September 19, 2022


Read – 1 Thessalonians 5

What does it say?
Believers should be alert as they live in light of Christ’s return, which will happen suddenly like a thief in the night.

What does it mean?
Paul had already taught the Thessalonian believers that the “day of the Lord” refers to the time when God will bring judgment on the world. In this passage he gave practical instructions on how to live victoriously in view of Christ’s imminent return. Since no one knows the times and dates of Christ’s return, Paul encouraged them to focus on how to use their remaining time to fulfill God’s purposes. The Christian’s standard for living is high, but when the believer chooses to obey, God Himself provides the resources.

How should I respond?
How does the hope of Christ’s return affect your day-to-day thoughts, attitudes, and actions? We are to live every moment expecting Christ’s return. That means being intentional rather than simply reacting to circumstances and situations. Go back over this chapter and highlight the areas of your life that are inconsistent. Ask for God’s help as you strive for authenticity in your Christian life. What can you do this week to help fulfill God’s purpose and plan while you wait for Christ’s return?

A Tale of Two Kings: Our Way or God’s Way


Troy Temple


Isaiah 55:8-9 (CSB)

8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not my ways.” This is the Lord’s declaration. 9 “For as heaven is higher than earth, so my ways are higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.


1 Samuel 16:13-23 (CSB) 13 So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully on David from that day forward. Then Samuel set out and went to Ramah. 14 Now the Spirit of the Lord had left Saul, and an evil spirit sent from the Lord began to torment him, 15 so Saul’s servants said to him, “You see that an evil spirit from God is tormenting you. 16 Let our lord command your servants here in your presence to look for someone who knows how to play the lyre. Whenever the evil spirit from God comes on you, that person can play the lyre, and you will feel better.” 17 Then Saul commanded his servants, “Find me someone who plays well and bring him to me.” 18 One of the young men answered, “I have seen a son of Jesse of Bethlehem who knows how to play the lyre. He is also a valiant man, a warrior, eloquent, handsome, and the Lord is with him.” 19 Then Saul dispatched messengers to Jesse and said, “Send me your son David, who is with the sheep.” 20 So Jesse took a donkey loaded with bread, a wineskin, and one young goat and sent them by his son David to Saul. 21 When David came to Saul and entered his service, Saul loved him very much, and David became his armor-bearer. 22 Then Saul sent word to Jesse: “Let David remain in my service, for he has found favor with me.” 23 Whenever the spirit from God came on Saul, David would pick up his lyre and play, and Saul would then be relieved, feel better, and the evil spirit would leave him.


1 Samuel 8:19-20 (CSB) 19 The people refused to listen to Samuel. “No!” they said. “We must have a king over us. 20 Then we’ll be like all the other nations: our king will judge us, go out before us, and fight our battles.”


1 Samuel 10:18-19 (CSB) 18 and said to the Israelites, “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘I brought Israel out of Egypt, and I rescued you from the power of the Egyptians and all the kingdoms that were oppressing you.’ 19 But today you have rejected your God, who saves you from all your troubles and afflictions.


  • The people wanted to be like everyone else.
  • God had chosen them not to be like everyone else.
  • God’s way was not their way…and it’s not to this very day!
  • And God’s way was not Saul’s way, so the Spirit of the Lord left him.


God’s divine presence had been given to guide and empower him as the king, and now that God had rejected Saul, His Spirit was removed. Saul remained king for the rest of his life, but he no longer knew the power and presence of God in his life nor did he receive words from God through the prophet.

Kenneth L. Chafin and Lloyd J. Ogilvie, 1, 2 Samuel, vol. 8, The Preacher’s Commentary Series (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Inc, 1989), 125.


God’s presence is the constant in all situations!


Saul’s life was an example of doing things our way

God’s Way to Prepare a King

1. Allow God to map the way – vs. 14-17

What do we know about this evil spirit?

  • It was under God’s sovereignty – sent by God
  • Sent as judgement
    • This was the result of Saul’s sin – disobedience
  • It followed the departure of the Spirit of the Lord
  • It was temporary
  • Saul’s struggle was how God moved David to the palace


2. Rely on God’s presence – v. 18

“The Lord is with Him”

    • David had all the job qualifications that Saul wanted.
    • He also had one qualification that Saul desperately needed.
    • Saul never asked his servants to find someone who had the Lord with them.
    • Saul’s servants could see something that Saul didn’t.


3. Serve in obscurity – vs. 19-22

David was the anointed king but was waiting for God’s timing.

    • He had been sent back to being a shepherd.

A pure heart and a shepherding attitude come from the pasture, not the palace.

  1. D. Greear and Heath A. Thomas, Exalting Jesus in 1 & 2 Samuel (Nashville, TN: Holman Reference, 2016), 1 Sa 16:1–13.
  • Psalm 78:72 (CSB) He shepherded them with a pure heart and guided them with his skillful hands.
  • Kings are prepared in the pasture not the palace.
  • David would spend the next 15 years in obscurity.
  • David’s story is not teaching us to hang on until we get on the throne because Jesus is already there.
  • Service is the pathway to favor – v. 22
    • David had been promoted to armor bearer
    • He didn’t hesitate to pick up the harp when Saul was in need


4. Status is the enemy of service – v. 23

Proverbs 22:1 (CSB) A good name is to be chosen over great wealth; favor is better than silver and gold.

  • Luke 22:24-27 (CSB) Then a dispute also arose among them about who should be considered the greatest. 25 But he said to them, “The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those who have authority over them have themselves called ‘Benefactors.’ 26 It is not to be like that among you. On the contrary, whoever is greatest among you should become like the youngest, and whoever leads, like the one serving. 27 For who is greater, the one at the table or the one serving? Isn’t it the one at the table? But I am among you as the one who serves.


Psalm 22:10 (CSB) I was given over to you at birth; you have been my God from my mother’s womb.


Psalm 95:1-3 (CSB) 1 Come, let’s shout joyfully to the Lord, shout triumphantly to the rock of our salvation! 2 Let’s enter his presence with thanksgiving; let’s shout triumphantly to him in song. 3 For the Lord is a great God, a great King above all gods.


If David’s life teaches us anything, it declares that God will accomplish His plan His way.

But He has a place for us in His plan.

September 18, 2022


Read – Psalm 103

What does it say?
David praised God for removing his transgressions as far as the east is from the west.

What does it mean?
This psalm is a hymn of praise written by David and expresses the reason he has been described as “a man after God’s own heart.” It is possibly the grandest and most glorious poem of praise to God that has ever been composed. Without making a single request of the Lord, David called on the worshippers singing this hymn to remember the benefits of serving God: forgiveness, healing, redemption, and satisfaction. David’s zeal for his Lord reached a new height in the realization of who God is and what He’s done.

How should I respond?
When was the last time you prayed without asking anything of God? While we may begin our prayers thanking the Lord for His goodness to us, we usually move on quickly to the pressing matter of the moment. Make a praise and thanksgiving list this week, and then as you pray, use those thoughts to turn your heart and mind toward who God is and what He has done in your life. Ask for specific things and thank Him for specific answers to prayer. You might even try to pray for 3-5 minutes without making a request at all. You can start right now by listing items from Psalm 103, and then pray them back to the Lord.

September 17, 2022


Read – Psalm 102

What does it say?
The psalmist groaned in distress, asking the Lord to hear his prayer and cries for help.

What does it mean?
The writer of Psalm 102 was consumed with sorrow so great that he felt he could not go on; he thought that God might have deserted him. But in his distress, he began to focus on God: His character, His sovereignty, and the hope that God would release him from his troubles. He then reminded himself that others are watching his response. He looked down the centuries to the generations who would know that God has been faithful in the past, in the present, and will continue to be in the future. He slowly moved into the realm of praise to God and ended by declaring to future generations that God is good!

How should I respond?
Do you – like the writer of Psalm 102 – find yourself in the darkest of hours, dwelling on trials that drain your strength? The very last thing you may feel like doing is praising God for His goodness and faithfulness. Yet as you consider His attributes, the glory of God begins to fill your being, and the focus on yourself slowly turns to an outward worship of Him. Praise is a choice. As you live in front of your family, friends, and co-workers, remember they are seeing you worry or worship, pity or praise, sing or sob. Make the choice today to praise God for what He is doing and will do in your life.

September 16, 2022


Read – 1 Thessalonians 4|What does it say?
Paul discussed the glorious rapture of the church to encourage the Thessalonians to live their lives to please God as they awaited His return.

What does it mean?
The Thessalonian believers lived in the midst of a pagan society that did not have high moral standards. For the Christian, God’s will is clear – be holy. To be holy requires a clean cut with sexual immorality. Living a holy life involves a change in thinking and behavior – it’s walking by faith – believing and doing what God says in Scripture. God has given every Christian His Holy Spirit who gives the power to live a pure life that pleases Him. Paul’s fervency urged them to take already holy, loving, and respectful lives to a new level – desiring those qualities more and more.

How should I respond?
We, too, live in a society with low moral standards. Sexual immorality permeates our culture through movies, television, and social media. The way for believers to live a holy life separated from sin and separated to God is found in the Word of God. As you read and meditate on Scripture, the Holy Spirit renews your thinking. Do your entertainment choices reflect God’s standards? In what area do you need to act in faith and obey God? As you anticipate Christ’s return, don’t be satisfied with your current spiritual level of maturity. Instead, desire to please the Lord more and more each day until He returns.

September 15, 2022


Read – 1 Thessalonians 3|What does it say?
Paul talked more about his visit to the Thessalonians and rejoiced over their faith and love as reported by Timothy.

What does it mean?
Paul’s prayer in this chapter provides an excellent model for believers as they pray for themselves and for others. He thanked God for what He was doing in the lives of the new believers and prayed that the Lord would make their love increase and overflow. As he thought about the specific needs of the Thessalonians, he prayed that their hearts (mind, emotions, and will) would be strengthened spiritually so that they could live righteous lives until Christ returns. Their faithfulness was a source of personal joy to Paul and his companions.

How should I respond?
Do you struggle with how you should pray for yourself or others? Even Jesus’ disciples said, “Lord, teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1). Try using Paul’s prayer for the Thessalonians to pray more effectively this week. Write down the names of close friends and family members and list ways you see God working in their lives, and then thank Him for those specific things. Pray for their spiritual fortitude as they face daily challenges. Throughout the day, follow Paul’s example and pray for situations that trouble you. The spiritual growth of those you pray for will be an endless source of personal joy.

September 14, 2022


Read – 1 Thessalonians 2|What does it say?
Paul talked about the trip he took to visit Thessalonica and about his desire to go again.

What does it mean?
The opposition against Paul was so intense that he had to leave Thessalonica. From a human standpoint, Paul’s leaving might be considered a failure. But what was God’s plan? God used this very opposition to motivate Paul to write a letter. Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Paul painted in straightforward words a portrait of the faithful Christian worker. This picture of unconditional love, determined effort, and unsullied character speaks powerfully to every worker who is called to care for the family of God.

How should I respond?
In the church today, there is a tremendous need for faithful workers who are not looking for the approval of men, but for the approval of God. Where do you serve as a volunteer in your church? How do you display the characteristics described by Paul in this chapter? Ask God to show you where change is needed in order to better encourage and comfort those He has called you to serve. God has called every believer to serve in some capacity. How will you be a faithful worker this week?

September 13, 2022


Read – 1 Thessalonians 1|What does it say?
Despite severe suffering, the church at Thessalonica received God’s message with joy and became a model for other believers.

What does it mean?
No other words have the power to change lives as does the message of Jesus Christ. The Thessalonians experienced that change when they heard the gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit. As they responded to God’s gift of faith, their lives began to reflect new purpose, new motivations, and new priorities. In fact, there was such a transformation in their lifestyle that they set an example for other believers. No longer bowing down to worthless idols, they now devoted themselves to serving the true God and waiting expectantly for Christ’s return.

How should I respond?
How often do you hear, “Well, everybody else is doing it, so it must be okay”? Most Americans would think it absurd to bow down to an idol of wood or stone. But have you bowed down to the false beliefs of popular culture? How willing are you to stand alone for what you know is right? God gives His children the power to change – to show to the world a faith that works, a love that labors, and a hope that endures. What attitudes or actions do you need to turn from this week so that your life can be an example to follow? Choose to live as if Christ were returning today.

September 12, 2022


Read – Colossians 4|What does it say?
Paul closed his letter by challenging the Colossians to pray and be wise. He sent greetings from eight fellow believers along with his personal encouragements.

What does it mean?
Paul wanted the Colossian believers to be alert to false philosophies that undermine godly values and truths. As he brought the letter to a close, he added the key to living the Christian life in a secular society: prayer. Prayer is the personal connection between the believer and the Creator God. Believers should be committed to watchful praying – for wisdom, for open doors for the gospel, and for open hearts to those who have not received Christ. However, he didn’t just tell them what to do and leave them alone to do it. Paul sent strong believers specifically to encourage the Colossians to carry out his instructions.

How should I respond?
Busy schedules often cause Christians to neglect daily, watchful prayer that enables them to resist the subtle pull of their culture. Have you made prayer a priority in your life? What can you do this week to strengthen your relationship with God through consistent prayer? Consider committing to memory Paul’s powerful prayer from Colossians 1:9-12. Then use that Scripture to talk with the Lord. When you pray using Scripture, you know you’re praying for what God wants. No matter how busy your day is, take time to talk with your Savior.

David – The Weak Become Strong


Pastor Jonathan Falwell

1 Samuel 16:1- 13 (CSB) The Lord said to Samuel, “How long are you going to mourn for Saul, since I have rejected him as king over Israel? Fill your horn with oil and go. I am sending you to Jesse of Bethlehem because I have selected for myself a king from his sons.” Samuel asked, “How can I go? Saul will hear about it and kill me!” The Lord answered, “Take a young cow with you and say, ‘I have come to sacrifice to the Lord.’ Then invite Jesse to the sacrifice, and I will let you know what you are to do. You are to anoint for me the one I indicate to you.” Samuel did what the Lord directed and went to Bethlehem. When the elders of the town met him, they trembled and asked, “Do you come in peace?” “In peace,” he replied. “I’ve come to sacrifice to the Lord. Consecrate yourselves and come with me to the sacrifice.” Then he consecrated Jesse and his sons and invited them to the sacrifice. When they arrived, Samuel saw Eliab and said, “Certainly the Lord’s anointed one is here before him.” But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or his stature because I have rejected him. Humans do not see what the Lord sees, for humans see what is visible, but the Lord sees the heart.” Jesse called Abinadab and presented him to Samuel. “The Lord hasn’t chosen this one either,” Samuel said. Then Jesse presented Shammah, but Samuel said, “The Lord hasn’t chosen this one either.” 10 After Jesse presented seven of his sons to him, Samuel told Jesse, “The Lord hasn’t chosen any of these.” 11 Samuel asked him, “Are these all the sons you have?” “There is still the youngest,” he answered, “but right now he’s tending the sheep.” Samuel told Jesse, “Send for him. We won’t sit down to eat until he gets here.” 12 So Jesse sent for him. He had beautiful eyes and a healthy, handsome appearance. Then the Lord said, “Anoint him, for he is the one.” 13 So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully on David from that day forward. Then Samuel set out and went to Ramah.


1. God is not limited by our limitations

Vs 11a Samuel asked him, “Are these all the sons you have?” “There is still the youngest,” he answered…

Psalm 22:6-7 But I am a worm and not a man, scorned by mankind and despised by people. Everyone who sees me mocks me; they sneer and shake their heads:

  • Jesse hadn’t even considered to send for his son when Samuel arrived
  • Everyone around David looked down on him as significant, yet insignificant

Psalm 22:6-7 But I am a worm and not a man, scorned by mankind and despised by people. Everyone who sees me mocks me; they sneer and shake their heads:


2. God’s calling is greater than our failings

Vs 11b … he answered, “but right now he’s tending the sheep…”

  • Jesse replied, “he’s doing what he is fit for…”
  • At times, we believe we are not worthy of anything better than what we are, or what others think of us

Psalm 32:5 Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not conceal my iniquity.
I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,” and you forgave the guilt of my sin.

Psalm 51:1-5 Be gracious to me, God, according to your faithful love; according to your abundant compassion, blot out my rebellion. Completely wash away my guilt and cleanse me from my sin. For I am conscious of my rebellion, and my sin is always before me. Against you—you alone—I have sinned and done this evil in your sight. So you are right when you pass sentence; you are blameless when you judge. Indeed, I was guilty when I was born; I was sinful when my mother conceived me.


3. God never anoints the incompetent

Vs 13a So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully on David from that day forward…

  • Even Samuel thought it must be someone else, yet God had a greater plan

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or his stature because I have rejected him. Humans do not see what the Lord sees, for humans see what is visible, but the Lord sees the heart.”

  • Man looks out the outward, God sees us for who we really are

2 Cor. 12:8-10 Concerning this, I pleaded with the Lord three times that it would leave me. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is perfected in weakness.” Therefore, I will most gladly boast all the more about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may reside in me. 10 So I take pleasure in weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and in difficulties, for the sake of Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

Psalm 22:6-10 But I am a worm and not a man, scorned by mankind and despised by people. Everyone who sees me mocks me; they sneer and shake their heads: “He relies on the Lord; let him save him; let the Lord rescue him, since he takes pleasure in him.” It was you who brought me out of the womb, making me secure at my mother’s breast. 10 I was given over to you at birth; you have been my God from my mother’s womb.







September 11, 2022


Read – Psalms 100-101

What does it say?
Those who know God as Creator can praise His goodness, love, and faithfulness. David sang of God’s love and justice and then vowed to conduct his business blamelessly.

What does it mean?
The Lord’s people should have a heart filled with joy when they worship Him. He is the Sovereign God and Creator who provides everything His people need. Overwhelmed with gratitude for God’s goodness, enduring love, and continuing faithfulness, David declared his intention to honor God by cleansing his home, his life, and his position of authority from any wickedness that might hinder further praise to God. As the psalmist lists God’s unchangeable attributes, his understanding of God becomes greater and greater; in turn, his desire to please God with his life becomes the cry of his heart.

How should I respond?
Believers today can enter the Lord’s presence at any time and at any place. As you draw near to the Lord today, express your praise by naming specific attributes (such as His goodness, love, holiness, and faithfulness) that declare who He is. Praising God with your whole heart creates the desire to please Him with every aspect of your life. As you consider His holiness, do you find a growing desire to live a holy life (I Peter 1:15-16)? What is pulling you away from having a heart completely centered on God? Things like ungodly choices in entertainment or a tendency to gossip hinder your ability to praise and honor the Lord. Stop right now for a time of self-examination to see if there are areas in your life that God needs to cleanse.

September 10, 2022


Read – Psalms 97-99|What does it say?
God’s people praise the King of Zion for His holiness, justice, and righteousness. He is a forgiving God who answers the prayers of His repentant people.

What does it mean?
These psalms continue the celebration of the Lord as King that began in Psalm 95. Even though these coronation psalms include the millennial reign of Christ, they also declare that He currently reigns over all. The imagery describes both trembling and rejoicing before His throne. People who live in a vital relationship with Him will exalt and worship Him by knowing and keeping His Word. As the holy, righteous God He disciplines justly, yet extends mercy to those who call on His Name. The emphasis on the holiness of the Lord conveys the expectation that His people should also be holy.

How should I respond?
How can a holy God tolerate sinful people? Even believers have difficulty in fathoming the absolute holiness of God. As you read and study His Word, take note of His standards for your attitudes and behavior as His follower. What lifestyle changes do you need to make so that you can honor and exalt your holy Lord? As you pray today, celebrate Jesus as the King of all the earth by praising Him for His holiness, justice, and mercy. Thank Him for forgiving your sins and for answering your prayers.

September 9, 2022


Read – Colossians 3

What does it say?
Paul wrote about the principles of holy living and addressed six types of individuals concerning these matters.

What does it mean?
Paul gives believers life principles regarding their affections, their attitudes, and their relationships with the people close to them. Now that believers have new life in Christ, they are to set their hearts and minds on things that matter for eternity. Believers need to get rid of the old nature’s attitudes and actions and put on qualities and responses that belong to the new nature. The words “take off” and “put on” reflect the process of getting dressed for the day. Believers should serve Christ in everything they do, including their interactions with family members, co-workers, and those in authority.

How should I respond?
For the believer who truly desires to walk by faith in Christ, the high standards presented in this chapter could seem overwhelming. Ask God where to begin – He knows the area in your life that needs immediate attention. What old attitude or habit do you need to “take off” today so that you can “put on” the new? Find a verse of Scripture that is directly related to your need, memorize it, and envision putting it on every day as you go through the physical process of getting dressed. Remember that you live continually in the presence of the King. Dress appropriately!

September 7, 2020


Read – 2 Samuel 20

What does it say?
Sheba paid dearly for leading a rebellion against King David, but a wise woman saved her city by sacrificing Sheba for peace in Israel.

What does it mean?
God’s plan for Israel included peace and unity as they followed David. Sheba’s rebellion was like a disease that threatened the political, economic, and spiritual health of Israel. Sheba threatened not only the safety of the city but the unity of the whole nation. More than a political rebellion, it was a rebellion against God, who had chosen David to be the king of Israel. When David’s army pursued Sheba, he hid in a city called Abel of Beth-maacah. A spokeswoman for the city wisely recognized the terrible danger the city was in and negotiated peace in exchange for Sheba’s head.

How should I respond?
No one is immune from an attitude of rebellion against the Lord. Just as in today’s passage, any form of rebellion against God acts as cancer in our spiritual life and our church family. Take a few minutes to think about the way things are in your life right now. What area or habit in your life is threatening your growth in the Lord and needs to be cut out of your life? Ask God for wisdom to see what might be hindering your growth. Take time to look at how that attitude or behavior could be negatively affecting your church and act immediately to get rid of it.

September 8, 2022


Read – Colossians 2

What does it say?
Paul gave warnings to two churches, one in Colosse and one in Laodicea.

What does it mean?
Everything that a person needs for salvation and growth in the Christian faith has been provided in Christ. The Colossian believers had received Christ by faith, and Paul urged them to continue to live by faith in Him alone. As the believer continues to follow and serve Christ, he increasingly learns how to handle life’s pressures and difficulties with the wisdom of Christ. Paul warned the Colossians about false teachers who would try to mislead them by erroneous teaching, which would lead them away from God’s truth.

How should I respond?
Ignoring danger signs can result in great physical harm. Likewise, ignoring spiritual danger signs can be harmful to the freedom you have in Christ. Where are you in danger of being misled in your spiritual life? If you have received Jesus Christ as your Savior, you have everything you need in Him. Getting to know Him through consistent study of God’s Word is the best protection against false teaching and wrong thinking. What percentage of free time do you spend in Scripture compared to time spent with television, social media, or sports? How much time will you set aside each day to know Christ better? His wisdom brings freedom and safety.

September 6, 2020


Read – 2 Samuel 19:9-43

What does it say?
David won the hearts of the people of Judah and returned to Jerusalem. However, the kingdom still struggled with a lack of unity.

What does it mean?
The controversy created by David and Absalom had caused great division in the kingdom. Even though David was returning to Jerusalem as king, the people throughout Israel argued about the kingship among themselves. David worked to restore relationships with individual people to promote healing and unity. But the men of Judah and Israel increased tension between the tribes by arguing about who had a greater claim to David as king. If they truly wanted to serve their king, both sides should have followed his example to seek peace for the nation rather than focus on tribal rights

How should I respond?
Staying calm can be challenging when tensions are high. You might be tempted to choose sides and influence others to agree with you. In those situations, are you someone who causes division or one who helps build unity? Working toward a solution that serves God’s purposes will minimize stress and restore peace. What tense situation are you facing in your family or place of work? Regardless of how others respond, decide to follow David’s example: stay focused on relationships with people and God’s plan. Today, will you determine to cultivate unity rather than division?

September 7, 2022


Read – Colossians 1

What does it say?
Paul opened his letter to the Colossian church with thanksgiving, prayer, and a discussion about Christ as the visible image of the invisible God.

What does it mean?
The central truth of the Christian faith is that Jesus Christ is God. In this first chapter of Colossians, Paul seems to answer the question he asked on the road to Damascus: “Who are You, Lord?” In dramatic point-by-point declarations, Paul explained the supremacy of Christ. Jesus Christ is the image of God, the Creator of all things in Heaven and on Earth, the One who holds all things together, and the head of the church. As both God and man, Jesus made possible the reconciliation between a holy God and sinful man through His death on the Cross.

How should I respond?
Many people view Jesus as just one of a number of great moral teachers. Some even say, “It doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you are sincere.” Actually, what you believe does matter. Will you take a few moments today to write down what God says concerning the Lord Jesus Christ from Colossians 1? Pray that the Holy Spirit will deepen your understanding of the supremacy of Christ. How does your life show that you personally know the Creator, Sustainer, and Ruler of all that exists? How will the knowledge of who He is make a difference in the way you think, talk, and act today?

September 5, 2020


Read – 2 Samuel 18:19-19:8

What does it say?
David heard about Absalom’s death and mourned the loss of his son.

What does it mean?
David was consumed with grief over the loss of his son, and rightly so. His strained relationship and bitter conflict with Absalom ended without reconciliation. The impact of his grief overshadowed the victory of his troops. Overwhelmed with sorrow, David failed to acknowledge the men who risked their lives to save him. The bittersweet victory came at a huge price to the king. The troops deserved a celebration but instead returned home as if the enemy had defeated them. Joab recognized the impact of David’s actions and rebuked him for ignoring his army’s loyalty.

How should I respond?
Grief and despair are powerful emotions. When the chance for reconciliation no longer exists, the pain can become paralyzing. Rehearsing your regrets delays closure and impacts your ability to function. What situation overwhelms you with grief? Seek help before your emotions start impacting your responsibilities. Then, release your emotions to the Lord. You can trust God to help you handle them appropriately. Ask God to help you control your emotions rather than allowing your emotions to control you.

September 6, 2022


Read – Philippians 4

What does it say?
Paul exhorted the Philippians to rejoice always, present their requests to God, think about praiseworthy things, and look to God to meet their needs.

What does it mean?
Paul concluded his letter with a presentation of Christ as the believer’s life power. This final chapter is packed full of promises with key conditions that Paul had seen to be true in his own life. The peace of God replaces worry when His children pray, and the God of peace goes with believers who submit their thoughts to Him. Paul had experienced both God’s power and provision for daily living and in his service to the Lord. God would meet the needs of the Philippian believers and guard their hearts and minds if they followed Paul’s sound advice.

How should I respond?
The promises of the Lord are true and trustworthy. However, not all of God’s promises are realized in our daily lives because we often miss the conditions under which they become reality. For instance, if you are filled with anxiety, then pray – but do so with thankful and joyful recognition of what God is already doing. Look back over the promises in today’s passage in an attitude of prayer. Ask God to convict you regarding any area where your heart and mind are not in full submission to Him. Follow Paul’s advice and experience God’s peace, power, and provision today.

September 4, 2020


Read – 2 Samuel 18:1-18

What does it say?
David’s troops marched out against Absalom. Ignoring the king’s instructions, Joab and his armor-bearers killed Absalom after his head was caught in a tree.

What does it mean?
Absalom’s reaction to tragic events turned him against his father. His bitterness and anger motivated his failed attempt to seize the throne, resulted in great bloodshed, and ultimately ended his life. Despite Absalom’s rebellious spirit and determination to end his father’s reign, David loved his son. While Absalom’s actions were heartbreaking, David valued his son’s life and instructed his commanders not to harm him. As king, David needed to be victorious in battle, but not at the expense of losing another son.

How should I respond?
Anger and jealousy are emotions that destroy relationships. What challenges from your past stir up strong feelings? What steps have you taken to heal and restore healthy boundaries with the people involved? Forgiving them is a gift you can give to yourself. Harboring resentment breaks relationships, causes others to take sides, and can even negatively affect your health. Who is God asking you to forgive today? Choosing to love someone who has hurt you is an act of obedience that pleases God. Ask the Lord to give you courage to relate to others in a way that honors Him.

September 5, 2022


Read – Philippians 3

What does it say?
Anything Paul previously considered gain, he now counted as loss compared to knowing Christ. He left everything behind and reached for the prize of the call of God.

What does it mean?
There was nothing about Paul’s old life that he missed. Everything that used to seem important or valuable seemed like rubbish compared to what he had gained by meeting Jesus Christ. He didn’t even think about those things anymore. His priorities were so rearranged that he only saw the call of God on his life, like a runner whose eyes were fixed on the finish line. Fulfilling the call of Christ on his life was the prize awaiting him. Jesus was the motivating factor of all Paul thought, said, and did.

How should I respond?
Your spiritual growth involves your past, present, and future. Think about your life before following Jesus – how has your thinking and integrity changed? Now think about the early days of being a Christian – how different are your priorities today? Continued spiritual growth means you will continue to give up certain attitudes and behaviors in order to follow the pattern Jesus sets for us (Phil. 2). What sacrifices has the Lord asked you to make? The call of God causes you to lose nothing of lasting value but gives you what’s most important – new life in Christ.

September 3, 2020


Read – 2 Samuel 16:15-17:29

What does it say?
Absalom received advice regarding facing his father, David, in battle. He rejected the advice of Ahithopel and accepted Hushai’s course of action.

What does it mean?
Both David and Absalom were in need of wise counsel. David’s former advisors, Ahithophel and Hushai, remained in Jerusalem with Absalom, but Hushai was loyal to David. Ahithophel, on the other hand, was willing to side with whoever seemed to have the most power. David and Absalom had to decide who could be trusted and whose advice would best serve their interests. A single decision could decide who ruled Israel. Hushai’s battle strategy appealed to Absalom’s pride, making it possible for David and his men to find safety. David had both a godly counselor and a godly cause.

How should I respond?
The impact of one choice has the power to alter your life either positively or negatively. Where do you turn for advice when faced with tough decisions? What character qualities do those who guide you possess? God’s Word reminds us in Proverbs 11:14 that there is safety in a multitude of counselors. Seeking godly counsel can provide valuable insight. What decision is before you today? Ask God to direct you through His Word and sound advice. Bring all of your options before the Lord and patiently wait for His direction. Then, you’ll be positioned to make the best choice.

September 4, 2022


Read – Psalms 95-96

What does it say?
Sing for joy and bow down before the Lord with thanksgiving. Praise His name, proclaim His salvation, declare His marvelous deeds, and worship in the splendor of His holiness.

What does it mean?
Today’s psalms describe what true worship looks like. If a nation ever had reason to sing for joy or to declare their God as worthy of praise, it was Israel. Yet time after time, they repeated the sins of their fathers by turning to false gods and hardening their hearts to their Creator and Shepherd. Although they sang the words of these psalms regularly in the temple, they failed to do what the songs said – truly worship the Lord. A tender heart toward God is the result of recognizing His greatness, thanking Him regularly, submitting to His will, and looking for His imminent return.

How should I respond?
Participation in weekly worship services is great, but it doesn’t mean you’ve truly worshipped the Lord. Worship is a lifestyle that goes beyond singing on Sunday. It involves seeing exactly who God is, regardless of the circumstances He has allowed in your life. Like Israel, we live in God’s blessings, but we often stop short of complete submission to His Word. When you sense that happening, find a reason to thank and praise God immediately. As you turn your thoughts to Jesus in those moments, you’ll be reminded that worshipping Him is the reason we exist, and it is the one thing we will do for all eternity. Will you accept the psalmist’s invitation to worship the Lord today?

September 2, 2020


Read – 2 Samuel 15

What does it say?
Absalom rebelled and conspired to be king. David took his family and fled Jerusalem.

What does it mean?
Restoration with his father didn’t appease Absalom, and another family tragedy began to develop as he became increasingly resentful. Deception, rebellion, and pride surfaced as Absalom conspired to become king. He strategically devised a plan to earn the approval of the people while misrepresenting King David. Using his royal position and personal charm, he stole the hearts of the Israelites. Absalom’s motives appeared noble and good, but his actions revealed a hidden agenda. Avoiding a confrontation with Absalom, David fled Jerusalem. Despite the heartbreaking division in his family, David submitted to God’s authority and trusted Him with his future.

How should I respond?
Your home and family are intended to be a safe haven – a place of acceptance, love, forgiveness, and grace. When family members turn against each other, however, they divide and destroy the unity God intended. What events surrounding your family have created division? Have relationships been harmed by pushing your own agenda? It is easy to focus on what you want and overlook what is best for everyone involved. What steps do you need to take to strengthen the relationships in your life? Don’t put off making that phone call or sending that message; it may be the beginning of restoration.|For further reading, 2 Samuel 16:1-14

September 3, 2022


Read – Psalm 94

What does it say?
The wicked didn’t think God saw them, but the Creator knew their thoughts. The Law of the Lord helped the righteous to take a stand, but the wicked will be judged by it.

What does it mean?
Amidst psalms that praise God’s love and declare His glory, this passage calls for His vengeance. The writer pointed out the foolishness of those who perpetrate evil on God’s people. They acted as if the Creator were a lifeless man-made idol who couldn’t see their violent actions or hear their arrogant rants. In truth, every thought they had was laid bare before the Judge of the earth. God alone can punish the wicked, yet He looked for those who would take a stand against evil and proclaim righteousness and truth. Every wicked person will be cut off, and every evil act will be judged when Jesus returns.

How should I respond?
It can be frustrating to live in a world that acts as if God doesn’t exist, doesn’t see, or doesn’t care about what people do. Our society not only overlooks grievous sin, but also legalizes and rewards it. You may have become so discouraged that you’re ready to isolate yourself with other believers while waiting for Jesus to come back and right every wrong. But God is looking for believers willing to boldly and lovingly speak the truth while there’s still time for people to turn to Him. What evil in the world grieves your heart? How can you take a stand against it today and proclaim the truth of Scripture?

September 1, 2020


Read – 2 Samuel 14

What does it say?
Joab encouraged David to reconcile with Absalom. Father and son were finally reunited.

What does it mean?
Absalom’s role in Amnon’s murder caused him to run, leaving David overwhelmed by his losses. Despite Joab’s efforts to reconcile the two, David refused to restore his son completely. God’s mercy and forgiveness that had been extended to David should have prompted a quicker reunion; however, David struggled with being reunited with Absalom. Allowing his son to return to Jerusalem, David kept Absalom at a safe distance and determined that partial restoration was good enough. Absalom’s persistent demands to have an audience with the king finally resulted in his reunion with his father.

How should I respond?
Broken relationships and unresolved conflict will leave you distracted and wounded. The temptation to play those events over and over in your mind sets the perfect stage for bitterness and revenge. How do you avoid the negative effects of conflict? When you separate the sin from the person, you can move past hurts and offer the same forgiveness that God has extended to you. By releasing the events and trusting God to restore the relationship, you are free to move on. Is there someone in your life that you need to forgive? What steps can you take to honor God with that relationship?

September 2, 2022


Read – Philippians 2

What does it say?
Believers should have the mind of Christ, doing all things humbly and without complaining.

What does it mean?
Paul presented Christ as the believer’s life pattern. Since the Philippian believers had chosen to follow Jesus, they were also called to have the same mindset as Christ. Even though He was Lord, Jesus lived with the attitude of a servant, looking out for the needs of other people. For these early believers, having that mindset meant living in faithful, humble obedience to God’s will. Paul demonstrated what that looked like by joyfully pouring out his life for the sake of the gospel and for the church of Jesus Christ.

How should I respond?
The mindset of our society is about as far from the mindset of Jesus as it can get. In general, people argue, complain, demand their own way, and put their own desires above everything else. If you claim to be a follower of Jesus Christ, then it makes sense to follow the pattern He set. Do you have a habit of helping and serving others, or do you tend to be oblivious to the needs of your neighbors and coworkers? How often throughout a day do you complain rather than pitch in to solve the issue? How will you model the mind of Christ today?

August 31, 2020


Read – 2 Samuel 13

What does it say?
Amnon’s infatuation with his sister, Tamar, turned to sexual abuse. Absalom avenged his sister by killing Amnon.

What does it mean?
Consumed with gratifying his own desires, Amnon’s lack of respect for his sister resulted in heartache instead of pleasure. Deception and trickery placed Tamar in a compromising situation in which she couldn’t escape the desires of Amnon. What he thought he couldn’t live without didn’t bring fulfillment and quickly became detestable. Amnon pushed the consequences of his sin out of sight and received no confrontation from King David. The consequences of sin had trickled down, creating shame, mourning, and separation throughout David’s family – even costing Amnon his life.

How should I respond?
You can have everything you need, yet become obsessed with what you don’t have. Turning your focus from the good that God has brought into your life will shortchange your gratitude, leaving you desiring more. How have you allowed your desires to get out of control? What negative influences are those desires having on someone else? True contentment is found only by aligning your desires with God’s Word. What area of discontentment do you need to surrender to God today?

September 1, 2022


Read – Philippians 1

What does it say?
Paul said, ‘To live is Christ and to die is gain.’

What does it mean?
Paul opened his letter to the church in Philippi with a presentation of Christ as the believer’s life purpose. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the most important message anyone could hear or give. In Paul’s view, advancing the cause of Christ was his only reason for living. He urged the Philippians to follow his example, to stand firm and strive together for the faith of the gospel – even in the face of opposition and persecution. That mindset had led Paul to the conclusion that it was a privilege to suffer for Christ’s sake, if that’s what it would take for others to hear.

How should I respond?
The world is full of worthy causes that give people a sense of purpose, but nothing offers fulfillment like a life of faith and hope in Jesus Christ. He is the only purpose in life that continues beyond your life in this world. What is your purpose for living? Have you made telling the message of Christ the overarching priority of each day? Reflect on one or two things you could do for the sake of the gospel that you’re not currently doing. Strive today to be engaged with people as Paul was – let your life be worthy of the gospel of Christ.

August 30, 2020


Read – 2 Samuel 12:15-31

What does it say?
David and Bathsheba’s baby became ill, and David pleaded with God for the life of the child. The baby died, but God extended His mercy to them with another son, Solomon.

What does it mean?
When David chose to go against God’s commands, the full consequences of his actions weren’t visible. Many innocent people were impacted, including his newborn son. Even though David pleaded with God to spare his son from death, he accepted God’s final decision. While the effects of sin resulted in pain and loss, David knew he would be reunited with his son in Heaven. God’s mercy offered restoration and renewed blessings. With the birth of Solomon, David was reminded that God’s love far exceeded the distance sin had created.

How should I respond?
Who has been impacted by your sin? How have the consequences affected your future actions? The price tag for sin always surpasses what you imagine and ends up spilling over into the lives of those you love the most. While the holiness of God cannot tolerate or excuse sin, His love invites confession that leads to restoration and blessings. Regardless of your past sin failures, God has not labeled your life as defeated but rather redeemed and forgiven. Your consequences may stare you in the face, but God has not forsaken you.

August 31, 2022


Read – Ephesians 6

What does it say?
God’s people can be strong in the Lord and stand against forces of spiritual darkness when they put on the full armor of God.

What does it mean?
Paul warned the Ephesians to be prepared because Satan and his forces actively seek to oppose God’s people and hinder their mission. Sometimes persecution is overt and external, but sometimes it is covert and internal. The soldier described in verses 14-17 illustrates what a prepared Christian looks like. He is fully clad in God’s spiritual armor. Completely aware that the enemy might attack at any moment, he utilizes God’s divine weapons: the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, and prayer in the Spirit. The prepared Christian puts on the armor of God each day by faith, through prayer.

How should I respond?
Most of our spiritual failures come from failing to take Satan’s strategies seriously. We need to anticipate his attacks and be prepared by trusting in God’s promises, seeking truth in the Bible, behaving rightly, and praying regularly. Being prepared doesn’t mean that you won’t face persecution, but it does mean that when it comes, you’ll be ready to stand firm in your faith. Take a minute to think about what areas of your life are most vulnerable to spiritual attack. Will you bring those things to the Lord in prayer every day this week? He‘ll give you strength for the battle if you commit to putting on His armor.

August 29, 2020


Read – 2 Samuel 12:1-14

What does it say?
The Lord sent Nathan to confront David about his sin. David confessed his sin, but he couldn’t escape the consequences of his actions.

What does it mean?
As a king, David judged and settled many cases of injustice, but the tables were flipped when Nathan boldly confronted him about his sin. Nathan’s wise approach allowed David to see and judge the situation impartially. The stark reality was inescapable. The words, “You are the man,” brought David to a point of confession. Despite his royal status, David was not exempt from God’s correction. While God mercifully forgave David’s sin, he would lose the son born to Bathsheba. What was conceived in secret was fully exposed and became public disaster.

How should I respond?
Confronting others about wrong actions can be intimidating. You might even rationalize their behavior. How do you respond when God leads you to confront someone? Like Nathan, allow God to guide the timing and approach of the conversation. If God has a role for you to play, He will direct your steps. How would you respond if a friend confronted you about sin in your life? Whether you’re faced with conflict or confrontation, it’s important to pray for everyone involved and for your attitude and tone. How can you make sure that your responses line up with God’s plan?

August 30, 2022


Read – Ephesians 5

What does it say?
God’s holy people ought to imitate God, living as wise children of light.

What does it mean?
Throughout this chapter Paul emphasized that believers should have the mark of God on every aspect of their lives. Living consistently in the light of Christ will lead His followers to naturally imitate Him as they submit to the Holy Spirit. The pattern of a believer’s thoughts and reactions should be the opposite of what comes naturally to an unbeliever, who still makes decisions in spiritual darkness. Paul compared living in obedience to God with wisdom, and living outside of His will with foolishness. God’s people have the ability and responsibility to live in ways that please their Creator.

How should I respond?
Living to please other people can be exhausting. What pleases them one day can suddenly change, leaving you guessing as to how to make them happy. Living to please the Lord, however, is liberating and productive. His expectations are clearly laid out and they never change. Not only that – He supplies the example and power to live a God-pleasing life that produces spiritual fruit. Which dark or foolish things from your former way of life have crept into your way of thinking, talking, or behaving? Ask God right now to flood your mind with light and expose every dark corner. The Holy Spirit can empower you to live as God’s child of light. Will you submit to Him today?

August 28, 2020


Read – 2 Samuel 11

What does it say?
David slept with Uriah’s wife, Bathsheba. When she became pregnant, David attempted to cover up his sin by arranging for Uriah to be killed in battle.

What does it mean?
David set the stage for compromise and sin by neglecting his responsibilities to lead his army. As a powerful king, David lacked nothing – yet he chose to take what belonged to one of his devoted soldiers. David attempted to cover up the devastating consequences of sleeping with Bathsheba. Unfortunately, his position, wealth, fame, and influence couldn’t manipulate the circumstances or hide the truth of Bathsheba’s pregnancy. As David’s sin spiraled, he devised a plan for Uriah to be murdered and seized the opportunity to marry Bathsheba. But God was not pleased with his actions.

How should I respond?
Covering up the things you do wrong may release you temporarily from accountability to others, but eventually you will have to deal with the consequences. In what ways have you attempted to hide your sin? What effect does unconfessed sin have on your life? An honest examination of your actions, motives, and desires requires viewing your life through God’s lens of holiness. He desires that your life bring honor and glory to Him. What steps do you need to take to avoid current temptations in your life? God has already provided a way of escape. Will you choose His plan or temporary pleasure?

August 29, 2022


Read – Ephesians 4

What does it say?
Paul urged the Ephesians to live in a manner worthy of the name of Jesus Christ.

What does it mean?
Paul had just reminded the Ephesian believers that no one deserves God’s love (Eph. 2:3-4), but now that they had received His grace and forgiveness, their lives should be commendable as followers of Jesus Christ. He described exactly what that looked like in everyday life. Since all believers share the same Father, Savior, and Spirit, they ought to do whatever is needed to live lovingly, peacefully, humbly, and patiently with one another – just as God, for the sake of Christ, is loving, forgiving, and patient with His children. Mature Christians learn to discard any attitude or behavior that reflects their old way of life and truly desire to respond to one another with compassion.

How should I respond?
We talk a lot about the grace of God, and rightly so. Sometimes though, we refuse to give to others what we have so freely received from the Lord. That kind of Christianity is not worthy of the name of Christ. God’s love, forgiveness, and patience with us are never-ending and fill us with peace beyond understanding. He wants us to extend the same compassion to others that He has extended to us – no matter who they are. Think of the people who have really hurt you or who are difficult to be around and pray for them every day this week. Ask God to work in your heart so that you will respond to them in the same way He has responded to you – with grace, forgiveness, and love.

August 27, 2020


Read – 2 Samuel 9

What does it say?
David reached out to find any relative that he could bless in honor of Jonathan. Mephibosheth was found and brought to David.

What does it mean?
Mephibosheth had every reason to be afraid of David. As the son of the previous heir to Israel’s throne, he could have been a threat to David’s reign. It was not unusual for a new king to kill all remaining members of a former ruler’s family. But David’s love for his dear friend Jonathan outweighed all of that, and he wanted to show kindness to any remaining relative. Mephibosheth, Jonathan’s physically handicapped son, was deeply moved and totally humbled by David’s lavish acceptance of him. In a single moment, his life changed. From that day forward, Mephibosheth would be an honored guest, eating at David’s table as one of the king’s sons.

How should I respond?
Today’s passage is a beautiful picture of God’s love and acceptance of us. Sin has left us spiritually crippled. Left in our sin, we are enemies of God and have every reason to fear His judgment. Yet, Jesus left Heaven’s splendor to suffer and die so we could become children of the King. He gave all He had to make it possible for you to be part of His family. How have you responded to Christ’s invitation to become part of His family? If you haven’t already, embrace what the Savior has done for you. The price has been paid. Will you, by faith, accept the gift?|For further reading, 2 Samuel 10

August 28, 2022


Read – Psalm 92

What does it say?
Fools cannot comprehend the thoughts of the Lord Most High, but the righteous person praises His love and faithfulness. He reigns eternally in majesty, strength, and holiness.

What does it mean?
As the burnt offering was prepared on the Sabbath, God’s people were reminded of His majesty and holiness, which appropriately caused them to sing His praises, proclaim His greatness, and consider the things He had done on their behalf. Some of His works were more difficult to understand; but if they could have fully comprehended God, He would not have been the infinite, eternal, all-powerful God they worshiped. Because His thoughts were more profound than theirs, God’s people could place their lives in his loving hands at the start of each day and look back on His faithfulness as the day ended.

How should I respond?
Sometimes God’s ways and purposes are clear, and at other times we struggle to understand. Why would we worship a god we could fully comprehend? We can trust the Lord precisely because His thoughts are deeper and His ways are higher than ours. When you consider how much God loves you (John 3:16), it becomes second nature to surrender your day into His hands each morning. Watch for God’s hand in your life today so you can thank Him at the close of the day. Praising the Lord’s faithfulness and love acknowledges who He is, even when you can’t fully understand His actions.

August 26, 2020


Read – 2 Samuel 7

What does it say?
The Lord revealed to Nathan that David’s son would build a house for the ark, and the throne of his kingdom would last forever. David responded with a prayer of praise.

What does it mean?
David had great intentions, but God had other plans. While the Lord may have said, “No” to David’s initial request, what He promised to David’s descendants was far greater. God’s covenant with David promised that his house and kingdom would endure before God forever. The Davidic covenant established that the Messiah would come from David’s line and that his son would accomplish the desire of David’s heart – to build a house for the ark of God. In awe of the magnitude of God’s promise, David humbly praised the Lord for His goodness and fully trusted that God would do just as He said

How should I respond?
Adults don’t like to hear the word “No” any more than kids do. But God sometimes says, “No” in spite of our good intentions and sincere hearts. When we don’t understand why we have to trust that our Sovereign Lord has our very best interests at heart. How do you respond when God’s plans are different from yours? How willing are you to embrace whatever role He has for you? Trust the Lord to open doors of opportunity in His timing. Will you humble yourself before Almighty God today? Will you ask with David, “Who am I?” at the very thought that He desires to work His plan in your life?|For further reading, 2 Samuel 8

August 27, 2022


Read – Psalm 91

What does it say?
The psalmist lived in the shelter of the Most High and rested in the shadow of Almighty God. He acknowledged and called upon God, who promised to be with him in trouble.

What does it mean?
God made unique promises to the nation of Israel; some of those are evidenced in today’s passage. Imagine having such divine protection that there was no need to fear plagues, pestilence, or enemy attacks – as long as they lived in obedience to the Lord Almighty. His promises covered them like the wings of a mother hen over her chicks. The anonymous author of this psalm lived securely in those promises. He didn’t have to run to the Lord when trouble came; he was already abiding in Him when difficulty arose. God didn’t keep him away from all trouble but promised to be with him in the midst of it.

How should I respond?
Jesus never promised His followers lives of ease in exchange for living to please Him; He said quite the opposite actually. Christians through the ages have been persecuted for their faith in Christ. Even today you probably know a godly, faithful believer who has suffered from severe illness or some other tragedy. We do, however, have the promise that the Lord hears us when we pray (1 John 5:14-15) and is with us through every difficulty we face (Matt. 28:20). It’s possible to rest unafraid in His peace, knowing that nothing can touch your life unless your loving Lord permits it. Are you abiding in Him today?

August 25, 2020


Read – 2 Samuel 6

What does it say?
The ark of the covenant was returned to Jerusalem in a joyous parade led by King David. But when Uzzah’s hand touched the ark, God struck him down.

What does it mean?
Because of the holy nature of the ark, God had special rules for how it was to be transported. For example, no one was allowed to touch the ark, and Kohathite-Levites were designated to carry it on poles that were slipped through rings on the sides. Both of these laws were violated during the ark’s trip back to Jerusalem. David and Uzzah had good intentions but disobeyed God’s clear instructions from the start. Putting the ark on a cart disregarded its holy nature. So when Uzzah touched the ark, even though he intended to steady it because it might fall off the cart, he acted irreverently.

How should I respond?
It is not unusual for teenagers to think they are wiser than their parents. They often understand instructions but simply think they have a better idea. People in general struggle with authority for similar reasons. We think we know better than those who are in charge. Sometimes we do the same to God, supposing our way is better. Make a list entitled: “Things I Need to Do God’s Way,” and keep it in your Bible. As you read through the Bible and find something you struggle with doing God’s way, pray about it, and add it to your list. Pray over your list on a regular basis, handing those items over to the Lord. Remember, when He gives instructions, it’s for His glory and for your good.

August 26, 2022


Read – Ephesians 3

What does it say?
Paul was given the mission of delivering and explaining the good news of salvation to all people – even the Gentiles – so they might know the extent of God’s power and love.

What does it mean?
Back in the days when Paul’s letter was written to the Ephesians, God revealed that His grace and power were open to all people who put their faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. The same resources that were available through the Holy Spirit to strengthen the hearts of Jewish believers were also given to Gentile believers. Although it is not deserved by anyone, including Paul, God’s grace is given freely. The depth of God’s love for the world is beyond human comprehension. Paul was blessed to share this good news with all people everywhere as God sent him.

How should I respond?
Our concept of love, no matter how well developed, is rather small in contrast to the great and powerful love of God. Would it bother you to know that God loves the person you like the least and even wants to forgive the person who has hurt you the most? We are no more deserving of God’s love and grace than the people who we think are guilty of the worst sins. Are you willing to tell them about God’s love and forgiveness and even invite them to church? Christ has given His followers the inner resources through His Spirit to love as He loves. Look for ways to share the good news of God’s love today.

August 24, 2020


Read – 2 Samuel 5

What does it say?
Israel came to David, declared they wanted him as their king, and anointed him. The Lord was with David and made him great for the sake of Israel.

What does it mean?
David was no longer running from Saul, but once he became king, the Philistines sought to destroy him. David immediately went to the stronghold in Jerusalem to ask direction from the Lord. He had become accustomed to turning to God with every concern of life. He learned at a young age to talk to God about whatever situation was before him. Twice in this passage David “inquired of the Lord,” and twice the Lord answered him, giving him both instructions and victory. What was the secret of David’s answered prayer? Rather than seeking his own way, David yielded to God as the true Sovereign over Israel and sought His way with all his heart.

How should I respond?
Life can sometimes take you from one crisis to another. Even long-awaited answers to prayer can bring new challenges. What is your first instinct? Like David, have you become accustomed to asking God’s direction before you act? Truly seeking God’s heart involves desiring His will more than your own. What do you need to take to God today – a job change, a health crisis, or a difficult relationship? Go to your “stronghold,” a solitary place to pray. Ask Jesus, your Rock and Redeemer, to come to your defense. Rather than seek your own way, determine to submit to God’s plan – it’s always best.|For further reading, 2 Samuel 4.

August 25, 2022


Read – Ephesians 2

What does it say?
God built His church with Jesus as the cornerstone.

What does it mean?
God took His people from the Jews and Gentiles and made both groups one in order to build His church, just as a bricklayer would build a house on a firm foundation with each brick laid carefully in alignment with the cornerstone. Jesus is the true and trustworthy cornerstone, so believers can line up according to His example. The church is built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets with God’s people carefully placed to form one strong and sturdy building. When Paul wrote this letter, it was common for Jews not to associate with Gentiles, but Paul reminded both groups that they are one in Jesus’ church.

How should I respond?
Have you ever thought about how diverse God’s family is? He has children of different ages living on every continent and coming from different backgrounds. God wants us to break down barriers and to work together as a unified group to carry out the work and life of His church. How willing are you to work side by side with people who are different from you to accomplish the work of God? Will you reach across the wall of separation that could divide you socially and show the love of God to your neighborhood and community? As you do, Christ’s church will be strong and sturdy.

August 23, 2020


Read – 2 Samuel 2

What does it say?
David was anointed king over Judah while Ish-bosheth, Saul’s only surviving son, was made king over Israel. This caused civil war among the tribes of Israel.

What does it mean?
David was anointed king as a teenager by Samuel and again years later by the men of Judah. David was the Lord’s clear choice to replace Saul and to lead His people. God’s purpose always supersedes any action or choice of men. Abner, who was loyal to Saul, did not recognize God’s leading and chose Ish-bosheth as Israel’s king, leading to discord, civil war, and death.

How should I respond?
Parents get upset when their children do not get along and disrupt the entire household. Likewise, it grieves the Holy Spirit when God’s children fight with one another. Believers in Christ often bicker or belittle their brothers and sisters in Christ over differences in biblical interpretation or church methodology. The Lord wants us to love each another (Eph.4:1-3). How do you treat or label believers with whom you have differences of opinion? You can agree to disagree without causing open conflict. Before you take a stand, search the Scriptures for God’s clear direction on the subject. If not directly addressed, ask God for wisdom to peacefully handle the situation and to communicate your thoughts clearly and calmly. The world will know we are Christians by our love.|For further reading, 2 Samuel 3.

August 24, 2022


Read – Ephesians 1

What does it say?
Paul told the Ephesian Christians of God’s past, present, and future blessings accomplished through the loving power of His beloved Son, Jesus Christ.

What does it mean?
It is astounding to think of how much God has loved and provided for His children throughout history. Before He created the world, the sovereign God purposed to provide redemption through the death of His Son and adoption into His family for those who believe. He paid the adoption fees, so to speak, so believers could have an eternal family and home. His followers are blessed, both now and in the future, by God’s power – first given to Jesus upon His successful mission and then shared with Christians throughout all eternity. Never has a family’s inheritance been so extensive.

How should I respond?
If you are a follower of Christ, then you are adopted into His family. God has become your heavenly Father. What are the quality traits of a good father? Think about that for a few minutes, and write down some of them. Now use this list as an outline to talk to God about those particular things today. As you continue to talk to Him about these things each day, you’ll begin to understand them more deeply on a spiritual level. This, in turn, will help you to hold your heavenly Daddy’s hand as you walk through your life together with Him. What aspect of God as your Father do you need most today? Tell Him.

August 22, 2020


Read – 2 Samuel 1

What does it say?
David learned of the death of Saul and Jonathan after his return to Ziklag. Deeply grieved, he and his men mourned the loss of their king and David’s friend.

What does it mean?
An Amalekite brought David word of Israel’s defeat along with the report of the deaths of King Saul and Jonathan. In his grief and mourning, David wrote a beautiful eulogy to his king and his best friend. Despite the turmoil and despair, Saul had caused him, David had nothing but praise and genuine sorrow to express at the tragic news. Even though Saul had tried to kill him on numerous occasions, David conveyed respect and honor for him as “the Lord’s anointed” leader of Israel.

How should I respond?
It is human nature to dwell on how we’ve been wronged, but at what cost? It is almost impossible to remember the good things about someone while hanging on to bitterness. So how can you let go of a wrong done to you? Grace! Remember that Christ made ultimate forgiveness possible by dying for you while you were still a sinner. We need to put to death the lies of Satan that “vengeance is ours,” or “I will never forget what that person did to me.” If you are experiencing a deep hurt, forgiveness, and grace will set you free. In Christ’s strength, you too can rise above bitterness.

August 23, 2022


Read – Galatians 6

What does it say?
Some Jewish Galatians were trying to convince Gentile Christians to be circumcised.

What does it mean?
Even in the early church, there were divisions among Christians. One group was referred to as the “Circumcision Party.” They seem to have been intimidating new Gentile Christians by compelling them to undergo circumcision. Paul exposed their efforts as a shallow attempt to gain converts to their party. Paul made clear throughout this letter, and especially in v. 15 of this chapter, that circumcision is a matter of the flesh and was no longer a requirement as a follower of God. After Christ’s death on the Cross, what mattered was that they live differently than before.

How should I respond?
It’s sad when there are divisions in a church or between groups who claim to follow Christ. We come to church, in part, to encourage one another and build each other up (1 Thess. 5:11). All too often, though, divisions arise and cause harm within a body of believers and within the church of Jesus Christ. What differences might have caused a division between you and another follower of Jesus? What caused the division – theology, methodology, personality, Christian liberty, etc.? This week, be open to discussion; ask questions and be willing to listen. Study Scripture so you know why you believe what you believe. Differences between believers don’t have to cause division.

August 21, 2020


Read – 1 Samuel 31

What does it say?
Saul, three of his sons, and many Israelites died as Samuel had prophesied. The Philistines captured Saul’s body, but it was retrieved by brave men from Jabesh Gilead.

What does it mean?
Saul’s rebellion against God cost him not only his own life but also the lives of his sons and many Israelites. It started with one willful act of disobedience followed by no remorse. Saul’s promising future as king went downhill in a hurry. Even at the end of his life, he did not repent. Being mortally wounded, he fell on his sword to quicken his death. Valiant men from Jabesh Gilead walked all night to retrieve the bodies of Saul and his sons and brought them back to be buried properly. At the end of a dismal chapter, it’s inspiring to see the courage of men determined to do the right thing.

How should I respond?
We often want to give up when everything seems to be going wrong. But our determination to do the right thing anyway might be just the encouragement someone else needs. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to be our Comforter and Helper. As you rely on His strength, you too can be an encourager. Do you have friends or relatives who are depressed or despondent? What will you do today to show them the love of God? No matter how bleak life may seem right now, ask God to shift your focus from yourself and give you the courage and determination to carry on. Don’t quit…be valiant!

August 22, 2022


Read – Galatians 5

What does it say?
God’s children should no longer live according to the desires of the flesh, but according to the things of the Spirit.

What does it mean?
The Galatians that felt compelled to follow God by trying to keep every part of the law were actually thinking and living according to the flesh – on a lower plane, so to speak. Believers are called to think and live on a higher, a God-centered plane. While living according to the flesh and its natural desires leads toward sinful thoughts and actions, living by the Spirit supernaturally produces the character of Christ within His followers. That fruit is evidenced by a proper attitude toward God and the proper treatment of others. God’s children should think and live according to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

How should I respond?
Consider the nine words that describe the fruit of the Spirit in today’s passage: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Which ones come easy to you? Now identify one or more that you find more difficult to live out. Think about how God exhibits those qualities to you personally. Ask Him to help you improve in the areas where you are weak so His character is reproduced in and through you. Which of these words will describe you as you follow the leading of His Holy Spirit today?

August 20, 2020


Read – 1 Samuel 30

What does it say?
David and his men arrived in Ziklag to find the city burned and their families kidnapped. With God before them, they attacked the Amalekites and rescued their loved ones.

What does it mean?
After traveling 75 miles to get back to Ziklag, the hungry, tired men discovered their families were gone and their city destroyed by fire. David was as low as he could get, “but David strengthened himself in the LORD his God.” After at least 16 months of not seeking or hearing from the Lord and having everything taken from him, David turned back to God. Although it took reaching rock bottom, David finally asked God what his next move should be. The faith-filled David was back, trusting and seeking His almighty, loving God!

How should I respond?
It often takes reaching rock bottom for God to get our attention. Humans are willful and stubborn, but God loves us and is full of mercy and grace. We can’t get so far away from God that He can’t reach us, but He will never force us to obey. When have you been far from the Lord? What did God allow in your life to get your attention and get you to turn back to Him? Are you currently seeking God’s direction or following your own reasoning? Don’t wait for God to get your attention; change direction today.

August 21, 2022


Read – Psalms 90

What does it say?
Because God is eternal, a thousand years is like a day to Him. Moses wanted to live his days wisely and to experience God’s love for as many days as he remained.

What does it mean?
Psalm 90 opens the Fourth Book of Psalms, which begins the songs of Israel’s days spent wandering in the wilderness. Because of their rebellion, God refused to allow anyone over the age of twenty to enter the Promised Land (Num. 13-14). All of their sins were laid bare before the Lord. For forty years they moved from place to place watching each adult eventually succumb to death. Moses wanted God’s eternal perspective on how to live out his remaining time on Earth. Even wandering in the wilderness could bring satisfying and joyful days if they were marked by God’s love and compassion.

How should I respond?
Life is short, and many of its days are filled with challenges, difficulty, and heartache. Despite that, you can live a fulfilling life if you live each day with God’s eternal perspective in mind. He sees your life from beginning to end and knows how the puzzle pieces of your life fit together for His purposes. Nothing that you say or do is hidden from Him. Reading His Word teaches you how to live wisely and how to live well so you can also live each day to please Him. As you learn to trust God, you’ll finding lasting satisfaction in His love, despite what the day may bring. No matter how many years you live, they are marked one day at time. Will you live wisely and well today?

August 19, 2020


Read – 1 Samuel 29

What does it say?
David volunteered to join the Philistines as they marched to fight with Israel. However, he was not fully trusted by the Philistine leaders, and his offer was refused.

What does it mean?
Ninety years earlier, the Philistines defeated Israel at Aphek and captured the ark of the covenant. The Philistines were there again, poised to attack Israel’s camp forty miles away. David and his men were ready to do battle against their own countrymen. The commanders understandably refused to give David the opportunity to turn on them and live up to his notoriety. David didn’t seek the Lord before he hid out in Philistine territory; he “leaned on his own understanding.” It was never God’s intent for David to fight against his own people – God’s people. He graciously provided a way out for David.

How should I respond?
We all find ourselves in awkward situations at times, desperately hoping for a way out. Those moments are sometimes the result of our own poor judgment, fear, or foolish ambition. During those times, have you recklessly aligned yourself with those who fight against God’s purposes? Remember, it is never too late to call on the Lord. Ask God to open your eyes to see if you are marching into the wrong battle. He promises to give wisdom to those who sincerely ask Him. It probably won’t be easy, but He will graciously be by your side to get you through. Look for His way out and take it!

August 20, 2022


Read – Psalms 89

What does it say?
The psalmist sang of the Lord’s love and faithfulness because of the covenant He established through the line of David. Who can compare with the Lord?

What does it mean?
The backdrop of this psalm is the Babylonian exile. Jerusalem lay in ruins as her wicked king was taken captive. Yet the psalmist starts by declaring God’s love and faithfulness. God’s covenant with David’s descendants was not dependent on their faithfulness to Him, but on His divine nature. In the same way, the psalmist’s faith was not dependent upon his circumstances, but was anchored in God’s character. Israel’s immediate future was bleak, but they were under the care of their awesome, strong, powerful, righteous, just, and loving God. Although it felt as if God had revoked His covenant, He had not. Its ultimate fulfillment will be the reign of Jesus as King Eternal.

How should I respond?
Emotions are tricky; they can take us from delight to despair in a matter of minutes, but what’s happening to you or around you doesn’t affect God’s unchanging character. Look back over Psalm 89; highlight the names and qualities of God in this passage. Which aspect of His character is particularly meaningful to you today? Which name for Him do you need to call on in light of your current situation? Remember, your circumstances and feelings may fluctuate, but God’s faithfulness does not.

August 18, 2020


Read – 1 Samuel 28

What does it say?
David found favor with King Achish. Saul, desperate to know the future, asked a medium to call Samuel from the dead. Samuel appeared and gave Saul very bad news.

What does it mean?
Saul’s pursuit of David was over. Samuel, Saul’s link to God, had died. The Philistine army was ready to attack Israel. God’s silence was deafening. Saul found himself in a terrifying situation. He was alone. Rather than repent and turn to God, Saul sought out a medium to help him speak with Samuel. The means by which Saul looked for guidance demonstrated his unrepentant heart. God allowed Samuel’s spirit to deliver the terrifying message – the Philistines would kill Saul and his sons the next day. His time was up; there was nothing he could do.

How should I respond?
It is wonderful to be in fellowship with the Lord. Reading His Word and knowing that it is speaking to you at that moment will provide love, peace, and assurance! On the other hand, when sin comes between you and God, it seems as if He’s not there; and that is a scary, lonely place to be. How is your relationship with God? What sin might be deafening your ears to His voice? Sin breaks our fellowship with the Father, but He is ready and eager to forgive when we confess and repent. He never tires of hearing us say to Him, “I blew it. Please forgive me.” He already has… at Calvary. The next move is yours.

August 19, 2022


Read – Galatians 4

What does it say?
The Galatians were like slaves to the law before God adopted them into His family.

What does it mean?
Paul used metaphors to explain two different types of relationships – father and child versus master and slave. Before following Christ, the Galatians lived like slaves to the Mosaic Law and its many detailed requirements. As slaves they had no freedom, and their lives were measured by their adherence to the law. After they put their faith in Jesus, God adopted them into His own family and treated them like sons. A good father loves his children for who they are in relation to him and does not treat them like slaves. Oddly, the Galatians seemed to want to return to their slavery and lack of freedom.

How should I respond?
We tend to misunderstand the true meaning of spiritual freedom. Freedom in the Lord is not permission to act and live any way you choose. Instead, it is living by faith in Christ. Outside of Christ, you didn’t have any way to consistently combat sinful desires, but once you became a child of God, you gained the freedom to choose what is right through the power of the Holy Spirit. Why, then, would you ever choose to subject yourself to sin’s restraints on your life? God the Father has set you free from sin’s power. How will your life reflect your relationship to Him as your heavenly Father today?

August 17, 2020


Read – 1 Samuel 27

What does it say?
David and his men went to Philistine territory to escape Saul’s pursuit. David lied to the king to get on his good side. The king thought David was a traitor to the Israelites.

What does it mean?
David was discouraged and tired of running from Saul. In that state of mind, he did not turn to the Lord but listened to his own thoughts. Being in the pit of despair led David to seek protection from his enemy rather than from God. David’s despair also affected his 600 men, their families, and his two wives. God didn’t tell him to abandon the land of promise and hide in the land of the enemy. David was in a dangerous place. He found favor with Achish and was given his own city, but at what cost?

How should I respond?
What situation has caused you to despair, to feel hopeless? God doesn’t give up on us, but for a season we may give up on God. Tragic. When life is good, we may say, “Oh, I would never turn my back on God.” Be careful – you may be tested. In those situations, push aside any self-talk that encourages you to rely on your own reasoning or efforts. Instead, turn to God quickly! He is our only comfort and hope when days are miserable and hopeless. Any other course of action will affect not only you but also those closest to you. Pray right now about whatever is causing you discouragement. Determine not to take matters into your own hands while you are waiting on God to act. Trust His timing.

August 18, 2022


Read – Galatians 3

What does it say?
People who lived under the Law of Moses were cursed; then Jesus took away that curse on the cross. People no longer live under the Law, but by faith.

What does it mean?
No one has ever been able to perfectly adhere to the Law (Rom. 3:10-11). To stumble in even one point of the Law means to be guilty of breaking it all (James 2:10), and those who break the Law are under a curse (Deut. 27:26). However, Jesus took away the curse associated with sin by His sacrifice on the cross. Those who trust in Jesus and receive Him have changed lives – lives that demonstrate faith in Him and thankfulness for what He has done. Believers do not do good things in order to be morally perfect, but to show love and gratitude to God.

How should I respond?
You don’t have to do good deeds to offset the bad; Jesus took away the guilt of your sin on the Cross. That thought should flood your heart with gratitude. How can you express that gratitude to the Lord by doing something nice for someone today? Jesus even instructed His followers to do their good deeds privately (Matt. 6:3-4), which guards against actions motivated by pride instead of obedience. What word best describes the condition of your heart right now – grateful or prideful? When you do good things simply out of love for God and gratitude for your salvation, you become more like His Son.

August 16, 2020


Read – 1 Samuel 26

What does it say?
David had another opportunity to kill Saul but spared his life. He asked Saul to believe that he wished him no harm. Saul then blessed David and returned home.

What does it mean?
Saul believed that David planned to take the throne of Israel by force. But David’s actions and reasoning proved otherwise. If David had wanted to kill Saul, he could have done so – twice. David not only voiced his trust and confidence in the Lord, he also proved by his actions that he was allowing God to work on his behalf. Moved by the fact that David didn’t seize the opportunity to harm him, Saul finally saw the situation as it truly was rather than through fear and paranoia.

How should I respond?
The situations we face seldom deal with life and death. Still, you may consider someone an enemy if he constantly opposes you at work or school. David’s example in today’s passage is consistent with the instructions Christ gives to us. Matthew 5:44 says, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” Have you faced opposition from others? How can you show them love and patience rather than retaliation? Stop right now and pray, genuinely asking God to bless them. Continue to do so, and you’ll soon discover that it’s impossible to hate someone you’re praying for daily.

August 17, 2022


Read – Galatians 2

What does it say?
Paul opposed Peter, who had separated himself from Gentile Christians out of fear.

What does it mean?
Many rules in the Law of Moses addressed ritualistic cleanliness, including instructions for Jews to be separated from Gentiles because they followed pagan beliefs. But even though Jesus had come to show grace to both Jews and Gentiles, a few Jewish Christians still had a mental block against associating too closely with the Gentile Christians. Peter and some of the Jewish believers in Antioch were afraid of what believers from Jerusalem would think if they saw them eating with Gentile brothers and sisters in Christ. Paul confronted Peter about the hypocrisy of his actions.

How should I respond?
Is there someone in your church you hesitate to be seen with – someone with an immoral past, someone who dresses differently, or someone who worships differently? Our Sunday mornings often become rituals, in which we talk to the same people, sit with the same people, and leave with the same people. Why not break a social barrier or two? Introduce yourself to others who are outside of your comfort zone. Ask them how they are doing; then listen – really listen – and really care. God loves all believers just as much as He loves you. Will you love them that way too?

August 15, 2020


Read – 1 Samuel 25

What does it say?
David accepted Abigail’s advice and married her after the death of her husband, Nabal.

What does it mean?
David reacted strongly to both Nabal’s foolishness and Abigail’s wisdom. He was naturally angered at Nabal’s unwillingness to help him and his men, even though David had protected Nabal’s property. Abigail wisely approached the future king by encouraging him to keep his conscience clear in his response to Nabal’s arrogance. Abigail acted to protect her husband and her household, even though his actions were reckless. Her wisdom saved the lives of Nabal and every man in their employ. Abigail continued to respond with great humility when she accepted David’s offer of marriage.

How should I respond?
Standing up for those who make good decisions is always easier than stepping in to help someone who has acted foolishly. When family members have been reckless, it may seem best to let them deal with the repercussions of their actions. However, the consequences seldom fall on the foolish person alone. Who in your life has put themselves and others at risk by foolishness? Ask the Lord if He’s guiding you to intervene on their behalf; then humbly seek God’s wisdom before you act. Will your actions this week reflect wisdom or foolishness?

August 16, 2022


Read – Galatians 1

What does it say?
Paul assured the Galatian Christians that they had been saved by God’s grace, not by how carefully they held to the Law of Moses. Jesus Himself revealed the gospel to Paul.

What does it mean?
For about 1500 years, God’s people measured their morality in terms of how well they adhered to the Law of Moses. However, no one was able to obey every detail of the law fully. The intent of the law was to teach God’s people about Him and His holiness so they could reflect Him and His holiness in all areas of their lives. Paul tried to help them understand that God’s forgiveness wasn’t based on their performance; it came through His Son, Jesus, who took the punishment for their sins. Many of the Christians with a Jewish background, however, kept looking for ways to be justified by obeying the law.

How should I respond?
Even today we might think we can please God if we’re just good enough. The Bible tells us, however, that we all fall short of God’s standard (Jer. 17:9; Rom 3:23). If you are a follower of Christ, spend a few minutes thanking God for the love and forgiveness that Jesus showed on the cross when He took away God’s anger toward your sin. Learning to abound in thankfulness rather than drown in guilt will help you to have the right perspective on your relationship with God. Think of the good things you do as acts of gratitude to the God who already accepts you because you received His Son.

August 14, 2020


Read – 1 Samuel 24

What does it say?
David did not kill Saul when given the opportunity. He refused to take the life of the one God had placed on the throne.

What does it mean?
God had anointed David to be Israel’s future king, but that did not mean he could engage in behavior that endangered the man God had placed on the throne before him. Rather than take the kingdom by force, David needed to be patient. He seemed to understand that God would move him into that role in His own timing, just as the Lord had placed Saul there. David did not need to take matters into his own hands to accomplish God’s will.

How should I respond?
When you sense a strong calling on your life to move in a particular direction, you may also be tempted to justify any actions that will accomplish that calling. But of this you can be certain: God will never ask you to break His commands in order to accomplish His purpose. God’s will doesn’t have to be forced. Can you look back and see when a lack of patience produced a negative result in your life? In what area of life do you need to exercise patience today? Ask God to show you where you’ve started to take matters into your own hands. This week, remember that God will work out His will in His time.

August 15, 2022


Read – 2 Corinthians 13

What does it say?
Paul encouraged the church at Corinth to examine whether or not they had true faith.

What does it mean?
Paul wasn’t trying to give the Corinthians doubts regarding their salvation. He was, however, warning those in Corinth who had put their faith in the false doctrine being taught. He encouraged a period of self-examination and testing regarding the sincerity of their faith. The standard by which they were to measure themselves was truth, which is found in God’s Word and was observable in the life of Christ. For believers, such an examination should show evidence of Christ-like character and a desire to grow in their faith.

How should I respond?
We’re prone to taking long looks in the mirror to determine what about our physical appearance needs attention. But when was the last time you examined yourself spiritually? Like the Corinthians, you need to be sure you have a true relationship with Christ, not just head knowledge about Him. What evidence of Jesus do you see in your life? Is your lifestyle consistent with the teachings of Scripture? Take a moment right now to look in a spiritual mirror. Do you see yourself as you truly are? Godly character will continue to develop as you read and apply the truth of God’s Word to your life.

August 13, 2020


Read – 1 Samuel 23

What does it say?
David helped free the people of Keilah from the Philistines. After fleeing from Saul, David met with Jonathan and was encouraged.

What does it mean?
During his ten years on the run, it would have been easy for David to focus solely on himself and his own troubles. But David continued to see the needs of others, even as he was fleeing for his life from Saul. As David sought God’s direction, he was guided to fight the Philistines on behalf of the people of Keilah, briefly taking the focus off his own challenges. In turn, God provided strength and encouragement through his friend, Jonathan.

How should I respond?
It can be difficult to see what someone else is dealing with when faced with your own troubles. Our minds naturally gravitate to self-interests and concerns. Christ, however, calls us to actively attend to the needs of others. This shift in focus has the benefit of building up someone else while helping us avoid becoming self-centered. How is God developing your character and faith in life’s current challenges? Who can benefit from those emerging strengths? Be mindful of those God brings across your path today; the encounter may encourage them and jolt you out of self-pity.

August 14, 2022


Read – Psalms 87

What does it say?
Psalm 87 praises Jerusalem as the city God loves. The writer of Psalm 88 cried to God for deliverance from a life-threatening affliction.

What does it mean?
These psalms stand in stark contrast to each other. The first joyously celebrates Jerusalem as the center of the world and the pride of the people born there, while some have called Psalm 88 the saddest of all the psalms. The last verse of each chapter best illustrates the contrast. Psalm 87 ends with God as the source of the psalmist’s joy, and Psalm 88 ends with darkness as the writer’s only friend. It seems he had suffered a life-threatening illness for most of his life, probably leprosy. Yet, the underlying foundation of his prayer is faith in the Most High, who established Jerusalem.

How should I respond?
Followers of Christ are not immune to unimaginable heartache. Life-threatening illness, the death of a child, and prolonged unemployment happen to believers and non-believers alike. But just like the contrast in today’s psalms, there should be a marked difference in how a Christian handles suffering. Do you have a foundation of faith that drives you to your knees before the Lord? Stop now and talk honestly with God about whatever situation may be overwhelming you. Even when all you can see is darkness, the Lord can be your hope and source of joy.

August 12, 2020


Read – 1 Samuel 22

What does it say?
Saul accused Ahimelech and the priests of conspiring to help David take over the throne.

What does it mean?
Filled with rage and jealousy, Saul ordered the execution of Ahimelech and all the priests that were with him. Saul had become so jealous of David that he was able to justify in his own mind the killing of innocent people. Blinding hatred for David resulted in a callous disregard for justice. This chapter is a stark reminder of the potentially disastrous effects of long-term, unaddressed sin.

How should I respond?
Sin, in any form, has negative effects. As with the original fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, sin causes death. Without the blood of Christ as atonement, sin means eternal spiritual death. But sin has deadly results, even in the life of a believer. It may be the death of a relationship, peace, or joy. Where sin exists, death follows. That’s why God instructs us to deal with sin swiftly and not allow it to fester. Otherwise, the lasting outcomes could prove devastating. What sin have you allowed to have sanctuary in your life? What is its root cause – jealousy, pride, greed? Confess it, and then move forward in the grace and mercy given to you by God through Christ.

August 13, 2022


Read – Psalms 86

What does it say?
Because of God’s comfort and abounding love, David trusted God to hear, answer, strengthen, and guard him. He asked for an undivided heart full of praise.

What does it mean?
It’s uncertain which enemy David was facing when he wrote this psalm, but it’s clear that the personal attack he was under drove him to God. His psalm reveals deliberate focus on the One he was praying to rather than the people and circumstances he was praying about. He found strength and comfort in the Word of God, quoting more than 20 passages from other psalms. He desired more than relief from the trial; David wanted to be closer to the Lord when the ordeal was over than when it began.

How should I respond?
What unexpected setback or unrelenting adversity are you facing right now? The very thing causing you frustrating days and sleepless nights might be a means to greater intimacy with the Lord. The trials of life tend to bring our flaws to the surface because they are harder to control or keep hidden under intense pressure. Will you allow God to show you those things so you can emerge from this difficult time stronger spiritually? Rather than turn away from God in anger, turn to His Word for strength. Mark the passages that He uses so that you, like David, can look back and say, “Lord, you have helped and comforted me.”

August 11, 2020


Read – 1 Samuel 21

What does it say?
David stayed with Ahimelech, the priest, under false pretenses while fleeing from Saul. He then pretended to be insane to avoid Philistine wrath.

What does it mean?
David deceived Ahimelech and the Philistines because he was afraid of what would happen if others knew that he was on the run from Saul. After trusting the Lord so diligently, David began making decisions from a position of fear instead of faith. He thought he was protecting himself in both instances. The deeper issue, however, was David’s apparent lack of trust in God to deliver him from the wrath of Saul. David seemed to forget that God would make him king, and Saul’s threats could not prevent that.

How should I respond?
Fear is a natural response to a feeling of danger. But like other parts of our nature, we need to take steps to overcome the negative effects of being afraid. Fear can paralyze us and prevent us from making choices that are led by the Spirit of God. Overcoming fear requires an act of the will. It is a conscious decision to redirect your mind from focusing on possible negative outcomes to trusting in the plan God has for you. Take some time today to examine your motives and emotions. Are you operating out of fear or faith?

August 12, 2022


Read – 2 Corinthians 12

What does it say?
God allowed Paul’s thorn in the flesh to keep him humble.

What does it mean?
No one really knows what Paul’s thorn in the flesh was; we just know that he pleaded with God three times to take it away. No doubt, Paul felt he could serve the Lord more fully without this hindrance. It’s important to note that God did answer Paul’s prayer – the answer was, “No.” Two life-transforming truths appear in verses 7-10. First, God’s grace and comfort are sufficient in suffering. Next, God’s strength is complete in human weakness. Paul would experience God’s supernatural strength and comfort, keeping him completely dependent on Christ.

How should I respond?
We can each identify with Paul because his “thorn” isn’t named. What has God allowed in your life that keeps you humble? God doesn’t expect you to be great, He expects you to depend on him greatly. In what area are you relying on your own strength? When you admit weakness, you can be strong and rest completely in Christ’s strength. Aspects of God’s character revealed during difficulty and suffering can be learned no other way. You might not be up to the task before you, but Jesus is!

August 10, 2020


Read – 1 Samuel 20

What does it say?
Jonathan confirmed that his father, Saul, intended to kill David. David and Jonathan took an oath to show kindness to each other’s families. David fled Israel.

What does it mean?
Jonathan was in line for the throne, yet he blessed David and humbly asked him to be kind to his family when David became king. He had every reason to be jealous. Instead, Jonathan submitted to God’s will for David to be king. Initially, all of this may seem unfair. It wasn’t Jonathan’s fault that his father turned from God and that his line would be removed from the throne. Still, Jonathan trusted God and gave up his own expectations. He embraced the plans God had for him, standing strong in what he believed to be God’s will for David and for Israel.

How should I respond?
We all get jealous sometimes and feel that life is unfair. We often get upset with God when things don’t go the way we expect, or we don’t get what we think we deserve. It’s important to remember that everything we have is a gift from God – not something we’ve earned. What expectation are you holding on to? What is God asking you to give up? It may seem unfair on the surface, but God’s plan will always be infinitely better than anything you could dream up. Will you trust God and embrace the changes He may be bringing about in your life? Let your expectations go, and you’ll see that God has something even better in store.

August 11, 2022


Read – 2 Corinthians 11

What does it say?
Paul warned the Corinthian church about false apostles and teachers who were pulling them away from the truth of Christ.

What does it mean?
Paul painted a picture of himself as a father and the Corinthian church as a daughter he’s nurtured for her groom, Christ. The false teachers were deceptively wooing the church with a false gospel while pretending to represent Christ. They started by maligning Paul, attempting to drive a wedge between him and the church. These men were following the tactics of Satan, who masquerades as an angel of light, to make what’s wrong seem right. The Corinthians were gullible enough to believe anything if someone claimed to preach in the name of Jesus.

How should I respond?
Satan is the master deceiver. He can’t claim followers of Christ for himself, but he can affect your thinking and keep you busy through distraction. He mixes lies with truth in order to lure you away. That’s why it’s important to study Scripture and know truth so you can recognize error when you hear it. What false teachers do you recognize today? What half-truth, compromise, or rationalization are you being tempted to believe? Determine to be a student of God’s Word, because a gullible Christian will be an ineffective Christian.

August 9, 2020


Read – 1 Samuel 19

What does it say?
Saul continued his pursuit to kill David. But with the help of Jonathan and Michal, David escaped and ran to Samuel in the city of Naioth.

What does it mean?
David had been driven from his home and the people he loved. Still, he remained faithful to God’s plan. By running to Samuel, the one who had anointed him king, David was seeking protection and guidance from the man of God. As king, Saul should have sought Samuel’s guidance as well. Instead, he was humbly brought to his knees and made to glorify God after pursuing David yet again. Saul should have heeded this as a warning that he did not have the ability to resist God’s will. It was becoming evident to all that God would protect His anointed king.

How should I respond?
Extended periods of suffering can cause us to doubt that God cares. Where do you run when things get difficult? Who helps you focus on God’s perspective? You can either seek godly wisdom or insist on handling the situation on your own. Will you heed the warning given to Saul? The result of putting yourself in opposition to God’s expressed will is usually humbling. It’s never too late to turn around and run to God. Remain faithful and read God’s Word for guidance. He sees your situation and cares immensely.

August 10, 2022


Read – 2 Corinthians 10

What does it say?
Paul defended his apostleship against the lies of Judaizers by depending on spiritual weapons, not worldly tactics.

What does it mean?
False apostles had cleverly poisoned the thinking of some Corinthians. Paul recognized that the effort to discredit him as an apostle was actually a spiritual battle opposing the message of Christ. He defended his apostleship against the lies of Judaizers, but he did not use worldly tactics. Paul urged the Corinthians to depend on spiritual weapons, such as prayer and God’s Word, and to remove anything that elevated itself against God. Every thought must be brought into submission to Christ.

How should I respond?
Spiritual strongholds in your life start as a thought, then build. The only way to make every thought obedient to Christ is by saturating your mind with Scripture and staying close to God through prayer. In what area do you have faulty thinking? What mental temptation are you currently facing? Ask God to protect your mind and guide your thoughts to truth. Place 2 Corinthians 10:5 and Romans 12:2 on index cards where you’ll see them every day. You can’t reach your spiritual potential until the battle for your mind is won.

August 8, 2020


Read – 1 Samuel 18

What does it say?
As David grew in popularity among the people, Saul became jealous. He attempted to take David’s life several times, but God was with David and protected him.

What does it mean?
This chapter depicts a stark contrast between the character and faith of two men. Saul was controlled by his emotions: jealousy and fear. David, on the other hand, displayed humble obedience to the Lord. What made the difference? God was with David but had left Saul. In the Old Testament, God’s Spirit did not indwell the hearts of believers as He does today. The Spirit of God would come upon men for periods of time and then leave. God’s Spirit stayed with David, protecting and guiding him, as he remained faithful to the Lord’s plan

How should I respond?
Becoming a follower of Christ does not mean you will not go through difficult times, but it does mean you will never go through them alone. As a follower of Christ, take hope in the fact that God is with you right now. He wants to enable and empower you if you will yield control to the Holy Spirit. What struggle are you in right now? Are you facing it in the power of the Holy Spirit or at the whim of your emotions? Will you, like David, humble yourself before the Lord? That decision will determine the quality of your character that emerges from the trial.

August 9, 2022


Read – 2 Corinthians 9

What does it say?
Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.

What does it mean?
The Corinthians could easily relate to Paul’s farming illustration because it was common sense – you reap whatever you sow. Instead of talking about how much they should give, Paul discusses their attitude and motivation. Cheerful, gracious giving is a response to experiencing God’s grace. True generosity stems from grace, not obligation or a desire for praise. Recognizing that God is the supplier of all that’s needed to sow and reap generously results in His receiving thanks and praise from both the giver and the receiver.

How should I respond?
Generosity doesn’t look the same from person to person because your situation is different from the person next to you. It’s the motivation for your gift, not the amount, which determines whether or not it’s gracious. Do you think about how you will look or benefit from giving? How have you been generous with your time, resources, and knowledge of God this week? Ask God for the grace to trust Him to meet all of your needs and the grace to exercise your faith by scattering what He’s given you. Who will praise God this week because of your gracious giving?

August 7, 2020


Read – 1 Samuel 17

What does it say?
After hearing Goliath’s blasphemous statements against the God of Israel, David volunteered to fight him one-on-one. Wearing no armor, David killed him on the battlefield.

What does it mean?
Saul’s army trembled in fear before the Philistine army and its champion, Goliath. From a human standpoint, this giant of a man seemed too big and powerful to defeat. David, however, saw Goliath from God’s point of view. He was angry that Goliath was getting away with blasphemy against the God of Israel – someone had to do something about it. So David responded in faith, believing His God was greater than any false god. He knew that the Lord would bring him victory.

How should I respond?
We all have things in our lives that seem like giants. The enormity of the problem can even cause us to doubt that there is a solution. When we look at our challenges from our point of view, it’s easy to give in to fear. The key is to remember the size of our God in comparison to the size of the struggle. Looking at the situation from God’s viewpoint will give you the courage to act in God’s power and strength. What is currently causing you fear? By giving those fears to the Lord, you can march forward in confidence – not in your own abilities, but in His.

August 8, 2022


Read – 2 Corinthians 8

What does it say?
The Macedonian believers and the Lord Jesus Himself modeled sacrificial giving. Paul said that financial giving is related to the grace of God.

What does it mean?
Several principles about giving can be taken from this passage. First, generosity isn’t connected to outer circumstances; the Macedonians gave out of their poverty because they first gave themselves to God. Secondly, giving is an act of grace. The grace shown to the believer by the death of Christ is the motivation for gracious giving. In love, He gave all He had. Next, the amount given is not as important as the desire to give and the willingness to follow through. As always, God is concerned with the heart. Finally, the manner in which money is handled should honor God and be above reproach.

How should I respond?
It’s difficult to feel generous while juggling to take care of your own finances. But giving financially to the local church and believers in need is the responsibility of every Christian. How has God been gracious to you this year? This week? Today? Have you, in turn, given yourself completely to Him? You can’t rightly surrender what’s in your hands until you’ve surrendered your heart. How can you be generous to someone in need today? Developing the grace of giving will benefit you as much as it does the receiver of the gift.

August 6, 2020


Read – 1 Samuel 16:14-23

What does it say?
After God’s Spirit left Saul, an evil spirit tormented him. When David played the harp, the music soothed Saul and the evil spirit left. David also served as Saul’s armor bearer.

What does it mean?
God often sets a plan in motion that does not come to fruition right away. David had been anointed king in Saul’s place, yet God sent him to serve Saul. Not only did David protect Saul in a physical sense as his armor bearer, he also protected him in a spiritual sense by playing his harp to ward off evil spirits. It would be years before David sat on the throne, and he would go through many hardships before he did so. But David remained humble and obedient to all God instructed him to do. He waited patiently on the Lord. Each step was part of his preparation to be Israel’s greatest king.

How should I respond?
We live in a fast-paced, “I want it now” culture. We expect everything to be done quickly and exactly how we want it. Sometimes, we even expect the same from God – wanting immediate answers to our prayers. What plan has God put in motion? Are you still waiting for Him to make it a reality? God has not forgotten. He will do all that He has promised. Like David, you may not understand how today fits into the big picture; but if you humbly obey what He’s given you to do – He will take care of the details. Take a moment to praise Him for what He is going to do as if He has already done it.

August 7, 2022


Read – Psalms 84, 85

What does it say?
The psalmist yearned to be in the house of the living God, who blesses those who trust in Him. He asked God to revive His people, show unfailing love, and grant salvation.

What does it mean?
Today’s psalms offer insight into how God’s people should respond to His character. Reading these chapters in reverse order offers an interesting perspective. The writer of Psalm 85 was profoundly grateful for God’s forgiveness, love, and faithfulness; but he also understood that God’s righteousness demanded judgment on sin. Restoration requires repentance. Now look back at Psalm 84. When God’s people lived to please Him instead of themselves, they had an intense desire to worship in His house. Praising God with other worshippers revived the psalmist’s spirit and gave him strength to trust the Lord. Responding in obedience to God’s righteous, holy character meant living under His blessing rather than under His wrath.

How should I respond?
Our society has reduced God to a handful of character traits like love, compassion, and kindness. It’s become culturally acceptable to create the kind of God you want to believe in as long as you’re tolerant of someone else’s view. However, that tolerance does not extend to those who have Judeo-Christian views. The problem with this philosophy is the unchanging character of God. He is just as holy and righteous today as He has ever been. Does your view of God include His whole character or just the traits that you find pleasant? Living in submission to who God truly is will give you a desire to please Him and praise Him with other believers. As you read the Bible, ask God to correct any misconceptions you may have about Him.

August 5, 2020


Read – 1 Samuel 16:1-13

What does it say?
The Lord directed Samuel to anoint Jesse’s son David as the new king of Israel.

What does it mean?
Israel had demanded a king, and God gave them what they wanted. Saul was tall and “kingly” in appearance. However, he no longer desired to please God in his heart. Israel needed a new king now that Saul had become unfit to lead – though Samuel was still using Saul as a standard. He took one look at Eliab and thought he’d found the new king. But God looks beyond appearance and sees the motives of the heart. David was an unlikely choice for king; Jesse had not even called him in from the field to be considered. Nevertheless, God saw a humble heart with a sincere desire to follow Him.

How should I respond?
Remember the old saying, “Never judge a book by its cover”? That holds true, even when looking at yourself. By comparing ourselves with others, we sometimes think that God can’t use us. You’ll always find someone who appears to be more talented and gifted to serve the Lord than you. God, however, looks straight through what everyone else sees and takes inventory of your heart. What’s holding you back from serving the Lord? Is your heart filled with self-serving pride or with a humble desire to serve Christ? Ask God to show you what He sees and where He wants you to serve Him. You may think that you’re an unlikely choice to do great things for God, but so was King David.

August 6, 2022


Read – Psalms 82, 83

What does it say?
God will preside as Judge over the earth. Asaph called on the Lord to not be silent or still, but to show Himself as the Lord Most High.

What does it mean?
These psalms indicate two threats to God’s people – one from within and one from without. The judges presiding over Israel oppressed the poor instead of administering justice, which shook the foundations of Jewish society from within. Psalm 83 shifts to a vast external threat – a coalition of nations seeking to wipe the name of Israel from the face of the earth. Both threats were of great concern to the psalmist, who prayed in great detail against each threat and pointed out God’s unique ability to save them. He alone can administer perfect justice and righteously rule over the world. Both psalms ultimately look to the day when Christ will return as Judge and King.

How should I respond?
The world we live in presents constant threats. Criminals steal our identity, corrupt leaders deprive us of justice, and terrorists rob our peace of mind. It can be hard to look forward with a sense of hope if your security is based on anything or anyone other than Christ. Only Jesus – the righteous Judge and King – can give you peace of mind as you face each day. How often do you take your personal concerns to the Lord in prayer? Praying specifically takes time, but God cares about each detail that burdens you. What threat to your peace of mind do you need to take to Him right now?

August 4, 2020


Read – 1 Samuel 15

What does it say?
God instructed Saul to destroy the Amalekites and all their possessions, but Saul saved some of the animals. Because of Saul’s disobedience, God rejected him as king.

What does it mean?
When God told Joshua to wipe out all the people in the land of Canaan, it was because of the Canaanites’ great sin. Similarly, the Amalekites, who lived to the south of Israel, had sinned greatly in the eyes of the Lord. They treated the Israelites harshly when they were on their way out of Egypt and heading to the Promised Land in the days of Moses. In God’s time, He sent Saul to destroy everything and everyone in Amalek to purge the land of their sin. However, Saul obeyed most of what God commanded but not all. He kept some of their animals for a sacrifice. Saul learned a valuable lesson: to obey God is better than to sacrifice.

How should I respond?
God wants nothing less than our full loyalty and obedience. Jesus said, “If you love Me, keep my commands” (John 14:15). We obey God because we love Him. He requires full obedience from His children because it’s what’s best for us, and it fulfills His purposes. As you read through the Bible, keep a list of the things that God instructs you to do. Remember, not every command in the Bible is for you directly— like destroying the Amalekites! In what area are you giving only partial obedience? What attitude or behavior needs to change? Determine to strive for full obedience— not just 90%.

August 5, 2022


Read – 2 Corinthians 7

What does it say?
Paul, contrasting godly repentance with worldly sorrow, urged the Corinthians to seek God’s holiness.

What does it mean?
Paul’s previous letter to the Corinthian church had been sternly worded regarding sin in their congregation. He was relieved to hear that they had taken the letter to heart and truly repented. Worldly sorrow is simply feeling regret; but godly repentance is true sorrow over sin and results in a change of mind, heart, and action. Sorrow over sin is essential to salvation, but repentance is also necessary for disobedient believers to restore intimacy with God.

How should I respond?
God uses various means to point out sin in our lives. You may feel conviction while reading Scripture, listening to preaching or teaching at church, or seeing the same sin repeated in your children. How do you react when God reveals sin in your life? Do you become defensive, regretful, or truly sorry for disobedience to God? Stop right now and ask God to reveal any attitude or behavior from which you need to repent. Agree with God that a change is needed and follow through.

August 3, 2020


Read – 1 Samuel 14:24-52

What does it say?
Although Jonathan didn’t hear Saul’s command for his men not to eat until evening, he didn’t defend his actions when he was confronted. However, the people spared his life

What does it mean?
Saul was hasty in his decree that the troops should abstain from eating until evening. Jonathan was unaware of Saul’s decision and ate wild honey in the forest. Later, Saul built his first altar to the Lord, but God was silent. After further investigation, Jonathan’s violation of Saul’s command was revealed. The penalty was death. Jonathan accepted it without argument; he did not defend himself nor did he criticize Saul’s decision. However, Israel did defend Jonathan. His reputation spoke for itself, and the people overwhelmingly supported him. Jonathan trusted his life to God and it was spared.

How should I respond?
Have you ever found yourself at odds with someone in a position of authority over you? It might have been the result of a misunderstanding, a false accusation, or a disagreement over a performance standard. Whatever the cause, you may feel a need to defend yourself by criticizing your authority or the standard you failed to meet. However, God desires for us to respect our authorities, even when we disagree (Romans 13:1-4). How might you be dishonoring an authority in order to redeem your reputation? If something has caused a rift, talk it out calmly and privately. If you end each day with a clear conscience, you can entrust your reputation to the Lord.

August 4, 2022


Read – 2 Corinthians 6

What does it say?
Paul endured many hardships as a servant of God. He warned the Corinthians not to partner with unbelievers.

What does it mean?
Paul gave the Corinthians a familiar picture of two animals yoked together to work a field. A farmer would never yoke an ox and a donkey together; they have different instincts and natures and wouldn’t work together to plow his field. Likewise, Christians are to be separated to God, but not completely isolated. Christians are Christ’s ambassadors to an unbelieving world. The Corinthians had gone to the opposite extreme, allowing intimate relationships with non-believers to influence them. Divided loyalty made it difficult for the Corinthian church to fulfill God’s mission.

How should I respond?
Who is your best friend? What influence has that person had over decisions you’ve made this week? There’s a difference between casual friends and your inner circle. Every Christian should have non-Christian acquaintances. You can’t influence people you refuse to associate with. But those you confide in have influence over you. What friendship is hindering your spiritual life? Has a business partnership or dating relationship caused you to compromise your beliefs or behavior? Ask God for discernment in your relationships and commit to separating yourself for His purpose.

August 2, 2020


Read – 1 Samuel 14:1-23

What does it say?
Jonathan and his armor bearer went secretly to the Philistine camp and struck down 20 men. The ensuing chaos strengthened the faith of Israel’s army as God did the impossible.

What does it mean?
Instead of retreating, Jonathan believed that if God wanted to defeat a large army with only a few, He could do it. Jonathan’s faith inspired his armor bearer who went with him. God did the impossible by enabling Jonathan to defeat 20 Philistines immediately. When news reached home, God’s people came out of hiding and headed into battle. The victory began with the faith of one man. Jonathan not only believed what God could do, he also demonstrated faith by taking action. That action was contagious, leading fewer than 3,000 men to defeat an army too large to number.

How should I respond?
God still does the impossible. Whatever your battle or whoever your enemy, God can enable you. But it takes faith, not in your own ability or strength, but faith in the One with infinite strength and resources. The truth is worth repeating: God can do the impossible. Maybe you feel alone in your family, at work, or at school. Would you be so bold as to face difficult or impossible circumstances, believing God for the victory? Perhaps you are the one that God wants to use to inspire faith in His people again. In what situation do you need to come out of hiding? Dream big. Trust big.

August 3, 2022


Read – 2 Corinthians 5

What does it say?
Paul knew that leaving his earthly body would mean standing in the presence of the Lord. Whether in the body or away from it, his goal was to please the Lord.

What does it mean?
Paul was a tentmaker by trade. He saw similarities between tents and his own body: imperfect, deteriorating, and temporary. But the new body in Heaven will never decay or show signs of weakness. As he traveled, Paul faced more than his share of life and death situations, yet he didn’t fear death itself. He had full confidence that, for him, dying was a doorway to his heavenly home and glorified body. He not only lived for the eternal, he also looked forward to it.

How should I respond?
You don’t have to be very old to feel the effects of aging and the terminal nature of the human body. You, or someone you love, may face physical pain or challenges on a daily basis. Take comfort in knowing that this body is only a temporary dwelling. Does the thought of what happens after death distress or assure you? For the Christian, there’s no need to fear dying. Do you, like Paul, have confidence that you’ll be in God’s presence a moment after death? If so, you too can look forward to trading in every ache and pain you experience to have a body like Jesus – for eternity!

August 1, 2020


Read – 1 Samuel 13

What does it say?
Saul tried to seek God’s favor with an unauthorized burnt offering when Israel’s army was outnumbered, weaponless, and afraid. Samuel said Saul would lose the throne.

What does it mean?
The scene was one of panic. The Philistines had gathered more men to battle than the Israelites could count. Weaponless and greatly outnumbered, God’s people literally ran for the hills and hid in caves. Saul didn’t know what to do, and Samuel was nowhere to be found. Instead of trusting God’s faithfulness, Saul took matters into his own hands and disobeyed God by offering sacrifices without Samuel. It may seem like an insignificant mistake, but Saul’s decision revealed the truth about his heart. God’s people would soon be led by another – “a man after God’s own heart.”

How should I respond?
There are tragic moments in our lives when shock grips our hearts and minds. When panic starts to set in, we have to choose whether to react in fear or to respond with trust in what we know to be true: God is faithful. Think about such a moment in your own life. What did it reveal about you? We can learn a valuable lesson from Samuel’s words, “The Lord has sought out a man after his own heart.” Evaluate your heart for a moment. Ask the Lord to strengthen your trust in Him regarding areas of fear. God already has the circumstances under control.

August 2, 2022


Read – 2 Corinthians 4

What does it say?
Human bodies are clay jars into which God has placed the knowledge of His glory.

What does it mean?
Clay jars were ordinary, everyday containers – easily cracked and broken. The value was in the content of the vessel, not the container itself. Paul describes himself as a weak vessel with no power of his own to accomplish God’s will. Even though Paul felt the wear and tear of his temporary, earthly body, he was confident of an inward and permanent renewal of his spirit. God proved His power was at work in the midst of Paul’s suffering. His eternal viewpoint on difficulty resulted in true humility, allowing God to receive the glory for Paul’s accomplishments in this life.

How should I respond?
What current pressure is causing your “jar” to crack? Without cracks, there’s not a chance for God to display His supernatural power in the face of suffering or everyday troubles. As you see God working in your circumstances, let His light shine through your pain or suffering by telling someone what He has done. It’s not easy to view the hard things of life as temporary, but that’s exactly what they are when compared to eternity. God’s power is displayed in the ordinary lives of flawed people. Be one of His cracked pots today.

July 31, 2020


Read – 1 Samuel 12

What does it say?
Samuel reminded God’s people of His faithfulness. When Samuel warned the people of the consequences of disobedience, they repented and asked him to intercede.

What does it mean?
God is faithful. His commitment to Israel was unwavering, even in their rebellion. Samuel took a moment to have a candid conversation with Israel, reminding them of a few things God had done for them in the past. God’s people reacted with fear and humility. In that moment, Samuel knew the people could either turn away or turn to God in repentance. He gently reminded them that God had chosen them as His people and would be faithful to that commitment. Samuel also reminded them that God’s faithfulness should compel them to fear and serve the Lord with their whole heart.

How should I respond?
God knew your doubts, your fears, and your rebellion before you were born. Yet He remains faithful to His commitment and promises to you. Even when we look to relationships, money, success, or a myriad of other distractions for our security, God is faithful. Look back – what has God done for you in the past? What is He doing right now? Like Israel, God’s record of faithfulness should compel you to serve Him with your whole heart. Ask Him to help you reflect His faithfulness. The choice to live solely for Him won’t necessarily make your life easier, but it will definitely be worth it.

August 1, 2022


Read – 2 Corinthians 3

What does it say?
Under the old covenant the letter of the law brings death, but with the new covenant the Spirit brings life.

What does it mean?
Outside influences were pressuring the Corinthians to live by Jewish religious practices and ceremonies in addition to faith in Christ. But salvation couldn’t be attained through the law because it requires perfect obedience in every point, a human impossibility. They didn’t understand that the practices of the old covenant were symbolic, preparing them for the coming of Christ and salvation by grace. God’s law, written on their hearts by the Holy Spirit, brought eternal life and made them a reflection of God’s glory. If the law was glorious, how much more is God’s work of grace through the Holy Spirit?

How should I respond?
Bank tellers are trained to look for and recognize counterfeit bills. Likewise, Christians have to be aware of counterfeit teachings and beliefs. What have you tried to add to faith in Christ to gain God’s acceptance? Relying on religious traditions and practices for God’s approval is counterfeit Christianity. Your church attendance, charitable giving, and service to the Lord are not a condition of your salvation but rather a result. Legalism promotes doing, whereas grace focuses on being. Legalism pressures you to act like other Christians; grace gives you the freedom to be conformed to the image of Christ. How will you reflect Jesus this week?

July 30, 2020


Read – 1 Samuel 11

What does it say?
The Spirit of God came upon Saul, and he rallied the people to defeat the Ammonites. Saul and the people celebrated the Lord at Gilgal.

What does it mean?
Despite the fact that God had always looked after His people, Israel wanted a king to look after them. Saul was timid, unskilled in battle, and lacked confidence. Regardless of his new title as King, Saul was still the same man that was found hiding in the baggage, timid and insecure. However, the difference in his life was the Spirit of God at work through him. Although it may have appeared that Saul led the people to defeat the Ammonites that day, it was the Lord who gave him the wisdom needed to assemble an army and win the battle. Saul knew it and gave God the credit.

How should I respond?
God is powerful and quick to empower His servants to do His work. When you enter into a relationship with Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit is available to help you. You are inwardly “being renewed day by day” because you now have the power of God working in and through you (2 Cor. 4:16). What battle is before you right now? God can use you, regardless of what you feel you are lacking. Confess your insecurities and doubts to the Lord. Ask Him to enable you; then give Him the credit for the victory.

July 31, 2022


Read – Psalms 81

What does it say?
Asaph sang of how God rescued Israel from slavery in Egypt. God commanded that they have no other god, but they would not submit to Him.

What does it mean?
Asaph invited Israel to gather in Jerusalem for a feast and to celebrate the Lord’s goodness to them in the past. The joy of remembering how He rescued their forefathers from Egypt was quickly overshadowed by the consequences of their disobedience. When they did not listen, God allowed them to go their own way. As a result, they failed to live under His blessing and protection. The feast was a time of reflection. Sadly, Israel had to look back with regret, but God’s faithfulness has no end. He still desired to bless Israel and give them victory – if only they would listen and obey.

How should I respond?
We’ve trivialized sin to the point that it’s hard to recognize the devastation it has caused nationally and personally. Movies and television shows glorify what God condemns and even make it seem amusing. However, sin is not trivial. The sins of the world cost Jesus His life. Stop right now and consider how the warning in today’s passage needs to impact your life. Has your conscience been desensitized to sins that are considered socially acceptable? Remember, if Satan can get you to laugh at it, then he can get you to live with it. Will you pray for personal and national revival today?

July 29, 2020


Read – 1 Samuel 10:9-27

What does it say?
All that Samuel prophesied about Saul came true. God selected Saul as king of Israel. At his public appointment, Saul was found hiding in the baggage.

What does it mean?
Saul was changed, and others could see the difference. All the signs Samuel gave Saul came true, yet he was still unsure. God, on the other hand, was at work saving Israel. God did not need Saul, but God chose to invite Saul to join Him in His work. Saul was reluctant. In fact, while his name was being called as the man who would be king, Saul was hiding in the baggage. God knew exactly where he was and why he was there, but He still chose to declare him king. God had a purpose for Saul, and no matter how hesitant he was, it was time for Saul to join God in His work.

How should I respond?
God is always at work. He does not need us but chooses to involve us in what He is doing. He wants us to join Him even though it can be challenging and unfamiliar, demanding our reliance on His strength. We have a choice – to trust Him and join in or to hide in the “baggage.” Are you trying to hide from God’s plan? What do you believe about yourself that causes you to decline God’s invitation to join Him in His work? Ask God to help you get out of the baggage and get on board.

July 30, 2022


Read – Psalms 79

What does it say?
Asaph begged God to be merciful and forgive Israel for the glory of His name. He asked the Lord to return to His people so they might be revived and restored.

What does it mean?
Psalm 79 was sung each spring at Passover, and Psalm 80 was sung in the fall during the Feast of Tabernacles. Both psalms recount the devastation of Jerusalem and the defilement of the Lord’s temple – probably regarding the Babylonian invasion and captivity of God’s people. These psalms served as annual reminders that God doesn’t allow sin to go unnoticed; it had devastating consequences on their land, their people, and their worship. Ultimately, Israel’s restoration will come through the man God raised up – the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Only He can save those who call on His name.

How should I respond?
We’ve trivialized sin to the point that it’s hard to recognize the devastation it has caused nationally and personally. Movies and television shows glorify what God condemns and even make it seem amusing. However, sin is not trivial. The sins of the world cost Jesus His life. Stop right now and consider how the warning in today’s passage needs to impact your life. Has your conscience been desensitized to sins that are considered socially acceptable? Remember, if Satan can get you to laugh at it, then he can get you to live with it. Will you pray for personal and national revival today?

July 28, 2020


Read – 1 Samuel 10:1-8

What does it say?
Samuel anointed Saul as king. Samuel gave him signs to look for and the promise of God’s presence with him. Saul was then sent to Gilgal to wait for Samuel.

What does it mean?
Because God knew Saul’s reluctant, unassuming disposition, He offered him two gifts: confirmation and confidence. The signs Samuel told Saul to look for would offer validity to Samuel’s statements, confirm the promise of kingship, and answer any doubts Saul might have about his calling. Saul lacked confidence, feeling unworthy to be king. God then gave Saul the promise of His presence to instill confidence. God’s promise to be with him should have been a comfort to him as it had been with Moses and Joshua, leaders before him. Saul would not have to doubt that he was the one God had chosen.

How should I respond?
God loves to call the ill-equipped, the lowly, and the weak to do the impossible because that is when He gets the most credit. Rest assured that if God calls you to do something, He did not make a mistake in choosing you or the task He has for you. The extraordinary thing is that He cares enough about us to provide the assurance we need when doubt comes. What is God calling you to do in ministry, life, or family? What are your doubts? Has He already addressed them? Take a moment to talk with God about your doubts and the calling. Choose to move forward, trusting God’s wisdom.

July 29, 2022


Read – 2 Corinthians 2

What does it say?
To believers, the gospel is the fragrance of life. To those outside of Christ, it has the smell of death.

What does it mean?
Verse fourteen is an analogy of Christ as a Roman general leading his followers through the city, burning incense to signify victory. The smell was either sweet or a stench, depending on one’s loyalty to the general and his cause. Likewise, one’s response to Jesus results in either life or death. For followers of Christ, life on Earth leads to eternal life in Heaven. But the gospel of Jesus also means future judgment for unbelievers, leaving the aroma of death. Paul doesn’t view his responsibility to preach the gospel as a profession, but as a God-given task and privilege.

How should I respond?
What kind of inner reaction do you have while hearing or reading about the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus? If you are a follower of Christ, you feel acceptance and gratitude rather than condemnation. Your response to the message of Jesus is the single most important decision you’ll ever make. How have you responded? When you stand before Jesus, He will be either your victorious general or your judge. Like Paul, it is every believer’s privilege to tell the story of Jesus. To whom is God prompting you to share the gospel?

July 27, 2020


Read – 1 Samuel 9

What does it say?
God heard Israel’s cries for help from the Philistines and revealed to Samuel that Saul would be their first king.

What does it mean?
Israel was in distress, and God had a plan to rescue the nation from the Philistines. Saul had no idea he was part of this plan or that he would be the first king. Saul was not looking for a crown – he was only looking for lost donkeys. The journey to reclaim these donkeys turned into a meeting with God’s prophet, an appointment to kingship, and the responsibility to rescue Israel from her enemies. Israel had rebelled against God by desiring a king. Even so, He was faithful. God was going to use Saul to save Israel and bring her back to Himself.

How should I respond?
Regardless of how inconsistent we may be in our commitment to God, He is steady, persistent, and compassionate. He cares about you all of the time – when you are seeking Him and when you are not. In your darkest moments and in your greatest achievements, He is committed to you. Because of His great love, you can have confidence in the fact that God hears you. He is both willing and able to help you. Take a moment to reflect on these attributes of God. How has God revealed His commitment to you recently?

July 28, 2022


Read – 2 Corinthians 1

What does it say?
Paul praised God as the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort. He trusted God for future deliverance because He had delivered him before.

What does it mean?
Rather than being exempt from suffering, followers of Christ have a source of great comfort in the midst of it. Experiencing trouble in life gives opportunity to trust in God. God’s consolation increases as the difficulty increases. Believers who accept God’s comfort have a greater capacity to extend that same comfort to others. Paul had personally experienced God’s assuring presence in the most difficult circumstances imaginable. But rather than question why God had allowed such hardship, Paul placed his hope entirely in God for deliverance.

How should I respond?
Trouble is just part of life (Job 5:7), but you can experience indescribable peace in the midst of sorrow by being open to God’s comfort. What circumstance is currently bringing you pain? How has it driven you to trust God more? How could you use difficulty from your life to help someone else through a tragedy or hardship? If you’ve experienced cancer, unemployment, or the loss of a spouse, then you can empathize with someone facing the same thing today. The more you allow God to comfort you, the more He’ll use you as a source of His comfort.

July 26, 2020


Read – 1 Samuel 8

What does it say?
The nation of Israel rejected God’s leadership and asked for a king like other nations. Samuel warned the people of what a king would likely do.

What does it mean?
Samuel’s sons were given authority, and they took advantage of their position. This prompted the elders of Israel to ask for a king like other nations instead of trusting God to handle the situation. By doing so, they were rejecting their identity, their history, and God’s leadership. They didn’t trust God and wanted the control to do what they believed was best. God warned the people that the cost of having a king would be great. Still, they chose to trust their own knowledge and understanding over God’s perfect wisdom.

How should I respond?
We all experience difficult circumstances – sometimes as a result of the poor actions of others. In those moments, we must remember who we are – children of God. Our identity begins with our Creator. Take a moment to reflect on the character of our God: His faithfulness, consistency, wisdom, and trustworthiness. What situation are you trying to take control of? Will you trust God’s wisdom and knowledge to work things out on your behalf? Determine right now that you will trust God’s wisdom over your own. The cost of going your own way is too great.