April 5, 2023


Read – Leviticus 24:1-9

What does it say?
The priests were to tend the golden lamps continually and make offerings of twelve loaves to the Lord every Sabbath.

What does it mean?
Both the lamps and the bread served as reminders that God’s presence was always with His people. They were to have unbroken fellowship with Him. The preparation of the oil made it of higher quality than household oil. The priest refilled the lamps daily so that they burned continually. The recipe for the bread was symbolic of God’s coming Messiah. It was made from fine flour and without yeast, because yeast represented impurity. The cakes, one for each tribe, were always before the Lord, just as His eyes were always watching over His people.

How should I respond?
Light and bread represent two basic human needs. Without light we have no direction, and without food our bodies and minds become weak. The same needs exist spiritually. Hidden pitfalls and obstacles can devastate your life. Only by “walking in the light” will your way be illuminated so you can avoid the dangers (1 John 1:5-7). Do you ever wonder, “Why am I here? What is my purpose in life?” People turn in all directions to satisfy their spiritual hunger but are often left unfulfilled. Are you spirituallystumbling in the dark? Where have you looked for satisfaction? The only lasting answer is Jesus, the Light of the World (John 8:12) and the Bread of Life (John 6:35).

April 3, 2021


Read – Proverbs 23:1-11

What does it say?
The next five Sayings of the Wise warn against gluttony, overwork, hypocrites, fools, and stealing from the fatherless.

What does it mean?
The five sayings considered in this passage tell the reader how to deal wisely with his own desires as well as how to relate to different types of people. Many of the 30 Sayings of the Wise are warnings and start with “do not,” followed by a reason for the warning. While anyone can benefit by following the warnings and wise counsel in Proverbs, those who seek to live godly lives should pay particular attention. Throughout Proverbs, wise living and godly living are synonymous.

How should I respond?
Few of us like to hear the words, “do not.” The human spirit typically rebels against being told what attitudes and behaviors are acceptable. When the Bible says, “do not,” it isn’t simply for the sake of behavior modification; it is rooted in God’s reasoning. How do you respond to the “do not’s” in Scripture? Do you trust God’s character to set your pattern for moral and ethical living? As you read the 30 Sayings of the Wise, stop and consider the reasons given for the warnings. Then ask God to show you which bits of wisdom need to be applied to your current circumstances. Whether dealing with your own desires or relating to others, godly wisdom always has your best interest at heart.

April 4, 2023


Read – Leviticus 23

What does it say?
God instructed Moses regarding national days of worship, starting with the Sabbath. Spring and fall festivals commemorated God’s protection and forgiveness.

What does it mean?
Surrounding nations held festivals to honor false gods. The Lord, however, gave Israel special days to celebrate actual events and interaction with Him. The Sabbath was a weekly day of rest, in remembrance of God’s rest after creation. But it was also practical – the mind and body need rest from work. The spring feasts dedicated the upcoming harvest and commemorated God’s protection during Israel’s hurried exodus from Egypt (vv. 4-22). The fall festivals comprised a month-long national sabbatical to focus on God’s past protection and present forgiveness (vv. 23-44).

How should I respond?
Throughout our nation, Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are quickly becoming non-religious holidays. There really is a difference between Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas. Followers of Christ have to decide individually what secular aspects of these special days to take part in while emphasizing the true meaning of the day. Easter is a time to remember the cost Jesus paid for our salvation and the power behind His resurrection. What plans can you make to focus your Easter on Christ this year? Don’t just celebrate a holiday – commemorate the greatest event in history!

April 2, 2021


Read – Proverbs 22:17-29

What does it say?
When wise, true, and reliable teaching is applied to the heart, it increases trust in the Lord and provides a person with sound answers.

What does it mean?
Solomon compiled 30 true and reliable sayings from other wise men to impart knowledge and wisdom to his readers (22:22 – 24:34). Even though he was considered the wisest of the wise, Solomon listened to what others had to say. He gave his reader four actions to take: pay attention, listen, apply the teaching, and keep the truths in your heart. Life change isn’t created by simply listening to wise and godly teaching – it must be pursued by meditating on the passage of Scripture and putting into practice what you learn. As a result, trust in God increases, and trustworthy advice can be given to others.

How should I respond?
To whom do you turn for advice? What is their source of knowledge and wisdom? If those you turn to are getting their answers for life anywhere other than Scripture, their advice is risky. So how can we follow Solomon’s prescription for wisdom today? First, recognize that God’s Word is the only reliable source of wisdom. Pay attention to what it says and listen to others who trust Scripture as the final authority for their lives. Then really think about the implication of a particular passage. How can you put it into practice immediately? Knowledge comes from reading and listening, but wisdom is the result of applying that knowledge.

April 3, 2023


Read – Leviticus 17-18

What does it say?
Every aspect of life was to reflect the holiness of Israel’s God, setting the Israelites apart from every other people.

What does it mean?
Everything God commanded the Israelites to do or not do was based on His holiness. Their lives were to be a reflection of their God as a testimony to other nations. The Lord went to great length to set boundaries for moral purity, strictly forbidding the detestable practices of Egypt and Canaan. He explained further how to live holy lives practically. God called His people to a high standard and held them responsible for their actions toward others. But holiness isn’t mere outward action; it reflects purity of heart displayed by godly behavior. God’s chosen people were to be known by their love for one another and their honesty toward all.

How should I respond?
The moral and ethical aspects of God’s decrees never change because His nature remains the same. Followers of Christ are called to be holy because God is holy. Our neighbors and co-workers should get a glimpse of God’s holiness just by watching how we live and interact. Which characteristics from this passage would your friends use to describe you – generous, honest, fair, compassionate? How has our culture influenced your thinking about moral purity? Your attitude and behavior today will either call attention to yourself or reflect the holiness of God. Which will you choose?|For further reading, Leviticus 20-22.

April 1, 2021


Read – Proverbs 22:1-16

What does it say?
Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not turn from it. Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far from him.

What does it mean?
Verses 6 and 15 address the training and discipline of children. Training is intentionally narrowing down a child’s conduct to what pleases God, while discipline is the correction of foolish and wrong behavior. Consistent with other Proverbs, “the way” a child should be trained is in the wisdom of God. The aim should be to develop a godly heart and mind, which leads to godly conduct. It is important to remember that Proverbs are “wise sayings,” not promises. Every child has free will to choose whether or not to follow God. In general, most kids follow their parents’ example when those parents promptly exercise their authority with love (13:24) while modeling godly lives.

How should I respond?
The ultimate goal of parenting is to work yourself out of a job by preparing your kids to be responsible adults. As Christian parents, we also want our children to live godly lives. Godly behavior is the result of a godly worldview. How are you intentionally training your children to follow the Lord? It takes steadfast resolve to be consistent in disciplining foolish or rebellious behavior. Ask God to help you act promptly with patience and love. Remember, the life you model at home will outweigh any lesson or sermon at church.

Conflict Revolution: A Week of Confusion


 Pastor Jonathan Falwell


1. Jesus was praised

John 12:1-3 (CSB) Six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany where Lazarus was, the one Jesus had raised from the dead. So they gave a dinner for him there; Martha was serving them, and Lazarus was one of those reclining at the table with him. Then Mary took a pound of perfume, pure and expensive nard, anointed Jesus’s feet, and wiped his feet with her hair. So the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.

  • Here Mary used nearly a year’s wages of value to anoint the feet of Christ
  • This was her declaration of worship

2. Jesus was criticized

John 12:4-8 (CSB) Then one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot (who was about to betray him), said, “Why wasn’t this perfume sold for three hundred denarii, and given to the poor?” He didn’t say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief. He was in charge of the money-bag and would steal part of what was put in it. Jesus answered, “Leave her alone; she has kept it for the day of my burial. For you always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me.

  • Judas was criticizing the worship of Jesus over the value of the gift. He was focused more on his own desire than being in the presence of Christ.
  • Verse 7 is Jesus’ recognition of the value of worship

3. Jesus was welcomed

John 12:9-17 (CSB) Then a large crowd of the Jews learned he was there. They came not only because of Jesus but also to see Lazarus, the one he had raised from the dead. 10 But the chief priests had decided to kill Lazarus also, 11 because he was the reason many of the Jews were deserting them and believing in Jesus. 12 The next day, when the large crowd that had come to the festival heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, 13 they took palm branches and went out to meet him. They kept shouting: “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord,—the King of Israel!” 14 Jesus found a young donkey and sat on it, just as it is written: 15 Do not be afraid, Daughter Zion. Look, your King is coming, sitting on a donkey’s colt., 16 His disciples did not understand these things at first. However, when Jesus was glorified, then they remembered that these things had been written about him and that they had done these things to him. 17 Meanwhile, the crowd, which had been with him when he called Lazarus out of the tomb and raised him from the dead, continued to testify.

  • Lazarus faced attack because he didn’t fit into the cultural norms of the day. It was more important for him to adhere to the “politically correct” than point people to Jesus.
  • Some early writers estimate over 2.5 million people were in Jerusalem for the Passover
  • The Passover week began with the declaration the Jesus was, at the very least, connected to the Messianic prophecy

4. Jesus was killed

John 12:23-28 (CSB) Jesus replied to them, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. 24 Truly I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains by itself. But if it dies, it produces much fruit. 25 The one who loves his life will lose it, and the one who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. 26 If anyone serves me, he must follow me. Where I am, there my servant also will be. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him. 27 “Now my soul is troubled. What should I say—Father, save me from this hour? But that is why I came to this hour. 28 Fathe­r, glorify your name.”

  • Jesus pronounces the time has come that He must do the Father’s will
  • In verse 24, Jesus shares a familiar thought with a people who understood the concept of how a dying seed is the only way to produce life. Jesus was speaking of His own life and the result of what He was about to do.
  • In verse 27, Jesus makes it clear, He didn’t simply come to preach messages, heal the sick or encourage the people, He came to die. This is what He is supposed to do.


  1. Never allow your worship to be crowded out by your preferences or desires
  2. Never allow the testimony of what Jesus has done in your life to be watered down or silenced because of the will of the “people”
  3. Focus your life on what it is you are supposed to do, regardless of the distractions, criticisms or difficulties

April 2, 2023


Read – Leviticus 16

What does it say?
The Day of Atonement was a Sabbath on which the high priest could safely enter the Most Holy Place to make atonement for the sins of all Israel, including himself.

What does it mean?
Throughout the year, individual sacrifices were made for personal sin; but on the Day of Atonement, sacrifices for all Israel were made. Also, the tabernacle was sanctified, making it possible for God’s presence to remain there. One goat was sacrificed as a sin offering. Then, the sins of the people were confessed over the head of the scapegoat, and it was sent from their presence. The activities of the high priest were accompanied by the ordinance for the people to refrain from eating or working, demonstrating true remorse for their sin. This day was an annual reminder of their sinful state before God (Hebrews 10:1-4).

How should I respond?
Jesus made the atonement for our sin when He died on the cross. The sins of the entire world were placed on Him (Isaiah 53:6). Claiming His blood as the payment for your sin cleanses you as a fit sanctuary for the presence of God. Because Jesus is perfect, His sacrifice never needs to be repeated. Sin and guilt aren’t just covered for a year—they are removed. When was your “Day of Atonement”? Have you claimed the blood of Jesus for your personal sin? Stop and consider what it cost God to redeem you. How will your recognition of what God did for you change how you live today?

March 31, 2021


Read – Proverbs 21

What does it say?
God sees the hearts of both the wicked and the wise and righteous. No human wisdom or plan can succeed against the Lord.

What does it mean?
This chapter begins and ends with God’s sovereign control over all, including the most powerful people. Any human effort that opposes God’s plan will ultimately fail. He knows the human heart even better than the individual knows himself; His assessment of a person’s motives is always correct. A clear contrast is drawn between the wicked and the righteous. The wicked – described as arrogant, hypocritical, violent, mean, and deceitful – will be punished because they refuse to do what’s right. The righteous – marked by love, wisdom, generosity, and justice – are blessed here on earth and rewarded eternally.

How should I respond?
The cause of those who oppose Christ is advancing at an alarming pace. Prayer and Scripture are being systematically removed from our culture. The number of Christians being martyred for their faith has doubled in recent years. At times evil may seem to be winning, but its momentary success will ultimately fall to the Lord’s triumph. The ungodly may plot and plan, but God’s purposes will succeed. When God looks at your heart, are you among the righteous or the wicked? You may not be violent or mean, but are you guilty of being arrogant, deceitful, or hypocritical? Ask God to show you the truth about your own heart; then allow Him to use you to accomplish His purpose and plan.

April 1, 2023


Read – Leviticus 10

What does it say?
Aaron and his remaining sons received further instructions after God killed Nadab and Abihu for violating His commands regarding their priestly duties.

What does it mean?
Nadab and Abihu deviated from God’s instructions, approaching Him as they saw fit. So God set a precedent that His commands must be honored. This is the only time in Scripture that the Lord spoke directly to Aaron, reinforcing the magnitude of His words. Under these circumstances, God’s presence must have been both comforting and terrifying. The Lord’s instructions to forgo “fermented drink” could indicate that Aaron’s sons were intoxicated, which would have affected their discernment. Because the priests had the privilege of approaching God, they also had the responsibility of reflecting His character. In doing so, God would receive the honor and glory He deserved.

How should I respond?
Parents give instructions in order to protect and develop their children. With that comes the expectation of obedience. As a loving heavenly Father, God gives instructions and expects obedience. Doing as God asks results in accomplishing His purpose, spiritual growth, and protection from harm. How have you deviated from God’s instructions in Scripture? What has been the result? As a believer, you have the privilege of living in God’s presence and the responsibility of demonstrating His character. What changes do you need to make today that will honor and glorify God?|For further reading, read Lev. 11-15.

March 30, 2021


Read – Proverbs 20:13-30

What does it say?
The Lord watches and examines the motives of individuals. It isn’t necessary to seek revenge; the Lord will see that justice is accomplished.

What does it mean?
Stealing, gossip, and dishonesty are detestable to the Lord. Those who do such things may seem to get away with their actions for a little while. But anyone who disregards God’s directions can only ignore Him for so long. The Lord sees everything that happens and knows every hidden motive. Wait for the Lord to make an offense right.

How should I respond?
The natural response when someone has wronged us is to get back at that person. However, the Lord makes it very clear in His Word that we are to wait for Him to handle the matter. No sin can be kept secret from the Lord; He sees every wrong done to you as well as your offenses toward others. He is sovereign over every situation and relationship in your life. Will you choose to trust God’s timing for justice? Then, ask the Lord to reveal any areas of your life that might be offending others or distancing you in your relationship with Him. We can be sure that He will judge justly – whether punishing the wicked or rewarding the righteous. What will He see as He searches your heart today?

March 31, 2023


Read – Leviticus 9

What does it say?
The people fell facedown in worship as the glory of the Lord appeared, and He consumed the first priestly offering with fire.

What does it mean?
Even though Aaron and his sons had spent seven days in seclusion after their ordination, their first act was to make a sacrifice for their own sin. The natural state of the human heart is sinful; the priests had to be completely clean before the Lord in order to make atonement for the sins of the people. Only then was God’s presence manifested through ‘the glory of the Lord’ and the fire that consumed the sacrifice. Both were visible evidence that God’s presence was among them and that the priests and their offering were acceptable. The people appropriately responded to God in worship.

How should I respond?
Because of Jesus’ death on the cross, we can live every day in His presence. As a believer, the Holy Spirit is with you continually. God’s presence may not be visible, as it was with Israel, but His presence is evident when He convicts you of sin or helps you to understand His Word and how it relates to your life today. Because He never leaves you, the Holy Spirit experiences everything that you experience. How does that awareness change the places you’ll go, the words you’ll say, or the television shows you’ll watch this week? There’s only one reasonable response to the presence of the Lord… worship.

March 29, 2021


Read – Proverbs 20:1-12

What does it say?
Even a child’s character can be known by whether or not his conduct is pure and right.

What does it mean?
People reveal their character by what they do. A person of understanding uses the eyes and ears that God gave him to discern with whom to enter into personal or business relationships. Although no one is completely without sin, some character flaws are danger signals to potential relationships. Those who engage in drunkenness, quarreling, laziness, and dishonesty can have devastating effects on the people around them. A wise person associates with others who have high moral character, keep their word, and honor their commitments.

How should I respond?
First impressions are important. However, they’re not always accurate. Lots of people talk a good game, but you later find out that it’s just that … talk. So what should you do at the outset of a potential new relationship? Observe. What someone does tells you more than what he says. We all have character flaws of some kind, but the kinds of behavior Solomon warned about in today’s passage point to deeper spiritual issues. Your closest circle of friends will impact your life. Ask God today for discernment in your relationships. Remember, words can be deceptive, but actions can’t be hidden.

March 30, 2023


Read – Leviticus 8

What does it say?
Moses prepared Aaron and his sons for priesthood at the Tent of Meeting.

What does it mean?
God’s instructions for the ordination ceremony indicate the significance of the priests and the tabernacle in the daily life of His people. The anointing by Moses signified that both were holy to the Lord and set apart for His purpose. As High Priest, Aaron would act as mediator between God and the people, allowing them access to His mercy and forgiveness. The ears, hands, and feet of the priests were marked with blood from the sacrifice; their entire being was to submit to the power of God as they heard Him speak and carry out His purpose with their hands and feet. A new era had begun.

How should I respond?
Followers of Christ are part of a ‘royal priesthood’ (I Peter 2:9) by virtue of our relationship to Christ, our Great High Priest and King (Heb. 6:20.) Are you effectively carrying out your duties as a believer priest? Just as Aaron and his sons were marked with the blood of the sacrifice, we are to operate under the power of Jesus’ sacrifice, which gives us direct access to the grace and mercy of God, the Father. Do you intentionally open your ears to what God has to say in Scripture? How are your hands and feet faithfully carrying out His instructions? On whose behalf do you need to pray today? Determine to live today as a ‘priest’ in the Lord’s service.

March 28, 2021


Read – Proverbs 19:11-29

What does it say?
Wisdom gives the patience to overlook an offense. Unfailing love is what is desired.

What does it mean?
Several verses in this passage explore the dynamics of family life as Solomon offered wisdom on how to have harmony at home. The relationship between husband and wife sets the tone for everything that happens. A nagging wife combined with a lazy or hot-tempered husband is a recipe for disaster. Likewise, undisciplined, disobedient children who argue with their parents create a toxic atmosphere. Harmony is achieved when each family member chooses to overlook the routine offenses of family life and offer one another unfailing love.

How should I respond?
Facebook is full of smiling faces displaying only their best moments. But behind the posts, there are no perfect families. Disagreements are bound to occur when people continually live in close quarters. So how can your family experience unity? Show one another the same unconditional love that God has shown to you. This kind of love drives each person to be more like Christ through accountability and the willingness to immediately forgive the irritations that happen on a daily basis. Have a family meeting to openly and calmly discuss issues that need to be addressed. When each person chooses to love and forgive, then everyone can say, “There’s no place like home!”

March 29, 2023


Read – Leviticus 7:11-34

What does it say?
The worshipper’s family shared a meal from the fellowship offering, celebrating unhindered communion with the Lord. Once again, the obedience of God’s people provided the needs of the priests.

What does it mean?
Time dedicated to focus on companionship with God and others was built into Israel’s law. The fellowship offering reinforced that unhindered communion with the Lord requires being clean and pure in His sight. The communal meal following the offering was designed to magnify God’s goodness to their family or to commend the taking of a vow before God. Such times of celebration passed on a proper view of God from one generation to the next.

How should I respond?
Does your family stop to focus on the goodness of God? In America, we express thanksgiving in November, but why not make it a recurring theme throughout the year? Plan a meal in which each family member can share a specific blessing of God from the week. Explain to children ahead of time what the meal is about and have them participate in preparing the meal and setting the table. What ‘unclean’ thought, habit, or attitude needs to be removed so you can enjoy unhindered fellowship with God and with each other? Don’t wait until the end of the year; celebrate God’s goodness now!

March 27, 2021


Read – Proverbs 19:1-10

What does it say?
People who rush into foolish behavior cause their own ruin. Yet they get angry with God for the outcome.

What does it mean?
Enthusiasm needs to be tempered with wisdom. Passion and eagerness are good qualities, but they must be supported by knowledge. Acting out of ignorance, even with the best of motives, can be as disastrous as acting foolishly. Ironically, people who refuse to consult or wait on the Lord often blame Him for the results of their own foolish actions.

How should I respond?
At some point we’ve all rushed into something, only to regret the results of our decision. Poor choices are usually the result of rushing into an idea without seeking godly wisdom or spending time in prayer. Acting impetuously, without a clear God-given path, causes blunders in our personal, spiritual, and professional lives. In what area do you need more information before you act? Who can offer you wise counsel? Preparation is part of God’s plan. Submit your enthusiasm to His will, and ask for the patience to do it right.

March 28, 2023


Read – Leviticus 5:14 – 6:7

What does it say?
God holds individuals responsible for wrongdoing against others, which is also sin against Him. Whether intentional or not, restitution and atonement had to be made.

What does it mean?
The guilt offering made atonement for wrongful acts against God or another person when damage or loss occurred. Mistreating or taking advantage of another person is a sin against God because all people are created in God’s image. The Lord emphasizes again that people are accountable for their sins, even if unintentional. The distinctive feature of this offering was the element of restitution, to both God and the person wronged, on the same day as the offering. It was similar to a settlement in a court case; but rather than being compelled to pay, the offender was to offer more than the value of the loss as an admission of guilt and demonstration of remorse.

How should I respond?
For any relationship to stay healthy, wrong must be made right as quickly as possible. The principle of restitution requires the offending person to act in humility with attitudes and actions that say, ‘I am in the wrong and want to more than make up for it.’ Some wrongs are emotional and cannot be compensated monetarily, but God expects us to make the situation right as best we can. In what way have you wronged someone but not yet settled the issue? How can you take the first step toward restitution today? Followers of Christ should keep short accounts with God and with others.

March 26, 2021


Read – Proverbs 18:10-24

What does it say?
The Lord is a strong tower for the righteous, but the rich imagine their wealth as a fortified city. Pride is a man’s downfall, but humility leads to honor.

What does it mean?
The illustration of God’s name as a strong tower pictures a place of refuge, protection, and security. The righteous know the Lord can be trusted, and they run to Him for shelter when difficult times come. In contrast, the rich person tends to place his trust in material wealth. He imagines his wealth will last and protect him from the dangers and uncertainties that others face. Having wealth gives him an attitude of superiority and a false sense of security. The proud may have to suffer a downfall to learn humility.

How should I respond?
Everywhere you look, there are financial gurus spouting their latest plan to help you prepare for the future. But it’s impossible to plan for every financial scenario life may bring. On what or whom are you relying? While it’s wise to plan responsibly for your later years, our security should be in the Provider of everything we have, not in the provision itself. God alone knows the future and promises to meet your every need as you turn to Him for refuge. In what situation are you in danger of trusting anything other than the Lord? In times of trouble, God is to be our first line of defense – not our last resort.

March 27, 2023


Read – Leviticus 4

What does it say?
Even unintentional sin leaves one guilty before God, requiring a blood sacrifice. The Law made provision for any economic class to receive forgiveness.

What does it mean?
God held His people responsible for all sin: premeditated, willful, unintentional and careless. The sin offering was made as soon as the person became aware of his offense toward God, restoring broken fellowship immediately. God removed both social and economic barriers, as neither affect one’s standing before Him. First, it didn’t matter whether the offender was a priest, a leader, an individual, or the community as a whole—all were responsible before God for their actions. Next, no one could claim that he could not afford a sin offering. Each person offered the best he had, from a bull down to a tenth of an ephah of flour—even the poorest person had access to God’s forgiveness.

How should I respond?
God’s justice and love are two sides of the same coin. They are measured out equally. He holds us accountable for every careless word or unintentional act that offends His holy nature. On the other hand, God doesn’t judge us based on our social or economic status, nor is His love based on such shallow thinking. He sees straight through all worldly distractions to your heart. God poured His justice out on Christ so that His love could be poured out on you. Have you claimed the blood of Jesus as your Sin Offering? What unintentional sin is hindering your intimacy with God? Ask for His forgiveness now.

March 25, 2021


Read – Proverbs 18:1-9

What does it say?
A foolish person is quick to share his opinion. His words are his undoing, bringing trouble into his life. The words of a gossip go down into one’s innermost being.

What does it mean?
Today’s passage describes various aspects and consequences of communication. Foolish people care more about being heard than listening and learning. Thoughtlessly airing personal opinions tends to repel others. At times it even results in physical confrontation. The person who gossips lures others in with the promise of hearing something that not everyone else knows. True or not, words of gossip are heard as truth and are hard to forget. But the words of a wise person are refreshing and clear, like water from a fountain. Wise speech is kind, cautious, and encouraging.

How should I respond?
Words matter. As believers, what we say should reflect that we follow Christ. What do your words say about you? Have your conversations this week been marked by wisdom or by foolishness and gossip? If we’re not careful, we can think too highly of our own opinion, ignoring the opinions and feelings of others. Ask God to help you in your conversations today. Determine to listen more than you talk. Pray that your words will be encouraging and laced with God’s wisdom.

March 26, 2023


Read – Leviticus 2

What does it say?
The grain offering consisted of fine flour, oil, incense, and salt but no yeast or honey. The priests burned a handful on the altar as a memorial portion and ate the rest.

What does it mean?
The grain offering was a voluntary expression of devotion and gratitude. It also acted as provision for the priests. As the people willingly gave back to God, those who served Him by occupation were provided for. The preparation of the offering is rich with symbolism. The fine flour represents the perfection of the coming Messiah; oil—the Spirit of God; yeast (leaven)—evil and sin; and salt—the (incorruptible) Covenant of God. The incense added to the cakes made them different from everyday meal preparation. It wasn’t just the act of worship that was pleasing to God but also the attitude of thanksgiving in which His people approached the offering.

How should I respond?
No one wants to be around an ungrateful, complaining person. The key to guarding your heart against ingratitude is found in the symbolism of the grain offering: deliberately live in the presence of Christ under the control of the Holy Spirit and weed out intentional sin in your life. As your devotion to God increases, so does the desire to be grateful. For what provision from God are you specifically thankful today? How will you willingly give back to Him this week? When you recognize God’s provision in your life, it’s natural to present it back to Him with an attitude of gratitude.

March 24, 2021


Read – Proverbs 17:23-28

What does it say?
A person with knowledge and understanding is even-tempered and shows restraint in his use of words. Even a fool is considered wise if he stays quiet.

What does it mean?
As in previous Proverbs, today’s passage contains a caution regarding one’s speech. All knowledge isn’t meant to be shared, especially when situations cause tempers to rise. People with God-given understanding stay calm and know how to stop before saying something unnecessary. As a matter of fact, being quiet gives the appearance of wisdom, even for a foolish person.

How should I respond?
In our culture, the use of social media has almost completely removed restraint from speech. Some people feel the need to post their stream of consciousness for everyone to read, laying out every thought and aggravation throughout the day. Think back through your written and spoken communications yesterday. Were you a good listener? Or did your whole conversation focus on your own thoughts and opinions? Ask God to help you know what to say and when to say it. Take time to really listen in order to gain true understanding of what is happening in any given situation. Others are more likely to ask for your thoughts and opinions if they are spoken less often. Always be prepared to make the most of those God-given opportunities (Col. 4:5-6).

March 25, 2023


Read – Leviticus 1

What does it say?
The priest sacrificed a burnt offering of dedication and devotion on behalf of the worshipper. The aroma was pleasing to the LORD.

What does it mean?
Leviticus is a manual for how the priests from the tribe of Levi were to help the Israelites approach God in worship. God is holy and people are sinful. A blood sacrifice is required for sinful people to enter the presence of a holy God (Heb. 9:22.) God graciously allowed the transference of sin from the worshipper to the animal. The Israelites willingly chose to place their hands on the head of the animal, symbolically claiming it as their substitute. In order to represent total dedication to the Lord, fire consumed the entire animal in the burnt offering. God is pleased when His people voluntarily express their commitment and total surrender to Him.

How should I respond?
The ceremonial sacrifices of the Old Testament were rich with meaning, pointing worshippers of that day to God’s future and perfect sacrifice—Jesus Christ. Just like the Israelites, you are responsible for your sin. On what basis do you approach God? Have you chosen Jesus as both the sacrifice for your sin and the peacemaker between you and God? As a follower of Christ, determine to express your devotion to Him today by complete surrender of your thoughts, attitudes, and actions to His will.

March 23, 2021


Read – Proverbs 17:17-22

What does it say?
A true friend loves at all times. A cheerful heart is like medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

What does it mean?
Several verses in this passage read like a recipe for friendship: staying close when times are tough, avoiding arguments, and being truthful. When all of these ingredients are present in a relationship, it serves to bring hope and optimism, which are beneficial to the body as well as the mind and spirit. Healthy relationships aren’t built on deceit or characterized by constant fighting.

How should I respond?
What traits do you look for at the onset of a friendship? No doubt, the characteristics mentioned in today’s passage should be important to all of us. Think about your closest relationships. Are they based on truthfulness and mutual encouragement? Carefully examine any relationship that is marked with constant strife. Ask God to help you love that person the way that He does. That kind of love chooses to stand by a friend when others choose to walk away. What friend or family member do you need to contact today? Your voice or presence may be just the medicine that person’s heart needs.

March 24, 2023


Read – Exodus 40

What does it say?
Assembly and staging of the Tabernacle were completed. Once the work was finished, God’s glory filled the Tabernacle, and His presence resided with His people.

What does it mean?
With the completion of the lavish components for the Tabernacle, God’s people now had the opportunity to assemble this massive structure. As the Israelites viewed the finishing stages of the project, they must have been awed at the beauty and significance of the work God had given them to do. But more importantly, God’s people now had a place to worship Him where His actual presence could reside. Rather than remain at a distance, God made sure His people knew the reality of His presence ‘during all their travels.’

How should I respond?
God still wants to be involved in the lives of His people. God sent His Son Jesus to be the visible, tangible evidence of His desire to be with us. Through Jesus, you can have an ongoing, personal relationship with God. He no longer inhabits a place; His presence inhabits His people. The same presence that descended on the Tabernacle lives inside the life of every follower of Christ. Take time today to reflect on the reality that the almighty God desires to be intimately involved in your life. Are you pursuing a relationship with the One who is so interested in you?

March 22, 2021


Read – Proverbs 17:1-16

What does it say?
Solomon described the actions of those who are evil. He stated that grandchildren are a crown of glory, and parents are the pride of their children.

What does it mean?
Solomon gave warnings concerning the behavior of the foolish – those who have left God out of their lives and do not desire wisdom. His purpose was to prepare his sons to be godly leaders and to be ready for what they would face in the real world. Children who grow up in godly, peaceful homes often have no experience with the different facets of evil around them. To avoid the influence of evil, they need discernment and guidance to make right decisions. Children who embrace their parents’ training and choose God’s way of wisdom bring joy to the hearts of their parents and grandparents.

How should I respond?
The home is where lives are developed. The challenge for parents is to display authentic Christianity and encourage their children to develop godly character, choose godly friends, and make right decisions. Investing in their lives is more than watching them excel in academics, sports, or the arts … it’s appealing to their spirits to develop a relationship with the Lord and seek His wisdom. How are you passing on the wisdom found in Proverbs to your children and grandchildren? It takes time to help them apply what Proverbs teaches, but it will prepare them for their future home and family.

March 23, 2023


Read – Exodus 36:8-39:43

What does it say?
God demonstrated the importance of detail in His requirements for the materials used in the Tabernacle.

What does it mean?
As work began on the components of the Tabernacle, it was clear that no expense was spared. Rare and costly materials of every kind were used to create and adorn the elements of this new meeting place that would house the very presence of God. No item was insignificant. From the curtains to the poles, each element was designed with a specific and unique purpose. And, most importantly, the attention to detail was unparalleled. Every item was designed, stitched, and engraved with the highest level of detailed craftsmanship. God made it clear that His creation would be special, purposeful, and distinguished.

How should I respond?
The detailed description of the creation of the Tabernacle is an illustration of how God designs everything that exists – and that includes you. His creation is made with absolute precision, adorned with beauty, and designed for a specific reason. Everything He has equipped you with is intentional and has purpose. Are you using your gifts and talents for Him? Draw closer to Him each day and discover the opportunities to use your unique gifting to experience God’s specific purpose for your life.

March 21, 2021


Read – Proverbs 16:21-33

What does it say?
The wise are known for their understanding and controlled tempers, whereas scoundrels gossip, stir up dissension, and hurt others by what they say.

What does it mean?
Proverbs has a lot to say about what and how a wise person speaks. This passage reiterates the way a wise person carefully uses words and then shows the impact of his speech on others. Gracious, winsome language has a way of drawing people in. A discerning person with controlled emotions has the opportunity to persuade others. The key to this kind of influence is having a heart of wisdom to guide the mouth. Wisdom rightly leads away from worthless speech that promotes mischief, strife, and division.

How should I respond?
What if someone secretly recorded everything you said yesterday and played it back to you now? Would you have reason to be concerned? This passage challenges us to pay attention to what we say because our words have profound influence – either positive or negative. It’s impossible, however, to simply control our mouths (James 3:8). Jesus taught that everything we say is an overflow of what is in our hearts (Luke 6:45). What do your most recent conversations reveal about the condition of your heart? Ask God to guide your heart with wisdom to enable you to speak soothing words, drawing people closer to Him. End today with a clear conscience regarding what you’ve said.

March 22, 2023


Read – Exodus 35-36:7

What does it say?
As God prepared His people to build the Tabernacle, a place of worship, He looked for those whose ‘hearts were willing’ to give their resources in support.

What does it mean?
For many generations God’s people were held captive in Egypt. God used Moses to deliver the Israelites and lead them to a new land where they would be free to worship Him. Moses now began to assemble the materials and the skilled workers to complete God’s specific instructions for building the Tabernacle, a place set apart for Him to dwell among His people. God gave His people the opportunity to give to that project. He could have compelled them to give as the price for their freedom. Instead, He chose to look for those who would give willingly. In response, the people gave much more than was needed and work was able to commence.

How should I respond?
God always looks for willing hearts. He is all-powerful and has the ability to demand or take whatever He wants whenever He wants. Instead, He demonstrates His heart for people by allowing us the choice to be involved in what He is doing. Giving is an act of love and is demonstrated when done by choice, not by force. Even now, God does not want to compel people; instead, each day, He looks for ‘whoever is of a willing heart.’ Are you actively and abundantly giving your time, energy, and resources to God’s work? If not, you’re missing the opportunity to join Him in what He is doing.

March 20, 2021


Read – Proverbs 16:10-20, 28

What does it say?
Pride will eventually bring a person to disaster. It is better to have a poor and lowly life than to have much and be proud.

What does it mean?
Pride and humility cannot co-exist. The irony of pride is that it causes the opposite of what the proud person desires. The intent is to elevate one’s status, when in reality pride is the very thing that leads to a great loss or failure. A “haughty spirit” involves an attitude of superiority and a belief that others, maybe even God, are not needed to achieve success. Humility, on the other hand, involves being teachable and having a willingness to live without worldly status symbols. Humility, not pride, brings honor (Prov. 18:12; 29:23).

How should I respond?
As Christians, we are to be clothed with humility because that is how we identify with Christ (Col. 3:12; Phil. 2:5-9). For some, the personal relationship with the Lord Jesus becomes the very thing that causes a superior attitude toward unbelievers. It’s essential to guard against the belief that we are better than other people in any way. Only by regularly acknowledging our position before God are we properly positioned to be used by Him. What part has pride played in a downfall in your life? Humbly ask God to reveal any hidden areas of pride. True humility will result in honor and blessing from our gracious Lord who promised, “Whoever humbles himself will be exalted” (Matt. 23:12).

March 21, 2023


Read – Exodus 34

What does it say?
Moses went back to Mount Sinai to copy God’s commands for a second time. After coming down, Moses’ face was radiant because he had been in the presence of God.

What does it mean?
God created a covenant, an unbreakable promise, with Israel. As God’s own people, Israel was to follow His commands. God warned Israel not to intermarry or make political treaties because it would bind His people to idol worshippers. God established a day of rest for Israel to focus on Him rather than their work. Giving Him the first of all they had was a constant reminder that everything came from God. Because Moses had been continually in God’s presence for so long, his face reflected God’s glory. The radiance was evidence to the people that Moses spoke to them on behalf of God.

How should I respond?
Today, believers live under a new covenant with God through the sacrifice of Jesus. Like Israel, following God’s commands sets us apart as His people. Spending time alone with God and His Word teaches you about His character and His commands. But having a daily devotion or quiet time isn’t simply about learning — it’s about life change. How does your life reflect that you’ve been in the presence of God? Do you radiate God’s grace, mercy and love? Determine this week not to just read Scripture, but to put it into practice. God’s presence in your life will be evident to those around you.

March 19, 2021


Read – Proverbs 16:1-9

What does it say?
People make plans, but ultimately, God holds the future. Success and peace come by pleasing God and committing one’s plans to Him.

What does it mean?
God is sovereign, which means that He is in control of everything. His purposes take precedence over any human plan – no matter how noble. This doesn’t mean that making plans is a worthless effort, but plans must line up with what God has determined to do. God knows the heart and sees the motives behind the plans. Since God gives guidance and direction for the plans He initiates, any planning must begin with consulting Him for His will. Successful plans are the product of completely surrendering one’s heart and future to a sovereign God.

How should I respond?
Too often, we set goals and ask God to bless our plans after we have it all figured out. The order needs to be reversed. Go to God first. Commit your life to obedience and trust in Him. He will then mold your heart and mind in such a way that you’ll begin to see the plan He already has in motion. If you are willing to let go of your grip on your own ideas, His will can be successfully carried out in and through your life. God’s plan is always better than anything we could think or imagine (Eph. 3:20). Simply put, surrendering to our sovereign Lord brings success. What goal or plan are you holding too tightly? Are you willing to let God bend you and your plan to align with His will?

March 20, 2023


Read – Exodus 33:7-23

What does it say?
God promised to go with Israel into the Promised Land. Moses is granted an encounter with God’s glory and goodness.

What does it mean?
Moses had an intimate friendship with God, speaking ‘face to face.’ It was in the context of this friendship that Moses expressed his concerns about leading Israel any further without God’s presence going before them on the path. Moses’ greatest desire was to know and please God. He didn’t list problems for God to fix or beg for stuff he wanted. He asked for God, for more of…God. Because of this, God gave Moses a unique experience. He reassured Moses by showing him His goodness and proclaiming His name. Moses’ courage to lead came out of experiencing the presence of God.

How should I respond?
How would you describe your relationship with God? How would God describe it? Like Moses, we all need time and space in our lives to get ‘outside the camp’ and meet with God to strengthen the intimacy of the relationship. But then, like Moses, we need to do more than simply ‘do devotions.’ What do you ask for when you pray? Are you desperate for God’s presence? In what situation do you currently need to seek His guidance before you make a move? As a friend of God, ask to see more. Love God by asking Him for more of Him.

March 18, 2021


Read – Proverbs 15:16-33

What does it say?
It is much more desirable to have a home filled with love for God and people than to have a home filled with great wealth that is tainted by hate, greed, or sinful motives.

What does it mean?
Several verses in this passage emphasize that it is better to have less in this lifetime and please God than to amass much without Him. Solomon does not condemn wealth or say that prosperity is sinful. However, material gain tainted by greed or hatred cannot be enjoyed in peace. Contentment, even with little, leads to a better life for the person who is in a trusting relationship with the Lord. Building wealth by sinful means is not worth the turmoil and trouble it brings.

How should I respond?
True contentment requires a shift in focus from what we can get from God to God Himself. Greed keeps our focus on getting the things we want at any cost. But God desires that we trust Him to provide all that we need. Contentment is not dependent on wealth, achievements, or circumstances that change throughout life. Seeking a godly life brings contentment that pursuing wealth never can bring (1 Tim. 6:6). What turmoil in your life is the result of a greedy pursuit? With what is God asking you to be content? Will you choose to pursue the Lord and be satisfied with all He has provided?

March 19, 2023


Read – Exodus 32:1-33:6

What does it say?
While Moses met with God on the mountain, Israel convinced Aaron to create an idol to worship. Moses begged God for mercy but many Israelites died due to their idolatry.

What does it mean?
The Israelites grew impatient with Moses. He had been on Mount Sinai for almost forty days meeting with God when they asked Aaron to make a god for them to worship. God had made great promises about a land of rest and peace, but the Israelites had run out of patience. They wanted a god who would reward them now, but the one true God does not share worship with idols. They paid a terrible price because they didn’t trust God to deliver His promises, giving their worship to a golden image instead.

How should I respond?
This story is a reminder that God’s promises are worth waiting for because they are actually better than what we can provide for ourselves. How have you let go of God’s promises to seek a little pleasure right now? Who or what has captured the adoration you owe to God? Look at John 14:1-3. What is Jesus preparing for you? Anticipation of His promises will keep your heart from the shame of idolatry. Today’s ‘golden calves’ might come in the form of money, respect, or a relationship, but none of them can offer what Jesus offers. Be patient. God always fulfills His promises.

March 17, 2021


Read – Proverbs 15:1-15

What does it say?
The wise make peace with truthful and gentle answers, while fools stir up anger through harsh, lying words.

What does it mean?
Calmly speaking the truth can take the fuel away from tense, argumentative situations. That is why the wise person maintains a courteous demeanor and sticks to the actual facts of the situation, making a solution and peace more likely. Wisdom and knowledge are connected yet different. Wisdom is the ability to apply knowledge to life’s situations. The wise seek, acknowledge, and speak what is true. The foolish person, however, lashes out angrily with no regard for the truth or how his words may crush someone else. Meanwhile, the Lord sees the motives and reactions of both types of people.

How should I respond?
We’ve all met people who think that being loud and contentious adds validity to their argument. At times, we may have even been that person. When passions run high, winning the argument at any cost can become a wrong priority. In those situations, it’s important not to lose sight of the truth and the effect of your words and demeanor on the other person. How could a softer response deflect a tense situation you’re facing? Be sure to know the facts before engaging in a heated debate. Pray. Then calmly and wisely talk about the issue rather than argue.

March 18, 2023


Read – Exodus 27-31

What does it say?
God directed Moses to build a bronze altar for the tabernacle, outer curtains to show the borders of the courtyard, and provide olive oil for the lamps that would remain lit every night.

What does it mean?
As Israelites entered the tabernacle, the first thing they would see is the bronze altar. It was 7.5′ across, 7.5′ long, and 4.5′ deep. They would bring their own animal to sacrifice, the best of their flock or herd. They would lay their hands on its head, visually depicting their sinfulness being put upon the animal (Leviticus 1:4).

How should I respond?
God put the bronze altar at the entrance of the tabernacle to teach His people that the first step in having peaceful fellowship with Him is by admitting our sin and asking for and receiving forgiveness. Do you, at this moment, have peaceful fellowship with God? The first step is to admit your sin and ask for His forgiveness. God sent His Son, Jesus, to be your sacrifice, so by trusting simply and completely in Jesus, it is as if you are laying your hands on Him, who was your sacrifice when He died on the cross for your sin. This is the only way to have peaceful fellowship with an infinitely good God.

March 16, 2021


Read – Proverbs 14:30-35

What does it say?
A tranquil heart gives life to the body, whereas envy corrodes the bones.

What does it mean?
Many of the proverbs are not promises but truth observed. Because of Solomon’s God-given wisdom, his observations hold great insight. Here, he recognized a timeless truth: envy affects the human body negatively. Envy is like a cancer that eats away at spiritual and physical health. Although this verse is not a formula for an illness-free life, it highlights the fact that a peaceful, calm heart controls destructive emotions. Being content with what God has provided is vital to emotional and spiritual well-being.

How should I respond?
Advertising in our society appeals to our tendency to desire what we don’t have. Coveting isn’t isolated to just wanting other people’s possessions, but applies to being discontent with our abilities and positions as well. Only God’s Spirit can help us to avoid such selfish attitudes. When we yield to His leading, envy stays under control, and our hearts remain at peace. What consuming desire is causing turmoil in your heart and mind? Will you give that desire completely to the Lord right now? Determine today to rid yourself of any emotion that hinders your spiritual or physical well-being.

March 17, 2023


Read – Exodus 26

What does it say?
God provided specifications to Moses regarding four layers of curtains that were to cover the tabernacle’s frame and details regarding the veil in the middle of the tabernacle.

What does it mean?
God wove beauty, majesty, sturdiness, and mobility into the structure of His tabernacle — the tent where He lived among His people. There were four layers of fabric: fine linen on the inside, goats’ hair, rams’ skin, and an outer layer made from ‘the hide of sea cows’ (perhaps manatee or porpoise skins). The fabric was held together by metal rings and clasps for easy set-ups and take-downs, and the fabric was supported by a wooden frame. God’s design for His dwelling place protected the people and articles inside from harsh weather and provided royal beauty for the tabernacle furnishings.

How should I respond?
The same God Who designed His own dwelling place with so many wonderful and specific details also designed you. Like the tabernacle, you are protected on the outside with layers of skin and hair. Underneath are muscles, tissue, blood vessels —beautifully and majestically woven together and supported by a skeleton to protect your vital organs. Spend a few minutes talking to God about how you are, as David later so elegantly declared, ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’ (Psalm 139:13-16). God designed and made you beautiful, majestic, sturdy, and mobile. You reflect the glory of the Creator.

March 15, 2021


Read – Proverbs 14:13-29

What does it say?
The wise are patient and prudent, guided by reverent trust and obedience to the Lord. The foolish are hasty and rash, ruled by their own spirit.

What does it mean?
The author chose two types of people to contrast the ways they deal with life. The character of each reflects what is most important to them. The wise man focuses on obedience to God, avoids evil, develops discernment, and is ultimately blessed with spiritual knowledge. The fool, however, is unaware of his reckless behavior and is known for hurting himself and others. In the end the fool always fails because he ignores God’s wisdom and follows his own foolish heart.

How should I respond?
As children, we all heard the fable of the tortoise and the hare. The wise man in today’s passage is like the tortoise: his singular focus gains him the victory. Like the hare, the fool is often exceptionally talented, either physically or intellectually. But he ultimately loses because he does not maintain focus on what is most important. Wisdom is not intelligence; it is putting into practice what God has revealed. Where is your focus? Is it on God’s Word or on your own knowledge and ability? Scripture, the antidote for foolishness, is perfect – making even the simplest person wise (Psalm 19:7).

March 16, 2023


Read – Exodus 25

What does it say?
God gave specific instructions to Moses and Israel to collect materials out of which the tabernacle, God’s dwelling place, would be made, so God might live among them.

What does it mean?
On the one hand God lives in Heaven, a place described as having gold streets, pearl gates, and many bright, precious stones (Revelation 21-22). On the other hand God lived among the Israelites in a special tent called the ‘Tabernacle’ that they and Moses built according to God’s specifications. The author of the book of Hebrews even wrote that the Tabernacle in Moses’ day was built the way it was to resemble the way things look in Heaven (Hebrews 8:5). In this chapter God gave Moses specific instructions for building the Ark of the Covenant, the Table of Showbread, and the Golden Lampstand.

How should I respond?
Imagine what it would be like to live back in the days of Moses when the God of Heaven personally lived in the Tabernacle of Israel. The very presence of God was living among His people! Did you know that God tells us today that we are His tabernacle, and God’s Spirit lives in us (1 Corinthians 3:16-17)? Imagine that — God’s Spirit lives inside of His followers! If God visited His tabernacle in your heart today, would He find it in order—neat and tidy according to His specifications; or would He have to do some demolishing and renovating? Is your heart prepared for God’s dwelling inside of you?

March 14, 2021


Read – Proverbs 14:1-12

What does it say?
A wise woman builds up her home and prudently gives thought to her ways. The home of the upright will flourish.

What does it mean?
A conscientious woman can cause her household to thrive. She cares for her home, creating a refuge for those who live there. In contrast, the choices of an unwise woman show neglect for the management of her home and for the quality of relationships within her family. Wisdom results from thinking each decision through – but not in terms of human understanding.

How should I respond?
Many women today are under a lot of pressures. Overwhelmed with balancing work, family, and even commitments at church, they can easily feel defeated and depleted. As a result, they lack the emotional and physical strength to meet the needs of the ones closest to them. God does not want us to live defeated lives but to be a blessing and an encourager to our families. Have you been running your household in your own strength? How is your attitude toward God reflected in your home? Trust God today to do through you what you could never do for your family in your own efforts.

March 15, 2023


Read – Exodus 23:20-24:18

What does it say?
God promised to go ahead of the Israelites and clear a path for them to inhabit the Promised Land. The Israelites agreed to the laws and offered sacrifices to seal the deal.

What does it mean?
God made a conditional promise to the people of Israel that if they walked in His ways, He would send an angel ahead of them into the Promised Land to defeat their wicked enemies as they gradually moved into the land. ‘With one voice’ the people agreed to walk in God’s ways. Moses built an altar to commemorate the promises of God and the people of Israel on that day. The people of Israel offered sacrifices to God to honor Him and give a tangible sign of their sincerity. God and His people would often make promises to each other in the form of a covenant, or legal agreement.

How should I respond?
God gave Moses the law and made promises to His people as they entered the land. Today, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, gives us a new law: to tell people the good news of God’s forgiveness of sin and to help them become followers of God (Matthew 28:19-20). When we obey Jesus and help people become followers of God, Jesus promises that He goes with us everywhere and every time. This is His new promise for those who choose to follow Him. Will you join others ‘with one voice’ who choose to follow Him, and will you help others to follow Him? He will go with you always and everywhere!

March 13, 2021


Read – Proverbs 13:15-25

What does it say?
A wise person chooses wise friends. Loving parents are careful to discipline their children.

What does it mean?
Wise people intentionally associate with wise individuals. Associating with foolish people will eventually lead to trouble and harm. Parents who choose not to discipline their children are actually harming them by allowing their foolish nature to run free (Pro. 22:15). Loving parents want the best for their children and recognize that correction of ungodly attitudes and behavior is part of God’s plan.

How should I respond?
Today’s passage offers principles for wise parenting. First, it’s important to know your child’s friends and what kind of influence those friends have in your child’s life. When was the last time you talked with your children about their friendships? Encourage them to use discernment when choosing friends and help them recognize foolish behavior. Next, the goal of loving discipline is to guide your child’s heart to Christ, not just manage his behavior. Reflect on your parenting style, and ask God for wisdom and insight as you correct them. After all, God has entrusted your children to your care. Treat them as gifts from Him.

March 14, 2023


Read – Exodus 21:33-23:19

What does it say?
God provided directions for people on how to compensate their neighbors in cases of personal or property damage and how to treat those who have been harmed in general.

What does it mean?
God could have simply told His children, the Israelites, to be people of integrity, honesty, and character, and to have love and respect for one another. However, His children needed specific, concrete examples of how these things would be lived out in real life. If a person caused damage to his neighbor’s property or person, then the one who caused the damage should compensate his neighbor—not only for what was damaged but a little extra as a matter of showing concern at a deeper level. The same extra measures were to be shown to widows, orphans, and the homeless.

How should I respond?
It is inevitable: at some point in time you or someone in your house will cause harm to a neighbor. Your dog may dig a hole in your neighbor’s yard. Your tree may fall onto your neighbor’s roof, or you might back into your neighbor’s car. These things happen in any neighborhood—even when we are being careful. When this happens, rather than think of your neighbor as someone who must be compensated, think of him as someone God has planned for you to care for whenever the opportunity arises. Look for opportunities to help your neighbor (or any anyone else) beyond what is expected.

March 12, 2021


Read – Proverbs 13:1-14

What does it say?
Listening to and heeding insightful instruction will lead to wisdom and life. Pride, however, breeds quarrels and ensnares the one who rejects wise advice.

What does it mean?
People who reject instruction and advice often think they know enough to navigate life on their own. Today’s passage, however, points out that wise people listen to other wise people. Receiving instruction and correction with a teachable spirit directs a person away from destructive behavior. Doing so requires humility. Pride, on the other hand, keeps people from taking advice or admitting when they are wrong, which tends to breed conflict. The dangers of pride can be largely avoided by acknowledging wise counsel.

How should I respond?
Pride is a deceptive problem in our lives that is difficult to overcome. Too often we’re unaware of it, even though others see it clearly. Ask yourself a few questions: How well do I follow instruction? How do I respond when corrected? Am I open to learning and taking advice? Your answers should act as a barometer to determine if you’re on the path to humility and wisdom or on the path of pride and destructive behavior. Who has given you counsel in your life? Look for people who spend time gaining wisdom from God’s Word. Remember, wise people listen to other wise people.

March 13, 2023


Read – Exodus 20:22 – 21:32

What does it say?
God gave His people instructions on how to worship Him and how to treat one another with fairness and love.

What does it mean?
God had recently rescued Israel from 400 years of an oppressive form of slavery in Egypt. The Egyptians treated the Israelites brutally—often beating them to make them work harder and longer. The last thing God wanted was for His people to treat one another the same way the Egyptians had treated them. Therefore, when Israelites hired one another, they were to limit the term of service to six years. If one neighbor caused physical harm to another, the one causing the harm should compensate fairly the one harmed. God’s people were to act like God’s people—not like their former oppressors.

How should I respond?
When Jesus was asked which biblical law was the most important, He gave two answers: Love God with everything you have, and love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:35-40). The laws you read about today are summed up in these two ideas of loving God and your neighbor. Do you know a neighbor who could use a loving word or action today? Is there someone at work, in a store, at school, or any other place you go to whom you could show the type of kindness God’s people in Exodus were to show one another? We show our love for God when we show love to His people.

March 11, 2021


Read – Proverbs 12:15-27

What does it say?
The Lord delights in those who tell the truth but detests those who lie.

What does it mean?
Over and over again, Proverbs addresses the kind of words God’s people are to use. Today’s passage goes beyond the actual words and addresses the manner, motive, and intent of the speaker. If truth is spoken carelessly, it still harms the listener even if the words weren’t intended to be hurtful. Deceitful words might technically be true but are woven together to intentionally lead someone to a wrong conclusion. The wise person, however, speaks thoughtfully in order to help the person listening. The effects of wise and truthful words have lasting effects that please the Lord.

How should I respond?
Lying is generally unacceptable, even outside of Christian circles. Sometimes, though, we are so bent on speaking the truth that we talk without thinking through the effects of what we’re saying and how it’s being said. It’s difficult for truth to be helpful if we use it like a hammer. Think back through your conversations yesterday. Examine the manner and motive of the words you spoke. Were they truthful, thoughtful, and helpful? Or were they reckless and deceptive? Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your motives and filter your words today. Under His control, every word spoken will be pleasing to the Lord.

March 12, 2023


Read – Exodus 20:1-21

What does it say?
God gave the Ten Commandments to Israel to show them how to relate to Him and each other properly. These instructions form the foundation of a successful life.

What does it mean?
The Ten Commandments fall into three categories. The first three commandments teach Israel how to relate to God, who had just delivered them from Egyptian slavery. Since He is the one and only God and deserving of respect, Israel was to have no other so-called gods or idols, and Israel was to use God’s name only in an honorable way. The fourth commandment regulated the weekly routine of the Israelites to imitate God’s six work days in creation followed by a seventh day of rest. The last five commandments taught Israel how to live unselfishly together, so they would not sin.

How should I respond?
God created you to do good things (Ephesians 2:10). He designed you to recognize Him as your Creator by worshiping Him alone and honoring His name. Is God really first in your life, or is something or someone else in that place in your heart where only He belongs? God also created your friends, family, and neighbors. How would God have you treat them (even the least and/or worst of them)? Thinking of God and others only in terms of what they do for you reflects selfishness and works against the Creator’s design. In what practical ways will you seek to better love God and others today?

March 10, 2021


Read – Proverbs 12:1-14, 28

What does it say?
The lives and character of the righteous are compared with the wicked.

What does it mean?
Character is revealed by what people think, say, plan, and do. The plans of the righteous receive praise because they reflect godly character: just, honest, and compassionate. The wicked, on the other hand, reveal themselves by being deceitful, dishonest, and selfish. Both are referred to as plants; while the wicked are uprooted, the righteous establish a root that grows strong and bears fruit. Righteous character is an indication that one has chosen to follow God, which leads to blessing in this life and living with Him in Heaven eternally.

How should I respond?
What do your thoughts, words, plans, and actions reveal about your character? What kind of reputation do you have at home, work, or school? Although some people can display admirable qualities for periods of time, consistent righteous character is only developed by a personal relationship with Christ. If your life isn’t consistently producing godly characteristics, examine your relationship with the Lord. Have you given Him the right to every part of your mind, body, and spirit? Your character can’t determine your eternal destiny, but it does reflect whom you’ve chosen to follow in life.

March 11, 2023


Read – Exodus 19

What does it say?
God gave Moses instructions to prepare the people for a meeting with Him at Mt. Sinai. He told Moses of His desire to enter into a convent relationship with them.

What does it mean?
God wanted to establish the validity and solemn nature of the covenant by having the people prepare themselves to meet with Him at Sinai. It sounds severe that anyone who touched the mountain while God’s presence was upon it would die, but God is holy and they could not stand in His presence. Only Moses and Aaron were ‘called up’ to speak with God. God promised them that if they would obey Him, He would make of them a holy nation, and a ‘kingdom of priests.’ Only those that He makes holy can enter into a relationship with Him.

How should I respond?
God desires to be in a relationship with you. He still desires to come down to us, knowing that we cannot approach Him on our own merits. The Good News is that through the holiness of Christ we can have a relationship with God. It is not through our efforts at holiness that we are made worthy, but through the holiness of Christ. He comes to us where we are, and through Christ we are made holy in God’s sight. Have you committed your life to Christ? How will your life today show that you have been made holy through Christ?

March 9, 2021


Read – Proverbs 11:24-31

What does it say?
Trusting in riches causes a downfall, but the generous prosper and the righteous thrive.

What does it mean?
Today’s passage begins with a paradox: the person who gives generously still has everything he needs. Because generous people freely give of what the Lord puts into their hands to “refresh” others, they are in turn taken care of when unexpected needs arise. The righteous person thrives by trusting the Lord to provide for every need. By contrast, the person who tries to manipulate market prices by withholding grain incurs only anger from others and misses out on the blessings of God. The righteous and wise are also generous in their spiritual influence, “winning” others to the Lord.

How should I respond?
We tend to think that the best way to have what we need is to hold onto everything that comes into our hands. But God’s economy has different priorities. The truths in today’s passage are repeated in 2 Corinthians 9:6 with added meaning: generosity is an act of worship, recognizing the Lord as the supplier of everything you have. When your priorities line up with Scripture, your care for the needs of others increases. This week, focus on pointing others to Christ and trust God to meet your personal needs. Your desire for earthly wealth will diminish as you practice material and spiritual generosity.

March 10, 2023


Read – Exodus 18

What does it say?
Moses’ father-in-law, Jethro, gave good advice on how to handle conflicts and issues that arose among the people.

What does it mean?
While Moses’ heart was in the right place in wanting to help all the people, there were too many daily details and decisions for one person. Moses had no time to rest, physically or mentally. He heeded the wisdom of Jethro and understood that he needed to minister to the people in such a way as to be available for those issues that were of high importance. Training others to resolve smaller issues allowed leadership and wisdom to be developed and spread throughout the entire nation.

How should I respond?
We need to be sure that as we seek to be a blessing to others that we take care of our own spiritual and physical needs as well. A person who is exhausted is not as effective as someone who is fresh and ready to bless others. We need to exercise discretion in when to engage in a ministry opportunity and when to trust God to use others to participate. Additionally, just as Moses was willing to listen to wise advice from Jethro, we need to ensure that our hearts are open to hearing wisdom from those around us. God can use others to guide us; and while we must make sure that all advice is consistent with Scripture, we need to be on the lookout for God’s direction coming from others. What are you doing to make sure that you are physically and spiritually ready to minister and bless others?

March 8, 2021


Read – Proverbs 11:1-23

What does it say?
Solomon gave encouragement to the wise and warnings to the wicked. He contrasted the godly life of the wise with the ungodly behavior of those who lack judgment.

What does it mean?
This passage reads like a résumé for godly character in contrast with ungodly behavior. God Himself is righteous, so it stands to reason that He delights in people who display righteousness in daily life. The righteous are described as honest, humble, kindhearted, blameless, and trustworthy. The integrity of the righteous guides them, providing peace, deliverance, life, and freedom. As a result, they build a godly life that brings delight to the Lord. The wicked will discover that everything they worked for will come to nothing. When they die, all they hoped for in this life will end only in God’s wrath.

How should I respond?
Would you describe yourself as a righteous person? It’s not a word we use very often anymore. Yet, righteousness is exactly what followers of Christ should strive for. Christians live in the world, but we are not to be like it. That means we constantly have to make intentional choices to display godly character. Which traits described in today’s passage best describe you? Have your attitudes, words, and actions lined up with righteousness or with what God calls wickedness? Godly behavior comes only by yielding to the conviction of the Holy Spirit. How will your spiritual résumé read today?

March 9, 2023


Read – Exodus 17

What does it say?
In Chapter 17 of Exodus, two events are recorded. The first is the grumbling of the people when they did not have water, and the second is the defeat of the Amalekites.

What does it mean?
Despite God’s miraculous provisions, the people of Israel still did not trust God to give them what they needed. After moving on from the oasis mentioned in Chapter 16, the people began to complain again to Moses about the lack of water, even going so far as to threaten to stone him. God did provide the water that they needed, as well as the ability to fend off an attack from the Amalekites.

How should I respond?
Are you guilty of having a short memory when it comes to your faith? Do you trust that God will be there when you need Him? It is easy to point out the lack of faith that the Israelites displayed throughout the journey to the Promised Land. However, each of us may experience times of doubt and fear, even though we know that God loves us and will provide a way. It is in these times of doubt and fear of the future that we would do well to look back and remember all of the times that God provided for us in the past. It is not possible for God to be unfaithful to us because unfaithfulness is not part of the character of God. His desire to bless us is never ending. Open your eyes and continually look for the ways God is blessing and providing for you on a daily basis. What can you do today to keep the blessings of God at the forefront of your mind?

March 7, 2021


Read – Proverbs 10:12-32

What does it say?
Words can encourage or discourage, heal or wound, unite or divide. Words reveal what is in the heart.

What does it mean?
It is vital to recognize the impact of spoken words. Words reveal a person’s character and distinguish the wise from the fool. In this passage the speech of the righteous is compared to choice silver, pure and valuable. The hearts of the righteous speak words filled with wisdom to encourage, comfort, and guide many. The hearts of the wicked, however, speak cruel, violent words, ignoring the pain brought to others. The wise person knows that speaking too many words increases the risk of sinning. He knows when to be silent … and just listen.

How should I respond?
So often we speak before thinking. Yet as followers of Christ, our speech should be a major area of concern. At work, or even at home, you may be exposed to profanity, negativity, or gossip that can gradually influence your thinking and attitudes. Since words flow from the heart, they can be controlled only by yielding to God’s Spirit. Is your goal to glorify God in everything you say? What are you doing to control your speech? Show restraint in how much you say, and recognize the effect your words have on others. Then ask God to use you to encourage others by sharing only life-giving words.

March 8, 2023


Read – Exodus 15:22-16:36

What does it say?
The people of Israel had to rely on God for all their needs while in the wilderness. From water and food to health, everything was provided by God.

What does it mean?
The time in the wilderness was necessary for the people of Israel to come to know that they could trust God not only to save them from their captors, but also to provide for their daily needs. The manna and quail were sent as a reminder that God was looking after them and providing for them each day.

How should I respond?
Our society lives in a bulk mentality. We shop at warehouse clubs and store up huge amounts of food in order to save time and money. But what if you had to start each day without a single crumb? Would you be more aware that it was God providing what you ate each day? Even though God provides for us using methods that differ from those He used for the Israelites in the wilderness, He is still the source of our daily needs and the One who is to be thanked for those blessings. What basic needs has God provided for you today? Have you stopped to thank Him for what you have, whether it seems great or small? When we recognize and appreciate God’s provisions that are all around us, we are drawn closer and closer to Him. Today, focus on the Provider, not the provisions.

March 7, 2023


Read – Exodus 15:1-21

What does it say?
Moses and the people of Israel stopped to praise God with singing and dancing. The song recounted the miracles they had witnessed throughout the exodus from Egypt.

What does it mean?
Musical expression is a gift from God. It honors the Creator when that gift is used to express love and gratitude for the numerous miracles and blessings He has performed on behalf of an individual, family or community. The people of Israel took the time to look back on their lives and give God credit and praise for the blessings that they had received. They recognized that both their freedom and the ability to express their gratitude through song were gifts from the Lord.

How should I respond?
We, too, should take opportunities to give God the credit He deserves for providing us with the freedom that is available in Christ. This freedom is not something that we earned; it is a gift to us, as was the case with the Israelites. Take a moment to look back on your life. In what ways has God come to your aid? Give Him credit for those blessings, including the freedom from sin that comes through Christ. Is there a song that voices your thoughts and devotion toward the Lord? Sing or hum along in the car or at home – God will be honored, and your heart will be refocused. How will you express your gratitude to the Lord today?

March 5, 2021


Read – Proverbs 9

What does it say?
Both wisdom and folly issue invitations to the simple and those lacking judgment. Wisdom leads to a life of reward and understanding, but folly leads to death.

What does it mean?
In the opening chapters of Proverbs, Solomon lays out the case for wisdom. Chapter 9 brings his sons to a decision point: will they accept the invitation of wisdom or of folly? In the middle of describing each invitation, he gives characteristics of the person who chooses wisdom: accepts correction, is teachable, has reverence and knowledge of God. When someone approaches life with a hunger and respect for His ways, God gives him understanding and insight regarding how He designed mankind to function in the world He created. A life of wisdom naturally results in a fulfilling and rewarding life.

How should I respond?
Today’s passage serves as a measuring stick. The characteristics laid out here provide an opportunity to evaluate which invitation to life you have accepted: wisdom or folly. Do you appreciate when a godly friend cautions you, or do you lash out in some way? Would your family and co-workers describe you as teachable? What is your attitude toward God? Reverence for God and knowledge of His ways come through a personal relationship and study of His Word. So what do your answers tell you about yourself? Undoubtedly, we all want the rewards of a wise life. Getting there depends on which invitation you accept today.

March 6, 2023


Read – Exodus 14

What does it say?
Pharaoh pursued the Israelites into the wilderness, and they were caught between the Red Sea and Pharaoh’s army. God made a way through the sea and destroyed Pharaoh’s army.

What does it mean?
Although the Israelites were no longer in Egypt, they were not free from danger. Pharaoh changed his mind and wanted to bring the Israelites back to Egypt as slaves. The people of Israel were caught between two obstacles—the Egyptian army and the Red Sea. However, God was going to show the people that He was capable of providing a way through a seemingly hopeless situation, and Pharaoh’s army would not stand in the way. All the people had to do was to walk forward, and God would move the obstacle from before them.

How should I respond?
We have all faced situations in which there seems to be no way out. However, God delights in making a path when we see only obstacles. As He guides, our job is to press on and keep moving forward. What situation in your life seems too big to overcome? Will you stop right now and tell God that you trust Him to work it out? |Begin today to move your thoughts towards trust in God and away from fear. When you persevere, you’ll be amazed at the miracles He will do right in front of you.

Compass: One Way or Another


Pastor Jonathan Falwell

Matthew 7:13-29 (NKJV) is the conclusion of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. In a way, this was the invitation to the sermon. Jesus was giving the hearer an opportunity to decide. This final passage doesn’t contain teachings or doctrines, it simply points to a point of decision; choose to believe in and follow Christ or face the consequences.


1. The Most Important Choice

Vss 13-14 Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14 Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.

  • Jesus brought His sermon to a conclusion by giving the listener a choice
  • Only two ways out of this thing called life; one leads to eternal life, one leads to eternal destruction

2. Distractions Are Everywhere

Vvss 15-20 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.

  • Jesus used metaphors to paint a picture of people who are seemingly doing the right thing, but are leading people astray
  • Some distract with good intentions, some with evil intentions, all with the same result

3. You Better Make Sure

Vss 21-23 Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

  • Jesus made a clear declaration against the idea of a works-based salvation
  • One can never do enough to get Heaven, it is through believing in Christ alone

4. The Wrong Choice Has Terrible Consequences

Vss 24-27 Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: 25 and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock. 26 “But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: 27 and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall.

  • Following Jesus is a lifelong journey which will be marked by many challenges along the way, but building your life on Him is all the protection you will ever need
  • Any other path leads to destruction. This is another nod to verses 13-14.

5. He Is The Only Source

Vss 28-29 And so it was, when Jesus had ended these sayings, that the people were astonished at His teaching, 29 for He taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.

  • Matthew ends his recording of this sermon with a statement of Christ’s authority
  • He was making a clear delineation between the self-righteous religious leaders and the Son of God

March 4, 2021


Read – Proverbs 8:22-36

What does it say?
Wisdom was the first of God’s works and was at His side when He created everything in Heaven and earth. Finding wisdom results in a life of blessing and favor from the Lord.

What does it mean?
This passage sets up a thought-provoking chain of events. Wisdom is central to the character of God. He is the source of all wisdom; finding wisdom results in His blessing and favor. If God is the very embodiment of wisdom, then wisdom is found in His presence. Before sin entered the world, there was perfect harmony between the Lord and His creation; wisdom didn’t have to be sought – it was the byproduct of enjoying the presence of the Lord. Death entered the world through one foolish and sinful act that reflected a hatred of God’s wisdom. To reject wisdom is to reject the Lord.

How should I respond?
Are you pursuing God’s blessings or God Himself? His blessings are often well within our reach as the result of making wise decisions. Today’s passage offers the key to recognizing wise choices: living in the presence of God. As you open your Bible each day, ask God to reveal Himself; then spend time in prayer meditating on who He is. The more you learn about Christ and begin to take on His character, the more quickly you’ll recognize sin in your daily life. How have your decisions this week reflected accepting or rejecting God’s wisdom? Go straight to the source and let Him handle the blessings.

March 5, 2023


Read – Exodus 13:17-22

What does it say?
The people of Israel left Egypt and traveled by way of the wilderness toward the Red Sea. God guided the people in a pillar of cloud during the day and a pillar of fire during the night.

What does it mean?
The people of God were not rescued from the hand of Pharaoh to fend for themselves or to be left alone in the wilderness. God provided not only protection but also the direction for the journey. Knowing they might be tempted to turn back to Egypt out of fear, He guided them away from the land of the Philistines to help them maintain their courage and trust in Him.

How should I respond?
Just as God was with the people who were delivered from slavery in Egypt, He is with those He has delivered from the slavery of sin. He also does not leave us to fend for ourselves. Instead, He stays with us to lead and guide us through paths that will protect and preserve us. Through the guidance of the Bible and the Holy Spirit, we are never apart from His presence and direction. Are you paying attention to His guidance by reading His Word and praying to Him so that you can follow His leading? Commit today to stay focused on His plan and path by engaging in regular prayer and time in the Bible. Just as He led the Israelites through their journey, He will guide you day and night through your life-journey as well.

March 3, 2021


Read – Proverbs 8:1-21

What does it say?
Wisdom invites all mankind to gain understanding by listening to her words. Nothing man desires can compare with wisdom. Those who seek wisdom will find her.

What does it mean?
Solomon invites the reader to make the same choice he had made – to choose wisdom over all else. He possessed both wealth and wisdom. Yet in his opinion, wisdom’s value has no equal. The irony is that the pursuit of wisdom leads to enduring prosperity. This doesn’t mean that every wise person is rich. Rather, every wise person has what he needs because he handles his affairs in a wise and just manner. This includes the choice to leave pride and arrogance behind, along with speech and behavior that God considers evil. Wisdom promises to be found by any and all who seek her.

How should I respond?
We usually associate age with wisdom. However, this passage says that you can be wise now – whatever your age, position, or situation. How? Simply pursue wisdom more than anything else. What other pursuits do you need to leave behind? Are you focused on the ends or the means? This simple paradigm shift opens the door for God’s blessing. For instance, instead of asking God to take you out of a situation, ask Him for the wisdom to handle your relationships or finances in a godly way. What else has been at the top of your prayer list lately? Wisdom is the answer.

March 4, 2023


Read – Exodus 12

What does it say?
The final plague caused the death of the Egyptians’ firstborn males. Pharaoh commanded Moses and his people to leave Egypt.

What does it mean?
God’s final action against the Egyptians resulted in the death of all the firstborn sons and firstborn male animals in the land. However, the children of Israel were given specific instructions in advance to protect their sons. The blood of a lamb sprinkled on their doorframes signaled they were God’s chosen people, and their sons were spared. As the cries of death rang throughout Egypt, Pharaoh witnessed the harsh reality of his refusal to heed God’s warnings. He summoned Moses and commanded him to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt.

How should I respond?
This passage offers a beautiful picture of Christ as our ‘Passover Lamb.’ His blood, shed on the cross, has the power to cleanse you from all the wrongs you have done, and He invites you to put your trust in Him. Have you claimed His sacrifice as your own and placed his blood over the ‘doorframe’ of your heart? Just as the blood on the doorframes saved the Israelite children from death, Christ’s blood protects believers from eternal death. If you have not invited Christ into your life, would you consider doing so today? By simply confessing your sins, asking His forgiveness and placing your trust in God, you will be set free to serve Him and live a life that is distinctly different.

March 2, 2021


Read – Proverbs 7

What does it say?
Solomon again urged his sons to keep his words and guard his commands. Wisdom and understanding protect young and simple men from the snares of the adulteress.

What does it mean?
As in the previous chapter, Solomon addressed his son’s personal acceptance of godly instruction so that it became central to who he was. Solomon wisely painted word pictures of putting his teaching on daily, like a ring, and instinctively protecting it from harm as one would protect his physical eyes. When God’s Word is stored in the hearts and minds of His children, it provides wisdom and judgment for every situation. Solomon specifically says that godly teaching helps a person recognize those with immoral intent.

How should I respond?
We are in constant need of wisdom to recognize the pitfalls of sin. The overwhelming message of Proverbs is that wisdom comes from God’s law, which is no longer written on tablets of stone but on the hearts of believers (Hebrews 10:16). Like a wedding ring, following God’s commands signifies that we belong to Christ and are unavailable to any other way of life. That kind of intimacy with Christ isn’t automatic; it must be intentionally protected. You have no idea what situations or temptations you’ll face this week. How are you internalizing God’s Word to protect and prepare your heart for any situation?

March 3, 2023


Read – Exodus 9,10,11

What does it say?
The Egyptians were faced with many plagues at the hand of God; however, the Israelites were unharmed.

What does it mean?
A distinction was clearly being made between the children of Israel and the Egyptians. The effects of the plagues were destroying the Egyptians’ livestock, crops and health while the children of Israel remained untouched. God’s hand of protection hovered over them despite the raging hardships and suffering that was swirling through Egypt. The Egyptians, however, were painfully enduring the consequences of Pharaoh’s refusal to free the people. Finally, Pharaoh attempts to negotiate with Moses for a partial release, but God reminds him that He isn’t interested in compromises. He will free His people regardless of Pharaoh’s stubbornness.

How should I respond?
Leadership tends to bring out the best or the worst in people. How do you handle situations when you are in charge? When God places people in positions of leadership, He expects them to follow His instructions and treat others with fairness and respect. Has God placed others under your authority? What changes do you need to make in order to lead them in a way that honors God? Your choices regarding personal obedience to God trickle down through your organization, business and family. Which leader will you emulate: Moses or Pharaoh?

March 1, 2021


Read – Proverbs 6:20-35

What does it say?
Solomon’s teaching on issues of morality was a guiding light and protection to his son.

What does it mean?
Solomon asked his son to internalize what he had been taught, choosing to make it his way of life rather than mere outward compliance. Solomon’s description of his teaching likened it to Scripture, a guiding light leading down the path to life rather than self-destruction. (Psalm 119:11, 105). Parental instruction based on God’s Word also provides protection and wise counsel. Solomon said that following his words would specifically protect his son in issues of morality. Solomon was preparing his son to respond wisely to temptation before he was face-to-face with the situation.

How should I respond?
Kids have access to all kinds of immorality as close as the smart phones in their hands. While every generation faces new avenues of temptation, the moral issues remain the same. Each person must choose to either accept or disregard God’s Word. It’s our job as parents, family members, teachers, and volunteers to prepare this generation for the world they will face. But the only instruction that has lasting value comes from Scripture. In order to be effective, we must first allow God to change our lives through a personal relationship with Christ and obedience to His Word. What role is God asking you to play in guiding the next generation? Have you made godly teaching your way of life?

March 2, 2023


Read – Exodus 7:14-8:32

What does it say?
Because Pharaoh refused to listen, the Lord began a series of plagues on Egypt. After each plague, Pharaoh was given an opportunity to change his mind.

What does it mean?
As God moved His hand against the Egyptians, Pharaoh became more resistant. Despite the hardships and suffering of his own people, Pharaoh was unmoved. His heart was oblivious to the needs of his people and the Israelites. When Pharaoh’s magicians could no longer match the plagues God was bringing upon the Egyptians, they urged Pharaoh to release the Israelites. Unfortunately, Pharaoh was only interested in bargaining with Moses and his God. Pharaoh promised release of the people in exchange for relief from the devastating effects, but he continually failed to keep his end of the bargain.

How should I respond?
You are not the only one impacted by the consequences of your choices. When you fail to listen to God, others are affected negatively through your disobedience. The longer you refuse to listen, the easier it is to turn away from God’s instructions. Out of His great love and compassion, God will do whatever it takes to get your attention. What things or people in your life are distracting you from hearing God’s voice? What can you do this week to align your actions with what God is asking you to do?

February 28, 2021


Read – Proverbs 6:1-19

What does it say?
Solomon warned against financial pledges and laziness, which lead to poverty. The Lord hates the ways of dishonest and violent people who stir up dissension.

What does it mean?
Solomon continued to warn his son against foolish behaviors that lead to poverty. He reasoned that God created man to do honest and useful work, using the body for the Lord’s service. That’s why God hates when the human body is used for evil. Solomon laid out six behaviors that are detestable to the Lord – each corresponding to a particular part of the body. Using one’s entire being for God’s honor not only brings Him glory, it benefits the person as well.

How should I respond?
As a child, you may have learned the song “Be Careful Little Hands What You Do.” That principle remains true no matter how old you are. According to this passage, it applies to every part of your body. What would life look like if your behavior was the exact opposite of what God hates? Eyes that look humbly to the Lord for help aren’t filled with pride. A tongue that praises the Lord isn’t used for lying. Hands busy serving aren’t folded in laziness or used to harm the innocent. Feet that carry the good news of the gospel don’t rush into evil. Also, a heart consumed with the love of God has no room for scheming. How will you use your body for the Lord’s honor and glory this week?

March 1, 2023


Read – Exodus 7 1-13

What does it say?
Aaron was appointed by God to serve as a prophet and spokesman for Moses. God promised to pour out His mighty acts of judgment upon the land of Egypt.

What does it mean?
Even at the age of eighty, Moses was willing to obey God. Despite God’s warning that things would get worse before they got better, he still obeyed. Moses learned that God would transform his weakness and empower him to stand even in the presence of a stubborn king. While God performed many miraculous signs through Moses and Aaron, Pharaoh refused to let the people go. Why? Because through Pharaoh’s resistance and the Lord’s mighty acts, the Egyptians would know that the Lord was against them and that He was the One delivering the Israelites. Moses and Aaron were God’s chosen leaders, but God was the ruling authority defending His people.

How should I respond?
When have you allowed your age to interfere with what God is asking you to do? It’s easy to offer excuses such as, ‘I’m too old, someone else can do that now,’ or ‘I’m not old enough to take on that kind of responsibility.’ Or maybe you’ve chosen to disobey God because the task seemed overwhelming. The key is to take your focus off the size of the challenge and put it on the size of your God. Some tasks might take you out of your comfort zone. But as you exchange your weakness for His strength, God will empower you to overcome any obstacles that stand in your way. What is God asking you to do?

February 27, 2021


Read – Proverbs 5

What does it say?
The words of an adulteress lead to regret and utter ruin. Solomon encouraged his son to stay far from her door and find satisfaction in his wife alone.

What does it mean?
Still instructing his son, Solomon extended his metaphor regarding what path to take. In this passage he specifically warned against any path that led to adultery. Solomon understood that adulterous relationships that seem enticing at the beginning ultimately lead to pain and regret. He wanted his son to have an intimate physical relationship that was blessed, finding joy and satisfaction with his wife alone even into old age. Without wisdom and discipline, the sin of adultery would pull him into its trap. Staying on the path of wisdom, however, would keep him far from the door of the adulteress.

How should I respond?
Our society encourages us to follow our hearts and do whatever feels right. The problem with that philosophy is the deceitful nature of our own hearts (Jeremiah 17:9). So what precautions can you put in place to protect your marriage? Foremost, guard your conversations at work and with friends, avoiding inappropriate jokes or comments. What you may consider innocent flirtation is really playing with fire. Affairs often start as emotional attachments, so reserve heart-to-heart talks for your spouse. It is possible to love one person for a lifetime, but love is a choice you make each and every day.

February 28, 2023


Read – Exodus 6

What does it say?
God reassured Moses of His plans to deliver Israel. Moses conveyed God’s words to the people. When they refused to listen, Moses was reluctant to confront Pharaoh.

What does it mean?
The children of Israel found it easier to define God in their own terms rather than trust in His unchangeable character. Nothing was going the way they expected, and even Moses had reverted to offering God excuses for why he couldn’t lead the people. Discouragement had caused them to forget what God had promised and what He had done in the past. God’s instructions to Moses didn’t change, but He did reassure Moses that Pharaoh was no match for Him.

How should I respond?
When you experience resistance, how do you handle it? What might cause you to turn to people or things rather than to God? Does He seem distant? Any temporary solutions apart from God will always end in greater disappointment. When we zero in on the pain and suffering we are experiencing in the moment, we often fail to remember that He hears our cries and acts to meet our needs. Anything that touches your life is visible to God. He is fully aware of your joy, success, pain and heartbreaks. He is present in each moment: the good and the bad. His intervention in your life may not look like what you expected, but God is faithful to keep His promises.

February 26, 2021


Read – Proverbs 4:10-27

What does it say?
Accepting and guarding wise instruction will lead to an unhindered path. Above all, the heart should be guarded as the storehouse for instruction and the wellspring of life.

What does it mean?
Solomon used a metaphor describing two choices in life: the godly path of wisdom or the destructive path of wickedness. He implied that choosing the darker path is the result of rejecting wisdom. Hence, foolishness eventually leads to wickedness. A godly life shines brightly in contrast to the spiritual darkness of the wicked path. But the path of the righteous isn’t taken by accident; it’s the result of accepting wise instruction and guarding one’s heart. Every part of the body must be focused on the wise path.

How should I respond?
Olympic medals are not won by accident. The athletes who achieve the most make choices every day that keep them on the path to success. They listen to coaches, guard their time, and stay focused on their goals. As a follower of Christ, you too have to be on guard and focused in order to avoid foolishness. Staying on the path to godly wisdom requires submitting your heart, mouth, eyes, and feet to God and His purpose. Where have you let down your guard? How has a foolish decision opened the door to ungodly thoughts or behavior? Determine today to take one intentional step “in the way of wisdom.” The path you choose will determine the outcome of your life.

February 27, 2023


Read – Exodus 5

What does it say?
Moses and Aaron confronted Pharaoh asking him to let God’s people go. Pharaoh refused and made their life harder. Moses questioned why God sent him.

What does it mean?
The road to freedom was not going to be easy for the children of Israel. Pharaoh was more concerned with keeping them busy than releasing them to worship a God he didn’t even know. Rather than meet their request with approval, Pharaoh made their lives even more difficult. Moses had sought God’s help, but their circumstances became worse rather than better, leaving Moses and the people feeling powerless, Moses chose to pour out his discouragement to the Lord and ask Him, once again, to act on behalf of His people.

How should I respond?
Obeying God is often met with opposition. Satan does not want us to do what God asks; therefore, he strives to make our circumstances difficult. By creating discouragement, causing doubts, and pointing blame, Satan attempts to turn us against God. When has your obedience to God made your situation more challenging? How did you respond? Doing the right thing and getting a negative response can tempt you to take matters into your own hands, leaving God out of the equation. Will you follow Moses’ example and talk to the Lord about your discouragement? Waiting for God’s timing and walking in obedience will ultimately result in victory.

Keys to Living the Golden Rule – Matthew 7:1-12


Charles Billingsley

Matthew 22:35-40

35 And one of them, an expert in the law, asked a question to test him: 36 “Teacher, which command in the law is the greatest?” 37 He said to him, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.  38 This is the greatest and most important command. 39 The second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.  40 All the Law and the Prophets depend on these two commands.”

Our mission is to change our world by developing Christ followers who Love God and Love People  

Specks and Logs 

Matthew 7:1-2

1 “Do not judge, so that you won’t be judged. For you will be judged by the same standard with which you judge others, and you will be measured by the same measure you us.”

1. Don’t Judge

    A. Don’t judge unfairly

    B. Don’t judge superficially 

John 7:24 NLT

24 Look beneath the surface so you can judge correctly.

We MUST also be very careful to never ascribe a moral value to our own personal preference.  

    C. Don’t judge hypocritically

Romans 2:1

Therefore, every one of you who judges is without excuse. For when you judge another, you condemn yourself, since you, the judge, do the same things.

The hypocritical are often the most hypercritical! – Adam Dooley

Matthew 7:3-5

Why do you look at the splinter in your brother’s eye but don’t notice the beam of wood in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the splinter out of your eye,’ and look, there’s a beam of wood in your own eye? Hypocrite! First take the beam of wood out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to take the splinter out of your brother’s eye.

Fix yourself first! Get rid of the logs!

Dogs and Hogs

2. Learn to discern

Matthew 7:6

Don’t give what is holy to dogs or toss your pearls before pigs, or they will trample them under their feet, turn, and tear you to pieces.

Discern righteously. Don’t hang with the hogs.

3. Instead of pointing, start praying

Matthew 7:7

Ask, and it will be given to you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you.

Matthew 7:8-11

For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. Who among you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? 11 If you who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask him.

4. Be active, not passive

Matthew 7:12
Therefore, whatever you want others to do for you, do also the same for them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.\

5. Always ere on the side of Grace

A Simple Guide for Behavior

Matthew 7:1-12 – The Message

1-5 “Don’t pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults—unless, of course, you want the same treatment. That critical spirit has a way of boomeranging. It’s easy to see a smudge on your neighbor’s face and be oblivious to the ugly sneer on your own. Do you have the nerve to say, ‘Let me wash your face for you,’ when your own face is distorted by contempt? It’s this whole traveling road-show mentality all over again, playing a holier-than-thou part instead of just living your part. Wipe that ugly sneer off your own face, and you might be fit to offer a washcloth to your neighbor.

“Don’t be flip with the sacred. Banter and silliness give no honor to God. Don’t reduce holy mysteries to slogans. In trying to be relevant, you’re only being cute and inviting sacrilege. 7-11 “Don’t bargain with God. Be direct. Ask for what you need. This isn’t a cat-and-mouse, hide-and-seek game we’re in. If your child asks for bread, do you trick him with sawdust? If he asks for fish, do you scare him with a live snake on his plate? As bad as you are, you wouldn’t think of such a thing. You’re at least decent to your own children. So don’t you think the God who conceived you in love will be even better?

12 “Here is a simple, rule-of-thumb guide for behavior: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and do it for them. Add up God’s Law and Prophets and this is what you get.

Keys to the golden rule poem:

Get rid of the logs
Don’t hang with the hogs
Use prayer as your tool
Then follow the rule.
If your motive is pure
Then it’s golden for sure
It works for me as well as for you
As long as we’re grounded in grace and in truth.

February 25, 2021


Read – Proverbs 4:1-9

What does it say?
Solomon taught his sons that having wisdom is superior to all else and gaining understanding is worth giving up everything because it brings life and grace.

What does it mean?
In these verses we learn why Solomon asked God for wisdom when he could have asked for anything he wanted (1 Kings 3:5-14). Solomon’s father, King David, taught him that gaining wisdom and understanding was worth more than all the treasure he could acquire – worth giving up all that he had. To aid his understanding, David personified wisdom as a woman due the love and fidelity of a beloved wife. This lesson changed the course of Solomon’s life. Wisdom had indeed exalted and honored his embrace. Solomon carefully passed on his father’s advice to his own sons.

How should I respond?
As parents, we are the most important teachers our kids will ever have. It’s vital to intentionally plant the seeds of truth in their hearts and minds. The things we say and do will have a lasting impact on the course of their lives. What truth from God’s Word have you learned this week? How are you passing that on to your children? They listen, watch, and learn – even when we think they aren’t paying attention. How do your actions match what you say you believe? Wise children are the product of careful teaching.

February 26, 2023


Read – Exodus 4

What does it say?
Moses questioned his ability to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. God gave Moses miraculous signs and offered Aaron to be his spokesperson.

What does it mean?
God gave Moses three miraculous signs to prove that he had been sent by God. Even after witnessing his staff turning into a snake, his hand becoming diseased, and the Nile River turning into blood, Moses still focused on his own abilities. God promised to help him speak and teach him what to say. When Moses asked God to use someone else, God was angered and offered Moses’ brother, Aaron, to be his spokesperson. God never intended for Moses to act in his own strength. Only by admitting his weaknesses and relying on God’s strength would Moses accomplish the huge task before him.

How should I respond?
What excuses have you offered to God? Focusing on your abilities and magnifying your weaknesses will always justify your excuses. However, when God gives you opportunities, you must exchange your doubts for His strength. What is God asking you to do right now? Ask God to open your eyes to see how He has prepared you for the task. Who has God strategically placed in your life to assist you? Don’t miss out on what God has purposed for you to do. He will empower you, He will go with you, and God will be pleased when you trust Him to do what seems impossible.

February 24, 2021


Read – Proverbs 3:21-35

What does it say?
Solomon urged his son to use sound judgment and do good deeds when he had power to act. God blesses the righteous, gives grace to the humble, and honors the wise.

What does it mean?
King Solomon didn’t want his son to delay when he had the power to do something good for someone else. However, good deeds alone aren’t what please the Lord; it takes humility to look out for the best interest of others. As a result, God provides discernment and sound judgment regarding when to act and what to do. It then stands to reason that those who follow the Lord should never intentionally harm or falsely accuse others. While the wicked look out for themselves at all costs, the upright have the promise of God’s guidance and grace.

How should I respond?
The old adage is true: with great power comes great responsibility. Not only are followers of Christ heirs of God’s kingdom, we also have the constant presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Like Solomon’s son, we need to understand that our position isn’t to be used for selfish purposes. But neither are we to do good things simply to gain favor with God. Understanding God’s grace produces an attitude of genuine humility, making it second nature to help others. God’s grace and wisdom are the intangible components in the lives of those who choose to follow Him. And the effects of His grace on any situation can’t be calculated.

February 25, 2023


Read – Exodus 3

What does it say?
The Lord told Moses, through a burning bush, that he had been chosen to deliver God’s people from Egypt. Moses was to tell Pharaoh to set the people of Israel free.

What does it mean?
Moses had developed humility through his experiences as a shepherd in the wilderness over the last forty years. Moses could not comprehend how God could use him for such an enormous task. The Lord, however, reminds him that it is not because of Moses’ talents, but because of God’s power that success will come. God had chosen to free His people through the person of Moses, and all Moses had to do was to obey in humble service to the God who identifies Himself as ‘I AM.’ Moses would now have to learn complete and utter dependence on the Lord.

How should I respond?
God is still in the business of choosing ordinary people to do extraordinary things. Like Moses, the call from God seldom comes when we’re looking for it but rather as we faithfully complete the regular, mundane, everyday duties of life. What does God want to accomplish through you? How can He use you to bless others? If you knew the big picture, it might be a little scary; but remember, it’s God’s strength and power, not your own. Are you listening for God’s guidance and direction? Walk in humility and obedience to God, depending completely on Him, and you may be surprised at what He can do through you.

February 23, 2021


Read – Proverbs 3:1-20

What does it say?
Trust in the Lord and accept His discipline. His wisdom and understanding are incomparable treasures that bring blessing, long life, honor, and peace.

What does it mean?
Solomon, again, tells his son that wisdom and fear of the Lord go hand in hand, urging him to go beyond reverence for the Lord to trust. Trust is more than simply acknowledging that God is capable of handling life’s issues; trusting with one’s whole heart requires acting upon that knowledge in faith. It means accepting the Lord’s correction because He has full knowledge of the situation and knows how to clear the path for His child’s best interest. Only then will one find true wisdom and understanding, which are more valuable than the greatest earthly treasures.

How should I respond?
With what situation has God been asking you to trust Him? How can you know if you’re trusting in the Lord’s wisdom rather than your own? First, ask Him to reveal any area where you’re not yielding to His correction; godly wisdom is the result of obedience. Next, acknowledge God’s authority over your life and humbly seek His direction before taking each step. Every time you choose to trust the Lord, your understanding of how He works increases, and He receives glory for the results. A life of trust will produce a wiser, more peaceful you. What could possibly be more valuable than that?

February 24, 2023


Read – Exodus 2

What does it say?
Moses was rescued by Pharaoh’s daughter and grew up in Pharaoh’s Court. After killing an Egyptian slave master, he fled to Midian and married a shepherdess.

What does it mean?
Moses grew up identifying with two cultures. He was born a Hebrew, but was raised and educated as Egyptian royalty. Moses may have felt that his distinctive position qualified him to act as a savior when he saw an Egyptian assaulting a Hebrew slave. But he acted impulsively and outside of God’s will by killing the Egyptian slave master. As a result, Pharaoh called for his death, and Moses fled for his life. He tried to assume a position to which God had not yet called or equipped him. But God never forgot His people during Moses’ forty years of preparation in the wilderness. A much humbler Moses would emerge from Midian as the deliverer of the Israelites.

How should I respond?
It’s hard not to take matters into our own hands when we see injustice in the world. Even in the everyday stuff of life, we notice people in authority who mishandle and mismanage what has been entrusted to them. God desires to use believers as an influence on the world, but every action must be at His prompting and in His timing. When you recognize that you are simply the instrument in God’s hand, it allows you to become part of what He is doing. What outcome are you trying to force? Have you assumed a role or position that God hasn’t given to you? Humbly follow God and allow Him to guide your path. He needs to equip you before He can elevate you.

February 22, 2021


Read – Proverbs 2

What does it say?
Wisdom comes to those who accept and apply God’s commands.

What does it mean?
Solomon told his son that gaining wisdom isn’t merely a mental exercise; it requires action. “If” he sought wisdom, “then” it would lead to understanding and work itself out in his behavior. Those who conduct themselves wisely are upright, blameless, just, and faithful. Wisdom is like a two-sided coin: it must be sought, but it is also a gift of God. The logical conclusion, then, is that wisdom comes by seeking God Himself, which results in living in His favor and presence. Seeking godly wisdom leads a person to others who are doing the same and leads away from those living foolish, immoral lives.

How should I respond?
As children we quickly learned that actions have consequences; if you touch a hot stove, then you get burned. People who loved us provided the knowledge that the stove was hot. Choosing to act with understanding by not touching the stove is wisdom. As we become more mature, God provides us with all kinds of knowledge about the “ifs” and “thens” of the world for both our physical and spiritual well-being. But choosing to act on the knowledge we gain is up to us. How would you describe your search for knowledge about God and His ways? The guidance and protection that result from God’s gift of wisdom come by diligently seeking Him and acting on what you learn.

February 23, 2023


Read – Exodus 1

What does it say?
The Israelites grew in number, which intimidated the current Pharaoh. So he made them slaves and ordered his people to throw every Hebrew baby boy into the Nile River.

What does it mean?
The desire of the Egyptians to enslave the people of Israel came from fear. The Pharaoh, who did not know or care about Joseph, feared that the people of Israel might rise up against them or side with Pharaoh’s enemies against Egypt. This fear led to a desire to control the Israelites by enslaving them and killing their male babies. Pharaoh hoped that this would serve to weaken them, but God intervened and multiplied the Hebrews, in spite of Pharaoh’s efforts.

How should I respond?
Nothing blinds you to reality faster than fear. It can cause irrational, manipulative, and even cruel behavior. When circumstances are outside of our control, it’s easy to give in to fear. What is your response in those situations? Do you rise up against others in an effort to protect yourself, like Pharaoh? Maybe, like the Israelites, your worst fears have been realized. Are you being treated unfairly or unjustly? Will you continue to humbly trust God to fight your battles and work the situation out? God had a plan to free His people from oppression, and God has a plan for you as well. Stay faithful and allow God to work on your behalf.

February 21, 2021


Read – Proverbs 1:20-33

What does it say?
Those who reject wisdom’s correction will be destroyed by their own ways. However, listening to her advice brings safety and freedom from fear of harm.

What does it mean?
In the opening chapters of Proverbs, Solomon was teaching his sons how to live wisely. Here, he lays out logically the case for wisdom and warns of the consequences of rejecting it. First, wisdom is available to anyone willing to listen and respond. Next, since all wisdom comes from the Lord, one cannot be wise without having a personal relationship with God. Finally, accepting correction and acting on godly advice bring wisdom and will lead one away from harm. The person who ignores wise advice, however, will be haunted by their choices because a foolish decision cannot be undone.

How should I respond?
“If only”… we’ve all been haunted by those words at some point. If only we had listened. If only we had done things differently. Too often, we only want God’s input after our own ideas have fallen apart, and our plans end in disaster. We have to live with the consequences of our foolishness when we reject wise, godly advice. What foolish decision can you avoid by acting on God’s commands in Scripture? What godly person can you go to for wise advice? Living with no regret starts with having a vibrant relationship with Christ. Will you accept or reject His wisdom today?

February 22, 2023


Read – Genesis 50:15-26

What does it say?
Joseph reassured his brothers of his forgiveness and promised to provide for their families. He asked for an oath from his family to take his bones out of Egypt when God delivered them from there to the land He promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

What does it mean?
Joseph’s willingness to forgive his brothers for the harm they had caused him was evidence of mature faith. Joseph knew that God is the greater Judge and had actually brought something good out of what they had intended for evil. Joseph’s obedience in the midst of God’s providence moved him from slavery to prison to power. That knowledge and intimacy with God removed thoughts of retaliation and replaced them with the genuine desire to provide good things for his brothers and their families.

How should I respond?
At one point or another, we’ve all been hurt. It’s difficult to imagine any good coming from some situations. But God is still Judge and Sovereign Lord over every hurt you’ve experienced. Who are you having difficulty forgiving? How has that situation exercised your faith? If you can’t see yet how God might ‘intend for good’ what someone else ‘intended for harm,’ keep obeying, praying and trusting. With God’s help, you can forgive and even desire good things for that person. Remember, it’s impossible to have intimacy with God and refuse to forgive those who’ve wronged you.

February 20, 2021


Read – Proverbs 1:8-19

What does it say?
Instruction from parents is valuable, but evil influences lead to despair and ruin.

What does it mean?
God desires that parents diligently teach their children and point them to the Lord. Children would be wise to honor their parents’ godly influence and guidance in their lives. As children learn from their parents’ instruction, it brings honor to the children, the parents, and God. Listening to a parent’s counsel also provides a strong foundation of wisdom in every aspect of life. Solomon strongly warned against evil influences that will lead to a destructive lifestyle. Succumbing to the allure of sinful pleasures, dangerous influences, and greedy desires can lead to a pit of despair and ruin.

How should I respond?
God has set a high standard for parents to live out before their children. This requires intentional daily living that focuses on becoming godly examples that children can follow. As a parent, what areas in your life do you need to bring before the Lord, asking for wisdom and guidance? We can’t expect our children to live honorably before the Lord in areas where we have failed to follow Him. Thank God today for His warning in Scripture against evil influences. What temptations have you allowed to overtake your life because you failed to seek God’s direction or truth? Admit these areas of struggle before the Lord. He is ready and willing to come to your rescue and bring you out of a destructive path into a restored life with Him.

February 21, 2023


Read – Genesis 49:29-50:14

What does it say?
After Jacob died, Joseph used his relationship with Pharaoh to carry out his father’s last instructions to be buried in Canaan with his fathers.

What does it mean?
Being at peace with God and having blessed his children, Jacob slipped into eternity to meet God face to face. Utilizing his authority with Pharaoh, Joseph and his brothers honored their father by burying Jacob according to his instructions. Joseph’s power as Prime Minister and his fame as the savior of Egypt called attention to the respect and honor he gave his father upon his death. The funeral procession into Canaan was a grand display and witness to the Canaanites—so much so that they renamed the land. Once again, Joseph’s actions pointed everyone around him to the God of his father, Israel.

How should I respond?
How you treat your family speaks volumes to those around you about the validity of your faith. Do you, like Joseph, treat your family with such honor and respect that it causes others to take notice? Find a way to show appreciation to your parents or grandparents for their provision, discipline, counsel or godly foundation for life. What tangible way can you demonstrate respect for your parents this week, whether they are living or deceased? What kind of family legacy are you leaving your children? The way you care for your aging parents is a model for your children. Follow Joseph’s example and point everyone around you to Jesus by demonstrating His love for those closest to you…your family.

February 19, 2021


Read – Proverbs 1:1-7

What does it say?
The Proverbs of Solomon were written to offer words of wisdom that encourage a life of discipline, discretion, and prudence. Knowledge begins with the fear of the Lord.

What does it mean?
In the opening verses of Proverbs, Solomon stated his purpose and his audience. By thoughtfully reading these pages, every person has something to gain – regardless of age or level of knowledge. As king, he was teaching the Israelites to use good judgment in order to do what was right and fair in their daily interactions with one another. He stated that wisdom requires both knowledge and first-hand experience of the Lord. Therefore, wisdom starts by respectfully responding to God in obedience and worship. His conclusion? It’s foolish for anyone to reject the wisdom and discipline found in Scripture. It is wise to seek guidance and discernment for life.

How should I respond?
Wisdom is the process of knowing how to live out the truth that God gives in His Word. It doesn’t matter if you are young and impulsive or if you already have a measure of wisdom from years of living – Proverbs has something for you. Which quality in today’s passage are you in need of just now – wisdom, discernment, good judgment, discipline, or guidance? The starting point is approaching God and His Word with reverence and respect. The question is, “Will you embrace or despise what He shows you?”

February 20, 2023


Read – Genesis 49:1-28

What does it say?
Jacob blessed his sons, describing their present character and prophetically revealing their future blessings and adversities.

What does it mean?
Through God’s enabling, Jacob told his sons how their individual character and choices would impact their future, as well as that of their descendants. Several of his sons received Jacob’s rebuke for their wrong choices. But two of his sons, Judah and Joseph, were given extensive blessings including the promise of God’s presence and protection for future generations. From Judah will come ‘Shiloh’ or peace. (Jesus came from the tribe of Judah.) From Joseph, who had been strengthened by the ‘Mighty One of Jacob…the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel,’ would come great provision and blessing. All of Jacob’s sons—’the twelve tribes of Israel’ — received the special blessing of being a part of God’s chosen family.

How should I respond?
Siblings growing up in the same home and environment often turn out differently as adults. From childhood, individual choices shape the character of each person. The decisions you make each day affect your future as well as future generations of your family. What consequences might your grandchildren inherit from a choice you make today? What thoughts, attitudes or actions do you need to change in order to leave your children a blessing rather than a burden? If you don’t make God a part of your present, He will not be a part of your future.

Compass: Prayer and Fasting


Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Matthew 6:5-18 (NKJV)

1. Attitude of prayer

vs 5 And when you pray, you shall not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward.

  • As in verse 2, there is an expectation of prayer for the believer. Jesus, here, makes it clear prayer is not to be a ritualistic, attention-grabbing event.
  • Prayer is to be personal and genuine in its recognition of our dependence on God

1 John 5:14-15 Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. 15 And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.

2. Posture of prayer

Vss 6-8 But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words. Therefore do not be like them. For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him.

  • Jesus is not forbidding public prayer, He is encouraging personal prayer
  • He is also commanding authentic, transparent communication between a person and their Creator

1 Thess. 5:16b …pray without ceasing…

3. Content of prayer

Vss 9-13 In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. 10 Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven. 11 Give us this day our daily bread. 12 And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors. 13 And do not lead us into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

  • This prayer does not teach us how Jesus prayed, He never needed to pray for forgiveness. Jesus wanted to teach us what our prayers should look like since we all need forgiveness.


  • Recognize who God is
  • Celebrate what God does
  • Realize what God desires
  • Receive what God gives
  • Ask for forgiveness
  • Seek His protection
  • Long for what God longs for 

John 14:13-14 And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.

4. Motivation of prayer

Vss 14-15 For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

  • Jesus is not saying that we will lose our salvation if we do not forgive others, He is simply accentuating the fruit of our salvation should include forgiving as we have been forgiven
  • In other words, our unwillingness to forgive is either an indicator of our lostness or an indicator of our failure to receive the benefits of what God has done for us

5. Companion of prayer

Vss 16-18 Moreover, when you fast, do not be like the hypocrites, with a sad countenance. For they disfigure their faces that they may appear to men to be fasting. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. 17 But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, 18 so that you do not appear to men to be fasting, but to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.

  • Jesus is teaching that fasting is something that is also not to be done for attention but rather for focus. This focus is to be centered on our total dependence on God.


1. Pray regularly

2. Pray rightly

3. Pray intently

4. Fast when necessary

February 18, 2021


Read – Job 42

What does it say?
Job recognized God’s sovereignty, repented of his presumptuous attitude, and obeyed God’s instructions to pray for his friends. He was given twice as much as he had before.

What does it mean?
Faced with devastating tragedies, Job struggled with what he had always believed about God. In the end, Job realized his arrogance and repented. God vindicated Job in the presence of his friends. It might have been tempting for Job to say to his friends, “I told you so.” However, God didn’t let that happen. God instructed Job to pray for his friends, releasing any bitterness that could have taken root in his heart. Job’s reward was not only his restored prosperity, but also restored faith in the God who loved him enough to give him a glimpse of the reality of who He is.

How should I respond?
In recent years, reality television programs with pseudo-experiences of “real life” have become increasingly popular. The book of Job, on the other hand, does give an actual look at real events experienced in real life. In the midst of tragedies, you might wonder, “Why?” No matter what the answer is, God wants to give you a greater understanding of who He is. In what situation are you questioning what God has allowed instead of humbly trusting Him? Submitting to Him – whether in a season of difficulty or in a moment of victory – changes you and helps you know Him better. That is reality.

February 19, 2023


Read – Genesis 48

What does it say?
Jacob adopted Joseph’s sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, giving a greater inheritance to Joseph’s family. Ephraim, the younger son, was prophetically given the blessing of the first-born.

What does it mean?
When a man is about to die, he often recognizes and shares what is most important to him. Jacob knew that birthright and legal tradition were subject to the sovereign choice of God. In this case, additional portions of land were given to Joseph’s sons. All of this was setting in motion God’s plan for the land and the nation of Israel. Jacob shared his greatest blessing when he described God as the One ‘who has been my Shepherd all my life’ and ‘has delivered me from all harm.’ The greatest inheritance Jacob left his family was not the land God had promised—but faith in the God who keeps His promises.

How should I respond?
Parents usually want to provide for their children to have a better life than they had. We spend countless hours working, planning and saving in order to give them what they need and much of what they desire. But how much thought have you given to building a spiritual inheritance for the next generation? Whether you are a parent, grandparent, uncle, teacher or neighbor – your life is shaping and influencing someone younger than you. What will they believe about God based on the testimony of your life? The greatest gift you have been given is faith in Jesus Christ, an eternal inheritance.

February 17, 2021


Read – Job 40-41

What does it say?
God’s questions challenged Job to see his limited wisdom to administer justice and his limited power to handle powerful creatures, such as the behemoth and the leviathan.

What does it mean?
In a profound act of grace, God met with Job and gave him a chance to state his case. Admitting his unworthiness, Job stopped talking and started listening. God’s questioning helped Job see his inability to handle matters of justice for all the moral issues of the world. Job’s faith had wavered, and he needed a reminder that God always administers justice fairly. Instead of addressing the “why?” of Job’s trials, God appealed to his mind and heart with the rhetorical question, “Can you….?” No, Job could not – but he could rest in the wisdom and power of his all-sufficient Lord.

How should I respond?
God in His grace recorded Job’s experiences to help us understand that we may never understand some things in this earthly life. We often question why good people suffer, while evil people seem to prosper. At times we often wonder, “How did that person get that job, promotion, or recognition?” How has your faith wavered because life doesn’t seem fair? Remember, the final chapter of our lives is still in process. God does reward obedience – but not always on this side of life. Will you trust God’s promise, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9)?

February 18, 2023


Read – Genesis 47:13-31

What does it say?
Joseph administers a God-given plan to save everyone in Egypt from famine. Jacob blesses his family and asks to be buried with his fathers in the Promised Land.

What does it mean?
Joseph’s obedience to God during so many difficult years had given him the perfect platform to save his family and the Egyptians from an epic famine. Joseph’s previous experiences running Potiphar’s house and being in charge of the prison had taught him to rely on God and seek His wisdom. As a result, Jacob was able to live out his years watching his sons and grandchildren live in God’s provision. Although Jacob knew Goshen was a good land for his family at that time, he remained focused on the greater land God had promised to him and his children. God had preserved His people.

How should I respond?
In what position of influence has God placed you? Whether you’re a parent, employer or friend, the decisions you make every day affect more than just your own life. For what situation do you need wisdom today? As you obey God, He will provide guidance for each challenge you face. As a result, you will be a blessing to your family, co-workers and community. You never know…God may be using today’s circumstances to prepare you for greater responsibility. Will you be up to the task?

February 16, 2021


Read – Job 38-39

What does it say?
God broke His silence and questioned Job. The Creator of Heaven and earth responded by revealing details of His creation, not by giving a reason for Job’s trial.

What does it mean?
In this courtroom, God was Prosecutor and Judge. Rather than answer his multitude of questions, God asked Job questions, leaving him with no defense. God silenced Job’s wonderings by pointing out the wonders of His creation. Since God perfectly planned and sustains the universe, He could certainly handle Job’s life. God is accountable to NO man; His wisdom and sovereignty were all Job needed to know. Although Job might not have understood the mind or ways of God, he could know and trust Him. Job had been waiting for the answer to, “Why?” but the Lord responded with, “Who?”

How should I respond?
“My God is so big, so strong and so mighty; there’s nothing my God cannot do!” This simple preschool song says it all. Our God, Maker of Heaven and earth, is at work in your life. His history of faithfulness should give you total confidence that He can handle whatever comes your way. When has the enemy tried to tell you differently? When have you felt all alone? You are not! God may not explain the reason for your pain, but He has already done so much more by revealing Himself in Scripture. Our all-wise Creator is at your side and invites you to know and trust Him. Will you?

February 17, 2023


Read – Genesis 46:1-47:12

What does it say?
Jacob, now advanced in age, was ready for the trip to see his son Joseph. When Jacob’s family arrived in Egypt, Pharaoh welcomed them and offered to let them settle in the best part of the land.

What does it mean?
Jacob had no idea his life would change so drastically when he sent his sons to Egypt. How long he must have waited and prayed for word that all was well with his children! He had twelve sons, but three were thought either dead or in great peril. They returned, however, not only with Benjamin and Simeon but also with news that Joseph was alive and well and making preparations for the entire family to come to Egypt. God graciously assured Jacob that the trip was in His will. The reunion between father and son was all that could be desired.

How should I respond?
It’s been said that a parent is only as happy as their most unhappy child. No matter how old or where your children are, their burdens and challenges are yours. You may currently be at peace with their choices, or you may be praying constantly for them to turn to God. Even though you want to protect them from hurt, the truth is you cannot. How can you pray specifically for your children today? What opportunity do you have this week to show them God’s love? Their two greatest needs are your unconditional love and God’s saving grace!

February 15, 2021


Read – Job 35-37

What does it say?
God is great! Who can know Him? Elihu finished by declaring God’s goodness, justice, power, and sovereignty. Man cannot know or understand God’s ways or reasons.

What does it mean?
Elihu felt it was his duty to speak for God in order to help Job gain understanding. He believed Job was neither obedient nor repentant and that was why he was suffering. Elihu argued that Job wasn’t owed blessing for obedience because God is sovereign. Regardless of whether or not Elihu understood Job’s situation, he did understand some things about God’s person: the Lord is powerful, benevolent, just, and sovereign.

How should I respond?
Schoolteachers and parents alike often use rewards as positive reinforcement for right behavior. Likewise, rewards are withheld when a child’s actions are unacceptable. We come to expect rewards for doing what’s right, even from God. While obedience does bring blessing, we don’t always recognize how and why the Lord is directing our lives as He does. His blessing may come by withholding something you’re praying for earnestly. What painful situation might actually be God’s goodness in your life? What change are you resisting? Find peace in the confident recognition that God is in control. Remain obedient and look for His powerful, benevolent hand.

February 16, 2023


Read – Genesis 45

What does it say?
Joseph and his brothers shared an emotional reunion. Pharaoh invited Joseph’s entire family to move to Egypt and promised to give them the best land.

What does it mean?
Joseph had waited nearly twenty years for this family reunion. The trials and hardships that previously seemed so overwhelming now fell into perspective as Joseph saw how those experiences had served to save his family. He had been strategically placed in a position that literally took his family from famine to feasting. Rather than focus on the years of agony, Joseph chose to focus on the sense of purpose he felt. The forgiveness he generously gave would never be forgotten. Joseph’s entire life had led to this moment. God used the suffering and hardship of one man, Joseph, to preserve the future nation of Israel.

How should I respond?
No one wants to linger in painful circumstances. It doesn’t matter if the pain is physical or emotional, we try to end it as quickly as possible. Like Joseph, you may not see how God can use your difficult circumstances for anything positive while in the midst of them, but given time your perspective can change. God doesn’t cause every situation we find ourselves in, but if He has allowed it, then He can use it to accomplish His purpose for you and for those your life will impact (Rom. 8:28.) What past situation do you now see in a different light? Ask God for His perspective on the circumstances you face today.