistine said to David, “Am I a dog, that you come to me with sticks?” And the Philistine cursed David by his gods. 44 The Philistine said to David, “Come to me, and I will give your flesh to the birds of the air and to the beasts of the field.” 45 Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 46 This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you down and cut off your head. And I will give the dead bodies of the host of the Philistines this day to the birds of the air and to the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel, 47 and that all this assembly may know that the Lord saves not with sword and spear. For the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give you into our hand.”

48 When the Philistine arose and came and drew near to meet David, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet the Philistine. 49 And David put his hand in his bag and took out a stone and slung it and struck the Philistine on his forehead. The stone sank into his forehead, and he fell on his face to the ground.

50 So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone, and struck the Philistine and killed him. There was no sword in the hand of David. 51 Then David ran and stood over the Philistine and took his sword and drew it out of its sheath and killed him and cut off his head with it. When the Philistines saw that their champion was dead, they fled.

Scene 5 – The Victory

 52 And the men of Israel and Judah rose with a shout and pursued the Philistines as far as Gath and the gates of Ekron, so that the wounded Philistines fell on the way from Shaaraim as far as Gath and Ekron. 53 And the people of Israel came back from chasing the Philistines, and they plundered their camp. 54 And David took the head of the Philistine and brought it to Jerusalem, but he put his armor in his tent.

5. David firmly held on to his trophies

Stay Faithful in the mundane

Stay focused on the right things

Be fine with who God has made you

Face your giants head on

Firmly hold on to your trophies

Jesus is the greatest Champion of all.

YOU are a trophy of God’s grace. 

Put your fear down and pick up your faith!

The battle Belongs to the Lord!!!

September 25, 2022


Read – Psalm 105

What does it say?
The psalmist praised God for His faithfulness to the everlasting covenant He made with Abraham and his descendants.

What does it mean?
This psalm provides an overview of Israel’s history, showing God’s sovereignty and grace in His dealings with Israel. The psalmist encourages Israel to remember what God had done for them and to tell others. The nation of Israel had experienced firsthand the protection, provision, and promises of the Lord. During King David’s reign, the Levites read portions of Psalm 105 at the return of the Ark of the Covenant (1 Chron. 16). Remembering God’s past faithfulness produces present gratitude and obedience.

How should I respond?
Remember when….? That question almost always sparks memories of joy and laughter as you think back on special times. The record of God’s faithfulness in today’s passage reminds us of His love and greatness. How often do you take time to share your memories of how God has been faithful in your life? God always remembers and keeps His promises to His children. How often do you remember to trust and thank Him? God’s faithfulness in the past is a reason to be grateful in the present.

September 23, 2020


Read – 1 Kings 11:14-43

What does it say?
With the heart of the king and the nation turned away from God, judgment on Israel began to fall.

What does it mean?
God’s pronouncement of judgment on Solomon meant not only the end of his reign but also the end of Israel’s golden age of financial prosperity. The interesting aspect of Israel’s demise was God’s part in raising up the adversaries. Why did He do this? Because Solomon and the people had forsaken Him. God was not concerned with the wealth or prestige of the nation; He wanted the hearts of His people to be devoted to Him. Consequently, the destruction of the nation began, and even their “wise” king was powerless to stop it.

How should I respond?
Many of us have asked the question, “What does God want from me?” Though the details of the answer are specific for each person, much of its foundation is found in one simple principle: God wants the hearts of His people to be totally devoted to Him. That can be accomplished only through learning and obeying His commands. Are you following God based on the dedicated study of Scripture? Or, are you living according to what seems to make sense in your own eyes? Determine to start each day in God’s Word and develop the kind of heart your Lord desires – one that’s totally and completely devoted to Him.

September 24, 2022


Read – Psalm 104

What does it say?
The writer praised God for creating the earth in wisdom; he then promised to sing praises to God as long as he lived.

What does it mean?
Psalm 104 is another hymn of praise to God for His remarkable creation and for His sovereignty over all the earth. Only the Lord God is powerful and wise enough to lay out the world in perfect order. The God who created the universe has chosen to reveal some of His secrets to His special creation – man – with whom He wants to have a personal relationship. He provides everything people need to live within His creation – water, food, and materials for clothing and shelter. Mankind’s response should be no less than to worship the Creator and Sovereign of the earth.

How should I respond?
The beauty of the natural world can bring an instant sense of awe – seeing a rainbow, a sunset, or a waterfall, for instance. There is no better time to offer the Lord praise than in those moments. Reverence for God and submission to His authority are evident in the life of a person who truly believes that God is the Creator of all things and is the Sovereign over all things. Do you give God honor as your Creator? How does your life demonstrate that He is your Lord and King? Your life will be an act of worship if you start each day in recognition of who God is.

September 22, 2020


Read – 1 Kings 11:1-13

What does it say?
Solomon ignored God’s commands regarding marriage and idolatry. When God pronounced judgment, Solomon learned his kingdom would be taken away.

What does it mean?
Solomon was known throughout the ancient world for his unparalleled wisdom. Yet, with all of his wisdom, Solomon foolishly chose to ignore God’s simple, clear commands. Whether from self-indulgence or the belief that he was above the law, Solomon followed the lure of idolatry and gave his heart to something other than God. It started with one act of disobedience – marrying a woman who served other gods. As the Lord’s wrath was kindled and judgment rendered, it was clear that Solomon, God’s appointed leader, had drifted away and no longer had an obedient, fully committed heart to the one true God.

How should I respond?
A feeling of distance in our relationship with Christ usually starts with one act of disobedience. Something that seems to be only a small compromise can eventually lead to actions and behaviors that take your focus far from God. Take a moment to ask yourself, “What is trying to turn my heart away from the Lord? Where am I acting in direct disobedience to God’s clear instructions?” Ask God to reveal which habit, activity, or relationship is negatively affecting your walk with Christ. God desires the same thing from you that He did from Solomon: a heart that is fully and totally committed to Him.

September 23, 2022


Read – 1 Timothy 1

What does it say?
Paul instructed Timothy to correct those who were teaching false doctrine. Describing himself as the worst of sinners, Paul thanked God for his salvation.

What does it mean?
Paul was Timothy’s mentor in addition to being like a father to him. He opened his first letter to Timothy by making it clear that no one has been excluded from God’s offer of salvation. The reason Jesus came to Earth and lived among men was to have a relationship with those who had previously rejected Him. Specifically listing murderers, adulterers, perverts, slave traders, and liars, Paul illustrated just how far the mercy of God reaches by talking about his own desperate need for mercy. In Christ, he found abundant grace, faith, and love. Paul is an example of a radically transformed life.

How should I respond?
Does past sin haunt you? As you begin to understand who God truly is, you become more aware of your own sinfulness. God’s mercy, grace, and love extend to wherever you are or have been. Family, friends, and co-workers should see evidence of your transformed life once you accept God’s offer to have a personal relationship with Him. Past sin isn’t a reason to live in shame. Allow God to use you as evidence of His love and grace. Who needs to hear from you about God’s mercy and grace today?

September 21, 2020


Read – 1 Kings 10

What does it say?
The Queen of Sheba visited and saw Solomon’s vast wealth.

What does it mean?
Rumors of Solomon’s vast riches brought many rulers to Israel to see his kingdom for themselves. There was no doubt God had fulfilled His promise to bless Solomon with wealth and wisdom. Even the Queen of Sheba gave credit to the God of Israel for all that Solomon had been given. But Solomon multiplied his fortune far greater than God intended. His accumulation of chariots and horses was actually prohibited by Mosaic Law because it suggested a sense of security in military might rather than in the Lord. Solomon began building his assets without regard for obedience to God. His wealth began to turn his heart from the Lord, the Giver, to the things that had been given.

How should I respond?
We’re bombarded every day with commercials designed to make us run out and buy the latest gadget, car, or article of clothing. Obviously, certain things are necessities. God also gives some things for us to enjoy. It’s only when those things get in the way of your obedience to God that it becomes a problem. Building material wealth without regard for God causes your security and affection to be misplaced. Materialism will always have a negative effect on your relationship with God. Look around you. What occupies your mind and heart most: building stockpiles of stuff or building your relationship with God?

September 22, 2022


Read – 2 Thessalonians 3

What does it say?
Paul listed prayer requests and warned against idleness.

What does it mean?
False doctrine about Christ’s return had some of the Thessalonian believers so worked up that they had quit working. Instead of being busy earning a living and serving the Lord, they used their idle time to gossip and meddle. The church generously supported those who could not work, but these members simply would not work. Paul’s solution was simple: anyone who refused to work shouldn’t expect to eat. He and the other missionaries had set an example of occupational integrity while maintaining faithful service to the Lord, which should not be wearisome for a follower of Christ.

How should I respond?
Most of us stay so busy that we’re in a state of being perpetually tired. The question isn’t whether or not we’re busy – it’s a question of what we’re busy doing. God has given each of us work to do in our home, school, church, and community. Are you busy serving Him in those areas, or are you wasting time with meaningless pursuits? Staying busy within your God-given responsibilities reduces idle time that can easily lead to sin. What has taken up your time this week? If your life is too busy to serve God according to His standards, then you are too busy! What is God prompting you to change today?

September 20, 2020


Read – 1 Kings 9:1-9

What does it say?
God appeared a second time to Solomon and made a covenant with him.

What does it mean?
God, in His faithfulness, assured Solomon that He heard his prayer at the temple dedication. God would grant all that Solomon had asked. God’s heart and presence then consecrated the temple. Solomon and his descendants, however, had additional responsibility placed on them. Disobedience or unfaithfulness by Solomon and his family in any form would not be tolerated. Violation of God’s commands would result in Israel’s removal from their land and destruction of the temple. Forsaking the Lord would ultimately make Israel the object of ridicule.

How should I respond?
God holds leaders to a higher standard because they are in a position of guiding, teaching, and directing others. What position of leadership are you in today? Whether it’s parenting, serving at church, or supervising at work, it is imperative to be the best example possible for people to follow. In what ways do you need to improve as a leader? How can you be a godly influence this week? Your obedience or disobedience to the Lord will cause a ripple effect to those under your authority. The responsibilities of leadership may carry a burden, but the opportunity to impact others is unparalleled.|For further reading, 1 Kings 9:10-28

September 21, 2022


Read – 2 Thessalonians 2

What does it say?
The Lord Jesus will gather believers to Himself, but not before the rebellion of the lawless one occurs. Paul gave thanks to God for the faithful believers at Thessalonica.

What does it mean?
The church at Thessalonica had concerns regarding end time prophecies. Paul gave them more details about the coming Great Tribulation, describing the contrast between two groups of people – those who refuse to believe the truth and those who believe the truth. Believers are saved as a result of the work of the Holy Spirit through “belief in the truth.” Standing firm is a result of continuing to hold to truth. God’s grace provides the hope and confidence needed to stabilize believers’ faith and to provide strength to live out His truth. In the end, all who refuse to believe truth will be condemned.

How should I respond?
Busy lives and hectic schedules leave little time for personal and family devotions to learn and discuss biblical truth. With the bombardment of conflicting information from entertainment and social media, Christians need to be alert and prayerful as never before. You can avoid being deceived by worldly ideas that contradict truth by availing yourself to biblical teaching, preaching, writing, and music. Do you consistently set time aside for studying God’s Word so that you can hold to the truths found there? God’s truth never changes. How will you stand firm today on what God says is right?

September 19, 2020


Read – 1 Kings 8:22-66

What does it say?
Solomon offered a prayer of dedication at the temple.

What does it mean?
As king, Solomon had the responsibility of leading the people of Israel. After completing the task of building a place of worship for the Lord, it was time to remind Israel of their covenant relationship with God. Solomon turned his attention away from the people, knelt before God, and prayed. His prayer of dedication set an example of humility, thanksgiving, praise, and petition for forgiveness of sin. The people needed not only to see Solomon’s example but also to follow it.

How should I respond?
As a baby, how did you learn to feed yourself? Your parents showed you what to do, and you followed. We often learn to follow God in the same way. Whether you are at the beginning of your relationship with Jesus, or you have been walking with Him many years, there is always something you can share with others by example. This doesn’t mean that you have to be “perfect.” That isn’t possible or practical. Genuine faith lived out daily is powerful even when you make mistakes. Who is watching you? How can you set an example by showing humility and thankfulness or by admitting wrong that you’ve done? Determine now to be a person of genuine faith.

September 20, 2022


Read – 2 Thessalonians 1

What does it say?
Paul praised the Thessalonians for their faith in Christ and love for others. The persecution they were enduring would strengthen their faith.

What does it mean?
The believers in Thessalonica endured intense persecution because they had taken a firm stand for Christ. They were not secret disciples who valued the praise of men more than the praise of God. As they increasingly trusted God and His promises, their faith and love for God and others increased. They looked forward to the revealing of Christ in all His glory. However, those who persist in their refusal to believe and receive Christ will face an eternity “shut out from the presence of the Lord.”

How should I respond?
In many countries today, Christians still face intense persecution for their faith, costing some their lives. Even subtle persecutions, such as being ostracized or being the target of sarcastic remarks and condescending attitudes can cause emotional suffering and discouragement. Have you taken a public stand as a Christian in your family, at work, and in your community? How will you respond to the pressures you face this week as a result of living for Jesus? Whether your trials are severe or subtle, God is at work and will provide the strength you need to endure. Relying on God’s strength instead of your own efforts enables you to achieve God’s purpose in and through your life.