Group Notes | March 13

One Week To Live: Watch and Pray
March 13, 2016
Charles Billingsley



No doubt most of us have been in a crisis so severe that our entire being was saturated with anguish. Can anyone share such a time, and tell how you responded?

The past two weeks we have studied the last week of the life of Jesus, before He went to the cross. Today we will look at the hours He spent prior to His arrest, and see how He handled a situation most of us will never have to face.


The Setting

  1. Read Mark 14:32-35. Jesus gave Peter, James and John two instructions: what were they (vs.34)? What do you think they were to watch for, and pray about?
  2. These three disciples needed to witness the greatest suffering in history. Why?

The Suffering

  1. What were some of the sufferings Jesus was going through internally in vv. 33-36? What was the Cup He was referring to?

The Submission

  1. Verse 36b gives us a foundation for our prayer life. What is it?

Watch and Pray

  1. Jesus had prayed constantly during His earthly ministry. Can you give some examples.
  2. What are several life lessons we can take away from the verses as Jesus prayed to His Father in His suffering?


It is so easy to read this passage on auto-pilot, as many of us have grown up with the story of the Resurrection. Jesus commands us, as He did the disciples, to “watch and pray” rather than reading without engaging our brain, for otherwise we, too, might “enter into temptation” (Mark 14:38). As you break into small groups, discuss the temptations that can attack us when we mentally fall asleep in our Christian walk. It is imperative in this day and age to spread the story of His life, death and resurrection so that others may have hope. Join a Life Group so you can serve Him more efficiently. Pray before you leave that you will be watchful and faithful in your daily walk with Him (1 Pet. 4:7).

Focal Passages: Mark 14:32-42; Matthew 26:47-56

Memory Verse: Mark 14:38: “Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

Pray: Faithfully (often); Authentically (with complete honesty); Intimately (talk to your Abba Father “Dad”); Fervently (it’s okay to be passionate); Fearfully (respect His power); Submissively (seek HIS will, not your own); Confidently (He is in control).



Group Notes | March 6

One Week To Live: Faithfulness In Serving
March 6, 2016
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Have you ever gone to a family meal, only to find there was a pre-planned announcement that had to be made, perhaps something hard to bear?

As we continue to look at the last week of the life of Jesus, we will focus on the Last Supper, the meal where Jesus outlined His coming death, and the reaction of the disciples, who were not ready to receive His news. We need to look at the significance as it applies to us today.



Betrayal, Desertion, Disobedience, Broken Promises

  1. Read Matt. 26:17-25. What were the disciples expecting this meal to be?
  2. It turns into a somber mood immediately. How can you identify?
  3. Is anyone willing to share a time when you—after you have walked with Jesus for some time—betrayed Him in some way? How did you feel afterwards?
  4. When you experienced His forgiveness, how did you feel?
  5. Have you ever been the victim of betrayal, etc., and how did you feel? How did you afterwards treat the person who acted against you?


  1. Read verse 26 and I Cor. 11:23-26. What is the significance when we today celebrate Communion? What are the things Jesus wants us to remember?
  2. We know that Jesus was already extending forgiveness to His disciples, although their betrayal had not yet happened. What does this tell you about your sins, and the Cross?

Examine Yourself

  1. Read verses 27-29. What are our responsibilities before taking communion? If you cannot make something right prior to a communion service, what should you do?
  2. How does this bring God glory?



Taking communion is not to be performed lightly. We see from the lesson Jesus gave that we are to reflect on His actions, recognizing that we, too, betray, disobey, break our promises, and possibly even desert Him for the world at times. As you break into small groups, talk about the meaning of the Cross, and understand that nothing you can ever do will separate you from His love or forgiveness, if you are repentant. Pray for a sensitive spirit to examine yourself daily so that you are always in a right relationship with Him. Always be on the lookout for someone whom you can minister to: there are hundreds around you who know much less than you, whatever the length of time you have been saved. Just tell them your story!

Focal Passage: Matthew 26:17-35

Examine Yourself at home: 1 Corinthians 13, 2 Peter 1:5-10, Psalm 24:3-5

Memory Verse: Matthew 26:28: “For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.”

Group Notes | February 28

One Week To Live: Getting The House In Order!
February 28, 2016
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


How would you react if your doctor told you that you have only a few short months to live? How can there be blessings in that knowledge?

Today we begin looking toward the resurrection of Jesus, with emphasis on the last week of His earthly life. He began that week by getting His house in order. We will focus on making certain our lives are fit for Him to do His work as He indwells us.



Recognize who Jesus is

  1. Read Matt. 21:10- 11. To ask Jesus to save us, why is it necessary to believe He is the Son of God? How can an incorrect view of who He really is affect whether we are truly saved? Think of other religions for examples.
  2. What are some of His attributes? Do you see Him with those qualities and treat Him as the Holy God that He is?

Recognize what He expects

  1. Jesus expected the people to regard the temple with the respect it was designed for. How does He expect us to live our lives (as His temple) in order for Him to work His purpose for us? Someone read 1 Cor. 6:19, 20.
  2. Read Joshua 3:5a. What did Joshua tell the people? What does that mean to us?

Recognize what brings Him sorrow

  1. What possible actions or thoughts in our lives can grieve the heart of God?
  2. What are some things we do that bring God joy?

Recognize what happens next

  1. All we need for salvation is to come to Christ “just as we are.” But after salvation, what changes would God expect to let Him be at home in your life? Is this a one-time “house cleaning” or an on-going action?
  2. Read Joshua 3:5b. Why should we live our lives expecting miracles each day?



The religious leaders who saw Jesus as He ministered were so filled with envy and disbelief that their hearts were hardened against Him. One needs to be watchful that your heart is always sensitive to the Holy Spirit. As you break into small groups, discuss the situations you face that could grieve Jesus. Pray for Him to show you areas where you are weak, and pray also for discernment as you live daily, to be aware you are working with Him to bring His kingdom “on earth, as it is in heaven.” Search out the life groups, if you are not in one, or start one! Everyone needs as much encouragement, wisdom and support as possible in these hard times.

Focal Passages: Matthew 21:10-14, Joshua 3:5, Matthew 26:28

Memory Verse: Joshua 3:5: “And Joshua said to the people, ‘Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.’”

Group Notes | February 21

Stand Strong: The LAST Promise: A New Home
February 21, 2016
 Matt Willmington


Preparing for a move to a new home, especially one more grand than the one you’ve been living in, can be very exciting. Can you give examples?

Today we finish our series on Standing Strong on the Promises of God. We have looked at various areas of our lives, seeing that victory can be had on all fronts because our hope is not in ourselves, but in the God who made us. His promises never fail. We are going to focus on the end of one’s life on earth, with either a heavenly city or a lake of fire promised as the final move.



Passed Away

  1. Read Rev. 21:1-8. In the new heaven and new earth, many things we know now will have passed away. What is first?
  2. Read 2 Peter 3:10. How does Peter confirm Rev. 21:1?
  3. A sea has the purpose of separating or dividing geographical areas. Why do you think God would not want seas in the new earth?
  4. Verse 4 tells of more that will have passed away in the New City. What are they?
  5. The city will have no sin in it, therefore those who have rejected God will not be there. Read verse 8. Who will be in the final “home” of those who have rebelled against God?

All Things New

  1. The New Jerusalem will be for those who have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior. Read 2 Cor. 5:17 to see when this new life begins.
  2. What were other things God has prepared for you there?

The Dwelling

  1. Who will be dwelling in that new City?
  2. Read John 14:1-4 and feel the anticipation of the greatest promise to believers. What is it?


How many times have you quoted that passage from John 14, absorbing comfort when times are tough, when grief descends, and life is overwhelming? It is a promise believers stake their lives on. As you break into small groups, share some of the wonders you anticipate as you think of heaven. Is it real to you? Are you so comfortable in your daily life that you’d rather stay here? Think this week of the glories promised believers, and the tragic end awaiting those who reject Jesus! Pray as you leave that God would put someone in your path this week with whom you may share the love of Jesus, that they, too, may look forward to a heavenly home.

Focal Passage: Revelation 21: 1-8.

Home Study: Revelation 21 and 22.

Memory Verse: Revelation 21:3: “And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, ‘Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God.’”


Group Notes | February 14

Stand Strong: God’s Promise of Victory
February 14, 2015
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


A well-known quote that one hears is “What would you attempt to do if you knew you would not fail?” Would anyone care to answer?

We have been studying the promises of God, the only dependable Giver of promises. Today we will look at the victory that is ours when we become believers in Jesus Christ and are freed from the power of sin.



We Belong To God

  1. Read Romans 8:2. What is the reason that you can be certain of victory even in the midst of pain and suffering?
  2. Why does Satan no longer have power over you?

We Have a New Mind

  1. Read verses 8:5, 6. What are some steps you can take to let the Spirit control your mind?
  2. How does this agree with Romans 12:2 and 2 Cor. 10:5?

We Have a New Life

  1. Have someone read 8:11, and someone else read Col. 2:13, 14. What did God do for you that you could not do for yourself?

We Have Strength to Walk On

  1. Read Eph. 3:16 and 2 Thess. 3:3. Where does your strength come from?
  2. Whom does He promise to protect you from, in His strength?

We Have Hope

  1. Read verses 8:23b and 28. What is the difference between your life in Jesus Christ, and that of those who do not know Him?



What tremendous promises we have read in Romans chapter 8! As you break into small groups, share any thoughts that may have resonated in your heart as to your position in Christ. He has already won the victory—all you need to do is walk in the power and strength of the Holy Spirit, constantly choosing to let Him take control of your life. Have you checked out the Life Groups? New ones are beginning often, and they are a great way to grow in the Lord. As you close in prayer, remember to ask God to be victorious in your life this week.

Focus Passage: Romans 8

Memory Verse: Romans 8:6: “For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.”

Group Notes | February 7

Stand Strong: The Persistent Prayer
February 7, 2016
Pastor Jonathan Falwell



Unless you have a wonderful parenting style—or an exceptional child—your offspring can drive you nuts asking the same question over and over, Can you give some examples? (Hint, we’ve just come through a season when this is rampant!)

Today we examine three of God’s amazing promises, as we learn how to be persistent in prayer, be diligent to seek until He reveals the answer, and to continue to knock at His door until He answers.



The Important Prayer

  1. Read Luke 11:1-13, as Jesus gives His disciples—and us—a model prayer.
  2. What did Christ mean that God’s name should be hallowed (vs. 2a)? How do you react when Christians use “Oh my God!” as an off-hand exclamation?
  3. In verse 2b, what is meant by “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”?
  4. Why does God desire that we ask for daily bread (verse 3)? Read John 6:35; is there a second meaning?
  5. Verse 4a focuses on what necessary facet of Christianity? Why is it so important? Can you think of other verses that emphasize this?
  6. What is God’s role in verse 4b? Read Romans 6:17. Can anyone else deliver us from sin or death?

The Persistent Prayer

  1. Read verses 9 and 10. How do we trust the promise in verse 9a when our prayers are often seemingly not answered? Jesus can answer in many ways; what are some?
  2. Verse 9b tells us to seek: what are we to seek for?
  3. Verse 9c promises God will “open” a door for us. Can you give an example of a door being opened?



As you break into small groups, focus on the promises Jesus gives in verses 9 and 10. Talk for a few moments about the ways God may answer when you ask or let you find when you seek. Remember He said you would pray for “God’s will” (verse 2). There is much meat in today’s study to meditate on this coming week. Also, find a Life Group that will benefit you—or that you will benefit—and see how you can help bring God’s kingdom to earth! Pray for each other with sincerity and power this week.

Focal Passage: Luke 11:1-13; Matthew 6:9-13

Memory Verse: Luke 11:10: “For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.”

Group Notes | January 24

Standing Strong: God’s Promises
January 31, 2016
Pastor Matt Willmington


As a child, what promises do you recall most vividly? Were they fulfilled? What did you learn in those early years about promises?

We have been studying the promises of God, and the reliability of His Word. He has promised many things to His children, but expects us to take action in order to receive them. Today God reminds us that He will hear us when we call, and take care of us.



  1. Read Psalm 34:4-7. David was in severe trouble, running from Saul, when he penned this Psalm. How is that something we can relate to?
  2. What four actions were taken, and how did God respond in each?
  3. What is the difference in our “fears” and the fear God wants us to have in verse 7?
  4. Read Psalms 125:2. How can you verbalize your feelings that God encamps around you?


  1. Read Psalm 34:8-10. In these verses, what actions do we take as God’s children? What actions does God take?
  2. Based on God’s Word that He is present with us at all times, how should we react when He seems silent? Is trust during those times a choice?
  3. Deliverance may be in one of two forms: what are they? Talk about these for a moment. (Deliver us from the situation, or deliver us through the situation.)


As we break up into small groups, we have much that we can take with us through this coming week: the truth of God’s Word, the child-like faith He wants us to have as we trust Him, the dependence upon Him through the good times and the bad, and so much more. Talk about your ability to rest in His promises. Close by committing to pray for those who have trouble believing anyone is trustworthy in today’s world.

Focal Passage: Psalm 34:4-14; Isaiah 55:2

Memory Verse: Psalm 34:7: “The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them.”

Group Notes | January 24

Stand Strong: To Be a Child… Again
January 24, 2016
Pastor Jonathan Falwell



Every week people make decisions in dozens of ways based on the promise or reputation of another person, business or institution. Can you give examples?

Last week we began a new series, looking at the promises God has given us. We see that we can believe His promises because not one of them has failed in the past, and will not fail in the future. Today, we’ll look at the greatest promise He has ever given: the right to become His children, living with Him for eternity.


Start By Believing

  1. Read 1 John 5:1. What does God promise in this verse?
  2. Will someone read Acts 4:12, and Acts 16:31?
  3. What is the condition of the belief, and what does it include?

Through Believing, We Have Been Promised Power

  1. Read verse 4. How do we have power to defeat this evil world? Does it have anything to do with our own abilities?
  2. Read Phil. 4:13. What does this verse imply about power from God?

Through Believing We Have Been Promised Victory

  1. Read verse 5. Who wins the battle against the world?
  2. Read John 16:33. Who is speaking? Read 1 John 4:4. Why can we overcome the world?

Through Believing We Have Been Given Life

  1. Read 1 John 5:12. We know that believing in Jesus Christ does not always keep us from suffering. What promise does God give us to hold on to in the midst of persecution?

 Through Believing We Have Been Given Life Eternal

  1. Read verse 13. All of the promises that have been read have one focus: that salvation and eternal life are available only through the Person and Work of Jesus Christ. Re-read Acts 4:12.


This study is crucial to our being able to stand strong in this evil world. It is only by your belief that Jesus Christ is your only hope of salvation that you can become God’s child. As you break into small groups, talk for a few minutes about what one would lose if they trust in their goodness, works or merit for salvation. God has given these promises that we may know we belong to Him (1 John 5:13). As you finish in prayer, lift each other up, and help carry each other’s burdens. Find a Life Group that will help you be “all that you can be!”

Focal Passage: 1 John 5:1-13, and Romans 8:10-17. Study these this week.

Memory Verse: 1 John 5:4: “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—your faith.”



Group Notes | January 17

Stand Strong: Building Your Life On God’s Promises
January 17, 2016
Pastor Jonathan Falwell



Having promises made to you, then subsequently broken, happens often and can leave hurt or anger. Can you give an example?

Today we start a new series, focusing on some of the promises God makes to us in Scripture. In order to trust Him to keep His word, we have to first know that He has been faithful to us thus far.


The Faithfulness of God is Worth Celebrating

  1. Read Psalm 89:1a. What was the psalmist praising God for?
  2. If you were to “celebrate” God’s faithfulness to you, what are some things you   would praise Him for?
  3. When you have gone through rough valleys, how did you know you could still trust Him? You had a choice to be discouraged or to trust. How did you choose?

The Faithfulness of God is Worth Sharing

  1. Read verse 1b. We are always willing to share news of a great restaurant, our favorite team, etc. Why is it important to share our faithful Father?
  2. When others hear our story of God’s love for us, what does it do for them?

The Faithfulness of God is Guaranteed

  1. Read Hebrews 10:23. What are we cautioned to remember?
  2. We live in a society where very little that is “guaranteed” can be trusted. Why is God’s faithfulness assured?
  3. Read 2 Tim. 2:11 and 2 Thess. 3:3. What does the Bible promise us?


As we break into small group time, remember our theme for the year is Living Generously. Talk about God’s promise to bless us “exceedingly above all that we can ask or think” and decide if you trust God to love you so much that you can give Him your whole heart. Look at available Life Groups that will encourage you to trust deeper this year—or begin one yourself, to encourage others who may be newer in the faith! Pray as you close for the ability to trust Him with your job, finances, family and health.

Focus Passage: Psalm 89: 1, 2

Memory Verse: 2 Thess. 3:3: “But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one.

Seven Promises God Has Made:

 1) He will supply every need. Phil. 4:19
2) His grace is sufficient for you. 2 Cor. 12:9
3) He makes a way out of every temptation. 1 Cor. 10:13
4) He gives victory over death 1 Cor. 15:54
5) He works all things for the good of those who love Him. Rom. 8:28
6) Believers will be with the Lord forever. 1 Thess. 4:13-18
7) He gives us eternal life. John 10:27, 28.



Group Notes | January 10

What Then Shall We Do?
January 10, 2016
Pastor Jonathan Falwell and Dr. Ed Hindson


Today’s world is in a state of chaos like never before. What are some of the situations people are faced with almost daily?

Those who study Biblical prophecy desire to know how current events line up with the many chapters in Scripture that explain what to expect in the “last days.” Today we are going to examine some of those prophecies.


  1. Read Matthew 24:1-14. What are some of the events we need to be looking for?
  2. Israel had to become a country again for the prophecies to be fulfilled. Read Isaiah 66:8, 9. What happened on May 14, 1948?
  3. Who are some of the countries lining up against Israel? The countries listed in  Ezek. 38:13 are Russia, Iran, Sudan and Libya. What do we see these countries doing today?
  4. How is political turmoil and divisiveness dividing our own country?

What kind of long term effects are we already seeing from this?

  1. How is the church different today than thirty, forty or more years ago?
  2. Is Satan our ultimate foe, or is it ISIS, other countries, or internal politics?
  3. What action, then, shall we take?


As you break into small groups, don’t let the despair you might feel overwhelm you. God is not only still on the throne, He is completely in control. We must remember that all prophecy will be fulfilled, whether it’s in our lifetime, or those we leave behind. Discuss what God expects of you as you “see the day approaching,” and be sure you are drawing near to the Savior. New Life Groups are revving up for the year, and now is an excellent time to meet with other believers to be effective for Christ.

Memory Verse: Matthew 24:14: And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.

Group Notes | January 3

Finding Your Place in 2016
January 3, 2016
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Keeping focused on priorities is a never-ending challenge! Can you give some examples of distractions that tend to throw you off balance, and divert your attention?

Last week we looked at a checklist that can help us concentrate on a strong relationship with our Lord. Today we will look at our goals for this new year, finding where God wants us, and then committing ourselves to accomplishing His will.



  1. Most people would prefer to live life without “hurts, habits or hang-ups” that detract from who we want to be. What will it take for you to realize God made you just as He desired? Read Psa. 139:14a.
  2. Do you think God cannot use you as you are? If this is so, why not? Does anyone recall how Moses reacted when God called him to lead Israel out of Egypt?


  1. Read John 17:1-3. How can we get a deep, intimate knowledge of God unless we spend time reading His Word and talking to Him? What is His will for us in this area?


  1. Share an ability or God-given gift that He has blessed you with, and tell how you are using this gift to glorify Him.
  2. Read 1 Cor. 7:7. Who is given gifts or talents by God? Does that include you?


  1. Read Prov. 18:1 and Heb. 10:25. What is God’s will for us so far as meeting regularly with other believers? Why is this important?


  1. God tells us in Matt. 25:14-29 that our talents will do us no good if we do not use them. Do you have an example of this truth?

Practical Principles for Achievement

  • Never confuse being busy with accomplishment
  • The bridge between vision and accomplishment is discipline
  • Passion overcomes obstacles
  • Embrace change


As we break up into small groups, we want to remember that our goal for 2016 should be that we live “generously.” We not only want a strong, personal relationship with our God, we want to be effective Christians who tell our story, who find God’s will for our lives, and then take the steps to ensure that we fulfill His purpose for us. That takes being confident that we are made uniquely by Him just the way He wants us, and being available to serve Him with a whole heart. Pray that you begin this very week, if you have not already.

Focal Passage: John 17:1-3

Memory Verse: Matthew 15:8: “These people draw near to Me with their mouths, and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me.”

Group Notes | December 27

A Checklist for Christian Living
December 27, 2015
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


“Preventive Care” is a common phrase, indicating steps taken to ensure optimum health and keeping problems to a minimum. Can you think of some examples?

Today we are going to look at intentional “preventive care” for our walk with Christ in 2016, knowing that discipline in our spiritual life takes the same effort for a healthy love relationship with Christ as do wise choices for our mental and physical well-being. If we put these steps into practice, we will truly become “Champions for Christ.”


Spend Time In The Word

  1. Few of us would take on a major project without having a manual to know we will finish it with success. What are the parallels between that manual and the Word of God? Read Psalm 119:105 and illustrate this principle.
  2. Setting intentional, disciplined goals for Bible reading will reap many rewards. Read Psalm 119:11. What does this verse promise, and what are some other benefits?

Communicate With Him

  1. Give an example of a relationship floundering because of a lack of communication. How does this apply as you walk with God?
  2. What are important topics you can talk to God about as you seek to develop a fervent prayer life?

Have a Spirit of Repentance

  1. How important is it that you keep your sins confessed? Read Isaiah 59:2.
  2. What does 1 John 1:9 tell you? What does this feel like in family relationships when put into practice? Is the communion with God more important?

 Find A Place To Serve

  1. Read Matthew 28:19, 20. This commandment is given to all Christians. Ask Jesus for spiritual vision to see the hurting people around you. Opportunities to serve in His name are endless only if your heart is willing to be used.

Take Advantage of Opportunities to Share

  1. You don’t have to know all the answers to all theological questions! You have one thing to share with those you meet: the story of your own personal changed life. No one but you can share that as well as you.


This has been a long, but very important, list of ways to begin a new year. As you break into small groups, discuss your current relationship with Jesus Christ: are you hot, cold, or lukewarm? Do you desire a deeper walk with Him? Take the time to write the list down, putting it where it will remind you of your commitment to put God first in all areas of your life. This week, as always, seek out a Life Group at church if you need special mentoring in any area where you might need extra support. Remember to pray for those in your group this week!

Memory Verse: Psalm 119:105: “Your Word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path.”

How To Pray 15 Minutes A Day:

  1. Worship: begin with praise to God for Who He is
  2. Thanks: praise Him for His blessings to you
  3. Repent: make sure you are uncomfortable with any sin in your life, until you confess it!
  4. Pray for others
  5. Pray for yourself
  6. Worship: end with a time of magnifying His name!

Group Notes | December 20

A Season of Generosity: Putting Grace In To Action
December 20, 2015
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Almost everyone has found the truth in the words “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Can you relate a situation when you were able to give to someone in need, and describe how you felt afterward?

Today we continue to look at the gift of giving of ourselves, not just during this Christmas season, but as a daily lifestyle of worship.



Keep your eyes open for those in need

  1. Read 1 John 3:17a. Our lives continually cross paths with hurting people. What are some examples of being alert to someone in need?
  2. What type of mindset must we have to fulfill this command?

Keep your heart open for those in need

  1. Read verse 17b. Closing ourselves off from helping others can be a red flag. What does this say about our heart?
  2. Have someone read Proverbs 18:1. How does this verse emphasize the meaning of what you just read? Can anyone liken it to 1 Corinthians 13 without looking up the passage?

Keep your calendar open for those in need

  1. If we are intentional about helping others, we have to plan ahead. Discuss practical ways you can schedule time to meet the needs of someone.
  2. Read verse 18. How does Jesus view our priority of helping or giving of ourselves to others?

Keep your arms open for those in need

  1. Read verse 23. It is definitely easier for a woman to be ready at any moment to hug or love on someone than a man. What are some ways both can seize the moment without offending or scaring someone? Can you give a past example?



Being proactive about meeting the needs of hurting or needy people is not going to happen until your heart is ready. As you break into small groups, discuss ways you can serve, both as individuals and as a group. There are so many opportunities through the church and Life Groups! Search those out, and find out if you have particular skills that will give you insight into fulfilling someone’s need. Close in prayer by beseeching the Lord to help you be alert to the eyes of others you pass, so that you can see into their hearts, and minister to them.

Scripture passage: I John 3:16-24

Memory Verse: 1 John 3:17: “But whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?


Group Notes | December 13

A Season of Generosity: The Result of Generosity
December 13, 2015
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


When someone has a reputation for being generous, we normally think in terms of money. There are many ways in which someone can be giving, however. Will you list some?

We are continuing to examine the standards God has set for us, as we seek to love others as we love ourselves. Giving to meet the needs of others–not expecting anything in return–will bring fulfillment that is impossible to explain, and provides God with reasons to lavish us with His blessings.



Your Generosity Will Be Contagious

  1. Read 2 Corinthians 9:1, 2. Why was Paul praising the church at Corinth?
  2. Can you give an example of something you received that resulted in you being able to bless someone else?

Your Generosity Will Be Exponential

  1. Read verses 6, 7. God loves to reward His children for godly behavior from a pure heart. Can you tell of a time you gave something in an act of obedience, only to have God give back to you?
  2. Read Luke 6:38a. How does God give back?

Your Generosity Will Be Rewarding

  1. Read verses 8 and 11. How can you be certain God will take care of you if you give to meet the needs of others?
  2. In the opening question, you listed ways to give to others; in light of the Scriptures you have read, restate some of the ways we can meet those needs.

Your Generosity Will Have Eternal Impact

  1. Read verses 12 and 13. What are the results of generosity in these verses?
  2. Read verse 7b again. How will you feel, knowing you are being a blessing, not only to others but to God Himself?



During small group time discuss the truth of “You can’t outgive God.” How did you see this truth in the verses you read? Discuss the possibility of each one ministering to someone you know, and decide which of the ways mentioned in the opening would benefit them. Be prepared to share the result next week. As you close in prayer, be sure to ask God for your motive to be from a desire to be holy, not for the rewards He might see fit to bless you with!

Memory Verse: 2 Corinthians 9:7: “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver.”


Group Notes | December 6

From Gratitude and Grace
December 6, 2015
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Nearly everyone’s true character can be determined by the way they treat other people. Can you give some examples?

This week we continue to look at God’s standards for our interaction with others. We can love others as we love ourselves (Matt. 22:39) only after we first have a genuine love relationship with Christ, built on a foundation of faith and gratefulness.


A Life of Gratitude Requires Work

  1. Read Psalm 136:1-6. The Psalmist declares that we are to express our thanks to God. Why is gratefulness in our lives so important?
  2. One of the generations of recent years was the “Me Generation.” How does this differ with the command to love others more than we love ourselves?

A Life of Gratitude Requires Humility

  1. Read verses 6-9. What immediately impacts you about these verses?
  2. Read Luke 18:10-14. How does this passage illustrate the humility we must possess as we understand the significance of the Creator God?

A Life of Gratitude Requires Dependence

  1. Read John 15:4, 5. What is Christ telling us in this passage?
  2. What are some things a child reasonably expects from a parent?
  3. What are some of the daily provisions that we should be thanking God for?

A Life of Gratitude Must Be Based In Grace

  1. Without the free gift of God’s grace, we would be lost for eternity (Rom. 6:23 and 3:23-25 NASB). What is your reaction to what Christ has offered? Do you understand His grace?


As you break into small groups, take a moment to think “What did I thank God for today?” If you can list many things, you are probably in a love relationship with Him. If you struggled to list any, be open with your need to ask for prayer as you develop an attitude of gratitude for all He does for you daily. Close in prayer by thanking Him for His wondrous works, His grace, and for giving you an opportunity to serve Him. Be especially alert during the Christmas season to ways you can minister to those who need a special touch!

Memory Verse: Psalm 136:1: “Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.”



Groups Notes | November 29

A Season of Generosity—God’s Way of Treating Others
November 29, 2015
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


As you were growing up, you probably had an adult admonish you, “Treat others like you want to be treated!” Name some ways you would like to be treated, and tell why.

There is no better time to learn to demonstrate loving and caring than the Christmas season. We are going to focus on being the instrument God uses to serve others, learning to be responsible for giving and helping those in our community.


Love Is the Foundation of Every Good Thing

  1. Read Luke 6:27-29. What are some of the “do’s” in these verses?
  2. If you treated others as Jesus instructs in this passage, what might their responses be?
  3. How can our actions make a difference in someone’s life? Who also will benefit?

Giving Is the Natural Consequence of Loving

  1. Read verses 30, 31. What must be our expectation in order to serve effectively?
  2. What are some of the things that can be given to others?
  3. Read Luke 6:38. What does God promise if we give generously?

Both Are Possible Through Loving God

  1. Read verses 32-35. What will be God’s response if our actions line up with this Scripture?
  2. Read 1 Corinthians 13:3. What do we need to know about giving?


As you break up into small groups, talk for a moment about serving others: does it make you uncomfortable? Can it be done without the love of Jesus Christ within you, creating the desire to want to treat others as you would like for them to treat you? The church has so many opportunities to show your neighborhood that you really care, and it is sometimes easier if you have others partnering with you as you step out in faith, taking on this responsibility. There are many opportunities at Christmas, and our church has a simple and effective booklet to help you. Pray as you close that God would present you with many opportunities to shine for Him, and the boldness to serve in His Name!


Memory Verse: Luke 6:31: “And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise.”


Group Notes | November 22

Thankful Because He’s Faithful
November 22, 2015
Pastor Jonathan Falwell



Much of life today is filled with sorrow, chaos and darkness, and we can feel overwhelmed. Let’s consciously take a few moments to name some of the many things we have to be grateful for. Call out random short answers as you think of them.

Today we want to reflect on the path we have traveled this past year. As we look back, we desire to see God’s amazing faithfulness in never leaving us on our own.



He Is Faithful

  1. Someone read 2 Thessalonians 3:3. What is the first phrase of this verse?
  2. What is so significant about these three words, and why?
  3. Read Deut. 7:9. If faithfulness is one of the attributes of God’s character, what does that mean to you as you follow Him?

He Will Establish You

  1. God’s faithfulness is followed by two promises. What is the first?
  2. Read 2 Thess. 2:15-17. The word for “establish” in both verses means to set you firmly in place, where you cannot be moved. Will you relate this to your life, and tell how that gives you assurance in this world where you may otherwise feel like a ball being batted around?

He Will Guard You

  1. What is the second promise? Can anyone give an example of a situation where God has actually protected (guarded) you?
  2. As you look back at the past year, if He has been faithful to bring you through all the difficulties and crises, what does this tell you about tomorrow?


As you break into small groups, share some of the trials God has walked through with you this year. Do you see Faithfulness as an unchangeable part of God, just as He is loving, merciful, etc.? Sometimes you may not have felt His presence, but did He ever leave you? Share if you have major obstacles in trusting His constant watchfulness. Think of joining a Life Group at church to help you know and trust Him better. As you close in prayer, ask Him to reveal Himself to you in more ways, for faith to love Him more deeply, and for the ability to trust Him more fully!

Memory Verse: 2 Thessalonians 3:3: “But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one.”

Group Notes | October 11

Portrait of a King: Watch Your Step!
October 11, 2015
Dr. Ben Gutierrez


The first pill, the first novel or tv program in a series, the first cigarette—we never think those things will lead to an addiction, do we? Can you name some other examples of things one would never think could cause a craving or obsession, until the day we wake up and find it is out of control?
This week we finish the series on the leadership qualities of King Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived. Solomon began to discard, one by one, the set of laws God had outlined for Israel’s king many years before. In scorning God’s instructions, Solomon suffered as he became a victim of his own lawlessness.


Ignoring God’s words

1. Solomon had an ancient list of “do’s and don’t’s” from God. Have readers read Deut. 17:16; 1 Kings 4:26; Deut. 17:17; and 1 Kings 11:1-4 for just two examples. What was Solomon thinking?!

2. Read 1 Kings 11:9. God had every right to be angry with Solomon. Can you think of paths in your life that have led you away from God? Will anyone share?

Six-Fold Digression of Sin

3. The downward spiral does not happen overnight, but begins with one small step. Read Ephesians 4:17-19 and look at the six digressions.

4. Can someone share a time you’ve decided not to wait for God to act, but used your own understanding to guide you? (The futility of the mind)

5. We have “gray areas.” What does this mean to you? Is our understanding “darkened” by unclear direction?

6. Do you know someone whose Christian walk seems to be getting cold? Is it possible their heart is being blinded by Satan?

7. Can you give an example of someone whose conscience shows signs of being past feeling the conviction of the Holy Spirit?

8. Can you share a time when you were shocked at the action of someone who called themselves a Christian, but seemed to enjoy immorality or sin?

9. Does anyone have a good example of a friend who left the Lord to become immersed in a sinful lifestyle?

Our Hope:

We need to end this session with the reminder that no one, not even one, is beyond the reach of God’s saving grace, no matter the lifestyle or depth of sin, if the heart is willing to repent. Nothing is impossible for God!


As you break into your group, share a prayer list of those who seem to be on the path to a life of disaster. Prayer is the most powerful weapon you have, and God hears every prayer of the man or woman whose heart is fixed on Him. As you close, take the names with you, lifting them to the Lord as often as possible. Anyone at the church will help you in your prayer life if you need extra support.

Memory Verse: Proverbs 4:13: “Take firm hold of instruction, do not let go; keep her, for she is your life.”

Group Notes | October 4

Portrait of a King: Leadership By Example
October 4, 2015
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Going through the “daily grind” seems overwhelming when you’re young and thinking how many years you will wor! What are some things that drive you to persevere each day, month and year?

As we continue to focus on lessons learned from King Solomon, we see he led his people by he himself following God’s authority. This week we will focus on his dedication of the newly-built temple, and examine specifics in his life that drove him during these years.


Solomon’s Joy

  1. Read 1 Kings 6:11-13. Verse 12b and verse 13 each have a message from God that motivated Solomon and brought him joy. What were they?
  2. What are some of the things about God that bring you joy?

Solomon’s Praise

  1. Read 1 Kings 8:14,15a. The temple was completed and ready for dedication. What was so astounding about Solomon’s opening words? Contrast your answer with Daniel 4:30.
  2. Can you think of situations in your life when you’ve taken credit for something when you knew God deserved praise for doing it?
  3. Read 1 Kings 8:22, 23a. What attitude do you see as Solomon lifts his hands to heaven? Why is it so hard for us to do this?

Solomon’s Thankfulness

  1. Have several be ready to read I Kings 8:23, 8:24, 8:30, 8:37-40, and 8:44-45. After each verse ask the question, “In this verse, what was Solomon thankful for?”
  2. How often each day to you stop to thank God for Who He is, His promises to you, His forgiveness, His provision or His protection? How often should you?


As you break into small groups, consider the example Solomon set for his people as he showed humility, praise, and thankfulness! As believers, you should always be asking yourself, am I leading well? Loving well? Living well? There is so much potential to be an influence for good, and to be a testimony of God’s grace! Pray specifically that God would raise up leaders within your family who will take the role of seeing that everyone is motivated by his or her relationship with Christ and to be a source of strength and hope in these chaotic times.

Memory Verse: Psalm 24:3, 4a: “Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart.” (NKJV)


The Model for Christian Leadership:

  • Christ-centered
  • Committed to Serve
  • Courageous to Lead
  • Consistently Developing
  • Continually Inviting Feedback
  • Your life will be changed, and you will be a leader!



Group Notes | September 27

Portrait of a King : Foundation of Godly Leadership
September 27, 2015
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Usually one thinks that being a leader sounds like a big position. But if you are a parent, you are a leader! Or volunteering in a classroom. Can you give other examples that you have not considered as a “leadership” position?

We are continuing our study on leadership: what its foundations and truths really are. We are focusing on the life of King Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived. Last week conclusion showed how pride can destroy effective leadership. Today we will see how a humble heart can create a godly leader.


Knowing God

  1. Read I Kings 3:5-11. If God were to appear to you with this question, what would your answer be? Who benefits from the answer?
  2. What did this passage show of Solomon’s heart attitude?
  3. Read Phil. 3:9, 10. How can we know God as we know a friend? Why is this important?

Embracing His Promises

  1. Read 1 Kings 2:4, and 3:6b. What did Solomon remind God of?
  2. Read Num. 23:19. The promises of God must be able to be believed—that is a foundational truth. What are some of His promises that you can think of?

Embracing Your Own Inability

  1. Read verse 7 again. How did Solomon express his helplessness?
  2. Can you give an example of asking for God’s help, but then getting in His way when He didn’t act as you wished? How hard is it for you to let God work alone?

Trusting Him

  1. Read Proverbs 3:5, 6. Think back to the promises of God that were discussed. How is it possible to fully trust God if we are taking control or manipulating a situation? Is it possible to rely on His promises without complete trust?


As you break into small groups ask yourself in all honesty if you want to be the godly leader God has planned for you to be. Some of you may feel you are not leader material, but as you saw in the opening, everyone has an influence—for good or for bad—over someone. Discuss what may be holding you back from taking a role of leadership in any area where God’s conviction tells you He is leading. The church has many small groups to encourage and help you in your walk! Pray as you close that you can surrender your heart to Him fully, in humility and need, and then rely on His promises!

Memory Verse: Isaiah 55:11: “So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.”


The model for Christian leaders:

  • Christ-centered in all aspects of life (a voluntary servant of Christ);
  • Committed to serve the needs of others before their own;
  • Courageous to lead with power and love as an expression of serving;
  • Consistently developing others into servant leaders;
  • Continually inviting feedback from those they want to serve in order to grow toward the ultimate servant leader, Jesus Christ.

Group Notes | September 20

Portrait of a King: Lead With Success

September 20, 2015

Pastor Jonathan Falwell



Instruction sheets that come with “assemble it yourself” items often seem a waste of time and are pushed aside—until one finishes with extra parts! Can you think of some things you have really messed up by disregarding the instructions?

Last week we began a series meant to inspire and equip us for leadership, for we do not know what the future may hold. As we looked at David’s commission to his son, Solomon, we saw David charging him to remain faithful to God. Today we will look at God’s practical lessons on effective leadership.



Copy It

  1. Read Deut. 17:18-20. Hundreds of years before a king began to rule over Israel, God gave a list of instructions for these future kings. What was the first order (verse 18)?
  2. Can anyone recall a time in school when you had to write a sentence or word “a hundred times”? Why did the teacher do this?

Keep It

  1. What was the further instruction in verse 19? What memory—past or present—do you have of carrying something with you, trying to memorize it?
  2. Read Psalm 119:11. What is God’s promise for memorizing His word? What is one suggestion you have that helps you to “hide His word in your heart”?

Read It

  1. Do you ever look at the bottles of vitamins on your shelves, mentally kicking yourself for not taking them? How does this analogy reinforce the necessity of reading God’s word?
  2. What was God’s instruction in verse19b? Someone read Deut. 6:6-9. To not read God’s word is disobedience, which is ____?

Live It

  1. Read verse 20 again. What are the results God promises if you daily read His word?
  2. Finish by reading and thinking deeply about Deut. 30:15-18a.



As you break into small groups, think for a moment what your family would be like if everyone earnestly read, memorized, and lived out the principles in God’s word. Would it transform your family? This is what God desires, what He has laid out for you in His word, and what He promises. Discuss what is holding you or your family back from this total commitment. Pray as you close that you would rise up and be the leader who will say “This is going to be the way we want to live.” Leadership takes only one person to change the direction of many. Be that one!

Memory Verse: Ecclesiastes 12:13: “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the man’s all.” (NKJV)

Ponder: Model for Christian Leaders

  • Christ-centered in all aspects of life.
  • Committed to serve the needs of others before your own.
  • Courage to lead with power and love as you serve.
  • Consistently develop others into servant leaders.
  • Continually invite feedback in order to grow.

Group Notes | September 13

Portrait of a King: You Can Lead!
September 13, 2015
Jonathan Falwell



We all know people who are born to be leaders, while others we know may have had a leadership position thrust upon them by circumstances. Can you think of examples?

As we begin a new series focusing on King David’s son Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, we want to learn all that God has to teach us through his life. The lessons will inspire us to be the leaders God intends for us to be so that we can love Him, love those around us, and live life fulfilling the purposes He has for us.


Learn from those who have gone before

  1. Read 1 Chronicles 22:9,10. What was God’s promise to King David?
  2. Read 1 Kings 1:2. What were David’s final instructions to Solomon?
  3. Why do we pass on life lessons to our children? Give some examples.

Follow God’s path, not man’s

  1. Read verse 3a and 3 John 4. Why is/should be a parent’s greatest concern that their children obey God’s commandments?
  2. Reflect if your life is an example of obedience.

Don’t allow God’s blessings to keep you from obeying Him

  1. Read 1 Kings 1:3b. What is the result of obeying God’s decrees?
  2. Can someone give a quick synopsis of Solomon’s obedience, then disobedience, based on your knowledge of his life?

Begin with the end in mind

  1. Read verse 4. What condition did God put on obedience?


As you break into small groups, think about Solomon’s leading of Israel. He desired wisdom above all things, and for many years was faithful to God, but his early zeal waned as he aged. Discuss why total commitment must have a daily renewing, and ask yourself these questions: starting now, what can you do differently to become the leader that God intended; what changes are you willing to make; what sin or disobedience do you need to seek forgiveness for? This week, consider these important steps to a fulfilling life. Compare your fervor for serving God today to what it was when you were young in the faith. Has it grown or have you become apathetic, comfortable, seeking God only when life gets rough? Do a thorough self-examination to make sure you are where God wants you to be. Pray for strength and courage to become a leader in every area of your life!

Memory Verse: II Timothy 4:6, 7: “For I am already poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”

Ponder: If you died today, could this be your testimony? Think about it.

Group Notes | September 6

Terrorism and the Persecuted Church
September 6, 2015
Johnnie Moore


With many trials and conflicts in the lives of most families, it is easy to isolate ourselves from problems facing those in our nation or world who are targets of hate, hunger or other perils. What are some examples you can think of that are easier to ignore than become involved in?

Christianity began in the Middle East, and yet its spread eventually led to the colonization of America. When Christianity spread across America, those in the Middle East largely become forgotten, and their persecution overlooked. Today we will focus on the incredible crisis unfolding as brothers and sisters in Christ are victims of unspeakable atrocities.


What Is Happening?

  1. Read Revelation 20:4. Ten years ago, reading this passage would have caused us to think of the Middle Ages. What are you feeling in your heart as you read or hear of ISIS victims in this present year?
  2. Who is our real enemy? Why is persecution escalating?

What Does the Bible Teach About Times of Intense Christian Persecution?

  1. Have several people read one verse: Matt. 13:20, 21; Mark 10:29, 30; Acts 8:1; Rom. 8:35 and 2 Tim. 3:12. Persecution has and will always be.
  2. As the world becomes more intolerant of Christians, persecution will increase. What signs of a demoralized society do you see indicating your world is in danger of God’s judgment? Does this affect you personally?

What Does the Bible Tell Us We Are To Do To Help?

  1. Read Hebrews 13:3. If possible, read it in two or three translations. What are some ways we can pray for those in desperate situations?
  2. Read Acts 11:29. What are practical ways we can provide food, clothing, shelter, or other means of physical needs of refugees?


This very heavy subject is something we would rather turn from than face. As you break into small groups, talk about what to expect when it reaches your nation, community or neighborhood. Discuss preparations that can be made—both physical and spiritual—before persecution arrives near you. Pray that God will enable you to help in a tangible way those who are currently being persecuted, and intercede for them with your fervent prayers. Don’t let Satan deceive you that this is not your problem! And very importantly, educate yourself in the agenda and doctrine of ISIS.

Memory Verse: John 12:25: “He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” (NKJV).

Note: Johnnie Moore’s book, Defying ISIS, is available in eBook form, as well as soft cover. Read this powerful book to become more informed of the potential for persecution.


Group Notes | August 30

Our Playbook: Strategy For Success
August 30, 2015
Pastor Jonathan Falwell



The wise person knows, when taking on a project, a battle or even a heavy school assignment, that a well-planned strategy is a necessary part of a successful outcome. Think about this for a moment, and then give some illustrations.

We are finishing the series Our Playbook having looked at the changes that would be necessary to see our church be everything God intended. Today we focus on the strategy that we need to have in place to see that the success of our church begins in our individual hearts.


Being Versed in Our Values

  1. Read Acts 2:42. What four areas did the disciples focus on in this verse? Read verse 45. These five commitments were their lifestyle, not one worship service per week!
  2. Put these five areas in today’s words and discuss how your church or life differs.

Joined Together in Our Mission

  1. Read Hebrews 10:25, and Acts 5:42. What were the two areas of corporate worship the early church engaged in? Which is more important?
  2. Why are smaller groups so effective? If you are in a small group that meets regularly, what are some of the extraordinary benefits?

With Eyes Wide Open

  1. Read 1 Corinthians 16:13.


Group Notes | August 23

Our Playbook For Change: Vision Matters
August 23, 2015
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Trying to instill the hope of a future, children are asked often, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Goals are imperative to a balanced life. What are some results when one loses a purpose to strive for?

Today, as we continue to look at the relevancy of the church, we will examine one of its core reasons for being: Vision.


Our Vision

  1. Read Acts 1:8. Following the resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ, the church was birthed. What was its reason for coming into existence?
  2. Every day, in any town, you see country churches that are very old and still beautiful and still small. What does its size tell you about its history?
  3. Why must any church have a vision for God’s purpose in order to be effective?
  4. Do you, yourself, have a vision for your future? Can you share it?

Our Mission

  1. Read Matthew 28:18-20. What should be our mission in life as a church?
  2. How can our church be passionate about spreading the gospel unless it begins in individual hearts?
  3. What is the driving force behind your vision? How does God view your mission? Read Acts 2:14-21 when you get home.

Our Message

  1. Read Acts 2:21. What is the message you, as a believer, have for the lost ones around you?
  2. Read Romans 1:16, 17. Every day you cross paths with people who are rejecting the Lord as their Savior. What is your burden for them?


As you break into small groups, think of the vision that was in the hearts of those who began your church. Has it been continued through the years? Discuss the opportunities and obstacles that are faced as churches—or individuals—strive to tell the message of the gospel. Pray that you never lose the vision of seeing lives changed as you lead someone to the Lord. You can make a difference in the life of someone as you plant a seed, water, or pray. Utilize every opportunity to tell one person each day what the Lord has done for you!

Memory Verse: Acts 2:21: “And it shall come to pass that whoever calls upon the Name of the LORD shall be saved.” (NKJV)

Ponder: Dr. Jerry Falwell’s definitions of vision: Vision is: the eye of faith to see the invisible and the decisiveness to make it visible; the power that causes people to make huge sacrifices in order to become all they can be for God; adopting a plan of action that will enable you to move forward in your Christian life and ministry; that inward fire which enables you to boldly communicate to your peers what the future will be like; the dynamic that enables you to translate your faith and dreams into a new and personal walk with God; the God-given energy which will make you become a risk-taker.

Group Notes | August 16

Our Playbook For Change: Why Church?
August 16, 2015
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Rising in the morning, going to work, coming home, going to bed. That is a summation of our lives in a nutshell. How can we bring meaning into daily living?

Today we begin a new series, discussing the importance of change that will result in fulfilling God’s purpose when He created you. We will look at the church, and examine the plan God had in mind as He chose this institution to accomplish His design for life.



1. Read Ephesians 2:19-22. If a church [i.e., a group of unified believers] models God’s idea of a family, what are some of its characteristics?

2. Why do people who are well-adjusted seek relationships? How can the church fill this need? Why should they?

3. What are the consequences of isolating oneself from fellow believers?


4. Can anyone give an example of your father taking up for you against an antagonist as you were growing up? How did it make you feel?

5. God desires us to have—and use—His power against spiritual enemies. He promises us this power. Can you give an example from your own life?

6. Ask volunteers to read Colossians 3:16, 2 Timothy 3:16, and Hebrews 4:12. Being part of a church body, we hold fast to the Word of God, which He has ordained to be our guide. Can you cite specific dilemmas in life that the Bible has the answer for?

7. Search your heart to see if you truly put His Word as a priority or as an


8. Read Matthew 28:18-20. What purpose has God told commanded you to have in life?

9. Read Acts 1:8. How are you individually fulfilling this purpose?


As you break into small groups, consider the myths that the world believes to be true about the church: they consider it to be a human organization; if you don’t like one, try another; it is the gathering of only a few believers; and, it is optional in the life of a believer. Those are thrown at every person in the world. Discuss how you can thwart these lies as you witness. Pray that your life this week will reignite your passion for sharing the gospel, and that God would give you opportunities to fulfill the plan He dreamed of when He designed you.
Memory Verse: Ephesians 1:22, 23: “And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.

Group Notes | August 9

Best Supporting Actor: Josiah, Break The Cycle
August 9, 2015
Pastor Scott Randlett


Rarely do you meet someone who has not made attempts to change some detail of their life. Would anyone like to share something you have tried to overcome but eventually gave up because you decided “that’s just the way I am”?

Today, as we finish the series on Best Supporting Actor, we will look at Josiah. He became a king at eight years of age, with a passion for serving God and bringing Israel back to worshiping Him. Through him we can learn how to begin a new legacy in life.


Believe God’s Power Is Greater Than Your Limitations:

  1. Read 2 Kings 22:1, 2. Josiah had a very mature faith in God’s almighty power for one so young. What were some obstacles he could have used as an excuse to do nothing?
  2. Perhaps you consider the reputation of your parents, your appearance, past lifestyle, etc., as a reason too big to try to change. How are you limiting God?
  3. God loves you more than you can comprehend, and wishes to help you achieve a passion for life. What are ideas or situations holding you back?

Surround Yourself with Trustworthy People:

  1. Read verses 3-10. Who were some of the people closest to Josiah? What were the relationships built on?
  2. Read Proverbs 13:20. Can anyone share how the impact of co-workers, friends or family has influenced your walk with Christ for good or for bad?
  3. Read 1 Corinthians 15:33. Can God trust those who are closest to you? What are steps you can take to free yourself from any who pull you away from Him?

Respond to the Truth of God’s Word:

  1. Read verses 11-13. What did Josiah do when God’s laws were read to him?
  2. Will anyone share what you do with the sermons you hear preached each Sunday?
  3. What are some actions you perform that show nothing is more valuable to you than your relationship with Jesus Christ?


As you consider Josiah’s age, his evil father, and the idolatry Israel was involved in, you can see it would have been easy for him to have given up trying to change his world. But he knew his God was the same One whom David, over four hundred years earlier, had believed in when he slew Goliath. As you break into small groups, discuss the reality of your desire to serve God, Who is not limited by your age, past, or insecurities. The church has many Life Groups to help you as you seek a closer walk with Him. Pray that He would give you strength to overcome anything in your life that has created a wall between you and Him. Then, go out this week in HIS strength and do it!

Memory Verse: 2 Kings 22:2: “And he did what was right in the sight of the Lord, and walked in all the ways of his father David; he did not turn aside to the right hand or to the left.” (NKJV)

For Further Home Study: Read 2 Chronicles 32 and 33.Think of the evil family history Josiah had to overcome. Yet God was working years earlier as He led Manasseh to repentance and gave him six years to teach his grandson Josiah about the living God. His testimony built the foundation of a strong faith that served Josiah well when he became king two years later. God is not limited by age, by the past, or by insecurities.


Group Notes | August 2

Best Supporting Actor: Jonathan: An Act of Valor
Charles Billingsley
August 2, 2015


The fear of failure is a hindrance that keeps most people from great successes. Dr. Jerry Falwell often asked “What would you undertake if you knew you would not fail?” Can someone answer that?

Today we are continuing our series on characters who played important—but small—roles in the Bible. Jonathan, son of King Saul was a young man of great faith and immense courage.


Jonathan’s Boldness:

1. Read 1 Samuel 14:1-5. Jonathan was concerned about the vast army of Philistine’s annihilating Israel’s small number of fighting men. Can you think of an instance when you exhibited the same daring faith in God that it took for Jonathan to go to battle with one sword and his armor-bearer?

2. Jonathan did not let the mountainous terrain stop him. What are some “mountains” that keep you from taking a leap of boldness when you feel God’s leading?
Jonathan’s Faith:

3. Read verses 6-10. Jonathan trusted his friend to have his back, and his God to bring success. What keeps your faith from being this strong?

4. Jonathan, like David years later, did not doubt God’s power. What are some of the doubts that flood your mind when you want to obey God?
Jonathan’s Actions:

5. Read verses 11-23. As soon as Jonathan had God’s “okay,” he and his armor-bearer headed for the Philistine camp. He now acted upon those inner leadings that God had put in his heart. Can you think of times you have felt the Spirit’s urge to do something for God, but lacked the will power or boldness to take that first step?

6. Jonathan’s actions gave God the opportunity to show Himself mighty on behalf of Israel. What is an example of a positive outcome when you have obeyed God?


As you break into small groups, talk about the lessons you can learn from this short scripture on obedience and courage. Consider the example Jonathan exhibited as his faith in God enabled him to bravely ignore the huge army of Philistines, the mountains he would have to cross, his own insufficiency—both in weapon and manpower—and rely solely on his God. What a role model! Pray that God would find you willing to follow His leading in showing others how great is your God, and how marvelous are His works.

Memory Verse: Mark 9:23: “Jesus said to him, ‘If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.’” (NKJV)

Group Notes | July 26

Best Supporting Actor: Malachi
July 26, 2015
Pastor Doug Randlett


“Familiarity breeds contempt” is an old saying that has stood the test of being true more often than not. Can you list examples where you have lost the emotion of wonder that you experienced when a situation or relationship was at its beginning?

This week we continue to look at Biblical characters who had minor roles in the Scripture, but whose lives are as significant today as thousands of years ago. Malachi, the prophet, had such a life at a time when the Jews had been back in Israel, gotten comfortable and were apathetic toward God.


Going Through the Motions:

1. Before looking into Malachi, can you list some of the parallels between the history of the Jewish nation and the world as you know it in the 2000’s?

2. All the prophets from Samuel to Daniel had died. What was the condition of the hearts of the people? How does that compare to today’s churches?
God’s Love Shown:

3. Read Malachi 1:1-5. God declared His love. What was the people’s response? Can you give an example of doubting God’s love for you?

4. Did the people repent when God declared His love? What about today? Can you give an example?
God’s Love Scorned:

5. From Malachi 1:6 to 3:18 God lists the sins of Israel, and calls them to repent. He warned them a “wake-up call” would be coming. List some of the wake-up calls that our nation or world is experiencing.

6. Not only the ordinary people but also the priests (today’s preachers) were in deep or incredible sin. How did Israel differ from what you know is happening in churches today? Think of some examples.

7. Read Revelation 16:9 and 11. Were God’s warnings heeded?

God’s Love Shown Again:

8. Read Malachi 4:1-6. What was—and is—God’s final word, both to Israel and for today? Do you believe it? Give an illustration.

Lessons to Take Away:

Jesus loves you. He declares it to be so, and He does not lie.
He deserves your best, not leftovers from your time or your money.
He will never quit on you.
He wants you to be in awe of Him, not lukewarm.


As you go into small group time, consider the apathy of the people of Israel, and examine your own heart. Do you plan to get to your devotions, or prayer, or pay your tithe, but end up giving Him leftovers of your heart or your money? Read the four short chapters of Malachi this week, and let God’s warnings soak into your soul. As your group prays, let His words convict if you need it, but like Israel, if He convicts, then heed His warning. As you leave, be on fire in your spirit to do His will, treat Him with holiness, and love Him with abandonment!

Group Notes | July 19

Best Supporting Actor
July 19, 2015
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


No matter what your station in life is, the responsibility to confront someone who is in the wrong is probably a difficult task. Can someone share a time when you had to confront a person about their actions?

This week we continue the series “Best Supporting Actor,” focusing on biblical characters, who, though having a small part in Scripture, have lessons with deep and lasting implications. Today we look at the prophet Nathan as he confronts King David.


Nathan’s Point:


1. Read 2 Samuel 12:1-6. Certainly Nathan knew his confrontation with David could have disastrous results. What are some of the consequences possible when confronting someone who is in the wrong?

2. As Christians, we, like David, are in the public eye. What are some common sins in the church that cause the world to label us as “hypocrites”?
Take a Look In the Mirror

3. Read verses 7, 8. God used Nathan to point out David’s sin. How is it possible to be immune to or rationalize sin in your life?

4. What are some reasons it is always easier to be upset over the sins of others than over your own? Read Romans 2:1.

Call To Repentance

5. Read verse 9. Nathan was called to awaken David’s conscience, but is any sin hidden from God? (Read Psalm 69:5). Who is it hurting?


6. Read verses 10-12 for God’s perspective. These are not consequences, but punishments. What is the difference?
Genuine Repentance

7. How does David respond in verse 13? What is God’s immediate response?

8. Who can quote 1 John 1:9, and apply it to all of us?

The Ugly Truth

9. Sin, no matter how private or public, is like a cancer. Read verse 14a for the consequences of David’s actions. Do you or someone you know have a sin that can potentially destroy your effectiveness as a believer (do not answer aloud)?


As we go into small group time, consider the ramifications of David’s sin, which destroyed two families and impacted the lives of his children. Yet sin within the church can equally destroy its effectiveness. Hypocrisy in the church will end only when Christians model holiness in a right relationship with God, genuinely repenting instantly when sin arises, and then putting it behind you and getting on with life, trying to “sin no more.” Pray God would grant you a renewed desire for holiness and a constant awareness that any sin has effects beyond yourself.

Memory Verse: 2 Samuel 12:9a: “Why have you despised the commandment of the LORD, to do evil in His sight?”

Further Study at Home: Take a few moments to read Psalm 51, written after David’s repentance. Consider also the life of Joseph, who, when he was the focus of someone’s temptation, ran. How different would David’s life have been if Bathsheba had “run” when King David summoned her?

Group Notes | July 12

Best Supporting Actor
July 12, 2015
Matt Willmington


We are all moved when we read stories of heroes who do something that benefits the life of one or more people, many times not knowing those involved. Have you ever had an experience of being able to rescue someone who was in peril?

As we continue the series “Best Supporting Actor,” today we will focus on someone who was used by God to save her people from being annihilated. Most people are even unaware of her given name, “Haddaseh,” but God has recorded Esther’s story for us.



1. Read Esther 2:7, 8 to get a clear picture of Esther’s circumstances. List some of the obstacles she had had in her life. Can you relate?

2. Read 2:9. Esther had no control over her life, yet she evidenced what quality? Can you share how you normally react when you lose control of your circumstances?

3. Can someone give a short synopsis of Esther’s story as it unfolds, as Mordecai explains to her what is going to happen to the Jews?

4. Will someone share if you have ever been asked to do something that could help someone else, but at a risk to your own well-being?

5. Read 4:16. What is Esther’s response to Mordecai’s instructions?

6. How much would you sacrifice to do God’s will? Think about the suffering church around the world for a moment.

7. Read Esther 8:3. What was her burden? Can you honestly say you have a burden for anyone in your “world”?

8. What else was Esther willing to do? What other word is almost always coupled with fasting? Upon whom was Esther depending?

9. How did God honor her godly character? Will He not honor you as well when you evidence these traits?


Esther’s life provides a true role model for you as you go about your daily life. As you break into small groups think deeply about her qualities. Discuss which one is strongest in your life. Which one(s) do you need to beseech God to help you intensify? Continually pray that God will find you a vessel fit and able to do His work to bring someone in your world (family, neighborhood, community) to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ before it is too late. Never forget that even though you don’t see Him with physical eyes, His hand is always upon you.

Memory Verse: Esther 4:14b: “Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (NKJV)

Group Notes | July 5

Best Supporting Actor
July 5, 2015
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Only a person of unbelievable character can endure a long-term relationship with someone who wickedly abuses the moral values and standards that he/she holds dear. Can you think of an example?
Today we begin a new series, focusing on lesser-known Bible characters who have had a major impact on history. There is much to learn as we look closely at the life of Manasseh, who was the king of Judah, and led God’s people to become worse than the pagans in the Promised Land.


God Is Patient

1. Read 2 Chron. 33:1-9. Undoubtedly you have known some young person who, when they hit puberty, began a lifestyle of rebellion and depravity. What were your inward thoughts about this person’s future?

2. How does this remind you of the voices that are being heard across the world today?

3. Read verses 10, 11. Judah’s downward spiral took decades. Where was God during this period of rebellion, and what did He eventually do?

God Will Not Be Mocked

4. Manasseh had done everything in his power to rid Judah of the influence of his father’s God, Jehovah. How is this a parallel to the depravity we see going on all over today’s world?

5. A sinful lifestyle will only be tolerated by God for a certain period of time. Can you think of other examples, perhaps even from your own experience?

God Is Faithful

6. Read verses 12 and 13. What is the key word in verse 12? What hope does this give anyone for restoration after a time of sinning?

7. What is God’s greatest desire when we have moved away from His love?

God Is Worthy To Be Praised

8. Read verse 14a. What did Manasseh do when he returned to Judah?

9. Is there a time in your own life when you backslid, and came back to God? What did you do?


As you move into small group time, take a moment of honest self-examination to see if a sinful habit may be causing you to rebel against God—in any form. There are only two things the Lord desires of you: sincere repentance and prayer, which will be evident by a changed life. Be open with each other if you need to be brought back to God in some area of your life; if you can’t name the sin, ask God to help you overcome it before He has reached His limit of time. Close in prayer that He would protect you with a constant nearness and never, ever, give up on anyone who seems beyond the reach of God’s saving grace!
Memory Verse: 2 Chronicles 7:15: “Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place.” (NKJV)

Home Study: Read the rest of 2 Chronicles 33 to see how Manasseh’s early years of wickedness taught his son, Amon, to be even more depraved than he had been. His years after returning from Babylon were not enough to stem the tide of evil in the life of his son. Read 2 Chronicles 34 and 35, however, to see that the short years he had with his grandson, Josiah, were such that Josiah was one of the godliest kings to rule in Judah—a great encouragement to any grandparent!

Group Notes | June 28

Reaching the Next Generation
June 28, 2015
Dr. Ed Hindson

Every generation faces challenges in regard to issues of moral values. If you have children or grandchildren, what are some of the concerns you feel they will face in the coming few years?

Today we are going to turn our focus to the importance of passing the baton of faith on to the next generation. The Biblical accounts of Elijah and Elisha illustrate how important it is that we give them a strong spiritual foundation, so they can face the trials of our broken culture with courage, the voice of God, and the certainty that the Bible is the moral absolute that holds the answers for the questions of the world.

Contrasting Elijah and Elisha

1. Read 1 Kings 17:1 and 18:41. Elijah (“Jehovah is my God”) lived in a time when he saw his country turning away from God. Where did he get the faith for his predictions? (Read James 5:17). Do you have this type of faith?

2. After Elijah raised the widow’s son and killed the 450 prophets of Baal, Jezebel threatened his life. What did he do, and where was his focus?

3. When you encounter problems that paralyze you, do you find yourself running from them, or looking to God for help? How can you listen for His voice?

4. Read 1 Kings 19:9. God spoke to Elijah, giving him specific instructions to carry out. Has He given believers detailed commands? What are they?

5. Elijah was told to anoint a successor, which was Elisha (“God is salvation”). (Read 1 Kings 19:19, 20 if you need to). How is our next generation like Elisha?
Commission: Change the World

6. Go back and read 1 Kings 19:15-18. Did God expect Elijah to do impossible tasks? Does He ask more of you than you can do?

7. Read Romans 4:20-22. What does this verse tell you about your ability to carry out the orders God gives individually?

8. What are some ways we can train the next generation to succeed us?

Call: Pick up the Mantle
As you break into your small group time, think over the lessons that have been given through these two prophets: 1) God never loses control of a situation; 2) listen for God’s voice in the midst of problems; and 3) be aware of all opportunities to train the next generation. Pray that God will open your eyes to the people who are looking for answers to the emptiness inside them. Call the church and ask if there are people you can minister to. There is always someone who knows less than you, and you can disciple one-on-one. Seize those teachable moments before they slip away!

Memory Verse: Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” (NKJV

Group Notes | June 21

Greater Things: The Power of the Local Church
June 21, 2015
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Looking back—or looking forward—can possibly be mind-blowing. If you had been able, perhaps ten, twenty or more years ago, to see just one snapshot of your present family or daily activity, what would go through your mind? Would you recognize the situation?

We have been concentrating on the words of Jesus that we would do greater works than He did. Today we are going to celebrate the beginning of the 60th year of our church, realizing that a current snapshot of Thomas Road Baptist Church and Liberty University would have caused Dr. Jerry Falwell, in 1957, to fall on his knees and cry “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Son of God!”


Power of the Local Church

1. Refresh your mind with the words in John 14:12, 13. The promises of Jesus were incredible, yet we are seeing them come to pass through our local church. What are some of them?

2. Read Acts 5:42. Why did God honor His promise to those first believers?
Purpose of the Local Church

3. What are some of the responsibilities of the local church?

4. What are some possibilities for our church if we continue faithful?

5. Have someone read Genesis 9:7. What are some other meanings this can have besides just to Adam and Eve?
Promise of the Local Church

6. Read Ephesians 3:20. How have you been part of the “exceedingly abundantly” works in your local church?

7. Think for a moment if you’ve ever had a desire for a certain ministry or responsibility to be active in your church; have you considered that God has given you the thought so that you could act upon it?

8. Read Joshua 4:19-24. How are we today leaving “Stones of Remembrance” for future generations?


Before breaking up into small groups, have someone read Isaiah 51:1. It is good for you to re-examine your life and see the faithfulness of God. But God has a future, a plan, and purposes for you that are still to come. Not everyone is a visionary as Dr. Falwell was, but everyone can “tell his story” to a lost world. Talk in your group of some things you would like to see come about in the future, and have a time of prayer that through you, your local church can be a beacon of light to the world.

Memory Verse: John 14:13: “And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.”

Group Notes | June 14

Greater Things: Being A Follower!
June 14, 2015
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Beginning a venture with fervor is normal; continuing through obstacles takes work and determination; but ending well? That is the reward of commitment for a winner! Can you think of times when you began well but quit, or when you began, then finished well?

We have been looking at the Greater Things God promised we would do. Last week we examined our hearts for sins that could keep us from doing His will. Today we will focus on the need to be a committed follower, ready to move forward with God beside us!


You Must Be Obedient

1. Read Luke 14:33. What is the difference between being a Christian, and being a disciple?

2. Read John 14:15. What area of our life does this short statement from Christ refer to? How is this analogous to our own children, and the obedience we desire from them?

You Must Know You Are Not Alone

3. Share the occasion when you realized that He cares about every step you take?

4. Read verses 16 and 17. These verses are full of promises of His ever-abiding presence with us. Why, then, is it so difficult to remember we are not alone, especially when we come to those “obstacles” we talked about?

You Must Fully Trust Him

5. Read verse 19. Who is there in your life that you fully trust? Why?

6. When you look back at the faithfulness of God, has He ever failed you?

7. If He has been faithful in the past, what would keep Him from being faithful in the future?

You Must Look For Him

8. Read verse 21. How can we exercise our awareness of His love for us? Oswald Chambers wrote “In the initial stages [of abiding], it will be a continual effort, but as you continue [it will be] without any conscious effort.*

9. Once you begin to notice evidences of His love for you personally, what can you do to make conscious efforts to see Him acting on your behalf?


As you break into small groups, share one-sentence examples of ways in which God has shown Himself to you in the past week. Soon you will realize He is beside you every moment. The more you become aware of this, the more your relationship with Him will flourish. Pray that He will send you evidences of His great love for you this week! Finish by having someone read Micah 6:6-8.

Memory Verse: John 14:15: “If you love Me, keep My commandments.” (NKJV)
*Oswald Chambers, My Utmost For His Highest, June 14 Reading,

Group Notes | June 7

Greater Things: Starts In the Heart
June 7, 2015
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Most cultures equate the heart as being the essence of our emotions. We say our heart “broke” or it “stopped” at certain situations. What are other common expressions?

Last week we began a series, “Greater Things,” to focus on ways God desires to use us in the future. We learned that prayer is the key to having a life devoted to Him, but prayer that is effective has to come from a pure heart. Today we are going to examine subtle sins of the heart that can keep it from being one wholly devoted to Him.


A Double-Minded Heart Will Never See Greater Works

1. Read James 4:8-10. James refers to being “double-minded.” What did he mean?

2. Jesus often spoke of our bodies as “vessels.” What are the instructions in 8b?

3. What are we to mourn over? Is this the same as Matthew 5:4?

4. Why will sin destroy a Christian, or a church?

A Proud Heart Will Never See Greater Works

5. Read verses 10, and 13-18. What is the main focus of these verses?

6. What are some dangers of pride in one’s heart?

7. What was Satan’s greatest sin? In verse 16, what does God call it?

A Judging Heart Work Never See Greater Works

8. Read verses 11 and 12. What is happening in our heart when we judge the actions of another believer?

9. Matthew 7:1 tells us not to judge each other. What will happen if we do?


James gets down where you live, desiring that believers live holy, pure lives. Sin in the heart defiles a man, so daily you have to make choices to do right or wrong, fighting a battle between the flesh and the spirit. As we break into small groups, examine your heart for any unforgiven or unrepentant sin, and ask God to expose it; examine your life for pride, and ask Him to expose that as well; and then be honest with yourself as to the habit of judging, and confess it, so you can do “greater works” this week.

Memory Verse: James 4:17: “Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.” (NKJV)

Group Notes | May 31

Greater Things
May 31, 2015
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Many years ago our friends and acquaintances were limited to our church, job, and location. We would never have imagined a world where we could interact with people around the globe, instantly! What are some pros and cons of “social media?”

Today we begin a series on the ‘Greater Things’ Christ said would be done after He had gone back to the Father. Incredible? Yet when we recall the limits of His human travels, we realize we can reach the entire world with the good news of His free salvation.


God’s Authority:

1. Read John 14:1-11. The truths written in the Bible have always been attacked, but never more so than today. What are some of the reasons?

2. What are some of the promises and claims Jesus made in these verses?

3. Why is it necessary to have the firm foundation of belief that Jesus is who He said He is, before we can share the Gospel?
God’s Provision:

4. Read John 14:12. To do ‘greater works’ involves a condition; what is it? Is Jesus speaking of head knowledge, or heart knowledge?

5. Explain how we can do greater works than Jesus did.

6. Give suggestions how you can be doing greater works, as an ordinary person, with an extraordinary God.
God’s Plan:

7. Read verses 13 and 14. How do we ask the Father for anything? What must prayer involve?

8. What attributes of Jesus Christ are recognized when we pray in the name of Jesus? What would happen if you prayed in your name?


As you break up into small groups, let these verses comfort you, inspire you, and cause you to magnify Jesus Christ for Who He is! He is sitting at the right hand of God the Father, interceding for you, listening to your prayers, and being willing to give you new life. What an awesome God you serve! Consider your prayers this week: do they fall into the categories He has outlined in these verses? P.T. Forsythe once wrote, “The greatest sin is prayerlessness,” and Dr. Jerry Falwell said “Nothing of eternal signfiicance is ever accomplished apart from prayer.” Pray that God would grant you the desire to talk with Him often.

Memory Verse: John 14:12: “Most assuredly I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to the Father.” (NKJV)

Group Notes | May 24

James 3
May 24, 2015
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Horrified at my gaffe of asking a friend who had had a sudden weight gain if she were pregnant, I learned quickly never to make that mistake again! “Slip of the tongue,” “put your foot in your mouth,” and many other sayings recognize how easily we can speak, and then wish we could pull back our words. Can you think of examples when you have been embarrassed, humiliated or began an argument with a thoughtless word?
Today we will look at the wisdom in James 3, building on the principles he lays out throughout this small book that will result in a closer walk with God.


Recognize the Danger in Words:

1. Read James 1:26 and James 3:8. Almost every adult recognizes the power that is in the words we speak. What are some of the dangers of uncontrolled speech? What can be some of the results?

2. Why does God say our words can be like “deadly poison”? Can anyone give an example?

The Problem:

3. Read verse 9. We all know someone who speaks with a “double-tongue.” What is meant by that?

4. What is the result of being someone whose words cannot be trusted?

5. What will be their effectiveness in witnessing?

6. Verses 12 and 16 indicate the problem goes deeper than our tongue. Where does the real trouble lay?

The Solution:

7. Read verse 17. If we realize that we ourselves have a problem with our tongue, what are some steps we should take to see that our words heal, rather than destroy?

8. What are the goals we should strive for in our speech? Elaborate, if you have time.


As you studied James 3, were you convicted about something you have said which has resulted in hurt or embarrassment to someone? As you break into small groups, discuss which, if any, of those situations need to be reconciled, and which need to be taken to the Father for forgiveness. Share ways to begin to strive to keep your focus on those attributes in verse 17. Perhaps a Life Group at church may help you. Pray God will open the door to heal the hearts of anyone you know who has been hurt by words.

Memory verse: James 3:10 (NKJV): “Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so.”

Group Notes | May 17

May 17, 2015
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Most of us have the head knowledge to know when we should do right, but sometimes, thinking of the repercussions, we choose to remain silent or do nothing. Can you share a recent time when you did not take an honorable action, and were left with a guilty conscience?
Today and next week we are going to look at the very practical book of James: one which tells us repeatedly how to act in such a manner as to have a life pleasing to God, see our faith grow, and have our Christian walk become much more effective.


1. Read James 1:1-8. James tells it like it is: in this world, we are going to have trials! What should be the result in going through a crisis that tests our faith?

2. How can you know that God does not want you to walk through the trial alone?

3. How do you normally handle a crisis that comes into your life? If you react with impatience or frustration, what happens to your spiritual development?

4. What are some outcomes—both mild and severe—that can occur when you act hastily in your own wisdom, without asking God for “back up”?

5. Read verses 19-21. James gives us a plan of three steps. What are they? They sound simple; can you explain why they might not be easy to carry out?

6. Every couple of days we have to take the garbage out, or the house will stink. How does that compare with the instructions found in verse 21?

7. Read verses 22-24 (in the New Living translation if available). What is the necessary action we must take when we hear or read God’s word? How does that relate to our memory verse?

8. When you look in the mirror before leaving home, what do you do? What kind of life will you have if you know God’s word, but never take steps to let it change you?


James’ desire for the believers who had spread to other countries for safety was simple: act out your faith, constantly seek God’s wisdom, and do what is right. As you break into small groups, discuss which of today’s verses are the hardest for you to process. Then pray for your own needs to let them change you. Be sure to pray for those of your group, that God would fill all of you with a desire to do His will, serve Him, and be “unstained” by the sins of the world that you encounter each day. Take time this week to read the first chapter of James each day, so that it soaks into your heart!

Memory Verse: James 1:22: “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”

Group Notes | May 10

Mother’s Day: Things I’ve Learned From My Mom
May 10, 2015
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Most of us, whether old or young, have had a person in our lives who has had a positive impact upon how we live. Can you share wisdom you have received from someone who has loved you unconditionally?

Today we will look at Proverbs 31, and find truths that are fundamental for any of us. These are timeless applications that will make life more fulfilling for us, and for our family.


1. Read Proverbs 31:11. You may have been raised in a home where being “right” was often the cause of disagreements. What type of example are you setting for your family if you always need to be right?

2. Why would others be leery of trusting you if you must always be right? Is “being honest better than being right” a good principle and why?

3. Read verse 13. Those of you who have employees have probably seen a huge shift in work ethics over the past few years. Does anyone have insight into why this has happened?

4. Just doing the minimum will never get us past “ordinary.” Why is that?

5. Read verse 20. It is so much easier to turn a blind eye to the needs of others than reach out to help. What are some reasons we do this? What are some scriptures that indicate this is wrong?

6. Read verse 23. It is said that the only thing we can take to heaven is our children (physical or spiritual). What is meant by that? How can our work schedules drive them away?

7. Read verse 26. If you contrast wisdom, kindness and anger, are there shared qualities in them? Can they all exist in the same heart? Someone read James 3:9-12, and someone read Matthew 15:18 to back up your answers.

8. Read verse 30b. How does this support the first and greatest commandment given by God?


Perhaps many of us were not fortunate enough to learn that honesty, hard work, serving others, the worth of family, kindness and loving God are the keys to a life filled with God’s blessings. But we can all start today, no matter what baggage we have on our shoulders, to be that person! As you break into small groups, give God the burdens that cause you heartache, and ask Him to re-direct your paths into following in His footsteps. Seek out a Life Group that will encourage you if needed. And always pray for the opportunity to share what God has done for you!

Memory Verse: Proverbs 31:30: “Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.”

Group Notes | May 3

He Lives, Do You? Why Are You Here?
May 3, 2015
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Feeling incapable of doing a job or serving in a particular capacity occurs when we compare ourselves with others. Can you share a time when you have let an opportunity to help someone pass because you believed yourself unworthy?

We have learned that being filled with Christ’s resurrection power gives our lives purpose and a mission. Yet we shall see today that many Christians live without real meaning to their life, and—feeling they have no worth—they just exist. Let’s see how to change that thinking.


1. Read Matthew 28:18-20. As you listen to the reading, did Jesus question whether the disciples were worthy or able to carry out His instructions?

2. What are the action words He gave? What qualifications did He indicate was needed to do the job? Does this include our generation?

3. Can someone recall Moses’ answers when God told Him to bring Israel out of Egypt? What was his reaction, and what “self-worth” comes across? (Read Ex. 3:10-14, 4:1, 10-14a if you need to).

4. God has extended the Great Commission to us; how are we like Moses?

5. God has asked you to do a specific thing. Are you using your feelings of inadequacy or past failures to shirk this responsibility?

6. God has not asked you to do something impossible; He never calls you to a task without equipping you. Share some hindrances that may be stopping you from obeying God.

7. Read James 4:17. What is James saying to all of us about obedience? If Jesus gave you the charge of sharing your testimony, what is your responsibility?


When witnessing becomes a “fear factor” remember one rule: just tell your story. Whether you were raised in a Godly home, or came out of a sinful background, God has given you qualities to carry out the purpose He has for you! As you break into small groups, talk about the feelings of inadequacy that you may have that keep you from living a life of genuine obedience. Pray for peace in those areas, and remember that we are never going to be alone, even when we feel the most isolated. Christ has promised that He will be with us every step of the way. Close in prayer, asking God that everyone would have the opportunity this week to share their story with an unbeliever.

Memory Verse: Mark 16:15: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”

Group Notes | April 26

He Lives! Do You? No Doubt
Pastor Jonathan Falwell
April 26, 2015


In anger at being told he could not have what he wanted, the child ran from the room, screaming “You don’t love me!” Why do we doubt someone’s love for us when our desires do not get answered the way we wish them to?

Our recent focus has been living life fully, over the top, because Christ is alive. This means we live without fear and with child-like trust in Him. Today we want to grasp the essentials needed to never doubt that He loves us beyond anything we can imagine.


1. Read John 20:24-31. Thomas was absent from his friends when Jesus came, and later did not believe their testimony that they had seen Jesus. Will people always believe your testimony that Jesus is alive? Why?

2. Thomas missed an incredible opportunity to believe that Jesus was alive, without seeing Him. How do you miss out on occasions to be blessed because life distracts you from being aware the living God is with you?

3. Thinking back to the opening, why do we equate getting our desires fulfilled with being loved by God?

4. Who plants the doubt in our heart, and why? Did he not start that way? (Gen. 3:1).

5. Do you isolate yourself when you are dealing with doubt, anger or disappointment, or do you seek to draw close to those who will encourage you—including Jesus? Why does this matter?

6. Read Ephesians 3:17-20. Why is it not possible for faith and doubt to co-exist?

7. What is the importance of “faith” in living a life of joy in Christ?


Jesus does not desire a life of defeat for you, but of joy, peace, and a mind free from worry. He provides not only His own presence, but godly friends, pastors, life groups and the church so that you can live life “over the top!” As you break into small groups, take each of the areas where Satan wants to beat you down—being distracted from God’s presence, giving in to discouragement, and doubting God’s love for you—and examine your heart to see if you are holding back, like Thomas, rather than “believing even though you don’t see Him.” Pray that God would reveal anything that may be keeping you from living abundantly, and then spread your happiness this week as you go through your days.

Memory Verse: John 20:29: “Jesus said to him, ‘Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen, and yet have believed.’”

Group Notes | April 19

He Lives! Do You? No Fear
Pastor Jonathan Falwell
April 19, 2015


Running into friends usually presents the automatic question, “How are you?” The answer is usually, “Fine!” The truth is, heavy concerns rob us of joy and peace on every side. What are some that you can think of?

As we have been looking at the resurrection power, we are learning that it is available to give meaning and peace to our lives every day. We can choose to live in fear of worldly pressure or choose to trust Jesus to be with us every moment.


1. Read Matthew 28:1-10 and note how many times it is written to “not be afraid” or to not “fear.” How does that apply to us as well? (Hint: 2 Tim. 3:16).

2. What were some differences between the fear of the guards and the fear that the two Mary’s were experiencing?

3. What is a primary reason we have fear in our lives, even as Christians?

4. The reasons we live in fear of worldly anxieties are many. How would it help if you could actually visibly see Christ beside you?

a. What would it take for you to understand and absorb the truth that God the Son, who spoke the world into being, is with you every second?

b. What would it take for you to relinquish your (assumed) control of situations that bring turmoil, and to really trust Him to “have your back”?

c. Read 1 John 4:18. What is the missing ingredient when we are in fear and what does fear cause? How is this true?

d. If someone whose power is greater than ours has promised help with our problems, we rest easier. Why do we not realize Jesus is that Person?

e. The song, “A Midnight Cry,” speaks of viewing life as constantly fulfilling God’s word. How can we celebrate who He is every moment?


We trust God with our salvation, and embrace His death as payment for our sinful past. Yet when it comes to control of our lives, we hold back and are afraid to trust Him. As we break into small groups for prayer time, let us confess if we have a lack of trust. Usually our concern isn’t that He won’t fix our problem—but that He won’t do it the way we want it done. That’s a big step of faith. It’s time to take it and “not be afraid!”

Memory Verse: 1 Corinthians 15:22: “For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive.”

Group Notes | April 5

The Supernatural Power of God
April 5, 2015
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


A very old song, whose title is full of truth, is “What a Difference a Day Makes.”* Can you share a recent time when you awoke with a feeling that there was no hope for a “good” day, and yet something turned it completely around?

We have been looking at the days leading to the crucifixion. Today we will focus on the incredible turn of events two thousand years ago, that changed the world forever with the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.


1. Read Matthew 28:1-8. What did the women expect to find when they went to the tomb on Sunday morning? Think “outside the box” at insurmountable obstacles.

2. An earthquake, a huge stone rolled away, fainted guards—and yet all without fanfare or chaos! What lessons can the peace of the angel teach us?

3. The women saw and believed in the resurrection power. Read John 20:29. Who is he referring to?

4. Read Philippians 4:7-11. What does Paul say about the resurrection power?

5. The disciples daily saw the power of Jesus, but could not connect the
Scriptures with the events at the cross. How does this differ from our having head knowledge, but not allowing Christ to enter our hearts?

6. Even though you may not always “feel” His presence, how can you know that He is there for you?

7. Read again Phil. 4:7. If you know that His power is available to you, and that His presence never leaves or forsakes you, what are some reasons you don’t have the supernatural peace that He desires for you?


The disciples had seen Jesus’ power for three years, but could not understand it until He opened their eyes (read Luke 24:45). Could it be that you need your “eyes” opened to His supernatural power, and especially His presence in your life? Accepting these by faith, not by feeling, will bring supernatural peace! As you break into small groups, admit openly if you are lacking in faith and discuss your options. Pray for yourself and the others this week that God would manifest Himself in an amazing way!

Memory Verse: Matthew 28:6: “He is not here, for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.”

*English lyrics by Stanley Adams, 1934.

Group Notes | March 29

Walking  the Road: Getting Ready for Arrival
March 29, 2015
Jonathan Falwell


Anticipating the arrival of someone loved or highly respected can send a person, a family or a community into a frenzy of excitement! List some of the activities that are done in preparation for the appearance of such a one.

The last two weeks we’ve looked at the road that a genuine Christian should walk, as we look toward the crucifixion. Today we will look at what it takes in our lives to be ready for the arrival or return of Christ as Lord and Savior.


1. Read Mark 11:7-10. Why was there so much intensity of anticipation, and who may have been among this throng?

2. Today a “red carpet” would be rolled out for someone important, but most of these people had few possessions. What was symbolic about the people laying their coats and branches down on His path?

3. No one was made to throw their cloaks, but they were willing to sacrifice what they had for this Man they loved. What can you give Him?

4. Many, knowing Jesus was coming, had run to the fields to cut branches or climbed trees for the limbs. What did these actions reveal about their hearts?

5. Read Ephesians 4:12. What truth can we glean from the efforts of the people waiting for Jesus, and the necessity for us each day?

6. Do you know what “Hosanna” means? This crowd was united in their adulation of Jesus. What are some ways we offer praise and worship?

7. To whom did Christ leave the work of preparing the world for His return?

8. What are you willing to do to be sure your heart, your family’s or your community’s is ready for His return?


It would probably impact us greatly if we could see how we would have reacted had we been part of this crowd. Would we have been jubilant or silent? If we had on an Armani suit jacket or a Prada coat, would we have thrown them down or hesitated? Would we have sweated to get the branches? In other words, what are we willing to do for Christ? As you go into small groups, search your heart to see if there are any closets that are off-limits to Him, and pray that He would help you sacrifice everything to be His, to work constantly to be diligent about His business, and to worship Him with your every breath.
MEMORY VERSE: Mark 11:9: “Then those who went before and those who followed cried out, saying, ‘Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD.’ ”

Group Notes | March 22

The Road To the Cross: Going A Little Farther
March 22, 2015
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Climbing Stone Mountain began with excitement but soon turned to pain! Every few minutes we would ask someone coming down, “Is it much farther to the top?” Can you think of times when someone had to encourage you to continue on a difficult path?
Last week we learned that walking the road as a Christian requires obedience, discipline and respect. Today we want to focus on persevering through times of trials, pain and suffering. Abandoning our faith is not an option.


1. Read Mark 14:32-34. What emotions do you experience knowing that Jesus—God the Son—felt agony for the death that was coming to Him?

2. During times of severe distress in your own life, what are some responses you feel in your spirit? Do those times cause you to doubt God’s love?

3. Read 1 Peter 5:10. How can you develop a trust so deep that the most frightening events do not cause you to think God has deserted you?

4. Read Mark 14:36. What are some reasons why being in God’s will is better than insisting on your own desires, especially if yours seem so much easier?

5. Can you share a time when you quit—or almost quit—because the suffering seemed too great? Tell how you felt when you looked back and saw that God had been with you all the way.

6. What do you do when you begin to feel discouraged, thinking the hard times are too great? Can you eventually reach out to others who are going through difficulties, with encouragement to continue?


As we break into smaller groups, we want to let the message of the Cross completely saturate us as we consider the suffering Christ went through for us. We need to finish the task He gave us, going into our community and letting them know of a Savior who died for them. Involve yourself with the Life Groups at church who serve the community, and pray that God would use you to comfort others who are going through times of pain.

Memory Verse: Mark 14:35: “Hen went a little farther, and fell on the ground, and prayed that if it were possible, the hour might pass from Him.”

Group Notes | March 15

The Road to the Cross: Walking the Road
March 15, 2015
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


It’s usually easy to begin a new job, a marriage, or a new endeavor with enthusiasm; however, if we don’t work to keep the fervor alive, apathy can easily settle in. What are some examples of this truth?
Most people who become a follower of Jesus Christ are zealous as they begin their life with Him. Today we will concentrate on continuing to live our lives devoted to Him, keeping that “first love” for Him as the priority of our being.


1. Read Mark 12:30, 31. It is hard to think of anyone we know who fulfills this commandment. What are some reasons God would “command” us to do what seems impossible?

2. Read Mark 12:41-44. What was the widow’s motive in giving everything she had to God?

3. What are some things we can do to make sure we are giving our “all” to God?

4. Read Luke 14:27. List disciplines required in our lives in order to wholly follow Christ. Mentally put a check beside those you need to work on.

5. God, by the very nature of who He is, deserves our utmost reverence. What are some ways we give Him this respect, and what are some ways He is held in contempt by the world?

6. Read Luke 5:4-6. A child, no matter his age, shows his love for a parent by obedience. Why does following Christ require our obedience, even when it doesn’t make sense?

7. Can you think of examples in your life when you have obeyed by faith?


Holding God in a place of highest esteem, obeying Him, and serving Him all are evidences that we love Him. Did you notice in the story of Peter that Jesus told him to “let down [the] nets” and Peter said, “Ok, I’ll let down the net.” In a few minutes the net “was breaking” under the weight, but if Peter had obeyed fully, letting down nets, he would have been prepared for what Christ was going to do! As we go into our small groups, search your heart to find if there are areas where you are holding back from completely obeying; confess these areas, and ask Him to reveal anything that would keep you from being, like the widow, totally sold out to Him. Use the Life Groups at church to enrich your walk with Him, and pray for constant opportunities to share what He has done for you.

Memory Verse: Mark 12:30, 31: “’And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment. And the second, like it, is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”

Group Notes | March 8

Don’t Give Up On God
March 8, 2015
Dr. Ben Gutierrez


It is so easy to give up on someone when they disappoint or hurt us. Often, removing them from our life can be easier than facing the situation. Can you share a time when you were so disappointed that you erased someone from your life?

This week we are looking at one of the most important promises of comfort and hope ever given, as the disciples, hours away from the crucifixion, tried to sort out their feelings of confusion and pain as their hearts cried out “Jesus! Do You really care?”


1. Put yourself in the place of the faithful disciples. What are some of the feelings you would have had if you had been at the Last Supper, and heard Jesus tell of His immediate up-coming death?

2. Would you have felt betrayed, having seen Him perform thousands of miracles, yet meekly ready to die? Why?

3. Read John 14:1-3. Instead of focusing on His imminent suffering, what does He do?

4. What is His deep desire in verse 1a? Explain how that same compassion is available to us when we deal with chaos, pain, fear or doubt that He cares?

5. In verse 1b Jesus begs them to remember He is God. Why did this matter at this time?

6. Give some examples of His past faithfulness to you; address the statement “Never once, did I ever walk alone?”*

7. What is the promise in verses 2 and 3? What attributes of His character is Jesus revealing as He speaks?

8. What are some ways you can reinforce that His faithfulness to you in the past, when you wanted to give up on Him through the worst times of pain or fear, means that you can trust Him with your future, no matter what it holds?


Imagine! Jesus is comforting this small group of eleven believers who will become the nucleus of His church worldwide hours before He goes to the cross! If you had been in that group, could He have depended on you to hang in there? As we go into small group time, discuss those valleys you are going through, and decide if Jesus is really with you. Resolve if you are willing to trust Him, rather than giving up and feeling alone. Pray for each other, that each would trust their most intimate troubles to His faithful care.

Memory Verse: John 4:16: “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’” (NKJV)

*Writers: Jason Ingram, Matt Redman, Tim Wanstal. Recording Artist Matt Redman sings “Never Once Did I Ever Walk Alone” on his CD “10,000 Reasons,” 2011.

Group Notes | March 1

And The Greatest of These Is Love
March 1, 2015


Checking out at WalMart, the elderly man dug in his pockets for enough money to cover his meager food purchase. The person next in line quietly handed the clerk a bill to pay for the groceries. Can you list examples of times someone has taken the opportunity to show God’s love to a person they’ve never met?
Continuing the focus on God’s love from 1 John, this week we want to spotlight what it actually means for us to be filled with His love.


1. Read 1 John 4:7-21. In verses 7 and 8, why is it so important that we sincerely have love in our hearts? What does this show to the world?

2. In verses 9 and 10, what did we do to earn the love God has shown us? What are some reasons God loves us so much?

3. Re-read verses 16-18. What is the reassurance that we have in these verses? Does the action of standing before God fill you with joy or with fear? (You may answer in your heart).

4. Read 1 Corinthians 13:11-13. Why is the greatest of “these three” (faith, hope, love) LOVE?

5. What are some practical ways we can show God’s love to those around us? (Moderator, mark off those that are mentioned, emphasizing any that are left):

a. Always look for the best in others, and give them the benefit of the doubt;

b. Make forgiveness a habit, especially when it is not deserved;

c. Forgive even when it is not asked for;

d. Take care of conflict as soon as possible and move on, leaving the conflict behind;

e. Look for a reason to bless someone each day;

f. Meet needs as often as you are able, whenever God shows them to you;

g. Pray for others diligently and deliberately, for as long as their need is present;

h. Endeavor to know God better each day through reading His word and prayer;

i. Find ways every day to show God’s love to someone who does not know Him;

j. Make certain you are known as a person who has been transformed by your relationship with Jesus Christ.


Did any of those practical applications speak to your heart? As you break into small groups, be open to sharing how God spoke to you, and have the group pray that you will be filled with love in that area. All should continually pray ‘diligently and deliberately’ for each of those in your group. Satan does not want believers to be victorious, so as you close in prayer, focus on 1 John 4:4!

Memory Verse: John 13:35: “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”

Group Notes | February 22

God’s Love And Its Impact On Others
February 22, 2015


Even when our desires are to please Christ, often we lack love in relationships for those in our lives. Can you give some examples of situations that can cause love to fail?
Last week we looked at Part 1 of God’s Amazing Love and how it impacts our lives. This week we will go to Part 2 and consider how that love that comes from Him into our lives should extend outwardly to those around us.


1. In 1 John 3:1-10, we learned that God calls believers His children, and that He has much work to do in us. We also learned His love should change us. How did that study make you more aware of His love this past week?

2. Read 1 John 3:11-24. What is the main thought that runs through this entire section of Scripture?

3. Why is it so important to God that we show love to others—that He actually demands it of us?

4. Read Romans 5:8. What does this passage tell us of God’s love for us?

5. Give some examples of evidence that His love has transformed your life.

6. Someone re-read verse 18. Love is not a passive word, but one that denotes action! Give some examples of ways you show love to your brothers and sisters, rather than simply saying “I love you.”

7. Read James 2:14-17. What is James saying? How does it line up with John’s words?

8. Obeying God’s commandment to love others helps fulfill His plan for you. Do you see confirmation of verse 24 in your life?


Loving our Christian brothers and sisters shows the depth of our love for Christ. In your small group time, take a moment to list anyone with whom you need to mend a relationship, and this week intentionally begin to do so. Before you break up, pray earnestly that your life would reflect God’s love to those whom you meet this week, so much so that they would know you are a Christian by your love.

Memory Verse: 1 John 3:23: “And this is His commandment: that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ and love one another, as He gave us commandment.”

Group Notes | February 15

God’s Amazing Grace February 15, 2015


Each day we are bombarded with expressions of “love.” Give some examples that you feel convey the correct meaning of this oft-used word.

This week and next week we are going to focus on love. We cannot grasp the true meaning of this word until we understand God’s love toward us who are His children.


1. Read 1 John 3:1-10. To try to understand God’s love for us, we can contrast the love we have for our own children. Can you put your some of your feelings into words, even though the comparison is inadequate?

2. List some ways that God the Father loves God the Son. What are some adjectives that you think of, knowing God loves you with that same love?

3. If you are truly God’s child, what can you do to make Him quit loving you?

4. No one knows whose child you are unless you are visible in a loving relationship with your father. How does this parallel verse 1b?

5. Very few experiences in life exceed our expectations, but read 1 Corinthians 2:9; it tells us that we cannot even imagine what God has in store for us, because of His great love. What are some of the magnificent possibilities that might await us?

6. 1 John 3:3-10 illustrates how our adoption as children of God should change us. What are some of the new characteristics that people should see in us?

7. Share some major changes that have occurred since you asked God to save you.


Your salvation should bring you such joy that your desire each day is to become more like Christ. Knowing God loves you with an everlasting love, which has only just begun, should spur you to build on that relationship constantly. As you break into small groups, discuss some areas where you still need to overcome habits that can harm your relationship with Christ. Pray diligently that God will give you strength to win over Satan. Always keep in mind that the church has people who are willing and eager to see that you become more victorious day by day.

Memory Verse: I John 3:2: “Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.” (NKJV)

Group Notes | February 8

The Marks of a Believer February 8, 2015


Our bodies are wonderful when everything is working perfectly! Give examples of problems the body may suffer, and tell how they may impact our daily lifestyle.

We have been concentrating on getting fit in every area of our lives, focusing last week on setting right goals. Now we will look at four elements that are the marks of a strong believer, realizing that all of them must work together for a healthy Christian lifestyle.


1. Read Mark 9:14-29. Have someone re-tell the scene as they imagine it happening, and put into their own words the need and hope of the father

2. As you think of the characteristics of a believer, what do you notice happening in verse 15a as Jesus enters the area, and what does that mean to you?

3. Explain why an attitude of worship is essential if you expect miracles from Jesus.

4. List some attributes of God that “blow you away.” Explain possibilities why you may not believe He will control hopeless situations in your life.

5. Re-read verse 24. Why do you think the father cried tears before he said “Help my unbelief?” When have you cried tears over unbelief?

6. Read Isaiah 59:2. What must happen before you are completely healthy as a believer? How does this realization go before 1 John 1:9?

7. If you have a child, describe your feelings when you do not talk on a regular basis. If you talked to your child (or anyone you love) the equal amount of time you pray, would you be happy as a parent or family member? What are some ways you can improve your prayer life?

8. Read Philippians 4:13. Do miracles take place in your life because of you, or because of God working through you?

9. What are the four marks of the believer?


A healthy relationship with God is the highest priority in your life. As an illness can prevent your body from working well, missing one of these four elements in your Christian life can cause you to desperately need a miracle. Spend small group time praying for needs in your life, as well as for others you know who need a miracle from God. Remember that there are many opportunities for prayer, worship, or Bible study available at church to help you grow as a believer.
Memory Verse: Mark 10:27: “But Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible.’” (NKJV)

Group Notes | February 1

Get Fit: Trusting God for Your Future


Trusting our lives to things or situations occurs hundreds of time each day. What are some things you can think of that we trust in, usually without thought?

The past month we have been focused on getting fit in every area of our lives. This week we end this series as we encompass all we have learned in order to make our lives conform to the goal of living our lives with the purpose of bringing glory to our God.


1. Living our lives to bring God glory sounds impossible. Read Mark 10:27. What does this scripture tell us? What are some of the impossibilities that the Holy Spirit is implying?

2. Read Psalm 33:1-22. If we are to live our lives for God’s glory, what will this look like on a daily basis?

3. This Psalm tells us in verses 1-5 that we are to worship Him with all that we are. What are some reasons He is worthy of our worship?

4. In verses 6-9, the psalmist gives us a small picture of the greatness of God. If we worship Him because of what He has done, not only in creation and throughout history, but in our own lives, what are some things you can list?

5. Do you have goals that will line your life up with God’s purpose for you? Share some of them and tell what actions are you taking to make these goals realities?

6. Why did Richard Blackaby say “the primary purpose of spiritual leaders [or Christians] is not to achieve their goals but to accomplish God’s will”?

7. We would all agree that Christ is worthy of our trust. Re-read verses 18-22. What are some ways He shows Himself faithful? If He has been faithful in the past, what are some things we should trust Him with in the future?

8. What signals alert you to the possibility you may not be trusting Him?


God can do amazing things with us if we are willing, ready, and available to be used. We have to live our lives intentionally to accomplish His plans and purposes for us. As we break into small groups, discuss the possibilities that could occur if you set goals that you knew you could accomplish, knew that you would not fail, be willing to pay the price, and what you would be willing to sacrifice to attain them. Remember to discuss needs that might be met by the small groups meeting at the church, and especially remember to pray for those who are seeking God’s help, His glory, and His will in their lives.

Memory Verse: Psalm 33:20, 21: “Our soul waits for the Lord, He is our help and our shield. For our
heart shall rejoice in Him, because we have trusted in His holy name.” (NKJV)

Group Notes | January 25

Get Fit Financially January 25, 2015


Money, like politics, is a very sensitive subject. Can you think of some clichés or wise sayings that you hear in regard to money?
We have looked at getting fit in every area of our lives this month: spiritually, in relationships, and physically. This week we look at finances. It is difficult for people to agree on wise spending habits, so we must go to the source of all wisdom–God’s word.


1. Read Matthew 25:14-29. Why is it vital that we understand the importance of handling our finances properly?

2. What did Christ want us to learn from the third servant’s actions and excuses?

3. Why do we get in trouble when we rationalize our ‘wants’ to be ‘needs’?

4. God has provided many things to enjoy. How can these be a test of our devotion to Christ?

5. Read Prov. 22:27.

a. List areas of spending that may be keeping you from being free from debt.

b. If these are ‘needs,’ can you think of substitutes that might lighten the impact on your spending?

6. Getting debt free can be a long process. What are some things you are willing to do in order to be where you want to be?

7. All plans start with a first step. Give some suggestions that would help you or others begin the road to freedom?

8. Read Matt. 6:21. Spending foolishly can become a habit, which can become an addiction. Where are some places that one can get help?


It makes one feel very vulnerable to admit to being a poor money manager. As you break into small groups, try to see your friends as a support group who can hold you accountable with your finances. The church is also offering extra help to those who truly wish freedom from debt. Pray that God will lead you to a place where you can take the steps necessary to enjoy His treasures without worshiping them or coveting more. Close by thanking Him for always providing for your needs.

Memory Verse:

Matthew 6:19-21: “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Group Notes | January 18

Get Fit: Physically

Scott Bullman January 18, 2015


Deciding to change something about yourself, and then actually doing it, is by far easier said than done! What are some examples of physical change that you or someone you know has accomplished?

The past two Sundays we have understood that beginning the new year by getting fit spiritually and with relationships starts with developing a closer bond with God. This week Scott Bullman will help us look at our bodies as the temple of the Holy Spirit, and learn what our responsibility is as we take care of it.


1. Read 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20. Before we can solve a problem, we have to identify it.

a. What is something physical we need to change about ourselves?

b. Which of these might impact our testimony as a follower of Christ?

2. Why do you have to get to the point where “the pain of bearing the problem is greater than the pain of changing it” before you are mentally ready to take the first step? (Henry Cloud)

3. Where should discipline begin when change is needed?

a. Read Eccl. 4:10. What is the benefit of accountability?

b. Express any hesitation you might have with an accountability partner.

4. Read 1 Peter 1:13. What is special about self-control?

5. Why do we need the power of God to change?

6. Read Romans 12: 1, 2.

a. What are some reasons why deliverance does not come immediately?

b. What are some ways that others can benefit as they see us changing?

c. When will you be able to stop your discipline?


Changing habits that have a strong grip on your life is a task that will take fervor, determination, and discipline. As you break into small groups, discuss changes that you know you need, and explore possibilities of the church providing groups who will help you. As you close, pray specifically for strength to determine to change strongholds and deliverance from anything that hurts your relationship with Christ.

Memory Verse: 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20: Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit Who is in you, Whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore, glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.

Group Notes | January 18

Get Fit: Physically

Scott Bullman January 18, 2015


Deciding to change something about yourself, and then actually doing it, is by far easier said than done! What are some examples of physical change that you or someone you know has accomplished?

The past two Sundays we have understood that beginning the new year by getting fit spiritually and with relationships starts with developing a closer bond with God. This week Scott Bullman will help us look at our bodies as the temple of the Holy Spirit, and learn what our responsibility is as we take care of it.


1. Read 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20. Before we can solve a problem, we have to identify it.

a. What is something physical we need to change about ourselves?

b. Which of these might impact our testimony as a follower of Christ?

2. Why do you have to get to the point where “the pain of bearing the problem is greater than the pain of changing it” before you are mentally ready to take the first step? (Henry Cloud)

3. Where should discipline begin when change is needed?

a. Read Eccl. 4:10. What is the benefit of accountability?

b. Express any hesitation you might have with an accountability partner.

4. Read 1 Peter 1:13. What is special about self-control?

5. Why do we need the power of God to change?

6. Read Romans 12: 1, 2.

a. What are some reasons why deliverance does not come immediately?

b. What are some ways that others can benefit as they see us changing?

c. When will you be able to stop your discipline?


Changing habits that have a strong grip on your life is a task that will take fervor, determination, and discipline. As you break into small groups, discuss changes that you know you need, and explore possibilities of the church providing groups who will help you. As you close, pray specifically for strength to determine to change strongholds and deliverance from anything that hurts your relationship with Christ.

Memory Verse: 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20: Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit Who is in you, Whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore, glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.

Group Notes | January 11

Get Fit in Relationships
January 11, 2015


People were created to be social beings, but maintaining close bonds is often a challenge. Can you share situations where relationships were in danger, and yet had an excellent ending?
Last week we looked at getting fit in our spiritual life through avoiding sin, worshiping and pursuing God, and being in His Word. Today we are going to examine how a deep relationship with God enables us to have stronger ties with family and friends.


1. Quote Psalm 119:11 together (last week’s memory verse). Why is it necessary to get our lives spiritually fit before working on relationships with others?

2. Read 1 Peter 3:8-12. Anything that is valuable takes maintenance and care to protect it. So it is with relationships we truly care about. What are some actions we can take to keep a relationship healthy?

3. What are some obstacles to a healthy relationship, and why? What is probably the greatest hindrance?

4. Re-read verse 9. When someone hurts or uses us, what is our natural response? What type of response does God desire from us?

5. What is the promise in verse 10 which sounds so simple? What are some ways we can get control over our responses when we want to wound, hurt, or “get even?”

6. What does it take to be honest yet encouraging to everyone we talk to?

7. What are the instructions given in verse 11 that help us embrace better relationships?

8. Verse 12 gives us the abundant promise of security as we seek to live a life pleasing to God. What can we be assured of?


The relationships we are building should never be taken for granted. They are precious evidence of a life being lived to glorify Christ. As you close in prayer, remember to lift up the groups that are meeting at church to further meet needs in this area. Also pray that God will help you keep a bridle on your tongue, that you always speak softly, and keep your words pure.

Memory Verse, January 11, 2015:
1 Peter 3:8: “Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous.

Group Notes | January 4

Get Fit Spiritually
January 4, 2015


In today’s culture to speak of “getting fit” is usually assumed to mean a change in diet or exercise for the benefit of appearance. Is this sentence right or wrong, and why? What other areas could fall under someone “getting fit?”

Last week we looked at our mission statement, the past year, and the possibilities for improvement in 2015. Today we are going to look at getting fit in our spiritual life as we focus on growing in our relationship with Christ.


1. Read Psalm 119:1-11. As you listened to the Psalm, what seemed to be the passion of the writer’s heart? Give specific instances.

2. It is impossible to live a sinless life, but how would you rate yourself in trying to obey God’s commands?

3. Which verses encourage us to remove ourselves from sinful situations?

4. Spiritual health requires worship! What are some ways to worship, and what benefits are in each?

5. Why does worship require that we recognize God for Who He is? What are some of the words of “worship” in the verses that were read?

6. When we desire something, we actively pursue it. What are some examples showing we are actively pursuing a relationship with Christ?

7. Discuss the impossibility of being spiritually fit, but Biblically illiterate.

8. Quote Psalm 119:11. What is the greatest benefit of memorizing the Word of God?


As we break into small groups for prayer, let us be mindful that there are groups that will be meeting at church to help us follow up on “getting fit.” TRBC also encourages daily devotions through the “My Time” on the website. As you close, pray that God will help you memorize the verses each week, as you seek to “hide His word in your heart.”
Verse for Week 1: Psalm 119:1: “I have hidden Your word in my heart, that I might not sin against You.”

Group Notes | April 12

He Lives…Do You? Fishing or Following?
Matt Willmington
April 12, 2015


So many circumstances can happen to us that totally change our lives. Can you think of situations you have had that completely altered your way of living?

Today we begin to center our thoughts on the difference the resurrection makes in the lives of those who meet Jesus, and deal with the question: has accepting the reality of His sacrifice changed you personally?


1. Read John 21:4-8. Why did the disciples return to fishing after the crucifixion?

2. The disciples were unsure what to do next, having seen Jesus alive again, but not having instructions from Him. What do you do when you are not sure what your next step should be after a disturbing experience?

3. Can you give an example of being uncertain of a next step, only to have Him suddenly make His will known? How were you obedient?

4. Read verses 9-14. Jesus was on the shore with the fire, some food, and His presence. In this situation, how would you have approached Him? Would your shame be foremost in your mind?

5. All the disciples had forsaken Him at the Garden of Gethsemane. Do you think they had to face their humiliation as they looked and listened to Him now? What about you—do you need to face past actions?

6. Read verses 15-19. Can anyone share a time when they were so out of God’s will that a re-commitment to Him had to be made? Notice that Jesus did not make the disciples come to Him, but He came to them—just as He meets us where we are, not where we should be!

7. Read verses 20-22. Jesus’ instructions to the forgiven disciples were plain and simple: “Come, follow Me.” Are you ready to follow Him or are you still fishing?


The same instructions Jesus gave His disciples are given to us as well. He wants us to follow Him with our whole heart, forgetting the past. As you break into small groups, let His Spirit bring to mind anything that needs confession or repentance, so that you can follow Him fully. Don’t forget to search the Life Groups at church to see if you can serve: there is always someone who needs comfort and encouragement from what you have been through!