July 27, 2022


Read – 1 Corinthians 16

What does it say?
Paul closed his first letter to the church in Corinth by discussing a believer’s responsibilities regarding money, time, and people.

What does it mean?
Paul opened this chapter with the expectation that followers of Christ contribute financially to the expenses of the church and help those in need. The fact that the collection was taken on the first day of the week, Sunday, indicates that giving is an act of worship. Paul approached the use of his time as seriously as he did money. He prayed for God’s direction as he made plans and waited to see “if the Lord permits.” He then mentioned seven friends and co-workers by name. Paul valued his friends and encouraged their service for the Lord, which connected them to him and each other.

How should I respond?
Today’s church still has the same three resources as Paul: money, time, and people. It’s important to pray about the handling of these assets. How has reading the Bible influenced the way you spend time and money? Impulsive decisions can needlessly complicate your schedule and reduce what you can contribute to God’s work. What opportunities has God given you to mentor someone as Paul did Timothy? Every possession, relationship, and moment of life is given by God to use for His purpose. Today, how can you be a careful steward of all God has given you?

July 25, 2020


Read – 1 Samuel 7

What does it say?
After Israel fully committed their hearts to the Lord, He gave them victory over the Philistines. Samuel set up a stone near Mizpah as a remembrance of the Lord’s help.

What does it mean?
Everything was going well. The ark had returned to Israel, and Samuel led the people to clean out their idols and commit to worship only the Lord. But fear gripped their hearts when the Philistines gathered to attack. The children of Israel responded by looking to the Lord for help, fully convinced that He was able to rescue them. Asking Samuel to “cry out” to the Lord was more than a prayer request; it was a desperate plea in recognition that God was their only hope. The Ebenezer stone was a monument of the victory and a reminder of God’s intervention in their lives.

How should I respond?
Staying spiritually on track isn’t insurance against life’s troubles. However, having a heart that is fully committed to the Lord is the key to responding to sudden difficulty. Where do you turn when desperation pours over you like a tidal wave? The same God who rescued Israel from the Philistines still intervenes in the lives of His children. No situation is too overwhelming for Him. What is causing you fear today? The Lord is waiting for you to “cry out” to Him, believing that He is able to handle it. His answer may not be immediate, but it will come. He is always at work behind the scenes of your life.

July 26, 2022


Read – 1 Corinthians 15

What does it say?
Believers will be resurrected one day just as Jesus was raised from the dead.

What does it mean?
Enemies of Christianity were claiming that Jesus hadn’t been raised from the dead even though witnesses of His resurrection were still alive. Without the bodily resurrection of Christ, there can be no eternal salvation. Adam’s sin in the Garden of Eden plunged all mankind into sin, which brought death. But Christians have no need to fear dying. Placing one’s faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus gives victory over sin and death. The resurrection of Christ is neither a lie nor a legend; it is the greatest fact of all history and secures the future resurrection of all believers.

How should I respond?
Americans spend millions of dollars on products to fight aging and improve their bodies. But everyone succumbs to time and faces the eventuality of death. How does reading this passage about a heavenly future change your view on your own mortality? If the thought of death frightens you, examine whether or not you have acknowledged the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus for your salvation. How does His resurrection give you hope and strength to face today’s challenges? The reality of the resurrection of Jesus allows you to live with purpose and look forward to a victorious future.

July 24, 2020


Read – 1 Samuel 6

What does it say?
The Philistines returned the ark of the covenant to Israel with a guilt offering to pacify the wrath of God. The Israelites rejoiced and offered sacrifices to God.

What does it mean?
It is common in many cultures to give a gift when someone has been offended. God’s people had instructions about different types of guilt offerings in the writings of Moses, but in this situation the Philistines were offering a gift to pacify the wrath of God against them. It was as if God had moved the Philistines to do what was right after they had done what was wrong with His ark. God’s wrath against the Philistines was pacified when the Israelites in Beth-Shemesh offered up sacrifices to rejoice in the return of the ark of the covenant to Israel.

How should I respond?
When we’ve done something wrong, pride often stands in the way of admitting our guilt and asking God for forgiveness. One of the hardest things to do is simply saying the words, “I’m sorry, I was wrong, will you forgive me?” However, admitting when we’re wrong and asking for forgiveness not only heals those we’ve harmed, but it frees us. Is there a sin that you need to admit and ask forgiveness from God or another person? Keeping that sin to yourself because of pride will bind you, but asking for forgiveness will free you to have an unhindered relationship with the Lord.

July 25, 2022


Read – 1 Corinthians 14

What does it say?
Everything said and done within the church should edify and strengthen the body.

What does it mean?
It’s important to understand the gifts of prophecy and tongues in order to get a better idea of what Paul is saying in this chapter. There are two different examples of tongues in the New Testament. In Acts 2, God gave the Apostles the gift of languages in order for unbelievers from many nations to hear the gospel in their own “tongue.” It was a sign that God had empowered the message. In Corinth, many believers were speaking in a prayer language that had to be interpreted in order to be understood. Chaos developed because so many people were speaking in tongues at one time. Paul prefers the gift of prophecy, the ability to clearly communicate the message of Christ. God is the God of peace, not confusion. The message of Jesus must be presented clearly in order to strengthen the church and draw others to follow Christ.

How should I respond?
As an orchestra warms up, each musician plays a different portion of the piece of music, making it impossible for a listener to detect the melody. The conductor’s direction brings harmony and understanding to the same piece. Likewise, God never desires chaos and conflict within His church. How are you contributing to order and peace in your church? How can you clearly communicate God’s character and purpose to those in your home, school, or community? Are you contributing to the melody or just making noise?

July 23, 2020


Read – 1 Samuel 5

What does it say?
When the Philistines took the ark of the covenant back to their land, God smashed their idol of Dagon and gave people tumors wherever the ark was taken.

What does it mean?
The ark of the covenant was a special place for God’s presence to live among His people. It belonged in the Holy of Holies—a room in the inner part of the tabernacle. When the Philistines took the ark among the spoils of battle, they thought of it as just another religious artifact. God became angry that His ark was dishonored among the Philistines when they put it beside an idol in the temple of Dagon, their god. God doesn’t want to be treated like just another god because He is the one true, living God who was not made by human hands but is the Creator of all things everywhere.

How should I respond?
There are certain words we use to refer to God, like “Lord”, “God”, “Christ”, and “Jesus.” Have you heard someone use those words as profanity rather than respectfully talking about the Creator and Savior of the world? Words like these are special because they refer to the one true, living God, and God doesn’t want His name to be used flippantly but in an honorable way. Try this. The next time you hear someone use one of those words as profanity, say under your breath, “May God’s name be praised.” They may dishonor the Lord, but your love for His name will give recognition of the glory He is due.

July 24, 2022


Read – Psalms 78

What does it say?
Asaph stressed the importance of teaching the next generation about the Lord.

What does it mean?
This is a maskil, or instructional psalm. The psalmist’s instruction was to learn from the past and instruct others. Each generation had a responsibility to teach their children what they had learned about the Lord. Kids who were taught to recognize God’s hand at work in the world learned to trust His power. Children who were instructed in His Law were more likely to follow His commands. If these truths were not impressed upon children from a young age, they would follow their sinful nature, forget what God had done, and refuse to obey Him. To prove his point, Asaph recounted Israel’s long history of rebellion against the Lord.

How should I respond?
As parents, we show our kids from a young age how to brush their teeth, tell them to eat their vegetables, enroll them in a variety of classes, and drive them to endless athletic events. Yet of all the things parents can do for their children, nothing is more important than teaching them the truth about God. Taking them to a Bible-believing church is important, but those truths have to be backed up with practical instruction in daily life and by modeling trust in the Lord and obedience to His Word. What have your kids and grandkids learned about the Lord by watching and listening to you? Be aware of teachable moments today. Tell them how God has taken care of your family in the past. Show them what the Bible says about the issues they’re facing at school and with friends, and then pray with them about those things. If you don’t impress your beliefs upon their hearts, the world will.

July 22, 2020


Read – 1 Samuel 4

What does it say?
The Philistines defeated the Israelites at the Battle of Ebenezer and captured the ark of the covenant. Eli and his sons died as God had foretold.

What does it mean?
There was no king in these days, but God led His people through prophets, priests, and elders. The center of Israel during that time was in a town called Shiloh. This was the place where the tabernacle stood and where the ark of the covenant was kept. Although God is everywhere, His presence was seen in a special way just above the ark. When the Philistines seemed to be winning the Battle of Ebenezer, the elders of Israel hatched a plan to bring the ark to the battlefield; but this was not the Lord’s plan, so He didn’t bless it. God allowed Israel to lose the battle and the ark.

How should I respond?
Everyone makes plans. This passage teaches us to call upon the Lord in prayer before and during the making of our own plans. What is the next big thing you’re planning? Have you prayed about it? There are three ways you can hear God’s answer. First, make sure your plans are in line with what the Bible teaches. Second, ask Him to give you a sense of peace about the plans. Third, share your plans with godly Christian friends and ask them for guidance. Get into the habit of asking God what His plan is rather than simply asking Him to bless yours.

July 23, 2022


Read – Psalms 76, 77

What does it say?
Asaph declared the greatness of God, who saved Israel from her enemies. Remembering the Lord’s deeds, he asked God to once again be merciful to Israel.

What does it mean?
Whether in good times or bad, Asaph turned to God in prayer, praising His works and His character. In Psalm 76 Asaph celebrated God’s greatness after the devastation of the enemy’s army, which was likely the defeat of the Assyrians in which no Israelite had to lift a sword (2 Chron. 32:16-23). In Psalm 77 Asaph felt as if the Lord had forgotten them altogether. During a sleepless night, he turned his thoughts to God’s previous deliverance. Clearing his mind of the current dilemma and focusing on the greatness of God brought comfort. His circumstances had changed, but his God had not.

How should I respond?
Today’s psalms reflect the reality of life – everyone experiences peaks and valleys. Life will feel like a roller coaster if your outlook is tied to your emotions. When everything around you is in flux, Jesus remains the never changing, never moving anchor for your soul. Are you currently experiencing good times and calm days? Then pray and praise the Lord. Are you going through dark, sleepless nights? Then pray and allow God’s presence and previous provision to comfort your heart and mind. He has come through before, and He is able to do it again. Praise the Lord!

July 21, 2020


Read – 1 Samuel 3

What does it say?
Eli helped Samuel recognize that it was God calling his name. The Lord told Samuel His plans for Israel and Eli. God remained with Samuel as he became a prophet of Israel.

What does it mean?
God was about to do something new in Israel, and He chose to reveal it to the boy who would proclaim God’s message to His people for years to come. But before Samuel could hear God’s message, he had to get still before the Lord and listen intentionally. The message of judgment against his mentor, Eli, must have been difficult to hear and even harder to repeat. Through this event, Samuel learned to recognize God’s voice, listen to His plan, and speak His message. As Samuel grew up, God’s presence with him was so evident that it caught people’s attention. God continued to speak, and Samuel faithfully communicated His Word to the people.

How should I respond?
We live in a busy world. Being still before the Lord doesn’t just happen; you have to be intentional about spending time with Him. While God may not audibly speak today, He has revealed His plans and instructions through His Word, the Bible. God also speaks through the guidance and conviction of the Holy Spirit, who lives inside every follower of Christ. How much of your prayer time is spent listening to God versus telling Him what you want? How will you be faithful to carry out what He reveals to you? As you act to carry out God’s plans, His grace on your life will be obvious to the people around you.

July 22, 2022


Read – 1 Corinthians 13

What does it say?
Spiritual gifts are useless if not used in love.

What does it mean?
No other passage of Scripture gives a more complete picture of the perfect, unending nature of Christ-like love (agape). Such love is demonstrated through action rather than simply felt as an emotion. Paul contends that love demonstrated this way prevents the misuse of spiritual gifts. How each gift is used is more important than what the gift is. If believers grab hold of this truth, they are able to love perfectly, as Jesus did. After Christ’s return when all other gifts are no longer needed, love will be the permanent disposition of God’s people.

How should I respond?
Which descriptions of love in this passage are true of you? Where are you falling short? It’s easy to read this famous chapter and feel inadequate if you’re trying to muster up the emotions or attitudes yourself. As you allow the Holy Spirit to control the use of your spiritual gift(s), God’s perfect love will be demonstrated through your thoughts and actions. How you demonstrate love in your life depends completely on where you find it. Have you found true love in Jesus Christ? If so, the people who come across your path today should receive a living demonstration of God’s love through you.

July 20, 2020


Read – 1 Samuel 2:12-36

What does it say?
Eli’s sons, Hophni and Phineas, treated the people of Israel wickedly and despised God through their sin. Therefore, God cut off Eli’s family from serving as priests.

What does it mean?
God gave Moses many specific instructions about how the priests were to handle the sacrifices brought to the tabernacle. There were two main purposes behind these instructions. The first was to maximize the worship experience of the person offering the sacrifice. This wasn’t just a ritual, but worship that brought the one offering the sacrifice into a right relationship with God. The second purpose was to provide an equitable division of the edible part of the sacrifice between the worshiper and the priest. Eli’s sons treated the instructions and purposes with contempt.

How should I respond?
How do you approach worship when you come to church on Sundays? Are you excited to sing, pray, and read God’s Word with other believers? Or do you come out of a sense of duty, just to check church attendance off your “to do” list? Church is all about loving God and loving people. Believers come together because we thirst for God Himself and want to worship and love Him with everything we have. We can also develop relationships with people who become like a family. This week, try singing the worship songs to God directly, thinking about the words. Then, get involved in a Life Group and introduce yourself to someone you don’t know. How will you approach God this week?

July 21, 2022


Read – 1 Corinthians 12

What does it say?
Paul compared the body of Christ, the church, to the human body. Both are made up of many members with vital roles.

What does it mean?
The Holy Spirit gives every believer at least one spiritual gift at the point of salvation. There are many gifts serving different purposes. Each follower of Christ needs to contribute his or her gift(s) in order for the church to function properly. Parts of the human body must work in harmony for a person to be healthy and function properly. The same is true for the body of Christ. There is disunity when one member develops pride over his or her gift or is envious of what another can do. Since God distributes the gifts, they are for His use and His glory.

How should I respond?
Your church needs the specific gifts and abilities God gave you at salvation. You can trust the Holy Spirit to empower you as you use your gifts to minister to others. What are your spiritual gifts, and how are you contributing them to your local church? If you’re not sure, contact your ministry director and ask for a spiritual gift test. They will be thrilled to help you discover your gifts and share ways you can use them to produce spiritual fruit, to share the gospel, and to glorify Christ. The church body can’t function properly without you!

July 19, 2020


Read – 1 Samuel 2:1-11

What does it say?
Hannah praised God and returned home. Samuel stayed with Eli to minister to the Lord.

What does it mean?
Hannah did not forget the commitment she made to God. She not only gave Samuel to the service of the Lord, but she also praised God and celebrated His character before returning home. Hannah worshiped God from a heart over owing with gratitude for His goodness. In a moment that must have been incredibly difficult for a mother, Hannah chose to remember God’s faithfulness. She chose to celebrate her amazing God. Leaving Samuel at the temple was, at its very core, an act of worship. Hannah gave up that which was most precious to her in service to the Lord.

How should I respond?
It’s easy to become stingy with God’s blessings. Sometimes, the path He puts in front of us means letting go of good things. It can be very difficult to give them up – even to the Lord. We may refuse to hand them over, or grudgingly do so, becoming resentful and complaining about our circumstances. In those moments you can choose to trust God and remember His faithfulness. Giving your greatest treasures to God in an act of worship provides an opportunity to know Him better. Are your most prized possessions available to God? How could you, like Hannah, shift your mindset from the blessings to the One who provided them? How will you choose to worship the Lord today?

July 20, 2022


Read – 1 Corinthians 11

What does it say?
The Corinthian believers were not observing the Lord’s Supper as they should.

What does it mean?
It seems the Corinthian believers were mixing old habits from feasts that celebrated idols with the observance of the Lord’s Supper, leading to drunkenness, gluttony, and division. They weren’t looking to Jesus’ example or remembering the purpose He stated for the memorial. The Lord’s Supper, or Communion, is a time of reflection. One should look back to the death of Christ on the cross; look forward, expecting His return; and look inward, making sure things are right with God and other believers. Those who partake when they know they have sin in their lives risk God’s judgment.

How should I respond?
What is your attitude as you approach the Lord’s Supper with your church family? The symbolism of the body and blood of our Savior requires solemn self-examination. Do you reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and your part in putting Him there? It’s hard to hold a grudge against someone while simultaneously thanking God for such mercy and grace! What needs to be cleared up between you and another believer? Between you and God? Be ready to truly celebrate the Lord’s Supper, not just go through the motions of a religious tradition.

July 18, 2020


Read – 1 Samuel 1

What does it say?
Hannah pleaded with God to end her infertility and give her a son, promising to give him into God’s service. God granted her request, and Hannah gave birth to Samuel.

What does it mean?
This chapter sets the stage for Samuel’s life and God’s purpose for him from the beginning. Samuel was to lead Israel back to God and into victory over their national enemy, the Philistines. But first, Hannah had to be willing to cooperate with God’s plan. It may appear that she was waiting on God to give her a son, and in simple terms, she was. But God was also waiting on Hannah. He had a purpose for Samuel, and Hannah had to be willing to let go of the very thing she was asking for. When, in desperation, Hannah made her vow, it was clear she was ready. Eli was there to reassure her that God would answer her prayer.

How should I respond?
Life is full of surprises, those moments that are unexpected, not part of our plan, just as Hannah did not plan for infertility. God often uses those times to prepare us for something greater. Take a moment to consider what blessings you are asking from the Lord. What struggles have you brought to Him on your knees, in tears, in desperation? Is it possible that God is waiting for you to have a different perspective? Ask God to turn your desperation into an open heart, ready for His purposes.

July 19, 2022


Read – 1 Corinthians 10

What does it say?
Israel’s past failures served as examples to keep them from desiring evil things.

What does it mean?
Israel’s history of highs and lows in their faithfulness toward God was preserved as a warning to future generations. They claimed to be God’s people but easily gave in to evil desires, immorality, and idolatry. They even presumed upon God’s goodness. Paul warned the Corinthian believers not to think they had arrived in their spiritual life. The same temptations their fathers faced are universal and timeless. Then, four words provided the answer they needed, “but God is faithful.” Paul gives two encouragements: look for God’s way of escape, and let every action glorify Him.

How should I respond?
We’ve all heard that those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Parents never want their child to make the same mistakes they’ve made. Yet every generation has those who fall prey to the same things that snared the last generation. What temptation is currently looming in front of you? God promises that there is a way out. What is your family history in the same area of temptation? How can you learn from their failure or victory? Memorize verse 13 to help when you are tempted. Then, look for God’s way out. God has not promised to shield you from temptation, but He will be faithful to see you through it. Will you determine to turn to Him when tempted?

July 17, 2020


Read – Ruth 4

What does it say?
Boaz met with the other kinsman-redeemer who declined to redeem the land.

What does it mean?
The events in the lives of Boaz and Ruth reassure believers that God is at work to fulfill His purposes – even in the spiritual darkness of the times. God works in the lives of those who are willing to trust Him. Boaz didn’t depend on man’s opinions or on his own ideas of how to handle the situation – he looked to what God had revealed in His Word. Without hesitation, Boaz acted in accordance with God’s instructions and settled the legal matter quickly. From Boaz, the Jewish kinsman-redeemer, and his Gentile bride would come the Lord Jesus Christ – the Kinsman-Redeemer of every believer.

How should I respond?
The book of Ruth is often referred to as the fascinating love story of Ruth and Boaz. Even Hollywood has made movies based loosely on the biblical account. However, the movies completely miss the true love story that goes much deeper than the couple could ever imagine. Behind the scenes is the providential movement forward of God’s plan – His love story – to provide a Savior for mankind. Are you included in that love story? Have you received the only One who can redeem you from your sin and provide you with an eternal home in Heaven with Him? If so, how can your life become a part of His love story to those in your life who need to be redeemed?

July 18, 2022


Read – 1 Corinthians 9

What does it say?
Paul gave up his personal rights and freedoms for the sake of the gospel.

What does it mean?
Paul’s life could be summed up in one phrase: preach the gospel of Jesus. Nothing else held any fascination for him. Like a world-class athlete, Paul disciplined his mind and body for the race before him. He understood that discipline often means giving up something good to attain what’s best. Paul’s desire for others to know Christ was greater than his personal desires. His life is an example of dying to self and living for the approval of Christ alone. The result is an everlasting crown to place at Jesus’ feet.

How should I respond?
Being an Olympic athlete takes discipline and focus. Athletes deny themselves anything that would take their focus from their goal to win the race. The Christian life can be compared to an athlete in training. God has laid out a “race” for you. If anything else commands your focus, you’ll get off course. What area of your life needs to be more disciplined? Where do you need to give up a good thing in order to gain the very best things? Willingness to give up your own rights opens the door to see people as Paul did. Run your race for an audience of one: Jesus Christ!

July 16, 2020


Read – Ruth 3

What does it say?
Naomi gave Ruth instructions on requesting Boaz to be her kinsman-redeemer.

What does it mean?
God gave a specific provision for childless widows in Hebrew society (Deut. 25:5-10). That provision brought together two individuals from vastly different cultural and economic backgrounds who shared a common faith in the God of Israel. Boaz responded graciously to Ruth’s request to be her kinsman-redeemer. Though nothing is said about Ruth’s physical appearance, Boaz praises her inner qualities. Once again, his godly character is seen in his submission to God’s law relating to the role of a kinsman-redeemer. He vowed to pursue the matter immediately. Boaz wished to marry Ruth, “a woman of noble character,” but more than that, he desired to obey God’s Word.

How should I respond?
Whether you are choosing a life partner or building close friendships, it’s important to identify people of faith with a passion to please the Lord. What would others say about your character qualities? How is your desire to please and obey God shaping who you are? God promises that if you delight in Him, He will give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4). What are you doing to delight in Him and fulfill His plans for you? When you do what pleases Him, you can count on Him to do what He has promised.

The Letters of John: How Do I KNOW?

Matt Willmington

1 John 4:7-21 7 Dear friends, let us love one another, because love is from God, and everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 8 The one who does not love does not know God, because God is love. 9 God’s love was revealed among us in this way: God sent his one and only Son into the world so that we might live through him. 10 Love consists in this: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins. 11 Dear friends, if God loved us in this way, we also must love one another. 12 No one has ever seen God. If we love one another, God remains in us and his love is made complete in us.
13 This is how we know that we remain in him and he in us: He has given us of his Spirit. 14 And we have seen and we testify that the Father has sent his Son as the world’s Savior. 15 Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God—God remains in him and he in God. 16 And we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and the one who remains in love remains in God, and God remains in him.
17 In this, love is made complete with us so that we may have confidence in the day of judgment, because as he is, so also are we in this world. 18 There is no fear in love; instead, perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment. So the one who fears is not complete in love.
19 We love because he first loved us. 20 If anyone says, “I love God,” and yet hates his brother or sister, he is a liar. For the person who does not love his brother or sister whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. 21 And we have this command from him: The one who loves God must also love his brother and sister.

SUMMARY: Love each other because God is love. He proved it by sending his son to save the world. He loved us first so we love him and each other. We haven’t seen God but we can see his family. When we love, God lives in us and we live in him. His love is completed in us, and it gives us confidence against fear, judgment, and punishment. If we say we love God and hate each other, we are liars and we have not seen God.

1. If you love the Father you love the family. [7, 8, 16, 19]

Love each other because God is love
a. “dear friends” “brothers sisters” not neighbors [Lev.18, Luke 10]
b. 4 times here, 11 times in John’s letters [agape]
c. No love? Don’t know God [7, 8, 16]

2. Love sends, serves, sacrifices. [9-11, 14]

He loved us first and proved it by sending His son to save the world
a. Trinity – Father [9 14], Son [9 14], Spirit [13]
b. Love’s Revelation = God sent the Son
i. ‘One and only’ = priority, not origination
ii. “world” – yes elect, but not exclusive
iii. “SAVIOR”= ‘atoning sacrifice’ not example, teaching
c. He loved first
d. Since God loved by serving WE must also

3. We love what we see to love what we can’t see. [12, 14, 20]

We can’t see God but we can see family
a. John testimony – “we saw him!”
b. We ‘see’ Jesus, we see His family
c. His love grows to completion

4. Live in God because he lives in you. [12, 13, 15, 16]

When we love, we have the Spirit, God lives in us and we live in him
a. Proof of his remaining in us = Spirit
b. Confess Jesus = God is in you, you are in God
c. We know + believe. You can know w/o believing
d. If you live in love God lives in you and you in him [John 17]

5. Completed love gives confidence. [12, 17, 18]

Love is completed in us, gives confidence for fear, judgment, punishment
a. Love doesn’t fear [1 Cor.13] it drives out fear.
b. Fear judgment? You aren’t living in love

6. Haters don’t love, lovers don’t lie. [20-21]

If we say we love God but hate each other we lie and have not seen God
a. Can’t love God if you hate family
b. Jesus’ command from – John 13, 17


HONOR Romans 12:10 Love one another deeply as brothers and sisters. Take the lead in honoring one another.

HARMONIZE Romans 12:16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud; instead, associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own estimation.

JUDGE Romans 14:13 Therefore, let us no longer judge one another. Instead decide never to put a stumbling block or pitfall in the way of your brother or sister.

BUILD UP Romans 14:19 So then, let us pursue what promotes peace and what builds up one another.

WELCOME / ACCEPT Romans 15:7 Therefore welcome one another, just as Christ also welcomed you, to the glory of God.

INSTRUCT Romans 15:14 My brothers and sisters, I myself am convinced about you that you also are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, and able to instruct one another

SERVE Galatians 5:13 For you were called to be free, brothers and sisters; only don’t use this freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but serve one another through love.

DEVOUR Galatians 5:15 But if you bite and devour one another, watch out, or you will be consumed by one another.

PROVOKE / ENVY Galatians 5:26 Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.

CARRY Galatians 6:2 Carry one another’s burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

BEAR Ephesians 4:2 with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love,

LIE Ephesians 4:25 Therefore, putting away lying, speak the truth, each one to his neighbor, because we are members of one another.

KIND / COMPASSION / FORGIVE Ephesians 4:32 And be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ.

SUBMIT Ephesians 5:21 submitting to one another in the fear of Christ.

ENCOURAGE 1 Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up as you are already doing.

DO GOOD 1 Thessalonians 5:15 See to it that no one repays evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good for one another and for all.

HATE Titus 3:3 For we too were once foolish, disobedient, deceived, enslaved by various passions and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, detesting one another.

CRITICIZE James 4:11 Don’t criticize one another, brothers and sisters. Anyone who defames or judges a fellow believer defames and judges the law. If you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge.

COMPLAIN James 5:9 Brothers and sisters, do not complain about one another, so that you will not be judged. Look, the judge stands at the door!

CONFESS / PRAY James 5:16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is very powerful in its effect.

HOSPITABLE 1 Peter 4:9 Be hospitable to one another without complaining.

HUMBLE 1 Peter 5:5 In the same way, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. All of you clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.

FELLOWSHIP 1 John 1:7 If we walk in the light as he himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.

July 17, 2022


Read – Psalms 74, 75

What does it say?
Asaph lamented the sad state of Jerusalem. He recounted God’s past deeds and called on Him to rescue His people.

What does it mean?
Asaph was bewildered. Jerusalem had been attacked and the temple destroyed. It seemed as if God had rejected His own people. He no longer spoke to them in kindness as their Shepherd, but had allowed harsh treatment from the enemy as His judgment on their sin. Nonetheless, Asaph still trusted God, confident that the Lord could, and would, overthrow their enemies. God has all authority. He rules over nature itself, so He was certainly able to rescue His people. Asaph asked God to remember His promises to Israel. Since God judged the sins of His own people, surely He would punish the wickedness of their enemies.

How should I respond?
We typically think of God as a kind father or a gentle shepherd, but we don’t like to dwell on the fact that He is also a judge. God is the ultimate authority. He will hold all people accountable for their actions – both toward Him and toward others. Today’s passage gives insight to the words of Hebrews 10:31: “It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God!” While those words can be frightening, we have to remember that God’s judgment is tempered with mercy. When we consider God’s mercy, we find a God who dealt with our sin and our failings by providing His own Son as a sacrifice in our place. One day, God will judge the wickedness of the world, but if you have received His gift of salvation, you do not have to fear Him as your Judge. You can look to God as your loving heavenly Father and to His Son as your gentle Shepherd.

July 15, 2020


Read – Ruth 2

What does it say?
Ruth offered to glean the leftover grain from the fields. She happened to select a field belonging to Boaz, who was a relative of Naomi’s husband, Elimelech.

What does it mean?
In His providence, God arranged a divine appointment between two people who lived by faith in the God of Israel—a Jewish man of wealth and integrity and a poor Moabite widow. Boaz commended Ruth for her commitment to care for Naomi. In turn, God used Boaz to provide protection and food for Ruth, the Moabitess. Later, she learned that Boaz happened to be a close relative, a kinsman-redeemer. God was at work behind the scenes, blessing their lives and preparing the way for our future Kinsman-Redeemer to enter Bethlehem!

How should I respond?
Have you ever thought, “It was just a coincidence—I just happened to be at the right place at the right time”? How have you seen God’s hand at work in events in your life that seemed to just happen? God’s guidance and provision can come in ways you do not expect. Often those happenings occur during a challenging time, a time when you wonder what is going on. At those times when nothing seems to be going as planned, continue to trust and obey. God uses the tough times to strengthen your faith so that you learn to trust Him to provide exactly what you need at exactly the right time.

July 16, 2022


Read – Psalms 73

What does it say?
Asaph was tempted to envy the prosperity of the wicked.

What does it mean?
Asaph was deeply troubled by the contrast he saw between the prosperity of the wicked and the problems of the righteous. In spite of their arrogance toward God and cruelty to others, godless people appeared to have few worries while enjoying health and wealth. His own life was plagued with problems and danger. He almost gave in to the temptation to envy their prosperity; then he remembered that God will judge the ungodly, but the righteous will be under His protection. Asaph’s godly life paid eternal benefits to his descendants, the musicians during Israel’s greatest revivals who led God’s people to worship when the temple foundation was laid (Ezra 3:10).

How should I respond?
God is just, and He pays attention to the lives we live. He is also the only true authority. Even when evil seems to go unpunished and ungodliness seems to rule supreme, we can rest assured that God is keeping accounts. The Ruler of all will be your refuge if you choose to rest in Him. If, however, you choose to resist Him, the Lord will become your opposition. Rest or resistance – which will you choose today? Will you find comfort in God’s authority instead of worrying about the prosperity of ungodly people? God is watching. He will not fail to bring justice or give eternal blessings for your obedience.

July 14, 2020


Read – Ruth 1

What does it say?
To escape a famine, Naomi’s family left Bethlehem and moved to Moab. After the death of her husband and sons, Naomi and her daughter-in-law Ruth returned to Bethlehem.

What does it mean?
The events in Chapter 1 occurred during the period of the judges, a time of depravity in Israel. When Naomi decided to return to Bethlehem, she urged her daughters-in-law to stay in Moab. However, Ruth’s words reveal her desire to be identified with God’s people and God’s land. Her decision to leave her home, her family, and the false gods of Moab shows the profound difference that the knowledge of the one true God can make in a person’s life. Although many in Israel were doing what they thought was right, Ruth, a Gentile, chose to walk by faith and do what was right in God’s eyes.

How should I respond?
Do you sometimes find yourself falling into society’s way of thinking and lifestyle? There are strong influences in our culture that can draw us away from God’s best. Living in accordance with God’s will is a lifetime commitment that involves leaving our old way of life. As you trust and obey His Word, He will gradually unveil the unique plan that He has for you. Which of your old ways do you need to leave behind in order to embrace His purposes for you? The Lord comes “to the aid of His people” when they determine to follow Him. When you do, you will see God’s grace even in the midst of grief.

July 15, 2022


Read – 1 Corinthians 8

What does it say?
Paul addressed the issue of whether it was okay for believers to eat meat that had been sacrificed to idols.

What does it mean?
Paul deals with the subject of Christian liberty in the next three chapters. He understood that there is only one true God. Therefore, idols amount to nothing as do the sacrifices made to idols. However, people were being converted from pagan idol worship every day. To them, eating meat that had been sacrificed to an idol went against their conscience; they weren’t yet strong in this area of their faith. Paul would rather never eat meat again than to offend a weaker Christian. Mature believers are willing to give up personal rights in order to keep others from stumbling in their faith. Paul warned that personal freedom doesn’t override Christian responsibility.

How should I respond?
No man is an island. Your life influences others, whether you mean for it to or not. The people in your house, church, and community are at various points of spiritual maturity. What may seem harmless to you could cause sinful thoughts, actions, or addiction in a weaker believer. Paul’s example in this area is a difficult one to follow because everything in our society tells us to put self first. What practices should you give up because they could hinder another follower of Christ? Instead of asking, “What am I allowed to do?”— ask, “How can I help others grow stronger in their faith?”

July 13, 2020


Read – Judges 21

What does it say?
Four hundred virgins from Jabesh Gilead were given to the surviving Benjamites as wives. Those without wives carried off girls from Shiloh to the land of their inheritance.

What does it mean?
In order to understand the events of this chapter, one must read the end first (v25). The men of Israel used their own logic and reasoning to solve the challenge with the Benjamites. Even their sacrifices and offerings were more ritualistic than truly seeking guidance from the Lord. A Canaanite version of Israel had been developing. By the end of Judges, the men of Israel repeatedly exerted power rather than responsibility. Their treatment of women in this passage was no better than the actions against the concubine that started the war in the first place. The inhabitants of Canaan were no longer the biggest threat to God’s people – Israel was rotting from within.

How should I respond?
As Christians, we are often our own worst enemy. We can become so comfortable going through the motions of religion while dabbling in worldly temptations that we don’t realize how far we’ve moved from God Himself. Think back through the challenges you faced this week. How have your thoughts about those issues been affected by unbiblical views in the world? How might you have used your own reasoning to find a solution? Following Christ in a spiritually dark world requires constant communication with God – through both prayer and Scripture. Which version of yourself is being developed?

July 14, 2022


Read – 1 Corinthians 7

What does it say?
Paul addressed principles related to marriage and singleness.

What does it mean?
The Corinthians had sent Paul a question: “Is it better to be married or not to be married?” Paul answered that some have the gift to stay single while others have the gift of marriage; either way, it’s a blessing from God. Since Paul was not married, he was able to give every aspect of his being to serve the Lord without distraction. However, those with the gift of marriage should honor that relationship in order to avoid sexual temptation. Each Christian should seek God’s purpose for his life, as guided by the Holy Spirit.

How should I respond?
God’s principles for both marriage and singleness have been rejected by our society. People have rearranged God’s ideal in an effort to find happiness through relationships. To which group of people in this passage do you belong? What specific instructions do you need to follow in order to live by God’s standards for marriage, divorce, remarriage, or remaining single? If today is particularly difficult, ask God for strength and guidance. He has a life of purpose designed just for you!

July 12, 2020


Read – Judges 20

What does it say?
The death of the Levite’s concubine led to a three-day war between Israel and the Benjamites. God eventually gave victory to Israel, completely destroying Gibeah.

What does it mean?
The enraged men of Israel marched off to take out their vengeance on the Benjamites but didn’t ask for the Lord’s guidance until armies were mobilized for civil war. By this point in Israel’s history, people did whatever seemed right without consulting God. They had neglected to offer sacrifices that prompted daily repentance and worship of the Lord. At the root of the problem were willful, rebellious hearts that refused to bow to His authority. They didn’t think to pray, fast, or sacrifice to the Lord until they were in dire need.

How should I respond?
Living by our own wits will always result in a loss of some kind – either physical or spiritual. Still, how often do we fail to seek God’s direction until we’re backed into a corner? In a time of desperation, you may quickly attempt to catch up on asking the Lord’s forgiveness or upping your church attendance. While those things are good, examine the condition of your heart that put you in such a precarious position to start with. How would God describe your attitude toward Him today? Rebellious or obedient? Willful or submissive? The Lord is ready to offer daily comfort and guidance, but we must first recognize His sovereign right to be worshiped and obeyed.

July 13, 2022


Read – 1 Corinthians 6

What does it say?
Paul dealt with Christians who were taking fellow believers to court before pagan judges to settle petty matters. Paul also warned them to control their bodies in all areas.

What does it mean?
The Corinthians didn’t connect the salvation of their souls with their daily conduct. Followers of Christ should be capable of settling disputes in a godly way, without involving the judgment of people who don’t view life from a biblical perspective. Likewise, Christians shouldn’t be slaves to any power, not even their own bodies. They are to “flee sexual immorality.” Believers should live morally disciplined lives because their bodies have been purchased with the blood of Christ and are the temple of the Holy Spirit who gives power to overcome temptation.

How should I respond?
In what area do you lack self-control? You have freedom in Christ, but not all things are good for you. As a believer, your body is not your own – you are a member of Christ. From what do you need to flee? Have your entertainment choices this week honored or dishonored Jesus Christ? There should be a marked difference between your moral standards and those of people outside of Christ. How does knowing your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit affect the choices you’ll make today? Commit right now to honor God with everything you do.

July 11, 2020


Read – Judges 19

What does it say?
After the wicked men of Gibeah abused and killed a runaway concubine, her husband sent pieces of her body to every area of Israel.

What does it mean?
The shocking events throughout this account show the degradation that takes place when there is no moral standard or central authority to hold people accountable. God seems completely absent from the entire scenario. No one called on Him; neither did He speak or act. Without actively seeking God, His chosen people were subject to the whim of their lusts, demonstrating human depravity at its worst. Normal behavior for the children of God had become as vile and corrupt as Sodom within a generation or two of Joshua. The Levite’s actions upon returning home started a chain of events that continue to unfold in the remaining chapters of Judges.

How should I respond?
Reading this passage would make most feel sick to their stomachs. Yet, our society embraces the same rejection of God that led to such depravity and devaluing of human life. Without recognition of God’s laws to guide thoughts and mold the conscience, priorities become twisted. What have you allowed to mold your conscience? Do you recognize God’s Word as the final authority for your life? The moral and ethical values in Scripture are the keys to maintaining standards of decency, both in society and in the human heart. Will you determine to actively seek God each and every day?

July 12, 2022


Read – 1 Corinthians 5

What does it say?
Paul condemned the fact that immorality was being tolerated in the Corinthian church.

What does it mean?
Apathy toward sin is dangerous, both personally and as a church body. Church discipline is God’s judgment on a believer’s immoral behavior through a reprimand by his or her church. God will judge those outside of the church, but His followers are to hold one another accountable. The goal of church discipline should be used solely to restore the sinning believer to oneness with God and with other Christians, never to condemn or to use as a source of gossip. God hates the sin yet loves the sinner.

How should I respond?
Moral failure inside the church has become commonplace. Yet Scripture demands that we not become indifferent. God does not tolerate blatant sin and neither should His church. Do you have family members or friends close to you who are living a sinful lifestyle? If they aren’t a follower of Christ, use your influence to draw them to God. If they are a fellow-believer, will you lovingly confront them regarding their actions? Will you pray for God to put them in circumstances that will wake them up to the reality of their sin? Where do you need to put up guardrails against potential immorality? If you’re apathetic about sin, personally or corporately, you will find it spreading like cancer.

July 10, 2020


Read – Judges 18

What does it say?
The Danites pushed their way north, taking Micah’s priest, ephod, and household idols.

What does it mean?
Throughout the book of Judges, we see God’s people acting on the basis of their own logic and reasoning; this passage is no exception. The Danites grew impatient to inherit the land allotted to their tribe and decided to look elsewhere. The spies sent from the tribe sought God’s blessing on their mission after it was well underway rather than at the outset. The young priest who confirmed their plan was isolated from God’s people and serving in a house of idolatry. Though it seemed successful, their mission contradicted the Lord’s plan and resulted in establishing a center of idolatry for generations to come.

How should I respond?
God always has a plan. But disaster results any time we act on our own rather than wait for Him to clear the path. Isolation from God’s Word and God’s people can cause you to think that your plan is reasonable. Friends and family may even confirm the direction you are heading. So, how do you know whether you are moving in the direction the Lord desires for you? First, stay connected with Him through daily prayer and Bible reading. Follow God’s clear instructions in Scripture. Then, seek advice from others who are doing the same. Finally, be patient. God will open the right doors at the right time. With what situation do you need to trust the Lord today? His plan will result in His blessing.

July 11, 2022


Read – 1 Corinthians 4

What does it say?
Those who have been given a trust should prove to be faithful. Paul urged the Corinthians to follow his example.

What does it mean?
A steward is a trusted servant appointed to handle the master’s business matters in his absence. His job is to be faithful to the master. Each believer is a steward of whatever spiritual knowledge he or she may have. Since all such wisdom comes from God, what is there to brag about? The Corinthians mistakenly thought comfort and popularity were the result of being spiritual. Paul reminded them that such pride causes division, but true wisdom looks only to Christ. He talked to them like a parent who encourages a child to act like him in order to avoid danger.

How should I respond?
What truth from Scripture has God revealed to you? As a custodian of that truth, you’re responsible to make it a reality in your own life and share it with others. But be careful that your knowledge of spiritual things doesn’t become a source of pride. When you recognize God as the giver of all wisdom, power, and wealth, you’ll give glory back to Him rather than accept praise for yourself. How has God warned you regarding pride and stewardship, as Paul warned the Corinthians? God disciplines His children as an act of love. He doesn’t allow any sin to go unchecked.

July 9, 2020


Read – Judges 17

What does it say?
Micah admitted he stole his mother’s silver. She blessed him and gave some of it to him to make an idol. Micah then hired a nomadic Levite to be his personal priest.

What does it mean?
This is a strange story in the middle of several stories of great heroism. Micah was not much of a hero, but he did have his moments of making the right choices. “Polytheism” is the belief that there are many gods – often including the God of the Bible as just one. Despite the fact that Micah chose to make an idol and to worship false gods, he also wished to have the blessings of the God of the Bible, so he hired a personal priest from the tribe of Levi. In the end, this was unacceptable to the one true God of the Bible, so Micah’s idols and his personal priest were stolen by raiders from the tribe next door.

How should I respond?
Some people see their pursuit of God much like a buffet restaurant. They pick and choose beliefs and practices from multiple religions, filling up on whatever looks good at the moment. However, the God of the Bible is the only true God, and He designed us to worship Him alone. As you read through the Bible and these My Time devotionals, set your primary focus on getting to know the one true God better. Jesus taught us to seek God and His righteousness first and to worship Him alone (Matt. 6:33). Where do you look for spiritual fulfillment? True satisfaction is found only by filling your heart and mind with God’s Word.

The Letters of John: Stand on the Truth


Pastor Jonathan Falwell


1 John 4:1-6 (CSB) Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see if they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. This is how you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming; even now it is already in the world. You are from God, little children, and you have conquered them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. They are from the world. Therefore, what they say is from the world, and the world listens to them. We are from God. Anyone who knows God listens to us; anyone who is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we know the Spirit of truth and the spirit of deception.

1. Knowing truth makes all the difference

Verse 1 Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see if they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

  • John encouraged the church to “test” the messages being delivered to ensure they were of God
  • John’s use of “spirits” is not simply speaking of the Holy Spirit but also of demonic spirits that are at work as well
  • In Deuteronomy, Moses indicated that prophets were to be tested based on whether the statements come true or if they are pointing to another God. John is using this same language here.
  • The responsibility of finding truth cannot be delegated to someone else


2. Jesus is the source of truth

Vss 2-3 This is how you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming; even now it is already in the world.

  • Finding truth requires finding Christ
  • Anything that leads you away from Him and His Word is not truth


3. The truth gives us power

Verse 4 You are from God, little children, and you have conquered them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.

  • Demonic power is real in this present age
  • But we need not fear their attacks if we are leaning on the power and presence of the Holy Spirit within

Eph. 6:10-12 Finally, be strengthened by the Lord and by his vast strength. 11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can stand against the schemes of the devil. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this darkness, against evil, spiritual forces in the heavens.


4. The truth reveals truth

Vss 5-6 They are from the world. Therefore, what they say is from the world, and the world listens to them. We are from God. Anyone who knows God listens to us; anyone who is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we know the Spirit of truth and the spirit of deception.

  • The more time we spend soaking in truth, we will find more truth
  • This is not a test where are only looking for a “passing grade”

July 10, 2022


Read – Psalms 72

What does it say?
The King will judge the people, defend the afflicted, rule the nations, deliver the needy, and rescue the oppressed. His name will endure, and He will bless all nations.

What does it mean?
It’s thought that David wrote this psalm as a prayer for Solomon, Israel’s future king. He asked God to bless his son and the kingdom itself with divine righteousness and justice. The characteristics in David’s prayer describe a compassionate ruler who brings security and prosperity to the kingdom, even to the whole earth. Such a rule and such a kingdom would honor the Lord and result in praise to God. As wise and wealthy as Solomon became, he could never live up to the ideal leader described in his father’s prayer. Only David’s greater Son, Jesus, will fulfill this prophecy of God’s appointed just and righteous King. During Jesus’ first coming, He cared for the poor, the needy, and the oppressed. He will return to powerfully deliver His followers and to rule the earth, causing all people in every nation to praise His glorious name.

How should I respond?
How have you experienced the compassion of Christ? Has He shown you mercy when you were in need or defended you when you were weak? Jesus comes to us with kindness and compassion, able to rescue and to give support. If we’ve received His mercy, then we should also show it. Few people will turn away an act of kindness. How can you help someone this week? What we can do, we ought to do. Today, rest in the justice of our King, and share His mercy and compassion with someone else.

July 8, 2020


Read – Judges 16

What does it say?
Samson told Delilah that his long hair was the secret of his strength. She betrayed him to the Philistines, but God answered Samson’s prayer for one final act of strength.

What does it mean?
Samson made a series of poor decisions because he was focused on pleasing himself rather than God. He was unfaithful to his Nazirite vow and disregarded the unique plan the Lord had for his life. After hitting bottom, Samson finally came to his senses and realized that God really did know best. The sincerity of Samson’s prayer caused the Spirit of the Lord to return to him. When the building caved in, thousands of Philistines were killed, as was Samson. Sadly, Samson missed out on many opportunities to serve the Lord, but God used his final act of faith for a great victory (Hebrews 11:32).

How should I respond?
You’ve probably witnessed a toddler throw a tantrum when he didn’t get what he wanted. Most of us still struggle with a yearning to please ourselves. Problems arise, however, if we don’t learn how to reign in desires that go against God’s will. Any longing that is stronger than your desire to follow God has the power to devastate your life. What are you pursuing more than God right now? Some desires may reveal a moral weakness or a willingness to toy with sin. What would your life look like a year from now if you chose to pursue God over everything else? What do you have to lose?

July 9, 2022


Read – Psalms 70, 71

What does it say?
David cried out to God to vindicate and protect him in his old age.

What does it mean?
Throughout David’s prayer in this passage is the underlying expectation that God would answer and deliver him from his troubles. David’s confidence that God would act justly to protect and rescue him came from a lifetime of walking with God. He learned to trust the Lord in his youth, experienced God’s faithfulness through the years, and proclaimed God as his defender in old age. God’s character had proven trustworthy time and time again. David relied on God for deliverance, certain that He would not fail.

How should I respond?
You’ve probably lived long enough to know that life is made up of triumphs and troubles. If you’ve followed Jesus from a young age, think of times when He’s come to your aid. If you’ve come to Him later in life, you may just now be learning that God is dependable in any and all circumstances. No matter what stage of life you’re currently in, developing a pattern of dependence on God now will give you confidence in His character when things don’t go as you planned. What are you facing today – trouble or triumph? God is faithful and you can depend on Him. Will you trust your faithful heavenly Father with today’s trouble?

July 7, 2020


Read – Judges 15

What does it say?
The Philistines sought revenge after Samson burned their crops. In return, Samson killed a thousand Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey.

What does it mean?
Samson’s actions can seem retaliatory and reckless, but he was God’s agent to confront the Philistines. Samson didn’t fear them the way his countrymen did. He allowed himself to be handed over to the Philistines and single-handedly killed one thousand of them in battle. A thousand men may sound like poetic exaggeration, but don’t forget who accomplished the feat. Verse 14 says that the Spirit of the Lord “rushed upon him” enabling him to put a significant dent in the Philistine army. Again and again in Judges, the Spirit of the Lord caused people to do things beyond normal human capacity.

How should I respond?
Believers often feel pressure to be a super-Christian – handling home, work, and church life with spiritual perfection. But remember, God’s grace is our resource – He is patient with us and will work in us as we follow Him. As a believer, it is the Holy Spirit who works in you, enabling you to accomplish marvelous things as you submit to Him. If you find yourself feeling pressure to take on too much, ask God to guide, equip, and give you the courage to obey.

July 8, 2022


Read – 1 Corinthians 3

What does it say?
Paul addressed the worldly nature of the Corinthian church. Every believer’s service for Christ will be tested one day.

What does it mean?
The Corinthian church lacked godly wisdom, which kept them spiritually immature and worldly. They were still baby Christians and could handle only the basic teachings of faith. Paul warned them by painting a word picture of Christ as a foundation, laid at salvation. From that point the believer’s life is like a building continually under construction. The quality of the materials used to build will be tested when Jesus judges the lifework of each Christian. If “work” is to stand the test and receive reward, it must be done in the wisdom of God by the power of the Holy Spirit.

How should I respond?
What have you done this week that will last for eternity? Every work done in your home, school, church, and community is either temporal or eternal. Things done with the wrong motivation or in your own strength won’t last. The key is to invest in people, not things. Put your structure to the test now by asking: Is Christ my foundation? Do I allow the Holy Spirit to initiate and enable my thoughts and actions? What work am I doing in my own strength and wisdom? God is not as concerned with how much you build as with what sort you build.

July 6, 2020


Read – Judges 14

What does it say?
Samson found a wife from among the Philistines. Although he trusted her, she betrayed him; in his anger, he slaughtered thirty Philistines and lost his wife.

What does it mean?
Samson’s parents were told by God to raise Samson in the strictest type of Judaism—according to the rules of the Nazirite vow. Samson was to remain pure and be used by God to deliver Israel from the hand of the Philistines. Instead, in this chapter we see Samson marrying a Philistine, eating honey out of a dead lion’s carcass, and gambling with thirty Philistines over a riddle. Samson’s parents must have felt like failures, and Samson must have seemed like the most unlikely of men to lead Israel out of their captivity to the Philistines. However, God used Samson. Nothing stopped God’s plan.

How should I respond?
Have you ever looked at your life, the life of a child, or the life of a friend and thought, “I (or that person) blew it”? Samson’s story reminds us that no matter how much we stray from God’s plan for our lives, no matter how dark things might seem to be, He can always use us. The Lord loves us and wants to fit us into His plan for our lives and the lives of those around us. There is no such thing as a lost cause. Talk to God honestly about your shortcomings. Ask Him to forgive you and show you how you can be used in His plan. Then, move forward and leave the mistakes of the past there, in the past.

July 7, 2022


Read – 1 Corinthians 2

What does it say?
Paul’s preaching was a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, not persuasive words. This same Spirit is the source of godly wisdom.

What does it mean?
Paul understood that the Corinthians’ faith was a result of God’s power, not his ability to sway them by his preaching. He did not rely on his own wisdom but depended completely on the Holy Spirit to draw them to the message of Christ. Unbelievers can’t understand spiritual truth because they are spiritually blind. The message of Christ seems like foolishness to them. Spiritual wisdom has to come from the Holy Spirit. Believers have God’s Spirit within them, giving understanding and teaching spiritual truths.

How should I respond?
You are the only person who understands exactly what you are thinking and the motives for what you do. It’s the same with God. “No one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.” Do you find the Bible difficult to understand? Are you unsure that the God of Scripture is real? Pray for understanding as you open God’s Word. He always reveals Himself to those who seek Him. Are you trying to win someone to Christ through your own persuasive words? Will you, like Paul, rely on the Holy Spirit as you give the gospel? Others will be drawn to Christ as they see His power at work within you.

July 5, 2020


Read – Judges 13

What does it say?
An angel of the Lord told Manoah’s wife she would have a son who would be a Nazarite. Samson’s parents were given special instructions about his upbringing.

What does it mean?
Samson was separated to the Lord as a Nazarite from the time of his conception. Manoah believed his wife’s report about the angel’s message but wanted to know more. He wasn’t asking God for an easier task or trying to make excuses. Manoah was already determined to obey even though the task ahead was daunting. He asked to hear from the angel of the Lord personally because he was excited to obey and wanted to do it right.

How should I respond?
There is one basic decision in life that makes every other decision easier – “I will gladly obey whatever God asks me to do.” It’s just a matter of working out the details once you’ve made that determination. What is your first response when the Lord prompts you to do something you’ve never done before? Do you ask for an easier task? Some responsibilities can be intimidating if approached from a human standpoint. But God will never leave you without everything you need to complete the job. Begin by expressing your desire to obey; then ask Him to tell you more!

July 6, 2022


Read – 1 Corinthians 1

What does it say?
Paul thanked God for the Corinthians’ spiritual gifts. He then addressed disunity in the church and stressed the power of the message of the cross.

What does it mean?
Despite being blessed with spiritual knowledge and spiritual gifts, Corinthian church members were quarreling. The issue at hand wasn’t one of doctrine but of preference. Factions were elevating one leader over another. The disunity was only a symptom of a much deeper problem: pride in human wisdom and ability to draw people to Christ. Paul urged them to be of one mind, reminding them that the message of salvation through Christ alone was far more important than the messenger. The power and wisdom of God are revealed in Jesus. Outside of Him there is no reason for anyone to boast.

How should I respond?
If you grew up with at least one sibling, you’ve probably been in a family squabble. As believers, we’re not just in the family of God, we are the body of Christ. When Christians quarrel, it’s like a body attacking itself; it’s unnatural. Human wisdom and pride are at the forefront of disunity in the church. God’s wisdom always points to one person, Jesus. Are you currently in a dispute with another Christian? How is it distracting from the mission and message of Christ? Sincerely ask God in what way you may have elevated your wisdom over His. Lay down your pride and glory in the Lord alone.

July 4, 2020


Read – Judges 11:29-12:15

What does it say?
Jephthah made a vow to God: if God gave him victory over the Ammonites, he would sacrifice whatever greeted him first when he returned home from the battle.

What does it mean?
Faced with the possibility of war with Ammon, Israel begged God for a leader. Jephthah agreed after making certain that God was in the plan. Jephthah, listed in the Hebrews 11 “hall of faith,” evidenced true faith in the living God as one of Israel’s judges. But his human nature caused him to make a rash vow. Theologians differ in their interpretations of how he fulfilled his vow: Did he sacrifice his daughter to God’s service, or did he sacrifice her as a burnt offering on the altar? One thing is certain – Jephthah carried out his vow in some way. Whatever the outcome, this account addresses the serious nature of making a vow.

How should I respond?
In moments of extreme stress, we have a tendency to bargain with God. When was the last time you told God that if He would answer a prayer in a certain way, you would offer something in return? This type of foxhole negotiation usually happens when we’re threatened with a dire situation. Perhaps you’re facing a life-threatening illness, a financial crisis, or a great personal loss. You may be willing to promise God anything to solve the issue. Ask yourself, “If God chooses not do this, will I still love and follow Him?” Rather than rashly bargaining with God, determine to submit your will to His.

July 5, 2022


Read – Romans 16

What does it say?
Paul greeted specific friends, gave a warning about divisive people, and concluded with a doxology praising God.

What does it mean?
Thirty-three people are mentioned by name in the last chapter of Romans. Paul, like Jesus, wasn’t too busy or important to notice individuals. It’s easy to quickly pass over a list of names in Scripture, but who they are teaches an important lesson. The early church was filled with all kinds of people: Jews, Greeks, city officials, slaves, the rich, and the poor. It wasn’t social status or race that caused division. Paul warned the church to avoid those who didn’t believe correct doctrine (Romans 1-11) because their words were deceptive, and they served their own desires rather than God’s.

How should I respond?
There are no perfect churches because there are no perfect people. Yet God brings people together in local churches for His purpose. Do you have a genuine love for believers who are socially or racially different from you? Each person in your Christian community is important and should be valued. However, there will always be people who cause division in the church. Will you commit to avoid debates with them and focus on the vision cast by your pastor and church leaders? When Jesus is the common denominator, differences between people fade, and God’s purpose is accomplished.

July 3, 2020


Read – Judges 10-11:28

What does it say?
After 45 years of godly judges and peace, Israel once again turned to the worship of idols. They were taken into slavery as the result of turning away from God.

What does it mean?
Israel’s obedience to God’s laws was inconsistent. Gradually, the pagan idol worship of neighboring nations crept into their lifestyle. God judged their sin by allowing oppression and bondage at the hands of the Philistines and Ammonites. Unlike other times, their cries for deliverance reflected genuine repentance, which touched God’s heart. He used an outcast, Jephthah, and his notorious band of men to free them. Amazingly, the elders of Israel sought out this man of low social status to lead them.

How should I respond?
Do you go through cycles of faithfully serving God followed by periods of inconsistency? The Lord will always discipline His children for disobedience. Take a quick inventory of your attitudes and actions. How are you allowing yourself to be influenced by the world? In what area are you inconsistent in your obedience to God? Choose to confess those things to Him right now with genuine repentance. What lifestyle changes would help you stay on course spiritually? God says He has no use for a “lukewarm” Christian (Revelation 3:16). Does that describe you? He loves you passionately. Will your life reflect the same commitment to Him at the end of each day?

July 4, 2022


Read – Romans 15

What does it say?
Scripture was written to teach endurance and encourage hope. The promises given to the patriarchs confirmed that Gentiles would also believe in the Lord through faith.

What does it mean?
Throughout this passage Paul discussed the purpose and blessings of studying the Scriptures. He found comfort by reading how God had helped people of faith in the past. The reader is like a cup filled with joy, peace, hope, goodness, and knowledge. The purpose of these blessings is to teach and encourage one another in the power of the Holy Spirit. Since God had originally given the Scriptures to the Jews, the Gentiles had a duty to minister to the Jewish people in material ways in response to the spiritual blessings they had received from Israel.

How should I respond?
Believers have a responsibility to help those who provide spiritual teaching. What comfort or blessing have you received from studying the Bible? Who is benefiting from what you’ve learned in Scripture this week? God wants to fill you to overflowing so you can splash out onto others. Your church is filled with opportunities to teach children, mentor new Christians, or take part in a group. Whom has God used to teach and grow you spiritually? Look for a way to intentionally bless them this week. As a believer, you have a responsibility to be part of God’s work. Who is in your splash zone?

July 2, 2020


Read – Judges 9:22-57

What does it say?
After three years, the men of Shechem had grown to hate Abimelech, and a battle resulted in his death.

What does it mean?
The men of Shechem eventually saw Abimelech for the abominable man he was, but his power made getting rid of him difficult. However, God had not forgotten the atrocities he had brought on his brothers. The Lord had warned the city of Shechem through Jotham and had given them three years of grace. Now it was time for God to intervene, bringing judgment upon the sinful leader and the sinful city. Abimelech and the people of Shechem were held accountable for their actions. Abimelech was killed in battle but not before causing the death of many of his own subjects.

How should I respond?
Many countries today are ruled by harsh men who neglect the well-being of their citizens and, in some cases, even harm them. What accounts from the news immediately come to your thoughts? How should followers of Christ respond to that kind of evil in the world? First, pray for people whose leaders are cruel and uncaring. Put visual reminders on your refrigerator or bathroom mirror. Then, look for opportunities to support mission trips and relief efforts to those countries. Your actions might be the answer to their prayers.

The Letters of John: Love Matters


Pastor Jonathan Falwell

Last week, we talked about making a change in our lives by seeking purity and avoiding sin. Today, John takes to another level of change as he tells us to love.

1 John 3:11-24 (CSB) For this is the message you have heard from the beginning: We should love one another, 12 unlike Cain, who was of the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his deeds were evil, and his brother’s were righteous. 13 Do not be surprised, brothers and sisters, if the world hates you. 14 We know that we have passed from death to life because we love our brothers and sisters. The one who does not love remains in death. 15 Everyone who hates his brother or sister is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life residing in him. 16 This is how we have come to know love: He laid down his life for us. We should also lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. 17 If anyone has this world’s goods and sees a fellow believer in need but withholds compassion from him—how does God’s love reside in him? 18 Little children, let us not love in word or speech, but in action and in truth.

19 This is how we will know that we belong to the truth and will reassure our hearts before him 20 whenever our hearts condemn us; for God is greater than our hearts, and he knows all things. 21 Dear friends, if our hearts don’t condemn us, we have confidence before God 22 and receive whatever we ask from him because we keep his commands and do what is pleasing in his sight. 23 Now this is his command: that we believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and love one another as he commanded us. 24 The one who keeps his commands remains in him, and he in him. And the way we know that he remains in us is from the Spirit he has given us.


1. Love is not a choice

Vs 11 For this is the message you have heard from the beginning: We should love one another

  • A reminder from 1 John 2:7 – “this is not a new command but an old one…”
  • John reminds the reader that love is not an option or a choice, but a command from God
  • Matthew 22 clearly instructs us on God’s command to love


Vs 14 We know that we have passed from death to life because we love our brothers and sisters. The one who does not love remains in death

  • Our love for others is a clear marker of our faith


2. Jealousy is the enemy to love

Vss 12-13 unlike Cain, who was of the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his deeds were evil, and his brother’s were righteous. 13 Do not be surprised, brothers and sisters, if the world hates you.

  • Cain’s actions were a result of his hatred of his brother doing the “right thing”
  • The world will hate us too if we are seeking to following God’s plan for our lives
  • Why? Because the world doesn’t know HIM

Vs 15 Everyone who hates his brother or sister is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life residing in him


3. Love needs to be connected to action

Vss  17-18 If anyone has this world’s goods and sees a fellow believer in need but withholds compassion from him—how does God’s love reside in him? 18 Little children, let us not love in word or speech, but in action and in truth.

  • This is a reminder not to be like those who talk about love but don’t actually love
  • The church was full of individuals claimed piety and love for others but were only focused on self
  • We must act on our love
  • Warren Wiersbe says, “To love “in word” means simply to talk about a need, but to love “in deed” means to do something about meeting it. You may think, because you have discussed a need, or even prayed about it, that you have done your duty, but love involves more than words—it calls for sacrificial deeds.”[1]


[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, The Bible Exposition Commentary, vol. 2 (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1996), 512.

4. Love can only come through Christ

Vss 23- 24 Now this is his command: that we believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and love one another as he commanded us. 24 The one who keeps his commands remains in him, and he in him. And the way we know that he remains in us is from the Spirit he has given us.

  • This is a reminder of Jesus’ command from Matthew 22
  • Verse 24 calls us to action and obedience
  • Verse 24 also gives us a “check” in our spirit which flows from the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives
  • This is a precursor to chapter 4
  • David Walls states, “True Christian experience is revealed not just in our beliefs but in our behavior.”[1]

[1] David Walls and Max Anders, I & II Peter, I, II & III John, Jude, vol. 11, Holman New Testament Commentary (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1999), 199.

July 3, 2022


Read – Psalms 69

What does it say?
David asked God to rescue him from his enemies’ constant attacks and insults.

What does it mean?
It’s not certain when David wrote this psalm, but his distress was so great at the time that he felt as if he were drowning. Faced with enemies who hated him for no apparent reason, David turned to God for help. His prayer describes the pain he felt in great detail, but as he called on God to vindicate and defend him, an interesting thing happened – he found assurance that God was in control. That realization flooded him with humility in the presence of God’s authority. At that point David’s painful prayer turned to a song of praise. His help would come from the Lord, who keeps His promises.

How should I respond?
Many of us turn our attention to God in life’s darkest moments. We pray in great detail about our problems, telling God exactly what we want Him to do. Too often, though, we rise from our prayer before we reach the place of humility that David did in today’s passage. Praying with humility requires acknowledging that God knows how to handle our circumstances better than we do. We have to relinquish control. God is already completely aware of your situation before you pray; yet when you assume a humble position before the Lord, something powerful happens – personal pain can become a reason to praise God, who alone can vindicate and comfort you. Will you humbly acknowledge God’s authority over your life and trust Him, even in the most difficult circumstances?

July 1, 2020


Read – Judges 9:1-21

What does it say?
After the death of Jerubbaal (Gideon), Abimelech persuaded the people of Shechem to anoint him as king. He then killed his 70 brothers; only Jotham survived.

What does it mean?
Greed, pride and a craving for control led Abimelech to manipulate the idol-worshiping men of Shechem to anoint him king. Abimelech’s lust for power jaded his thinking to the point that the lives of his own family meant nothing to him. Jotham, the only brother to escape, spoke to Shechem through a parable that rebuked the decision the leaders had made. If they had acted with integrity in appointing Abimelech and with fairness toward his brothers, then they would rejoice. However, if their actions were not based on God’s will, Abimelech’s reign would be a curse that would bring destruction on them all.

How should I respond?
It’s easy to be persuaded to turn from God’s will when we’re not connecting with Him daily. Without God’s wisdom, discernment and judgment can become clouded with the world’s thinking. In what area of your life are you initiating action without first going to the Lord? No detail is too small to bring to God for His guidance. Scripture and prayer are the keys that open the door to wisdom in all our actions. Determine to worship God alone. Then, ask Him to help you recognize influences that pull you off course. Examine today’s decisions in light of this passage. Will your choices bring rejoicing or regret?

July 2, 2022


Read – Psalms 68

What does it say?
The psalmist exalted God as a mighty conqueror who protected and delivered His people in battle, leading them to victory over their enemies. He is worthy of praise.

What does it mean?
This psalm celebrates God’s faithfulness to His people and examines His past victories over Israel’s enemies. The prophetic nature of this chapter also looks forward to the Millennium when Christ will exhibit His authority over the entire world. Jesus, who alone is worthy of worship, will be acknowledged as King for providing deliverance and salvation to His people. A victorious procession of believers will worship the Lord in awe and with continual praise and obedience.

How should I respond?
Life sometimes feels like a war in which our circumstances and people seem to battle against us. Remember, even though this present world does not acknowledge Christ as King, God is in control. As His people, we should worship Him for who He is and for His continuing authority in all situations. When life takes a downward spiral, turn to the King who rules over all circumstances. He is not caught off balance. The battles you’ll face today are opportunities for God to show His authority. Choose to focus on God and His provision. Let His abilities and His power give you confidence and lead you to victorious worship.

June 30, 2020


Read – Judges 8:22-35

What does it say?
After refusing to be king, Gideon made a golden ephod from the Midianite plunder and set it up in his hometown. The Israelites there worshiped it as an idol.

What does it mean?
Even though Gideon refused the request to rule over Israel, he proceeded to live as if he were a king. We can’t be sure why Gideon decided to make the ephod from the Midianite gold and display it in his hometown. Whether it was to remember God’s deliverance or to exalt his own victory, the end result was the same. The ephod became a spiritual pitfall for Gideon, his family, and the children of Israel. God had allowed the Midianite oppression because of Israel’s unfaithfulness to Him. But after He delivered them, the Israelites quickly fell into the same sin and started worshiping idols again.

How should I respond?
Any success we have ultimately comes from the Lord. But when we don’t give God all of the credit for what He allows us to accomplish, we create an obstacle, not only for ourselves but for others as well. Ask yourself, “How might I be taking the glory for things God has done in my life?” How can you encourage others to praise and acknowledge God for what He has helped you to accomplish? Determine today to humble yourself before the Lord and look for an opportunity to give Him the glory He so rightly deserves.

July 1, 2022


Read – Romans 14

What does it say?
Christians are to live for the Lord, rather than seeking to please themselves.

What does it mean?
Is food spiritual? Was it wrong to eat meat that had been sacrificed to idols? This was just one issue causing a dispute among Christians in the early church. Paul didn’t try to solve the problems but addressed the attitudes resulting from the disagreements. Believers will answer to God for their behavior and must act according to their personal convictions when there isn’t a clear mandate from God. Out of love for one another, they should not take part in anything that could cause another Christian to stumble in their faith. Each should serve God with a clear conscience.

How should I respond?
Twenty-first century Christians still disagree over gray areas like social drinking, forms of entertainment, and expressions of worship. God cares about how we respond to believers who hold different convictions than we do. Have you judged another Christian regarding a disputable issue? Are you taking part in something that could cause someone new or weak in his or her faith to “stumble”? Everything you do has a ripple effect. Christian liberty should never harm another follower of Christ. What behavior or attitude do you need to change as a result of reading this passage?

June 29, 2020


Read – Judges 8:1-21

What does it say?
Gideon pursued the last of the Midianite kings, inflicting vengeance on the leaders of Succoth and Peniel.

What does it mean?
Gideon was transformed from a fearful wheat farmer to a fearless, diplomatic judge. Yet the events of this passage reveal a proud and vengeful side to Gideon’s character. God had mightily used Gideon and his band of 300 men, but pride and personal vengeance crept into his life. The leaders of Succoth and Peniel were, in a sense, allying themselves with the enemy when they refused to give aid. However, God didn’t instruct Gideon as He had previously. Gideon chose to be ruthless against his own countrymen rather than respond with diplomacy. Under God’s direction, Gideon was a mighty warrior. Without it, he resorted to pride and brutality.

How should I respond?
Even God-given success can become a root of pride. It’s very easy for pride to sneak into our lives; if left unchecked, it can have disastrous effects. Have you ever let success go to your head? If God is using you, be quick to give Him all the credit and glory. Take a moment and give yourself a spiritual checkup. What changes in your attitudes or recent actions might indicate a character flaw? Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any pride that might be hiding in your heart. Commit now to seek God’s leading rather than resorting to your own judgment.

June 30, 2022


Read – Romans 13

What does it say?
Believers should submit to authority, love one another, and put aside indecent behavior.

What does it mean?
Yesterday, we said that right actions come from right beliefs. In today’s passage Paul points out how Christians should apply right beliefs in a few practical areas of life. Believers have a responsibility to be good citizens and neighbors who live to please Christ, not their old sinful nature. Even civil leaders who don’t agree with biblical standards should be shown respect because it is God who gives them authority to maintain order and punish evil. Paul urged believers to wake up and be intentional in their relationships, witness, and behavior since Christ’s return is closer than ever before.

How should I respond?
As a Christian, you have dual citizenship. Your beliefs as a citizen of Heaven should directly affect your interactions as a citizen on Earth. What should a Christian do when obeying an authority means disobeying God’s laws? For instance, under Hitler’s regime German believers were asked to turn in Jewish friends and neighbors. In our lifetime, strict family planning mandates mean that Chinese believers have faced similar issues as the midwives in Moses’ day (Ex. 1:22). Peter reminds us that man’s laws never take precedence over God’s laws (Acts 5:28-29). Pray for Christians throughout the world facing dire consequences for their beliefs; then ask God for the strength to do the same.

June 28, 2020


Read – Judges 7

What does it say?
God instructed Gideon to select an army of only 300 Israelites to fight against the Midianites. Gideon and his army ambushed the Midianites in a nighttime battle.

What does it mean?
When Gideon’s troops were first gathered together, there were about 32,000 men. However, God whittled down the number to 300 because He did not want Israel to brag that they won this battle by their sheer size. God could have simply spoken a word, and the Midianites would have been defeated on the spot. But God chose to accomplish His plan through a small group of soldiers and sent over 99% of the army home before the battle began. It took tremendous faith to go into battle with only trumpets and pitchers. The result was one of the most amazing victories in all military history.

How should I respond?
How have you prepared yourself to do the work God has currently put in front of you? Our idea of preparation and God’s can be drastically different. At times it seems God has allowed the very things we need to accomplish the task to be dismantled. But God’s plans are accomplished in God’s way. What is your level of faith in God right now? Are you willing to trust Him with your current situation? Take a few minutes to talk to God about how He wants you to proceed. If your faith needs strengthening, ask Him to help you believe as the 300 did.

June 29, 2022


Read – Romans 12

What does it say?
Paul urged his readers to be living sacrifices for the glory of God, transformed by a renewed mind and using their spiritual gift(s) to benefit the body of Christ.

What does it mean?
Chapter 12 marks a turning point in the book of Romans. “Therefore” takes into account everything Paul discussed in the first eleven chapters about how to believe. Now he will apply those truths and discuss how to live differently from the world. This requires a new way of thinking – transformed rather than conformed. A renewed mind sees self and others from God’s perspective, using his or her own gifts with humility and appreciating the gifts of others. The sincere believer is an authentic display of Christ to the world. Every situation is met with sincerity rather than hypocrisy.

How should I respond?
The book of Romans forces us to wade through very deep spiritual water. Understanding doctrine is important because you’ll never act right until you believe right. What is your reaction to the mercy and grace you’ve encountered in Romans 1-11? Paul thinks it’s logical to be utterly devoted to God and voluntarily surrender all that you are. Are you humbly offering God your body, your mind, and your gifts? Where are you letting the world mold your thinking and affect your behavior? Transformation starts from the inside and results in God’s “good and acceptable and perfect will.”

June 27, 2020


Read – Judges 6

What does it say?
God spoke to Gideon through an angel. Gideon had been chosen to lead an army against the Midianites, who had been oppressing Israel for seven years.

What does it mean?
Gideon was the youngest child in his family, and his family was the least important in their tribe. It made no sense to Gideon that he, of all people, would be chosen by God to deliver Israel from the Midianites. However, God sometimes chooses the underdog to prove a point: it is God’s power, not the person’s, that defeats enemies. Gideon wanted to make absolutely sure that this message was actually coming from God, so he asked for a few signs, which God provided. So Gideon prepared for battle by first destroying an idol’s altar among his people.

How should I respond?
It’s intimidating to approach a task for which you feel under qualified. Whether it’s at work, home or in ministry, it’s important to know that our direction is coming from the Lord. So, how can you be certain God is calling you to accomplish something big for Him? Here are three answers. First, pray. Go straight to the Source, and ask God to help you learn to hear His calling. Second, keep reading the Bible. You will see patterns develop through which God often calls people to action. Third, ask people who know you and know God what they think about God’s calling in your life. They may see strengths where you have insecurities. Take the first step – God will take it with you!

June 28, 2022


Read – Romans 11

What does it say?
God graciously preserved a remnant in Israel for future restoration while grafting Gentiles into His vine.

What does it mean?
Chapters 9-11 detail Israel’s rebellion against God and rejection of Jesus as the Messiah. Chapter 10 ended by reiterating that God continues to reach out to Israel, even though they had been “a disobedient and contrary people.” God, in His mercy, will fulfill His promise to Israel as a nation and “all Israel will be saved.” This doesn’t mean that all Jews throughout history will have a second chance but that the Jewish nation will largely turn to Christ upon His return. Salvation, whether to the Jew or Gentile, is always a result of God’s goodness, mercy, and grace.

How should I respond?
Strong character can seldom be detected when everything is going according to plan. When people act contrary to your agenda, your character is put to the test. Who has disappointed you recently? Have you been betrayed or rejected as God was in today’s passage? Our sinful human nature often causes us to lash out and withdraw from the relationship. God has not only given you a different example, He’s given you the Holy Spirit who can divinely respond through you in those moments. What character traits of God do you see in Romans 11? Which one(s) will you seek to display in your life today?

June 26, 2020


Read – Judges 5

What does it say?
Following their defeat of the armies of Sisera, Deborah and Barak sang a song to commemorate their victory, give glory to God, and call out those who did not fight.

What does it mean?
Amidst the several cycles of disobedience, slavery, cries of repentance, deliverance, and peace, Deborah and Barak suddenly break into song. This military anthem contains further details of Israel’s bravery and apathy, God’s provision, and Israel’s ultimate victory through the bravery of Jael, a lady living in a tent. This part of the book of Judges might remind us of a musical—the kind in which an event is punctuated with a song. The song does tell a story, but it also tells us how the story made Deborah and Barak feel. Israel commonly put their history, their worries, and their praise to music.

How should I respond?
It’s been said that music is the universal language. It has the power to move us emotionally, especially when we identify with the message of the lyrics. God gave us a mind to comprehend the big events in life and a heart and voice to express our feelings about them in song. What songs about the Lord speak to your heart? Which worship song is particularly encouraging to you in your current circumstances? Follow Deborah’s example and sing your praise to God both in private and corporate worship. Whether recent events in your life have been happy or sad, expressing your dependence on the Lord through song can be both uplifting and healing.

June 27, 2022


Read – Romans 10

What does it say?
Paul’s heartfelt desire was for the people of Israel to be saved. How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!

What does it mean?
Paul grieved over Israel’s unbelief and their attempts to earn salvation through good deeds. They were religious but not righteous. Pride caused a failure to believe, making them willfully ignorant. His concern led to prayer, and prayer led to action. Paul’s plan is simple and logical – they can’t believe what they haven’t heard, so people must be sent to give God’s message. The message: believe and confess Jesus as Lord, who alone can save people from sin and deserves their obedience. Paul could not imagine a sight more beautiful than the person who takes such good news to his people.

How should I respond?
Our society is obsessed with beautiful people. Rarely do we think of someone’s feet as beautiful, but that’s exactly what God says about those who have the right message rather than the right image. To whom is God sending you with the message of Jesus? It may be someone across the street or in another part of the world. You can’t control their response; your job is simply to deliver the message. God’s Word will accomplish His purpose (Isaiah 55:11). While it’s important to pray for unbelievers, there’s a time to get off your knees and onto your feet. Will you be one of God’s “beautiful” people today?

June 25, 2020


Read – Judges 4

What does it say?
Deborah, a prophetess and the judge of Israel, called Barak to lead an army of 10,000 foot soldiers against Sisera, the Canaanite, with his massive army and 900 chariots.

What does it mean?
After Moses and Joshua – but before there were kings in Israel – judges heard and made decisions on disputes between Israelites. They also called up troops to overthrow the Canaanite rulers who were oppressing Israel. Deborah was specially equipped as a judge because she was also a prophetess, receiving messages straight from the Lord about His people. Her influence was so great that when she called Barak to raise an army and fight against the superior Canaanite army, he refused to go unless she went with him. Was Barak frightened? Sure he was! However, he did something wise in that moment. He asked for Deborah’s help.

How should I respond?
God sometimes calls us to serve Him in difficult circumstances. Will we experience fear? We sure will, but take comfort that the same God who granted Barak victory will also be your strength. Has God asked you to do something that seems overwhelming? In what area of your life do you need help? Start praying about who God may want to come alongside you. Then, trust God and approach that person. Asking for help from others isn’t a sign of weakness. Knowing when and whom to ask is evidence of wisdom.

The Letters of John: Make a Change!


Pastor Jonathan Falwell


1 John 3:1-10 (CSB) See what great love the Father has given us that we should be called God’s children—and we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it didn’t know him. Dear friends, we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet been revealed. We know that when he appears, we will be like him because we will see him as he is. And everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself just as he is pure. Everyone who commits sin practices lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness. You know that he was revealed so that he might take away sins, and there is no sin in him. Everyone who remains in him does not sin; everyone who sins has not seen him or known him. Little children, let no one deceive you. The one who does what is right is righteous, just as he is righteous. The one who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. The Son of God was revealed for this purpose: to destroy the devil’s works. Everyone who has been born of God does not sin, because his seed remains in him; he is not able to sin, because he has been born of God. 10 This is how God’s children and the devil’s children become obvious. Whoever does not do what is right is not of God, especially the one who does not love his brother or sister.

1. Don’t be surprised by the lack of love

Vs 1 See what great love the Father has given us that we should be called God’s children—and we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it didn’t know him.

  • The world doesn’t love what we believe because the world doesn’t love Him
  • No recognition of the reality of Christ – (John 1:10-11)
  • Don’t be shocked the world is not “for us”

2. The best is yet to come

Vs 2 Dear friends, we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet been revealed. We know that when he appears, we will be like him because we will see him as he is.

  • The reality of Heaven is a new body and a new mind in the likeness of Christ
  • We will know what we cannot know
  • This is the power and promise to overcome

3. So prepare for the best

Vss 3-6 And everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself just as he is pure. Everyone who commits sin practices lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness. You know that he was revealed so that he might take away sins,, and there is no sin in him. Everyone who remains in him does not sin;, everyone who sins has not seen him or known him.


Vs 6 (NLT) Anyone who continues to live in him will not sin. But anyone who keeps on sinning does not know him or understand who he is.

  • Verse 3 begins a difficult passage for many to understand and is often misinterpreted
  • Our status as a “saint” is not negated by the presence of sin, but our efforts should be to live without sin
  • David Walls says, “Until then, we battle—the regenerate inner self with the flesh. The “flesh” does not refer to the physical body. The body is neutral. Rather, the flesh is a spiritual gravitational pull to sin that we cannot escape until we receive a new body.”[1]


4. Even though Satan wants the worst

Vss 7-10 Little children, let no one deceive you. The one who does what is right is righteous, just as he is righteous. The one who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. The Son of God was revealed for this purpose: to destroy the devil’s works. Everyone who has been born of God does not sin, because his seed remains in him; he is not able to sin, because he has been born of God. 10 This is how God’s children and the devil’s children become obvious. Whoever does not do what is right is not of God, especially the one who does not love his brother or sister.


Vs 9 (NLT) Those who have been born into God’s family do not make a practice of sinning, because God’s life is in them. So they can’t keep on sinning, because they are children of God.


  • This is the idea of habitual, unrepentant sin; living as if it doesn’t matter
  • Many Christians argue we have freedom/liberty to live how we want because we live under grace and mercy. This is a false idea borne out of the tradition of the Gnostics John writes to refute.
  • John MacArthur states, “The Christian is a single new person, a totally new creation, not a spiritual schizophrenic. It is the filthy coat of remaining humanness in which the new creation dwells that continues to hinder and contaminate his living. He is no longer the old man corrupted but is now the new man created in righteousness and holiness, awaiting full salvation (Rom. 13:11) when he dies and is given a new body.[1]


[1] David Walls and Max Anders, I & II Peter, I, II & III John, Jude, vol. 11, Holman New Testament Commentary (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1999), 193.

[1] David Walls and Max Anders, I & II Peter, I, II & III John, Jude, vol. 11, Holman New Testament Commentary (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1999), 193.

June 26, 2022


Read – Psalms 66, 67

What does it say?
The psalmist called on Israel to praise God for their deliverance and salvation and thank Him for His mercy and provision.

What does it mean?
God is awe-inspiring in His power and protection. His power is revealed in creation and in His ability to deliver His people. His faithfulness was shown to Israel in their deliverance from Egypt and through His ongoing protection. God is not only a protector, but also a teacher. He allowed His people to be put in situations that tested their obedience and taught them to trust, purging Israel so that His glory would be shown through them. He deserves all the glory and praise. Let the whole earth praise the Lord!

How should I respond?
Sometimes we miss the lessons the Lord wants to teach us because we’re focused on the negative circumstances that we perceive as problems. Those same obstacles may be the instrument God uses to teach us about His authority and provision. How should we respond when tested? Obey Him and praise Him. Are you a good student? What lesson is God currently trying to teach you? Obey – then you’ll stand in awe of how He will work through you as He gives you opportunities to spread His fame by telling others about His faithfulness. Before you get negative today, remember that obstacles, while challenging, don’t have to be problems.

June 24, 2020


Read – Judges 2:16-3:31

What does it say?
Israel went through cycles of disobedience, slavery, cries of repentance, deliverance, and peace. God’s deliverance came in the form of a judge who delivered Israel.

What does it mean?
Israel seemed to live out the now-commonly-quoted warning that “those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.” The same cycle of sin showed up time after time. When things were calm and peaceful in the land, Israel would drift away from their commitment to God and worship other gods instead. Rather than thanking and worshiping the God Who blessed them, they grew ungrateful and bored, seeking fulfillment in the false gods of their neighbors. God demonstrated His frustration with the Israelites, but also His mercy and patience.

How should I respond?
God is genuinely saddened and angry when His people sin. However, today’s passage teaches us that no matter how badly we mess up or how far we stray, our Father is waiting for us to return (Luke 15:11-24). What sin do you seem to repeat in a cycle? Are you trying to find fulfillment in something or someone other than the Lord? The first step to breaking the cycle is to get things right with God in prayer, accept His forgiveness, and forgive yourself. What guardrails do you need to establish to avoid falling back into the cycle? Learning from your own history will keep you from repeating it.

June 25, 2022


Read – Psalms 65

What does it say?
David praised God as the Provider of good things, including a harvest large enough to sustain His people.

What does it mean?
In this harvest psalm David thanked God for the redemptive work shown towards His people through specific acts: answering prayers, forgiving sin, producing joy and satisfaction, and extending protection and provision. David reminded Israel that God is able to accomplish these things because He is both powerful and merciful. God created mountains; He calms seas; He brings rain and waters the earth; and He causes a plentiful harvest. Every person is indebted to God for these blessings. God is the Savior and Sustainer of the world and deserves the praise and trust of all people.

How should I respond?
How do you react when your resources seem slim? Does anxiety become your way of life? When you find yourself worrying, turn your thoughts to what God has made and done. What we couldn’t do on our own, God provided by giving His most cherished possession – His only Son – by whose death and resurrection we are able to be children of God. The same God who is the Creator and ultimate authority over all that exists continues to provide for us. If He is able to do all these things, surely He is able to take care of your daily needs. Trust Him; He is capable and worthy. He will not fail.

June 23, 2020


Read – Judges 2:1-15

What does it say?
In the generations of Israel that followed Joshua, there was a gradual deterioration of loyalty to God. God, therefore, used the remaining Canaanites to punish the Israelites.

What does it mean?
Fifty times in the Old Testament, God reminds Israel that He delivered them from slavery in Egypt and therefore expected them to be loyal and worship only Him. Yet in today’s passage, we see a gradual turning away from the Lord. He made a promise to the earlier generations to be their God. However, now that the later generations had received the blessings of this promise, they began to turn their backs on the Lord and worship the gods of the Canaanites. Ironically, God then allowed the Canaanites to overthrow the Israelites and send them back into slavery.

How should I respond?
When we are faithful to God, He blesses us in many ways—not just as individuals but as His people in general. But what about the next generation? How can we help them continue to understand God’s ways and respond correctly in their lives? Here are three suggestions. First, read the Bible together. It is the very Word of God and will always bring results in our lives (Isaiah 55:10-11). Second, pray together. Talking to God with others puts your hearts and minds on the same page. Third, go to church together. Worshiping God together and connecting with others in a local church will help build a lasting legacy of faith.

June 24, 2022


Read – Romans 9

What does it say?
In anguish over Israel’s sin, Paul wished that he could be cursed and cut off from Christ for their sake.

What does it mean?
God had given Israel multiple spiritual advantages: adoption, God’s glory, the covenants, the Law, service in the temple, the promises, the patriarchs, and the human ancestry of Christ. Yet they still rejected Jesus as the promised Messiah. God loved Israel but would deal with them justly. Paul felt intense pain over their spiritual condition. His heart reflected the compassionate heart of Christ. Paul knew, of course, that it was impossible for him to be cursed for their sin, but the statement shows he is willing to do anything short of sin to bring his countrymen to salvation in Christ.

How should I respond?
What causes your heart to hurt? America has truly been blessed by God’s goodness, yet her rejection of God and truth are at an all-time high. Do you grieve for the spiritual condition of your countrymen? How does this chapter encourage you to pray for our nation? As you grow in Christ-likeness, His compassion for unbelievers will overwhelm your heart. Do you know someone who has continued to reject Jesus as Savior? What is God directing you to do in order to show His love to them?

June 22, 2020


Read – Judges 1

What does it say?
Following the battles led by Joshua, the tribes of Israel conquered the Promised Land, but they failed to completely drive out all the previous residents and then lived among them.

What does it mean?
God had two purposes in sending Israel to conquer the land of Canaan. First, God promised this land to Israel as a place in which He would bless them and use them to bless others (Gen. 12:1-3). Second, God was punishing the Canaanites for their wicked behavior (Gen. 15:16). All Israel had to do was trust and obey God. By doing so, they would become the instrument of judgment on the Canaanites and heirs of God’s promise to Abraham. However, Israel’s failure to drive them out would be a problem throughout the era of the Judges. Since the remaining Canaanites continued in their wicked ways, they influenced the Israelites to follow them and serve other gods.

How should I respond?
At some point, you’ve probably learned the importance of instructions by purchasing something that said, “Some assembly required.” Every step of instruction has to be followed for the object to perform as designed. Likewise, God gives us purposeful instructions and the ability to follow His commands, just as He did with Israel. Is there anything in your life that God classifies as “wicked”? He will enable you to eradicate it through prayer, Scripture and the encouragement of other believers. No sin in your life is too hard for the Lord to conquer. Allowing sin to linger will only cause trouble.

June 23, 2022


Read – Romans 8

What does it say?
Instead of standing condemned before God, the believer is now adopted into God’s family and a joint heir with Christ.

What does it mean?
Identification with Jesus means sharing in His unparalleled glory when He returns. Until then, all creation endures temporary suffering because of sin’s presence in the world. Still, God can use weakness and suffering to accomplish His purpose, conforming believers to the image of Christ. Although this can be painful, Paul outlined new assurances accompanying salvation. (1) God is for us. (2) Since He gave Jesus, He withholds nothing else from us. (3) We are justified. (4) The Holy Spirit and Christ pray for believers. (5) Absolutely nothing can separate us from God’s love.

How should I respond?
The words Daddy and Father bring to mind different images and feelings depending on your experience with your earthly father. Your heavenly Father, however, is the perfect parent. He chose to adopt you into His family, loves you intensely, and seeks to have a personal relationship with you. As a generous parent, He doesn’t withhold anything that’s good for you. His presence is comforting and protective. Because His love is perfect, He disciplines and knows when to allow uncomfortable situations in order to develop your character and dependence on Him. How has God used suffering to make you a reflection of Him? Have you started to see a family resemblance?

June 21, 2020


Read – Joshua 24

What does it say?
Joshua led the people in a renewal of their covenant with God. Following Joshua’s example, all Israel promised to follow and obey God alone.

What does it mean?
At 110 years of age, Joshua had an impressive résumé. First, his leadership skills were developed under Moses – perhaps the greatest leader the world has ever known. Then, Joshua led the Israelites into the Promised Land, conquering nation after nation by God’s power. But Joshua is mainly remembered for one sentence at the end of his life, “But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” The fact that Israel served the Lord under Joshua’s guidance is a testament to his personal commitment to God as well as his leadership. Not satisfied with personal obedience alone, Joshua challenged others to serve and obey the Lord he loved.

How should I respond?
God’s unfailing faithfulness can be seen in the lives of those who trust Him. How has God been faithful to you? Along life’s journey, He uses people to lead you toward spiritual maturity and meaningful service. Who has God used as a spiritual example in your life? Have you made the same commitment to love and serve God? How do your daily choices illustrate the reality of your commitment? Joshua’s life demonstrates how to spend a lifetime honoring the Lord. Each day he chose to love and serve the Lord. Before your feet hit the floor each morning, will you commit to love and serve the Lord? If so, your life will be a testimony to God’s faithfulness.

June 22, 2022


Read – Romans 7

What does it say?
Although the Law helped people to recognize their sin, we have been released from the Law to serve the Spirit. Paul wanted to do good, but he could not do it on his own.

What does it mean?
The believer is released from trying to keep the letter of the Old Testament Law since it cannot save anyone from sin. What, then, was the purpose of the Law? It served to reveal sin and reveal people as sinners in need of a Savior. The Law removed the misconception that we’re fine just as we are. Being a Christian means a lifetime of struggling between the spirit and the flesh. Followers of Christ are delivered from the penalty of sin, but they live in the presence of sin every day in the world.

How should I respond?
Have you recently thought or said something, and then wondered, “Where did that come from?” As you continue to grow in Christ, there is still a battle against sin going on inside of you. The more clearly you understand the character of God, the more sensitive you become to the presence of sinful thoughts, attitudes, and actions. You can never conquer sin on your own by following a list of do’s and don’ts. What are you currently doing that you do not want to do, and what are you not doing that you really want to do? Yield your mind to Christ today; He has already fought the battle and won.

June 20, 2020


Read – Joshua 23

What does it say?
Joshua gave the leaders of Israel final instructions. They were to continue driving out the inhabitants of the land and obey the laws given to them by Moses.

What does it mean?
Like Moses before him, Joshua wanted to make sure the people of Israel continued to follow God after his death. Once again, the Israelites were reminded of God’s past faithfulness and were urged to follow all of His commands. Their obedience and God’s blessing went hand in hand. Joshua laid out a compelling argument: if God had been faithful to keep His “good promises,” then He would also keep His promise to discipline His children for disobedience. God always keeps His Word. Joshua linked courage and obedience to watchful, diligent love for the Lord.

How should I respond?
With God’s blessing comes responsibility. God expects those who belong to Him to be different from the unbelieving world around them. Human tendency is to love the things of the world and to be like the world. What motivates you to intentionally obey God? As you experience God’s faithfulness, learn about God in the Bible, and spend time with Him in prayer, your love for Him grows. When you love someone, you want to please that person. The Spirit of God shows you what pleases Him and enables you to obey. In what area do you need courageous obedience to live in a way that acknowledges and honors God? God faithfully keeps His Word. He honors those who live to honor Him.

June 21, 2022


Read – Romans 6

What does it say?
Believers have been crucified and resurrected with Christ. They are now both dead to sin and alive in the Savior.

What does it mean?
Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection replaced the power of sin with the power to live for God’s purposes. Jesus not only died for sin, He died to sin – breaking its power. That means that sin and death have no power over anyone united with Him. Those outside of Christ are controlled by their sinful nature, likes slaves in chains. Believers, however, are dead to sin and free to live completely for God. Followers of Christ can choose obedience by offering their bodies to God rather than to sin. Jesus replaces sin as the believer’s Master. The old master paid wages of death, but Jesus offers freedom, holiness, and eternal life. God’s grace is a reason to obey, not an excuse to sin.

How should I respond?
Being dead to sin doesn’t mean you are sinless, but it does mean you should sin less. Choosing to obey the Lord is an act of your will. Willful sin takes advantage of God’s grace. What area of your life is still alive to sin rather than alive to Christ? Is there a situation you need to avoid because it sets you up to sin? Realize that as a follower of Christ, you are just as dead to that sin as Jesus is. Whatever you submit to becomes your master. Who will be your master today?

June 19, 2020


Read – Joshua 21:43-22:34

What does it say?
God kept His promises, and the Israelites had rest from their enemies. But when the eastern tribes returned home, conflict arose over an altar they built next to the Jordan.

What does it mean?
As soon as the Israelites were no longer at war with the nations of Canaan, an internal conflict arose. The tribes west of the Jordan feared that the eastern tribes had turned their backs on God by building a pagan altar. Knowing the wrath of God would fall on all, the western tribes were determined to stop the other tribes and prepared for war. But rather than attack their brothers with only circumstantial evidence, a delegation went to talk to the eastern tribes. Discussing their individual fears and concerns averted greater conflict. God gave wisdom and gentleness of spirit to preserve unity within the tribes.

How should I respond?
Good intentions can be misunderstood. Even when we as believers are trying to please God, we can have serious differences with one another. How do you respond when you find yourself in conflict with another Christian? Do you judge harshly or go to that person to discuss the issue? Could misunderstanding be part of the problem? Open discussion can lead to reconciliation. Ask God for wisdom about the way to begin the conversation. You may not agree with others on every point, but you can commit to work toward greater understanding. Your conflict can be a place where God reveals His faithfulness.

June 20, 2022


Read – Romans 5

What does it say?
Sin and death entered the world through Adam, but grace and righteousness came through Jesus Christ.

What does it mean?
Every person born into the world is related to Adam by flesh and blood. Adam’s sin in the Garden of Eden plunged all of mankind into sin and death. The only way to escape the judgment and condemnation of being “in Adam” is to accept God’s gift of righteousness through a spiritual relationship with Jesus. Being “in Christ” offers eternal life and so much more. The added benefits include peace with God, access to God, knowing the love of God, being reconciled to God, experiencing the grace of God, and receiving the gift of God: righteousness.

How should I respond?
Spend an hour in a room of two-year-olds, and you’ll see evidence of man’s sin nature. Still, it’s not politically correct to tell people they are born sinners because it may harm their self-esteem. Yet the Bible says we’re all born sinners condemned to judgment. In Scripture, “But God” is usually followed by a divine act of grace or mercy. “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Jesus died for you! How can anything boost your self-esteem more than that? You cannot change the fact that you were born in Adam, but you can choose to live in Christ.

June 18, 2020


Read – Joshua 14

What does it say?
Caleb claimed the land promised to him by God through Moses because he followed the Lord wholeheartedly.

What does it mean?
The men of Judah came to receive their portion of land from Joshua. Caleb took the opportunity to remind Joshua of Moses’ promise to him. Forty-five years earlier Caleb came back from spying out the land and reported back to Moses, “We should go up and take possession of the land.” He had no doubt God would give it to them. But because of the disobedience of others, Caleb had to wait 45 years to receive the land of Hebron. Yet he didn’t allow himself to become bitter. How? It is noted three times in this passage that Caleb “followed the Lord … wholeheartedly.” And, at 85 years of age, Caleb was still strong enough to drive out the inhabitants and claim his inheritance.

How should I respond?
Sometimes we suffer consequences when others fail to follow God’s instructions. How have you been the victim of another person’s bad decision? How are you responding? Your attitude will largely depend on where your focus is. Determine right now to “follow the Lord wholeheartedly” while you wait for Him to make the next move. Scripture promises that even in the worst situations, God is still in control and has your best interest at heart (Romans 8:28). But greatest of all is the knowledge that God can be glorified, even through human error!|For further reading, Joshua 15-21:42.

June 19, 2022


Read – Psalms 63, 64

What does it say?
David longed for God like a body longs for water. He trusted God to deliver him from his enemies and their slanderous attacks.

What does it mean?
David found himself on the run again, hiding in the wilderness. While he suffered deprivation of good food and plentiful water, the most difficult deprivation was his inability to worship God in the Temple. He missed the opportunity to proclaim the praises of the Lord in the community of God’s people. David’s desire to be in the Lord’s presence drove him to pray, calling out to God for protection and deliverance. Even in his wilderness situation, David found comfort, hope, and rest in God’s presence.

How should I respond?
What difficult experiences of life have caused you to feel isolated? When those times come, follow David’s example and turn your thoughts to God. His presence is a refreshing fountain and a place of hope and rest. The circumstances may seem harsh, and your enemies may be aggressive and oppressive, but God’s provision is greater. Are you under personal attack or separated from your church family? You are not alone; God is able to bring victory, so rest and hope in Him.

June 17, 2020


Read – Joshua 13

What does it say?
The Lord told Joshua that there was still land He would deliver into their hands. Joshua was to divide the land up among the nine and a half tribes west of the Jordan River.

What does it mean?
Joshua was about 100 years old by the time the nine and a half tribes finally got their allotted inheritance. God confirmed what Moses had done with the two and a half tribes who didn’t want to cross the Jordan (Numbers 32). Although the Levites received no tract of land as an inheritance, there would be cities set aside for them throughout Israel. The Levites served in the Tabernacle and were allowed to eat portions of sacred offerings. Their position required trusting God to meet their every need. The Lord, Himself, was their portion and inheritance.

How should I respond?
It’s much easier to put our security in things we can see and touch rather than in the unseen. However, not many things in this life stand the test of time. To what are you looking to satisfy your needs: physical things that will pass away or the Lord Himself? Romans 8:17 says that if we are children of God, then we are also “joint heirs with Christ” – giving us the greatest inheritance possible, the Lord Himself. Every earthly inheritance and retirement account will eventually be gone. But we can say with the Psalmist, “God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever” (Psalm 73:26).

The Letters of John: Walking in the Light


Pastor Jonathan Falwell

1 John 2:12-29 (CSB) I am writing to you, little children, since your sins have been forgiven on account of his name. 13 I am writing to you, fathers, because you have come to know the one who is from the beginning. I am writing to you, young men, because you have conquered the evil one. 14 I have written to you, children, because you have come to know the Father. I have written to you, fathers, because you have come to know the one who is from the beginning. I have written to you, young men, because you are strong, God’s word remains in you, and you have conquered the evil one. 15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride in one’s possessions—is not from the Father, but is from the world. 17 And the world with its lust is passing away, but the one who does the will of God remains forever. 18 Children, it is the last hour. And as you have heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. By this we know that it is the last hour. 19 They went out from us, but they did not belong to us; for if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us. However, they went out so that it might be made clear that none of them belongs to us. 20 But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth. 21 I have not written to you because you don’t know the truth, but because you do know it, and because no lie comes from the truth. 22 Who is the liar, if not the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This one is the antichrist: the one who denies the Father and the Son. 23 No one who denies the Son has the Father; he who confesses the Son has the Father as well. 24 What you have heard from the beginning is to remain in you. If what you have heard from the beginning remains in you, then you will remain in the Son and in the Father. 25 And this is the promise that he himself made to us: eternal life. 26 I have written these things to you concerning those who are trying to deceive you. 27 As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you don’t need anyone to teach you. Instead, his anointing teaches you about all things and is true and is not a lie; just as it has taught you, remain in him. 28 So now, little children, remain in him so that when he appears we may have confidence and not be ashamed before him at his coming. 29 If you know that he is righteous, you know this as well: Everyone who does what is right has been born of him.


1. A Universal Message

Vss 12-14 I am writing to you, little children, since your sins have been forgiven on account of his name. 13 I am writing to you, fathers, because you have come to know the one who is from the beginning. I am writing to you, young men, because you have conquered the evil one. 14 I have written to you, children, because you have come to know the Father. I have written to you, fathers, because you have come to know the one who is from the beginning. I have written to you, young men, because you are strong, God’s word remains in you, and you have conquered the evil one.

  • John is clearly addressing his letter to EVERYONE within the church
  • This message is not for a special group. He addressed it this way to refute the arrogance of the Gnostics


2. Walk from the world, walk towards the light

Vss15-17 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride in one’s possessions—is not from the Father, but is from the world. 17 And the world with its lust is passing away, but the one who does the will of God remains forever.

  • You can’t have it both ways. Either you love God with all of your heart or you don’t.
  • “If we love the world, we are not loving God. We cannot love the world and love God at the same time. This interpretation is strengthened by James 4:4, “Friendship with the world is hatred toward God.”[1]

[1] David Walls and Max Anders, I & II Peter, I, II & III John, Jude, vol. 11, Holman New Testament Commentary (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1999), 175.


3. Now is the Time

Vs 18 Children, it is the last hour. And as you have heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. By this we know that it is the last hour.

Vs 21 I have not written to you because you don’t know the truth, but because you do know it, and because no lie comes from the truth.

Vs 25 And this is the promise that he himself made to us: eternal life.

  • We clearly live in a time where “love of the world” seems to making inroads even into the church.
  • We have a responsibility to recommit ourselves to the things of God.
  • We know God’s plan and we know God’s promise, we have no excuse.


4.  Stand strong

Vs 28 So now, little children, remain in him so that when he appears we may have confidence and not be ashamed before him at his coming. 29 If you know that he is righteous, you know this as well: Everyone who does what is right has been born of him.

  • It is time to do the right thing and live for Him.
  • Ephesians 6 teaches us we must put on the armor of God to be protected and ready for what’s ahead.

June 18, 2022


Read – Psalms 62

What does it say?
David found rest for his soul by waiting on God, who is trustworthy.

What does it mean?
This psalm reveals David’s confidence in God’s trustworthiness even when others attacked or abandoned him. David was so convinced in God’s ability to rescue him that he found rest in God while waiting on Him to accomplish all that He had promised. The words “wait” (NKJV) and “rest” (NIV) are used interchangeably in the sense of finding security in God and His ability. This kind of rest is an expectant abiding, which results in hope and can be found only by trusting God. David’s point is simple: God can be counted on to complete what He starts.

How should I respond?
Most of us would not use the words “wait” and “rest” as synonyms. For instance, we hate to wait in line at the grocery store, but we look forward to a beach vacation as a period of rest. Today’s psalm reminds us that even when things go wrong, we can find true rest while waiting on God to complete His plan. When you find yourself being a bit impatient, go to God directly. Pour out your heart to Him. He always listens; He’s never late or in a hurry, and He is trustworthy. You can be confident in the Lord and His plan. Waiting is never easy, but the hope that comes from relying on God is worth the effort. Sit back. Rest. Your heavenly Father has all things under control.

June 16, 2020


Read – Joshua 10:1-15

What does it say?
Joshua and the Israelites came to the aid of Gibeon when five area cities joined forces against them. Joshua called on God for help, and He responded miraculously.

What does it mean?
God encouraged Joshua and promised victory over the five cities that joined forces against Gibeon. God caused confusion among the opposing armies, sent hailstones against the enemy soldiers, and responded to Joshua’s request for the sun and moon to stand still, giving them more daylight to finish the task. Although Israel was outnumbered, they fought hard, trusting God to intervene on their behalf. Joshua moved forward in unswerving faith, believing God and depending on Him for victory. He knew that God could do anything to make it happen – and He did.

How should I respond?
How often do you think, “I can’t ask God to do that for me”? You may not need the sun to stop in the sky, but the same omnipotent God can still intervene on your behalf. What impossible situation are you facing? Is your faith as big as your God? Boldly ask Him for what you need, and expect God to intervene on His timetable and in the way He deems best. Keep praying, placing your faith in the character of God rather than the outcome you desire. God can do anything when His followers display unswerving faith.|For further reading, Joshua 10:16-12:24.

June 17, 2022


Read – Romans 4

What does it say?
Jesus died for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.

What does it mean?
Paul described God as an accountant and a person’s life as a ledger. According to Romans 1:18-3:20 mankind has been declared morally and spiritually bankrupt. God credits the person of faith and belief with righteousness, balancing the books. Both David and Abraham were counted righteous apart from their actions, spiritual heritage, or ability to keep the law. Abraham trusted God wholeheartedly and was credited as righteous in God’s sight based on faith in God’s promises. Salvation has always been by grace through faith.

How should I respond?
How would you react if you were going through bankruptcy, and a billionaire linked your account to his personal fortune, removing all debt and giving you boundless resources? The only requirement would be faith in the value and ability of his money to settle your accounts. Paul ends today’s passage with a promise “for us who believe in Him.” As a follower of Christ, God’s righteousness has been placed into your account, and all sin was removed from your ledger. Are you, like Abraham, totally dependent on God with unwavering belief? Righteousness can’t be earned; it’s a free gift!

June 15, 2020


Read – Joshua 9

What does it say?
The Gibeonites deceived Joshua into making a peace treaty so they wouldn’t suffer the same fate as cities already conquered by Israel.

What does it mean?
To save their city, the people of Gibeon used an elaborate ruse to trick Joshua. God’s instructions permitted Israel to make an offer of peace with distant cities but demanded annihilation of the seven neighboring Canaanite nations. Joshua tried to discern the truth but neglected to ask the Lord’s instructions. Without prayer, he lacked the wisdom to spot the enemy standing right in front of him. When the truth came out, Joshua had no choice but to honor the treaty. The Gibeonites were allowed to live as servants “for the house of God,” where they learned firsthand about the powerful God of Israel. God graciously turned their judgment into a chance to have a relationship with Him.

How should I respond?
“The men of Israel…did not seek the Lord’s counsel” (vs. 14). How often has that been true in your circumstances? You likely regret the outcome of a decision made without prayer. We usually recognize the obvious enemies of our faith. But without prayer, we lack the wisdom to detect the more subtle lies Satan uses to interfere with our spiritual progress. Praise God for His grace! He is able to turn our failures around for His glory – even though He may allow us to live with the consequences of moving ahead without Him. Seek the Lord’s counsel; ask for wisdom about each decision you face throughout the day.

June 16, 2022


Read – Romans 3

What does it say?
No one is made righteous by their own works, but through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

What does it mean?
God chooses words very carefully. Chapter 3 contains four words that are essential to a full understanding of salvation. Righteousness characterizes perfect harmony with God’s Law, being free from sin and guilt. Propitiation is a sacrifice of atonement that satisfies God’s righteousness and turns aside His just wrath on a sinner. Justification is an act of God’s grace by which He declares the guilty as innocent based on his or her faith in Jesus’ atoning sacrifice. And redemption reflects the price Jesus paid on the cross for every person’s sin – freeing believers from its bondage through His death.

How should I respond?
Imagine you’re in a courtroom standing before a judge. The prosecutor has overwhelming evidence of your guilt; you deserve to be condemned and can do nothing to help yourself. The judge is compassionate but cannot simply overlook your offenses. He not only upholds the demands of the law, he wrote the law. Then the judge offers a surprising and gracious solution; let his son pay the penalty for your actions. By accepting the offer, you’ll be declared “innocent,” giving you a right standing before the judge and justified in the eyes of the law. You will be set free. What a beautiful picture! Faith in Jesus, as the atonement for your sin, makes it possible to be righteous and justified before God. Have you settled your case with God?

June 14, 2020


Read – Joshua 8

What does it say?
God’s favor towards Israel was restored, and a plan to conquer Ai was pursued. Victory was given, and Joshua encouraged them to renew their covenant vows to the Lord.

What does it mean?
God reminded Joshua that He had not given up on him or the people. “Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Joshua had heard those words at least three other times. What better way to go into battle than with God’s reassurance echoing in his mind and heart? God gave them the battle plan, promised a victory, and rewarded them with the spoils. Joshua built an altar and made sacrifices to the Lord. He then copied the law onto stones and read the whole law to the entire assembly as the Lord had commanded (Deuteronomy 11:29). Since the Israelites didn’t have the written Word, corporate reading was the only way to hear it.

How should I respond?
How many times do we have to hear or read something before it affects the way we live? Like Joshua, we sometimes need to be reassured before a major undertaking. At other times we need to be reminded of God’s instructions or commands. James 1:22-25 tells us to be doers of the Word and not hearers only. In order for head knowledge to cause a change in lifestyle, you have to put into practice what you hear on Sunday morning and what you read in your daily devotions. What has God said to you this week as you’ve read His Word? How can you act on it today?

June 15, 2022


Read – Romans 2

What does it say?
All people are without excuse before God. He will judge the world through Jesus Christ.

What does it mean?
Paul described God’s dealings with three kinds of people. Each is charged with high treason against God. The moral person tries to gain God’s approval based on comparison with others, but he still fails to meet God’s standards. The pagan, or Gentile, tries to escape judgment based on ignorance. However, God has placed the essence of His law in each person’s heart. The religious person seeks God’s favor based on knowledge of Scripture and religious practices. Paul says this person knows about God but doesn’t have a relationship with God. Salvation and eternal life must be attained God’s way – through Jesus.

How should I respond?
Excuses – we all make them from time to time. However, everyone is without excuse for his or her sin before God. Do you identify with someone described in today’s passage? Are you a good or religious person trying to make your good deeds outweigh your bad? Morality and religious tradition can’t transform your heart. Salvation is internal and comes through belief in Christ alone. What excuses have you made to God this week? Submitting your heart to Jesus as Lord means not only knowing the truth but also obeying it, without excuse.

June 13, 2020


Read – Joshua 7

What does it say?
Israel suffered a bitter defeat in the battle of Ai because Achan took some of the spoils after the battle of Jericho and hid them.

What does it mean?
Their first battle to claim the Promised Land had been a wonderful experience for Joshua and the nation. Before that battle, the Lord had made it clear that no one was to take any of the “devoted things” in Jericho. After 40 years of wearing the same clothes and shoes, the Israelites would have to resist the temptation of taking anything for themselves. But Achan didn’t resist, and the whole nation suffered for it. He finally confessed but only after he was directly confronted. Achan didn’t come forward and repent on his own. He confessed because he was caught.

How should I respond?
Confession and repentance are two different things. Repentance goes a step further than merely stating what one has done wrong – repentance involves a complete change of the mind and will. God is Holy and commands His people to be holy. Because Jesus took our punishment, God freely bestows His grace on those who repent. What secret sin is buried in your heart? Confess it to the Lord and then head in the opposite direction – His direction. He will forgive, pardon and cleanse you! The consequences of being unrepentant can be devastating for both you and your family.

June 14, 2022


Read – Romans 1

What does it say?
God’s wrath will come against all godlessness and wickedness, but grace is available through faith in Jesus Christ our Lord.

What does it mean?
Paul opened his letter to the Roman church by giving them good news and bad news. The bad news? The unrighteous nature of human beings is bent toward all manner of evil thoughts and behaviors. Paul lists sins like murder on equal footing with gossip and disobeying parents. Sin brings complete and eternal separation from God. The good news? He provides a perfect solution. By God’s grace, His righteousness is available through faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Gospel literally means “good news” and is summed up as the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus (1 Cor. 15:3).

How should I respond?
No one likes bad news from the doctor, but we all have the same terminal diagnosis: “ungodliness and unrighteousness.” Have you accepted God’s remedy in the good news of Jesus? If so, your spiritual healing should be evident through your reactions and daily choices. As a follower of Christ, which ungodly things from your sinful nature have you allowed to creep back into your life – envy, boasting, or a refusal to forgive? The gospel of Christ has the power to completely transform your life. Live today in light of your new diagnosis: eternal life!

June 12, 2020


Read – Joshua 5:13-6:27

What does it say?
The Lord told Joshua that Jericho had been delivered into their hands. He and the Israelites were to walk around the city for seven days; God would give a great victory.

What does it mean?
God wanted to show the people of Israel as well as the people of Canaan that He had brought Israel into this land. Even before God gave Joshua the plan, He assured him of victory. The instructions didn’t sound much like a battle plan, but God’s commands are often counterintuitive. Throughout the journey to the Promised Land, God proved that He was able to provide everything His people needed. The only thing the Israelites had to do was trust God and start walking. The Battle of Jericho was no different. God instructed them to simply walk in faith, and He would take care of the rest. They walked and shouted and the walls fell.

How should I respond?
What is your first instinct when faced with a dilemma? Often, our minds begin to plan, calculate, and even manipulate to come up with our battle plan. Then we ask God to bless our plan and give us the outcome we desire. But God’s path to victory is usually quite different from ours; sometimes it seems to make no logical sense at all. But just like the Israelites, God asks us to trust and walk in faith. What personal plans do you need to release to the Lord? How has He proven Himself trustworthy in the past? There may be enemies and walls in your life today, but just keep moving forward and trusting God. He will take care of the details.

June 13, 2022


Read – Acts 28

What does it say?
The shipwrecked men spent three months on the island of Malta then sailed for Rome. Paul spent two years under house arrest there, boldly teaching about the Lord Jesus.

What does it mean?
Paul wasn’t in control of his circumstances, but God was. The gospel traveled from Jerusalem to Rome along with Paul. His traumatic experiences along the way drove him to rely on the Holy Spirit and gave him deep understanding of scriptural principles, many of which he recorded for posterity while under house arrest. Had Paul arrived in Rome and said, “I’ve done my part” or “I’m hindered by chains,” then we wouldn’t have the books of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon. He made no excuses to the Lord. When he could no longer go, God sent people to him. As Acts ends, Paul was still faithfully fulfilling his purpose of teaching and preaching in the name of Jesus Christ.

How should I respond?
Ancient Rome was steeped in the worship of mythological gods; yet the world today accepts this city as the central hub of Christianity, largely due to the influence of one homebound prisoner over two thousand years ago. From this observation we can glean an important principle: our inability to control life’s circumstances doesn’t hinder God. Is something keeping you from actively getting involved in serving Him – a new location or a health issue perhaps? Ask God to show you how to best serve Him, no matter how restrictive your situation appears to be.

June 11, 2020


Read – Joshua 5:1-12

What does it say?
The Lord told Joshua to circumcise the Israelite men. Afterward, Israel celebrated Passover. As the people ate the produce of the land, the manna stopped coming.

What does it mean?
God required the generation of Israelites born and raised in the wilderness to be identified with the covenant He had established. As this generation of Israelites prepared to claim the Promised Land, they renewed their covenant with God by circumcising the males and observing Passover. God wanted those who crossed the Jordan to begin their lives in the Promised Land with a fresh commitment to the covenant given by God to their forefathers. God had sustained them with manna for 40 years, but it ceased as soon as God allowed them to eat from the abundant produce of Canaan.

How should I respond?
Significant life events are the perfect time to examine our relationship with Christ. Any change means leaving some things behind and looking forward to new opportunities to serve the Lord. What change is on your horizon – marriage, retirement, a new job, or a move to a new city? Reflect on how God has prepared and sustained you for each transition. How is He providing in different ways now? Resolve to renew your commitment to the Lord and start this new part of your life with a fresh perspective.

June 12, 2022


Read – Psalms 61

What does it say?
With a faint heart, David cried to God, his refuge. He prayed that God would increase the days of the king’s life, protecting him with faithfulness and love.

What does it mean?
God had answered David’s pleas to preserve his life against the treachery of his son Absalom. Now, Absalom was dead and the rebellion was over. David was relieved and grief-stricken at the same time. Far away from home and from the tent where God dwelt, He needed a solid foundation on which to land. The one thing that brought comfort was the thought of God’s presence. David knew that only the high priest could enter God’s presence in the Tabernacle once a year, yet he longed to live in the place where God’s glory dwelt and His mercy flowed to His people. As David anticipated his return to Jerusalem, he also looked forward to the day when he would live in God’s presence eternally, worshipping and serving the Lord in Heaven.

How should I respond?
We tend to take many things, and even certain people, for granted – especially if we have constant access to them. God’s continual, abiding presence is no exception. Because we live in the age after the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, we can live daily in the Lord’s presence. God not only hears our prayers, but His comfort, peace, and strength reside within each follower of Christ. Who do you want to be with the most when you’re distressed, heartbroken, or exhausted? Do you long for God presence during those times? Live today in grateful awareness that He is always with you. You have instant access to the Creator and Savior of the world; don’t take that for granted.

June 10, 2020


Read – Joshua 4

What does it say?
God instructed Joshua to set up 12 stones from the Jordan to memorialize the miracle God performed when He allowed the entire nation to cross the river on dry ground.

What does it mean?
God’s first instructions to the Israelites on the other side of the Jordan involved remembering and telling what He had done for them. The memorial stones Joshua set up were a physical reminder of how God had once again provided a way for His people. Seeing the stones was meant to keep God’s faithfulness fresh on their minds. As time passed, their children would see the stones and ask why they were there. Each time, a new generation would be told how God miraculously led Israel across the Red Sea and the Jordan River. Both the miracles and the memorial stones showed God’s power to the entire world and encouraged His people to fear Him.

How should I respond?
God is with us in every circumstance we face. Looking back, in what challenging time in your life did God show His presence in a special way? What serves as “memorial stones” regarding that time in your history? Setting up physical reminders of God’s past faithfulness is still a great way to prompt the telling of those stories to your children, family, or friends. It could be photos taken right after coming through a serious illness. Or, it could be small rocks taken from a location where God gave you much needed direction. Use those reminders to tell your corner of the world how awesome and powerful God is.

June 11, 2022


Read – Psalms 60

What does it say?
David asked God to restore His people and give them aid against their enemies.

What does it mean?
While David and Joab were fighting two enemies in the north, Edom saw the opportunity to invade Judah from the south (2 Sam. 8; 1 Chron. 18). They were defending God’s people and securing the land He had promised to Abraham’s descendants, so David was perplexed as to why God would allow them to suffer an unexpected attack in an area that seemed stable. In the midst of national disaster, David stopped to pray, calling on God’s love and sovereign control over the nations. This instructional psalm (miktam) and lament became part of Israel’s corporate worship as a reminder that God was their hope and defender whether they were facing defeat or experiencing victory.

How should I respond?
Faithfully serving Jesus does not make us immune to trouble. You may be on the front lines – volunteering at church and telling people about Christ – when you’re suddenly faced with a rebellious child or a huge financial setback. Instead of asking, “Why?” change your question to, “Who?” Who is your defender? Who will you turn to for hope? Trouble will continue to come as long as we live in this world, so don’t be alarmed or caught off guard. Take each new challenge to the Lord, who loves you and is in complete control. You can’t experience the thrill of victory without first facing the battle.

June 9, 2020


Read – Joshua 3

What does it say?
The Priests carried the Ark of the Covenant into the Jordan River as commanded by Joshua. God stopped the flow of water so the Israelites could walk across on dry land.

What does it mean?
Crossing the Jordan River was no small event for the Israelites. It represented God’s promise to their forefathers – Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The Lord’s presence and power to claim the land was evident as the priests who carried the Ark of the Covenant touched their feet at the water’s edge. Immediately, God provided a supernatural path for the whole nation to cross on dry land. As the Israelites began their campaign to possess the Promised Land, God confirmed Joshua’s leadership of Israel just as He had done for Moses. The priests and the Ark led the way because the people had “never been this way before.” A new chapter had begun.

How should I respond?
New chapters in life can be both exciting and challenging. Some chapters may be initiated by a job change or the death of a family member. Others are simply a result of entering a new stage of life. What new chapter is being written in your life? No matter what it is, God wants to lead the way through His presence and by the power of His Word. Meditate on Scripture and ask God to show you the path He wants you to follow. Even though you “have never been this way before” – that’s okay; God has, and He knows the way.

June 10, 2022


Read – Acts 27

What does it say?
A hurricane battered Paul’s ship, but an angel told him that everyone on board would live. He encouraged the men to eat, the ship ran aground, and the men swam ashore.

What does it mean?
God’s purpose for Paul remained the same; he was going to testify of the risen Christ in Rome, but the journey to get there was fraught with peril. He was steady throughout the terrifying crisis because he personally experienced God’s reassuring presence in private, which made him confident when talking with others on board that God could and would keep His word. The Holy Spirit gave Paul the right words at the right time. His unwavering faith offered a powerful witness. When every last man on board reached the beach safely, just as the angel said, they knew that Paul’s God was indeed the Lord.

How should I respond?
Nothing brings out our true character more than a sudden emergency. What’s inside of us tends to come pouring out when things spiral out of control. In high stress moments do you panic or pray? You don’t have to be overwhelmed with worry. God wants to lead and comfort you by the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit. It’s difficult to offer comfort when you’re consumed with fear yourself. A calm demeanor will help you make sound decisions, encourage others, and open doors to talk about your faith. Spending time alone with God today will help prepare you to look faithfully to Him in tomorrow’s crisis.